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  • Good morning, 
dear friends!

    1 слайд

    Good morning,
    dear friends!

  • Robin HoodThe diary of Marian Fitzwalter

    2 слайд

    Robin Hood
    The diary of Marian Fitzwalter

  • We will speak about legend of Robin Hood and his girlfriend Marian
The life i...

    3 слайд

    We will speak about legend of Robin Hood and his girlfriend Marian
    The life in England in XII century
    Listen to the interesting facts in a history of England
    Цель урока

  • Фонетическая зарядкаA minstrel – певец
Hanging – повешение
A crusade – кресто...

    4 слайд

    Фонетическая зарядка
    A minstrel – певец
    Hanging – повешение
    A crusade – крестовый поход
    A ransom – выкуп
    A wound – рана
    To run a fever – быть в лихорадке

    To pray – молиться
    A herb – трава
    A pilgrim – паломник
    Loyal – преданный
    A chain - цепочка
    An ointment – мазь
    A serf – подданный

  • The_________ are going to sing for me!
There was a ________ in Nottingham tod...

    5 слайд

    The_________ are going to sing for me!
    There was a ________ in Nottingham today, but we didn’t go.
    He wants a large _______.
    With these words she put a thin _______ through the ring.
    Robert had a big _______ in his leg.
    I am _______to God for Robert.

    Fill in the gaps

  • It was her best ___________ .
I always think about the __________ and thank t...

    6 слайд

    It was her best ___________ .
    I always think about the __________ and thank them.
    He was talking about one of his _________ .
    He is _________________.
    All he got from the King for his _______ service.
    Fill in the gaps
    running a fever

  • 1. Richard was actually not bad ruler.
a) True
b)  False
c)  Not stated
2. Th...

    7 слайд

    1. Richard was actually not bad ruler.
    a) True
    b) False
    c) Not stated
    2. The poor in England often died from diseases.
    a) True
    b) False
    c) Not stated
    3. At that time most English people were not free.
    a) True
    b) False
    c) Not stated


  • 3. The peasants and serfs had all the land.
a) True
b)  False
c)  Not stated...

    8 слайд

    3. The peasants and serfs had all the land.
    a) True
    b) False
    c) Not stated
    4. Prince John was neither a clever ruler nor a good brother.
    a) True
    b) False
    c) Not stated
    5. Prince John loved King Richard.
    a) True
    b) False
    c) Not stated


  • How was the life of a village organized?
Was  the life of a lady easy?
How di...

    9 слайд

    How was the life of a village organized?
    Was the life of a lady easy?
    How did people treat diseases?
    What kind of entertainment did they have?
    What have you learned about medieval life?

  • “The girl is sixteen. She needs to learn some good manners and the duties of...

    10 слайд

    “The girl is sixteen. She needs to learn some good manners and the duties of a real lady. I think we should send her to Lady Isabel, who will teach her”.

    “Our villagers are getting very poor. Greedy Prince John wants more and more taxes which everybody has to pay”.

    “What’s your name, fair lady?”

    Who said these words?
    Marians Father
    Robin Hood
    Marians Mother

  • Guess whose descriptions is itHe’s dangerous outlaw who lives in Sherwood For...

    11 слайд

    Guess whose descriptions is it
    He’s dangerous outlaw who lives in Sherwood Forest and robes everybody who wants to go through the forest He has a big gang of men who are all criminals.
    He isn’t very rich, but he’s a friend of the Sheriff of Nottingham and Lady Isabel is proud of him.
    Richard’s younger brother is ruling England for him.

    Guy of Gisbourne


    Robin Hood

  • Guess whose descriptions is itHe is a Norman knight. Ten servants, fifty vill...

    12 слайд

    Guess whose descriptions is it
    He is a Norman knight. Ten servants, fifty villagers and 100 acres of land is all he got from the King for his loyal services.
    He is fair and brave. For his courage everybody calls him the Lionheart.
    She is different from all the other women. She is brave and always says what she thinks. She comes from a noble Celtic – Saxon family.

    Richard the Lionheart

    Marian’s Mother

    Marian’s Father

  • Robin Hood’s and Marian Fitzwalter’s first meeting.
Sheep boy and the widow M...

    13 слайд

    Robin Hood’s and Marian Fitzwalter’s first meeting.
    Sheep boy and the widow Megan.
    Marian and her Mother.

    Checking up your homework. Dramatize the situations.

  • Do the crossword and find the key word1. Marian’s Father’s nationality
2. A p...

    14 слайд

    Do the crossword and find the key word
    1. Marian’s Father’s nationality
    2. A poor widow
    3. … Forest
    4. … the Lionheart
    5. Fitzewalter’s teacher
    6. Younger Brother is ruling England

  • Do the crossword and find the key word1. Marian’s Father’s nationality
2. A p...

    15 слайд

    Do the crossword and find the key word
    1. Marian’s Father’s nationality
    2. A poor widow
    3. … Forest
    4. … the Lionheart
    5. Fitzewalter’s teacher
    6. Younger Brother is ruling England

  • Courageous, strong
Fights, helps, steals
I admire Robin Hood’s courage .

    16 слайд

    Courageous, strong
    Fights, helps, steals
    I admire Robin Hood’s courage .
    Robin Hood is a fighter.
    Robin Hood

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