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План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 9-х классов

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«Thanksgiving Day»

План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 9-х классов


















Тема: День Благодарения.


Цель: включить учащихся в культурное пространство англоязычных стран через изучение национальных особенностей праздника Дня Благодарения.




практические: совершенствование произносительных навыков; закрепление лексики по теме; развитие навыков в чтении и аудировании; совершенствование навыков в употреблении фраз «Thats right; thats wrong» и разговорных фраз «As far as I remember; As far as I know»;


развивающие: развитие логического и образного мышления, внимания, памяти, восприятия;


образовательные: расширение общего кругозора учащихся; привитие интереса  учащихся к культуре англоязычных стран; получение информации об истории, обычае и традиции проведения этого праздника;


воспитательные: воспитание уважения к культуре других народов, сплочение коллектива при подготовке к мероприятию.


Оборудование: индюк- символ праздника; приглашения; карточки с лексикой; рисунки по теме, выполненные учениками; жетоны в виде индюков; аудиозапись с песней «Our Thanksgiving Day»; карточки с буквами.

План мероприятия:

1.     Вступительное слово.

2.     Работа над лексикой.

3.     Презентация команд.

4.     Конкурс «Guess».

5.     Конкурс «The liar».

6.     Конкурс чтецов.

7.     Конкурс «Unscramble the words».

8.     Песня «Our Thanksgiving Day».

9.     Подведение итогов и награждение победителей.

Используемая литература:

1.     Журнал «English» №16, 2006

2.Интернет http/www.solnet.ru

-Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! We are very glad to see you in our competition! How are you today?


-Today American people celebrate one of the national holidays. Look at the blackboard and say what holiday it is.


-And what is the Russian for it?


-Very nice! Now look at the blackboard and repeat the words after me:


Thursday- четверг

Thanksgiving Day- день Благодарения

to decorate- украшать

roast turkey- запеченная индейка

potato- картофель


to celebrate-праздновать

colonist- колонист

New England-Новая Англия





-Thank you very much! And now we invite our teams. So you are welcome!

As you know the symbol of Thanksgiving Day is a turkey and there are many of them on the blackboard. Each team must take as many turkeys as it can. They are magic and they will help you to win.



-Before starting our competition let me introduce our wise and fair jury.



-The first task is called                            « Presentation».

You are  to introduce yourselves and to present your mottoes.















-That was great! I think both teams deserve the turkeys.


The jury: Both teams were good and they deserve the turkeys.


-Now let’s move to the history of the holiday. Let’s learn when, how and why this holiday is celebrated by American people. You have the texts about the holiday on your desks. Your task is to read and translate the texts. You have five minutes for this task.


-The following task is called

 « Guess». You should guess what this or that word or phrase is connected with. You may use the text. Use the colloquial phrases:

-         as far as I remember

-         as far as I know

You have 2 minutes for this task.




-And now let’s check the answers and our respectable jury will decide which team is the best. The phrases for the first team are:

-the last Thursday




-That’s right!


-in 1620



-Good Job!


-a special dinner


-Absolutely so!




-a symbol of Thanksgiving Day



-Very nice of you!



-And now let’s move to the second team, their phrases are:

-people and families




-How clever of you!


-traditional American food







-in the autumn of 1621






-three days




-Very nice!


-Now our jury will tell us which team hasn’t done any mistake.


The next task is called «The Liar». I will be a liar and I will try to deceive you so your task is to agree with me or to correct me. Use the phrases:

-         That’s right

-         That’s wrong


-The statements for the first team are:

-Thanksgiving Day is a British holiday



-People celebrate the holiday in offices



-Thanksgiving Day is rather like Christmas



-The statements for the second team are:

-Thanksgiving Day is the most important day in America.



-People eat bacon and eggs to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.



-Since 1620 turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.


-Now let me ask the jury which team knows about the holiday better.




-That was great! I think now we should have a bit of rest. Now our teams will present their poems about Thanksgiving Day.






































-It was fantastic! I think both teams deserve the turkeys.


-Thanksgiving Day is time for tradition and sharing. Even if people far away from home, the family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things they have. People send and get greeting cards for the holiday. You have also got the card, but it has a lot of mistakes, your task is to correct all the mistakes. You have 3 minutes for this task.


-Let’s ask the jury which team has found all the mistakes.



-Thank you for wishing such a lesson.

You know that families usually have traditional food for this holiday. Can you name any dish? You have the letters on your tables, your task is to unscramble the words.



-Let’s ask the jury which team was the first.




-Now we know when, how and why this holiday is celebrated, we  have got the cards and prepared the  traditional food, so everything is ready for celebrating. Let’s sing the song all together.
















-So now we know about this holiday everything. Let’s check what you have learnt and then the jury will name the winner.










-So, our competition is over, we hope you liked it. And now the jury will name the winner.
















                  -We are fine!




          - It is Thanksgiving Day




           -День Благодарения






Thursday- четверг

Thanksgiving Day- день Благодарения

to decorate- украшать

roast turkey- запеченная индейка

potato- картофель


to celebrate-праздновать

colonist- колонист

New England-Новая Англия























-Our team is «Angels»,

our motto is:

 “Smile on your lips

And brightness in eyes

That’s our motto

For being all right!”







-Our team is «Happy Teens»,

our motto is:

“The good we do today becomes the happiness tomorrow!”
































P1: As far as I remember the last Thursday in November is a holiday in America. People call this holiday Thanksgiving Day.



P2: As far as I know  in 1620 the first colonists came to America and began a new life there.



P3: As far as I remember when the colonists had the first harvest they decided to have a special dinner.




P4: As far as I remember wild turkeys since that time became a symbol of Thanksgiving day.






P1: As far as I remember on Thanksgiving Day people go to church and families come together for the day.



P2: As far as I know American people decorate their houses with autumn fruits and flowers and prepare traditional American food: roast turkey, potatoes and pumpkin.



P3: As far as I know in the autumn of 1621 the colonists had their first harvest and it was very good, so they decided to thank the God for it.



P4: As far as I remember the colonists celebrated Thanksgiving Day for three days.














P1: That’s wrong. Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday.




P2:That’s wrong. People celebrate the holiday at home with their relatives.



P3: That’s right.







P1: That’s right.



P2: That’s wrong. People eat roast turkeys, potatoes and pumpkin to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.



P3: That’s right.







              Pilgrim Children

Pilgrim children worked hard all day.

Pilgrim children had no time to play.

The first child chopped lots of wood,

The second child helped make the        family’s food,

The third child helped keep the horses fed,

The fourth child made a mattress for his bed,

The fifth child made soap and a candle,

The sixth child turned the meat-roasting handle.

Pilgrim children worked hard all day.

Pilgrim children had no time to play.







                     Apple Pie

 Apple pie,

Pumpkin pie,

Turkey on the dish!

We can see,

We can eat,

 Everything we wish!

Grandma’s here,

Grandpa’s here,

Cousins bright and gay,

Aunt and uncle share with us

This good Thanksgiving Day.

Thank you God,

Thank you God for good things to eat,

Thank you also for this day

When we with friendly hearts do meet!






Deer Puipils

There will be Thankgiving Day                  in Thursday

Plese let me know                                    if you went to have it or not.

You teacher.



























Our Thanksgiving Day

We can work together

We can work together

We can work together

for our Thanksgiving Day

We can cook the turkey (3 times)

for our Thanksgiving Day

I can mash potatoes (3 times)

for our Thanksgiving Day

We can set the table  (3 times)

for our Thanksgiving Day

We’ll join our hands together (3 times)

for our Thanksgiving Day

We can all say thank you (3 times)

for our Thanksgiving Day.






-Thanksgiving day is a national holiday in America. It is celebrated on the last Thursday in November. People go to church and come together. They usually have roast turkey, potatoes and pumpkins. People celebrate this holiday to thank the God for everything the have.









Ученики повторяют слова за учителем.































                                                             Команды представляют названия

своих команд и





















Ученики читают

текст в течение

5 минут.








Ученикам раздаются карточки с












Ученики выполняют задание, используя

информацию из















































Жюри подводит

итоги конкурса.









Ученики соглашаются или не

соглашаются с
























Жюри подводит

итоги конкурса.





Команды декламируют стихи.











































Ученикам раз-

дают открытки

с приглашением.










Жюри проверяет открытки.



Ученики собирают слова из разрозненных















Ученики вместе

поют песню.












Команды представляют по 3-4 предложения о празднике.





Жюри подводит итоги, победителям вручаются подарки.






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