Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентации из цикла уроков элективного курса " Business English" (Unit 4 "Dealing with Business Partners")

Презентации из цикла уроков элективного курса " Business English" (Unit 4 "Dealing with Business Partners")

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Receiving Visitors

    1 слайд

    Receiving Visitors

  • Plan of the lesson:
Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words....

    2 слайд

    Plan of the lesson:
    Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words.
    Getting acquainted with the ways of receiving visitors.
    Doing exercises.
    Role-play activities.

  • Words of the lesson:
Expect- ожидание к.-л. по договорённости
Take a seat-  с...

    3 слайд

    Words of the lesson:
    Expect- ожидание к.-л. по договорённости
    Take a seat- сесть
    Stretch one’s legs- встать после долгого сидения
    Sort out- расставлять по порядку
    Reservation- бронирование
    Get through- дозвониться до к.-л.

  • Offers:  Can I take your coat?
                   Shall I take a taxi?...

    4 слайд

    Offers: Can I take your coat?
    Shall I take a taxi?
    Would you like to take a seat?
    Would you like me to call them for you?

    Accepting: Yes, please.
    Yes, that’s very kind of you.
    Yes, that would be very nice.

    Declining: No thanks.
    Thank you, but it’s no necessary.
    thank you, but no.

  • Offer the following to a visitor:

     drink something
     take his/ her co...

    5 слайд

    Offer the following to a visitor:

    drink something
    take his/ her coat
    reserve a table for him/her
    take an earlier flight
    do anything else for him/ her

    Complete the following sentence with appropriate words:

    Can I get you a drink?
    Would you like a biscuit?
    Would you like me to book a taxi?
    Would you like to go to the theatre tonight?
    Would you like me to collect you from the hotel tomorrow?

  • Circle the word that is not necessary:
Would you like to a coffee?
Did you ha...

    6 слайд

    Circle the word that is not necessary:
    Would you like to a coffee?
    Did you have had a good journey?
    I thank you for meeting me.
    I’m sorry I’m in late.
    To what time did you arrive?
    How long time was your flight?
    M name’s is Jane Cameron.

  • You are receiving a visitor. Choose two correct responses :
Thank you for you...

    7 слайд

    You are receiving a visitor. Choose two correct responses :
    Thank you for your help. 6). Is this your first visit?
    a. It’s pleasure a. No, this isn’t.
    b. Thank you. b. No, it isn’t.
    c. Not at all. c. No, it is not.
    I’m sorry. I’m late. 7). What was your journey like?
    a. It’s not sorry. a. Yes, I liked
    b. It doesn’t matter. b. Very tiring.
    c. Don’t worry. c. It was fine.
    3) Did you receive my letter? 8). I hope you enjoy our stay.
    a. Yes. Thank you. a. Thank you.
    b. Yes, I did. b. That’s very kind of you.
    c. Yes, I received. c. Yes, I hope.
    4). Would you like lunch now? 9). See you tomorrow.
    a. That’s a good idea. a. Yes, see you.
    b. Yes, of course. b. yes, good bye.
    c. Yes, please. c. Tomorrow.
    5). May I take a phone call? 10). Have a good evening.
    a. Yes, of course. a. Good evening.
    b. Yes, go ahead. b. You too.
    c. Yes, I can. c. Thank you.

  • Imagine you are visiting a client at ICL. While you are sitting in
 his offic...

    8 слайд

    Imagine you are visiting a client at ICL. While you are sitting in
    his office one of your colleagues comes in and starts speaking to
    you. Answer his questions.

    Hello. My name’s Susanna. How’s your hotel?

    Do you work for ICL? Would you like some coffee?

    Where are you from? Can I introduce you to Mr Evans?

    When did you arrive? OK, I must go now. Have a
    nice day.
    Did you have a good journey?

    Is this your first visit to the company?

  • Home task: 

Make up the dialog “ Receiving visitors”.
To learn by heart word...

    9 слайд

    Home task:

    Make up the dialog “ Receiving visitors”.
    To learn by heart words and expressions of the lesson.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Dissatisfied

    1 слайд


  • Plan of the lesson:

Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words...

    2 слайд

    Plan of the lesson:

    Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words.
    Getting acquainted with the ways of dissatisfied customers.
    Doing exercises.
    Role-playing activities.

  • Words of the lesson:
Link up- объединяться
Product range- все продукты, выпус...

    3 слайд

    Words of the lesson:
    Link up- объединяться
    Product range- все продукты, выпускаемые компанией
    ( товарный ряд)
    Rep- аббревиатура ( представитель)
    To turn up –прибывать к.-л.
    Annoyed- рассерженный
    Misunderstanding- недоразумение
    Rude- невежливый, грубый
    Appropriate- подходящий
    To show up- прибывать к.-л.
    To get back- перезвонить

  • To:___________________________________

    4 слайд


    While you were away
    Name: Paul Crown Company:_________
    Visited: phoned:
    Returned your call: would like a call:


  • Apologies:

Routine apologies:

Sorry, could you spell that for me, please?

    5 слайд


    Routine apologies:

    Sorry, could you spell that for me, please?
    I’m afraid Mrs Everett is away on business until next week

    Stronger apologies:

    I’m very / extremely sorry to hear it
    I do apologize
    Please accept my apologizes.

    To apologize in writing we use similar expressions:

    We were ( very/ extremely /most) sorry to hear about the problem
    We regret that this problem had happened.
    We apologize for the problem that has happened

  • Match the sentences:

1). My name is Crabtree                    a. I do apol...

    6 слайд

    Match the sentences:

    1). My name is Crabtree a. I do apologize on his behalf

    2). He was extremely rude. b. Please, accept my apologize

    3). Four items were damaged. c. Sorry, could you repeat that, please?

    4). The delivery was late. d. I’m afraid she’s not available at
    this moment.
    5). Your rep didn’t call. e. I do apologize for his behavior.

    6). Mrs Blythe, please. f. I am extremely sorry for the error
    made by our account department.
    7). We were surprised to receive g. We are sorry about the damaged
    an invoice as the goods have items.
    been returned.

    8). Your cheque has been returned h. We regret the delay, but it is due
    to us by your bank to circumstances beyond control.

  • Home task:

Make up the dialog “ Dissatisfied Customers”

    7 слайд

    Home task:

    Make up the dialog “ Dissatisfied Customers”

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Representatives 
  and Salesmen

    1 слайд

    and Salesmen

  • Plan of the lesson:
Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words....

    2 слайд

    Plan of the lesson:
    Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words.
    Getting acquainted with the business idioms.
    Doing exercises.
    Role-playing activities.

  • Words of the lesson:
Special d...

    3 слайд

    Words of the lesson:
    Special deal- особые отношения
    Catalogue- каталог
    Introductory offer- распространитель новой
    Reasonable price- дёшево
    Smudge- оставить грязное пятно на куске бумаги
    Corrupt- изменить что-либо( добавить или убрать)
    Storage capacity- количество информации,
    которое поместится на диск.

  • Complete the following passage with the correct form of the 
verb in the brac...

    4 слайд

    Complete the following passage with the correct form of the
    verb in the brackets.

  • Complete the spaces of the text with the Past Simple form of one of these ver...

    5 слайд

    Complete the spaces of the text with the Past Simple form of one of these verbs and then retell the text:
    lunch create produce be build become retire leave stay have
    Pierre Cosse ... (1) the BN company in Nantes in the west of France in 1896. The company... (2) its first big success in 1922, when it produced the "Casse Croute". This ... (3) the first low- priced family biscuit on the market. Until then, biscuits were always a luxury item. Eleven years later, the company... (4) its "chocolate sandwich cookie".
    During the Second World War, the company ... (5) open, and for a time it... (6) biscuits for schoolchildren and bread for French prisoners of war in Germany.
    Four new products were introduced between the years 1950 and 1956. In 1962, with the growing demand, the company... (7)a new factory to increase its production. Six years later, BN ... a subsidiary of the American food company General Mills. The family's involvement continued after General Mills bought BN. The last member of the Cosse family, Lionel Cosse,... (9) the company in 1990, when he ... (10)as Chairman.

  • Business idioms:
Set up- основывать
Nine times of ten- почти всегда
On a larg...

    6 слайд

    Business idioms:
    Set up- основывать
    Nine times of ten- почти всегда
    On a large scale- по большому счёту
    In any case- в некоторых случаях

    ( Getting acquainted with the business idioms)

  • Home task:

To learn business idioms by heart .
Ex.4 p. 85-86 – translation.

    7 слайд

    Home task:

    To learn business idioms by heart .
    Ex.4 p. 85-86 – translation.

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Краткое описание документа:

Данные презентации являются часть. разработанной мной как элективный курс для учащихся старших классов общеобразовательной школы, а в настоящее время активно внедряемого в практику профессиональной подготовки будущих специалистов курса « Бизнес- курс английского языка». С 2011 по 2015 гг данное пособие претерпело изменения, было модернизировано и адаптировано под программы профессиональной подготовки квалифицированных рабочих или служащих и специалистов среднего звена.

Данная комплексная разработка включает в себя: программу курса , полный комплекс презентаций по разделам « Общение» и « Корреспонденция», комплекс упражнений, комплекс итоговых тестов по разделам, вспомогательный материал для итогового портфолио студента ( формы, бланки, рекомендации ).

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Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

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