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Plumbing Устройство инженерных коммуникаций

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Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение





Н.Н. Козлова




Устройство инженерных коммуникаций

Сборник практических и самостоятельных работ по английскому языку

Специальность 08.02.07 – Монтаж и эксплуатация внутренних, сантехнических устройств, кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляции

Учебное пособие












Чита 2016 г.

            Plumbing. Устройство инженерных коммуникаций: сборник практических и самостоятельных работ по английскому языку  содержит тексты по профессиональной тематике, грамматические, подстановочные, трансформационные, дифференцировочные и др. упражнения для аудиторных и внеаудиторных занятий.

             Сборник предназначен для студентов 3 курса специальности 08.02.07 – Монтаж и эксплуатация внутренних, сантехнических устройств, кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляции.





Редакционный совет: Е.В. Мананникова, Т.А. Бабкина

Верстка: Т.А. Бабкина


Козлова Н.Н. Plumbing. Устройство инженерных коммуникаций. Сборник практических и самостоятельных работ по английскому языку. – Чита: ЧТОТиБ, 2016. – 60 с.



















Практическая работа № 1

Safety Equipment. Инструкция по технике безопасности


Практическая работа № 2

Plumbing on Your Own. Оборудование


Практическая работа № 3

Power Tools .Инструменты


Практическая работа № 4

Bobs Hardware.Обязательный набор сантехнических инструментов для работы


Практическая работа № 5

Measurements and Sizing .Измерительные системы сантехнического оборудования


Практическая работа № 6

Tomorrows installation .Советы по установке раковины

Практическая работа № 7




Preparing the Pipes. Советы по установке труб

Практическая работа № 8



Plumbing fixtures. Памятка по установке квартирного сантехнического оборудования

Практическая работа № 9




Installing Your New Drain. Установка канализации

Практическая работа № 10

Plumbing Supplies Unlimited. Мир современной сантехники

Практическая работа № 11





Brazen Hardware. Fittings Finder. Монтаж труб

Практическая работа № 12                                                                                 24

Water Heater Tune Up. Эксплуатация водонагревателя

Практическая работа № 13                                                                                 26

Faucets. Водопроводный кран

Практическая работа № 14                                                                                 27

Clog Removal. Удаление засоров

Практическая работа № 15                                                                                29

Pipe Repair. Ремонт труб                                                                                   31

Практическая работа № 16

Site Communication. Коммуникация во время сантехнических работ

Практическая работа № 17                                                                                 33

Drainage, Waste, and Vent Installation: Venting. Монтаж внутренних сантехнических устройств, кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляции

Практическая работа № 18                                                                                  35

Fire-suppression systems. Safety-First Fire Solutions. Fire Suppression to Ensure Your Safety. Противопожарная система

Практическая работа № 19                                                                                  37

Water Service Installation. Монтаж водоснабжения

Практическая работа № 20                                                                                  40

Toilet Installation. Установка унитаза

Практическая работа № 21                                                                                  42

Sink Installation. Установка раковины

Практическая работа № 22                                                                                  44

Septic Systems. Санитарно-техническое оборудование в квартире (доме) и правила его эксплуатации

Практическая работа № 23                                                                                  45

Welding. Сварочные работы

Список использованных источников                                                             49

Приложение (Справочно-иллюстративный материал)                                 50-60





В последнее время все большее количество получающих профессиональное образование осознает значимую роль английского языка как языка международного общения, в том числе, общения инженерно-технических работников.

Знания английского языка становятся обязательным или желательным фактором в предстоящей профессиональной деятельности молодых специалистов.

Именно для формирования языковой компетентности специалиста было разработано данное учебное пособие.     Содержание разнообразных форм работы, включенных в сборник практических и самостоятельных работ, их выполнение предполагает освоение студентами определенного объема понятий и терминов профессиональной лексики, а также совершенствование навыков чтения и понимания текста на английском языке.

Сборник включает:

- тексты из учебной специальной литературы, посвященные теме “Plumbing. Устройство инженерных коммуникаций ”;

- задания, способствующие усвоению и запоминанию терминов и понятий профессиональной лексики;

- упражнения для развития навыков чтения, говорения, понимания устной и письменной иностранной речи;

- задания по усвоению грамматических явлений, характерных для текстов профессиональной тематики.

Приветствуется самостоятельная работа студентов в сети Интернет с целью поиска технической информации на англоязычных сайтах, общения со сверстниками из других стран и т.п.

Итоговой проверкой уровня овладения английским языком является экзамен на 3-ем курсе.

             Сборник предназначен для самостоятельной работы студентов 3 курса специальности «Монтаж и эксплуатация внутренних, сантехнических устройств, кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляции», но будет полезен и выпускникам.




Практическая работа № 1

1.     Read and translate the micro text

Safety Equipment

Workplace Safety Guidelines

      Wear a hard hat and steel-toed boots at all times on a construction site. There are NO exceptions.

       Always wear safety glasses or goggles when operating saws or similar machinery.

   Use a face shield when welding. The sparks can cause burns or blindness.

    Use earplugs when operating loud machines.

    Wear leather gloves or grip gloves when working with heavy or rough items.

    Wear kneepads when kneeling. Long periods of kneeling cause pain or injury.

    Use a dust mask when working with toxic materials.

    Keep the site first aid kit fully stocked.


2.     Answer the questions

a)    What are some different kinds of safety equipment?

b)    Why do companies insist that plumbers use safety equipment?

c)     What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)     Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e)      Read the nouns in plural.


3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1 - All employees on construction sites wear hard hats.

2 – Leather gloves should be worn when working with toxic materials.

3 – Workers must have individual first aid kits.

4.     Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)


            1- safety glasses                       3 – earplugs    5 – hard hat

                      2– first aid kit                           4 – grip gloves

                   A supplies used to give medical assistance to an injured person

                   B protective clothing worn over the hands with special surfaces for           grasping objects

                   C thick lenses worn over the eyes to protect them from flying objects

                   D devices worn to protect the user from very loud noises

                   E a thick covering designed to protect the user’s head from falling        objects

5.     Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     face shield / steel-toed boots

     A  Be sure to wear ____________ to protect your feet.

     B The welder wore a _____________ to guard against flying sparks.

2.     Goggles / leather gloves

A  You should really guard your eyes with  __________ before you use the electric saw.

B I always wear a pair of ___________ to protect my hands.

3.     kneepads / dust masks

A The men wore ___________ during the building demolition to avoid breathing in dust.

B Plumbers often wear ______________ because they have to kneel for long periods.

6.     Fill out the safety incident report.

Safety Incident Report

Worker name: ___________________________________

Safety Violation __________________________________



Did an injury result? ______________________________

Supervisor Name:  ________________________________

Action Taken: ____________________________________


7.     Translate the following words:

safety glasses, earplugs, hard hat, first aid kit, grip gloves, goggles, leather gloves, face shield, steel-toed boots, kneepads, dust masks


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Safety Equipment”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.





                                       Практическая работа № 2

1.     Read and translate the micro text

Plumbing on Your Own

      Congratulations! You’re doing your own plumbing. It’s hard work, but you save money. But before you tackle any job, you want the right tools. Plumbing jobs need wrenches. That’s why you should have: a pipe wrench or smooth jaw pipe wrench, a basin wrench, a torch wrench, an adjustable wrench. And every job requires a good set of pliers. Be prepared with sets of: angled jaw pliers, combination pliers, locking pliers, needle nose pliers. Of course, those are just the basics. Specific jobs, like installing water heaters, require more specialized tools.

2.     Answer the questions:

a)    What tools help plumbers work with pipes?

b)    What tools help plumbers work with small items?

c)     What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)     Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e)     Give an example of a sentence with a modal verb. Analyze it.


3.      Read  the micro text again and then, choose the correct answers

1.     What is the main idea of the text?

A the types of tools needed for plumbing

B why professional plumbers need new tools

C a comparison of pliers and wrenches

D how some tools can be used for different jobs

2.     Which of the following is not recommended for use on all jobs?

A pipe wrench                                C needle nose pliers

B crimping tool                              D adjustable wrench

3.     What can you infer about installing a water heater?

A It requires special training.

B It involves multiple sets of pliers.

C It uses tools not listed in the text.

D It requires the purchase of expensive tools.

4.     Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H)

1 – pipe wrench                          5 – basin wrench

2-  tubing cutter                          6 – torch wrench

3 – adjustable wrench                 7 – crimping tool

4 – combination pliers                8 – locking pliers

A a tool consisting of two prongs that can grip or cut

B a tool consisting of two prongs that can be locked in position

C a tool with a jaw that opens to fit different pipe sizes

D a tool that applies specific force to a nut

E a tool that removes sink fasteners

F a tool that makes straight incisions

G a tool that joins wire to cables

H a tool with a sliding tooth that can fit different size nuts and bolts


5.     Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     angled jaw pliers / copper flaring tool

A The _____________ are best for bending small, precise parts.

B The _____________ can only expand tubes, not make them smaller.

2.     needle nose pliers / smooth jaw pipe wrenches

A Use __________  so that the chrome isn’t scratched.

B The __________ allow you to grip small objects.


6.     Translate the following words:

needle nose pliers, smooth jaw pipe wrenches, angled jaw pliers, copper flaring tool, pipe wrench, basin wrench, tubing cutter,                  torch wrench, adjustable wrench, crimping tool, combination pliers,              locking pliers


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Plumbing on Your Own”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


                                       Практическая работа №  3

1.     Read and translate the micro text

Power Tools

      You have a tough job. You need the best tools available. Our selection includes something for every situation. Need to break through tough cement? Try our Model 1702C jackhammer.

       Check out our new right angle drill. It’s perfect for drilling in a tight space. It’s a great combination with our Model 433X pistol drill and P38 hammer drill. Don’t forget to stock up on drill bits. This month, they are on sale!

         We also have a fine selection of standard tools. Grab a saber saw, reciprocating saw or circular saw today!

          We also have a special offer for this month. You can buy an air compressor or a grinder for 10% off the regular price.

2.     Answer the questions:

a)    What are some types of power tools?

b)    What are of power tools are the most dangerous?

c)      What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)    Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e)     Read a sentence in the Imperative Mood.


3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1 – A saber saw is recommended for breaking through concrete.

2 – The pistol drill is on sale.

3        -  The air compressors and grinders are sold as a package.


4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1 – air compressor                   4 – saber saw

2 – jackhammer                       5 – drill bit

3 – hammer drill                      6 – reciprocating saw

A a long, thin metal piece at the front of a drill

B a rotary drill that uses a hammer thrust action

C a device that takes in air and delivers it at a higher pressure

D a saw that uses a push and pull reciprocation motion of the blade

E a type of saw that is especially useful for tight spaces

F a drill that is used to drill rock and break up pavement


5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

             Word bank: circular saw, grinder, right angle drill, pistol drill

1.     A _____________ keeps tools sharp.

2.     A _____________ is a toothed blade.

3.     Use the ________________ in corners or tight spaces.

4.     A _____________ is not bent at the tip.



6.     Fill out the catalogue order form.

Catalogue Order Form

Store: Hardware Supplier Inc.


Customer name:___________________________

Tool(s) ordered:___________________________




7.     Translate the following words:

circular saw, grinder, right angle drill, pistol drill, air compressor                   saber  saw, jackhammer,                                                                                   drill bit, hammer drill, reciprocating saw


                  1. Learn the new words by heart.

                  2. Make up a dialogue on the theme “Power Tools.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.



Практическая работа № 4

1.     Read and translate the text

Bob’s Hardware

        Bob’s Hardware has tools for every job. We have BuildCo nut drivers, Phillips screwdrivers, and slotted screwdrivers. We also have sets with all three types!

We carry ball peen and claw hammers of all shapes and sizes. Do you need to make sure something is straight? Our selection of  levels and plump bobs will do the trick.

If you’re cutting, we have what you need. From utility knives to hacksaws, all cutting tools are half-price. That includes all wallboard saws and plastic pipe saws. But grab a tape measure and chalk box first. Measure twice, cut once! And stay organized with our tool boxes.

2.     Answer the questions:

a)    What are common hand tools?

b)    Why should plumbers bring all of their tools to a job?

c)     What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)    Find the Present Simple in the sentences in the text. Read them and analyze the verbs.

              e) Find the Genitive case. Give an example.


3.     Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H)

1 - Phillips screwdriver                        5- wallboard saw

2- slotted screwdriver                           6-  claw hammer

3- ball peen hammer                             7- hacksaw

4- plastic pipe saw                                8 – nut driver


A  a tool that turns screws with one long slot

B  a tool with a thick head used to shape metal

C  a tool with a socket used to turn nuts and bolts

D a tool with a blade used to cut metal

E  a tool with a blade used for cutting pipe made of plastic

F a tool used to drive or remove nails

G a tool used to turn screws with two slots that meet at a right angle

H a tool with a blade used for cutting sections of a wall


4.     According to the text you have read in the first task, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1 – Some nut drivers and screwdrivers are sold together.

2 – The store has several types of ball peen hammers.

3- Tape measures and chalk boxes are on sale.


5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

Word bank: tool box, chalk box, level, tape measure, utility knife, plumb bob

1.     Use a(n) __________ to mark lines on the floor.

2.     Get a(n) __________ to see if this picture is hanging straight.

3.     The ___________ shows inches and centimeters.

4.     Store all tools in a(n) ____________.

5.     The ____________ hung from a string is used to determine a vertical line.

6.     Cut the rope with this _____________.


6.     Translate the following words:


Tool box, chalk box, level, tape measure, utility knife, plumb bob, Phillips screwdriver, wallboard saw, slotted screwdriver,  claw hammer, ball peen hammer, hacksaw, plastic pipe saw, nut driver


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Bob’s Hardware”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.



Практическая работа № 5


1.     Read and translate the micro text

Measurements and Sizing

      Aplumb is proud to serve clients around the world. We know that not all customers use the same measurements. For our North American clients, we provide imperial measurements. All pipe sizes are listed in inches. Weight measurements appear in pounds.

     For clients outside North America, we also provide metric measurements. Pipe sizes are listed in millimeters. Weight measurements appear in kilograms.

      Each region has it’s own page. Just click the link for the measurements you need. To convert measurements between systems, use our conversation calculators. Click ‘Conversions’. You can convert inches to centimeters in an instant.


2.     Answer the questions:

a)    What are the two major measurement systems? Where are they used?

b)    What are some common measures in two systems?

c)     What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)    Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e)     Say the sentences with the verb “to be”. Say its Tense, Person and Number.


3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1        – PSI is used in the metric system.

2        – Kilograms are provided with the imperial product listings.

3        – Aplumb lists two types of pressure measurements for each product.


4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1 – pound                                  4 - centimeter

2 – inch                                      5  - kilogram

3 – conversion                           6 – millimeter

a metric measure of distance equal to 1/100 of a meter

B the act of changing a measurement from one system to another

C an imperial measure of distance

D a metric measure of distance equal to 1/1000 of a meter

E a metric measure of weight

F an imperial measure of weight

5.     Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     imperial / metric

A The _________ system uses pounds, not kilograms.

B An inch is not a(n) ____________ measurement.

2.     Psi / kPa

A Metric pressure is measured in _____________.

B Imperial pressure is measured in ___________.


6.     Translate the following words:

pound, centimeter, inch, kilogram, conversion, millimeter, imperial,    metric, Psi , kPa


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

                   2. Make up a dialogue on the theme “Measurements and Sizing”.

      3. Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

      4. Be ready for the word-dictation.

Практическая работа №  6

1.     Read and translate the email

TO: g.hanson@ilmplumbing.com

FROM: h. breen@ilmpumbing.com

SUBJECT: Tomorrow’s kitchen sink installation


Hi Gina,


Here are the details for tomorrow’s installation. The sink has a width of two feet. The height of the counter is four feet. The sink has a depth of one foot. The owner wants a side spray with flexible hose. The hose should be two feet in length. Before you install the sink, check the thickness of the counter. It needs enough strength to hold the sink’s weight.


Also, now the owner wants PVC pipes under  the sink, not aluminum. They’re less rigid, but they have good durability. Please note these changes in your work order.


Harold Breen,

Manager, ILM Plumbing


2.     Answer the questions:

a)    What are some ways to describe how wide, tall, and long something is?

b)    What are some strong materials?

c)     What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)    Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e)     Read all the verbs and say whether they are regular or irregular.



3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1        The sink has a larger width than depth.

              2 – The plumber must check the thickness of the hose.

 3– The customer requested more rigid pipes.

4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1 – rigid                              4 - durability

2 – flexible                          5 - thickness

3 – strength                         6 – weight

A  the measure of how heavy something is

B not bending easily

C the ability to be used without being damaged

D the distance between two surfaces

E the ability to withstand force

F able to bend easily

5.     Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     width / height

A A water heater with a _____________ of five feet is too tall for this room.

B If the ____________ of that doorway is less than four feet, this dishwasher will be too wide to fit.

2.     length / depth

A The __________ of this sink is too shallow; we need a deeper one.

B The __________ of this pipe is too short.

6.     Translate the following words:


rigid, durability, flexible, thickness, strength, weight, length, depth, width , height


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue based on the email

3. Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4. Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 7

1.     Read and translate the micro text

Preparing the Pipes

     First, measure the correct length of pipe. Choose where to cut the pipe and mark the spot. To slice the pipe, we recommend a pipe cutter.

      Slide the piece of pipe into the pipe cutter. Adjust the pipe cutter to fit the pipe. Then turn the wheels until the blade touches the pipe. Be sure that the pipe is straight. If the pipe tilts in the pipe cutter, it will not cut properly.

      To saw through the pipe, rotate the pipe cutter. Remove any rough edges inside the pipe. Measure the new pipe segment to ensure it is correct.

2.     Answer the questions:

a)    What are some tools that can be used to cut a pipe into two pieces?

b)    What are the steps a plumber should take when cutting a pipe with a pipe cutter?

c)     What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)    Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e)     Read all the verbs and say whether they are regular or irregular.


3.     Complete the chart according to the text


Pipe Preparation: Steps

Step 1

_______ and ________the pipe.

Step 2

_______the pipe into a pipe cutter.

Step 3

Be sure that the pipe does not ______ .

Step 4

______ the pipe cutter to ______ through the pipe.


4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1– measure                         4 - slide

         2– tilt                                 5 - cut

         3 – rotate                            6 – mark

A to place a sign on something

B to turn something over or around

C to determine the physical properties of an object

D to move something along a surface

E to separate or divide something with a blade or edge

F to lean in a direction

5.     Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     adjust / slice

A Turn the wheel to ___________ the wrench.

B Be careful with that knife or you’ll __________ your hand.

2.     saw / turn

             A ___________ through the pipe with this tool.

             B ___________ the screwdriver clockwise to tighten the screw.

6.     Translate the following verbs:

to measure, to slide, to tilt, to cut, to rotate, to mark


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Preparing the Pipes”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.

Практическая работа № 8

1.     Read and translate the email



DATE:          June 17

TO:                Roger Wilson

FROM:          Jerry Stein

SUBJECT:    Installing Fixtures


Hi Roger,

The house on the 10th Street needs some fixtures installed. Your crew should install them by tomorrow. There’s a toilet ready to go in the downstairs bathroom. The fixture company will deliver the sink and bathtub. They’ll also bring another toilet, bidet, and shower for the second floor. The family wants more than a water closet up there. They want a lavatory, as well.


Also, put a basin in the laundry. The company will deliver it today. Don’t forget to install the kitchen sink. And clear the kitchen countertop when you finish.





2.     Answer the questions:

a)    What are some common plumbing fixtures?

b)    Why is it important to know about different kinds of fixtures?

c)     What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d)    Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e)     Find in the text the sentences in the Future Simple. Read them.


3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1 – The plumbers should install the fixtures today.

2-  The family wants a lavatory in the upstairs bathroom.

2        The basin for the laundry is on a kitchen countertop.


4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1 – toilet                             4 – water closet

2 – laundry                         5 - basin

3 – bidet                             6  - lavatory

A a large sink

B a water -spraying tube attached to some toilets used for cleaning

C a room containing a toilet

D dirty clothing to be washed

E a bowl-like fixture in a bathroom in which people relieve themselves

F a room with one or more toilets and hand sinks for washing hands

5.     Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     countertop / shower

A The sink will rest on the ____________ .

B The bathroom will have a ___________, not a bathtub.

2.     sink / bathtub

A This ___________ holds thirty gallons of water.

B Install this __________ in the counter.

6.     Translate the following words:

            countertop, shower sink, bathtub, toilet, water closet, laundry,                                  basin, bidet, lavatory


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 9

1.     Read and translate the instruction manual

Installing Your New Drain

Step 1: Twist the nut that holds the old sink basket. Loosen and release it.

Step 2: Grasp the old sink basket. Pull and remove it from the sink space.

Step 3: Clean the sink space thoroughly. Remove all dirt and grime.

Step 4: Insert the new sink basket. Drive it firmly into the space.

Step 5: Hold the basket in place. Turn the nut to tighten it.

Step 6: Adjust the drain extension to match the basin of the sink. Put the washers on the side.

Step 7: Push the P-trap into the sink. Check that the washer points downward.

2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are some actions that plumbers take at work?

b) What are some steps to replacing a drain?

c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

             d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

             e) Read the sentences in the Imperative Mood


3.     Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G)

1 – twist                                     5 - push

2 – loosen                                   6 - drive

3        turn                                     7 - check

4        tighten

A to constrict something and fix it in place

B to exert force on something in a direction away from oneself

C to cause something to move by force or compulsion

D to turn or rotate something in a winding direction

E to relax something and cause it to be less restrained

F to rotate or move something in one direction

G to look at something to be sure of its status


4.     Choose the correct answers of the instruction manual you’ve read in the first task

1.     What is the purpose of the manual?

A to list the steps of drain repair

B to explain how to replace a drain

C to compare installation methods

D to describe ways of cleaning a drain

2.     Which of the following actions is completed first?

A loosing the nut

B connecting the P - trap

C cleaning the sink space

D inserting the sink basket

3.     What is true of the drain, according to the manual?

A The nut must be replaced.

B The old basket must be cleaned.

C The P – trap must be tightened.

D The washers must point downward.


5.     Write the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

1.     Hold on to the drill firmly.  _r_ _ _

2.     To open the door, bring it towards you. _ _ l _

3.     Put in a new screw into the wall. _ _ s _ r _

4.     Take out the damaged drain. _ e _ _ v _


6.     Translate the following words:

twist, push, loosen, drive, turn, check, tighten


 1. Learn the new words by heart.

 2. Make up a dialogue on the theme “Installing Your New Drain”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.

Практическая работа №  10

1.     Read and translate the plumbing supply catalogue  

Plumbing Supplies Unlimited

Top Sellers


The X15 Jet Toilet is our top model. It is made of porcelain. The seat and flush lever are plastic.


Our stainless steel sink features a double-bowl design. Stainless steel is scratch and rust-resistant for long-lasting quality. This model comes with a heavy-duty chrome-plated faucet and a pullout spout.


This classic style bathtub is made of cast iron with brass feet. It includes rubber pads to prevent slipping.


We also offer hundreds of steel or copper pipe fittings. See our fittings. See our fittings section for sizing information.


2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are some materials that plumbers work with?

b) What materials are strongest? Which are the most flexible?

c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

             d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

             e) Find the adjectives in the text, read them, underline suffixes.


3.     Choose the correct answers reading a plumbing supply catalogue   (task 1)

1.     What is the purpose of the page?

A to place orders

B to advertise a sale

C to describe products

D to compare material strengths

2.     All the following contain metal except

A the toilet

B the sink

C the tub

D the fittings

3. What information is offered in plumbing supply catalogue?

A sink materials

B tub accessories

C fittings sizes

D toilet seat options

4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1 – copper                               4 - steel

2 – rubber                                5 - rust

3 – plastic                                6 – porcelain

A a substance that forms when metal oxidizes

a reddish-brown and soft metal

C a material that stretches easily

D a hard form of iron

E a hard ceramic material

F a material that can be molded into a rigid form

5.     Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     stainless steel / brass

A _____________ contains a lot of copper.

B _____________ will not rust.

2.     cast iron / chrome

A _____________ is used in pipes and cookware, but it is rarely visible.

B ______________ is applied in thin layers to make metals more attractive.

6.     Translate the following words:

stainless steel, brass,  cast iron, chrome, copper, steel, rubber,                             rust,  plastic , porcelain


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “the plumbing supply catalogue”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.

Практическая работа № 11

1.     Read and translate the hardware store’s poster about fittings

Brazen Hardware

Fittings Finder

Welcome to Brazen Hardware! If you need parts for a piping system, review our adapter and fitting guide.

To connect two pipes into a continuous pipe, use a coupling.

To connect pipes of different size, use a reducer fitting. A bushing is an example of a reducer.

To make a joint accessible in the future, install a union.

To create an offset in your system, use an elbow or a street.

Use a tee to connect a branch pipe to your main system.

Remember, female pipe ends, such as hubs, will only connect to male fittings or pipe ends. Such connections may be threaded or unthreaded.


2.     Answer the questions:

a) What fittings create a bend in a plumbing system?

b) How can you connect two pipes together?

c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

   d) Find in the text the sentences in Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

  e) Read the Infinitives.


3.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: coupling, union, elbow, male, tee, female, reducer, offset, threaded

1 A(n) ___________ male pipe-end screws into a hub.

2 To allow for access to a joint later on, use a(n) __________ for the joint.

3 Sue installed a(n) ______________ to create an offset.

4 To connect the two equal sized pipes, Tom used a(n) __________.

5 Connect the branch pipe to the main system with a _________.

6 A(n) ___________ pipe-end or fitting is needed to fit into the hub.

7 A(n) ___________ fitting is needed to fit onto the male pipe end.

8 Sam created a 45 degree ___________ in the water system using a street.

9 The plumber used a(n) ____________ fitting to connect two different sized pipes.


4.     Write the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

1.     Some pipe connections require joint connection pieces.

 _ _ t t _ _ g _

2.     A reducer fitting connects one pipe to another of different size.

_ _ s _ i _ g

3.     A ¼ inch offset fitting was used to make a bend in the piping system.

 _ _ r _ e _

4. A conversion item  was used to connect the pipe end to the rest of the system.    _  d _ p _ e _

5. This pipe end will not fit into that enlarged female pipe end.

_ h _

6.  The two pipes come together at this point of connection.

_ _ i n _

5.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1 – A bushing is used to create an offset.

2 – A branch pipe is connected with a tee.

3 – A hub is a type of female pipe-end.

6. Translate the following words:

                 coupling, union, elbow, male, tee, female, reducer, offset, threaded


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2. Make up a dialogue on the theme “Fittings Finder”.

3. Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 12

1.     Read and translate the article on hot water heater valves

Water Heater Tune Up

Don’t want to buy a new water heater? Use these maintenance tips to keep your old heater running.

Check the pressure-reducing valve. Open the lever. Let it snap closed. Listen for water gurgling out the drain. If no water drains, troubleshoot the relief valve.

Remove sediment. Close the stop or isolation valve. Close the stop or isolation valve. Place a bucket beneath the hose outlet and turn the hose bibb. Drain three gallons of water. This should remove any sediment.

Update old parts. Older hot water heaters often lack basic safety features. Make sure yours has a check valve to prevent backflow. If there is none, install a reduced-pressure zone (RPZ) device. Replace all gate valves with ball valves. For gas heaters, replace “wedge” style gas cocks with ball style.

Next month: Winterize with stop-and-waste valves.


2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are some of the common types of valves?

b) Why are valves replaced?

      c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

        d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

 e) Read the sentence with the comparative degree of  the adjective

3.     Choose the correct answers having read the article on hot water heater valves

1.     What is the main topic of the article?


A improvements in water heater valves

B ways to prevent damage to water heater valves

C how valve checks can keep old water heaters running

D signs that water heater valves should be replaced


2.     Which of the following is NOT recommended in the article?

A replacing “wedge style” gas cocks with ball style

B replacing ball valves with gate valves

C troubleshooting the relief valve

D draining water from the tank

                       3.  What should a person do if there is no check valve on a water  heater?

troubleshoot the relief valve

B drain three gallons of water

C replace ball valves

D install an RPZ

4.     Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H)

1 – hose bibb                                5 - backflow

2- gate valve                                 6 – relief valve

3- gas cock                                    7 – isolation valve

4- stop-and-waste valve                8 – pressure reducing valve

A an isolation valve that lifts or lowers a flat blockage in flow

B a valve that lowers the pressure of water that passes through it

C an isolation valve capable of draining the isolated part of the system

D contamination that re-enters a fluid system

E water distribution outlet valve with a threaded spout

F isolation valve used in a gas distribution system

G valve for separating portions of system

H valve that allows excess pressure to escape from a system


5.      Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1.     check valve / reduced-pressure zone device

A A ________ uses a single valve to allow water to travel in only one direction.

B A _________ prevents backflow by altering water pressure.

2.     hose outlet / stop

A To keep water from entering this part of the system close the __________.

B Before you drain the tank, place a bucket under the _________.

6.      Translate the following words:

hose bibb, backflow, gate valve, relief valve, gas cock,                                    isolation valve, stop-and-waste valve, pressure reducing valve, check valve, reduced-pressure zone device, hose outlet, stop


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the themeWater Heater Tune”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 13

1.     Read and translate the micro text


New Product Listing: Complete Bathroom Fixture Set $ 300

        This fixture set will provide many years of quality service. The lavatory  faucet gives a refreshing cleanse with each use. The combination tub and shower faucet installs easily. The chrome bathtub faucet gives an even stream of water. The detachable shower faucet has a flexible chrome handle. An easy-to-turn diverter switches between faucets quickly and efficiently. This means less water washed and lower water bills. The shower spout has a multiple-setting swivel aerator.

         Take care when installing this fixture set. The bathtub faucet and tub should have a 30-centimeter air gap.

           To order  this product, please call or complete an order form.

2.      Answer the questions:

a) What are some common types of faucet?

b) Why should a plumber know about different kinds of faucets?              c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

             d) Find in the text the sentence in the Future Simple. Read it and analyze the verbs.


3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the product description about a fixture set (task 1)

1 – The bathtub and shower faucets are separate units.

2 – The shower faucet can be adjusted to different settings.

3 -  There must be at least thirty inches between the bathtub and shower  faucet.

4.     Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1 – diverter                        3 aerator

2 – air gap                          4 spout

5 – handle

an attachment to something that can be gripped

B a fixture which directs the flow of water to and from the bathtub faucet and the shower faucet

C the opening of a pipe from which water is released

D part of a faucet which controls how water sprays out of the faucet

E a vertical space below a water spout which stops used water from flowing into the same spout

5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: bathtub faucet, shower faucet, tub and shower faucet, lavatory faucet

1 A __________ should be installed about five feet high.

2 I installed a combination __________ in my bathroom.

3 A __________ is only designed for hand washing.

4 A good ___________ can fill a tub in a few minutes.

6.     Translate the following words:

bathtub faucet, shower faucet, tub and shower faucet, lavatory faucet, diverter, aerator, air gap, spout, handle


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Faucets”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 14

1.      Read and translate the text

Clog Removal

     Some plumbing problems require the tools and know-how of a plumbing expert. Others simply require a determined homeowner and some basic equipment. Some of the most common of these plumbing issues are clogs.

        The first way to clear a clogged drainpipe is to try using a plunger. Place the rubber cup over the sink or toilet drain to create a watertight seal. Then firmly push the plunger up and down. This will force water through the system and hopefully send the blockage on its way.

         If the clog cannot be removed with a plunger, an auger may be needed. A closet auger has a relatively short flexible cable and a corkscrew tip. This will be sufficient for pulling out clogs in the first few feet of a drain system. If the clog is further back, you might need a cable auger. Also called a plumber’s snake, this tool has a long flexible cable that can extend far back into drain system. It will also have a cranking mechanism to extend and retract the cable.

     Note: To avoid damaging pipes, an electric power auger is not is not recommended on lighter plumbing systems.


2.      Answer the questions:

a) What is a plunger?

b) What are the tools for clearing clogged drains?

               c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

             d) Find in the text the sentences in the Future Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.


3.     Choose the correct answers having read the text “Clog Removal”

1.     What is the purpose of the chapter?

A to advertise clog removal tools

B to describe common causes of clogged drains

C to warn of the damage clogs can cause

D to explain how to clear a clogged drain

2.     Which of the following should NOT be used on lighter pipes?

A plumber’s snake

B cable auger

C electric power auger

D closet auger

                            3.  What tools makes a watertight seal to push blockage through a pipe?

A plumber’s snake

B closet auger

C electric power auger

D plunger

4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1 – blockage                      4 – closet auger

2 – clear                             5 – cable auger

3 – crank                           6 – electric power auger

A a clog removal tool with a J-shaped handle

B a clog removal tool with a long coiled cable and cranking mechanism

C to turn something in order to work its moving parts

D a clog removal tool that turns on electricity

E obstructive material in a piping system

F to remove obstructions from a pipe

5.      Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1 plumber’s snake / clog

A Sue removed the ____________ using a plunger.

B This ____________ has a thirty foot cable.

2  plunger / drainpipe

A The rubber cup of the ___________ is red.

B The plastic ball became lodged in the ____________.


6.     Translate the following words:

blockage, closet auger, clear, cable auger, crank,                           electric power auger, plumber’s snake, clog, plunger ,drainpipe


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Clog Removal”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 15

1.     Read and translate the text

Pipe Repair

        Pipes make up the backbone of your home’s plumbing structure.  Without proper maintenance of pipes, your entire plumbing system could collapse.

         The key to maintaining healthy pipes is catching problems early. A pinhole may seem minor, but it could quickly lead to a massive leak. These holes must be patched right away. Pinch a pipe repair clamp around the hole, and check surrounding parts for other signs of corrosion. Always ensure the area is clean and dry before applying a clamp.

          For large holes or split pipes, you may need to cut the affected area and slice a new piece into the gap. Make sure you smooth any burrs around pipe edges with sandpaper after cutting. Then secure the replacement piece with ferrules. Take care to leave adequate overlap between the new piece and existing pipe.

         Some types of pipe, such as braided-stainless-steel hoses, can be difficult to patch. Fortunately, these connections are often short, so the whole pipe is easily replaced.

         And remember, always turn off the water supply before performing any pipe repairs. Otherwise, your small leak could turn into a massive flood.

2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are some different types of leaks that form in pipes?

b) Which repair methods are best for different types of leaks?

     c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

   d) Find in the text the sentences in Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

    e) Find the Genitive case. Give an example.


3.     Complete the table using information from the text






Split pipe


Difficult-to-patch pipe




4.     Write the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

             1 The plumber attached a metal ring that secures pipe ends to the replacement piece. _ _ r r _ _ e

            2 You must tightly press the clamp to the damaged pipe before securing it. _ _ n c _

            3 Use paper with rough side to smooth the pipe’s edges.

     s_ _ d _ _ p _ _

4 A cracked or broken pipe can cause serious plumbing problems.               _ p l _ _

                   5 Gradual, chemical weakening of the pipe caused it to leak.                      _ o r _ _ _  I o _

5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: braided-stainless-steel, pipe repair clamp, burr, pinhole, splice, overlap

1 The major leak started as a tiny ______________.

2 Remember to ______________ in a new piece when the pipe has a large crack or hole.

3 If the ______________ is too small, the pipe joint might leak.


4 Cutting the pipe formed a(n) ______________ along the edge.

           5  If the hole is small, fix it with a(n) ______________ .

           6 The sink faucet is attached to a flexible _____________.

6.      Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the text “Pipe Repair”

1        The pipe has a pinhole leak.

2        The woman suggests a pipe repair clamp.

3        The plumbers will remove part of the pipe.

4  Pipes make up the backbone of your home’s plumbing structure. 


             7.Translate the following words:

braided-stainless-steel, pipe repair clamp, burr, pinhole, splice, overlap, ferrules, a leak, split pipe


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Pipe Repair”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 16

1.     Read and translate the email “Site Communication”


TO:                          Employees of Atchison Plumbing

FROM:                    Stephen Atchison, Owner

DATE:                     October 18

SUBJECT:               Communication Issues


Hank Milton is the owner of Milton Homes. Mr. Milton is one of our biggest clients. Yesterday I received an email from him. Some of the fixtures in the Paradise Subdivision were not installed correctly. Apparently, there was confusion about the instructions on the rough-in sheet.


In these cases, employees should consult their on-site supervisor. This will allow you to confirm the correct way to do things. The employees on the job site were not carrying their smart phones. As a result, they were unable to call each other. The posted company policy states employees are to carry their phones while working. The company provides phones and two-way radios to all employees.

These allow you to contact me and each other while on the job. From now on, please be sure to carry your phones and radios.

Milton Homes received building permits for another subdivision. We will get the work orders for the plumbing. Let’s do it right this time.

2.     Answer the questions:

a) Why is it important for employees to be able to communicate with each other on job sites?

b) What are some methods they use to communicate on job sites?

          c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

          d) Find an example of the Possessive Case of a noun. Read it.


3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the email “Site Communication”

1 – The email contains a new rough-in-sheet.

2 – Some plumbing company employees violated company policy.

3 – The client no longer wants to use the plumbing company.

4.     Write the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

1 – The written authorization to do a job came in two days ago.

_ _ r _   o _ d _ _

2 – The store displayed a notice that it was closing at noon.                   _ o _ t _ _

3 – The electronic message was sent to everyone in the company.

_ m _ _ l

4 – The plumber made sure the client wanted the pipes replaced.

_ _ n _ _ r _ _ d

5 The man communicated with the company about any job openings. c _ _ t _ _ t_ _

4        Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: two-way radio, rough-in sheet, consult, building permit, carry, smart phone

1 – The ____________ said to hook up the washing machine last.

2 – She looked up the directions to the job site on her _______ .

3 – The city issued a _____________ for a house on the empty lot.

4 – The employee must _____________ her boss about how to solve the problem.

5 – Plumbers use ____________ to communicate with each other.

6 – Please ____________ these pipes to the upstairs bathroom.

5        Translate the following words:

two-way radio, rough-in sheet, consult, building permit, carry, smart phone


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Site Communication”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 17

1.     Read and translate the text

Drainage, Waste, and Vent Installation: Venting

           Proper venting of every fixture is an essential part of any DWV system. There are several different kinds of vents. Plumbers must be familiar with each type when installing a DWV system.

           First, an individual vent serves a single fixture trap and connects to other vents or open air. Two of these vents can connect together to form a branch vent, which is a vent for a horizontal branch. Individual drains are connected to a horizontal branch by a fixture branch.

            Next, large bathroom areas in commercial buildings may use circuit vents, which can serve up to eight fixture traps. Relief vents must be installed with a circuit vent to circulate air between the drainage and venting system. Last, a loop vent is a special circuit vent located on the top floor of a building.

           Two special kinds of venting systems usually require approval before installation. First, wet venting uses a single vent for more than one fixture. These are often used in household bathrooms. Second, island venting can be used for fixtures that are not next to a wall, such as some kitchen sinks.

          Before a DWV system can be installed, piping must be properly sized. Sizing calculations use drainage fixture units, which measure the number of liters of water per second that flow from a fixture into a drainage system.

2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are some segments of a drainage, waste, and vent system inside a building?

b) What are some different types of vents?

     c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

   d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

   e) Find in the text the sentences with the modal verbs. Read them.


3.      Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the textbook passage “Drainage, Waste, and Vent Installation: Venting”

1 – Two individual vents connect in a branch vent.

2 – Circuit vents do not require relief vents.

3 – Island venting is usually found in bathrooms.

4.     Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1 – individual vent                           4 – loop vent

2 – horizontal branch                       5 – branch vent

3 – relief vent                                   6 – circuit vent

A a vent that ends by connecting to a stack vent instead of a vent stack

B a vent that connects to between two and eight fixture traps

C a pipe that connects two or more fixture drains to the main portion of a system

D a vent that connects a fixture trap to another vent or ends in open air

E a vent that connects one or more individual vents with a stack

F a pipe that circulates air between a drainage and a vent system

5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: venting, island venting, drainage fixture unit, fixture branch

1 You will need to use _____________ to reach the sink in the middle of the room.

2 Be sure to know the correct ___________ measurement for that fixture.

3 You can use a single ____________ system for all the fixtures in the room.

4 You need to install a(n) ____________ to connect those drains to the system.

6.     Translate the following words and phrases

individual vent, loop vent, horizontal branch, branch vent, relief vent,                                  circuit vent, venting, island venting, drainage fixture unit, fixture branch


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Drainage, Waste, and Vent Installation: Venting”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 18

1.     Read and translate the text

Fire-suppression systems

Safety-First Fire Solutions

Fire Suppression to Ensure Your Safety

        Safety-First offers several options that guarantee an effective fire prevention system for your home or business. Complete fire-suppression systems protect property and employees. Smaller devices, such as smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, ensure safety at home.

        If you want to install a fire sprinkler system, you need to be aware of your options. Which system is right to you?

        Our wet pipe systems are our top seller. They are reliable and operate simply. A heat-sensitive element, such as a glass bulb or fusible alloy, triggers the system at an appropriate activation temperature.

        If you’re in a cold environment, consider our dry pipe systems. They do not hold water inside pipes until the system is activated. These are appropriate when cold temperatures may cause water to freeze.

        Offering the most complete protection, a deluge system provides a rapid application of water over a wide area. It can be triggered by a smoke and heat alarm system or by hand.

        If you have hazardous materials in your business, a foam water sprinkler system is ideal. It emits a foam and water mixture from sprinklers. This mixture is effective in extinguishing flammable liquids and other high-challenge fires. They can operate according to any of the above methods.

2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are the parts of fire-suppression system?

b) Which methods of fire-suppression do you think is most effective?

          c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

         d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.


3. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the text “Fire-suppression systems”

1 – Homeowners can buy fire extinguishers from the company.

2 -  A dry pipe system is not suitable for cold environments.

3 – A foam water sprinkler system has only one method of activation.

4. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1 – wet pipe system                                        4 – dry pipe system

2 – fire-suppression system                            5 – deluge system

3 – foam water sprinkler system

A a system that applies water and foam to put out tough fires

B a system where water is not present in the pipes before activation

C a system that uses sprinklers, chemicals, or gases to stop fires

D a system with water inside pipes released when the temperature gets high enough

E a system in which all sprinklers open at the same time


5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: activation temperature, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, trigger, fusible alloy, heat, active fire prevention

1 The company installed a new _____________ system including sprinklers and smoke alarms.

2 The _____________ melted when the temperature rose, setting off the sprinkler system.

3 Will a high temperature or smoke _____________ this sprinkler system?

4 The ____________ of this system was set too high to detect the small fire.

5 During a fire, the smoke can be more dangerous than the __________.

6 The ____________ activated when I started a fire on the stove.

7 Every building should have a(n) ____________ that is easy to reach during a fire.

6.        Translate the following words and phrases:

activation temperature, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, trigger, fusible alloy, heat, active fire prevention,  wet pipe system,                         dry pipe system, fire-suppression system, deluge system, foam water sprinkler system


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Fire-suppression systems”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 19

1.     Read and translate the email from a plumbing company owner to his employees

Water Service Installation


TO:                          All Employees

FROM:                    tom@gainesplumbingco.com

SUBJECT:               New project / division of tasks


To All Employees:


I am pleased to announce that our company has won the contract to provide water service to the new university business school building. This is a major project that presents a great opportunity for our company. We will be digging the trench, laying the required pipes, and connecting the pipes to the interior plumbing.


We will need hard work from all employees to make this project a success. Duties will be as follows:


Kurt Wilcox’s team will dig the trench and place backfill upon completion. Sue Harmon will be responsible for trench safety. This team must ensure an appropriate burial-depth at all locations.

Chris Simmons’ team will lay the water service pipe and connect it to the water main.

         You will need to connect the water utility to arrange a time for                            the    connection.

          Diana Staley’s team will connect the pipe into the building’s plumbing. The building contractor has already carved a sleeve for the pipe to fit through. This team will contract the water utility for the appropriate water meter to install. They should also provide a precise trickle indicator. Last, the team should check to make sure both the incoming and outgoing connections are working properly.

With your help I know this project will be successful.


Tom Gaines

2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are some parts of a water service?

b) How are water pipes connected in your country?

c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d) Find in the text the sentences in the Future Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.


3. Choose the correct answers having read the email from a plumbing company owner to his employees

1 What is the main purpose of the email?

     A to explain how to install a water service pipe

     B to explain where the new job is located

     C to assign duties for a large new job

     D to correct employee’s mistakes on a previous job

2 Which of the following will NOT involve the water utility?

   A getting a water meter

   B obtaining a trickle indicator

  C checking the incoming and outgoing connections

  D finding time to connect pipe to the water main

3 What has the building contractor already done?

     A joined the pipe to interior plumbing

    B installed a sleeve in the building’s foundation

   C contacted the water utility

   D found a good trickle indicator

4. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1- trench safety                           4 - backfill

2 – burial-depth                           5 - sleeve

3 – water service

A steps workers take to protect themselves while in a ditch

B a passage in a wall through which a pipe can be placed

C loose soil placed into a dug-out area

D how deep underground a pipe is placed

E piping outside a building that connects a water source to piping inside a building


5. Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1 incoming / outgoing

A The ____________ connection must not be working because water is collecting inside.

B Please check the ____________ connection, because there is no water in the house.

2 trickle indicator / water meter

A No water is running, but the _____________ shows that there is a leak.

B According to the ______________ , you used much more water this month than last.

3 water main / water service pipe

A We called an expert plumber to lay a _____________ into our new house.

B There was a break in the _____________ that shut off water to several houses.

6. Translate the following words and phrases:

trench safety, backfill, burial-depth, sleeve, water service, incoming ,outgoing, trickle indicator, water meter, water main, water service pipe



1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Water Service Installation”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.



Практическая работа №20

1.     Read and translate the text

Toilet Installation

You will need:

1 tank-to-bowl gasket

1 chrome-finish copper tube supply

1 set including: 2 ¼” closet bolts, flat washers, and hex nuts

1 tube of caulking

1 tubing cutter

2 adjustable wrenches

1 adjustable pliers

1 flat-head screwdriver

1 hacksaw

Installing Guides for a Two piece Toilet:

Step 1. Secure the tank and bowl using two non-corrosive bolts. Seal each tank bolt with a rubber gasket to create a watertight seal.

Step 2. Install the tank-to-bowl gasket over the threaded part of the flush valve. This prevents the water transferring from the tank to the bowl from leaking.

 Step 3. Cut the tank supply tubing to the correct length. Use it to connect the water supply and fill valve. Secure the tubing using the nut provided with the tank.

 Step 4. Install the closet flange to the drain pipe. Seal the connection with a wax seal.

 Step 5. Use two closet bolts to secure the toilet base to the closet flange.

 Step 6. If necessary, seal the base of the toilet to the floor using caulk.

For a One- Piece Toilet: Follow steps 3-6 as listed above.

2. Answer the questions:

a) What are some types of toilet?

b) What are some things used to install a toilet?

          c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

         d) Find in the text the sentences in the Imperative Mood. Read them and analyze the verbs.

3. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the text “Toilet Installation”

1- The tank-to- bowl gasket should be installed before gaskets on the tank bolts.

2 –  A tank supply tube provides water to the fill valve.

3 – A one-piece toilet does not need a tank-to-bowl gasket installed.


4. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G)

1-  closet flange                                            5- two-piece

2-  one-piece                                                6- closet bolt

3-  tank supply                                             7- non-corrosive

4- tank-to-bowl gasket

A a toilet that is sold in separate parts which the buyer must assemble

B made of material that will not easily wear away or erode

C a pipe fitting to which a toilet is bolted to mount it to the floor

D a foam-rubber gasket used to keep water that leaves the toilet tank from leaking out

E a fastener that secures a toilet to the floor

F a toilet that is sold as one solid object

G a chrome-finished, copper tubing that connects to a fill valve


5. Read the sentence pair.  Choose where the words best fit the blanks

1 rubber gasket / caulk

Apply ___________ around the base of the toilet to prevent leaks.

B This toilet is leaking; is it missing a ____________?

2 bowl / tank

A Waste exits through the bottom of the ____________.

B Take the lid off the ____________ so you can see the piping.

6. Translate the following words and phrases:

 rubber gasket, caulk bowl, tank, closet flange, two-piece, one-piece,                                             closet bolt,  tank supply, non-corrosive, tank-to-bowl gasket


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Toilet Installation”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 21

1.     Read and translate the text

Sink Installation

Dear Mr. Jensen,

Here is the estimate for the installation of a new kitchen and a new bathroom sink. Included in the estimate are the following:

·        The layout and assembly of  both sinks. This includes permanently securing the kitchen sink with fastening clips.

·        Costs for compression coupling connections, lavatory supplies, trap adapters, and slip joints for both sinks. The kitchen sink will need a continuous waste assembly. It also includes other installation materials such as adhesive latex caulk.

·        Costs for taking away and disposal of all trash resulting from this project.

                 The estimate does not include the cost of purchasing the new sinks for the kitchen and bathroom. The cost of sinks depends on whether you choose pre-molded, stainless steel or cast-iron sinks. We can help you choose the type of sink that best fits your needs.

This estimate does not include the cost of any additional labor. If excess labor beyond installation is needed, it will be added to the estimate.

Estimated price:       Kitchen Sink Installation        $230.00

                                 Bathroom Sink Installation     $115.00

                                 Total Price:                            $345.00

If you have any questions regarding the estimate, please call me at 555-2678.

Thank you,

Harriet Lancaster

Owner, Lancaster Plumbing


2.     Answer the questions:

a) What materials are sinks made from?

b) What are some things used to connect a sink?

                c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.


3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the text “Sink Installation”

1 – The estimate does not include fastening the kitchen sink.

2- The bathroom sink will not need a continuous waste assembly.

3- The cost of the installation will change with the type of sink installed.


4.    Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)

1-    pre-molded                               4- continuous waste

2-    trap adapter                               5 – lavatory supply

3-    slip joint                                    6 – fastening clip

A a tube that connects a water supply to a sink

B a connection between a p-trap and a rough-in stub out

C a fitting that connects a pipe to a p-trap

D a small, metal device that holds a sink in place

E a drain assembly connecting a two-bowl sink to a p-trap

F made standard size in a factory


5.     Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: stainless steel, excess, cast iron, compression, coupling, connection, adhesive, latex caulk

1 The plumber wiped away the _____________ pipe cement.

2 __________  is a good material for sinks because it does not rust.

3 James used ___________ to seal the kitchen sink tightly to the countertop.

4 The ___________ sink was molded into an oval shape.

5 A(n) ____________ is needed to hold the pipes together.

6.    Translate the following words and phrases

pre-molded, continuous waste, trap adapter, lavatory supply, slip joint,                                     fastening clip, stainless steel, excess, cast iron, compression, coupling, connection, adhesive, latex caulk


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Sink Installation”.

          3. Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

          4. Be ready for the word-dictation.

Практическая работа № 22

1.     Read and translate the text

Septic Systems

Let us help you with your sewage needs!

Are you in need of your own on-site sewage facility? If you live outside the city, the answer is most likely “yes”.  We’ve been in the septic system business for over twenty years. Here’s what we do:

·        Help you choose the right septic system for your needs.

·        Install your septic system so you can be sure it will work right.

How does a septic system work?

All the wastewater in your home flows a septic tank. The septic tank has two chambers. Wastewater flows into the first chamber. Here, solid waste settles on the bottom of  the chamber to form sediment. Scum floats to the top of the chamber.

Between the scum layer and the sediment layer is effluent. The effluent is piped into the second chamber. More wastewater enters the first chamber. The effluent in the second chamber is pushed out. The effluent is deposited either in a leach pit or leach field. There it will percolate into the soil.

Septic tanks should be cleaned or “pumped out” every two or three years. There is a hatch on the septic tank for this purpose.

2.     Answer the questions:

a) What are some parts of a septic system?

b) Is having a septic system better or worse than being connected to a main sewer line? Why do you think so?

c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs.

e) Find the pronouns in the text and read, translate them.

3.     Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the text “Septic Systems”

1 – The company installs septic systems.

2- Scum forms a sediment layer in a tank.

3- The effluent is absorbed into the ground.

4. Write the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

1The opening on the septic tank was stuck. _ _ t _ h

2 The city built a new solid and liquid waste treatment facility. _ _ w _ g _

3 The sand sank to the bottom of the bucket. s _ _ _ l _ _

4  Each section of the tank serves a function. _ _ _ m _ _ r

5 The soil in the leach pit filtered the treated wastewater. _ _ r _ _ l _ _ _ d


5. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank

 Word bank: septic system, effluent, leach field, sediment, septic tank, on-site sewage facility

1 The ____________ was pumped out last year.

2 The pipes release water from the septic tank into the ____________.

3 A septic system is one type of ____________.

4 The ___________ collects on the floor of a tank.

5 The septic tank releases the ______________.

6 A ____________ needs to be maintained to work properly.


6. Translate the following words and phrases:

septic system, effluent, leach field, sediment, septic tank, on-site sewage facility


1.     Learn the new words by heart.

2.     Make up a dialogue on the theme “Septic Systems”.

3.     Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

4.     Be ready for the word-dictation.


Практическая работа № 23

1.     Read and translate the text


   Welding is a process when metal parts are joined together by the application of heat, pressure, or a combination of both. The processes of welding can be divided into two main groups:

·        pressure welding, when the weld is achieved by pressure and

·        heat welding, when the weld is achieved by heat. Heat welding is the most common welding process used today.

              Heat welding is used instead of bolting and riveting in the construction of many types of structures, including bridges, buildings, and ships. It is also a basic process in the manufacture of machinery and in the motor and aircraft industries. It is necessary almost in all productions where metals are used.

            The welding process depends greatly on the properties of the metals, the purpose of their application and available equipment. Welding processes are classified according to the sources of  heat and pressure used.

            The welding processes widely employed today include gas welding, arc welding, and resistance welding. Other joining processes are laser welding, and electron-beam welding.

Gas Welding

         Gas welding is a non-pressure process using heat from a gas flame. The flame is applied directly to the metal edges to be joined and simultaneously to a filter metal in the form of wire or rod, called the welding rod, which is melted to the joint. Gas welding has the advantage of using equipment that is portable and does not require an electric power source. The surfaces to be welded and the welding rod are coated with flux, a fusible material that shields the material from air, which would result in a defective weld.

Arc Welding

          Arc Welding is the most important welding process for joining steels. It requires a continuous supply of either direct or alternating electrical current. This current is used to create an electric arc, which generates enough heat to melt metal and create a weld.

          Arc welding has several advantages over other methods. Arc welding is faster because the concentration of heat is high. Also, fluxes are not necessary in certain methods of arc welding. The most widely used arc-welding processes are shielded metal arc, gas-tungsten arc, gas-metal arc, and submerged arc.

Shielded Metal Arc

        In shielded metal-arc welding, a metallic electrode, which conducts electricity, is coated with flux and connected to a source of electric current. The metal to be welded is connected to the other end of the same source of current. An electric arc is formed by touching the tip of the electrode to the metal and then drawing it away. The intense heat of the arc melts both parts to be welded and the point of the metal electrode, which supplies filler metal for the weld. This process is used mainly for welding steels.            


2.     Answer the questions:

a) How can a process of welding be defined?

b) What are the two main groups of processes of welding?

c) How can we join metal parts together?

d) What is welding used for nowadays?

e) Where is welding necessary?

f) What do the welding processes of today include?

g) What are the principles of gas welding?

h) What kinds of welding can be used for joining steels?

i) What does arc welding require?

j) What is the difference between the arc welding and shield-metal welding?

3. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

Сварка давлением, тепловая сварка, болтовое (клепаное) соединение, процесс сварки, зависеть от свойств металлов, имеющееся оборудование, сварочный электрод, плавкий материал, дефектный сварной шов, непрерывная подача электрического тока, источник электрического тока.

1.     Match the English words (1-10) with their Russian equivalents (A-J)

1heat welding                                A флюкс

2 riveting                                       B плавкий

3 gas welding                                C лазерная сварка

4 arc welding                                 D сварка нагреванием

5        resistance welding                      E клепка

6 laser welding                               F электронно-лучевая сварка

7 pressure welding                         G электродуговая сварка

8 electron-beam welding                H контактная сварка

9        flux                                            I газосварка

10 fusible                                             J сварка давлением

5. Translate the following words and phrases:

to join, instead, basic, to depend, purpose, available, equipment, source, flame, edge, simultaneously, filler, wire, rod, to melt, joint, advantage, to require, surface, coated, to shield, touching, tip, bolting, to manufacture


1. Learn the new words by heart.

2. Make up a dialogue on the theme “Welding”.

4. Retell the text (10 -15 sentences).

5. Be ready for the word-dictation.























Список использованных источников

1.     Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для ссузов: учебное пособие. – М.: Проспект, 2012. – 288 с.

2.     Агабекян И.П., Коваленко И.П.  Английский для технических вузов. Серия «Высшее образование». - Ростов н / Д: Феникс, 2003. – 352 с.

3.     Колыхалова О.А., Махмурян К.С. Учитесь говорить по-английски: Фонетический практикум. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2003 – 232 с.

4.     Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский. – М.: Эксмо, 2008. – 880 с.

5.     Виржиния Эванс и др. Сантехника.- Экспресс  Паблишинг, 2012

Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Samuel  Wright. Plumbing. Book 1, Book 2, Book 3. – Express Publishing, 2012, 106 p.

6.     Хведченя Л.В., Хорень Р.В., Крюковская И.В. и др. Практическая грамматика современного английского языка / Под общ. ред. Хведчени Л.В. – Минск: Интерпрессервис; Книжный дом, 2010. – 688 с.

















Справочно-иллюстративный материал[1]























Устройство инженерных коммуникаций

Сборник практических и самостоятельных работ по английскому языку

Специальность 08.02.07 – Монтаж и эксплуатация внутренних, сантехнических устройств, кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляции

Учебное пособие



Сдано в набор 15.02.16

Подписано в печать 14.02.16

Формат 60х84/16

Бумага типографская №2

Гарнитура Таймс

Печать офсетная

Авт.(Уч.-изд.л.) 1,14

Тираж экз.

Заказ №


РИО ГПОУ «Читинский техникум отраслевых технологий и бизнеса»

672000, г.Чита, ул. Бабушкина, 66



[1] Справочно - иллюстративный материал подготовлен студентом Бурдиным С.,  спецальность  «Монтаж и эксплуатация внутренних, сантехнических устройств, кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляции»


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