Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация "English holidays" (10 класс)

Презентация "English holidays" (10 класс)

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«English Holidays»

Өтемісова Гүлфайрус Рахымжанқызы

(Ақтөбе облысы, Ырғыз ауданы, №1 қазақ орта мектебі)

Өткен күні: 12.03.2015

Сабақтың түрі:

Сабақтың мақсаты:

Оқушылардың лексико-грамматикалық білімдерін бақылау, «Ағылшынның мерекесі» тақырыбы бойынша өз ойларын айту қабілеттерін жақсарту;

  • Мәтіннің мағынасын ауызша түсіндіруге үйрету,

  • Оқылған мәтінге байланысты қорытынды ойларын айтуға үйрету,

  • Жеке және топпен жұмыс істеу қабілеттерін жақсарту.

  • Өзге елдің мәдениетімен таныстыра отырып, құрметтеуге үйрету,

Көрнекі құралдары:

Мәтін жазылған парақшалар, компьютер, интерактивтік тақта, Қ. Тұрсынбаева, Б. Құлбекова «Ағылшын тілі» оқу кітабы 11 сынып, Т. Аяпова, З. Әбілдаева 10 сынып «Ағылшын тілі» оқулық.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment.

T: Good morning, pupils. Sit down, please. How are you? I hope you are fine. What is the date today? /Pupils answer./

T: Listen to the poem very attentively. Мұғалім оқиды.

I must remember…

Turkeys on thanksgiving,

Pudding on Christmas,

Eggs on Easter,

Chicken on Sunday,

 Fish on Friday,

Leftovers, Monday

But ah, me – I’m such a dunce.

I went and ate them all at once.

T: Let’s read this poem once again together. Tell us please! What tip does the author give us in this poem? What is the theme of today’s lesson?

P: About holidays

T: Yes, you are right. The theme of today’s lesson is “English holidays”. We are going to talk about holidays of England and Kazakhstan. What must we know about the holidays in these countries?

II.Checking up the hometask.

Your homework was to retell the text “British dishes” and now I want to know how well you understand it. So, who wants to retell it? Who is ready for the lesson?

III.Phonetic drill:

Look at the blackboard, please. Let’s read these words of todays lesson.

Christmas tree,

To decorate,






To blow up,

To cut off smb’s head,

To celebrate,




To let off fireworks.

IY. Presentation of the new lesson.

As you have already understood, today we shall talk about great holidays of two countries. To talk about their differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages.

Lets read this text and translate it.

Holidays in Great Britain.

There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are: Christmas day, boxing day, New Years day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank holiday and Summer Bank holiday. Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays, because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed.

The most popular holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Central streets are beautifully decorated.

Christmas is a family holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And everyone gives and receives presents. The 26th of December , Boxing day is an extra holiday after Christmas day. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or perhaps sit at home and watch football.

New Years Day is less popular in Great Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland, Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year.

There are some special festivals in Great Britain. One of them takes place on the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawks tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. but he didn’t succeed. The Kings men found bomb, took Guy Fawks to the Tower and cut off his head.

Since that day the British celebrate the 5th of November. They burn a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire and let off fireworks. This dummy is called a “guy” and children can often be seen in the streets before the 15th of November saying “Penny for the guy”. If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks. There are also smaller, local festivals in Britain.

Y. Vocabulary:

Boxing Day – Рождество мейрамының екінші күні, сыйлықтар күні.

Good Friday – Ұлы жұма

Easter Monday – пасха мейрамынан кейінгі бірінші апта

May Day – Мамыр мейрамы (мамырдың алғашқы жексенбісі)

The Spring Bank holiday – көктемгі демалыс күні

The Summer Bank holiday – жазғы демалыс күні.

Father Christmas – Рождестволық аязата

Hogmanay – Шотландиядағы жаңа жыл

Guy Fawks – Рим католиктерінің қастандық жасаушыларының басшысы. Олар 1605 жылы 5 қарашада парламентті жармақшы болады. Алайда бұл қастандық ашылып қалып, Гай Фокс қолға түседі. Азаптауға шыдамаған Гай Фокс өз жақтастарының атын айтып береді, өзі өлім жазасына кесіледі.

YI. Question - Answer work. Look at the interactive board. Here you see some questions about the text you’ve read. Let’s answer the questions orally in order to check if you understood the text.

1.What is a “Bank” holiday?

2.What is the most popular holiday in Great Britain and when is it celebrated?

3.What is a carol?

4.What do the British do on Boxing Day?

5.What is the name of New Years Eve in Scotland?

6.When is Guy Fawks Night celebrated? What do you know about Guy Fawks?

YII. Giving some more information about Kazakh national holidays. Who wants to read and translate the text about Kazakh holidays?

Holidays in Kazakhstan

Official holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan are the following: the New Years Eve, the International Women’s day, Nauryz meiramy, the Day of International Solidarity of the working people, the Day of the Republic,, the Day of Independence.

YIII. Compare the holidays of both countries and find differences and similarities. Complete the table below in your own words

Types of holidays



IX. Hometask. Retell the text and learn the new words by heart.

Kazakh Secondary school 1

Open lesson

The theme:

``English holidays``

Class curator: Utemissova G

10a form

2015 a.y.

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