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Подготовка и проведение контрольной работы по английскому языку (7 класс)

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Подготовка и проведение контрольной работы по английскому языку в 7 классе

(к учебнику Enjoy English, авторы М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева)

Тема: «School education (Unit 3)»

Подготовка к контрольной работе

1.                 Повторить текст о школьном образовании в Великобритании и США

In Great Britain there are different types of secondary schools. Most of them are state schools where education is free. But some parents choose to pay for private education. The education in private schools is of high quality, the discipline is very strict. In some British schools uniforms are worn by all the pupils, in others the children can wear what they want to. 

About 90 % of all children in the USA attend state schools where education is free. 43 million pupils go to state schools. 6 million pupils go to private schools. In private schools parents have to pay for their children's education. The relations between students and teachers in state schools are democratic and friendly. In American state schools students wear whatever they want. Students can choose the subjects they want to study. 

2.                 Повторить слова по теме: firm, self-confident, strict, enthusiastic, understanding, encouraging, forgiving, self-controlled, easy-going, attentive, indifferent, overstrict, neat, sloppy, helpful, tolerant, to learn, to study, compulsory, primary school, secondary school, private school, state school, education, to attend, different types, to choose, high quality, relations, to behave, behavior, punish, punishment, hear of, pay attention to, take care of, laugh at, look at, look after, make fun of, rely on, depend on, send for, speak about, talk about, think of, listen to, provide for, explain to, look for, pay for, be rich in, be proud of.

3.                 Повторить формы пассивного залога в настоящем, прошедшем, будущем времени

Present Simple Passive: am, is, are + V ed (правильные глаголы)/ III (неправильные глаголы). Временные указатели: every day, every week, every year, usually, sometimes, from time to time. Пример:  This book is read by the pupils every year.

Past Simple Passive: was / were + V ed (правильные глаголы)/ III (неправильные глаголы). Временные указатели: …ago, last summer, last week, last year, in 1998…Пример: This book was read  by the pupils last year.

Future Simple Passive: will be + V ed (правильные глаголы)/ III (неправильные глаголы). Временные указатели: next week, next year, next summer

Пример: This book will be read by the pupils next year.

Выберите правильную форму.

a.                  This café are visited / is visited by a lot of people every day.

b.                 She is taken / was taken to the concert by her brother yesterday.

c.                  The newspaper was published / will be published next year.

d.                 This article was written/ was wrote by the man 2 years ago.

e.                  The fruit frees was planted/ were planted 5 years ago.

f.                   The composition was written / is write without any mistakes last week.

g.                 Her report is discussed/ will be discussed tomorrow.

h.                 I am sure that she will be helped/ will help by them soon.

i.                   This lecturer is listened to/ listens to by the students with great interest.

j.                   These beautiful houses was built/ were built last year.

k.                 I am sure that coffee will be bring / will be brought soon.

l.                   She was asked / were asked to bring a glass of water.

4.                 Повторить модальные глаголы must (должен), mustnt (нельзя), should (следует), should not (не следует). Пример: The city museum is very interesting. You should visit it.

Поставьте в пропуски соответствующий глагол (must, mustnt, should, should not):

a.                  When you are driving, you ……….have a seat-belt.

b.                 It is too late. You ………..phone them.

c.                  They have a great party every weekend. You …………go there.

d.                 You …………..make marks on the book.

e.                  If you want to be a musician, you ……….practice the piano every day.

f.                   He is not skilled enough. He …………..do this work.

g.                 The man ………….ride a motorbike without a helmet. It is dangerous.

h.                 You ……………be more careful.

i.                   You ………….return the books to the library on time.


5.                 Повторить притяжательные местоимения в обычной форме (когда рядом стоит существительное) и в абсолютной форме (когда рядом существительного нет): mymine, youryours, his- his, herhers, itits, ourours, their - theirs. Пример: Whose dog is this? – It is my dog. It is mine.

a.                  She went to the concert with ………..brother.

b.                 John put …….left hand into …………pocket.

c.                  Whose umbrella is this? – It is …………. (I).

d.                 This house belongs to us. – It is …………(we).

a.                  Mr Jones put on …………coat.

b.                 Whose bikes are these? – These are ………… (they).

c.                  I'll put on ……… best dress.

d.                 Whose book is this? – This is ………….book.

e.                  They write new words in ………..notebooks.

f.                   These are our apples. – These are ………….(we) .

6.                 Повторить относительные местоимения: who («который» по отношению к человеку), which («который» по отношению к предметам и животным)

a.                  The people …….are sitting near the window are his neighbours.

b.                 The house ………you saw yesterday belongs to her old uncle.

c.                  She is the woman …………..husband is Greek.

d.                 The first man …………we saw on the platform was uncle Sam …….was smiling and waving us.

e.                  Mrs. Jackson, …….we met in the supermarket yesterday, is my music teacher.

f.                   That is the film …………won the first prize at Cannes.

g.                 The story …………Sam told us was very interesting.

h.                 Where is the book ……….I left on the table?

7.                 Повторить слова quite (довольно таки) / quiet (спокойный, уравновешенный)

a.                  His mother is a ……………and beautiful woman.

b.                 He is …………… a handsome man.

c.                  The school in this district is ………….new.

d.                 Our teacher is always …………… and polite.

e.                  English is …………….difficult for them.

8.                 Повторить вопросительные предложения с How: How big? (Насколько велик?), How long? (Как долго?), How far? (Как далеко?), How high? (Как высоко?), How safe? (Насколько безопасно?), How many? (Сколько? с исчисляемыми существительными), How much? (Сколько? С неисчисляемыми существительными), How old? (Сколько лет?), How fast? (Как быстро?), How often? (Как часто?), How tall? (Насколько высокий?)

Пример: How old is your sister?

a.                  …………….English lessons do you have a week? – Two lessons.

b.                 …………….do you watch TV? – Every evening.

c.                  …………….can your car go?–150 kilometres an hour.

d.                 ……………are you? – About one metre seventy.

e.                  …………….is Peter and Jane's house? – Well, there are four bedrooms, a living room, and a dining room.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку

7 класс

Фамилия, имя ____________________________________

1.                 Fill in the text. Use: parents, private, to pay, secondary, attend, discipline, uniforms, democratic, relations.

In Great Britain there are different types of ……………schools. Most of them are state schools where education is free. But some ……………choose to pay for private education. The education in ……………schools is of high quality, the …………….is very strict. In some British schools ………………are worn by all the pupils, in others the children can wear what they want to. 

About 90 % of all children in the USA ………….state schools where education is free. 43 million pupils go to state schools. 6 million pupils go to private schools. In private schools parents have …………..for their children's education. The ……………..between students and teachers in state schools are ……………..and friendly. In American state schools students wear whatever they want. Students can choose the subjects they want to study.

2.                 Translate from English into Russian.

1.      education – ……..

a)                различные типы

2.      compulsory - ……..

b)                обращать внимание

3.      primary school – …….

c)                высокое качество

4.      different types – ……

d)                заботиться о

5.      high quality - ………

e)                образование

6.      pay attention to – …….

f)                 Твердый

7.      take care of - …….

g)                начальная школа

8.      firm- …….

h)                внимательный

9.      attentive - ……..

i)                 обязательный

3.                 Circle the correct answer.

1.                 You (should/ shouldn’t) be late for your classes.

2.                 You (must/ should) take these pills twice a day after meals.

3.                 You (should/ shouldn’t) be honest with your parents.

4.                 You look very tired. You (must/ should) have a short holiday.

5.                 You (should/ shouldn’t) eat too much.

4.                 Insert the correct question words: How big…, How high…, How expensive…, How old…, How many…

1.                 …………………..are you? – I am 13.

2.                 …………………..is your new house? – We have got 5 rooms.

3.                 …………………..is the mountain? – 1500 km.

4.                 …………………..is travelling by boat? – 50 dollars.

5.                 …………………..exams will you take at the end of the year? – 2 exams.

5.                 Complete the sentences. Use who or which.

1.                 Have you seen the boys ……………. won the game?

2.                 Look! Here are the students ……………… we spoke yesterday.

3.                 This is the computer ……………….I'd like to have.

6.                 Fill in the blanks with quite or quiet.

1.                 Helen is a nice and ………person.

2.                 I have …………a big family.

3.                 His family is ……….and friendly.

4.                 Our house is ……….new.

5.                 I ……..like art.

6.                 You must be ………..and self-confident. 

7.     Complete the sentences with the correct form of pronouns.

1.  That house by the lake is ……..(they).

2. ……….(we) school is more beautiful than ………(you).

3. This book isn’t …….(she), it is ……(I).

4.  …….(I) father is a dentist, and …….(he)?

5. …….(she) city is older than …….(we). 

8. Underline the correct answer.

1.                 The letter will be send / will be sent / are sent  next week.

2.                 This question was discussed / is discussed / will be discussed yesterday.

3.                 A lot of interesting books was wrote / are written / will write  every year.

4.                 This novel is published/ was published/ will be published last year.

5.                 The flowers is watered/ are watered/ will be watered every evening.

6.                 The tickets to the concert was bought/ were bought/ will be bought yesterday. 

7.                 The delegation will be met/ will be meet/ is met tomorrow.

8.                 Our compositions was checked/ were checked/ will be checked next week.

9.                 A lot of beautiful flowers were given/ were gave/ is given the actress last week.



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