Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыПрактические задания по темам " INTRODUCING YOURSELF" "RELATIONSHIPS "

Практические задания по темам " INTRODUCING YOURSELF" "RELATIONSHIPS "

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г. Павловск,





Part 1.  Topical Vocabulary. 6

Part 2. Training Exercises. 6

Part 3. Reading. 8

Part 4. Speech practice. 10

Part 5. Reproduction Stage. 11


Part 1. Topical Vocabulary. 12

Part 2. Training Exercises. 13

Part 3. Reading. 14

Part 4. Speech Practice. 18

Part 5. Reproduction Stage. 20


Part 1. Topical Vocabulary. 22

Part 2. Training Exercises. 23

Part 3. Reading. 25

Part 4. Speech Practice. 27

Part 5. Reproduction Stage. 29





Учебно-методическое пособие «Сборник практических заданий» для студентов неязыковых специальностей с уровнем владения языком Intermediate представляет собой комплект практических заданий для самостоятельной подготовки студентов к сдаче экзамена по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык».

Данное учебно-методическое пособие состоит из 10 разделов, каждый из которых является автономным и логически выстроенным. Содержание и  тематика разделов полностью соответствует учебной программе по данной дисциплине. Все разделы состоят из 5 частей: “Topical vocabulary”, “Training exercises”, “Reading”, “Speech practice”, “Reproduction stage” и представляют собой цепочку подготовительных речевых заданий, способствующих постепенному развитию у студентов коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, столь необходимой для успешной социализации и самореализации учащихся.

В первой части раздела “Topical vocabulary” студенты работают над изолированными словами по данной теме, которые расширяют потенциальный и рецептивный словарный запас учащихся. Раздел пособия “Training exercises” призван обеспечить запоминание лексических единиц и употребления их в речи учащимися. В качестве материала для чтения в третьей части раздела “Reading” даны доступные учащимся в языковом отношении и по содержанию аутентичные тексты. В этой части пособия студенты выполняют упражнения в конце текста, способствующие пониманию текста в целом, умению выделять основные факты и осмысливать главную идею текста с целью дальнейшего использования полученной информации при решении различных коммуникативных задач. В части “Speech practice” предлагаются диалоги-штампы, образцы диалогического общения по заданной тематике. В связи с прочитанным и усвоенным ранее материалом, студенты продолжают учиться участвовать в диалогах разного типа общения: диалогах-расспросах, диалогах обмене информацией, побуждения к действию, а также диалогах смешанного типа в части задания. В конце пособия имеется приложение с речевыми клише и разговорными формулами. Студенты смогут использовать речевые фразы для ведения  беседы и выражения своего отношения к высказыванию партнера и по обсуждаемой теме. В заключительной части каждого раздела “Reproduction stage”, накопленный материал по данной теме, используется студентами как опора для самостоятельного речевого высказывания. Учащиеся развивают умения делать сообщения, вести дискуссию, кратко передавать содержание полученной информации, рассуждать о фактах, событиях, делая выводы и выражая свое мнение вербальными средствами.

Практические задания составлены таким образом, что позволяют студентам самостоятельно повторить и закрепить изученный материал. При составлении заданий были задействованы разные виды рецептивной речевой деятельности (задания с выборочным извлечением информации, прогнозированием, идентификацией, заполнением пропусков, нахождением в тексте мест, куда подходят опущенные фразы и прочее.)

Данное учебно-методическое пособие рекомендуется для использования при обучении студентов неязыковых специальностей СПО, изучающих дисциплину «Иностранный (английский) язык» при самостоятельной подготовке к итоговой аттестации, как дополнительный материал при изучении тем и выполнению проектных заданий.


Part 1.  Topical Vocabulary

first/personal/  Christian name

surname/last/family name

patronymic/middle name


namesake/name – child

take one’s name from

under the name of

come from

at the age of

be in one’s early/mid/late

middle –aged

be/come of age

one-parent family

nuclear family

extended  family


close/distant relatives










be single

get married



be divorced








названный в честь кого-либо

под именем


в возрасте

быть в возрасте чуть/около/ 

средних лет

достигнуть совершеннолетия

семья с одним родителем

малая семья

расширенная семья


близкие/далекие родственники



родные братья/сёстры





дедушка и бабушка


быть женатым




быть в разводе



Part 2. Training Exercises

1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the topical vocabulary above.

1.     Children go to school at the____ of six in our country.

2.     Her_____ name  was Atkinson. But after the marriage her name is Brown.

3.     Tom’s parents don’t live together. They are _____ .

4.     He hasn’t got a family of his own, he is a ______  so far.

5.     Are you an ______ child in the family? No, I’ve got an elder brother.

6.     She is married now but two years ago she was ______.

7.     He is 19. He ____ of age last month.

8.     I’m a namesake of _____Richard.

9.     She is in_____ late sixties.

10. His daughter is in ______ mid teens.

2. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations:

to be separated, to be divorced, to be related, an immigrant, to remarry, to be in one’s twenties, a widowed woman, a foreigner.

Start with these phrases:  It’s a person who …

It’s a period (condition) when …

It’s a place where …

3. Use the words from the table below to fill in the gaps in the sentences:

1. In a big family you always have somebody … .

2. When I was about ten, my sisters and I used … my brother.

3. I … my sisters most of the time, but sometimes we fight about the telephone – everybody always wants it at the same time!

4. When my cousin stays with us in summer, she often…, but when she doesn’t, I …

5. When my younger sister went to school, our parents asked me … her to help her feel confident.

6. Nobody believes we are sisters – we …!

7. My brother can … when he switches on TV while I am doing my homework and sometimes he even …, but I know I’ll … when he leaves for university.


to keep someone company

to look alike

to get on someone’s nerves

to be annoying

to look out for someone

to feel bad

to make someone cry

to get on well with someone

to fight about everything

to be upset

4. Read the words and their definitions. Then translate them into Russian.

Look out for someone

To take care of someone and make sure that they are treated well

Get on somebody’s nerves

To make someone feel annoyed or nervous


Making you feel slightly angry or impatient

Fall out

To stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them

Make up with

To become friendly again with someone after an argument

Keep somebody’s company

To spend time with someone so that they will not feel lonely

Part 3. Reading

1. Read the text and choose the right answer.


Few people would defend the Victorian attitude to children, but if you were a parent in those days, at least you knew where you stood: children were to be seen and not to be heard. Freud and company did away with all that and parents have been bewildered ever since.

The child's happiness is all-important, the psychologists say, but what about the parents' happiness? Parents suffer constantly from rear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place apart; a good old-fashioned spanking is out of the question: no modern child-treating marvel would permit such barbarity. The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout... Certainly a child needs love... and a lot of it. But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing more harm than good.

Psychologists have succeeded in undermining parents' confidence in their own authority. And it hasn't taken children long to get wind of the fact. In addition to the great modern classics on child care, there are countless articles in magazines and newspapers. With so much unsolicited advice flying about, mum and dad just don't know what to do any more. In the end they do nothing at all. So, from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents' lives are regulated according to the needs of their offspring. If the young people are doing to have a party, for instance, parents are asked to leave the house. Their presence merely spoils the fun. What else the poor parents can do but obey?

Children are hardy creatures (far harder than the psychologists would have us believe) and most of them survive the harmful influence of extreme permissiveness which is the normal condition in the modern household. But a great many do not. The spread of juvenile delinquency in our own age is largely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that little Johnny roams the street. The dividing line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed.

The psychologists have much to answer. They should keep their mouths shut and let parents get on with the job. And if children are knocked about a little bit in the process, it may not really matter too much... Perhaps, there's some truth in the idea that children who've had a surfeit of happiness in their childhood emerge like stodgy puddings and fear to make a success of life.

Study these words and expressions:



gaily romp about                               нагло и шумно носитьсяиграя

bewilder                                            смущать, сбивать с толку, ставить в тупик

undermine                                         разрушать, подрывать

spank                                                 хлопать, шлёпать ладонью

pull the place apart                            перевернуть всё вверх дном, разнести в клочья

to get wind of                                    дать перевести дух

unsolicited                                         невостребованный

offspring                                            отпрыск, потомок

The spread of juvenile delinquency  распространение подростковой преступности

parental laxity                                   родительская неуверенность, расхлябанность, неопределенность

roam the street                                   бесцельно бродить, шататься

sheer negligence                                полнейшая небрежность, халатность       

to be knocked about                          шататься, рыскать, вести беспутный образ жизни

surfeit                                                излишества, неумеренность

emerge                                               появляться, возникать

stodgy puddings                                сытный, тяжёлый пирог


Do these exercises:

1. What was the attitude to children in Victorian times? Children should...

1) be heard and within reach.

2) be quiet and within reach.

3) be permitted to do what they want.

4) get a lot of love from their parents.


2. What are the modern psychological ideas about upbringing?

1) Parents should spank children for their misbehaviour.

2) The children should be shouted at when it's needed.

3) Excessive permissiveness is out of the question.

4) Then lives of the parents should be regulated according to the needs of the children.


3. Modern children have felt already that the parents are...

1) confident of their authority.

2) more interested in their own lives.

3) eager to fulfill all the wishes of their kids.

4) in need of advice from magazines on upbringing.


4. The author believes that some children become criminals as...

1) they are neglected by their parents.

2) they can look after themselves.

3) they can't stand the atmosphere of permissiveness.

4) they get under a harmful influence at school.


5. According to the author, when it comes to the problem of upbringing psychologists should...

1) answer all the questions parents have.

2) avoid giving advice on upbringing.

3) help children to make a success of their lives.

4) draw a line between permissiveness and negligence.


6. According to the author, why do some children fear to make a success of life?

1) They were too happy in childhood.

2) Their parents were too strict with them.

3) The parents didn't care about them.

4) Their parents ignored the advice of psychologists.

Part 4. Speech practice

Use the patterns to reproduce the dialogues of your own.


Dialogue 1

– What’s your full name?

– My full name is Petrov Vladislav Alexandrovich. Petrov is my surname (family  name). Vladislav (Vlad for short) is my Christian (first, personal) name. Alexandrovich is my patronymic. Call me Vlad by my first name.


Dialogue 2

– How old are you? When and where were you born?

– I was born on September 9, 1993, so I am nearly 18. I come from Saint-Petersburg. Actually, I am Ukrainian, though my grandmother was a Russian.


Dialogue 3

– Have you got a family?

I’m not married yet and I live in my parents’ house.

What relation is David to you?

He is my cousin.

Is Anna any relation to you?

No, she is a distant relation of mine.

Dialogue 4

– Where do you live?

– I live at number 21, Kamennoostrovskiy Prospect.

– What’s your address?

– My address is: flat 12,  Kamennoostrovskiy pr. 31, Petrogradskiy District, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, (my zip code).

– Have you got a telephone? What’s your telephone number?

– It’s 550 16 97 (double five, o, one, six. nine, seven).


5. Work in pairs. Answer the questions and compare your answers. Are you similar or different?


1. Have you got many relatives?

2. What would we call them in English?

3. When and where were they born?

4. What did they do for a living?

5.  Do you live close or far from you?

6. Do you see them often? Would you like to see them more often? Why?

7. Who is the person closest to you? Why?

Part 5. Reproduction Stage

1. Mini-project: Make up some stories about your ancestors.


I’d like to say a few words about …

My great grand uncle was …

First, he …

Then … when …

It’s interesting that ...

Somehow I have chosen him, because …

I realized …

It gives me a sense of …

It’s a bit like …

You know … I feel …

This is all really fascinating … It’s really …

I am lucky …

It gives me a feeling …


2. Do some family research and get ready to present the results in groups.

Read the following questions before you start your work.

Possible questions for your family research:


1. Are there any family legends in your family? Tell some of them if you like.

2. Did your ancestors move from place to place? Why?

3. How have wars, conflicts and historical events affected your family history?


Part 1. Topical Vocabulary

apply tact

get on/along with

get acquainted



keep secrets

break friendship

let smb down

make friends


have a row

rely (on)


keep one’s word

give smb a helping hand

tell lie/truth

intimate/close friend

behave calmly and cooly

cope with one’s feelings

be glad/satisfied with

be in good mood

feel pride and joy

be taken aback

feel uneasy/lonely

be out of temper

be sick and tired of

be ashamed of














проявлять тактичность

быть в хороших отношениях




хранить секреты

порывать дружбу

подводить кого-либо



устроить скандал



держать слово

оказывать кому-либо помощь

лгать/говорить правду

близкий друг

вести себя спокойно, хладнокровно

справляться с чувствами

быть довольным

быть в хорошем настроении

испытывать чувство гордости, радости

быть застигнутым врасплох

чувствовать себя не по себе, одиноко

выйти из себя

уставать от чего-либо

испытывать чувство стыда за что-либо










приподнятое настроение





Part 2. Training Exercises

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the topical vocabulary below.

Ex. 1.  Make up questions to which the following sentences could be the answers.


1.     No, he is a bachelor. He is not the marrying sort.  ……………………….......

2.     No he isn’t. He is my stepbrother. ……………………………………………

3.     Yes, they are. I can’t tell one brother from the other.  ……………………….

4.     No, she is my stepmother, that’s why she looks so young.  ………………….

5.     No, they don’t. They are going to adopt a child. ……………………………..

6.     No she is my grandmother.  ………………………………………………….



be related to smbбыть в хороших отношениях с кем-либо

be distantly related to smbбыть дальними родственниками

on one’s mother’s/father’s sideсо стороны матери/отца

have children by one’s former marriageиметь детей от предыдущего брака

adopt a child – удочерить/усыновить ребенка

take after one’s mother/fatherпойти в мать/отца

look like – быть похожим на кого либо

look alike – быть похожими друг на друга

as like as two peas – (похожи) как две капли воды

be copy of – быть просто отражением

call smb after – назвать в честь


Ex. 2. Choose a word or words from the box below which best complete the sentences.


1.     Are you ……………………… to Mr Fox? Yes he is my brother-in-law.

2.     Your brother has an unusual name, hasn’t he? Yes, he was …………… after his great grandfather.

3.     Is his family small or large? – He is ……………… , actually.

4.     People often confuse them, they ……………… very much …………….. .

5.     He is my wife’s second cousin, we are ……………………….. .

6.     The child is very talented, he ……………… his father.

7.     I had two children ……… and my second wife  ..…… them …….  on her own.

8.     The daughter and the mother look very much alike, the daughter is just ......... of her mother.

9.     They didn’t have a child of their own, they decided to …………………….. .

10. Polly is my aunt ………………. .


look alike

took after


by my first marriage

distantly related

adopt a child


brought … up

a copy of

called after

on my mother’s side



Ex. 3. Fill in the prepositions where necessary.


1. I am distantly related ………… her. 2. He is not 20 yet. He is still ………… his teens. 3. I was born ………….. the 5th ………… May, ……… 1998. 4. They have brought ………… three children. 5. Did Mrs White divorce ………… her husband? 6. They say she took ………… her mother. 7. He has a son ………… his first marriage. 8. The girls look …………. so much alike. 9. We are distantly related  ………… my father’s side. 10. Thank you for the compliment. I’m  ………… My late 50s. 11. They called their son ………… his great grandfather.


Ex. 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


1.     Они очень похожи, как две капли воды.

2.     Это моя племянница со стороны отца.

3.     Он мой троюродный брат, довольно дальний родственник.

4.     Нашей внучке 16, она еще подросток.

Ex. 5.  Arrange the following words and word-combinations into two columns according to the positive or negative effect they produce in your mind.


Optimistic emotions, charm, recovery, nervous smile, decent behavior, quiet character, bitter experience, progress, tense atmosphere, sense of humour, fair-weather friend, pride, shame, boring man, snob, chameleon. 

Part 3. Reading

Read the text and do the tasks below.

Uncle Octavian’s Dinner Party

Thirty years ago I was fifteen. My uncle Octavian was then (in 1925) a very rich man. He was a charming host whose villa on the Cote d'Azur was a meeting place of the rich, and he was a very hospitable man until January 3, 1925.

There was nothing special about that day, in the life of my uncle Octavian, except that it was his fifty-fifth birthday. As usual on such a day, he was giving a dinner-party, a party for twelve people. All of them were old friends: two of them, indeed, were what they called them “old flames".

I, myself, aged fifteen, was deeply privileged. I was staying with my uncle at his beautiful villa and my uncle allowed me to come down to dinner. It was exciting to me to be in such company, which included besides the two "old flames", and their husbands, a newspaper proprietor and his American wife; a recent prime-minister of France and a well-known statesman of post-war Germany, and a Habsburg prince and princess.

At that age, on holiday from school, you will understand that I was excited. The company was remarkable! But I should also stress that they were all old and close friends of my uncle Octavian.

Towards the end of a wonderful dinner when the servants had left, my uncle leaned forward to have a look at a beautiful diamond ring on the princess's hand. She turned her hand gracefully toward my uncle.

Across the table, the newspaper proprietor leant across and said: “May I also have a look, Therese?” She smiled and nodded. Then she took off the ring and held it out to him. “It was my grandmother’s” she said. I have not worn it for many years. It is said to have once belonged to Genghis Khan”

There were exclamations of surprise. The ring was passed from hand to hand. For a moment it was in my hand. Then I passed it on to my next-door neighbour. As I turned away again, I thought I saw her pass it on. At least I was almost sure I saw her.

It was some twenty minutes later when the princess stood up, giving the signal for the ladies to leave the table. She looked round us with a pleasant smile. Then she said: “Before we leave you, may I have my ring back?”

I remember my uncle said, "Ah yes that wonderful ring!” I remember the newspaper proprietor said: “Of course! Mustn't forget that!” and one of the women laughed. Then there was a pause, while each of us looked expectantly at his neighbour. Then there was silence. The princess was still smiling, though less easily. “If you please,” she said again. “Then we can leave the gentlemen to their port."

When no one answered her, and the silence continued, I still thought it could only be a joke, and that one of us probably the prince himself would produce the ring with a laugh. But when nothing happened at all, I knew that the rest of the night would be awful.

I am sure you know what followed. There was the awkwardness of the guests-all of them old friends. There was the fact that no one would meet anyone else’s eye. The guests overturned the chairs, examined the carpet and then the whole room.

All these things happened, but they did not bring the princess's ring back. It had vanished a diamond ring worth possibly two hundred thousand pounds in a roomful of twelve people, all old friends.

No servants had entered the room. No one had left it for a moment. The thief was one of us, one of my uncle Octavian’s old friends.

I remember it was the French cabinet minister who wanted to be searched indeed; he had already started turning out his pockets, before my uncle held up his hand and stopped him.

Uncle Octavian’s face was pale when he said: “There will be no searching. Not in my house. You are all my friends. The ring can only be lost. If we do not find it” he bowed towards the princess “I will make amends myself”

The fruitless, search began again. But there was no ring anywhere, though the guests stayed nearly till morning-nobody wanted to be the first to leave.

My uncle Octavian remained true to his words that no one was to be searched. I myself went to England, and school, a few days later. I was very glad to leave the place. I could not bear the sight of my uncle's face and the knowledge

Оf his overturned world. All that he was left with, among the ruins of his way of life, was a question mark: which or his friends was the thief?

I do not know how my uncle Octavian “made amends.” I know that, to my family's surprise, he was rather poor when he died. He died, in fact, a few weeks ago, and that is why I feel I can tell the story.

It would be wrong to say that he died a broken man, but he did die a very sad man who never gave a single lunch or dinner-party for the last thirty years of his life.


      I.      Learn  the following words and  phrases


host                                   хозяин

the Cote d'Azur                Лазурный берёг

hospitable                         гостеприимный

old flames                         прежние увлечения

was deeply privileged      был удостоен  чести

proprietor                         владелец

statesman                         государственный деятель

lean   forward                   наклоняться

expectantly                       в ожидании

port                                   портвейн

awkwardness                 неловкость

vanish                               иcчезать   

worth                                стоимостью

roomful                             полная комната

thief                                   вор

search                                обыскивать

make  amends                   компенсировать

bear                                   выносить



   II.      Match words  or phrases from  A with those  from B:

       A                                                            B

1) proprietor                                          a) really

2) host                                                    b) repay

3) indeed                                                 c) before

4) well-known                                       d) master

5) once                                                    e) go away

6) leave                                                    f) owner

7) vanish                                                   g) famous

8) make amends                                      h) disappear

III. Reproduce the situations in which the following words or phrases are used:

a very hospitable man; to be deeply privileged;

to be remarkable; to look expectantly; to smile less easily;

to be searched; to remain true to one’s words.

IV. Choose the correct variant to finish the sentences:

1. Uncle Octavian was giving a dinner-party, a party for twelve people. All of them:

    a) were happy to receive his invitation;

    b) were looking forward to the party;

    c) were old and intimate friends.

2. The princess took off her diamond ring and held it out to the newspaper proprietor. Then….

   a) he gave it back to her;

   b) the ring was passed from hand to hand;

   c) my uncle wanted to look at it

3. The princess stood up, giving the signal for the ladies to leave the table. Then she said, …

   a) ”Where is my ring, sir?”

   b) “May I have my ring back?”

   c) “Who has taken my ring?”

4. The French cabinet minister proposed …..

   a) to leave for home;

   b) to look for the ring

   c) to be searched.

5. Uncle Octavian died a very sad man. He…

   a) knew who had taken the ring;

   b) never gave a single lunch or dinner for the last thirty years of his life;

   c) wanted to give a party but knew that no one would come.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. When and where did the events take place?

2. What have you learned about the story-teller and his uncle?

3. Who was invited to a dinner-party?

4. What had happened during the dinner-party?

5. How did the guests behave during the incident?

6. What decision was made by my uncle Octavian?

7. How did the incident change his life?

Part 4. Speech Practice

Ex. 1. Read the dialogues  and state what emotions are expressed in the situations described.


Mrs. Brown comes into her daughter’s room.

Mrs. Brown: Hello, dear, many happy returns, and here’s something from me and Father for your birthday.

Judy: Oh, Mom. A hair-styling set! How wonderful! Thank you very much.

Mrs. Brown: I thought you’d appreciate something useful. I’m glad you like it.

Judy: You are a marvel! And now let me go and thank Father.



Mr. Johnson: What a charming house you have! And the location is simply superb. So green and peaceful. A welcome change after the city noise.

Mrs. Brown: Oh, I’m glad you like it here. But it’s so much better in spring when the fruit trees are in blossom.

Mr. Johnson: Fantastic! And only 50 miles from London!



Jane: I’m at my wits’ end! I’ve lost the keys to my flat.

David: Don’t worry. I expect they’ll turn up. And if not you can get another set made.

Jane: But I shall have to change the locks or the flat may be burgled. And I’m going away tomorrow.

David: Take it easy and have a good look for the keys first. Perhaps you haven’t really lost them after all.



Ex. 2. Use the patterns to reproduce the dialogues of your own.

Dialogue 1

Maria:     Why we don’t take trip to Cornwall this weekend?

Sarah:     I’d love to, but Sam could be coming for a few days. Could we all go together?

Maria:     Yes, I should think so. Perhaps Jack could come too.

Sarah:     Yes, good idea. Do you think we could book rooms at a hotel so late in the season?

Maria:     Well, we can try. I must go now. I can hear noises outside. It could be my boss. Bye.


Dialogue 2

Kate:      Can you recognize that woman, Millie?

Millie:    I think I can, Kate. It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.

Kate:      I thought so. Who’s that beside her?

Millie:    That must be Conrad Reeves.

Kate:      Conrad Reeves, the actor? It can’t be. Let me have another look.

               I think  you’re right! Isn’t he her third husband?

Millie:    No. He must be her fourth or fifth.

Kate:      Doesn’t Karen Marsh look old!


Millie:    She does, doesn’t she! I read she’s twenty-nine, but she must be

               at least forty.

Kate:      I’m sure she is.

Millie:    She was a famous actress when I was still a schoolgirl.

Kate:      That was a long time ago, wasn’t it?

Millie:     Not that long ago! I’m not more than twenty-nine myself.


Dialogue 3

Angela:    Well, It’s Really Must Be Going now. I’m ever so tired. Thanks very much for the party, though. It was smashing!

Paul:         Are you sure?

Angela:     Yes, I Really Must Be Going. I’ve got a long way to get home.

Paul:         Well, you don’t look tired.

Angela:      I feel it. (Laughs)

Paul:          Oh, come along! Stay a while!

Angela:      I’d love to but…

Paul:          Dan’s staying. Tone and Kate are staying.

Angela:      No, I really can’t. I must go. I have to be up early tomorrow.

Paul:          You’ve got to be on your way?

Angela:      Yes.

Paul:          What a shame! Well, I hope we’ll see you again soon.

Angela:      Thanks very match. Bye.

Paul:           Bye- Bye.

Part 5. Reproduction Stage

1.     Think and say how people feel when they:

a)                win a lottery

b)                have nothing to do at all

c)                 pass their exams well

d)               miss a bus or a train

e)                have to work or study at the weekends

f)                  you have to go to the dentist today

g)                your dog has run away

h)               a film you expected to be good was in fact very bad


2.     Comment on the following phrases:


a.    In a woman love is the only motive of life.

b.    Men love themselves more than anything else in the world.

c.    The teacher is expected to behave calmly and coolly at all times. He/she should always be  emotionally stable and consistent.

d.    The teachers face numerous occasions when anger is normal and inevitable. It’s not the sign of weakness but of being a man made of flesh and blood.

e.     No matter how joyous or angry you are the feelings must be controlled and hidden.

f.     Emotions are perfectly permissible signs of healthy body’s response to distress. Accumulation of irritation leads to diseases of different kinds.


3.     Describe how you get on with your old acquaintances, using expressions in the box.


I’m over the moon about….

I treat my….. with tolerance/understanding

Agree like cats and dogs

It gets on my nerves…

I get on well (badly, all right) with him/her.

I can’t adapt to a person.

Bear a grudge against him/her

He/she put me out of temper

I’m very excited/fascinated by…

I can’t say I’m all pleased/about…


4.      Some proverbs love and romance as the prelude to marriage, others advice when getting married to be most prudent. Which of the proverbs below appeal to you? Why?

-         He what marries for wealth? Sells his liberty.

-         Marry not an old crony, or a fool, for money.

-         In choosing a wife, and buying a sword, we ought not to trust another.

-         It’s unlucky to marry for love.

-         «Sweet- heart» and «Honey- bird» keeps no house.

-         In winning and thriving a man should take counsel of the entire world.

-         Marry first, and love will follow.

-         Marry you like.

-         Like blood, like good, and like age, make the happiest marriage.

-         Go down the ladder when you marry a wife; go up when you choose a friend.

5.     Discuss the problem of marriage and cohabitation:

Can you give any arguments for the establishment of marriage now that the divorce rate is rising, the number of couples living together without a marriage license is increasing? Here are some key words to use in your discussion.


1.     A family is the basic unit of society.

2.     Divorce should be harder to get.

3.     A good marriage contributes to personality development.

4.     It is not marriage that fails, it is people that fail.

5.     Cohabiting parents are three times more likely to split up that married parents. Children are the main victims.


1.     Social attitudes and behavior are changing. There, s no such thing as society. Only men and women.

2.     The divorce rate is rising.

3.     One cannot write love into a legal document.

4.     Marriage is not a word, it, s a sentence.

5.     The birth of a child to a single woman gives a purpose in life.


Think about it:  Can you think of different types of love and give your examples?


Part 1. Topical Vocabulary


     1.            terraced house                                      дом с плоской крышей

     2.            semi-detached                                      дом на два хозяина

     3.            detached                                               на одного хозяина

     4.            bungalow                                             одноэтажная дача, дом с верандой

     5.            apartment house                                   многоквартирный, жилой дом

     6.            co-op                                                   в совместном пользовании

     7.            cottage                                                 небольшой одноэтажный дом

     8.            block of flats                                        невысокий, блочный дом

     9.            condominium                                       многоквартирный дом

 10.            lodging                                                 меблированные комнаты

 11.            dormitory                                             “спальный” район, общая спальня

 12.            hostel                                                   общежитие

 13.            bed and breakfast place (B&B)              ночлег и завтрак

 14.            two-storey/storied building                   двухэтажный дом

 15.            live on the ground floor                        жить на первом этаже

 16.            live on the upper floor                          жить на 2 этаже двухэтажного дома

 17.            live on the top floor                              жить на последнем этаже

 18.            in the suburbs                                       на окраине

 19.            on the outskirts                                     в пригороде

 20.            in a residential area                               в жилом районе

 21.            in the city centre                                   в центре города

 22.            in a very quiet/peaceful area                  в очень тихом/спокойном районе

 23.            on/in a main/busy road                         на улице с большим движением

 24.            near to the station/not far from the station      недалеко от станции

 25.            have a view of/over the sea                   из окна видно море

 26.            look out on the park                              с видом на парк

 27.            rent а house or a flat                              снимать дом/квартиру

 28.            rent                                                      арендная плата

 29.            rent  out /let a house/flat                       сдать дом квартиру

 30.            share                                                    проживать совместно

 31.            decorate                                               оклеивать обоями

 32.            tenant                                                   временный владелец

 33.            payment                                               первоначальный взнос

 34.            pay back with interest over (20 years) вернуть кредит с % в течение 20 лет

 35.            real estate agency                                 агентство по покупке и аренде жилья

 36.            landlord                                               владелец  квартиры, сдаваемой  внаем

 37.            loan                                                      заем на покупку дома

 38.            mortgage                                              ипотечный кредит

 39.            lease                                                     аренда, сдача внаём

 40.            move into/out                                       переехать, вселиться/выехать

 41.            condition of the house                           состояние дома

Answer the questions.

1.     What house do you live in?

2.     Is there a balcony in your flat?

3.     What’s your house made of?

4.     Do you stay at hotel?

5.     Do you live in a dormitory / in the digs?

6.     How does your lounge face?

7.     Does your window looks down on the road?

8.     How is your house located?

9.     Who do you share your room with?

Part 2. Training Exercises

1.     Combine both parts into full sentences.

Model: Detached house: not joined to any other house. A detached house is a kind of house which is not joined to any other house.

a)     semi-detached house:        joined to one other house.

b)    terraced house:                  joined to several houses to form a row.

c)     cottage:                             a small house in the country or in a village.

d)    bungalow:                         a house with only one store (no upstairs).

e)     villa:                                 a large house with big gardens or a rented house in a holiday resort.

f)      bedsit:                               a bedroom and living-room all in one.

g)    utility room:                      usually for washing machine, freezer, etc.

h)    attic:                                 a room in the roof space of a house.

i)       basement:                         a room below ground level has windows.

j)       cellar:                                a room ground level, no windows, used for storage

2.     Place the order of priority three most essential items you cannot live without. Explain why.



everyday objects









wall unit


coffee table


TV set







3.     Completing the following sentences.

1. When you want to buy a house you look for houses with a notice …

2. You can buy a house through an …

3. If you don’t have enough money you can borrow it from a …

4. Then you take a …

5. Of course you have to pay …

6. The money you have borrowed has to be …

7. The person who deals with the legal side if buying a house is a …

8. The man who designs the house is the …

9. When you own a house you have to pay a local tax on property called …

10. These taxes are used on …

a) estate-agent

b) for sale

c) bank of building society

d) interest

e) mortgage

f) architect

g) solicitor

h) repaired

i) education, roads and other public services

j) rates


4.     Translate the sentences into Russian.


Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? This is a convenient tool for the job. Will the 4.30 train be convenient for you? We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting. My brother has a very comfortable car. Are you comfortable? I never feel comfortable with him. Make yourself comfortable. Your little room is very cosy. The flat is comfortable and cosy. The whole atmosphere was cosy. They are having a cosy flat.


5.     Insert the necessary prepositions.


a) A friend of mine got a very comfortable flat … last month. It is … the second floor … a new block … flats. I got a letter … my friend … several pictures … her flat … one of the pictures you can see her family sitting … the table … the living-room. Ann is sitting … her husband and two sons. They are watching TV. It is … the corner … the window. There is piano … the left … the table and small table … a telephone … it … the right. Ann is going to speak … me … the telephone tonight. You can see a lovely carpet … the middle … the room and some pictures … the wall … the piano. My friend’s sons learn to play … the piano. Besides they are fond … reading books and have plenty … them … the bookcase and … the shelves.

b)   I have got a room … my own. I have rent it … my acquaintances. I share the room … a friend … mine. We pay … the room $30 a month. It’s hard to find a lodging … a lower price. I’m pleased … my flat. It is close … the center and the bus stop is handy. As a rule we pay our landlady … advance. We also have to pay a deposit … the front-door key and to keep … particular house-rules. I dream … the times when I’ll have a flat … my own.


6. Answer the questions, using prompts.


         1) What kind of heating do you use in your house?

         (Central heating / open fire / oil heater / gas or electric fire)

         2)  What kind of fuel do you use in your house?

         (Wood, oil, coal, gas, electricity)

         3) What kind of material do you use for building your house?

         (Bricks, stone, concrete, timber)

         4) What kind of things can you find on a bed?

         (a mattress, sheets, blankets, pillows, a bedspread)

         5) What kind of furniture can you find in the hall?

         (coat rack, hall mirror, umbrella, stand, shoe stand)

Part 3. Reading

Read the text and choose the right option.

The Chinese Art of Feng Shui

In Ancient China there was a belief that the natural environment of a particular location can influence the fortune of its inhabitants and descendants. The Chinese created the notion of feng shui («wind-water»), which developed from observation of chronic catastrophe brought in China by winds and floods. Originally they developed it as a means of planning the perfect agricultural system in harmony with the forces of nature. Feng Shui has been used for centuries to improve the physical surroundings in which people live and to maintain balance in their life.

The Chinese art of Feng Shui has been adopted by modern designers as a way of creating environments which feel comfortable and harmonious. The principles of Fеng Shui are beneficial in the organization of outdoor environments and can also be used in the design of areas inside the house such as the bedroom, which is considered to be the most important room in the house.

Finding the best position for the bed is very important. The main rule of bed positioning is never to have the foot of the bed directly facing the door. That is what is known as the “death position”. Traditionally, the dead were laid out with their feet pointing towards the door to give them better access to heaven. (It also made it easier for the living to carry them out.) Ideally, you should position the bed diagonally opposite the door, with the head against the wall, not a window.

Small tables on both sides (not just one side) at the head of the bed help maintain balance, but it is best to avoid cluttering the room with a lot of furniture. Let air flow easily through the space. Those large heavy wooden wardrobes, often with boxes of suitcases stored on top, are a really bad idea. As they tower over the bed, they can make the sleeper feel vulnerable and cause a restless sleep. Do not position tables or other furniture with pointed edges facing the sleeper as their negative energy will cause health problems.

The bedroom should be kept as a relaxing space and should not be used for work or as an office. There should be a feeling of lightness, not seriousness, in the air. Blue curtains and bedcovers are more soothing than, brown ones. Soft natural materials are recommended. With Feng Shui in your bedroom, you can create a peaceful sanctuary from the stresses of contemporary living.


Do the following exercises:

1. The article mainly discusses …

1) ancient beliefs of oriental people.

2) modern applications of ancient notions

3) future developments in interior design.

2. Feng Shui originally was …

     1) the art of placing furniture.

     2) the art of playing harmonious music.

     3) the art of planning outdoor environments.


3. The principles of Feng Shui have been adopted as

     1) a way of improving areas of human habitation.

     2) a means for better orientation in space.

     3) a technique for house and furniture design.


4. According to Feng Shui, the position of the bed is …

     1) of secondary importance.

     2) of crucial importance.

     3) of no importance whatsoever.


5. Feng Shui teaches that in the bedroom one should use …

    1) dark colours.

    2) lots of furniture.

    3) natural materials.


  6. What does the word“ acces” mean?

   1) approach

   2) outlet

   3) passage


  7. What does the word “soothing” mean?

   1) softening

   2) relaxing

   3) convenient


8. Finding the best position for the bed is very important.

1) Найти лучшее положение кровати очень важно.

2) Очень важно расположить кровать наилучшим образом.

3) Нахождение лучшей позиции для кровати очень важно.


9. … they can make the sleeper feel vulnerable and cause a restless sleep.

1) … они могут заставить спящего почувствовать себя уязвимым и вызвать неспокойный сон.

2) … они могут вызвать у спящего ощущение незащищённости и сделать сон беспокойным.

3)… они могут сделать спящего чувствующим свою уязвимость и вызвать беспокойство во сне.


10. There should be a feeling of lightness, not seriousness, in the air.

1) Вокруг должно быть ощущение лёгкости, а не серьёзности.

2) В воздухе должна ощущаться лёгкость, а не серьёзность.

3) В воздухе должно быть чувство светлости, а не серьёзности.

Part 4. Speech Practice

1. Read the dialogue about renting the room and negotiating with the landlord. Then reproduce it in pairs.

Finding a House

A: – Good evening. I’ve read in the Hamilton Advertiser that you have a vacant room. I believe you take in students, don’t you?

B: – Yes, if you don’t mind sharing. I’ve two other this girls living in.

A: – I need any accommodation at a reasonable price. What price are you asking?

B: – £40 per week for Bed and Breakfast (B&B).

A: – Are laundry and heating included in the price?

B: – Heating is, but laundry is excluded, I’m afraid.

A: – Could I’ve look at the room, please?

B: – Sure, come along. The room is fully furnished, it faces south, overlooks the city park and is not far from the University.

A: – Yes, it’s comfortable here. But what about other girls living here?

B: – They are both very smart without any bad habits. I think you get on well together.

A: – Yes, I think it’s very enjoyable to share a room with people of your age. Do you mind if I come over and have a look?

B: – You are mostly welcome. Come any time. Bye for a while.


2. You want to rent a country cottage for your family. Phone the landlady and ask her all possible questions. She may want to ask you as well.


Do you let a room?                                     Do you want to rent?

Is it furnished?                                           Do you want an apartment?

What/how much is rent?                             Do you have children?

Are there any children in the neighbor-hood?
How much space do you need?                   What do you need?

What are the amenities?                             How much rent do you want to pay?

Is there a telephone in the flat?                    Any bad habits?


3. Practice the conversation, taking the roles of an apartment manager and a prospective tenant.


– This is a one-year lease. The rent is due on the first of the month.

– Do I pay the landlord?

– Yes, you do.

– Is there a security deposit?

– Yes, there is. It’s hundred dollars.

– What are the utilities?

– There’re gas, electricity, water, and garbage pick-up. The tenant pays the utility company and the city.

– OK. Where do I sign?

– On this line.


– Are you new in the building?

– Yes, we are. We’re moving into apartment six.

– Good! I live in number nine. Welcome.

– Thanks! It’s good to meet you.

– Are you new in the neighborhood? Do you have children?

– Yes, we do. Karen is seven and Steve is nine.

– Our children are about same ages. This is a good neighborhood for children.

Part 5. Reproduction Stage

1.  Develop the following situations making use of the words and phrases in brackets.


1. You’ve got a comfortable well-planned flat (a spacious kitchen, modern conveniences, a lift, a chute to carry rubbish down, a toilet / loo, a bathroom tiled walls, papered walls, the floor is parquet).

2. Your living room is the cosiest room in the flat (to look attractive, to receive guests, to make the room cosy, a good-sized room, a well-furnished room, a new suite of furniture, a fluffy carpet on the floor.

3. The kitchen is small but cosy and warm (built-in cupboards, to face south-west, a lot of sunshine a lovely view from the window, en electric cooker, convenient, gaily-colored curtains, to be covered with linoleum, a kitchen suite).

4. Imagine that you can design your ideal house. Draw a plan and label the parts. 5.Tell the others in the group what furniture and equipment you’d like to have in each room. What about the garden?


2. Discuss the possible reasons for moving out or choosing a new place to live. Here are some of them. Guess the age group and social status of each person.

Lisa wants

§  To be near the shops

§  To know she could stay there permanently

§  To have a good view (not facing north) and light room

§  To be able to walk her dog nearby

§  Not to be disturbed by noise of kinds, traffic or parties

Helen wants

§  To spend as little as possible

§  To have a safe place for small children

§  To save money by sharing a kitchen or a dining room

§  To save money by having an upstairs room

Jason wants

§  To be near his elderly parents

§  To have a bus shop handy

§  To save money by sharing a kitchen and a dining room

§  To save money by having an upstairs room

Kevin wants

§  To have breakfast cooked and his room cleaned

§  Not to be responsible for maintenance

§  To be free to come and go when he wants

§  To be comfortable, even if it means paying more rent

1. Answer the following questions:

– Would you like to rent a room in really rich house?

– Would you like to live in a really old house?

– Is it worth saving up to buy a small house if you can?


2.Describe your flat making various substitutions.


What kind of flat have you got?

– It’s actually a two-room flat with all modern conveniences in a new block of flats.


Do you live together with your parents or in a flat of your own / private house / hostel / hall of residence / the digs, etc?

– I rent / take a room from my mother’s acquaintances in a three room flat.


What kind of room have you got there?

– Actually, it’s a separate room with all modern conveniences / well-planned / spacious / good-sized / four metres by four, etc.


How / what does your room / window / house face / overlook / look on?

– Well, it faces the Gorky park / south. We have a lovely / wonderful view from the window.


Do you have a single room in the hall of residence?

– No, I’ve to share it / the room together with my friend / fellow-student / group-mate.


Do you have to pay a high rent for your room?

– Yes, the rent is very high / awful, but it can’t be helped.

– No, the rent is quite reasonable / fairy cheap.


Do you find it convenient to live in this flat?

– Not at all. It’s on the sixth floor / level and the lift / elevator / escalator is often out of order. Apart from that the house is located in very busy street and there is great deal of noise from outside. There’s a children’s playground just opposite my window. I’d like to find something better and not so far from the University.


How do you find my new suite of furniture?

– Oh, it’s absolutely lovely / modern-looking / comfortable.


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    Kuzmenko Aleksandr Vladimirovich
    Kuzmenko Aleksandr Vladimirovich
    • На сайте: 2 года и 3 месяца
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 2315
    • Всего материалов: 6

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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  • Сейчас обучается 23 человека из 16 регионов

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 231 человек из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 458 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 1547 человек из 85 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 469 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 32 человека из 17 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 18 человек


Налогообложение реализации и доходов физических лиц

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 10 человек


Психологические исследования и поддержка психического здоровья

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Сохранение и продвижение традиционных российских ценностей и культуры

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 21 человек из 15 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 22 человека