Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан конспект по английскому языку на тему "Переработка мусора" (10 класс)

План конспект по английскому языку на тему "Переработка мусора" (10 класс)

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Английский язык



Тема урока

Переработка мусора


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Основной вид учебной деятельности

-         Good morning boys and girls!

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-         How are you?




Основной вид учебной деятельности

1 Look at the pie chart. What makes up our rubbish? Which of these do you recycle?

1 Посмотрите на круговую диаграмму. Из чего состоит мусор? Что из этого ты перерабатываешь?

Rubbish can consist of paper, wood, food, plastic, metal, glass, clothes and other material.

(Мусор может включать бумагу, дерево, еду, пластик, метал, стекло, одежду и другие материалы)

I recycle paper, glass and plastic. (Я перерабатываю бумагу, стекло и пластик)

Или если вы живете в России: I recycle nothing. (Я ничего не перерабатываю)

Форма ОД учащихся

Участвуют в обсуждении содержания материала. Принимают и сохраняют учебную цель и задачу.



Основные виды учебной деятельности


2 Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct word formed from the words in brackets. Listen and check. 
о you wonder what happens to the materials you recycle? Think of the recycling logo with the three chasing arrows. Each of them 1).. represents (представляет)..............(represent) one part of the process. Recycling starts when you put your rubbish in the recycling bins. A recycling truck collects all the materials and takes 2)... them (их).............(they) to recycling facilities for sorting. From there, they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured. This is the second part of the process. The 3)....... third (третья).........(three) part is where the 4).... consumer (потребитель)............(consume) comes in. Recycled materials are everywhere, even in the clothing we wear. 5).... Buying (покупка)............(buy) clothes made from recycled material makes recycling work and 6)...... completes (завершает)..........(complete) the recycling loop. Look at my fleece jacket and gloves for example. Here they are! They are great, aren't they? Believe it or not, they are all made of 7)..... recycled (переработанный)...........(recycle) plastic! 
Next time you go 8)..... shopping (
по магазинам)...........(shop) for clothes and accessories, look for items which display the recycling logo. This way you help conserve precious resources and eliminate waste overflow in landfills. Remember you are the 9)......... driving (движущий).......(drive) force. Only you can persuade 10).... manufacturers (производители)..........(manufacture) to produce recycled products.

2 Прочитайте текст и заполните пробелы, образовав нужные слова из слов в скобках. Промлушайте и проверьте.

Цикл переработки

Вам интересно, что происходит с материалами, которые вы утилизировали? Подумайте над тем логотипом по переработке с тремя следующими друг за другом стрелками (chasing arrows).

Каждая из них 1) представляет собой одну часть процесса (process). Переработка начинается, когда вы кладете мусор в переработочный бункер. Перерабатывающий грузовик (recycling truck) собирает все материалы и отправляет 2) их в перерабатывающее приспособление для сортировки (sorting). Оттуда они отправляются на заводы и изготавливается (manufactured) новая продукция. Это вторая часть процесса. 3) Третья часть та, где вступает 4) потребитель. Переработанные материалы везде, даже в одежде, которую мы носим.

5) Покупка одежды, сделанной из переработанных материалов, осуществляет утилизационную работу и 6) завершает утилизационную петлю. Посмотрите на мою шерстяную куртку и перчатки, например. Вот они! Они прекрасные, не так ли? Верите или нет, они все сделаны из 7) переработанного пластика!

В следующий раз, когда вы отправитесь по 8) магазинам за одеждой и аксессуарами, ищите предметы, которые демонстрируют (display) утилизационный логотип. Таким образом, вы поможете сохранить (conserve) драгоценные ресурсы (resourses) и ликвидируете переизбыток отходов (eliminate waste) на свалках (landfills). Помните, что вы 9) движущая сила. Только вы можете убедить 10) производителей выпускать переработанную продукцию.

chasing arrows: arrows logo (логотип со стрелками)

process: a series of actions (последовательность действий)

recycling truck: a truck that collects material for recycling (грузовик, которые собирает материалы для переработки)

sorting: separating items and putting them in categories/types (разделение вещей и разбор их по различным категориям/типам)

manufactured: made (произведено)

display: show (показать)

conserve: keep (сохранять)

resources: material we can use for our benefit (материалы, которые мы можем использовать для нашей выгоды)

eliminate: to put an end to/to get rid of (положить конец/избавиться от)

waste: material that has been used and is no longer wanted (материалы, которые использовались и больше не нужны)

landfills: a large hole in the ground in which we throw rubbish and then bury it once it is full (большая яма в земле, в которую мы бросаем мусор и затем хороним его, когда она заполнится)

4 Портфолио: На основе текста составьте двухминутный рассказ о важности переработки отходов. В разговоре:

• объясните, что этот логотип означает,

• расскажите, как происходит переработка,

• убедите вашу аудиторию покупать продукты переработки

Сделайте это письменно.

Ответ №1

Today I would like to tell you about a very important thing, recycling. Do you know how the recycling logo looks like? It consists of the three chasing arrows, which represents the process of recycling. The first part of this process begins at the moment you put rubbish in the recycling bins and finishes when all the materials that a recycling truck collected were sorted at the recycling facilities. The second part includes manufacturing new products from these recycled materials. The third part is when the consumer comes in. Actually, only you complete the recycling loop by buying different recycled products. Help us to make recycling work, buy the items, which display the recycling logo. This way you help our planet to be safe and clean for us and for our future children!


Ответ №2

Теперь я хотел бы рассказать о важности переработки. Ну, вы, вероятно, видели логотип переработки, который показывает три следующие друг за другом стрелы. Таким образом, существуют три части процесса переработки. Помещение вашего мусора в переработочные бункеры является первым шагом. Оттуда, переработочный грузовик отвозит все материалы в перерабатывающее приспособление, где они сортируются. Вторая часть процесса - когда их посылают в производственные предприятия, и производятся новые продукты. Наконец, переработка завершается, когда потребитель входит в процесс. Люди покупают одежду и много других вещей, сделанных из переработанного материала, и это завершает утилизационную петлю. Поверьте мне! Одежда хорошего качества может быть сделана из переработанной пластмассы! Я уверен, что мы можем убедить производителей производить переработанные продукты. Мы должны искать предметы, показывающие логотип переработки. Вместе мы в состоянии сохранить драгоценные ресурсы и ликвидировать переизбыток отходов на свалках.


Формы ОД учащихся

Осознанно строят речевые высказывания в форме диалога и монолога, рефлексируют свои действия. Воспринимают  ответы учащихся. Учатся формулировать собственное мнение и позицию.

Д\ з






Ответ №1

Today I would like to tell you about a very important thing, recycling. Do you know how the recycling logo looks like? It consists of the three chasing arrows, which represents the process of recycling. The first part of this process begins at the moment you put rubbish in the recycling bins and finishes when all the materials that a recycling truck collected were sorted at the recycling facilities. The second part includes manufacturing new products from these recycled materials. The third part is when the consumer comes in. Actually, only you complete the recycling loop by buying different recycled products. Help us to make recycling work, buy the items, which display the recycling logo. This way you help our planet to be safe and clean for us and for our future children!


Ответ №2

Now I'd like to give a talk on the importance of recycling. Well, you have probably seen the recycling logo that displays the three chasing arrows. So there are three parts of the recycling process. Putting your rubbish in the recycling bins is the first step. From there, a recycling truck takes all the materials to recycling facilities where they are sorted. The second part of the process is when they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured. Finally, recycling finishes when the consumer comes in. People buy clothes and many other things made from recycled material and it completes the recycling loop. Believe me! Good quality clothes can be made from recycled plastic! I'm sure that we can convince manufacturers to produce recycled products. We should look for items displaying the recycling logo. Together we are able to conserve precious resources and eliminate waste overflow in landfills.


Ответ №1

Today I would like to tell you about a very important thing, recycling. Do you know how the recycling logo looks like? It consists of the three chasing arrows, which represents the process of recycling. The first part of this process begins at the moment you put rubbish in the recycling bins and finishes when all the materials that a recycling truck collected were sorted at the recycling facilities. The second part includes manufacturing new products from these recycled materials. The third part is when the consumer comes in. Actually, only you complete the recycling loop by buying different recycled products. Help us to make recycling work, buy the items, which display the recycling logo. This way you help our planet to be safe and clean for us and for our future children!


Ответ №2

Now I'd like to give a talk on the importance of recycling. Well, you have probably seen the recycling logo that displays the three chasing arrows. So there are three parts of the recycling process. Putting your rubbish in the recycling bins is the first step. From there, a recycling truck takes all the materials to recycling facilities where they are sorted. The second part of the process is when they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured. Finally, recycling finishes when the consumer comes in. People buy clothes and many other things made from recycled material and it completes the recycling loop. Believe me! Good quality clothes can be made from recycled plastic! I'm sure that we can convince manufacturers to produce recycled products. We should look for items displaying the recycling logo. Together we are able to conserve precious resources and eliminate waste overflow in landfills.



Ответ №1

Today I would like to tell you about a very important thing, recycling. Do you know how the recycling logo looks like? It consists of the three chasing arrows, which represents the process of recycling. The first part of this process begins at the moment you put rubbish in the recycling bins and finishes when all the materials that a recycling truck collected were sorted at the recycling facilities. The second part includes manufacturing new products from these recycled materials. The third part is when the consumer comes in. Actually, only you complete the recycling loop by buying different recycled products. Help us to make recycling work, buy the items, which display the recycling logo. This way you help our planet to be safe and clean for us and for our future children!






Ответ №2

Now I'd like to give a talk on the importance of recycling. Well, you have probably seen the recycling logo that displays the three chasing arrows. So there are three parts of the recycling process. Putting your rubbish in the recycling bins is the first step. From there, a recycling truck takes all the materials to recycling facilities where they are sorted. The second part of the process is when they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured. Finally, recycling finishes when the consumer comes in. People buy clothes and many other things made from recycled material and it completes the recycling loop. Believe me! Good quality clothes can be made from recycled plastic! I'm sure that we can convince manufacturers to produce recycled products. We should look for items displaying the recycling logo. Together we are able to conserve precious resources and eliminate waste overflow in landfills.


Ответ №1

Today I would like to tell you about a very important thing, recycling. Do you know how the recycling logo looks like? It consists of the three chasing arrows, which represents the process of recycling. The first part of this process begins at the moment you put rubbish in the recycling bins and finishes when all the materials that a recycling truck collected were sorted at the recycling facilities. The second part includes manufacturing new products from these recycled materials. The third part is when the consumer comes in. Actually, only you complete the recycling loop by buying different recycled products. Help us to make recycling work, buy the items, which display the recycling logo. This way you help our planet to be safe and clean for us and for our future children!


Ответ №2

Now I'd like to give a talk on the importance of recycling. Well, you have probably seen the recycling logo that displays the three chasing arrows. So there are three parts of the recycling process. Putting your rubbish in the recycling bins is the first step. From there, a recycling truck takes all the materials to recycling facilities where they are sorted. The second part of the process is when they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured. Finally, recycling finishes when the consumer comes in. People buy clothes and many other things made from recycled material and it completes the recycling loop. Believe me! Good quality clothes can be made from recycled plastic! I'm sure that we can convince manufacturers to produce recycled products. We should look for items displaying the recycling logo. Together we are able to conserve precious resources and eliminate waste overflow in landfills.



Ответ №1

Today I would like to tell you about a very important thing, recycling. Do you know how the recycling logo looks like? It consists of the three chasing arrows, which represents the process of recycling. The first part of this process begins at the moment you put rubbish in the recycling bins and finishes when all the materials that a recycling truck collected were sorted at the recycling facilities. The second part includes manufacturing new products from these recycled materials. The third part is when the consumer comes in. Actually, only you complete the recycling loop by buying different recycled products. Help us to make recycling work, buy the items, which display the recycling logo. This way you help our planet to be safe and clean for us and for our future children!


Ответ №2

Now I'd like to give a talk on the importance of recycling. Well, you have probably seen the recycling logo that displays the three chasing arrows. So there are three parts of the recycling process. Putting your rubbish in the recycling bins is the first step. From there, a recycling truck takes all the materials to recycling facilities where they are sorted. The second part of the process is when they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured. Finally, recycling finishes when the consumer comes in. People buy clothes and many other things made from recycled material and it completes the recycling loop. Believe me! Good quality clothes can be made from recycled plastic! I'm sure that we can convince manufacturers to produce recycled products. We should look for items displaying the recycling logo. Together we are able to conserve precious resources and eliminate waste overflow in landfills.



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