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Практикум "Watching films and leaning English"

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Watching films and leaning English































1.Пояснительная записка.


3. Методическая разработка к художественному фильму «Тутси»

4. Методическая разработка к художественному фильму « Шрек»

         5. Приложение






























Пояснительная записка.



Практикум представляет собой приложение к учебникам

по английскому языку для общеобразовательной школы.

 Может быть использован  как теоретическое так и практическое пособие при работе с художественным фильмом во внеурочное время, элективных курсах. Материалы пособия могут быть использованы как для самостоятельной , так и для аудиторной работыучащихся,преподавателей, а также для лиц работающих над совершенствованием знаний английского языка.

 Практикум содержит следующие материалы:

-рекомендации по работе с художественными фильмами; примеры заданий для поэтапной работы с фрагментами фильмов или фильмами в целом; приложение для развития навыков как подготовленной, так и не подготовленной речи;   

-методические разработки для просмотра художественных фильмов а) «Тутси» в) « Шрек». 
























Среди проблем, теоретически и экспериментально решаемых методикой иностранных языков, коммуникативная компетенция и способы ее достижения, являются одной из наиболее актуальных..

Овладеть коммуникативной компетенцией на английском языке, не находясь в стране изучаемого языка, является сложной задачей. Среди четырех аспектов формирования речевой компетенции: говорение, чтение, письмо; необходимо особо выделить аудирование.

Традиционно одним из наиболее проблемных и дискуссионных вопросов как отечественной, так и зарубежной методики остается вопрос о способах, приемах и методах обучения аудированию. Этот интерес вызван тем, что аудирование является одним из сложнейших видов иноязычной коммуникативной деятельности, успешное протекание которого зависит от умения понимать иноязычную речь различных источников: ТВ, радио, художественных фильмов.

В реальной иноязычной коммуникации особую сложность предоставляет аутентичная разговорная неформально-бытовая речь, то есть такая речь, которая рассчитана для носителей языка и не предназначена для иностранца.

Понимание реальной коммуникации требует от изучающего иностранный язык в совершенстве владеть лексическими, грамматическими, фонетическими навыками аудирования. Это можно объяснить тем, что иноязычный партнер использует всё разнообразие родного ему языка, сохраняя и одновременно продуцируя фонетические, синтаксические, лексические особенности разговорного не формального стиля, а также свою персональную манеру речи.

В свете очевидной значимости понимания на слух для построения эффективной иноязычной речи необходимо чтобы  аудирование:

1. Не рассматривалось как сопутствующий или побочный вид речевой деятельности, а носило постоянный, системный характер.

2. Выбор жанра аутентичных видеодокументов зависит от целей и задач обучения.

Примером неформальной аутентичной разговорной речи, которая имеет ряд значительных отступлений от общеязыковой национальной нормы языка, служат диалоги и полилоги художественных фильмов. Эффективным инструментом формирования коммуникативной компетенции является художественный фильм. Именно художественный фильм- это мощное средство развития речевых умений и навыков, которое совершенно естественным образом приближает реальность речевой культурной ситуации, погружая студента в реальную жизнь слова, способствуя изучению- культуры страны, богатого разнообразия языковых форм, используемых носителями самых разных слоев общества, самых разных возрастов. Визуальный ряд художественного фильма позволяет ощутить язык в действии, стимулирует усвоение языка, провоцирует на последующие высказывания, вызывает потребность понять о чем идет речь.

Данный практикум предлагает рекомендации по работе с видеофильмами и методические разработки для просмотра видеофильмов : а) «Тутси» ; б) « Шрек».

 Рекомендации по работе с художественными фильмами основаны на следующих позициях:

Частое применение фильмов является более продуктивным средством быстрого и качественного приобретения знаний, умений и навыков по сравнению с применением аудиозаписей. Это объясняется тем, что визуальные опоры, содержащие невербальную информацию такую как выражение лица, мимика, артикуляция, жесты и т.д. повышают уровень понимания текста видео.

  Выбор видеофильма должен определяться уровнем знаний и навыков студентов, задачами учебной программы, лингвистическим материалом, его функциональной направленностью, темой.

   Необходимо обеспечить посильность заданий. Трудности восприятия лексического материала устраняются через тщательно разработанную систему заданий, которые выполняются до, во время и после просмотра. В результате студент должен уметь интерпретировать, критически осмысливать происходящее, обобщать увиденное и услышанное.

Длительность фильма, должна определяться уровнем владения студентами лингвистической информацией, целями обучения, степенью устойчивости внимания студентов. Таким образом, длительность фильма может быть разной. Просмотр художественного фильма необходимо делить на несколько логических завершенных частей, но не более чем по 30 минут.

Для того, чтобы успешная коммуникация протекала эффективно, необходимо, чтобы каждый ее участник за определенный отрезок времени максимально полно, фактически на уровне 100% восприятия понимал своего собеседника.

Все задания по работе над фильмом разделяются по трем группам.

·                   Упражнения, предваряющие просмотр фильма(Pre-Viewing Activities).

Перед демонстрацией фильма следует обратиться к опыту студента, чтобы направить его мысль на восприятие фильма.

Различные варианты заданий 1 этапа основаны на:

1. Обобщении ранее полученных знаний по теме.

2. Особенностях названия фильма.

3. Беглом просмотре частей фильма без звука.

4. Списке новых слов с переводом и дефинициями, предъявляемыми до текста.

5. Содержании вопросов или правильных/ложных утверждений.

Для лучшего восприятия фильма полезно дать список некоторых слов и выражений и обсудить их значение.

·                   Упражнения, выполняемые во время демонстрации фильма (Viewing Activities).

Целью данного этапа является обеспечение дальнейшего развития языковой культуры, языковой или социокультурной компетенции студентов с учетом реальных возможностей иноязычного общения.

Задания данного этапа могут предусматривать:

1.                Поиск языковой информации,

Данный тип упражнений и заданий основан на поиске, вычислении, фиксировании, трансформации определенного языкового материала: лексики, грамматики, фонетики.

2.                Развитие рецептивных умений(на уровне выделения содержательной и смысловой информации).

3.                Развитие навыков говорения.

Прежде чем приступить к показу фильма, студенты должны ознакомиться с вопросами по содержанию для того, чтобы сосредоточить свое внимание на проблемах как общего, так и частного характера, на информации о персонажах. Просмотр фильма проводимый в классе, может прерываться для уяснения ключевых пунктов тематического развития, для ответа на вопросы по вокабуляру, для того, чтобы предсказать дальнейший ход событий фильма, последствия поступка, предложить альтернативные решения и т.п. Во время показа студенты должны делать записи слов и выражений, чтобы по ним восстановить содержание фильма и ответить на вопросы, в том числе и по вокабуляру; проследить использование синонимии, словообразовательных моделей, предлогов, фразеологических единиц, сочетаемости слов.

·             Упражнения, следующие за демонстрацией фильма (Post-Viewing Activities) направлены на использование исходного текста в качестве основы и опоры для развития продуктивных умений в устной и письменной речи; на развитие социокультурных умений. Эти задания должны быть направлены на сравнение различных культур, на выделение в них культурно-специфических особенностей и нахождение общекультурных закономерностей. При финальном обсуждении фильма можно использовать ролевые игры, рассмотреть характеры героев, озвучить речи персонажей, обсудить альтернативное развитие событий, дискуссии и.д. Важно остановить внимание студентов на игре актеров и на других художественных особенностях фильма.

Данный практикум предлагает набор заданий к поэтапной работе с художественными фильмами.

Приложение приводит примеры разговорных клише, тематический словарь, которые могут быть использованы при формировании речевых умений и навыков студентов.
































Список литературы:

1.                В.Д..Аракин . Практикум к курсу английского языка. Москва .2005г.

2.                Л.А. Винарева, В.В.Янсон. Английские идиомы. Москва. 2005 г

3.                З.В.Зарубина. « Продолжайте совершенствовать свой английский язык». Москва 1982 г

4.                Л. Кутузов. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Москва. 1998 г.

5.                Мультимедийный учебник английского языка English Gold 2000(британский). Москва 2003г

6.                В.М.Салье и др. Письменная английская речь: Практический курс.  С.- Петербург. 2005 г.

7.                .Е.С.Татищева. Практикум к учебнику « Практический курс английского

       языка» под ред. В.Д.Аракина. Москва 2006 г.

8.                .Фрайфельд Е.Д.Художественный фильм как средство профессионально- личностного развития студентов при изучении иностранного языка. Нижний Новгород. 2006





















1.Пояснительная записка.


3. Методическая разработка к художественному фильму «Тутси»

4. Методическая разработка к художественному фильму « Шрек»

5. Приложение.








































1.                  Cinema. – Кино.

cinema (house) – кинотеатр;

open-air theatre – летний кинотеатр, кинотеатр на открытом воздухе;

cinema with continuous performance – кинотеатр, в котором сеансы следуют один за другим без перерыва, кинотеатр непрерывного показа/просмотра;

drive-in-theatre – кинотеатр, в котором фильмы смотрят, не выходя из автомобиля;

film/movie/(motion) picture – (кино-) фильм;

to go to the cinema (a movie, the movies, the pictures) – пойти в кино;

normal screen – обычный экран;

wide (large, broad) screen – широкий экран;

the first (second) showing (performance, programme) begins at … (ends at …) – первый (второй) сеанс начинается в … (кончается в …);

colour poster – цветная афиша;

the box office – касса (билетная);

to book tickets – покупать билеты.

2.                  Films. – Фильмы.

documentary (film) – документальный фильм;

educational film – образовательный фильм;

popular scientific film – научно-популярный фильм;

feature film – художественный фильм;

science fiction film – научно-фантастический фильм;

animated cartoon – мультфильм;

adventure film – приключенческий фильм;

musical – мюзикл;

puppet film – кукольный мультфильм;

action film – боевик;

thriller – триллер;

comedy – комедия;

horror film – фильм ужасов, «ужастик»;

crime film – детектив (ный фильм);

Western – вестерн;

childrens film – детский фильм;

theatrical film – 1) фильм, напоминающий театральную постановку; 2) фильм-спектакль;

wide screen film – широкоэкранный фильм;

colour film – цветной фильм;

black-and-white film – черно-белый фильм;

mute film – немой фильм;

Sound film – звуковой фильм;

dubbed film – дублированный фильм;

full-length (short-length) film – полнометражный (короткометражный) фильм;

short – разг. Короткометражный фильм; короткометражка;

two (three) part film – двухсерийный (трехсерийный) фильм;

wartime epic – военная киноэпопея;

newsreel – кинохроника, киножурнал;

serial – телевизионный многосерийный фильм с единой фабулой;

series – многосерийный фильм, в котором каждая серия представляет собой законченный эпизод;

Xfilm – фильм только для взрослых;

star-studded film – фильм с участием множества звезд;

the screen version (adaptation) of a novel – экранизация романа.

3.                  Parts of films. – Части фильма:

scene – сцена фильма (несколько кадров, объединенных единством места и времени);

outdoor (indoor) scene – сцена, снятая под открытым небом (в интерьере);

the opening scene – начальная сцена;

the final scene – заключительная сцена;

crowd scene – сцена с участием массовки, массовая сцена;

an episode – 1) эпизод; 2) серия (в сериале);

still – стоп-кадр;

shot – кадр;

long shot – кадр, снятый дальним (общим планом);

close-up – крупный план;

caption – титр, надпись на экране;

subtitle – субтитр;

flash-back(s) – ретроспективная (-ые) сцена (-ы), «обратный (-ые) кадр (-ы)».

4.                  Cinema work. – Работа кинематографистов:

to shoot (produce, make) a film – снимать фильм;

to make a screen version (adaptation) of a novel – экранизировать роман;

to screen/film a novel (play, story) – экранизировать роман (пьесу, рассказ);

to adapt a novel for the screen – экранизировать роман;

to play (act) on the screen – играть на экране;

to release a picture – выпустить картину в прокат (на экран);

to come out (about a film) – выйти на экран (о фильме);

to go into production – быть запущенным в производство (о фильме), начать съемки (фильма);

to remake a film – снять римэйк (новую версию фильма);

to reissue a film – повторно выпустить фильм на экран;

to be dubbed in Russian – быть дублированным на русский язык;

to present a film in Russian – выпустить фильм на русском языке;

co-production (joint production) – совместная постановка;

directed by … - режисер-постановщик такой-то;

scenery and costumes by … - декорации и костюмы такого-то;

the songs set to music by … - песни на музыку такого-то.

5.                  Cinema workers. – Кинематографисты:

producer – продюсер;

film director – кинорежиссер;

art director – художник-постановщик;

camera-man – оператор;

script-writer – сценарист;

animator – художник-мультипликатор;

costume designer – художник по костюмам.

6.                  Cinema-goers. – Кинозрители:

film/cinema goers – кинозрители;

audience – публика, зрители;

film fans – любители кино;

to watch the film (the screen) – смотреть фильм (на экран);

to watch smb. Acting on the screen – наблюдать за чьей-либо игрой;

to see a film – посмотреть фильм.

7.                  Actors and acting. – Актеры и их игра:

the cast – актерский состав;

comedian – комик, комедийный актер;

an actor of great promise – многообещающий актер;

leading actor – актер, играющий главную роль;

star – звезда;

to play the main (leading, title, key) role – играть главную роль;

to play a small (supporting, minor) role – играть небольшую роль (роль второго плана);

to co-star – 1) играть одну из (двух) главных ролей; 2) играть роль второго плана;

to portray a character – играть герой; изображать характер;

to give z convincing (memorable, captivating, warm, brilliant, superb) portrayal of – убедительно (незабываемо/ярко/блестяще/великолепно) сыграть какую-либо роль;

to give a magnificent performance as … (in) – великолепно сыграть роль такого-то (в каком либо фильме);

to take (gain) the best actress (actor) award – получить награду за лучшую женскую (мужскую) роль;

to create a true-to-life image – создать достоверный образ (достоверную картину);

to make the most of the role – выжать из роли все;

to bring to life on the screen – оживить на экране;

a typical N. role – роль , типичная для такого-то актера (для актера Н.);

to outshine everybody else – затмить всех остальных;

a new N. film – новый фильм с участием такого-то актера (с участием актера Н.);

to star in a role – блистать в роли;

to be miscast (ill-chosen) – получить неподходящую роль;

he was miscast as Othello. – Ему не следовало играть роль Отелло./Ему не подходила роль Отелло./Он неудачно был выбран на роль Отелло.

to be cast to advantage – идеально смотреться в какой-либо роли.

8.                  Effect. Impression. – Впечатления от фильма:

the film deals with (depicts, presents, tells of) = фильм рассказывает о;

the message of the film – идейное содержание фильма;

to win universal acclaim – получить всеобщее признание;

to praise unreservedly – безоговорочно хвалить;

to leave a deep and lasting impression on – оставить глубокое и неизгладимое впечатление на;

to appeal so much to the audience – так понравиться зрителям;

to be (make) a hit with the public – иметь огромный успех у публики;

a delightful, amusing comedy – восхитительная, смешная комедия;

entertraining film – занимательный фильм;

powerful film – сильный фильм;

gripping/absorbing film – захватывающий фильм;

vividly dramatic film – яркий драматический фильм;

technically brilliant film – фильм, великолепно сделанный с технической точки зрения;

sad film – грустный фильм;

depressing film – фильм, наводящий тоску;

slow-moving film – фильм с медленно развивающимся действием;

dragged-out film – растянутый фильм;

to mar a film – портить фильм;

to leave smb. Cold – оставить кого-либо равнодушным;

empty of serious content – несерьезный;

a flop – 1) фиаско, провал; 2) провалившийся фильм;

a good film, not without flaws – хороший фильм, хотя и не лишенный недостатков;

a run-of-the-mill film – заурядный фильм;

not a film to everyones taste – фильм, который (по)нравится не всем;

not an easy film to watch – фильм, который трудно смотреть;

obscure and complex ideas – сложные и непонятные идеи.


































Supplementary Vocabulary

Cinema, Television


a, pictures coll., movies coll. Am. кино

a sound film звуковой фильм

a newsreel хроника, киножурнал

a documentary (film) документальный фильм

a feature (film) художественный фильм

a cartoon (film) мультипликационный фильм

an adventure film приключенческий фильм

a musical музыкальный фильм

a western coll. вестерн, ковбойский фильм

a horror film фильм ужасов

a “U” (universal) film фильм для зрителей всех возрастов

an a (adult) film фильм для взрослых

anXfilm фильм, на который дети до 16 лет не допускаются

a colour (technicolour) film цветной фильм

a black-and-white film черно-белый фильм

a dubbed film дублированный фильм

shoot a film снимать фильм

release a film выпускать фильм на экран

on the screen на экране

the screen version of a novel экранизированный вариант романа

a serial (film) кинофильм в нескольких сериях

a (tele)viewer (теле)зритель

a script (a scenario) сценарий

a script writer (a screen playwright) сценарист

a director режиссер-постановщик




a producer продюсер (лицо, финансирующее постановку спектакля или производство фильма)

a camera man оператор

watch telly (TV) смотреть телефизор (телепередачу)

a soap opera coll. Дневная многосерийная радио- или телепередача

telecast (televise) передавать по телевидению

tune in to (switch to) переключать на

a newcast последние известия, последние новости (радио или телепередача)

a newcaster диктор последних известий

pick a programme выбрать программу

an image изображение

a still кинокадр, фотография

a videotape recording запись изображения и звука на магнитную ленту

a coverage репортаж, освещение событий

mass media средства массовой информации

transmission (telecasting, televising, television broadcasting) телевизионная передача

Eurovision Евровидение (Европейский обмен телевизионными программами)

appear on a TV show выступать в телевизионной передаче

a panel «за круглым столом»

a mediator ведущий передачу «за круглым столом»

a host (a conferee) ведущий радио- или телепередачу















































    What is special about such films?

What is positive about such films?




How do you like such films?

They are   stuffed with events

It is           full of special effects


                 True of life

                 Full of tears

              (a) romantic story(ies)

              (a) romance(s) for girls

It teach you           to defend justice

They teach you     to defend the.

                         weak and offended                              

                               love for…

                     to be kind and patient

                 to find your away in life

                 to believe in love/reality

                to be proud of something


They are            excellent

It is                    magnificent











                       nothing special

                         not bad

                     nothing to write

                           home about                                          








  They have      fights of different

it has                                types

                        a mysterious plot

                        a dynamic story

             funny/dramatic situations

     a lot of music/dancing/singing                                                               

I like….best

i don’t like

It is about           life of famous                            

They are about             people

                            real event          

                            travelling to..

                    adventures in the


                             unreal things

                   supernatural things




What is negative about such film?

They teach you      aggression

It teaches you        violence

                            to be passive

                            to be indifferent

                            to believe in 

                               unreal things                                                              


                                              How do you feel about such films?

They                   keep(s)you in suspense                       it  make you       laugh/cry/happy/smile/

It                         grab(s) (catches) you attention                                        feel calm/sick/yawn/

They are             exciting/ boring/melancholic/                                           want to hide/miserable/

It is                      touching/moving/frightening/                                          unhappy/nervous/bored/   

                            funny/serious/entertaining/                                               want to scream

                            educational/informative                      I couldn’t help      crying/laughing/yawning

















Part 1 (20 min)



Pre-Viewing Activities


1. Do you know these words? If you do, explain their meanings in English. If you don`t know, find them in a dictionary to say what they mean.

            Words                                                                       Phrases

peripherily (adj.)                                                                 come on

coach (n)                                                                   keep it specific

date (n)                                                                     get kicked of

priest (n)                                                                   take the necktie out

empty (adj.)                                                 pay off

rotation(n)                                                    let`s get trashed 

analyse (n)                                                    find a way

awkward (adv.)                                           raise money

dumb (adj.)                                                  run bare foot

unemployment (n)                                      give smb a hug

flounder (n)                                                 take smb home

character (n)                                                

feed (v)

scene (n)

guard (v)



Viewing Activities


2. Be ready to answer the following questions:


1) Could you call Mr. Dorsey’s life a happy moment when you saw him at the beginning of the film?

2) What was Mr.Dorsey?

3) Why did Mr. Dorsey find a job?

4) What did you know about Mr. Dorsey`s past?

5) Why did Mr. Dorsey work in the coffee?

6) Was he satisfied with the role of unemployed? Why? Why not?

7) Why did people like Mr. Dorsey?

8) Why did Mr.Dorsey go to his agent?

9) Could people call Mr.Dorsey as a cult failure?

10) Why did Mr .Dorsey decide to help Sandy Laster?

11) What was Mr. Dorsey attitude to women?

12) Why did Mr. Dorsey disguise himself in women`s dress?

13) Did his agent recognize Mr. Dorsey at the coffee?

14) What impression did Dorothy Michaels make on?



3. Which of the synonyms below are used in the film?


a) beg, pardon, say sorry, apologize

b) chap, bloke, guy, fellow

3) to allow, to permit, to solve, to settle

4) coach, mentor, perception, instructor, tutor

5) to decide, to make up one`s mind, to solve, to work out

6) to create, to found, to originate, to establish, to set up

7) to bet, to argue, to dispute, to debate

8) taxi, car, cab, taxi-lorry

9) pay ,wages, salary, earnings



4. Insert the right prepositions in these sentences from the film.


1) Mr.Dorothey would you turn-----page twenty three, please?

2) Oh, sweetheart, do you know what it was like waking-------in Paris that morning, seeing the empty pillow.

3) Ah, we`re looking--------someone a little younger

4) Listen-----rotation  you are the writer.

5) There`s no excuse---------not working.

6) I was looking---------you from over there.

7) You were---- «Dames at Sea»

8) Look, I`ve got everything-------control. I`m going to jump---a cab, go home.

9) I didn`t bring enough money-------a cab fare.

10) You`re worried-------your audition tomorrow, aren`t you?

11) I`ll pick you----at ten o` clock and enrage you.

12) The waiter will be here--------just a minute.

13) Dorothy Michaels, nice------meet you.



5. Match the adjectives and the nouns that go together in the film:


































6. Give the English equivalents of these Russian phrases. Say in what context they are used in the film:


1) Когда вам надоедает думать об этом, делайте это.

2) Не играй роль, в которую не можешь вжиться.

3) Нет оправдания для безделья.

4)  Не относите это к своей личности.

5) Что со мной—это очень угнетающе, когда с тобой не соглашаются.

6) Приобрести самую худшую репутацию.

7) Пытаться оставаться спокойным.

8) Крепкий орешек.

9) Это потеря времени.

10)  Не делай ничего не обдуманного.

11)  Xорошо провести время.

12)  Найти способ.



7. Complete the table. Underline the words used in the film:






























8. Find the words that appear in the film with:


            a) to bring      money                                   b) to change  theatre

                                               dress                                                             the play

                                               second scene                                                the message   




c) to create     surprise                                 d) to jump      in a cab  

                                    opportunities                                                          to wardrobe

                                    party                                                             people`s work shop



e) to get sucked into                       conversation            




f) to field                    decisions                             i) proud of     hospital

                                    offers                                                             woman

                                    potato                                                           success




9. Give the antonyms  of the words:





10. Fill in the gaps in your own words to complete the text from the film:


George:          Michael, will you wait……,please. I am talking to………

Michael:        ………….. this is a coast too , Georg New York is a ………too.

George:          Oh, boy. Sy, are you, Sy ,Sy………….!Look what you did. Margaret,          …………. I cut myself off. Now………, Michael?

Michael:        Terry Biship is doing “Iceman Cometh”, ……? Did you ……………..for that part? ………..I……? ……………..I was gonna, I was gonna, get………….?

George: Setward Preston…………… Michael.




11. Mark the tune of the following commands:


1) Come on


2) Keep looking.


3) Wait a minute


4) Quick, get a priest


5) Show me what you mean


6) Don`t get mad at me.


7) Have the anger-----don`t show it to me-------


8) Knock it off


9) Let me see exactly what you showed us a while ago


10) Don`t tell her




Post-Viewing activities


12.  Give a summery of what you`ve seen. Say what you think will happen next.


13. Give your first impressions of

            a) Michael Dorsey;                          b) Sandy Laster


14) Switch off the sound of the film and make your own sound track for the scene “Michael Dorsey comes to his agent”.


Part II ( 40 min)


Pre-Viewing Activities


1. Do you know these words? If you do, explain their meanings in English. If you don`t know, find them in a dictionary to say what they mean.


                        Words                                                                       Phrases

stick (n)                                                                    right on the money

tyranny (n)                                                   make oneself at home

 enrage (v)                                                    to pull out

wardrobe (n)                                                           to stuck back

roommate (n)                                                          to be insane

significant (adj.)                                          to be engage

schedule (n)                                     

threat (n)

suck (v)

affair (n)

report  (v)

laundry (n)

starve (v)

outfit (n)



Viewing Activities


2. Be ready to answer these questions:

1)                                        What did M. Dorsey do at the film studio?

2)                                        Why did M. Dorsey disguise himself as a woman?

3)                                        What role did M. Dorosey have in soap?

4)                                        What relations dud Julie and Ron have?

5)                                        Why did Miss Kimberly have a great success between woman?

6)                                        Where did Dorothy go to the date?

7)                                        Who was Julie engage to?

8)                                        How did Ron treat Julie?

9)                                        What was Julie`s inner life?

10)                                    What was Julie`s wish?



3. Which of the synonyms below are used in the film?


1)                                   smart, bright, clever, witty

2)                                   to get lost, to lose one`s head, to lose smb`s mind

3)                                   to struggle, to wrestle, to fight

4)                                   pretty, attractive, nice , likeable

5)                                   person, individual, man

6)                                   pants, trousers, breeches, knickerbockers

7)                                   high, fast, quickly ,rapidly

8)                                   balony, nonsense, rubbish, trifle

9)                                   response, reply, answer, report

10)                               line, subject, topic, plot

11)                               to claim, to convince, to prove



4. Insert the right prepositions in these sentences from the film:


1)      Just push all that stuff----- the way, make yourself-------home.

2)      But---------- the same time you realize that you`re----- the arms of a man whose music was.

3)      There`s no reason--------us to be in opposite camps.

4)      I admire people-------- power.

5)      When you are hopping---------ranting----- you hump saying that this was a bell-tower, I didn`t say anything.

6)      Did you get married-----Michael.

7)      Things have been so much better----you came to “South- West General”.

8)      Stop thinking-------me as a woman, and start thinking---------- as a person.

9)      Listern, do you know any guy who`s interested--------a woman, who wants her dinner-------- four, is unconscious----nine, and goes---- work----down.

10)  That`s not true! I have plenty ---say---women.



5. In what situations do people usually say that? Who said it in the film, in what episodes?


1)      Knock it off.

2)      We have so little time we can`t even rehearse.

3)      Welcome aboard.

4)      He treats her like she`s just a nothing.

5)      We`re all so grateful to you!

6)      Thanks anyway.

7)      This man seem silly to you, but this is our first date.

8)      How much time you got?

9)      There you go.

10)  Heaven! Sheer heaven!

11)              I can`t act with this.



6. Look through the following idioms:

·         Every country has its customs

·         Soap opera

·         First night

·         Black comedy

·         Steal the show

·         Mind smb`s own business


a) Pick out two of them from the film.

b) Tell an episode or reconstruct a situation from the film you have seen.



7. Some words and expressions called “discourse markers’” are used to show how discourse is organized. A lot of them are used in informal speech. They may signal the speaker`s wish.


·         To emphasize a contract: still, yet, mind you.etc.

·         To change the subject (used by people giving instructions: teachers, lecturers ets) right, now, all right, OK,ets.

·         To make things clear; give details: I mean, actually, that isto say, really,or  rather, I`m afraid, etc.

·         Togive the speaker time (fillers): let me see, well, you know, kind of.

·         To refer to other person`s expectation: In fact, well, to tell the truth.



Add discourse markers from the film. Say what their function is.


1)                       ……..Lisa, I want to make a change here, on shot one twenty ….

2)                        I………., you got to struggle because you know.

3)                        ……. Emily, there`s no reason for us to be in opposite camp.

4)                       …………, Dr. Brewster, thay you have underestimated me.

5)                       ………. you know you were good.

6)                       No thanks, I …… like walking. --------OK, buy.

7)                       I think…… Dorothy`s smarter than I`m.

8.                                                 …….I`ll get a service, tonight.

8)                       …… , when you were playing Serino and you stuck a saber underneath my armpit through the  couch………… I didn`t say anything.

9)                       ……….as if I know you already.

10)   No, for me , for Dorothy I……. not exactly.

11)                   …….., one . Push in a for close up.

12)                   ………… Thank you, John, but,--- you had some great moments.

13)        What….. work, you know.

14)  Do you……you have a good relationship.



8. Fill in the gaps in your own words to complete the text from the film:



Dorothy                                Who is it?

Julia:               Ann`s……… And she…….

D.                                ……..Amy?

J.                                 My daughter.  Shewas…………. last week.

D.                                I didn`t know……………..baby.

J.                                 ……….kids, Dorothy.?...........you ever …….?

D.                                Ah, no…. I know……… Ihaven`t………

            J.                      I was……….once,    …………actor whose career…………

D.                                ………killed…..?

            J.          In a manner of speaking…………. me as well. He is working now……….. I don`t want……..

D.        Mind if I………. Do you worry……………all the time?

J.                                 No. I don`t……… I have……………problem. And I

D.                                Well. Some men find……….

J.                                 Ah. I take it…………… Oh , no I have never………

D.                                Perhaps I`ll just have



Post-Viewing Activities


9. Speak of your fist impression of the relations between Julia and Michael Dorsey.


10. Say what features of character each personage shows in these scene.

 Miss Kimberly                    Ron                            John                Michael Dorothy



11. Summarize Part II

Part III ( 50 min.)


Pre- Viewing Activities


1. Do you know these words? If you do, explain their meanings in English. If you don`t know, find them in a dictionary to say what they mean:


                        Words                                                                       Phrases

fabulous (adj.)                                                         to hold smb up

blink( v)                                                                     to stand for oneself

submit (v)                                                                  to get something out

script (n)                                                                    toget cilly out

petty (adj.)

insults (n)

humiliations (n)

charge ( n)

treat (v)

sneak (v)

cute (adj.)

fraud( n)

valium (n)

nightmare (v)

rehearsal (n)  



Viewing Activities


2. Be ready to answer the questions:


1)      Where did Dorothy and Julie go?

2)      Why did Julie Like the life on the farm?

3)      What did Michael believe in?

4)      What musical instrument could Julie play?

5)      What did M. Dorsey think about women’s inner life and wishes?

6)      Why did the film director decide to pick up Dorothy`s option?

7)      Why did M/Dorsey sing the contract?

8)      Can the audience call M. Dorsey a professional actor? Why? Why not?



3. Match the adjectives and the nouns that go together in the film:




























4. Complete the sentences from the film:

1) When I came…….. the door, I thought you looked familiar.

                        a) along           b)across                    c) through     d) in

2) So much….. the mutual admiration society.

                        a) in    b) on                c)at                d) for

3)……. Two weeks I`ll never see Julia again.

                        a) in                 b) on                         c)at                             d) for

4) Thank you, very nice……. you, Less.

                        a)in                  b) with                       c) of                d) from

5) I made a million plans looking…..this wall-paper.

                        a) after           b)through      c)at                             d) out

6) That you`re, that you`re making a fool……millions of American women every day.

                        a) about         b) out                         c) with                       d) up

7) I signed the contract but I didn`t know I was going to be working…. The rest  of  my life of a woman.

                        a)  out                        b) up    c) for                         d) in

8) I`ve been seeing Rom….  Your  eyes   lately.

                        a)  through    b) after           c) with                       d) from

9) Don`t jump to conclusions……..that impulse.

                        a)  for                         b) about         c) on               d) of

10) I didn`t have the courage to talk to you …..the  phone without seeing you face.

                        a)  over                      b) with           c) at                            d) on

11) No one will call you stupid…. your face.

                        a)  on                          b) to    c) into                                    d) upon

12) Why is thanking you for lovely night………of the fire.

                        a) in  front     b) behind   c) near                           d) at



5. Complete these tables. Underline the words that are used in the film :











lie,  falsehood






















6. In what situations do people usually say that? Who said it in the film, in what episodes?


1) What are you gonna do for the holidays?

2). I believe in unemployment but I don`t believe in Hell

3) There`s this bar that daddy hangs out in

4) I`ve gotta do this in one gi or I won`t get through it.

5) Love the way, you never let me get away with anything.

6) I was having a nightmare and ah…. you were in it.

7) My mind`s a blank.

8) I don`t care how you get there.

9) An absolute Doe- Doe bird.

10) God save us.


7. What articles are used in the sentences below from the film.

            1) It`s……grand, old, name.

            2).It`s not exactly …..fast lane, but it`s, it`s kinda fun.

            3)  I`ve got one of ……… most expensive directors in soap.

            4) You re ……first woman character who is her own person.



8.  Listen to the conversation, mark the stresses and tunes:

F.         Listen to me.

M.       What?

F.         Stop packing. Don`t do it.

M.       Why?

F.         You shouldn`t do this.

M.       In two weeks I`ll never see Julie again,…. and if do it`ll be as Michael Dorsey and she`ll probably throw a drink in my face!..... Where is my make-up kit?

F.         How long are you going to keep lying to Sandy like this?

M.       Oh, come on. It`s for her own good! I never told Sandy that I wouldn`t see other woman. Come on, and if, you know, if I did tell her it would only hurt her feelings, and I don`t wanna hurt her feelings, especially since Julie and I are just girl friends.

F.         I`m just afraid that you`re gonna burn in Hell for all of this.

M.       I don`t believe in Hell. I believe in unemployment but I don`t believe in Hell.



Post-Viewing Activities


9. Give a summary of part III.

10. Make up a dialogue between Michael Dorothy and John in the café.

11. Switch off the sound of the film. Make your own soundtrack of the scene “The meeting of Ron and Dorothy at Julie`s.”




Final Discussion


1. Give a summary of the whole film (make use of the active vocabulary).

2. Which of the epithets below would you use speaking of the film?

slow/ swift-moving






3) Which scene do you like best?

4) Give a review of the film. Here`s an outline for it:




What do you know about the life of actors?



          Is the action slow- or swift moving?

             Are the introductions of the scenes and characters skilful?

            What is the main stress put on here in the film?

            What do you think of the director`s choice of the cast?



            Can Jastin Hoffman, playing the leading role, be considered as   an actor of great promise? Why? Why not?

            Are all the actors convincing?

          Does anyone overcast sometimes?

             Can you say that some actors should have put more life into         there play?



            Is the film beautifully photographed? Do indoor or outdoor scenes prevail?

            Do you like open-air scene?

       Does the film leave the audience cold? Does it leave a deep  and lasting impression on the audience?  






































1.      What genres do you know? What is associated with these genres?  Complete the Word web.



















2.What do you think about films of different genres?


Westerns                                 extremely                                                                  astonishing

Action films                            really                                                                      awful

Comedies                                very                                                                        excellent

Horror films                            pretty                                                                      magnificent

Thrillers                                   absolutely                                                              wonderful

Melodramas                            fairly                                                                      good

Fairy tales                                totally                                                                    great

Cartoons                                                                                                                superb

Musicals                                                                                                                boring

Documentaries                                                                                                      rotten




3.Can you explain what genres you like best and why?



4.What kind of films don`t you like? Why?


5.Pair work.


1.Make a list of films you really like and really dislike. Ask your partner`s opinion about them.

 2. Tell about your favourite genre without naming it . Let your classmates guess the genre.




PART I(40 min)


Pre- Viewing Activities


Personal names:


Lord Farguaad




Princess Fiona

Snow White



  1. If you know the meaning of these words and expressions, explain them. If you don`t, find them in a dictionary to say what they mean.


Enchantment(n)                            Keen (n) )                                     Detect(v)

All-star(adj)                                 Glitter(v)                                        Squatter(n)

Satellite(n)                                   Grind(v)

Peel(V)                                         Squeeze(v)

Superfly(sl.,adj)                           Deride(v)

Facility(N)                                    Boulder(n)

Pitchforks(n)                                Huff(v)

Manly(adj)                                   Shed(n)

Waffle(n)                                     Glow

Guit(v)                                         Whirlwind(n, adj)

Minty(adj)                                     Fiery(adj)

Gingerbread(n)                            Yonder(adv)

Eligible(adj)                                Lava(n)

Shut-in (n)                                    Hideous (adj)

Gumdrop(n)                                 Spleen(n)

Bachelorette(n)                           Guest(n)

Eligible(adj)                                Parfait(n)

Bleach(v)                                    Toadstool(n)

Runner – up(n)                           Rickety(adj)

Embank(v)                                  Heck(n)

Slime(n)                                       Fluid(n)

Freak(n )                                       Tackle(v)

Sushi(n)                                         Throttle(v)

Muffin(n)                                        Handle(v)

Abuse(v)                                         Dazzle(v)

Tub(v)                                            Reek(v)

Slobber(v)                               Dump(v )                                                                               )                                          Loaded(adj)                                Sprout(v)

Tag(v) )                                        Mess(v)














Dundle up                                                                  pina colada

For/in fun                                                                   at a time

Make sense                                                                make an ordeal

Scare the shit out of smb                                           lay siege

On fire                                                                        make a mess

Give smb a hint                                                          blow smoke rings

Break the mould                                                        live wire

Under arrest                                                               wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve

It’s a far cry                                                               have it him(sl)

The land of fancy                                                       in the first place

Beast of burden                                                          pain in the neck




The speech of some personages can be recognized as colloquial in tone because of:

1.      abbreviations: gents

2.      double negatives:”I bet you ain`t never seen”,

3.      the reduced –ing.

·         sayin`

·         lookin`

·         comin`

·         somethin`

4.word and frases:

·         .nope(sl)=no

·         Yeah=yes

·         Aya=yes

·         Go play, go celebrate=go and play,go and celebrate

·         I got a great idea!= I have got a great idea!

·         Ain`t= am not, are not

5.phonetic variants of neutral words:

·         fella=fellow

·         fost=first

·         wok=work

·         g’night=good night

·         t’day=to day

·         c’mon=come on

·         g’by=good by

·         gon’ta=gone=to be going to

6.such elisions as the omission or slurring of one or two vowels, consonants, or syllable:

·         gonna roll

·         wanna go

·         gotta stick

·         outta my nose

·         bout(young children often lose an unstressed vowel)

·         cause








1.Be ready to answer the questions:


1.Wno was Shrek?what associations do you have about such creatures?

2. How did Shrek begin his day? What is funny about it?

3.while the ogre was washing there sounded a song. What did it call for? Comment on these words from the songs.

  • She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an”L” on her forehead.
  • You`ll never shine if you don`t glow.
  • My world`s on fire and how about yours?

4.How did the fairy things behave?

5.How did the Donkey find himself on Shrek`s territory?

6.What were theguards going to do with Shrek by the order of lord Farquaad?

7.What impressed the Donkey about the scene with the guards? Why did he decide to stick with Shrek?

8.Who visited Sherk swamp at night? How did the fairy-tale creatures behave?

9.Shrek wasn`t pleased with their coming, was he? What was his reaction to what they told him about?

10What did Farquaad want to hear from the gingerbread man? What did he do to make him speak?

11.What did the Magic Mirror tell Farquaad about? Why did Farguaad want to marry?

12. Did Farguaad listen to what the Mirror said to the end ? Which of the girls did he choose? What do you think he hadn`t heard from the Mirror?

13.How and why did Shrek and the Donkey get into Dulos?

14.How did Farguaad and his knights meet Shrek?Describe Shrek`s fight with Farquaad`s knight.

15On what condition was Farquaad going to give Shrek the swamp back?

16.What surprised the Donkey?

What was Shrek`s reaction?

17.Why did the friends go to the Dragon`s place? How did they get to the Dragon`s castle?

18.How did the Donkey appease the Dragon?

19 How did it happen Shrek found himself in Fiona`s room?

20What events from the film do remind you the situations from today`s life?


2.Fill the table with the synonyms and antonyms of the following words.

























4.      Add as many nouns as possible to the following adjectives. Underline the phrases that are used in the film.


Awkward           silence                                                         Mean  --------------

                         --------------                                                            ----------------

                         --------------                                                             ---------------

                         ---------------                                                           ---------------





Minty              --------------                                                     Manly---------------

                        ----------------                                                            ---------------

                        ----------------                                                            ----------------

                                 ----------------                                                             ---------------


Hideous          -----------------                                                  Freak---------------

                       -----------------                                                           ---------------

                        ------------------                                                         ---------------

                        ------------------                                                        -----------------


Loaded           -------------------                                        Stalwart  --------------------

                      --------------------                                                        -------------------

                      --------------------                                                       --------------------


Asthmatic    ---------------------                                                     

                     --------------------                                           Whirlwind---------------

                     --------------------                                                         ------------------

                      -------------------                                                         -------------------



5.Match the adjectives and the nouns that go together in the film.





a) bridge


b) teeth


c) bachelorette


d) kingdom


e) mirror


f) response


g) smile




i) freshness



6.Which of the synonyms are used in this part of the film.?


1)      Nonsense, trash, rubbish, rot

2)      Brute, monster, beast, ogre

3)      Magical, magic, mystical, miraculous

4)      Response, reply, answer, retort

5)      Gloom, misery, unhapiness, sorrow

6)      Master, rule, control, command

7)      Can ,flog, whip, birch

8)      Rescue, save, redeem, extricate

9)      Drastic, radical, extreme, desperate

10)  Small, tiny, minute

11)  Save, rescue, deliver, free

12)  Outdated, old-fashioned, old hat, outmoded

13)  Defender, savior, rescuer, protector

14)  Lot, fate, tune, destiny

15)  essenger, runner, courier, bearer

16)  Tease, kid, joke, jest

17)  Poor, impoverished, needy, penniless

18)  Saucy, pert, impudent, impertinent

19)  Drive, ram, strike, bump

20)  Tug, pull, yank, jerk

21)  Slay, murder, slaughter, assassinate

22)  Pong, reek, stench, stink

23)  Unwanted, unasked, unsought, undesirable

24)  Right,  favour, prerogative, privilege

25)  .Dull, blockish, dense, stupid

26)  .Weakling, sissy, coward, craven



7.What commands do you hear and mark the tune of them.


1. Shrek met one the men who is trying to stop his stranger




2.Shrek gave the order to remain a distance





3.The man who is buying fairy things gives 5 shillings for the possessed toy and wants it to be removed


Take it………….!



4. A woman doesn`t want to listen to the donkey`s promises





5.The woman sent her donkey to the man:


Go ……………., little fella!



The man doesn`t want to see the woman:

Get………     ………my sight!



7.Farquaad ordered Shrek to live his territory


Get you all……….my land!



8.Insert the right prepositions or adverbs in these sentences from the film.


1. She had an enchantment……her……fearful sort.

2.She was locked…….in a castle.

3.She wanted……. the dragon`s keep.

4. My world`s……fire.  

5. Hey, now you`re an all-star, Get the show……..!

6. Actually it`s quite good………toast.

7. This is the part where you run………

8. Please don`t turn me……. / I`ll never be stubborn again.

9…….. the order of Lord Farquaad I am authorized to place you both…….arrest.

10 Those guards ! They thought they was all of that. Then you showed….. and blah! They was trippin`…..themselves like babies in the wood.

11. I`ll stick …….you.

12. I`m not goin`………there…… myself.

13.We can stay…….late swappin` manly stories.

14.I live……. A swamp. I put……signs

15. Your welcome is officially worn…….

16 Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends,……..   ……..a whirlwind big –city adventure.


9.Correct the grammar mistakes made by the personages.


1.I bet you ain`t never seen a donkey fly.

2. Can I tell you that you was great back here. Those guards ! They thout they was all of that…. They was tripping over themselves like babies in the wood

3. Now , why don`t you go celebrate your freedom with your won friends?

4. ….if that don`t work, your breath certainly will get the job done.

5.And I don`t have to please no one

6.Dulos is perfect place.

7. No, I don`t like no parfait.

8. Don`t be talking about it`s the brimstone. I know what I smell.

89. I`m just a little uncomfortable about being on a rickety bridge over a boiling like of lava.

10 I sure as heck ain`t no cowed.


10.Read the ingredients and chose the right name of the dishes.


Gingerbread    sushi     gumdrop     pina colada      muffin  parfait


1.      Sweetened and flavoured gum arabic, gelatine .-----------------------------

2.      A cookie, or a cake, flavoured with ginger and molasses.-------------------

3.      flour/ cornmeal, eggs, milk-------------------------------------------------------

4.      Ice-cream, fruit/ syrup, whipped cream----------------------------------------

5.      Rum, coconut cream , pinapple juice------------------------------------------

6.      Bite-sized cakes of cold boiled rice,

 rice vinegar, raw fish, seaweed, vegetables, eggs .------------------------------


11. Complete these sentences from the film.


       1.I’ve tried to be fair … you, creatures.

A of                    B to              C with                   D about

 2. Just sit… and relax, my lord

A back                 B in             C on                      D up

3. Don’t let that (boiling lava) cool you…

A out                   B off            C down                 D –

4. Do you think may be he’s compensating … something?

A about               B off            C for                     D at

5. hey, wait , wait…Shrek!

A out                   B up            C for                     D in

6.Here we have some rules. Let us lay them…

A by                    B back          C down                D in

7.Please keep … the grass

A of                     B odd             C on                    D from

8.The champion shall have privilege to go … and rescue Princess Fiona.

A out                   B forth           C about               D round


9.If … any reason the winner is unsuccessful, the first runner – up take his place.

A from                B for               C by                   D to

10. You’ve won the honour of embarking … a great noble quest.

A on                   B for                C to                    D out to

11. Lay siege … his fortress.

A at                    B on                  C after               D to

12. Oh, God! I can’t do this! Just let me … , please!

A down               B off                 C out                 D in

13.Don’t mess … me.

A with                B about              C around           Dup

14. You’re just reeking … feminine beauty.

A of                    B with                C off                 D through

15. I’m an asthmatic, and I don’t know if it’d work … if you are gonna blow smoke rings..

 A over               B round               C out               D on

16.And all I ever learned from love

     Is how to shoot……….someone     Who overdrew you.

A. off                   B at                    C into              D through

17. The wall’s supposed to go not …my swamp.

A through            B around            C to                 under

18. Come back here. I’m not …  …you yet.

A round around                     C through with

B out to                                 D down onto

19.You are so wrapped…  …. Layers, onion boy.

A in for                                 C from behind

B up in                                  D out to                                

20. Hey, that’s what friend are…

A for                    B about              C  with              D down

21. we’ll never make it…time

A off                     B at                    C on                 D in

22. I’ll have you locked … in that tower for the rest of your days.

A back                 B away                C out               D down

23. You are always pushing me ….

A through            B up                     C out               D around




Post-Viewing Activities


1.      Share your impressions with your classmates of each of the personages( Farquaad,, Shrek, the Donkey, the Dragon, Princess Fiona)

2.      Do you agree with the characterization the Donkey gives to Shrek? Take, for example, his words about Shrek: I don’t  - care – what – nobody – thinks – of – me thing; mean, ect. Find other cases of Shrek’s features of character mentioned by the Donkey. What’s your first impression of either of the personages: Shrek and the Donkey?

3.      Speak of all cases of parallelism between the fairy tale and the modern world. What’s the effect produced by this parallelism?

4.Write a summary of the plot of the first part of the film.(maximum number of words 200)









Part 2(49min)



 Be – in(sl)                                        recite (v)                                             limerick(n)

Token(n)                                           charge(v)                                            banner(n)

Commitment (n)                                magnitude (n)                                    pal(n)

Unorthodox(adj)                               thine, thee                                           steed(n)

Helmet(n)                                          perk (n)                                               deset(v)

Delivery(n)                                       dignified(adj)                                       dig smb(sl)

Groom – to – be (n)                          stature (n)                                             spit(v)

La liberte(Fr)                                    wee(adj.,Scot)                                      greedy(adj)

Damsel (n)                                       tush(ie) (sl)                                          blade(n)

Ram(v)                                             phony(n)                                             arrow(n)

Elevate(v)                                        tunnel(n)                                             color – blind(adj)

Chote(n)                                          the fourth(music.n)                            rear(v)

The minor(music,n)                         the major (music, n)                           the fifth (music, n)

Booty(n)                                           magnetism (n)                                   hallelujah(n)

Object(v)                                          belt(n)                                                slobbery(adj)

Binding(adj)                                     chic(n)                                               skip(v)

Rewind(v)                                         quarter(n)                                          altar(n)

Haunt(v)                                           firewood (n)                                       pheromone(n)

Sting (sl, n)                                       rotisserie(n)                                        twitch(v)

Weedrat(n0                                       tartar(n)                                              caterer(n)

Toad(n)                                             therapy(n)

Spooky (adj)                                      bride (n)

Startle (v)                                          hug(n)

Band(n)                                             mean(sl. Adj)



Viewing Activities.


  1. Be ready to answer the questions:


1.How did Princess Fiona meet Shrek? What romantic ideas did she pronounce? What’s Shrek’s attitude towards these ideas? What’s the effect produced by their different ways of speaking and behaviour? Comment on Fioma’s suggestion that Shrek should recite an epic poem, or a ballad, or a sonnet, or a limerick?

2.What was happening between the Donkey and the Dragon?

3. How did Shrek, the Donkey and Fiona manage to run away? (describe their escape.) why couldn’t the Dragon catch and kill them?

4. What epithet did Fiona use when she spoke about the Donkey? Was he pleased with it?

5.Why didn’t Shrek want to take off his helmet? What was Fiona’s reaction when she saw his face?

6. Why did Fiona want to make a camp? How did Shrek and the Donkey describe Farquaad? How is the device “ play – on – words” used by them? (comment on their usage of words stature, short, little, measuring)

7.What did Shrek tell the Donkey about the stars that way?

8. What idea the Donkey suggested did Shrek object to? Why? What the problem?

9. Why did the donkey tell Shrek about Fiona:” She is nasty as you are”?

10.Whom did they meet on the road? Who won the fight and how?

11 What were the consequences of the fight? What were the  blue flowers with red thorns for? What do they symbolize, do you think?

12. How did the Donkey reach to Shrek’s sufferings?

13.How did the Fiona help Shrek?

14.What did Shrek mean saying:” That’s the last thing on my mind?”

15. Why did Fiona say that the Donkey did not look so good?

16.How did the Donkey come to know about Fiona’s secret? Comment on his words: “You are what you eat.”(Compare these words with Anthelme Brillat – Savarin’s : “ Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are’) Do you agree with such a statement? Why? Why not?

17. Why did the Donkey think that Fiona wrote poetry?

18. Retell Fiona’s story.

19. What was Shrek going to do that evening? How did he understand Fiona’s story that he overheard?

20. How did Shrek behave in the morning? What conclusions did Fiona come to?

21. Did Lord Farquaad keep his promise?

22. When were Farquaad produce on Fiona?

23. When were Farquaad and Fiona to marry?

24. What did the Donkey want to tell Shrek, do you think?



2.Which of the synonyms below are used in the film?


1.      savour, relish, enjoy, bask.

2.       slay, murder, slaughter, hero.

3.      save, rescue, deliver, free.

4.      undesirable, unwanted, unasked, unsought.

5.      defender, saviour, rescuer, protector.

6.      lot, fate, tune, destiny.

7.      messenger, courier, runner, bearer.

8.      consequence, outcome, issue, result

9.      tease, kid, joke, jest.

10.  stench, stink, reek, pong.

11.  obstruct, block, check, arrest.

12.  saucy, pert, impudent, impertinent.

13.  drive, ram, strike, bump.

14.  tug, pull. yank, jerk.

15.  dear, darling, beloved, pet.

16.  twinge, spasm, pang, twitch

17.  embrace, hug, clasp, enfold

18.  impulse, instinct, intuition, sixth sense.

19.  clear out, blear off, withdraw, depart.

20.  overlook, miss, skip, omit

21.  perplex, bewilder, baffle, confuse.

22.  knife, stab, pierce, jab

23.  precious, dear, beloved, treasured

24.  clergyman, parson, churchman, preacher



3.What commands do the personages give in these situations? Mark the stress and the tune of the following commands.



1.      Shrek wants Fiona to hurry up

Now, come………….! 



2.The Donkey tries to persuade the Dragon not to be so active





3.Fiona wants to see Shrek`s face:

Take it………………!



4.Fiona doesn`t want Shrek to carry her:

Put me………………!



5.The Donkey is overtired and wants to have a short period of rest:




6.Fiona wants the Donkey not to be excited over Shrek`s health:




7.Fiona wqnts her rescuers to have all meal she has prepared:

Well, eat…………………!



          8.Shrek asks Fiona to stop and answer his question:

                 Hold….... , now!


4. Who gives these commands and what for?


1. Back off!

2. Go away!

3Go ahead! Have some fun!

4.So you just shut up and pay attention!

5. Hop on and hold on tight!

6 Cut it out!

7. Get that out of my sight now!


5..In what situations do people usually say that? Who said it in the film, in what episode?


1. You`ve had a lot of time to plan this, haven`t you?

2. That`s not the point?

3.I`m eternally in your debt!


5. That wasn`t in the job description.

6. You will suffer the consequences.

7. It will take that long?

8. You cut me deep.

9. For the love of Pete!

10. You know what?

11. What`s all this about?

12. That`s the last thing on my mind!


6.Tell an episode or reconstruct a situation in which the following phrases are used. Translate them.

 1. Stubborn jaskass!/

2. This hocus- pocus alters nothing!

3.The clics love that romantic crap!

4.Cut it out.

5.Mother Fletcher he has already said it!

6. When does this guy say the line?

7. I`m a freak.

8.It`s like wow!

9. I`m a donkey on the edge!

10.How come you came back?


7.Insert the right prepositions or adverbs to complete these sentences:


1. It`s…….. my to-do list.

2. Let`s just back……… a little and take this one step……..a time.

3. A princess beset …..a dragon is rescued…….. a brave   knight.

4. So much……. the noble steed.

5. But you don`t get burnt…… a crisp and eaten.

6. Men……. Farfuaaad`s statue are…….. shortsupply.

7.I think this whole wall thing is just a way to keep somebody……

8. I`m better…… alone.

9 We kind of got……….a bad tart yesterday.

10. I wanted to make it……to you.

11. I steal from the rich and give….. the needy.

12. Keep your eyes…….me

13. I`ll yank this thing…….

14. This is the last thing……. my mind.

15. Your future awaits…… you.

16. I know you were diggin` …….each other.

17. I`m just bringing her…………

18. Oh, come…… Shrek, wake…….

19. It`s very spooky………there.

20 I`ll get you……..here.

21. It only happens when the sun goes…….

22. ……… night one way,………day another.

23.When I was a little girl , a witch cast a spell….. me.

24.My only chance to live happy ever …… is to marry….. my true love.

25. You don`t have to waste good manners ….. the ogre.

26 I ask your hand….. marriage.

26. Captain, round……. Some guests.

27. Shrek, what are you doing?

 You`re letting her get……..


8..Useing the context of the film replace the words and phases in the brackets.


 1. Let`s just back up a little and take this one step. ( on each occasion)

2. Shrek thought that all the knights that had tried to save Fiona had ….. (suddenly burnt strongly.)

3. I eternally…. (owe you a debt of gratitude)

4. Ther are those who….. ( have a very poor opinion of Farquaad).

5. I`m….. ( more comfortable alone)

6. You are…..(ill).

7. Just remember, darling,….. ( all the time).

8. A witch…. ( said some magic words).

9. What`s the point of being able to talk if you gotta…..( not tell anyone else).

10. You can`t …. (utter a word). No one must ever know.

11. I…….( haven`t finished) with you yet.

12. I forgive you for….. ( a treacherous attack).

13. People of Duloc, we gather here today to …. ( be evidence of ) the union.

14. Speak now on Forever….. (keep silence).

 15. I`ll have you locked back in that tower…. ( for what remains of your life).

16. And all your kisses seem …. (free) me.

17 (I think about you a lot)…….. .

18. You aleays consider me like…. ( plain and stupid child who grows up to be attractive or brilliant)


9.Replace the informal utterances below with their more formal equivalents.


1. But wait, Sir Knight! This be-in… Should it not be a wonderful, romantic moment?

2. Okay. Easy. As you command.

3. Say, there`s a woman that digs you , right , but you don`t really like her that way. How do you let her down real easy so her feeling aren`t hurt, but you don`t get burnt to a crisp and eaten?

4. I was just kidding.

5.You cut me real deep just  now.

6 You know what ?

7.—So, uh, are there any donkeys up there?

-- Well, there`s, um, Gabby, the Small and Annoying.

8. What`s all this about ?

9. Look pal….

10  Listen, keep breathing.

11. You`re not that ugly.

12. I ain`t gonna lie.

13. I make a mean weedrat stew.

14 I know you two were digging` on each other.

15. Oh, I understand . Like you said, “Who should love a hideous, ugly beast?”

16. Princess, I`ve brout you a little something.



Post-Viewing Activities.


1.Imagine conversation that suit these conversation charts. You can speak about the plot of  part 2.


Expressing likes


a) Asking about

 someone`s feelings and impressions






b) Asking about someone`s feelings

and impressions.
















c) Suggesting









Asking about someone`s feelings and impressions.                                                    



2.Retall this part of the film as if you were  a) Princess Fiona, or b) the Donkey, or  c) Shrek. For their describing use the following words and expressions.


a)      Valiant, savour, slay, Be-in, recite, token, banner, unorthodox, steed, helmet, delivery, dignified, consequences, groom-to-be, statue, saviour, the needy, arrow,yank, burst into flame, so much for, take long, in smb`s debt, think little of smb. Bid smb good night, get off a bad start.

b)      Move on, be on one`s back, twinge, hug, weedtat brag, stew, dig on each other, spooky, in that body, you are what you eat, go down, cast / break the spellon smb, calm down, be in common, hideous, not to breathe a word, keep a secret, therapy, twitch, right on time, hand over, radiant beauty, waste good manners on smb, flawless, ask smb`s hand in marriage, wed, bride, groom, caterer, band, round up, pathetic.

c)       Go around, booty, be through with, insult, appreciate, push smb around. Stab  smb in the back, wrap up in layers, hideous creature, where there`s a will, there`s a way, magnetism, hop on, bear witness to ,. Skrip ahead, preacher, hold your peace, object,

d)     Pronounce smb husband and wife, show up, preposterous, get smb out of one`s sight, drawn and quartered, for the rest of one`s days, a happy ending.





Final Discussions


  1. Give a summery of the whole film.
  2. Which scene do you like best?.
  3. Give the review of the film. Here`s an outline for it.




1.Does this fairy tale remind the situations from every day`s life.?

Give the examples.



2.Is the action slow- or swift- moving?  Is the introduction of scenes and characters slkilful? What is the main stress put on here in the film?



3.Does the film leave the audience cold?

4.What message does it give to the spectator?

5.Does it leave a deep and lasting impression on the audience?

6.Who is this film addressed to? Is the film based on  a certain fairy- tale plot?


4.      Make a remake of any scene from the film.( chose a director, actors you need, write a script, describe and prepare costumes)













































1 . How to ask about the impressions about the film.


Asking about someone`s feelings and impressions:


1.What did you fill about…?

2. What were you filling about….?

3.Did you like that….?

4. Did you enjoy…..?


1.What about that…?

2.Liked/ enjoyed…., didn`t you?

3.how did….grab you?


  1. Did you find…..exciting/ worthwhile?
  2. Did you find that enjoyable?
  3. Can I ask what your reaction were to…?


How to express smb`s likes and dislikes.

Expressing likes


  1. I`m very keen on..
  2. 2. I(really) enjoy…
  3. 3. I`ve always liked/ loved…
  4. I do like/love..
  5. There`s nothing I like/enjoy more than…
  6. I adore..


  1. I`m (absolutely) crazy /mad about..
  2. ……is(really) terrific/ great.


1.I have a particular fondness for…

2….is one of my favourite  pastimes.

Expressing dislikes


  1. I`ve never liked…
  2. …..is not one of my favourite…
  3. I (really) hate…
  4.  I can`t work up any enthusiasm for…
  5. There`s nothing I like less.


  1. I must say I`m not too fond of…..
  2. I`m not over-enthusiastic about….


  1. I can`t stand….
  2. …..is rubbish.











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  • Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Зуева Ольга Ивановна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

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    Зуева Ольга Ивановна
    Зуева Ольга Ивановна
    • На сайте: 9 лет и 3 месяца
    • Подписчики: 2
    • Всего просмотров: 28480
    • Всего материалов: 6

Ваша скидка на курсы

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки


Секретарь-администратор (делопроизводитель)

500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Актуальные вопросы методики преподавания немецкого языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

2200 руб. 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 68 человек из 38 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 251 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 32 человека из 17 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 18 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 231 человек из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 458 человек


Современные тенденции в управлении и бизнесе

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 21 человек из 16 регионов


Фитнес: особенности построения смешанных групповых тренировок

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Этот курс уже прошли 19 человек


Искусственный интеллект: тексты и креативы

7 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 240 человек из 62 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 28 человек