Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПоурочный план по английскому языку 5 класс

Поурочный план по английскому языку 5 класс

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№1                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                 What’s your name?

Aims of the lesson:                              Оқушыларды ағылшын тілінде амандасуға, өзен                                                                таныстыруға және басқа адамдардың атын сұрап білуге үйрету. Дыбыстардың айтылу   артикуляциясын үйрету  Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу                                                    Оқушының ойлау қабілетін дамыту

Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        Introduction of the new material

Materials for the lesson:        pictures

Connection of the subjects:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I. Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendace


  II. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “What’s your name?”.


  III. New lesson

Оқушыларды “stand up” деп қолдың көмегімен “sit down” сөздерді үйретемін

My name Is ………..тіркесімен таныстыру
Дыбыстардың айтылуын үйрету

What’s your name? тіркесін енгізу

 IV. Reading  


Кітаппен жумыс


My name's Colin.

And my name's Carol.

 What's your name?

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

Colin: Hello!

Omar: Hello!

Exercise2. Talk to your friend.

- Hello!


Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.

Colin: Hello, my name's Colin.

Omar: Hello, my name's Omar.

Exercise 4. Talk to your friend.

Hello, my name's

Hello, my name's

V.  Conclusion

Exercise 7.  Talk to your friend.

What's your name?

-   My name's_________

Exercise 8.  Talk to other friends.
                       Say "Hello" to 5 people.

  VI.   Homework   Exercise 10


№2                                       5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                 Good morning!

Aims of the lesson:                     Тәуліктің әр мезгілінде ресми түрде амандасуға үйрету.  

                                                    Алғашқы 7 әріпімен таныстыру.   Дыбыстардың 

                                                   айтылу артикуляциясымен таныстыру

                                                   Адамгершілікке  тәрбиелеу 

                                                  Оқушының ойлау, есте сақтау  қабілетін дамыту

Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        Introduction of the new material

Materials for the lesson:        pictures, the alphabet

Connection of the subjects:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I. Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

  II. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Good morning!”.

  III. New lesson

Good morning тіркесімен таныстыру

Good afternoon!

Good evening!

Дыбыстардың  айтылыуын үйрету

2. Алғашқы 7 әріпімен таныстыру

Жазулуын үйрету 

IV.          Reading  

Кітаппен жумыс

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

a) Good morning, Mr. Tailor. Good morning, Colin.

b) Good afternoon, Miss Brown. Good afternoon, Mrs. Evans.

c)  Good evening, Mr. Tailor. Good evening, Mr. Evans.

d)  Good-bye, Mrs. Evans. Good-bye, Miss Brown.

Exercise 2 Role play. Act out exercise 1 (a, b, c, d) with your friend.Exercise 3 Say "Good morning (afternoon)!" to your:


a)   teacher;

b)   friend.

Exercise 4. Listen and repeat.

Colin: Hello, I'm Colin, what's your name?

Omar: Hello, my name's Omar.

Exercise 5. Talk to your friend.

     Hello, I'm        

  What's your name?

Hello, my name's

Exercise 6.   Listen to the conversation.

Who's speaking? Choose the correct word.

Colin — Asel

Carol — Omar

        Mr. Evans — Miss Brown

V.  Conclusion

Exercise 7-9 Listen and repeat

  VI.  Homework

Exercise 10



3                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                Where are you from?

Aims of the lesson:                                             Where are you from? Сұрағына жауап 

                                                                             беруді үйрету, алғашқы әріптерін енгізу                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

                                                                             Тілін оқып жатқан мемлекетті 

                                                                             құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу

                                                                             Оқушының салыстыру, ойлау қабілетін 

                                                                              дамыту                                                                                                  Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        mixed

Materials for the lesson:        the alphabet

Connection of the subjects:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:


       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendace

II. Checking the homework

Exercise 9

III. Read the dialogue

Диалог бойынша сөйлеу


What is you name?

My name is  Marat.

What is your surname?

My surname is ….

  IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Where are you from?

 V. New lesson

Where are you from ? тіркесін еңгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

I’m from Kazakhstan.

Where are you from in Kazakhstan?

I’m from Shelek.

2. A, b, c, d , e, f, g ,h , I, j ,k ,l, m, n, p  әріптерін енгізу

Дыбыстармен таныстыру

Дәптерге жазғызу

VI. Reading

Кітаппен жұмыс

Exercise 1 listen and repeat

Where are you from Omar?

I’m from Kazakhstan.

Exercise 2 Talk to your friend

Where are you from----------?

I’m from ------------------.

Exercise 3 Talk to other friends.

Exercise 4 Listen and repeat.

Exercise 5 Talk to you friend.

Exercise 6 listen and repeat.

  VII. Conclusion

Exercise 8 Spell the names of boys and girls.

Exercise 9 Listen and repeat.

VIII. Homework

 Exercise 12,13





4                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                How are you?

Aims of the lesson:                                                 How are you? cұрағына жауап 

                                                                                      беруді үйрету,H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P

                                                                                      әріптерін үйрету, сандарды енгізу                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                     Адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу

                                                                                    Оқушының  есте сақтау қабілетін 


Typeof the lesson :         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        mixed

Materials for the lesson:        the alphabet

Connection of the subjects:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I.Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

II. Checking the homework

Exercise 12,13

III. Read the dialogue

Диалог бойынша сөйлеу


What is you name?

My name is  Marat.

What is your surname?

My surname is ….

2. өткен әріптерге диктант жазғызу


  IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “How are you?

 V. New lesson

How are you? тіркесін еңгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

I’m OK thank you .

I’m fine thanks .

I’m so-so thank you.

I’m well thanks.

2. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P  әріптерін енгізу

Дыбыстармен таныстыру

Дәптерге жазғызу

Сандарды үйрету

VI. Reading

Кітаппен жұмыс

Диалог оқу

Colin:  Hello, Omar.

Omar: Hello, how are you?

Colin:   I'm fine, thank you. And you?

Omar,; I'm OK, thanks.

Colin:  Which class are you in?

Omar: I'm in 5A. What about you?

Colin:   I'm in 7C.

Exercise 1-5 Listen and repeat.

  VII. Conclusion

Exercise 6-8 Talk to you friend

VIII. Homework

 Exercise 10



5                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                How old are you?

Aims of the lesson:                                                 How old are you? cұрағына жауап 

                                                                                  беруді үйрет , Q, R, S, T, U

                                                                                  әріптерін үйрету, сандарды енгізу                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                  Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

                                                                                 Оқушының  есте сақтау қабілетін 


Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        mixed

Materials for the lesson:        the alphabet

Connection of the subjects:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I. Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

II. Checking the homework


III. Warm-up

Диалог бойынша сөйлеу


What is you name?

My name is  Marat.

What is your surname?

My surname is ….

2. өткен әріптерге диктант жазғызу

  IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “How old are you?

 V. New lesson

How old  are you? тіркесін еңгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

I’m 10.

2. Q, R, S, T, U әріптерін енгізу

Дыбыстармен таныстыру

Дәптерге жазғызу

Сандарды үйрету

VI. Reading

Кітаппен жұмыс диалог оқу

Colin: Hello, Omar. How are you?

Omar:  Oh, I'm OK, thanks. And you?

Colin:  I'm well, thank you.

Omar:  How old are you today?

Colin:  I'm 14. And you?

 Omar: I'm 11.

Exercise 1-3 listen and repeat

Omar: How old are you?

Colin: I'm 14.

2.                 Talk to your friend.

How old are you?


  VII. Conclusion

Exercise 7-8 spells the words

England, Bulgaria, Albania, France, Poland, Iran, Iraq, Canada, Holland, Japan, Korea, Russia, India, Spain, the USA.

VIII. Homework

 Exercise 10                                    




6                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                What’s your address?

Aims of the lesson:                                                   What’s your address?  cұрағына жауап 

                                                                                   беруді үйрету , V, W, X, Y, Z

                                                                                   әріптерін үйрету, сандарды енгізу                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                   Адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу

                                                                                  Оқушының  есте сақтау қабілетін 


Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        mixed

Materials for the lesson:        the alphabet

Connection of the subjects:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I. Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

II. Checking the homework


III. Warm-up

1. өткен әріптерге диктант жазғызу

2.сандарды қайталау

  IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ What’s your address?

 V. New lesson

What’s your address? тіркесін еңгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

It’s flat 8, 23 Baker street

2.  V, W, X, Y, Z  әріптерін енгізу

Дыбыстармен таныстыру

Дәптерге жазғызу

VI. Reading

Кітаппен жұмыс диалог оқу

Colin:   What's your address, Omar?

Omar: Flat 8, 23 Baker Street.

Colin:   And your telephone number?

Omar: It's 385574.

Colin:   Say it again, please.

Omar: Three — eight — double five — seven — four.

And what's your phone number?

Colin:   It's 670913.

Omar: Six — seven — oh — nine — one — three.

Colin: Right.

Exercise 1-6 Talk to your friend

1.       Listen and repeat.

Colin: What's your address? Omar: It's Flat 8, 23 Baker Street.

         Talk to your friend.

What's your address?

Talk to other friends.

Listen and repeat.

Colin: What's your telephone number?

Omar: It's 385574.

Colin: Say it again, please.

Omar: Three — eight — double five — seven — four.

Colin: Thank you.

  VII. Conclusion

Exercise9 Spell the words

Kazakhstan,  Almaty, Oxford, New-York, Washington, Germany, New Zealand, Vietnam.

VIII. Homework

 Exercise 10                                  



№7                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                I’m Colin’s sister.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                              Отбасына туыстық қатынастарға   

                                                                                                    байланысты қолданылатын сөздерді 

                                                                                                    үйрету. This есімдігі мен he, she, they         

                                                                                                    Жіктеу есімдіктерін еңгізу

                                                                                                      Адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                      Сөйлеу тілін жатықтыру

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру


III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

1. диалог бойынша сөйлеу

2.сандарды қайталау

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ I’m Colin’s sister.”

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Жаңа лексикалық сөздерді еңгізу, сөздік дәптерге жазу, оқу

Grandfather     father    sister      aunt   nephew       son   children

Grandmother   mother   brother   uncle     niece       daughter parents cousin

Сүрет бойынша жумыс

A family tree

                 I’m Mr. and Mrs. Evans' daughter.

I’m Colin, Carol and Andy's grandfather.

I’m Mrs. Evans' brother.

I’m Carol and Colin's aunt.

I’m Mark and Jane's mother.

I’m Andy's uncle.

I’m Mark's sister.

I’m Andy's cousin.


Exercise 2-4

Look at the family tree and fill in the circles with names.

Listen and repeat.

a)      — Who's Mrs. Evans?

— She's Mark's sister.

b) — Who's Andy?

— He's Colin's cousin.

4. Talk to your friend-about Colin's relatives.

a) — Who's Mr. Evans?

— He's__________

b) — Who's Mary?

—      She's------------     


Exercise  5-6 Listen and repeat

Who're Carol and Colin?

They're Mr. and Mrs. Evans' children

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 1                                   


№8                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                I’m Colin’s sister.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                              Отбасына туыстық қатынастарға   

                                                                                                    байланысты қолданылатын сөздердің 

                                                                                                    қолданулуын бекіту                                                                                                      

                                                                                                      Адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                      Сөйлеу тілін жатықтыру

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ I’m Colin’s sister.”


1. Listen and repeat the words in the box.

grandfather     father    sister      aunt   nephew  son  children

grandmother   mother   brother  uncle  niece       daughter parents

Exercise2 Listen and repeat.

a) — Who's Mrs. Evans?

— She's Mark's sister.

b) — Who's Andy?

— He's Colin's cousin.

Exercise5.         Listen and repeat.

Who're Carol and Colin?

They're Mr. and Mrs. Evans' children

7.      Read the words:

father, mother, brother, sister, June, flute, they, uncle, number, jump, tune, this, thank.

8. First read definitions in the family tree on page 34 and identify who he/she
is and fill in the boxes with letters.


9. Write. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.
Example: Mary is Andy's mother.

1)  Colin________ son.

2)  Jane______ Andy's__________

3)  Andy_______ Jane's__________

4)  Mark________ uncle.

5)  Carol and Colin___ ____ cousins.

6)  Paul____        Carol, Colin and Andy's________

7)  Carol______ Mark's__________

8)  Carol______ David's__________


10. Write the names in the labels below the pictures.


IV. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 12                                  


9                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                This is my friend.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                               Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайту , дос 

                                                                                                    туралы сөйлеуге үйрету

                                                                                                     Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                      Сөйлеу тілін жатықтыру

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап, әңгемі

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Үй жұмысын тексеру


III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жумыс

grandfather     father    sister      aunt   nephew  son  children

grandmother   mother   brother  uncle  niece       daughter parents

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ This is my friend.

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1.   Listen and repeat.

Colin:    Omar, this is Carol. She's my sister. Carol, this is Omar. He's my friend.

Omar:   Hello, Carol.

Carol:   Hi.

Exercise 2Role play. Act out exercise 1 with your friend.

Exercise 3Talk to your friends. Introduce your friends.

This is        

S/he's my friend.

Exercise 4.  Listen and repeat.

Omar: What's your father's name?

Colin:   His name's David.

Omar: And what's your mother's name?

Colin:   Her name's Jane.


Exercise 5.  Talk to your friend.

a)— What's your father's name?
— His name's

b)— What's your mother's name?
— Her name's

Exercise 6. Talk to other friends about their fathers', mothers', sisters', brothers' names.


Exercise 10. Match the figures with the words.



sixty four


twenty one






     thirty three


forty five












one hundred


a thousand



VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 14                                  



10                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                How do you spell you name?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                           How do you spell you name? тіркесін еңгізу, 

                                                                                                     оған жауап беруді үйрету        

                                                                                                     Оқушының бос уақытын дурыс 

                                                                                                     пайдалуына үйрету

                                                                                                      Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап, әңгемі

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Үй жұмысын тексеру


III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жумыс

Сандарды қайталау

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ How do you spell you name?

 V.Жаңа сабақ

How do you spell you name? сұрағын енгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

Диалог бойынша жумыс

Carol: Asel, this is Ann. She's my friend.

Asel: Hello.

Ann: Hello, sorry, what's your name?

Asel: Asel.

Ann: Is it your first name?

Asel: Yes, it is.

Ann: And what's your surname?

Asel: It's Satbaeva.

Ann: How do you spell it?

Asel: S-A-T-B-A-Y-E-V-A.


Жаттығуларды орындау

Exercise1-71         Listen and repeat

Ann: Is Asel your first name?

Asel: Yes, it is.

2.                 Talk to your friend.

Is  your first name?                    Yes, it is / No, it isn't. It's my surname.

3. Listen and repeat.

Ann: What's your surname?

Asel: It's Satbayeva.

3.                 Talk to your friend

What's your surname?

It's __


Exercise 11 write. Fill in the card


First name-------------------

Age ------------------------

Address ------------------


VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 10                                  


№11                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                            He’s from Kazakhstan

Aims of the lesson:                                              He’s from Kazakhstan  тіркесін еңгізу, 

                                                                              сөздердің оқулуын үйрету       

                                                                              Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

                                                                             Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Method of the lesson:         answer the questions, speaking

Type of the lesson:        mixed

Materials for the lesson:        pictures

Connection of the subject:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I. Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

  II. Checking the homework


III.  Warm-up

Сөздердің оқулуын тексеру

Диалог оқу

  IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ He’s from Kazakhstan

 V. New lesson

Диалог бойынша жумыс

Colin and Omar are in the table tennis club during the lunch break. There are some other children including Ben and Carol.

Ben: Hi, Carol. Carol: Hello, Ben.

Ben: Oh, who's that with Colin?

Carol: Omar.

Ben: Where's he from?

Carol: He's from Kazakhstan.

Ben: Where's that?

Carol: It's in Asia.

Listening, speaking and writing

Exercise 1.  Listen and repeat.

Ben: Who's that boy?

Carol: That's Omar.

Exercise 2.  Talk to your partner about your relatives using a family picture

a)      — Who's that boy (man, woman, girl).

That's my brother (father).

b) — That's my sister (mother).

VI.Answer the questions

Exercise 3.  Listen and repeat.

Ben: Where's he from?

Carol: He's from Kazakhstan.

Exercise 4.  Talk to your friend about these boys.

Omar Andy Mark Ben  

Kazakhstan       London      Leeds        Bristol         Mo

Where's Omar from?

He's from_________ .

Exercise 5.Listen and repeat.

Where's she from?

She's from Dover.

VII. Conclusion

Exercise 9-10


VIII. Homework



   №12                                          5th form

Theme of the lesson:                         What’s this?

Aims of the lesson:                           Жаңа лексикалық сөздермен жумыс істеу, «Бұл не?» 

                                                          сұрағының сөйлемде қолданулуына жаттығу 

                                                          жумыстарын жүргізу

                                                          Оқушылардың білімге қуштарлығын арттыру

                                                          Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін дамыту.

Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions, speaking

Type of the lesson:        Introduction of the new materials

Materials for the lesson:         pictures

Connection of the subject:           Russian

Outline of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking the attendance

II. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “What’s this?”.

III. New lesson

What’s this? Сұрағын енгізу оған жауап беруді үйрету

Жаңа сөздерді енгізу

a pen      a ruler         a book        a notebook        а сhair

a pencil       a rubber      a table      a chair



IV. Reading

Colin:         What?

Carol:         This. Is it a pencil?

Colin: No, it isn't. It's a pen.

Carol:        What's that?

Colin:         It's a calculator. Now go away.

Listening, speaking and writing

Exercise1. Talk to your friend about the pictures on page 47.

What's picture 1?

It's a_________ .

Exercise 2. Listen and repeat.

Carol: What's this? Colin: It's a pen.

V. Conclusion

Exercise6.        Listen and repeat.

What's that?

It's a__________

Exercise 7. Talk to your friend.

What's that?

It's a________

Exercise 8-10 Listen and repeat


 Exercise 12


№13                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                             Have you got a camera?

Aims of the lesson:                                Have you got a camera?сұрағымен Yes, I have . No,  

                                                 I haven’t днген жауаптарды еңгізу , айтуға


                                                              Оқушылардың уақытын тиімді пайдалануына 


                                                               Есте сақтау, ойлау  қабілетін дамыту

Method of the lesson:         answer the questions, speaking

Type of the lesson:             mixed

Materials for the lesson:    picture

  I.Organization moment:

       А) Greetings

  II. Checking the homework:


III. read the dialogue, translate it.

  IV. Presentation.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Have you got a camera?

 V.New lesson:


Camera, bike, watch, radio, television, walkman

Have you got a camera?

Can I borrow your pen?  Answer the questions.

Have you got a camera?

   Colin:  Hi, Omar.

Omar:  Hello, how are you?

Colin:  Not bad, thank you.

Omar:  Have you got a camera?

Colin:  Yes, I have. Have you?

Omar: No, I haven't. Can I borrow it?

Colin: Sure.

Omar:  Thank you, Colin.

Colin: You're welcome.

VI.answer the questions

Exercise 2.

Omar: Have you got a camera?

 Colin: Yes, I have. Have you?

Omar: No, I haven't.

Exercise 3.   Talk to you friend.

Have you got a_________ .

Yes, I have / No, I haven't.

Exercise 4.  Talk to other friends.

Exercise 5.   Tell your friend what you have got.


Exercise 6-9     Listen and repeat.

Omar: Can I borrow your camera?

 Colin: Sure.

      Omar: Thank you, Colin.

      Colin: You are welcome


VIII. Homework:

 Exercise 10



№14                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:             How many stamps have you got?

Aims of the lesson:                Оқушыладың сөздік қорын молайта отырып     

                                               зат есімнің көпше түрінің жасалуын      түсіндіру

                                               Оқушылардың бос  уақытын тиімді пайдалануына   үйрету

                                                Ойлау  қабілетін дамыту

Method of the lesson:         answer the questions

Type of the lesson:              mixed

Materials for the lesson:        pictures, a grammar table

  I.Organization moment.

       А) Greetings.

  II. Checking the homework:


III. Warm-up:


Camera, computer, bike, watch, radio, television, walkman…

  IV. Presentation:

  Our theme in our lesson is “ How many stamps have you got?

 V.New lesson:

    Зат есімнің көпше түрінің жасалуын үйрету




+ - s.

Барлық зат есімге s



жалғауы жалғанады.

book apple photo




Н— es. Егер

зат есім-s, -ss,

-sh, -ch, -х оріптеріне



аяқталса, -es жалғанады.







Егер зат есім

-f, -fe әріптеріне аяқталса,

-ves жалғанады.

life knife

lives knives

Егер зат есім -у әрпіне аяқталса, -у -ies болып өзгереді.

family city

families cities

Read the dialogue

Omar: How many postcards have you got?

Colin: About seventy.

Omar: My sister has got nearly a hundred.

Colin: Has she got any foreign stamps?

Omar: Yes, she has some.

Colin: How many has she got?

Omar: About thirty.

Colin: Has she got any shells?

Omar: No, she hasn't.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

VI.answer the questions

Exercise 2   Listen and repeat.

Omar: How many postcards have you got?

Colin: About seventy.

Exercise 3.  Talk to your friend about your things and fill in the chart. How many pens have you got?

Exercise 4. Listen and repeat.

Colin: Has your sister got any foreign stamps?

Omar: Yes, she has some.

Exercise 5.  Look at the chart and talk to your friend about Colin and Omar's collections.

Example:   Has Colin got any badges?

Yes, he has some / No, he hasn't any.


Exercise 8Talk to your friend. Fill in the chart.

Example:You: Have you got any foreign coins? Your friend: Yes, I have / No, I haven't. You: How many foreign coins have you got? Your friend: Eight.

VIII. Homework:

 Exercise 9                                                                





№15                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                Whose T-shirt is this?                                        

Aims of the lesson:                                                   Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта 

                                                                                   отырып киімге байланысты жаңа 

                                                                                   лексикалық сөздерді енгізу , айтулуын 


                                                                                    Еңбек етуге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                   Ойлау, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту                                                        

Method of the lesson:              answer the questions

Type of the lesson:                  mixed

Materials for the lesson:         pictures, a grammar table

Connection of the subjects Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I.Organization moment:

       А) Greetings

      Б) The duty’s report. Checking up the attendance.

  II. Checking the homework:


III. Warm-up:

Working with dialogues

  IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Whose T-shirt is this?                                         

 V.New lesson

Introduction of  the vocabulary 

T-shirt                                футболка

Jacket                                 жакет

Trousers                           шалбар

Trainers                            кроссовки

Jeans                                  джинсы

Shoes                                туфли

Tie                                    галстук

Hat                                   шляпа

Anorak                              күрте

Shirt                                  юбка

Сөздерді дыбыстау артикльмен айту

Whose T-shirt is this? Сұрағын енгізіп оған жауап беруді үйрету


Кітаппен жумыс

Mrs. Evans: Colin, whose T-shirt is this?

Is it yours or Carol's?

Colin: It's not mine, it's Carol's.

Mrs. Evans: And whose jeans are these?

Are they yours, Carol?

Exercise 1.   Listen and repeat.

Mrs. Evans: Whose T-shirt is this?

Colin: It's Carol's.

Exercise 2. Talk to your friend about your things.

Whose pen is this?

It’s ………….


Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.

Mrs. Evans: Whose jeans are these?

Carol: They're Colin's.

VIII. Homework:

 Exercise 4             







№16                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                    Whose T-shirt is this?                                       

Aims of the lesson:                                       Киімге байланысты лексикалық 

                                                                       сөздердің қолданулуын бекіту

                                                                       Достыққа, жолдастыққа  тәрбиелеу

                                                                        Ойлау, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту                                                        

Method of the lesson:         answer the questions

Type of the lesson:             conclusion

Materials for the leson:     pictures

Connection of the subjects:           Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

  I.Organization moment:

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

  II. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Whose T-shirt is this?   


Exercise 4.  Talk to your friend about your things in the plural form.

Whose notebooks are these?

They are__________

Exercise 5.  Listen and repeat.

Mrs. Evans: Is this your T-shirt, Colin? Colin: No, it isn't mine. It's Carol's.

Exercise 6.  Talk to your friend about your things.

Is this your book?

Yes, it's mine / No, it isn't mine. It's_________ .

Exercise 7.  Listen and repeat.

Mrs. Evans: Are these your jeans, Carol? Carol: No, they aren't mine. They're Colin's.

Exercise 8.  Talk to your friends about your things in the plural form. Look al

Are these your notebooks?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren't mine. They are _

Exercise 9.  Talk to your friend about Colin's, Carol's, Mr. and Mrs. Evans' Mill

a)— Whose sweater is this?

It's Carol's.

b)— Whose trousers are these?

They're Mr. Evans'.

c) — Is this Colin's T-shirt?

Yes, it is.

d)— Are these Mr. Evans' trainers?

—      No, they aren't. They're Colin's







house .


his her



jeans .



shoes .





IV. Homework:

 Exercise 10                                                              
























   №17                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  What is your mother like?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                              What is your mother like?” деген сұрақпен  оның  

                                                                                     “She is tall (nice)” деген жауабын және соларға  

                                                                                      байланысты сөздерін енгізу 

                                                                                      Ата-аналарды Құрметтеуге, жақсы көрүге


                                                                                      Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін дамыту.

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап, әңгіме

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           Орыс тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “What is your mother like?”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жумыс

Beautiful                                      сұлу, әдемі         

Nice                                              тамаша          

Handsome                                   мейрімді

Tall                                             биік

Short                                            қысқа         

Fat                                               толық

Thin                                            жеңішке, арық

Strict                                          қатал

Kind                                     жомарт, ақ көңіл

Сөздерді дыбыстау

What’s your mother like? Сұрағын енгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

Диалог оқу

 Carol: What's your mother's name?

Asel: Alma.

Carol: Oh, a good name. How old is she?

Asel: She's quite young. She's 36.

Carol: What is she like?

Asel: She's beautiful.

Carol: Is she tall?

Asel: No, she isn't. She's short


Exercise 2Listen and read the dialogue.

Exercise 3 Right or wrong.

a.  Asel's mother's name is Alma.

b.  She is tall.

c.     She is young.

d.    She is fat.

e.    She isn't beautiful.

f.     She is strict.

Exercise4.      Answer the questions about Asel's mother.

1.         What's her name?

2.     How old is she?

3.     Is she beautiful?

4.     Is she fat?

5.     Is she kind?

6.    Is she tall?


Exercise 5-9  Listen and repeat

VI.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 10                                                                          Тексерілді:                                              

№17                                        5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                           Test                                        

Aims of the lesson:                               Өткен тақырыптар бойынша 

                                                               оқушылардың білімін тексеру. Тест жазу

                                                               Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын арттыру

                                                               Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Type of the lesson: Revision

Materials for the lesson:    Test

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

I.Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

II.  Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

Today in our lesson we shall the test

III. Test

1.  What's this?

A. It's a chair.

B. It's bad.

C. They're books.

2.  Have you got a bike?

A. No, it isn't.

B. No, she hasn't.

C. No, I haven't.

3.  Can I borrow your pen?

A. Yes, I can.

B. Sure.

C. Yes, you are.

4. Whose pen is this?

A. They're mine.

B. It's Omar's.

C. It isn't a pen.

5.  Whose jeans are those?

A. It's Carol's.

B. They're nice.

C. They're mine.

6. What's your mum like?

A. She's a teacher.

B. She's beautiful.

C. Her name's Alma.

7.  How many sisters have you got?

A. She has got three sisters.

B. My sister has got five pens.

C. I have got one sister.

8.  Are these Colin's shoes?

A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, they are shoes.

C. Yes, they are his.

Answer the questions.

9. How many pens have you got?

10. What is your mother like?

IV.Homework:  Revision                                                              Check up:

   №19                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  What time is it?

 Сабақтың мақсаты:                                              “What time is it?” деген сұрақты енгізе отырып 

                                                                                  уақытын сұрап оған жауап беруді үйрету. Уақытқа 

                                                                                 байланысты сөздерді енгізу

                                                                                      Оқушыны уақыттын тиімді пайдалануына үйрету

                                                                                      Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап, әңгіме

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           Орыс тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “What time is it?”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

What time is it ? деген сұрақты енгізу ооған жауап беруді үйрету

Colin:                Excuse me.

A woman:          Yes?

Colin:                What time is it, please?

A woman:          It's 8 o'clock.

Colin:                8 o'clock? Oh, no! Thank you anyway.

A woman:          That's all right.





Exercise 1Say these clock times.


10°°, 1040,



1020, 1045,

1025, 945,

935 1050',

10зо ll10.

Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.




Colin: What time is it? A woman: It's 8 o'clock.



Exercise 4. Talk to your


Use different time.

—  What time

—  It's

is it?




Exercise 5. Listen and repeat.

Colin: Excuse me. A woman:  Yes? Colin: What time is it? A woman:  It's 8 o'clock. Colin:  Thank you.


7.   Talk to your friend. Speak about the times in Almaty, Atyrau, Aktau,
Kyzylorda, Kostanai, Moscow, in your town, village, etc.

Example: What time is it in Astana?


VI.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 8                                                                          Тексерілді:   




№20                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                                 What colour is your cat?                                        

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                     Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта 

                                                                                                       отырып түстерге  байланысты жаңа 

                                                                                                        лексикалық сөздерді енгізу , айтулуын 


                                                                                                           Достыққа, жолдастыққа  тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                    Ойлау, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту                                                         

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер, түсті қағаздар

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Үй жұмысын тексеру


III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Диалог бойынша жумыс

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “What colour is your cat?

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жумыс

Brown                                қоңыр

Beige                                 бөз

Blue                                   көк

Black                                 қара

Grey                                  сұр

Pink                                   қызғылт

Yellow                                сары

White                                 ақ

Red                                    қызыл

Green                                жасыл

Violet                                 күлгін

Orange                              оранжевый

Exercise 1 Asel: Hello, Colin.

Omar: Hello, Carol.

Colin: Hi.

Carol: Hi.

Omar: Have you got pets?

Carol: Yes, we have got a dog and a cat. Have you?

Omar: No, we haven't. What colour is your cat?

Colin: It's black and white.

Omar: What colour are its eyes?

Colin: They're brown.


Exercise 1Look, listen and repeat the colours.

Exercise 2 Match the colours with the words and fill in the boxes with letters.

Exercise 3Listen and repeat.

Omar: What colour is your cat? Colin: It's black and white.


Exercise 4      Talk to your friend about Colin's, Carol's, Asel's and Omar's clothes, hair and eyes.

— What colour is Colin's T-shirt?

-   It's_____________


VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 1                                                               Тексерілді:

  №21                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                                 What colour is your cat?                                        

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                     What colour is your cat? Тақырыбы

                                                                                                      бойынша оқушылардың білімдерін бекіту

                                                                                                           Достыққа, жолдастыққа  тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                     Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту                                                         

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        бекіту

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер, түсті қағаздар

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

 II . Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “What colour is your cat?


Exercise 5. Listen and repeat.

Omar: What colour are its eyes? Colin: They're brown.

Exercise 6. Talk to your friend about Colin's, Carol's, Asel's and Omar's trainers, jeans,
trousers and shoes.

What colour are Omar's trousers?


Exercise 7. Talk to your friend about your clothes.

a) — What colour is your T-shirt?
- It's______________

b)  — What colour are your trousers?
— They're____________ .

Exercise 8. Talk to your friend about your pets.

Example:     — Have you got a dog?

Yes, I have.

What colour is it?


What colour are its eyes?


Exercise 9. Answer the questions.

What's your name?                             My name's ______________

How old are you?_______________________________________

Which class are you in?                      _______________________

What colour is your hair?                   _______________________

What colour are your eyes?                _______________________

Exercise 10.          Guessing game in pairs and in groups.

Think of someone in the class. Your friend guesses about him/her by asking questions like this.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Is his/her hair black?

Are his/her eyes blue?

Are his/her trousers grey?

Is his/her T-shirt beige?


IV. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 11                                                               Тексерілді:


№22                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                                     Can you play the guitar?                                   

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                “Can” модальды етістігін енгізіп, оны

                                                                                                     әр түрлі етістіктермен қатар қолдануды

                                                                                                  және осы етістікті пайдалана отырып

                                                                                                  жауап беруді үйрету

                                                                                                           Эстетикалық тәрбие беру 

                                                                                                     Сөйлеу тілін дамыту                                                          

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           орыс тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Үй жұмысын тексеру


III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Vocabulary work

What I am?

I’m black

And red and blue

I draw a picture for you . (pencil)

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Can you play the guitar?

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Vocabulary work

Piano                              пианино

Guitar                             гитара

Violin                              скрипка

Trumpet                          муз. труба

Recorder                        магнитофон

To play                           ойнау

Instrument                     инструмент

“Can” етістігі адамның бір нәрсені істей алатындығын немесе сөйлей алатындығын көрсету үшін қолданылады

Can you play the guitar?

Yes, I can.

No, I can’t


Exercise 2.            Listen and repeat.

Miss Brown: Can you play the guitar? Colin: No, I can't. But I can play the recorder.

Exercise 3.            Talk to your friend.

   Can you play the__________________ ?

   Yes, I can / No, I can't.

Exercise 4.            Listen and repeat.

Miss Brown: What instrument can you play? Omar: I can play the dombyra.


Exercise 5.           Talk to your friend.

   What instrument can you play?

   I can play the_________________ .

   Exercise 6.___________________ Listen and repeat.

Miss Brown: Who can play the guitar? Colin: Ben can.

Exercise 8-9


VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 12                                                               Тексерілді:




№23                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                                     Where is my bag?                                   

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                Белгілі бір заттың қай жерде 

                                                                                              екенін,қайда орналасқанын Where is…? Where  

                                                                                             are…? Сұрақтары арқылы сұрап білуге және

                                                                                             оған жауап беруді үйрету

                                                                                                   Өзін-өзі тәрбиелеуге бағыттау 

                                                                                                     Тілдік қорын дамыту                                                           

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс:           орыс тілі

                                                                           Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Үй жұмысын тексеру


III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Vocabulary works

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Where is my bag?                       

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Vocabulary work

Behind [bihaind] артыда

In front of   [ in front of ] алдында

On    [ n]   үстінде

Under  [  ndә]  астында

Opposite [ pәzite]   қарсы

Between [ bitwi:n]  ортасында

Among [ әm    ]      арасында

The book is on the table.

The book is in the bag.

Bolat is in front of Alma.

Ernar is between Arman and Dauren

Exercise 1 Listen and repeat.

Carol: Where's my bag? Mrs. Evans: It's on the chair.


2.  Talk to your friend about your things in the singular.

   Where is my (your) pen?

Exercise 3 listen and repeat

Carol: Where're my books? Mrs. Evans: They're in your bag.

4.  Talk to your friend about your things in the plural like this.

   Where're my (your) books?

   They're in your bag (on your desk).




Exercise 5.           Look at pictures, listen and repeat.

     This is Colin's dog. Its name's Rex.

1.         Rex is behind Colin.

2.     Rex is between Carol and Colin.

3.     Rex is in front of Omar.

4.     Omar is next to Ben.

5.     Omar is opposite Colin.

Rex is among the children

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 5                                                            Тексерілді:




№24                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                                     Where is my bag?                                   

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                Where is my bag? тақырыбы  бойынша

                                                                                                       оқушылардың білімін бекіту

                                                                                                   Өзін-өзі тәрбиелеуге бағыттау 

                                                                                                     Тілдік қорын дамыту                                                          

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        бекіту

Көрнекілігі:        грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс:           орыс тілі

                                                                           Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Where is my bag?                       


Exercise 4.      Talk to your friend about your things in the plural like this.

Where're my (your) books?

They're in your bag (on your desk).



Exercise 5.     Look at pictures, listen and repeat.

     This is Colin's dog. Its name's Rex.

6.       Rex is behind Colin.

7.    Rex is between Carol and Colin.

8.    Rex is in front of Omar.

9.    Omar is next to Ben.

10.Omar is opposite Colin.

Rex is among the children


Exercise 7. Talk to your friend about the position of your classmates.


He/she is

Exercise 8. Answer the questions.

— Where is Almaty?
It's in Kasakhstan.

  Where is Moscow? It's in              .

  Where is New-York?


Where is Tokyo?

Where is Paris?

Exercise 9. Write where your things are. Use all the prepositions you have had.

Example:     My books are______________ .

My pen is____________ .


VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 5                                                            Тексерілді:








№25                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                             When is your birthday?

 Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                 Реттік  сан есімдерді үйрету. Жылдың 4 мезгілін,

                                                                                          ай аттарын үйрету.Біреудің туған күнін  

                                                                                        сұрауды, өзінің туған күні қашан екенін айтыду


                                                                                      Достыққы, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                      Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап, әңгіме

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           Орыс тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “When is your birthday?”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Жыл мезгідері мен ай аттарын айтуға үйрету                            






December 21st Conti January 31th Carol February 2nd Omar

March 28th Mr. Evans April 4th Victor Sergeev May 9th Asel



1st — first 2nd — second 3rd — third 4th — fourth 5th — fifth…….

Exercise 1 Read the dialogue

Asel: When is your birthday?

Carol: It's in winter.

Asel: In which month is it?

Carol: It's on 31 of January. And when is yours?

Asel: Mine is on 9 of May.

Carol: What's the date today?

Asel: It's 21 of March.

Carol: Oh, it's my father's birthday on 23 of March.


Exercise 3-6 Listen and repeat

What month is after December?

It’s January.

What month before December?

It’s November.


Exercise 8 Talk to your partner

When is your birthday?

It’s on------------

VI.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 13                                                                         Тексерілді:   






№26                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                                     What does your farther do?                                    

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                Present Simple үш жақта қолдана

                                                                                           отырып What does your farther do? деген сұрақ

                                                                                          арқылы кімнің не істейтінін сұрап білуді үйрету 

                                                                                               еңбек етуге тәрбиелеу 

                                                                                                     Тілдік қорын дамыту                                                          

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс:           орыс тілі

                                                                                                      Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Үй жұмысын тексеру


III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Vocabulary works

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ What does your farther do?                        

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Vocabulary work

Engineer                                инженер

Worker                                         рабочий

Doctor                                         доктор

Bank manager                            управляющий

Dentist                                         зубной врач

Secretary                                     секретарь

Lawyer                                         адвокат

Housewife                                   домохозяйка

Teacher                                       учитель

Driver                                          водитель

Сүрет бойынша жумыс


Exercise 3.           Talk to your friend.

a)— What does Omar's father do?

— He's an________________

b)— What does Omar's mother do?

— She's a_______________ .

Exercise 4._______________ Talk to your friend about these people.

Example:     — What does Mr. Evans do? — He's a taxi-driver.


Exercise 5.-8        Talk to your partner about your relatives.

a)— What does your father do?

— He's a________________

b) — What does your mother do?

—  She's a________________

Exercise 6Listen and repeat.

a)— Is he a student?

—  No, he isn't.

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 9                                                            Тексерілді:



1.  What's this?

A. It's a chair.

B. It's bad.

C. They're books.

2.  Have you got a bike?

A. No, it isn't.

B. No, she hasn't.

C. No, I haven't.

3.  Can I borrow your pen?

A. Yes, I can.

B. Sure.

C. Yes, you are.

4. Whose pen is this?

A. They're mine.

B. It's Omar's.

C. It isn't a pen.

5.  Whose jeans are those?

A. It's Carol's.

B. They're nice.

C. They're mine.

6. What's your mum like?

A. She's a teacher.

B. She's beautiful.

C. Her name's Alma.

7.  How many sisters have you got?

A. She has got three sisters.

B. My sister has got five pens.

C. I have got one sister.

8.  Are these Colin's shoes?

A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, they are shoes.

C. Yes, they are his.

9. Where do elephants come from?

A. Russia.

B. India.

C. England.

10. The Akmola

A. in Astana

B. in Almaty
C. near Astana

 №33                                          5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                                  Is there a swimming pool?.

Aims of the lesson:                                               There is, there are және I like reading  

                                                                                   құрылымдарын қолдана отырып сөйлеуге                   


                                                                                      Спортты сүюге тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                    Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін дамыту.

Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        Introduction of the new material

Materials for the lesson:        pictures

Connection of the subjects:           Russian

Outline of the lesson:

Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

II. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Is there a swimming pool?.”.

New lesson


What month is it now?

What season is it now?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

2) сөздік жұмыс.

Gymnasium                                               гимназия

Library                                                     кітапхана

Disco                                                       дискотека

Canteen                                                  асхана

Tennis courts                                         тенисный корд

Сөздерді дыбыстау, дәптерге жазу

There is, there are құрылымдарын түсіндіру

Exercise 1 read

I.                   Answer the questions

Кітаппен жумыс

2. Listen and repeat.

Omar: Is there a swimming pool there?

 Colin: Yes, there is.

3.  Talk to your friend about the Holiday Camp in Sherwood.

Is there a swimming pool there?

  Yes, there is / No, there isn't.

4. Talk to your, friend about your school.

—        Is there a-------            ?

-   Yes,____________ / No,__________

5. Listen and repeat.

Omar: Are there any judo lessons?

Colin: No, there aren't.

6. Talk to your friend about the Holiday Camp in Sherwood.

Are there any_______ ?

Yes, there are / No, there aren't.

II.                Conclusion

Exercise 9-10 Answer the questions

V. Homework

 Exercise 12




34                                     5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                              How many boys are there in your class?

Aims of the lesson:                                               How many boys are there in your class?сұрағын  

                                                                               еңгізу.There is…, there are…құрылымының 

                                                                               қолданулуын үйрету.  

                                                                               Достыққа жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу.

                                                                              Сұрақ қою іскерлігін дамыту                                                       

Method of the lesson:         Answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        mixed

Materials for the lesson:        pictures, a grammar table

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

II. Checking the homework

Exercise  12

III. Vocabulaty work

Сөздік диктант

Gymnasium, library, disco, canteen tennis courts      

IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ How many boys are there in your class?”.

                      New lesson

Сөздік жұмыс

Chair                                       орындық

Picture                                    сүрет

Window                                  терезе

Plant                                       өсімдік

Bag                                         сөмке

Hair                                        шаш

Eye                                         көз

How many boys are there in your class? Сұрақты еңгізу оған жауап беруді үйрету

Exercise 1 read

V.                 Speaking

Exercise 2-4 Listen and repeat

4.      Talk to your friend about your things in your bags.

5/How many books are there in your bag? There're (There's only one book in my bag.)

6.      Listen and repeat.

Omar: Are there any boys from Kazakhstan? Colin: No, there aren't any.

7. Talk to your friend about the boys and girls from other countries, towns,
area, etc.

Are there any boys and girls from India?  Yes, there are some / No, there aren't any.

VI.               Conclusion

8    Count the boys and girls with black, brown, blue eyes, with black, brown and blond hair, and girls with long and short hair and fill in the chart.

V Homework

 Exercise 9

35                                                         5th form

Theme of the lesson:                                            Do you help in the house? 

Aims of the lesson:                                               Оқушының сөздік қорын кеңейтую Үстеулермен 

                                                                                  таныстыру, олардың қолданулуын үйрету.

                                                                                   Оқушыны еңбек етуге оны сүюге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                   Ойлау,  есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту.

Method of the lesson:         answer the questions

Type of the lesson:        mixed

Materials for the lesson:         a grammar table

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

       А) Greetings

      Б) Checking up the attendance

II. Checking the homework

Exercise 9

III. Vocabulary work

Сөздік диктант

Chair, picture, window, plant, bag, hair, eye…         

IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Do you help in the house ”.

V. New lesson

Сөздік жұмыс

Always                                                       әрқашан

Sometimes                                                 иногда

Usually                                                     әдетте (обычно)

Often                                                        жие

Seldom                                                     сирек

Never                                                       ешқашан

Сөздерді дыбыстау, сөздік дәптерге жазу

Exercise 1.1.   Read.

Colin: I often help my mother in the house. I usually make my bed, sometimes tidy my room. I always take the rubbish out. I seldom do the washing up and never lay the table.

Colin:  Do you ever help your Mum in the house, Omar?

Omar: Yes, I do. I often help my Mum.

Colin:  How often do you make your bed?

Omar: I always make my bed.

Colin:  And how often do you tidy your room?

Omar: Once a week. Usually on Saturday afternoon.

Colin:  Who lays the table in your family?

Omar: My Mum does.

Colin:  So does my Mum.

VI. Doing exercises

Exercise 4 right or wrong

Colin seldom helps his mother

Colin sometimes tidies his room

Colin always does the washing up

Colin usually makes his bed

Colin never lays the table

VII. Conclusion

Exercise 7 listen and repeat

Do you ever help your mother?

Yes, I do. I often help my mother.

VIII. Homework

 Exercise 1


36                                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                            Do you help in the house? 

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                    Do you help in the house? тақырыбы бойынша 

                                                                                       оқушылардың білімін бекіту.                                                                    

                                                                                   Оқушыны еңбек етуге оны сүюге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                   Ойлау,  есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту.

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Бекіту

Көрнекілігі:         грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Do you help in the house? ”.


1) Үстеулерді қайталау

2) Exercise 4 right or wrong

Colin seldom helps his mother

Colin sometimes tidies his room

Colin always does the washing up

Colin usually makes his bed

Colin never lays the table

5.   Answer the questions. Use the words in the box.

Example:     Does Colin ever help his mother? Yes, he often helps his mother.

  Does Colin ever make his bed?

  Does Colin ever tidy his room?

  Does Colin ever take the rubbish out?

  Does Colin ever do the washing up?

  Does Colin ever lay the table?

6. Answer the questions.

Example:      Do you ever help your mother?

Yes, I often (always) help my mother.

  Do you ever make your bed?

  Do you ever tidy your room?

  Do you ever take the rubbish out?

  Do you ever do the washing up?

  Do you ever lay the table?

7. Listen and repeat.

Colin: Do you ever help your mother? Omar: Yes, I do. I often help my mother.

8. Talk to your friend. Use the words in exercise 2.

  Do you ever help your mother?

  Yes, I____________

No, I never_________

9. Listen and repeat.

Colin: How often do you make your bed? Omar: I always make my bed.


Exercise 10 Talk to your partner. Use the words in Exercise 2


IV.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 13


№37                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  Do you want some Pepsy?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                           Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайту. Жаңа  

                                                                                             сөздермен таныстыра отырып олардың       

                                                                                            сөйлемде қолданулуын үйрету

                                                                                               Достыққа жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                              Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін дамыту.

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

III.             Ұйымдастыру

       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Do you want some Pepsy?”.

IV.              Жаңа сабақ

 сөздік жұмыс.

Coke                                         кока-кола

Pepsy                                         пепси-кола

Juice                                           шырын

Hamburger                                гамбургер

Cheese                                       сыр              

Bread                                         нан

Biscuits                                     печенье

Chips                                        чипсы

Exercise 1 Read

Colin, Omar, Ben, Carol, Ann, Asel at Colin's party.

Colin:   Do you want some lemonade?

Omar: No, thanks.

Colin:   Do you want some Coke?

Omar: Yes, please. I love Coke.

Colin:  There's a football match tomorrow. Do you want to come?

Omar: Yes, all right.

Colin:  What about you, Ben?

Ben:     No, thanks. I'm busy.

Omar: What time does it start?

Colin:  At 4 o'clock.

V.                 Пысықтау

Кітаппен жумыс

Exercise 4       Listen and repeat.

     Colin:        Do you want some lemonade?

Omar:  No, thanks.

Colin:   Do you want some Coke?

Omar:  Yes, please, I love Coke.

Exercise 5 Talk to your friend. Use words in exercise 2

Exercise 6 Listen and repeat

Exercise 7 Talk to your friend

VI.              Бекіту

Exercise 8 Talk to other friends using the information in the box. Invite them to different places

Make a chart like this

Exercise 9 Say how many students want to come to a disco, to a circus, to a football match

V. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 12



№38                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  He is Russian.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                           Ел аттарын және кімнің қай елден   

                                                                                              келгенін сұрауды үйрету. Аңдардың және 

                                                                                              олардың қай елдерде мекендейтінін

                                                                                              айтқызып үйрету

                                                                                                Елді-мекенді сүюге тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                                Оқушылардың сөйлеуге оқығанны         

                                                                                              әңгімелеуге үйрету

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 12

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік диктант

Coke, lemonade, orange juice, tomato juice, cake, hamburger, bread and cheese….         

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ He is Russian ”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Camel                                     Верблюд

Tiger                                          тигр

Bear                                          медведь

Elephant                                   слон

Giraffe                                   жираф

Zebra                                      зебра                              

Monkey                                    обезьяна

Exercise 1 Read

Exercise 2 listen and repeat

       India               China                    France                 Kazakhstan


Exercise 3 Listen and repeat

-Where does Victor come from?

-He comes from Russia

Exercise 4 Talk to your friend about other famous people. Use pictures

Exercise 5 Listen and repeat

Exercise 6 Listen and repeat


Сұрақ-жауап жұмысы

Where do elephants come from?

Where do kangaroos live?

VIII.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 15



№39                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                     Test                                        

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                              Өткен тақырыптар бойынша 

                                                                                                 оқушылардың білімін тексеру. Тест жазу

                                                                                                   Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын                     


                                                                                                    Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ типі: білімді тексеру сабағы 

Дидактикалық материал:    тест

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II.  Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Today in our lesson we shall the test

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Circle the correct answer.

1.   Where do elephants come from?

A.  Russia.

B.  India.

C.  England.

2. Do you want some Pepsi?

A.  Yes, please.

B.  Yes, I am.

C.  Yes, it is.

3. Do you like swimming?

A.  Yes, I am.

B.  Yes, I does.
    C. Yes, I do.

4. What is M. Jackson s nationality?

A.  He is English.

B.  He is Spanish.
C. He is American.

5. Do you ever help your mother?



6. How often do you make your bed?



7. Is there a swimming pool in your school?



8. There is a disco tomorrow. Do you want to come?



9. How many boys are there in your class?



10. What time does your school start?



IV.Үйге тапсырма




№40                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  My flat

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                           There is, there are құрылымын қайтала  

                                                                                              отырып өз үйі , бөлмесі туралы сөйлеуге 

                                                                                              үйрету. Жаңа сөздерді енгізу

                                                                                                Еңбек етуге  тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                                Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:



       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “My flat”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

 сөздік жұмыс.

Corridor                                     дәліз

Living room                                қонақ бөлме

Bedroom                                     үйықтайтын бөлме

Study                                           кабинет

Rug                                              төсеніш , кілем

Dining room                               асхана

Bath room                                   жуынатын бөлме

Toilet                                           туалет

Plant                                           үйде өсетін өсімдік

Sofa                                             диван

Exercise 2 Look at this plan. This is Omar’s flat

Exercise 3 Look at the picture. Write the names of the room.






Exercise 4 Write the names of the rooms of your flat

Exercise 5 Listen and repeat

Exercise 6 Read

This is a living room

There is a sofa in the living room

There are two armchairs in the living


Exercise 8 Listen to the questions and answer

- Is there a table in the living?

-yes, there is

-Is there a clock.

-no, there isn’t

VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 12




№41                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                               Carol’s kitchen                                            

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                      Оқушылардың сөздік қорын кеңейту    

                                                                                                         «кухня» туралы сөйлеуге үйрету

                                                                                                           Еңбекті сүюге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                         Ойлау, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту                         

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 12

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Төмендегі сөздердің көпше түрін жазып шық.

A living room, a study, a dining room, a bathroom, a toilet, a sofa, a clock, a window, a book, a plant

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Carol’s kitchen ”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Cook                                                 пісіру

Dishwasher                                       ыдыс жуатын машина

Washing machine                              кыр жуатын машина

Sink                                                    қол жуатын жер

Fridge                                                холодильник

Cupboard                                           ыдыс қоятын шкаф

Plate                                                   тарелке

Exercise 3 read

Carol’s kitchen

It’s a modern kitchen. It’s nice and clean. There’s a washing machine, a fridge and a cooker, but there isn’t a dishwasher. There are a lot of cupboards in the kitchen. There isn’t a carpet on the floor. There’s a radio. There isn’t a clock in the kitchen. There aren’t plates and cups in the sink.


Exercise 4 Compare your kitchen with this kitchen and say what’s missing

There’s a washing machine-----------------------but there isn’t --------------------.

There’s a dishwasher-------------------------------but there isn’t --------------------.

Exercise 5 Describe your kitchen


There isn’t---------------

There are---------------

There aren’t-------------


Write 5 interview questions

Is there a washing machine in your kitchen?

Are there plates in the sink?

Is there a clock in your kitchen?

Is there a radio in your kitchen?

Are there a cupboards in your kitchen?

VIII.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 10 Write.  My kitchen.



№42                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                              Which room do you like?                                             

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                      Оқушылардың сөздік қорын кеңейте 

                                                                                                          отырып, қай бөлме қай мақсатта                                          

                                                                                                         қолданылатын айтып түсіндіру

                                                                                                           Оқушылардың бос уақытын дұрыс                                   

                                                                                                          пайдалануға үйрету

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 10

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

There is …, There are …құрылымын қайтала отырып сүрет бойынша сөйлем қурастыру

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Which room do you like?”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Read                                                        оқу

Watch                                                     қарау

Listen                                                      тыңдау

Wash up                                                  ыдыс жуу

Relax                                                       демалу

Talk                                                         соөлеу, әңгімелеу

Play                                                         ойнау

Exercise 1 Look at the words in the box. Match them to the pictures. Which room do the words go with?

Exercise 2 what do you do in your living room? Write all the ideas which come to your mind and exchange ideas with the others.


-I read books

-I read newspapers

-I watch TV

-I listen to music

-I relax in my living room

-I play chess…


What do you do in the kitchen? Write all the ideas that come to your mind and exchange ideas with others.


-I have breakfast, dinner, lunch, supper

-I cook dinner

-I wash up dishes

-I listen to music

-I talk to my family

-I drink some lemonade


Exercise 4 which room do you like/ Why?

I like my room because….

-I relax in my room.

VIII.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 4

43                                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                            Which room do you like? 

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                    There is…, there are… құрылымының                     

                                                                                      қолданулуын бекіту.

                                                                                        Оқушыларды бос уақыттын дұрыс пайдалануына           


                                                                                      Ойлау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Бекіту

Көрнекілігі:         грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Which room do you like?  ”.


Exercise5  Describe your bed room.

Example: There are 4 pictures on the wall.

There are_____________ lamps on the toilet tables.

There is_____________ bed and_____________ in the room.

There isn't_____________ on the floor.

 Exercise 6.           Complete the sentences, and make some more sentences about the living room
(p. 106).

Language notes!

In the middle of the room

1)            There isn't a table in the middle of the room.

2)      There is a sofa at the wall.

3)      There is a carpet in front of the fire.

4)      There is a television near the window.

5)      There is an armchair near the bookcase.

6)      There is a book case next to the fire.

7)_____________ a lamp on the wall.

8)____________ a clock over the fire.

9)  There_____________ a cat under the table.

 Exercise 7.Read the plan of this house (pp. 104-105).

Exercise 8 Draw a plan of your "dream house (flat)" and write 5 sentences about it.

Exercise 9 Read.

Excuse me. What's your address?' '16 Grand Road. Where do you live?' 'At 17 Lueen's Drive'

 Exercise 10.         Ask the addresses of some other students and write them down.

Excuse me.   What's your address? Where do you live?




Phone number


in Astana









IV.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 11




№44                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  I need to buy a desk


Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                           Some, any сөздердің қолданулуын үйрету

                                                                                                Достыққа , жолдастыққа  тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                                Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:



       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “I need to buy a desk”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

 Some, any сөздердің қолданулуын үйрету

Болымды түрі:

There are some apples

Болымсыз түрі:

There aren’t any flowers


Are there any books?

Exercise 2 Read

There are some pictures on the walls.

There aren’t any chairs in the room.

Are there any pillows on the sofa?

Exercise 3 Talk to you partner


Exercise 4 Read the text and draw a scheme of it

Carol’s house

There are 4 rooms in Carol’s house: a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom. There is a hall and toilet. There isn’t any study in the house. There are some flowers on the fire. There aren’t any plants on the fire. There is a carpet in front of the fire. There’s a VCR and books on the shelf. There are some hooks

Exercise 5 Listen and repeat

-I want to go shopping.

-What do you need to buy?

-We need wall units.

-Wall units?

-Yes. For our coats, books, TV and our VCR.

-Do you need several units?


Exercise 6 Listen and practice

What do you need to buy?

I need to buy a desk.


Exercise 7what do you need to buy?

I need to buy------------

VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 12


45                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                              I need to buy a desk

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                      Оқушылардың сөздік қорын кеңейте 

                                                                                                          отырып, much, many сөздердің                 

                                                                                                           қолданулуын үйрету                                                                                                         

                                                                                                           Оқушылардың бос уақытын дұрыс                                   

                                                                                                          пайдалануға үйрету

                                                                                                          Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 12

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Диалог бойынша жұмыс

-I want to go shopping

-What do you need to buy?

-We need wall units….

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.                

  Our theme in our lesson is “ I need to buy a desk ”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Alamclock                                           будильник

Pillow                                                   жастық

VCR                                                      видеомагнитофон

Bottom                                                  түп (дно)

On the left                                             в левой стороне

On the right                                          в правой стороне

Wall unit                                               қабырға жиһазы

Mirror                                                   айна

Enough                                                 жеткілікті

Cheap                                                   арзан

Expensive                                             қымбат

Some                                                     біраз, бірнеше

Exercise 9 Make a list of the things that you need to buy for your room.

Exercise 11 First read the text, then write about your plan

Much, many сөздердің қолданулуын үйрету


Exercise 12 Read and listen to the questions and answer.

What is there near your house?

There is a shop near my house.

Exercise 14 Read and listen

Are there many desks in the shop?

Yes, there are a lot of desks.

No, there aren’t many desks.


Exercise 15 Talk to your partner

Are there many desks in the shop?

VIII.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 16

46                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                              I want to swim

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                      Өткен сабақтағы материалдарды  

                                                                                                         қайтала отырып I want to swim тіркесін 


                                                                                                          Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

                                                                                                         Ойлау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 16

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жұмыс

Alarmclock, pillow, VCR, bottom, on the left, on the right, wall unit, mirror, enough, cheap, Expensive, some

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.                

  Our theme in our lesson is “ I want to swim ”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Swim                                   жүзү

Lesson                                 сабақ

Swimming pool                    жүзү бассейні

Favourite                             сүйікті

Want                                     бір нәрсені істегісі келү

Plane                                    ұшақ

Train                                     поезд

Bus                                        автобус

Car                                       автомобиль

“I want to swim” тіркесін еңгізу

Exercise 1 Interview 2-3 group mates

Exercise 2 Speak about your interview. Read


Exercise 3 listen and practice

Exercise 4 Talk to your partner

I want to------

Exercise 5 Listen and read

Someday I want to go to the United States. I want to go to Disneyland. I want to see the pacific Ocean. And I want to visit Hollywood. Then I want to go to the United Kingdom. I want to see the British Museum. I want to sleep in a castle.

Exercise 7 Study the pictures. Listen and repeat


Exercise 8 Read and talk to your partner

I want to go to Japan.

I want to go to Russia by train.

I want to go to--------------.

I want to swim in a swimming pool.

VIII.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 11



№47                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  How do I get there?


Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Бір жерге бару үшін немесе біреуді үйге 

                                                                                                  шақырғанда қандай сөз тіркестерін                   

                                                                                                  қолдануға болатындығын үйрету

                                                                                                    Адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                    Оқушының талдау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:



       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “How do I get there?”.

  III.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Turn                                  бұрылу

Go                                     бару

Strait                                 тіке, тура

Sheet                                 лист

Bowl                                   чаша

Jar                                      банка, кувшин

Exercise 1 read answer the question and practice

What is it?

At the top of the page…

Exercise 6 listen and read


Point it out

Room                                     sofa                               sheet

Living room.                       chair                               book

Bedroom                             armchair                       dresser

Floor                                   wall                                  rug

Mirror                                 pillow                        alarm clock

Exercise 3 Listen and practice

I’ve got to study.

I’ve got to eat.

I’ve got to tidy my room.

I’ve got to do shopping.

I’ve got to work in the garden.


Exercise 7 Talk to your partner.

How do I get from------------to------------?

Exercise 8 Invite your friend to your house.

Draw a map and write.

  VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 9

Draw a map and write



№48                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  Would you like some juice?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Ағылшын мәдениеттігі кісіні сыйлау мен 

                                                                                                    ұсынғанда сыпайылық таныта отырып 

                                                                                                    сөйлеуді және жауап беруді үйрету.

                                                                                                       Оқушылардың қол жетгізген жетістігін 

                                                                                                    көрсету арқылы белсенділігін тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                                      Оқушының мәдени ой-өрісін дамыту

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 9

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жұмыс

Turn, go, strait, sheet, bowl, jar….

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Would you like some juice?

 V.Жаңа сабақ

“Would you like some juice?” тіркесін еңгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

-Would you like some juice?

-No, thanks. I don’t drink juice.

-How about some Coke?

-Yes, please.

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

Exercise 3 Listen and practice


Exercise 4 Match the words and pictures.

Lemonade                             coca-cola                       tea

Pepsi                                     water                            chocolate

Cake                                      sandwiches                   milk

Write the words to the box

Food                                              Drink

Exercise 6 listen and practice

-Would you like an orange?

-Thank you. I’d like one.

- I like oranges. Mmm. It’s delicious.

-I’m glad you like to it.

-Where do orange come from?

-These come from California.


Exercise 8 Listen and read

-Do you like pizza?

-No, I don’t.

-Do you like salad?

-Yes, I do.

-Would you like some salad?

-Yes, please.

 VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 12,13

№49                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  I’d like hamburger.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Тамаққа қатысты жаңа сөздерді еңгізу, 

                                                                                                     саналатын және саналмайтын зат     

                                                                                                     есімдер турулы түсінік беру

                                                                                                    Адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                    Оқушының талдау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “I’d like hamburger.”.

  III.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Knife                                пышақ

Fork                                 шанышқы

Spoon                               қасық

Glass                                шыны

Tomato                             помидор

Egg                                  жұмыртқа

Milk                                  сүт

Water                               су

Cabbage                          капуста

Cheese                             сыр

Carrot                              сәбіз

Change                            ауыстыру

Sugar                               қант

Peach                               шабдалы

Exercise 10 Countable and uncountable nouns


Exercise 2 Look up the geographical names in the textbook vocabulary


In the United States oranges usually come from California and Florida. Apples come from Washington. Peaches come from New Jersey. Bananas come from South America and Central America.

Cheese comes from California and sometimes from Europe. Lamb usually comes from Colorado and Montana. Coffee comes from Colombia. A lot of fish comes from Maine.

Most American cars come from Michigan, but many come from Japan, Germany. Many clothes are made in New York, but a large number come from China.


Exercise 3 True or false

a)   Cheese comes from Europe

b)   Lamb comes from Colorado and Montana

c)       Coffee comes from Kazakhstan

d)   In the USA oranges come from Arizona  

e)Bananas come from South America and Central America

  VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 2



№50                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                              Would you like to order?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                      Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

                                                                                                     отырып, диалог бойынша жұмыс істеуді


                                                                                                           Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

                                                                                                      Оқушылардың бос уақытын тиімді

                                                                                                     пайдалануға үйрету

Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 2

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Countable or uncountable ?

Rain, armchair, sugar, apple….

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.                

  Our theme in our lesson is “ Would you like to order? ”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1.      Warm-up. Read and sing.

Would you like to have a pear? Have a pear if you dare. Would you like to have a sweet? Have a sweet for a treat. I'd like to have a pear. I'd like to have a sweet. I'd like to come to your house. That would be really neat!

Listening, reading and speaking

2. Listen and practise.

Jane:   Thank you, Anna. That was

a nice lunch. Anna: It was my pleasure. Would

you like some ice cream? Jane:   Oh! No, thank you. Anna: Don't you like ice cream? Jane: Yes, but I'm full. Anna: Are you sure? It's no trouble. Jane:  Thank you. I can't eat another bite.

Exercise 3. Talk to your partner.

Would you like______

Exercise 4. Read.

No, thank you. I_____




Exercise 6. Act out.

Waiter:        Would you like to order?

Customer:   I'd like_________________ , please.

Waiter:        Would you like________________ or

Customer:                                , please.

Exercise 5 listen and repeat.


Exercise 8 lisen and practice

VIII.Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 12





№51                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                 What do you eat for breakfast?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                  Тамаққа қатысты жаңа сөздерді      

                                                                                                     енгізіп, өзінің қандай тамақ жейтіндігін     

                                                                                                     айтуға және сол туралы сұхбаттаса 

                                                                                                     білуге үйрету.

                                                                                                       Оқушылардың қол жетгізген жетістігін 

                                                                                                    көрсету арқылы белсенділігін тәрбиелеу.

                                                                                                      Оқушының салыстыру, ойлау қабілетін 


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 12

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жұмыс

Pear, treat, really, bite, chicken, vegetable, rice, beef…

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “What do you eat for breakfast?”

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Жаңа сөздерді еңгізу

Weigh                                       тарту (ауыр тарту)

Weight                                      салмақ

Equal                                        тең

Pork                                         шошқа еті

Veal                                          бұзау еті

Mutton                                      қой еті

Height                                      бой

What do you eat for breakfast? Сұрағын еңгізу оған жауап беруді үйрету

I eat --------------for breakfast or I have -------------for breakfast.

Exercise 2 read

Exercise 3 read

The fork is on the left.

The plate is in the middle.  The spoon is on the right.


Exercise 4 Study this

How much is it? Math game

A kilo equals 2, 2 pounds.

60 kilos equals----------pounds.

10 kilos equals---------pounds.

Exercise 5 listen and practice

Exercise 6. Complete the chart.


Colour of hair:--------------

Colour of eyes:-------------


Exercise 10 Read the interview.

Asel eats beef and mutton, but she doesn’t eat pork and veal….

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 13,14


52                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                     Test                                        

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                              Өткен тақырыптар бойынша 

                                                                                                 оқушылардың білімін тексеру. Тест жазу

                                                                                                   Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын                     


                                                                                                    Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ типі: білімді тексеру сабағы 

Дидактикалық материал:    тест

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II.  Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Today in our lesson we shall the test

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Circle the correct answer.

1. The fork is

A. on the left             B.       on the right                   C.      in the middle

2. The plate is

A. on the left            B.        on the right                    C.     in the middle

3. The spoon is

A. on the left           B.         on the right                    C.     in the middle

4. Would you like some milk?

A. Yes, I do.           B.          It's white.                         C. Yes, please.

5. What do you want to eat for lunch?

a. I'd like a hamburger.           B.    I want to eat.             C.          Thank you very much.

6. Where do bananas come from?

A. I'm from Kazakhstan.       B. They come from Pakistan.

C. It comes from Canada.

7. Would you like to order?

A. I'd like the beef, please.          B.      Yes, I am.      C.           I don't eat meat.

8. Would you like rice or potatoes?

A. I'd like rice.         B.  I'd like coffee.               C.       Yes, I would.



IV.Үйге тапсырма




№53                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  I think it’s beautiful.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта 

                                                                                                     отырып жаңа сөздікпен жұмыс істеу

                                                                                                      Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                    Оқушының талдау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “I think it’s beautiful.”.

  III.Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

North           [            ] солтүстік

South           [ sauө ]  оңтүстік

West            [         ] батыс

East            [ I:st] шығыс

Mountain    [‘mauntin] тау

Forest        [‘f rist] орман

Lake          [leik] көл

Island       [‘ailәnd] арал

River        [‘rivә] өзен

Beach      [bit  ] жағажай

Cliff        [klif] жартас

Exercise 2 read

Exercise 3 listen and read along


Exercise 4 Listen and practice.

   North West  

   East South

There are mountains in the north. There's a beach near the cliffs.

Exercise 5  Answer the questions.

a.  What does Asel dream about?

b.  What do you think of Asel's island? (I think it's ...)

c.  Where do you think the island is? (I think it's near ... I think it's in ...)

d.  Where would you like to live on the island? (I think I'd like to live near ...)

Exercise 11 Talk to your partner

Where would you like to go in the world?


Exercise 14 Answer the questions

Where do you live?

Do you live in the south of Kazakhstan?

 Do you live in the north of Kazakhstan?

Do you live in the west of Kazakhstan?

Do you live in the east of Kazakhstan?


  VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 15


54                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                 How is the weather in…?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                  Ауа райына  қатысты жаңа сөздерді      

                                                                                                     енгізіп, ауа райы   туралы сұхбаттаса 

                                                                                                     білуге үйрету.

                                                                                                       Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                      Оқушының салыстыру, ойлау қабілетін 


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 15

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жұмыс

North, west, east, south, mountains, forest, lake, island, river, beach, cliff….

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “How is the weather in…?”

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Жаңа сөздерді еңгізу

Sunny [         ] күнді

Rainy [‘reini] жаңбырлы

Windy [ windi] желді

Snowing [snәuin] қарлы

Cloudy [ ‘klaudi] бұлтты

Foggy  [f gi] тұманды

Hot   [hot] ыстық

Warm [w :m] жылы

Cold [ kәuld] суық

Wet [ wet]

Dry [drai] құрғақ

Exercise 5 listen and practice

How's the weather?

It's snowing.            It's sunny.

It's raining.              It's cloudy.        It's windy.


Exercise 6       Write the correct word under each symbol. See the picture on page 129.

sunny       raining      windy      snowing      cloudy      foggy

B. Which adjective can go with the symbols above? Look up the words in the vocabulary.

Hot, warm, cold, wet, dry

Exercise 7 Listen to the questions and answers

What is the weather like today?

It’s sunny and windy

What is the weather like  in Asia?


Exercise 12 Interview your partner

Example: Where would you like to go? Why?

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 7 b



55                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                 Where’s Great Britain?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                  Ұлыбритания туралы сөйлеуге үйрету. 

                                                                                                     Жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу

                                                                                                      Тілін оқып жатқан мемлекетті 

                                                                                                     құрметтеуге үйрету

                                                                                                       Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        карта

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 7b

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жұмыс

Sunny, rainy, windy, snowing, cloudy, foggy, hot, warm, cold, wet, dry…

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Where’s Great Britain?”

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Картамен жұмыс

Exercise 11 Listen and read

Great Britain is in the Atlantic Ocean. The countries in this part of the world are cold in winter, but Great Britain has a warm climate. Warm ocean water keeps the British Isles warm and green.

There are four countries in Great Britain. Scotland, Wales and England are on one island. Ireland is on another island across the Irish Sea.

When tourists think of England, they think of London. London is a very large city. Tourists see that England is a country of green hills, lakes and small villages.

Scotland is a beautiful country. It has wild rivers, beautiful hills and small mountains.         

Wales has a lot of hills and mountains, too. People like to go to Wales to visit the castles, walk in the hills and enjoy the beaches.

Tourists say that Ireland is a wonderful place to visit because life in Ireland is quiet and slow.


Exercise 10

Where is the Great Britain?

Is it in the west of Europe?

Where is Scotland?

Where is Wales?

What city is London?

Where is Ireland?


Exercise 12 True or False

        Great Britain is in the Atlantic Ocean.                                        

a)  Great Britain has a warm climate.                                            

b)     This water keeps the British Isles warm.                                   

c)   There are 3 countries in Great Britain.                                     

d)     London is a large city.                                                               

e)   Scotland has wild rivers, hills and mountains.                          

f)    Life in Ireland isn't quiet and slow.                                           

Exercise 13 Talk to your partner. Speak about Kazakhstan. These questions are helpful

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 11


56                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                They’re cutting trees.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                  Табиғат туралы сөйлеуге үйрету                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                      Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                      Оқушының салыстыру, ойлау қабілетін 

                                                                                                      дамыту                                                                                                  Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 11

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сұрақ-жауап жұмысы

Where is the Great Britain?

Is it in the west of Europe?

Where is Scotland?

Where is Wales?

What city is London?

Where is Ireland?

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “They’re cutting trees.”

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Learn the poem

Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow.

And winter is white.

Exercise 2 Listen and practice.What’s happening?


Exercise 3 look up the new words in the vocabulary

Exercise 4 Talk to your partner. What’s happening in your village?

       Do you pollute water?

a)     Do you burn trees?

b)          Do you kill birds?

c)     Do you dump rubbish?


Exercise 6 Read the words and say them

Exercise 7 Study the spelling

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 10

57                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                Some people are destroying the environment?

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                  Қоршаған орта туралы сөйлеуге үйрету                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                      Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                      Оқушының салыстыру, ойлау қабілетін 

                                                                                                      дамыту                                                                                                  Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 10

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Exercise 1 Learn the poem

Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. And winter is white.

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Some people are destroying the environment?”

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 7 Listen and read along

The world is a very beautiful place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forests. But some people are destroying the environment.

In the Amazon rain forest they're cutting the large trees. They're burning the small ones. They're killing birds and the animals. They're destroying the forest because they want to change the forest into farm land.

On Mount Everest too many people are walking on the mountains. They're destroying the grass. They're killing the plants. They're dumping their rubbish on the mountain because they do not want to carry it.

On the Zhaiykh River in Kazakhstan the factories are polluting the river with dirty water and it costs money to clean the water. People are killing the red herring in the river because they want the caviar. They take the caviar and they throw away the fish. They throw away the fish because they get more money from caviar.

In some places things are getting better. The British are cleaning the rivers. The fish are coming back. The Americans are protecting the Redwood Forest. They are not cutting the big, old trees. In Kazakhstan we are not testing nuclear bombs anymore.


Exercise 8 True or false

a) The world is beautiful.                                                               —        —

b) Some people are destroying the environment.                           —        —

c)    In the Amazon Rain Forest they are planting trees.     —

d) On the Mount Everest two many people are walking on the mountains.              

e)  They are destroying the grass.                                                   —        —

f)      They dump their rubbish on the mountains every year.       —        —

g)  In Kazakhstan on the Zhaiykh River the

factories are polluting the river with dirty water.                                

h) Do people kill the red herring?                                                        

i) Do people take the caviar and throw the fish away?                       

j) Do people get a lot of money from caviar?                                      

     k) Do some people help the nature?


Exercise 6 Read and complete the chart


VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 2



58                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                     Test                                        

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                              Өткен тақырыптар бойынша 

                                                                                                 оқушылардың білімін тексеру. Тест жазу

                                                                                                   Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын                     


                                                                                                    Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ типі: білімді тексеру сабағы 

Дидактикалық материал:    тест

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II.  Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Today in our lesson we shall the test

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

1. The Akmola

A. in Astana

B.  in Almaty
C. near Astana

2. The Tower of London is

A. in Scotland

B. in Wales

C. near the Houses of Parliament y

3. In Kazakhstan, theAlatau mountains are

A. in the south

B.  in the west

C. in the north

4. How’s the weather in Almaty today?

A. Yes, it is.

B. It's cloudy.

C. It's near the He River.

5. Where is Aspen, Colorado?

A. It's in Great Britain.

B. It's in the United Kingdom.

C. It's in the United States.

6. Where is the Amazon rain forest?

A. It's in Asia.

B. It's in South America.

C. It's in North America.

7. What's the temperature in Astana?

A. It's 20 °C/

B. It's a very old city.

C. I'd like to visit India.

8. Why isn't Great Britain very cold in the winter?

A. It isn't cold because it's in the north.

B. It isn't cold because warm water keeps it warm. 

C. There are four countries in Great Britain.



IV.Үйге тапсырма




№59                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  I’m learning English.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта 

                                                                                                     отырып ағылшын тілі туралы сөйлеуге


                                                                                                      Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын 


                                                                                                    Оқушының талдау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “I’m learning English.”.

  III.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Look at the pictures

What do you think of the picture?

 Write down all the ideas that come to your mind or talk to your partner.

Exercise 2 Listen and practice

-Hi, Bolat. How’s it going?


Frank: What are you doing?

Bolat:   Nothing much. I'm watching TV.

Frank: Do you and Alma want to come over for lunch? We're

a barbecue.

Bolat:   Let me ask Alma. Frank: Okay. Call me back. Let me know. Bolat:   Okay. Thanks. Goodbye. Frank: Bye.



Exercise 3 Study these phrases

Learn English                      listen to the teacher                      Read a magazine

Read a book                        sit on a chair                                listen to music

Speak English                      speak Kazakh



Exercise 4 listen and practice

What are you doing?-I’m learning English.


  VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 2











60                                         5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  I’m learning English.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                          “I’m learning English.” Тақырыбы бойынша

                                                                                                оқушылардың білімін бекіту          

                                                                                                      Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын 


                                                                                                    Оқушының талдау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Бекіту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “I’m learning English.”.


Read the dialogue

-Hi, Bolat. How’s it going?


Frank: What are you doing?

Bolat:   Nothing much. I'm watching TV.

Frank: Do you and Alma want to come over for lunch? We're

a barbecue.

Bolat:   Let me ask Alma.

Frank: Okay. Call me back. Let me know.

 Bolat:   Okay. Thanks. Goodbye.

Frank: Bye.


Exercise 4 listen and practice

What are you doing?-I’m learning English.

Exercise 6 say three things that you partner’s doing now.


Exercise 6 Talk to your partner. Say three things that you are doing now.

Exercise 7       Listen and practise.

I'm not listening to music.

Exercise 8 Talk to your partner. Say three things that you are not doing now

Exercise 9 Say three things that your teacher is not doing now.

Exercise 10    Study this letter and listen to its pronunciation.

Q   q

Exercise 11    Read these words and say them.

Queen        quater            quick          question

Exercise 12Act out exercise 2.

IV. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 13







61                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  Arnold was  a body builder

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта 

                                                                                                     отырып жулдыздар туралы сөйлеуге  


                                                                                                      Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын 


                                                                                                    Оқушының талдау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Arnold was  a body builder”.

  III.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Warm-up. What do you think?

Say three things your mother (or father, grandmother, grandfather) is doing. Say three things your mother (or father, grandmother, grandfather) is not doing.

Listening, reading and speaking 2. Match a line in A with a line in B.



a body builder

a movie star

Bibigul  Tolegenova

a factory worker

a famous singer

Bill Gates

high school

a computer genius



and billionaire

Neil Armstrong

an astronaut, first

a businessman


man on the moon

an astronaut of Kazakhstan

Paul McCartney

a high school

a singer and



song writer

Talgat Musabaev


a wrestler

a restaurant owner

Tokhtar Aubakirov


a sport school owner

Exercise 3 listen and read along

Victor: Who's Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Colin: He was a body builder. Now he's a big movie star.


Exercise 4 listen and practice the new words in the chart.

Exercise 5 Talk to you partner

Who's ...?

... was ... . Now ... is ...


Exercise 6 listen and read along

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star were born in Liverpool, England. Their families were poor. John Lennon was in art school and Paul McCartney was a high school dropout. They formed "The Beatles" in 1959. Their first record was "Love Me Do" in 1962

  VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 6



62                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  Arnold was  a body builder

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта 

                                                                                                     отырып “Arnold was  a body builder”     

                                                                                                    тақырыбы бойынша оқушылардың білімін


                                                                                                      Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын 


                                                                                                    Оқушының талдау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        бекіту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Arnold was  a body builder”.


Exercise 6 listen and read along

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star were born in Liverpool, England. Their families were poor. John Lennon was in art school and Paul McCartney was a high school dropout. They formed "The Beatles" in 1959. Their first record was "Love Me Do" in 1962. It was a hit. In a few years, they were millionaires. They were one of the first groups to write and sing their own music. Some people think that "Revolver" (1966) was there best album.

Exercise 7 True or false

a)   The singers families were poor.                                 

b)   Paul was a high school dropout.                                

c)   They formed the Beatles in 1989.

d)   Their first record was not a hit.                                  —        —

e)   They were one of the first groups

to write and sing their own music.                               —        —

f)          "Revolver" wasn't their best album. 

Exercise 8. Answer the questions. Who were "The Beatles"? Do you know what they are
doing now?

Exercise 9. Write about Tokhtar Aubakirov or someone that you know.

Exercise 10.          Listen and practise.

Carol: Where were you born?

Victor: I was born in Pavlodar in Kazakhstan.

Exercise 11 Talk to your partner

Where were you born?

I was born in …

Exercise 12 Study this letter and listen to its pronunciation

Exercise 13Read these words and ask say them

Hello Hollywood     how        he     hand        hill    hot


  IV. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 14






63                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  The sun is 5 billion years old.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                 Жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу. Жер  

                                                                                                        туралы сөйлеуге үйрету

                                                                                                   Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын 


                                                                                                    Оқушының ойлау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу


  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “The sun is 5 billion years old.”.


  III.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 2 look at the pictures7 What idea comes to your mind? Write then exchange them.

Exercise3 Listen and read along.

Victor: What are you reading?

Dmitry: A book about the Sun.

Victor: Is it interesting?

Dmitry: Yes. Listen to this:

The Sun is about 5 billion years old.

The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. From space, the Earth is blue with areas of brown, green and white. Some astronomers think that the Moon was a planet.

The first planet from the Sun is Mercury. Mercury is very hot

The second planet is Venus.

Mars is the fourth planet.

Jupiter is the fifth planet and it's very large. It has blue, brown, white and red clouds.

The sixth planet is Saturn. The seventh is Uranus and the eighth is Neptune. They are large, gas and liquid planets like Jupiter.

The nineth planet is Pluto. Pluto is a small planet.


Exercise 4 Comprehension check. True or false.

a)  The Sun is 6 billion years old.

b)  The earth is the third planet from the Sun.

c)     From space the Earth is red.

d)  The first planet from the Sun is Mercury.

e)  Venus is the second planet.

f)    Mars is the fourth planet, Jupiter is the fifth planet.

g)  The sixth planet is Saturn, the seventh is Uranus and the eighth is Neptune.

h) The nineth planet is Pluto. It's a small planet.

V. Бекіту

Exercise 5 Talk to your partner. Do you think the planets are interesting? would you like to visit? Why?


  VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 3




64                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  The sun is 5 billion years old.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                             The sun is 5 billion years old. Тақырыбы

                                                                                                  бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту.                                                       

                                                                                                  Реттік  сан есімдерін қайталау        

                                                                                                   Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын 


                                                                                                    Оқушының есте сақтау   қабілетін


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        бекіту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “The sun is 5 billion years old.”.

V. Бекіту

Exercise 5 Talk to your partner. Do you think the planets are interesting? would you like to visit? Why?

Exercise 6 Study this

1st - first,                                         2nd - second,

 3rd - third,                                      ]4th -fourth,

5th - fifth,                                          6th - sixth,

 7th - seventh,                                   8th - eighth,

9th - ninth.

Exercise 7 Read and complete the exercise.

one - 6ip                                     the first - бірінші

two -                                           the second -

three -                                        the third -

four - the fourth                          seven -

five - the fifth                              eight -

six - the sixth                              nine -

Exercise 8 Write. I'd like to visit the moon (or Jupiter or ...).   

Point it out.

space                                     American cosmonauts

Kazakh cosmonauts               Earth                                      

Russian cosmonauts              clouds                                    


Дәптерде жұмыс

1,2,7,8,9,6,5,23,2,1 сандарды жаз


  VI. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 8




65                                          5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                  Let me help you.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                  Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта 

                                                                                                       отырып диалогпен жұмыс істеу.

                                                                                                        Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу 

                                                                                                    Оқушының ойлау қабілетін дамыту


Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі:        Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу


  II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “Let me help you.”.

  III.Жаңа сабақ

 Exercise 5 Listen and practice

 (Alma and Bolat go to Frank's house for a barbecue.)

Bolat:   Hi, Frank.

Frank: Bolat! I'm glad you couldcome.

Bolat: Thanks for asking us to come.

Alma:   You're cooking! Can I help?

Frank: No, this is man's work.

Bolat:   Okay. Let me help you.

Frank: Okay. Turn the hamburgers over.

Bolat:   Like this?

Frank: Uh-huh.  Now  put  some cheese on them. Let me  show you.

Exercise 4 look at the picture.

What is it? Do you like it?

Do you want to eat it?

Do you usually eat hamburgers?

How often do you eat it?

How much does it coast?


Exercise 6 Talk to you partner.

Thanks for ... me.

I'm glad you could come

Exercise 7 Study the following

put ... on                cook

turn ... over            bun

Exercise 8 Talk to your partner. Teach someone to make a cheeseburger.

V. Бекіту

Exercise 10 Talk to yo0u partner. Offer your help.

Let me ... you. Let me ... for you.

Exercise  12.  Read these words and say them.

Neptune       New York               November

name              ninth                    the north

  VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 13


66                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                I’m going to work.

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                                  Мамандық туралы сөйлеуге үйрету                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

                                                                                                      Еңбек етуге тәрбиелеу

                                                                                                      Оқушының салыстыру, ойлау қабілетін 

                                                                                                      дамыту                                                                                                  Сабақ әдісі:         Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі:        аралас

Көрнекілігі:        тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс:           қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Exercise 13

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Exercise 1 Warm-up. Read the song and act it out

Stand up and look around.

Shake your head and turn around.

Stamp your feet upon the ground.

Clap your hands and then sit down.

Stand up and look around

Make a bow and turn around.

Stamp your feet upon the ground

Clap your hands and then sit down

  IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “I’m going to work.”

 V.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 2 Listen and practice.

What's going to happen in the 21st century?

Astronauts are going to live in a large space station. Astronauts are going to go to Moon. We're going to save the Caspian Sea. We're going to clean up the environment. We're going to have computers in our houses. I'm going to finish school. I'm going to work.

Exercise 3 Talk to you partner

What's going to happen in the 21st century?

What do you think?


Exercise 4 Name a person who is going to do something. The other students will try to
say what you are going to do.

You're going to swim

Exercise 7 talk to you partner

Have you got any plans for the next year or so?


Exercise 9 Listen and practice

Asel: I'd like to thank you.

Language Partner: What for?

Asel: Thanks for helping me in class.

Language Partner: I'd like to thank you, too. You help me a lot.

VIII. Үйге тапсырма

 Exercise 8, 11



67                                        5 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы:                                                     Test                                        

Сабақтың мақсаты:                                                              Өткен тақырыптар бойынша 

                                                                                                 оқушылардың білімін тексеру. Тест жазу

                                                                                                   Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын                     


                                                                                                    Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақ типі: білімді тексеру сабағы 

Дидактикалық материал:    тест

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II.  Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Today in our lesson we shall the test

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

1. The astronauts are floating in

A. the space station

B. the solar panel

C. the launch pad

2. The space station is

A. listening to music

B. orbiting the earth

C. orbiting the Moon

3.  What are you doing?

A. I like hamburgers.

B. I'm taking an English test.

C.  I eat lunch.

4.   Bibigul

A. is a factory worker

B. was a factory worker

C. is going to be a factory worker

5.   In 1962, "The Beatles" first record

A. was a hit

B. is going to be a hit

C. can be a hit

6.   Where was Arnold Schwarzenegger born?

A. He is a movie star.

B. He's in Austria.

C. He was born in Austria.

7.   Welcome to my house.

A. Thanks for me.

B. Thanks for inviting me.

C. I am happy.

8.   Jupiter is

A. the five planet

B. five planet

C.        the fifth planet

IV.Үйге тапсырма



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