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План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему: "Nature and We"

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Урок английского языка ”Namre and we” по учебнику К. Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Нарру English. ru» 7 м.

Цель урока: развитие речевых умений на основе применения усвоенного ранее лексикограмматического материала в новых ситуациях общения в рамках темы ” Ecological problems” (произношение, активизация фраз и речевых образцов, умение устного активного речевого общения); Задачи урока:


-    активизировать лексику по теме «Ecological prob1ems» в серии речевых упражнений - практиковать умение находить в тексте нужную информацию. - познакомить и научить использовать в речи конструкцию «used to».

-    развивать навьжи говорения по теме.

Развивающие: развитие логического мышления, памяти, внимания, восприятия, развитие навьжов критического мьппления, умения аргументировано высказываться. Воспитательные:

-    воспитывать творческий потенциал личности учащегося,

-    культуру общения во время работы в микрогруппах,

-    самостоятельность и потребность в самовыражении;

-    воспитывать положительное и бережное отношения к природе, более глубокое осознание своей ответственности за ее сохранность.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, интерактивная доска, компьютерная презентация, цветные карточки (жёлтые и зелёные).

Ход урока.


2. Warm-up. (З слайД)

Т: Dear f•iends! Nice to see уои! Today we are going to have ап unusual lesson. Look at the screen. What do уои see there? (На экране фото Земли) P-s: We see our planet.

Т: Is it beautiful?

Р1: Yes, it is.

Т: What is the пате of our planet?

Р2: Its пате is the Earth.

Т: want уои to think and answer the question: What is the Earth for уои? ( На экране появляется вопрос ”What is the Earth for уои?” Внизу варианты ответов: а part of the universe, ту home, а beautiful planet, а miracle, а place where live, the wonderful world. ( Работа с интерактивной доской. Учитель выбирает функцию «компьютерная мышь» и предлагает ученикам подобрать вариант ответа с помощью опоры или дать свой) I'll begin: The Earth is а part ofthe universe for те. P-s: The Earth is ту home. The Earth is а miracle for те.

З) Определение цели и задач урока. (4 слайД)

Т: Thank уои for уош answers. like them very much. So what wi11 we speak about at the lessjn?

P-s: We'll speak about our planet. We'll speak about the nature ofthe Earth.

Т: Уои are right. We'll speak also about the people's attitude to nature. And the пате of our 1esson is ”Nature and We”.

4)  Лексико-фонетическая зарядка. (4 слайД)

Т: So, let's start. First of all let's repeat the words of our topic

Nature, environment есо1оду, ec010gical, air, water, forest, river, осеап, animal, to breathe, clean, dirty, plant, to p1ant, to pollute, polluted, pollution. to protect, protection, to Кеер, rule,

the atmosphere, toxins, dangerous, in danger, to kill, to bum, to bury, litter, to drop, to save

5)  Komnponb neKcuqeCK020 Mamepua.na npeÖb1Dytgux ypoK06.

T: Look, there are three underlined words: environment, ecology, and pollution. Do you know the meaning of them? Let's try to explain these words. Look at the screen. Your task is to match these words with their explanation. (Pa60ma c unmepaxmumoü DOCKOÜ. Yqume,lb 8bt6upaem «cmpeJlKa» u npeDnazaem yqeuuxa.M conocmagumb cnoga c momcogaue»t. 5cnaüD).


       air, water, and land, in which people, animals and        plants live


making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people, animals, and plants


natural balance between plants, animals and their environment

T: Now we know the explanation of the words: Ecology, Environment, and Pollution. If we say that the environment is polluted it means that there is no balance between plants, animals, people and their environment.

6). Awnuewaqua ueccuKo-zpaÆ.uantuqecKoeo Mamepuaua g pequ caaüÖ) Look at the screen and answer my question: Are people and nature friends or enemies? You have two cards : yellow and green. Those who think that people are friends of nature choose the green card. Those who think that people are enemies of nature choose the yellow card. Show me your cards. Why do you think so?

Prove that people are friends of nature.

Prove that people are enemies of nature.

(Onopbl plant trees; clean rivers and forests; clean their cities and towns, have the Red Book of Nature, save and take care of animals, sort and recycle rubbish....

Enemies: cut down trees; pollute water, air, forests andfields; kill fish and animals; drop litter in the streets; leave litter in the forests...

T: Thank you for your answers And now I want you to recite the verses of the poem, in which forests, animals, rivers and flowers ask people to save them, keep them clean. (Åemu qumwom cmuxu)

But what about you? Are you friends of nature? I'm sure you are friends and you'll be friends in future.

But friends of nature must know the green rules? Do you know them?

What are they? Look at the screen. They are in pictures. Please match geen rules with the pictures. (7cnaüå. Pa50ma c urtmepawnuguoü DocK0ü. Yqumeytb    6bE6upaem u npeönaeaem yqeHtuca.M           conocmagumb npagtuo u coomgemcmgyozgyo rapmumcy).

P-s: Don't start a fire. Don't drop litter in the streets. Don't leave litter in the forests.

Don't cut down trees. Don't pollute water. Don't pollute air. Don't kill animals. Don't kill fish. Don't burn litter.

7) qmenue. IIpaKmuRa yqauquxcn e y»teuuu HaxoDumb 8 me•ccme uHØopmaqtuo (euÖ qmetauR «Scanning», 8 c.naüD).

T: I see that you are real friends of nature. You know the green rules for campers.

But look at this picture. These campers are going home from the forest where they had a rest.

They didn't know green rules and they did a lot of ecological mistakes.

This is the text of their adventures in the forest. Your task is to find all the mistakes.

I want you to work in groups. (Åemu Denmcn Ha zpynnbl). Now turn and work together. (Ha uumepaKmu6H0ü DocKe     cnaüå)

Last Sunday our class went camping to the forest. We took food, a compass, matches, a penknife, a cauldron, bottles ofwater, tins.

On the way to the campsite we found a little rabbit and took it with us.

At the campsite we cut down some small trees for a campfire. Then we cookedfood.

The boys opened tins and water bottles. The girls ate sweets. After dinner Anton and Victor buried tins under a tree. Anna and Marina burnt plastic bottles in the campfire. We left paper plates and glass on the ground at the campfire. We left the rabbit at the campfire too.

It was the happiest day of the year. ( Nemu 8 zpynnax gummom moccm, '-taxoDmn otuu6Ku mypucmog.)

T: How many mistakes have the first group found? The second? Let's read the text and underline the mistakes.

(Yuemmu gummom moccm u yxameawm Ha oeuu6Ru mypucmoe, yqumeub 8bi6upaem «nepo» u .yqeHuKu noDqepRugmom OZUU5KU 8 meKcme Ha Doace).

T: I see that you are good campers. If you go camping you won't do all these mistakes. You'll take your litter with you. And our countryside will become agai_n clean and beautiful.

8) 031taK0J%Jteuue c K0HcmpyKquei used to (10 cnaÜD)

T: Now I want to show you the Earth when it was clean and beautiful. Look at the screen and read the sentences

Life on the Earth many years a o

The air used to be fresh

The water used to be clean

The forests used to be big.

C HOM0111bK) KaKOä paccKua.na O TOM, qmo B03nyx 6b1J1 B IIPOLIIJIOM, Bona 6b1J1a gncrra.q, a neca 60J1b111HMH?

T.•K0HcrpYK11HA used to onmcb1Baer ueMCTBHH, KOTOPb1e npomcxozum-n B IIPOII_IJIOM, HJIH, upyrHMH CFIOBaMH, HMeJIH 06b1KHOBeHMe 6b1Tb. Ha pyccKMii H3b1K 3Ta cTpyKTypa nepeB0ÅHTcq: 6b1BaJIO, HMeJ1 06bffCHOBeHHe. (11 c.aaiö) K0HcrpYK1.lH% used to Y110Tpe6J1%ercq TOJ1bKO B npomenmeM BpeMeHH. AJIH 110CTpoeHHH B011POCHTeJ1bHbEX H OTPH1_wreJ1bHb1X npemnoxeHHä ei IIOMOII.IHHK npomemuero BPewreHH did..

They used to go camping two years ago.

Did they use to go camping two years ago?

Where did they use to go camping two years ago?

They didn't use to go camping two years ago.

(Bblnonneuue no Kapmoqmu. ODuH yqeHUR 6bmonwtem y DocKu Yqumenb 6b16upaem ØYHK%UTO «nepo»). (12 c.naüD) Fill in the gaps with used to.

1.              .play snowballs when we were children.

2.Peop1e . . . ...put natural New Year Trees some years ago, but now they put plastic New Year Trees.

3.  Did campers . . ...take litter with them?

4.  They didn't ..bury plastic bottles under the ground.

5.  Many people          .. to take care of animals and plants.

(Ilocne 8bznoneHUR 3aÖaHun ygenuxu cgepmom ceou omeembl c omeemauu Ha Docw).

9)Ayöupogamæ (13 cnaüå)

T: Let's stop on the last sentence. I know that nowadays many people take care of animals and plants. Do you know such people? Do you know the organization which takes care of animals and plants? Look at the screen and listen to the text (6-cnaÜD) The Greenpeace Organization.

Greenpeace is an international organization that works to protect the environment from the pollution. Members of the Greenpeace Organization work all over the world. They say that our planet is in danger. Oceans and seas are polluted with dangerous chemicals. The atrnosphere is polluted with toxins. Many animals and fish are killed.

The Greenpeace Organization tries to protect animals and plants. They fry to keep the water clean and the air fresh.

What do the members of Greenpeace do?

The key words are: protect, save, try to stop.. ..

P-s: They protect nature. They save animals and plants. They fry to stop pollution....

10). IIpaKmuKa ucn0J1b30gaHt4H U3yqeHHb1.x peqegbzx oöpmqoe.

T: You are right. This organization tries to solve ecological problems. And let's speak about the ecological situation in our town. Look at the screen (14 C.maüÅ). Is our town beautiful? Yes, it is. On one hand it has a lot of places of interest and beautiful buildings. But on the other hand it has some ecological problems. (15 c.maüA) What are they?

P-s: People drop litter in the streets.

They leave litter and rubbish in the forests.

They drop litter along the roads (BAOJIb Aopor) and near the lakes.

Our factories pollute lakes, for example, our lake Parkovka.

We don't sort and recycle litter.

Our factories pollute air. For example, Fokino Cement Plant.

T: What do you do to keep our town clean?

P-s: As for me I don't drop litter in the streets, in our school, at home.

I stop people to drop litter if they do it.

I don't burn litter.

I don't cut down trees.

I don't bury litter under the ground.

We take litter with us after the rest in the forest.

I put litter only into special containers.

T: I see you love your native town. You take care of its streets , squares and forests around it.

Look at this letter.(14 cnaüD) It's from the Greenpeace organization. This organization asks you to help them. It asks you to design T-shirts telling people about the ecological problems. Look at the model. (Ywumenb nowm,zgaem 06pcetd 4ym60JIKu Ha Komopoi Hapucoean Kocmep 6 necy u cDenaHa HaDnucb "Don 't start a fire"). Work in your groups and design your ecological Tshirts. Then we choose the best one. (Ha 8b1nojmeHue 3aöaHuR omeoöunzcn .5»tunym. BpeM* 3aöaemcn 4YHK%ueÜ «maiutep» uHmepaKmu6H0ü DOCKU).

T: Your time is over. Show me your T-shirts. Which do you think is the best? I like all of them. I think they'll help people stop the pollution of the environment.

11) ffoDgeÖeHue umozog ypoKa. I want you to do a short test. Look at the screen, read these statements and answer if they are Gue or false. (15 c.naüå)

Let's sum up our work So what do you Imow? What can you do? (Pa60ma c umnepaRmueuoü DOCROÜ. Yqument, 8b16upaem «cmpenKa» u npeDJtaeaem yqeHzucaM conocmagumb gacmu n eönooæeHuü 16-i c.naü

What do you know?

We know

l. 2.




words on the topic "Nature and We " structure "used to " green rules for campers facts about Greenpeace

Chinese Ian a e

can you do?

we can





5. 6.


read texts find information in the text tell about ecological problems use the structure "used to " speak French speak English desi n ecolo ical T-shirts

T: (17 c.naüD)I think we've done all the tasks of our lesson. Your marks are.. Your homework is to answer the questions (KaPTOYKH c B011pocaMH):

1.        What ecological problems are there in our town? (write 5-7 sentences)

2.        What do you do to make our town clean? ( write 4-5 sentences)

And now I would like to know your emotions.

What emotions do you feel?

                  Positive                        1 feel...                        Negative









OnopHbte Øpa3b1.•


plant trees; clean rivers andforests; clean their cities and towns, have the Red Book ofNature, save and take care ofanimals, sort and recycle rubbish. Enemies:

cut down trees; pollute water, air, forests andfields; killfish and animals; drop litter in the streets; leave litter in the forests; start afire;

Find the ecological mistakes in the text.

Our adventures in theforest.

Last Sunday our class went camping to the forest. We took food, a compass, matches, a pen-

Elife, a cauldron, bottles ofwater, tins

On the way to the campsite we found a little rabbit and took it with us.

At the campsite we cut down some small trees for a campfire. Then we cookedfood.

The boys opened tins and water bottles. The girls ate sweets. After dinner Anton and Victor buried tins under a tree. Anna and Marina burnt plastic bottles in the campfire. We left paper plates and glass on the ground at the campfire. It was the happiest day of the year.

Fill in the gaps with used to.

1. we... ... ....play snowballs when we were children.

2.People .... ...put natural New Year Trees some years ago.

3.   Did campers .....take litter with them?

4.   They didn't ... ......buryplastic bottles under the ground.

5.   Many people and organizations           .....take care of animals and plants.

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