Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыПлан-конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему «Медицина: вчера и сегодня»

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему «Медицина: вчера и сегодня»

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Плакат "вчера-сегодня-завтра" на английском языке в персиковых тонах

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Настоящая методическая разработка опубликована пользователем Широкова Наталия Юрьевна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником

Плакат "вчера-сегодня-завтра" на английском языке с днями недели. Плакат поможет выучить дни недели и практиковать их использование. Плакат можно распечатать в формате А4 или А3. Как использовать: плакат-фон и дни недели можно заламинировать (дни недели предварительно вырезать). Плакат разместить на доске и закреплять магнитами, либо на стене и закреплять нужный день недели скотчем. Игра "Множественное число существительных на английском языке" (исключения) Карточки-пазлы по теме “Одежда” для 7 раздела учебника Spotlight 5 Карточки-пазлы по теме “Животные” для 5 раздела учебника Spotlight 5 Пазлы-пары (matching puzzles) с буквами английского алфавита и животными Карточки-пазлы по теме “Фрукты” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы по теме “Овощи” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы по теме “Лето” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы по теме “Рождество” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы по теме “Осень” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы по теме “Зима” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы для учеников начальных классов по теме “Зима” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы для учеников начальных классов по теме “Весна” на английском языке Карточки-пазлы для учеников начальных классов по теме “Осень” на английском языке

Краткое описание методической разработки

Плакат "вчера-сегодня-завтра" на английском языке с днями недели. Плакат поможет выучить дни недели и практиковать их использование. Плакат можно распечатать в формате А4 или А3. 

Как использовать: плакат-фон и дни недели можно заламинировать (дни недели предварительно вырезать). Плакат разместить на доске и закреплять магнитами, либо на стене и закреплять нужный день недели скотчем. 


Игра "Множественное число существительных на английском языке" (исключения)

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Одежда” для 7 раздела учебника Spotlight 5

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Животные” для 5 раздела учебника Spotlight 5

Пазлы-пары (matching puzzles) с буквами английского алфавита и животными

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Фрукты” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Овощи” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Лето” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Рождество” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Осень” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы по теме “Зима” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы для учеников начальных классов по теме “Зима” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы для учеников начальных классов по теме “Весна” на английском языке

Карточки-пазлы для учеников начальных классов по теме “Осень” на английском языке

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд


  • The purposes of the  lesson1. To find out what the term «medicine» means


    2 слайд

    The purposes of the lesson
    1. To find out what the term «medicine» means

    2. To trace the history of medicine

    3. To learn to make up a dialogue on the topic and act it out

    4. To consider different opinions about medicine in the future

  • The meaning of the term   Medicine 
  is   the science of    diagnosing,...

    3 слайд

    The meaning of the term
    is the science of diagnosing, treating or preventing diseases and damage to the body or mind.

  • History of Medicine

There are 3 main stages in medicine develo...

    4 слайд

    History of Medicine

    There are 3 main stages in medicine development: Medicine of Ancient Civilizations, Medicine of Middle Ages and Modern Medicine

  • Ancient Civilizations Main characteristics



    5 слайд

    Ancient Civilizations
    Main characteristics


    immunization and acupuncture

    preventive medicine

    The ethic principles of a physician were summarized by Hippocrates. They are known as Hippocrates Oath.

  • The Middle Ages Main characteristics
foundation of universities 


    6 слайд

    The Middle Ages
    Main characteristics
    foundation of universities

    discoveries in chemistry, anatomy, biology, others sciences

    invention of the stethoscope (by Rene Laennec), vaccination for smallpox, discovery of anesthetics and development of immunology and scientific surgery.

    -the first hospital that appeared in the 15-th century

The first sisters of mercy

    7 слайд

    The first sisters of mercy

  • Florence Nightingale

    8 слайд

    Florence Nightingale

  • 9 слайд

  • Florence Nightingale's Family

    10 слайд

    Florence Nightingale's Family

  • 11 слайд

  • The Lady with the Lamp

    12 слайд

    The Lady with the Lamp

  • Florence Nightingale Medal

    13 слайд

    Florence Nightingale Medal

  • Thank you for your attention!

    14 слайд

    Thank you for your attention!

  • Main advances 
discovery of blood groups and vitamins, invention of insulin a...

    15 слайд

    Main advances
    discovery of blood groups and vitamins, invention of insulin and penicillin, practice of plastic surgery and transplantation.

    Modern medicine

  • Dialogues 
«At the doctor's»

Work in pairs. Student A is a patient. Stude...

    16 слайд

    «At the doctor's»

    Work in pairs. Student A is a patient. Student B is a doctor.

    Make up dialogues using your active vocabulary on the topic “At the doctor’s”. Role-play the situations.

  • What will the future of    healthcare look like? 
Work in groups. Read the...

    17 слайд

    What will the future of healthcare look like?

    Work in groups. Read the text «What will the future of healthcare look like?» and answer the questions. Use your cards.

  • СrosswordM  E  R  C  YH  E  A  L   T   HE   P   I   D  E  M  I   CH  O  S   P...

    18 слайд

    M E R C Y
    H E A L T H
    E P I D E M I C
    H O S P I T A L
    P R E S C R I P T I O N
    P A T I E N T
    S U R G E O N
    R E M E D Y
    1.They helped wounded soldiers during the wars and they were called «sisters of …» for their dedication to caring for the patients.
    2.Eating junk food can seriously damage your … .
    3.In the world’s history there were a lot of … such as smallpox, cholera, plague. They spreaded quickly among the people and couldn’t be treated.
    4.A place where sick or injured people are given medical treatment.
    5.A doctor’s order for a medicine to be prepared for a patient .
    6.A person who is getting treatment from a doctor or dentist.
    7.This is a doctor, who deals with disease or injury by cutting or repairing the affected parts of the body.
    8.You need it when you are ill. It is a kind of medicine.

Краткое описание документа:

 План-конспект  урока по английскому языку  в 11 классе на тему

«Медицина: вчера и сегодня»

(Medicine:  in the past and nowadays.)

 Цели урока:

1) обеспечить усвоение и отработку новой лексики по теме урока и в рамках проекта гимназии « Милосердие. Сестры милосердия».

2) обобщить материал по теме «Медицина», раскрыть значение понятия и его содержание

3) развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи на основе устного сообщения и диалога по теме

4)  расширить страноведческие знания в области истории медицины



телевизор, презентация , дидактический материал на карточках, учебник Биболетовой М.З.  «EnjoyEnglish» для 11 класса, рабочая тетрадь к УМК Биболетовой М.З.


План урока:

1 Тема, цели урока

2. Определение понятия

3. Ступени развития

  1) Древние цивилизации

  2)Средние века

  3) Современная медицина

4. Взгляд в будущее на развитие медицины

5. Закрепление

6. Рефлексия








1.     Орг. момент

Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see all of you at the lesson. I hope you are fine and ready to take an active part in the conversation today. We have an unusual lesson today and now there are many guests in the classroom. I want you to work hard and very actively.

In order to know what we will speak about, look at the screen, please. You’ll watch the video and  then answer my question: «What are we going to speak about? ».Call me all key words or  main words on the topic.( Приложение 1)

( Просмотр видеофрагмента, в котором ученики другого класса рассказывают о теме урока, не называя ее).

2.     Темаурока, цели.  How do you think what the topic of our lesson is? Please, try to

guess and explain why you’ve chosen such version.

Yes, you are right, the topic of our lesson is «Medicine: yesterday and today».(Слайд 1)

Dear pupils, how do you understand this term? What is it? Let’s try to give a definition to this word. So, we can say that (Слайд 2,3)

3.     Развитиемедицины.

       Medicine is among the most ancient of human occupations. It began as an art and developed into a science over the centuries. There are 3 main stages in medicine development: Medicine of Ancient Civilizations, Medicine of Middle Ages and Modern Medicine.( Слайд 4)(Приложение 2)
    1) Early man, like the animals, was subject to illness and death. The medicine-man practiced magic to help people who were ill or had a wound. New civilizations began to study the human body. The early Indians  practiced aromatherapy, the Chinese - immunization and acupuncture, the Greeks - preventive medicine. The ethic principles of a physician were summarized by another Greek, Hippocrates. They are known as Hippocrates Oath.(
Слайд 5)
      2) The next stage of Medicine's development was the Middle Ages. A very important achievement of that time was the hospital. The first ones appeared in the 15-th. Another advance of the Middle Ages was the foundation of universities during 13 – 14-th centuries where  students could study medicine. During 18-th century new discoveries were made in chemistry, anatomy, biology, others sciences. The advances of that time were invention of the stethoscope (by Rene Laennec), vaccination for smallpox, discovery of anesthetics and development of immunology and scientific surgery.(
Слайд 6)

     There were a lot of epidemics at that time. So people needed in someone who would help the sick. There we should say about the nurses. They worked without any payment only because of the kindness of their hearts. They were called sisters of mercy. One of the first sisters of mercy was the English. ( Слайд 7)

   But not only in England there were the sisters of mercy. Our country is proud of its outstanding persons. What Russian sisters of mercy do you know? (Dasha Sevastopolskaya)

  And also sisters of mercy lived  in Vladimir. ( видеофрагментиустноесообщение )


1. When was the first community of sisters of mercy founded in Vladimir?

2. How did sisters help? What did they do?

3. What is the main purpose of the saint Aleksey children’s community? 

4. What do you do as a member of our gymnasium children’s community?

     3) Medicine in the 20-th century made enormous contribution in the basic medical   sciences. These are discovery of blood groups and vitamins, invention of insulin and penicillin, practice of plastic surgery and transplantation. ( Слайд 8)

       Nowadays we often go to hospital when we are ill or feel bad. We consult a doctor and he gives us a prescription. ( Слайд 9) ( Диалоги являются проверкой домашнего задания)

   4) Взглядвбудущеенамедицину

How do you think what the future of  healthcare will look like. ( Слайд 10)(Приложение 3)

       Вывод по теме урока:

To sum it up, we must say that medicine is quite necessary for people nowadays.

We formulated the meaning of the term «medicine»,  traced its history, learned to make up a dialogue on the topic, learnt new words and phrases, tried to predict the future of medicine and improved our oral speech.

 6) Рефлексия (Приложение 4)  

7) Домашнее задание

     Write down your hometask :
 Workbook p. 56 Ex.10 ( Read the e-mail you’ve got from your friend and answer it).

Приложение 1.


Pupil 1:

In my opinion it is quite necessary for all people as it helps to save people’s lives.

If you are ill or feel bad, you should  consult a specialist.


Pupil 2:


I think it is very important in our daily life because a lot of people need help and care when they are ill.


Pupil 3:


I can’t imagine people’s life without it. Of course some centuries ago it was not so developed as nowadays when we can сure many serious diseases or we can stop their spreading over man’s organism.
































Приложение 2.



Aromatherapy                             ароматерапия

immunization                           вакцинация

acupuncture                             иглоукалывание

HippocratesOath                        клятва Гиппократа

Stethoscope                                 стетоскоп

Vaccination                                прививка

Smallpox                                     оспа

Anesthetics                                 анестетик

Immunology                            иммунология

Transplantation                           пересадка

epidemic                                  эпидемия

surgery                                     хирургия

famine                                      голод

community                               община

bandage                                   бинт, повязка

dedication                                самоотверженность





























Приложение 3.

Read the text and answer the questions.

What will the future of healthcare look like?

       In the future, nanotechnologies could help doctors detect disease earlier and give us new ways to grow and repair body tissue (ткань).  But what will this mini medicine be like?
      Media images often show super-small submarines shooting through the blood, but this vision of nano-sized healthcare is unlikely to become a reality. Scaled-down metal machines won't work on the nano-scale (наномасштаб). But nanomachines do already exist inside you. They are large molecules that help power your body, and the ribosomes that make the proteins to form your hair and nails. They are present inside the cells (клетки) of your body and they are designed to work at the nano-scale. If we could learn to copy their designs we might be able to build nano-sized robots to help heal (излечивать) our bodies. 

      Some people think that putting such small particles in our bodies may cause us harm. The tiny size of nanoparticles (наночастицы)  means they don't have the same properties as larger particles of the same material. So that is safe in its normal state can be harmful in its nano-form.

1. How can nanotechnologies be helpful in the future?

2. What «nanomachines» exist inside people? How can they help scientists in their researches?

3. What are some of the dangers of this scientific invention (nanoparticles)?




























Приложение 4.


1.      Did you like this lesson? Why?____________________________________________________


2.      Are you satisfied with your work? _________________________________________________


3.      What was difficult? Did you understand the topic of the lesson?_________________________


Thank you for good job!














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