Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан-конспект урока английского языка в 11 классе для резервного урока

План-конспект урока английского языка в 11 классе для резервного урока

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                                                       Годунова Анастасия Андреевна,

                                                                    учитель английского языка         

                                                             МБОУ «СОШ №10» г. Юрга


План - конспект урока английского языка в 11 классе

                                       Тема «An Unwanted Pet»    


 (Может быть использована для резервного урока в конце полугодия)


Тип урока –урок развития умений диалогической речи.


Цель:  активизация навыков монологической и диалогической речи



Образовательные:  развитие навыков  детального понимания текста,  обобщение и систематизация умений и навыков на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний по тексту в форме  ролевой игры с применением современных педагогических технологий:

а) информационно-коммуникативной

б) личностно ориентированного обучения


Развивающие: - развитие языковой и речевой компетентности, критического мышления, умения высказывать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к поставленной проблеме, умения аргументировать, анализировать и обобщать.


Воспитательные: мотивировать к изучению иностранного языка, развивать возможность самореализации средствами иностранного языка, воспитание умения идти на компромисс с партнером.

Межпредметные связи: биология

Подготовка к уроку: приготовить необходимое количество карточек для деления на пары, образец диалога по одному на пару, ресурсы для своего диалога по два варианта на каждую пару, прикрепить на доску картинки с изображениями экзотических животных: змея, крокодил, ящерица, лягушка и т.п., а также и обычных животных: кошка, собака, хомячок, морская свинка.


Ход урока

1.     Организационный момент

Good morning,  dear boys and girls!

Today we  are going to speak about pets in general and about keeping unusual pets.

First tell me, please, what are the main reasons of keeping pets. – (предполагаемые ответы: Pets help people to keep fit, pets are good companions for lonely people, etc.)


But often some people oppose to keeping pets. What can be their reasons? -  (They can be allergic to animals’ fur, they can have too little  space, etc.


2.     Тренировка умений монологической речи

Did it happen in your life that your parents didn’t let you to keep a pet? Can you share your stories about that?

(Несколько учащихся рассказывают, почему им не разрешили держать то или иное домашнее животное)


3.     Подготовка к парной работе

As you heard it’s quite usual situation when one family member wants to keep a pet, but other ones don’t share his or her intentions. Today we are going to model such a situation. You will divide into pairs, each pair will represent a family

Please take these letters. (На передних столах учитель раскладывает карточки с напечатанными буквами A,B, C и так далее,  в две стопки. Мальчики берут буквы из одной стопки, девочки из другой.)

Girls, please take cards from this pile and you boys, take cards from that pile. Those who got the cards with the same letters, you will be a family. (Учащиеся, получившие карточки с одинаковыми буквами, садятся за один стол.)


Now you will get sample dialogues (учитель раздает образцы диалогов (см.приложение 1)

Please, listen to my reading, paying  attention to intonation and pronunciation. (Учитель выразительно читает диалог, обращая внимание на трудные моменты и аспекты интонации)


4.     Самостоятельная работа в парах

А) Now I want you to prepare good reading of this dialogue.(Каждая пара готовит выразительное чтение диалога. )

Lets listen to your reading. (Пары учащихся выразительно читают диалог, учитель высказывает замечания по окончании каждого чтения)


B) So, your reading was quite good. Now I would like you to make your own dialogues , similar to this one you’ve just read. You have to choose another pet animal, it can be an exotical one or usual one like cat or dog. (Учащиеся договариваются, о каком животном будут говорить)

Please, take the resource materials for your dialogues (Учитель предлагает дополнительные материалы, для тех, кто выбрал экзотическое животное, это приложение 2, для остальных приложение 3.


Please, make your own dialogues. (Учащиеся готовят диалоги)

 (по прошествии 5-7 минут учитель предлагает выразительно зачитать диалоги)

C) Let’s listen to your dialogues. (Учащиеся зачитывают свои диалоги вслух)

Пример диалога см. Приложение 4.


6. Подведение итогов

Thank you for your work. You were brilliant at acting. You’ve shown  very good results in creative work. I want  to stress out  the most interesting dialogues by ……. They get excellent marks. The dialogues by …were also very interesting. (Учитель называет оценки)


7.Домашнее задание и рефлексия

Your homework will be to learn your dialogues by heart.

 Now it`s time to finish our lesson. Did you like it? What did you like best?

(Ученики высказывают свое мнение)










Приложение 1

Sample Dialogue

Wife:  What is it??!!!!

Husband: You can see very well it’s a pretty little frog.

Wife: I see it’s a frog! How disgusting! You know I hate frogs!

H: But it’s not a usual frog! My colleague brought it from Brazil.

W: It’s even worse! It can be poisonous!

H: Well, it’s a little poisonous, but you don’t have to contact it. It’ll live in a glass terrarium. I will care for it.

W: We don’t have so much free space for it!

H: OK, we can throw out this old bookcase, as you wanted before.

W: OK, I’m happy to get rid of this bookcase, but I don’t understand, why you need a frog!

H: You know, we work different shifts and see each other only on weekends. I feel terribly lonely, when I come home from work and have nobody to speak to.

W: You are strange. You are so willing to talk with a frog?

H: Sally is a female frog. Do you want me to talk with a human female?


W:Errr…To think about it, it’s not so bad. We don’t need to walk it. It doesn’t need much food. And it’ unique, nobody else in our town owns such a pet.

H: And you can take unique photos for your Instagram account!

W: Yes, you’re right. It looks quite nice.

H: SHE looks nice!

W:  OK, SHE looks pretty. Sally, how are you?




Приложение 2

Pros and Cons Of Having Exotic Animals As Pets

 March 31, 2020  Raechelle A

It is imperative to be responsible for having a pet but owning a dangerous or wild animal, more so.  Snakes, scorpions, spiders, monkeys, and chameleons have become increasingly common pets. The owners of these pets generally treat them with great care and make sure that the said animals are not missing out on whatever they need or want. However, domesticating exotic animals is also highly controversial for the reason that it somehow threatens animal welfare and endangers public health and safety.

https://www.ourbeautifulplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/frog-3-1024x704.jpgThese unique creatures are great companions but usually require extraordinary nurturing. Truth remains, most exotic animals are better off in their natural habitat or a zoo, not in our homes. So, if you are thinking of buying an exotic pet, there are many things that you need to put into consideration before taking that final step. In hopes of helping you out, we have listed below the pros and cons of having exotic animals as pets to help you assess whether you are a perfect match for them.

Pros Of Having Exotic Animals As Pets

1. They are charmingly unique

One of the biggest crowd-pullers to owning an exotic pet is the fact that they are incredibly unique compared to other pets. Not just an excellent conversation starter, but great for wildlife awareness.

2. Learning Experience

These rare animals are fascinating. From unique behaviors, incredible social interactions with each other, and with us, to weird but charming appearance. They can honestly give us all sorts of new information. Before fully committing yourself to this idea– into exotic pet ownership, be sure that you are armed with sufficient knowledge.  Start with the social, nutritional, and environmental needs of the specie/s you are considering so that you don’t end up with a pet whose needs are more than what you bargained for.

3. Most exotic animals that can be domesticated don’t need too much space

Most city dwellers live in apartments that have limited space. And it is not always smart to have a dog or cat as a pet since they spend a lot of time outside a cage and requires a lot of space, which is unfortunately not an option for many. Small mammals such as a chinchilla, rat, hamster, guinea pig, or gerbil, even a reptile or little bird that can live in a reasonably small cage, might be a more appropriate choice. 

4. Avoid the hassle of having to walk them

The great thing about keeping exotic animals as pets is that they don’t need to be walked. But it is still necessary for them to be handled; we must not deprive them of the social need that they deserve and need. Most small mammals, reptiles,  and  birds can adapt to humans’ busy schedules when it comes to “time out of the cage.” In general, for most exotic species, the time you make available is flexible, as long as you set aside a period every day (regularly) to interact with these animals.

5. Longer life– in most cases

One of the saddest realities of having cats or dogs as best friends is their lifespan. Although we appreciate all the joy they have brought us, it still leaves a pang in our jaws, knowing they won’t stay longer than we desire. An average dog lives 10 to 13 years, while cats can reach a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 16 years. There are certain species of exotic animals such as reptiles and large birds that can live for 20 – 40 years, some even more. Of course, with proper care, an appropriate diet, and a living environment that is customized to their particular needs, they will surely live up to their maximum genetic potential.

6. Pretty Much Hypoallergenic

There is no such thing as a hundred percent hypoallergenic animal. However, if you suffer from allergies because of fur and dander– dogs, cats, or other common furry domesticated animals are not for you. You may now start considering exotic animals such as aquatic pets (such as fish, jellyfish, octopi, and seahorses), emperor scorpions, ferrets (they do not shed dander), reptiles, or tarantulas.

7. Low Up keep

A notable character of both dogs and cats is their intimacy with their human. They do not just want attention, but they need it. Some exotic animals in the likes of reptiles are much easier to maintain. Reptiles won’t destroy your furniture or your most recent purchased pillow if they’re not getting enough attention. So long as you remember to feed and care for them regularly. They are all set on their own.

8. Last chance for the home

The truth remains that wildlife territory has massively decreased due to the accelerated speed of urban development. And with you providing a home for an exotic animal which you will acquire legally, it might be its last chance for a home.

Cons Of Having Exotic Animals As Pets

1. Ethical Concerns

The animal’s welfare is the prime and foremost concern we must all consider. Ensuring proper pet care for a wild animal requires a lot from anyone. From research, adjustment, preparation, investment, creating an environment that is customized to the needs of the animal, to substantial medical care. Despite all these preparations, we can not be entirely sure if the arrangements are adequate for the animal.

2. Exotic pets are not suitable for cuddling

It is not advisable to cuddle a reptile, birds, especially aquatic animals.

3. Some exotic pets are carnivorous

A drawback in keeping an exotic animal is their specific nutritional needs, and most of the time, every species has its personal preference with their meaty meals.

4. Wild Animals may spread infectious diseases and pests

There are a lot of wild animals that carry diseases that are fatal to humans. For example, Salmonella infections are contracted by thousands of people every year due to contact with reptiles or amphibians. In the United States, an outbreak of monkeypox happened in 2003, resulting from pet trades from Africa of Gambian rats who were infected by the disease.

https://www.ourbeautifulplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cat-7-1024x678.jpg5. They grow up

Regardless if an animal came from the wildest forest, while they are still babies, they are irresistibly charming. But always keep in mind that these adorable animals grow up. And some species can become too big and too strong for an owner to care for. Along with its development is its wild instincts, they might seem innocent while they are young,  but the wild is still within them.


Be extra considerate of all the measures when it comes to deciding on adopting animals as pets. Weigh the pros and cons of having exotic animals as pets. There is much at risk to it, not only to the animals but also to live and the environment. But if you are deeply invested in this, we’re glad to know that you can provide a home to at least one of them.


Приложение 3

10 Benefits of Owning a Pet

With almost no effort at all, pets manage to bring so much joy into our lives. They make us laugh, comfort us when we’re sick or upset, and are always there for us no matter what. It’s no wonder that an estimated 12 million British households choose to keep a pet.
Not everyone understands the bond between human and beast, though, or even realises how much pets do for their owners. We take a look at ten of the benefits of having a furry friend.

1) They keep you fit

All breeds of dog need regular, daily walks in order to stay happy and healthy, and so do we! However, we sometimes have the tendency to get a bit lazy – if that sounds like you, a dog is the perfect cure! They’ll be dragging you out the front door and making you run around the park each and every day. Yes, a dog is possibly the best personal trainer you could ask for.

2) They make sure you’re never lonely

If you live by yourself, or your partner works different shift patterns to you, it can get awfully lonely at home – unless you have a pet, of course! Cats and dogs make great companions – they’ll always be waiting for you to come home and they’ll be happy to lend an ear should you want to moan about the awful day you’ve had. Plus, most of the time, they’re up for a snuggle on the sofa.

3) They lower your stress levels

Modern life is stressful and high levels of anxiety can lead to numerous health problems. Luckily, pets can really help us relax – stroking your cat or simply watching fish swim around in a tank can make your worries melt away. Previous studies have proven that pet owners tend to have lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels than people who don’t own a pet. That means having a furry pal can decrease the chances of suffering a heart attack later in life.

4) They can help you make friends

The pet owner community is an incredibly friendly one – you’ll often find that people will stop to talk to you about your dog in the park. Having a pet is a great way to meet new people and create bonds quickly, especially if you’re not too good at small talk. You never know, owning a dog may help you meet the love of your life!

5) They can improve your immune system

Pets spend a lot of their time outside and therefore bring all sorts of dirt and germs into your home. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though – the additional germs can help improve your immunity to colds and other mild illnesses. In fact, previous studies have shown that babies who live with a dog tend to experience fewer infections and are generally healthier than those who don’t.

6) They can stop your children from developing allergies

While it’s no guarantee that owning a pet will stop your children from developing certain allergies, the evidence suggests the dander in their fur may help. However, it’s worth noting that you should never own a cat or dog if you are allergic to them – you won’t suddenly become immune!

7) They can catch cancer early

It’s no secret that a dogs’ sense of smell is incredible, but did you know that some canines are capable of detecting cancer? Several pet owners have reported that their dog saved their lives after they noticed they were constantly pawing at, sniffing or even licking a tumour hidden underneath the skin.

8) They can teach kids responsibility

Every parent has heard the question ‘Can I have a pony/puppy/hamster?’ at some point in their child’s life. It’s no secret that kids love animals, and if they’re old enough, having one as a pet can actually teach them a lot of important skills. Not only will they learn the practical skills required to own a pet, such as cleaning out the cage, grooming and teaching tricks; they’ll also develop their nurturing and empathy skills, which are vital in later life.

9) They make you feel safe

Not everyone likes being home alone, but having a cat or dog there can make you feel a lot safer. Plus, burglars are less likely to target a house that’s clearly home to a dog. Some breeds make excellent guard dogs and will even protect you when you’re out for a run or walk.

10) They can provide companionship to children with learning difficulties

Children with autism and similar learning disorders often find it difficult talking to fellow human beings, but they have no problem at all with chatting away to friendly animals. After all, your pets can’t answer back and will always keep your secrets!

Looking after a pet is a big responsibility, but when you consider all the benefits above, they make all that hard work worthwhile. Whether you choose to keep a cat, dog, horse or hamster, they’ll make a great companion.


Приложение 4

Диалог, составленный учащимися

-        What is it??!!

-        It’s a little cute snake Suzy

-        I see it’s a snake! How disgusting! I’m scared of snakes!

-        It’s not just a snake, it’s my friend’s she-snake he brought from the tropics

-        And how long  will…she… live with us?

-        Until you die or until she bites you.

-        Steve, this is not funny at all!

-        OK,OK, I see. James called me and asked to take care of her till Monday. The delivery man has recently brought her in a package.

-        And you agreed?! You are a great ophiologist and I didn’t know!

-        Nastya, don’t worry, everything will be all right. James instructed me.

-        And where will she live? On your bed?

-        Calm down, I’ve thought about that. She will live in our old aquarium.

-        Steve, you are a yes-man! And what will your mother say if she comes??!!

-        (the snake starts hissing) – sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss……….

-        Oh, you see, your screaming scared her. You know what? You look similar. Now I’ve got two charming snakes!

-        Stop talking nonsense!

-        Nastya, I care for you and I promise everything will be fine.

-        Steve, I love you too so I’ll tolerate it for your sake

-        Suzy won’t attack you without reasonable cause. This species is very calm. Look, she is so cute!

-        Well, if  she doesn’t move like now, I find her quite attractive.





1.     https://www.ourbeautifulplanet.org/animals/pros-and-cons-of-having-exotic-animals-as-pets/

2.     https://www.animalfriends.co.uk/blog/10-benefits-of-owning-a-pet/



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