Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан - конспект урока по английскому языку "Жизнь молодёжи. Цикл 3" (10 класс)

План - конспект урока по английскому языку "Жизнь молодёжи. Цикл 3" (10 класс)

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открытого урока английского языка

в 10 классе

What is Hot with Young Generation? Subcultures and family relationsс использованием современных информационно-коммуникативных технологий.



учитель английского языка


София Степановна

Высшая квалификационная категория

ст. Мечётинская

План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе.

Тема: Цикл 3. “ What is Hot with Young Generation. Family relations. Subcultures -why teenagers join them.” Цели задачи урока: совершенствование речевых умений учащихся. Познавательный аспект: • способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в области культуры англоязычных стран и России; • ознакомить учащихся с результатами творческой деятельности одноклассников (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения); • стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации. Учебный аспект: • развитие речевых навыков школьников; • высказывание своего мнения в вежливой форме об увиденном и прочитанном. Развивающий аспект: • развивать у учащихся психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие; • развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников; • формировать у них потребность и способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия. Воспитательный аспект: • способствовать воспитанию толерантного отношению к другому мнению, другой культуре, более глубокому осознанию своей культуры; воспитание чувства толерантности к представителям разных молодежных субкультур; • воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой культуре.

Технологии: - технология развивающего обучения (личностно-ориентированная); - использование ИКТ. Тип урока: комбинированный, обобщение ранее изученного материала по теме.

Оборудование урока: 1.Карточки с вопросами, словами и для оценки своей работы на уроке. 2.Компьютер. 3.Мультимедийный проектор. 4.Экран. 5.CD с записью фонетических упражнений. 6.Презентации с изображением представителей разных молодежных субкультур. 7.Таблицы-заготовки и презентации для работы с информацией. 8. Лингафон. 9. УМК, автор В.Кузовлев.

Формы организации деятельности учащихся: - фронтальная работа (вопрос - ответ); - полилог; - групповая работа (работа с карточками по группам); – ролевая игра.

Виды речевой деятельности: - монологическая речь; декламация стихов; - аудирование; - поисковое чтение; - письмо (выполнение заданий – контроль умений. Л.№6).

Ход урока.

I. Организация начала занятий. Оргмомент.
1) Приветствие. Тема и цели урока. Good morning, my dear friends! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Ok. Sit down, please, and get ready to work. M., how are you today? Fine, thanks. I hope, you are in a good mood, aren’t you? First of all, look at the screen. I have prepared a short reel and some pictures for you. Try to guess, what we are going to speak about at the lesson today. - Yes, we’ll speak about teenagers and about their problems, first love is one of them. And what do you see in the pictures? (the pupils try to predict the theme, and the teacher helps them).
Yes, you are right, it’s easy to guess, that we shall speak about subcultures, youth groupings, their typical features. But we shall also speak about family relations and why teens come together in groups. I hope we shall see some presentations today, we shall have some listening, reciting poems, writing and reading. You’ll see.
And the task of the lesson for you - to develop your speech habits and get new knowledge on the topic. В КОНЦЕ КАЖДОГО ВИДА РАБОТЫ НА КАРТОЧКЕ ВАМ НАДО ОЦЕНИВАТЬ СЕБЯ! I wish you to be self-confident, ambitious and stay yourself. Did you like the way you were working during the lesson? How would you mark yourself? I agree with your marks.

2) Фонетические упражнения c лингафоном. Pay your attention to the sounds [w], [h]. [r]. Look at the screen, please. There are some words. Listen to the speaker and repeat after him: [w] - what where why when which while whale white wheat wheel [h] - who whom whose whole Repeat after me: “Robert Brown is the brother of Mary Brown”

3) Беседа с классом. - Now I want you to make up short dialogues. *Speak about the date and the day of the week and absent pupils today. *Speak about the season and the weather today. Dear friends, who remembers the poem about the weather?

Poem by Anonymous British. «Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold, Or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not» *Now speak about the home-task. 4. Речевая зарядка по наглядным пособиям, с картинками и с карточками - вопросно-ответные упражнения по теме : 1) Can you tell me the names of different subcultures? 2) Who cuts their hair shorter than others? 3) Who talks about being vampires and about the end of the world? 4) The members of which subculture are the “wizards” of the computer community? 5)Who rides motorized vehicles? 6) What is “subculture”? - SUBCULTURE is a group of people, which has its own music its own image its own values. So, subculture is a group that has interests different from those of mainstream culture. 7) What are the main features of any subculture?

II.Задания на тренировку письмавзаимопроверка. 1) вставить пропущенные буквы: a) Env…ro…mentalist; b)Vol…nteer; c) Sport f…n; d)Graffit… ; e)R…pper. 2) закончить начатые слова: a) Rav…; b)Youngf…; c) Ro…; d)Hip…; e)Ha… . 3) cоставить слово из букв: a) cotsu b) npku c) tohg d) keirb e) meo ЗАДАНИЕ – поменяться работами и проверить. Правильные варианты – на слайде экрана. 1) вставить пропущенные буквы: a) Environmentalist b)Volunteer c) Sport fan d)Graffiti e)Rapper 2) закончить начатые слова: a) Raver b)Youngfarmer c) Rocker d)Hippie e)Hacker 3) cоставить слово из букв: a) scout b) Punk c) goth d) biker e) emo

III. Освоение и закрепление лексики по теме: Lets come to know some new words: frequent частый lack of money нехватка денег out-of-date clothes старомодная одежда community сообщество confident самоуверенный significant значительный
to escape from убежать от оffend действовать против rude грубый
unacceptable неприемлемый dependence зависимость mental maturity интеллектуальная зрелость rough жёсткий

*Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the new words.

IV. Речевые упражнения на сюжет темы «Проблема отцов и детей» с использованием ролевой игры. Скажите, какой общий смысл последних двух предложений? 6.Because of lack of money the parents didn’t buy Susan a good present. 7. The frequent quarrels with parents resulted in a serious conflict. Да, это проблема семейных отношений. Давайте представим, как решается одна из проблем в семье, разыграем по ролям. Роли: мать, отец, дочь – положительная семья. Ситуация: дочь долго не возвращается с первого свидания. Как родители сумеют правильно разрешить проблему. Пока они готовятся, побеседуем: из-за чего ссорятся дети и родители? И как решить эту проблему? What are the things children and their parents argue about? Suggested answers: 1)Hair style 2)Clothes 3) Music 4) Behaviour 5) Computers 6) TV 7)Idleness-безделье 8)Household duties 9) Friends Hobbies 10) Education 11)Staying late out 12)Lack of privacy - несоблюдение секретности. And what should we do? To bridge the generation gap we should also (suggested answers) - respect others if we want others’ respect - view mutual understanding as the most important thing - be flexible and tolerant - быть мягким и терпеливым - speak to each other - listen so that to hear and learn - trust each other - communicate

Role game ‘In the family” Mother: Oh, it’s very late, but Ann is not at home. Father: Don’t worry! She told, that she will be on time. Mother: And what time do you mean? For those, present teenagers “to be at home on time” is an elastic notion. Father: Yes, I agree with you. And the time now is very dangerous. Did she tell you, where she had gone? Mother: Yes, she went out on the first date… Father: And who is the boy? Mother: I don’t know yet… Look, it’s 12 o’clock! Oh, my God! Oh, my heart! Father: My dear, do you feel bad? I’ll give you your medicine. Mother: Stop, do you hear? It seems to me, that Ann is coming… Father: My honey, let’s be in order, everything is all right (sits down in front of TV set) Ann: Oh, my dear, why aren’t you sleeping? Mother: I am worrying about you, it’s so late. Where have you been? Ann: Mummy, I’m so happy! Look at these beautiful flowers! Father: Where have you been, my dear? Ann: We were at the cinema, then at the café. And now we were walking here, near our house, under the windows… Victor told me so many interesting things! Father: Victor? Who is he? Ann: He studies at the university, at the second course. And he is interested in geography, as you, daddy! He was in expedition in Caves of New Afon. He gave me photos, look here! (gives photos) Father: Well, it’s very interesting… I have an idea – will you invite him to our place next time? Ann: Yes, of course, I’m very glad! May I ring him? Mother: Yes, you may. I’m so happy, that everything is all right. Father: So am I! Вывод: Как вы думаете, пойдёт ли бродить на улицу, присоединится к сомнительной группировке девушка из такой семьи? Да, очень много значат хорошие взаимоотношения в семье. V. Физкультминутка. Are you tired? Now let’s sing, dance and make some exercises.

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it. And you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.

If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. If you're happy and you know it. And you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.

If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees. If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees. If you're happy and you know it. And you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees. VI.Развитие речевых умений и навыков. « Интервью. Ролевая игра» Корреспондент молодёжного журнала обращается к подросткам.“What are the ways of expressing the individuality?” Imagine the situation “You are a correspondent of a local newspaper. Your task is to write about teenagers. What would you write? Ask teens of your class some questions: 1.What problems do teens have? Appearance problems - Spots. Weight. Clothing. Haircut. Relationship with parents. Relationship with friendsBullying. Smoking. Alcohol. Drug addiction. Problems at school - Stressful tests, exams. Problems with teachers. Much homework. *Why is nothing ever easy? Why are some boys so very sleazy? Why can’t I have that brand new dress? Why am I under so much stress?

*Why don’ t my parents ever believe me? Why can’t they ever see… Why do I feel so often unhappy? Why do they always wish I was still in a nappy?

*Why does my face feel like a block of lard? Why are all these years really hard? There’s a reason for all these problems and tears. I’m going through my TEENAGE YEARS! 2.What are the reasons of the problems? Teenagers have different ambitions. Most of teens try to express their individuality. 3.How can you solve the problems? By all means, a lot of the problems can be solved. If I have any problems I can: ask parents or friends; ask adults; ask school teachers. The best way to solve them is to be yourself and be responsible for your life. 4. Correspondent “How teens in Russia and in other countries are alike now?” Russian teenagers, like American teenagers, read a lot. Russian teenagers are friendly like teens all over the world. Russian teenagers think about health as British teens do. Russian teenagers prefer techno and rock music like teens in Britain and in Germany. Russian teenagers are sporty as British teens are. 5. What can make teenagers happy? -Young people want to enjoy life and be independent and be taken seriously, to express their individuality and do well at school, earn money and change the world for the best. 6.What else do they want? Teenagers should: 1)Be given more rights; 2) Have an opportunity to talk about their problems; 3) Be free to decide sometimes; 4)Should know they are cared for. 7. And how grown-ups can help them? Adults should: 1)Be interested in teen’s life; 2)Care about young people; 3)Help to overcome difficulties. 8.Correspondent-. What for do some teens join the groups? Pupil - Teenagers join the group because they want:1) to achieve something; 2)to change the world for the best; 3)to try out all sorts of options; 4)to be in a collective. 9.Correspondent-. What other reasons can you suggest? - to run away from parents’ prohibitions, to become free and independent. 10. Correspondent-Are there ‘good” and “bad” groupings? Pupil . “the values of environmentalists are to help nature, to change the world for the best They do not protest against their parents but they protest against organizations that pollute nature” Pupil “ skinheads are extremely nationalistic. They are aggressive. They don’t conform to society standards” 11. Correspondent- Are there any groupings in your school? *Yes, in our school there is the youth organization, called the “Republic of Joy”. We all are the members. The value of this organization is “ to live not only for yourself, but to do everything for other people for seeing joy in their eyes” *I want to tell you about one section of the “Republic of Joy”. It is the grouping “Volunteers”. Look, there is a poster of this group. And here is the passport of the Volunteer. We help old people, visit veterans, clean the territory of our village and plant the trees. .It is very interesting and useful to work there. Volunteers do voluntary work in the community, help needy people, children and animals. Two youth movements can be found in our school. Great job is done by volunteers. And in the streets of our village and in the classrooms of our school you will not see representatives of Emo, goth, bikers and others.

VIII. Итог. Выводы. – Оценка знаний. IX. Home task. Learn the new words for the dictation. Prepare a story, using the plan: 1.What is “subculture” 2.Types of subcultures. 3. Typical features of one of them. 4. Why teens come together in groupings. 5. The most common problems of teens. “Sometimes you have problems. Sometimes you feel sad. But friends can always help you. And stop you feeling bad” Thank you for the lesson. Don’t worry and be happy!


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