Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока по теме "Heroes" 8 класс

План урока по теме "Heroes" 8 класс

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План – конспект урока английского языка в 8 - м классе по теме"Who is your hero?"

Тема: « Who is your hero?”

Цель урока: закрепление знаний учащихся по изученным темам Модулей 3 и 4, а также совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения в устной и письменной речи.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные:  -  развитие у учащихся коммуникативных компетенций, повторение лексики Модулей 3-4, организация контроля диалогической и монологической речи.

Развивающие: - развитие познания, самореализации и социальной адаптации, расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие способностей к самоконтролю и самооценке.

Воспитательные:  - воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, его взглядам и предпочтениям, умения общаться и сотрудничать, воспитание убежденности в приоритетности общечеловеческих ценностей.

Средства обучения и оборудование:

УМК New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate



Портреты известных людей

 мультимедийная презентация урока

Педагогические технологии:


технология дифференцированного обучения

технология групповой деятельности

ролевая игра





План урока


№ п/п

Этапы урока

Время (мин)

Режим работы (формы взаимодействия)



I. Начальный этап урока

- Оргмомент

Good morning! Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We’ll write a book. Have you ever written books? No? Then let’s do it. You have your future books on your desks. Take them and write down your names. Now you are writers. I hope you will be great writers. Can you tell me, what this book will be about? Yes, you are right. Today everyone has a chance to tell the world about your heroes. Today we try to answer the questions: Who is a real hero? What kind of person is he (she)? Who is a hero for modern teens? I hope that you will be great writers








Учитель - ученики



Речевая зарядка


students independently define the word “hero” on a note card.  Leave this question as open ended as possible.  As a part of this, ask them to write down the specific characteristics of a hero.


 Partner Share


 :  Pair students up to share with a partner for 2-3 minutes.


 Heroes can be in different professions.  In which professions can you become heroes? Стр 25


What kind of person is your hero? (Приложение 3)

Раздать листы группе из 3 написать качества характера героев

Now guess the qualities


Why do you respect him? (her) (Приложение 4)



Ученик 1 — ученик 2











мозговой штурм



II. Основная часть урока А

“Hero Walk” activity

your mother       Shakira             lifeguards          Bruce Lee        Alina Makarenko       Michael Jackson           

 grandparents    Lady Gaga        a brother or sister  disabled people

sisters Williams teacher or coach                       an aunt, uncle, or cousin

             Britney Spears              Michael Phelps Minghiyan Semenov      President Putin Eminem             Christopher Reeve

Let’s discuss why you think these people are heroes?

What does the word “celebrity” mean? Recently I’ve met this word in the magazines. For example, I’ve read K.Sobchak is our Russian celebrity. Is there a difference between the words a “hero” or” celebrity”? No. ( Приложение 6)

Let’s read the definitions from the dictionary. (учащиеся читают в своем А)

T: Have we been right? And now you know the difference between the words a “hero “and a” celebrity”. Look here and divide the pictures “celebrities” and “heroes”(Приложение 7)

Развитие диалогической речи

Dialogues Who are your heroes in the world of music

Деловая игра. Развитие навыков поискового чтения.

Open your books at page 28



Let’s play a game. Divide into 3 groups. Imagine that you are reporters working in the agency. Your aim is to read the information about heroes of British   teenagers . The best story will be published in our magazine. You can see different categories of heroes: family, actors and ordinary people who can be our heroes. (учитель раздает детям тексты о разных героях и дети готовят рассказы по ним ) ( Приложение8, 9. 10) . Read the story about him or her and tell us about it. These questions can help you.(Приложение 11) (Group 1, group 2…)

Your stories were perfect. Whose story was the best? (P1, P2). You are right. You will be good reporters. The magazine “Forbes” is waiting for you.



Ученик 1 – ученик 2 - ученик 3


















Группа 1, группа 2, группа 3

Технология дифференцированного обучения



































деловая игра


III.Физ. Пауза

Right now you have a musical pause. Do you like to listen to pop music? One of the most popular pop group is The Beatles. The Beatles was the most popular group in 1960. But now many people like to listen songs of this group. Let’s sing the song “Imagine” (дети заранее учат песню)





IV. Основная часть урока В.

Развитие навыков аудирования и диалогической речи.

T: Our country is rich in outstanding people too. Who are we proud of? ( Приложение 12)

Name me, please 5 famous musicians, 5famous inventors, 5 writers or poets, 5 sportsmen.

T: Good work! I hope you can tell your British friends about these great people. Oh, we have a message from London. Our colleagues asked us to tell them about our heroes. In some minutes we’ll have live connection conference with British magazine “Young Telegraph”. Think about what hero your group will present. (Обсуждают в группе).

T: Your time is over. Are you ready? Let’s start. (Диалог).

















Групповая работа















Технология групповой деятельности


Монологическая речь по теме.

Уou have your own idea of a hero. What kind of person can you call a hero?

When I hear the word “hero” I think of _____

For me a hero is a person who/ whose ___

My hero is _____

Real heroes are ______

He/She can ______

Many people around him/her _______


Ученик 1 – ученик 2 – ученик 3



V. Заключительный этап урока.

Домашнее задание.

You’ll tell the world about your hero. It can be a famous person or somebody around you. It’s your choice! For the first part of your book you can put a mark.

Write an article about a person for your School Board of Fame. Describe his/her achievements ( 100 words) рабочая тетрадь стр 98 упр

Итоги урока. Оценки.

I think that everybody in your class can be a hero too. Somebody would be a hero for the whole country, somebody a hero for your city or village. And somebody would be a hero for your own children. Everything depends on you.























































Приложение 2




















Приложение 3

















Приложение 4
















Приложение 5




















Приложение 6















Приложение 7















Приложение 8




Agatha May Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, England. Agatha grew up essentially an only child (her brother and sister were much older). Her parents feared that she was mentally challenged because she was severely shy, but this was soon dismissed when she displayed how curious she really was.

In 1906, Agatha was sent to a finishing school in Paris, and was a very promising musician. This idea soon faded, though she still loved music. She eventually volunteered in a local hospital and worked in a poison dispensary. This was the source of information for so many poisonings that happened in her novels. She also based her book, THE PALE HORSE, on an experience she had at this poison dispensary.

            Many men proposed marriage to her, but she politely declined all of them, until 1912. The next year she met Colonel Archibald Christie and had to write her former fiance, cancelling their wedding. They lived happily and he always encouraged her writing (her first book, THE MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES, had been written at the poison dispensary out of boredom, then rejected by six publishers, and kept in the hands of a seventh for six years, until he decided to publish it; it only sold 2,500 copies). 

Agatha was made a Dame of the British Empire in 1956. She made her final public appearance at the premiere of the movie based on her book, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS. During WWII, she had written her final novel for her great detective, Hercule Poirot, and her elderly sleuth, Miss Jane Marple. She instructed that these were to be published at the end of her career. CURTAIN was published in 1975, and SLEEPING MURDER in 1976, the year Agatha died.


Agatha Christie wrote 76 novels, 158 short stories, and 15 plays, all marked with her ingenuity and literary flair.  She is, indubitably, the Queen of Mystery.






Приложение 9









            Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space and the first human to orbit the Earth. Yuri Gagarin was born in 1934 in a peasant family. Yuri was the third of four children. His elder sister helped raise him while his parents worked.

            During the Second World War there was an episode that Yuri often recalled. A Soviet pilot was shot down over their occupied village. Yuri and other boys rescued the pilot and hid him. It was very dangerous because Nazis killed the people who helped Red Army men.

            This episode deeply influenced him and from that time he really wanted to be a pilot and did everything to make sure that his dream  would come true. So he entered military flight training at pilot’s school. He was an intelligent nd hard working student and graduated the  school with honors.

             On April the 12th, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became a world-wide celebrity.

            Yuri Gargarin toured widely abroad. But he remained the same modest, friendly, simple, charming, kind and cheerful man as he was known before.

Yuri Gagarin died in 1968 when a MiG 15 training  jet he was piloting crashed. 

























Приложение 10




Walt Disney was a businessman as well as an artist. This in itself is pretty significant, as most artists don't seem to be happy as business people. The majority of artists that we have spoken to agree.

In 1923, Disney got a contract to make several cartoons. He and his brother, Roy, moved to Los Angeles to set up the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. Here they made the "Alice Comedies" and "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit." Things took off in November of 1928 when Mickey and Minnie Mouse made their debut in "Steamboat Willie." This was the movie that made the characters and their creator famous.

            Disney experimented with Technicolor and animation styles. In 1932, he won an Academy Award in the best cartoon category for "Flowers and Trees." It was the first of 32 Academy Awards which Disney would win in his life.

            "Snow White," which took three years to make, was released in 1937. The first live-action Disney movie, "Treasure Island," came out in 1950. By then, Walt Disney could do anything he wanted. He made Disneyland in 1955 and many wonderful, enjoyable movies like "Cinderella," "Sleeping Beauty," and many others which appeared both in theaters and on television. His Disneyland television series ran for 29 years, the record for a prime time show.

            Walt Disney accomplished many of his dreams. Before his death in 1966, he purchased the land for Disneyworld in Florida, but he never lived to see the park completed.















Приложение 11






















Приложение 12






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