Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока в 9 классе по теме: «The world of animals. SOS! Endangered species!»

План урока в 9 классе по теме: «The world of animals. SOS! Endangered species!»

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  • План урока в 9 классепо теме:«The world of animals.SOS!Endangered species!»

    1 слайд

    План урока в 9 классе
    по теме:
    «The world of animals.
    Endangered species!»

  • Цель:   -Повторить и активизировать лексику.   -Продолжать совершенствовать...

    2 слайд

    -Повторить и активизировать лексику.
    -Продолжать совершенствовать технику чтения.
    -Развивать навыки поискового чтения.
    -Практиковать в пояснении слов Е‹-›Е
    -Развивать коммуникативные умения.
    -Тренировать в составлении вопросов, диалогов по заданной ситуации.
    -Продолжать развивать навыки аудирования.
    Воспитательные цели:
    -Воспитывать бережное отношение к природе.
    -Воспитывать чувство ответственности и социальную справедливость.
    -Воспитывать стремление защитить животных для последующих поколений.
    -Интерактивная доска.
    -Картинки с изображениями животных .
    -Картинки для самостоятельной работы.

  • Ход урока:I.Начало ур...

    3 слайд

    Ход урока:
    I.Начало урока
    Good morning, boys and girls. It’s so nice to see you. I hope you are fine.
    Today we are going to do a lot of exercises to practice your grammar, speaking, listening and writing skills. You’ll speak about different animals and endangered species. During the lesson you’ll listen to short texts, practice your reading and speaking skills. We’ll discuss the problems of the environment and possible ways of saving endangered species of animals.
    II. Основная часть
    1.Warming up:
    A lot of different animals live on the Earth-in the jungle, in the forest, in the mountains, in the fields. Which wild animals do you know?
    But some animals are bred at home and help people in everyday life. Which of domestic animals can you name?
    2.Checking homework:
    At home you were to make the ABC of animals.(Ученики демонстрируют творческие работы «Алфавит из животных»)
    3.Game ”Guess the Animals”
    As far as I know you’ve prepared some riddles about animals. Let your classmates guess them.
    1) A large wild animals that has black and yellow lines on its body and is a member of the cat family. (a tiger)
    2) A very large grey animal with four legs, two tusks (=long curved teeth) and a truck (=long nose) that it can use to pick things up. (an elephant)

  • 3)A very long reptile with mouth and many sharp teeth that lives in lakes and...

    4 слайд

    3)A very long reptile with mouth and many sharp teeth that lives in lakes and rivers in hot wet parts of the world. (a crocodile)
    4)A very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish, but it is actually a mammal.(a whale)
    5)A large heavy African or Asian animals with thick skin and either one or the two horns on its nose.(a rhinoceros)
    6)A large wild strong animal that can run very fast, eats grass and has horns.(a deer)
    7)A very large strong bird with a beak like a hook that eats small animals, birds, etc.(an eagle)
    8)An animal with a long thin body and no legs that often has a poisonous bite.(a snake)
    9)A tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly colored feathers that can be taught to copy human speech.(a parrot)
    10)A wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups.(a wolf)
    11)An Australian animal that moves by jumping and carries its babies in a pouch(=a special pocket of skin) on its stomach.(a kangaroo)
    12)A slow-moving land animal that can pull its head and legs into hard round shell that covers its body.(a tortoise)
    4.Answer my questions.
    1)Why is the protection of animals important?
    2)What different factors threaten their existence?
    3)What endangered species of animals do you know?
    4)Do you think endangered species should be bred up in captivity or live in the wild?
    5)Do you think zoos are good and careful places or prison for animals?
    6)What are the most popular pets nowadays?
    Listen to the radio programme about exotic pets. Then circle the correct answer.

  • (“Success”p.59)7.Idioms.(“Success”p.53)Complete the similesAs sly as… a f...

    5 слайд

    Complete the similes
    As sly as… a fox
    As wise as …an owl
    As proud as… a peacock
    As quiet as …a mouse
    As gentle as …a lamb
    As blind as …a bat
    As brave as …a lion
    8.Talk about environment
    It’s a pity but there are some problems facing humanity today.
    What do know about them?
    -People all over the world are worried what is happening to the environment.
    -What is ecology?
    …and some species become endangered or even extinct. They are in the Red book now.
    9.Red Book Презентация
    What endangered species of animals and birds do you know?
    (Ученики читают сообщения о разных животных и птицах, которые находятся под угрозой исчезновения)
    10.Is there any organization which takes care of animals?
    (Green Peace)
    -Do animals have rights?
    -It’s wrong to kill animals for their fur. Do you agree?
    1.It is cruel-animals which are kept for fur live short and unhappy lives.
    2. It has no place in the civilized world in the twenty-first century.
    3. Some animals that are hunted for fur are endangered species.

  • 11. ДиалогиT- I see that the girls are wearing new fur vests made of fur(nat...

    6 слайд

    11. Диалоги
    T- I see that the girls are wearing new fur vests made of fur(natural and artificial)I want you to have a talk.
    P1- Look, my mum has bought me a new vest. It is so beautiful and warm. I like it very much.
    P2- My vest is beautiful too. It is artificial but warm. What is your vest made of?
    P1- It is made of fox fur. Animal fur is warmer and more attractive than man – made materials.
    P2- How much does it cost?
    P1- It costs 3000 hr.
    P2- Oh, it is very expensive, my vest is cheaper. I like animals. I am sure, they look better alive.
    P1- Tastes differ. Wearing fur is natural and fashionable. I prefer natural materials.
    12. Askania-Nova.
    Members of Green peace organization have stopped whale hunting and fight to stop fur hunting. We should do everything possible to save the endangered species. For this purpose some National nature reserves have been founded in Ukraine. One of the most well-known is Askania-Nova nature reserve.
    (Рассказ о заповеднике Аскания - Нова)
    T- Some endangered species of animals and birds are kept in the zoo. Are zoos good or bad?
    P1- Although the function of zoos has changed a little during the last 250 years, zoos are very controversial today. Many people think they are cruel and have no place in the modern world. It is my own opinion that zoos, although not perfect, do have a useful function.
    P- 2.First of all, zoos are places of education. Zoos can help children to appreciate nature. Furthermore, research intro animals behavior is done in zoos and has increased our knowledge of zoology, genetics and even psychology. Above all, zoos can protect the future of many species of animals. Many species today are in danger of extinction and, thanks to breeding in zoos, many animals have a chance of survival. Indeed there are some animals which now only exist in zoos.

  • P-3. Opponents of zoos say that they are cruel. First of all, they argue, zoo...

    7 слайд

    P-3. Opponents of zoos say that they are cruel. First of all, they argue, zoos cannot recreate the environment in which animals live and, because of this, animals are bored and depressed. Secondly, animals have frequent contact with human visitors which can be stressful. However, in my opinion, most zoos have improved recently. It is now quite rare to see animals in cages and most zoos try hard to recreate the habitats in which different animals live.
    P-4. In conclusion, although zoos are not a perfect environment for animals, I believe that they have more advantages than disadvantages. In an ideal world, zoos would not be necessary. But as long as man hunts animals for profit and destroys their environments, zoos are essential.
    14.- London Zoo
    15.-It’s interesting to know
    T:Say if it is true or false
    Animal Quiz
    1. Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump.
    2. A rat can survive for longer without water than a camel.
    3. Crocodiles can’t stick out their tongues.
    4. A duck’s quack has no echo – nobody knows why.
    5. Butterflies taste with their feet.
    6. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
    III. Окончание урока
    Your home assignment will be to write a letter to the newspaper about the endangered species of animals in your place. Start with
    Dear Editor, …

  • 8 слайд

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