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<font color="#FF00FF"><h2>ПЕРВОЕ ЗНАКОМСТВО С КОМПЬЮТЕРОМ</h2></font>

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<p  ALIGN=jastify><h3>Архитектура ЭВМ – описание устройств и принципов работы компьютеры, достаточное для пользователя и программиста.


Архитектура определяет принципы действия, информационные связи и взаимное соединение основных логических узлов компьютера.</p>


<p>Архитектура включает:



<ol><li>Описание пользовательских возможностей программирования;</li>

<li>Описание системы команд и системы адресации;</li>

<li>Организацию памяти и т.д. </li></ol></p>


<p  ALIGN=jastify>Схему устройства компьютера предложил Джон фон Нейман в 1946г, её принципы работы во многом сохранились  в современных компьютерах.


Принципы Джон фон Неймана:


<ol><li>принцип программного управления (программа состоит из набора команд, которые выполняются процессором друг за другом в определенной последовательности);</li>

<li>принцип однородности памяти (программы и данные хранятся в одной и той же памяти); </li>

<li>принцип адресности (ОП состоит из пронумерованных ячеек и процессору в любой момент времени доступна любая ячейка)</li></ol></p>


Персональный компьютер (ПК) – универсальная ЭВМ, предназначенная для индивидуального пользования. Обычно ПК проектируется на основе принципа открытой архитектуры:

<ol><li>описание принципа действия ПК и его конфигурации, что позволяет собирать ПК из отдельных узлов и деталей;</li>

<li>наличие в ПК внутренних расширительных гнезд, в которые пользователь может вставлять различные устройства, удовлетворяющие заданному стандарту.</li></ol>


<p ALIGN=jastify>Для работы на компьютере необходимо иметь:



<ul><li>Software - Программное обеспечение, т.е. совокупность необходимых программ для обработки различных данных.</li>


<li>Наrdwаrе – аппаратные средства т.е. механические, электрические и электронные узлы и компоненты компьютера.</li></ul></p>


<p>Основные устройства компьютера:




<li>память компьютера (внутренняя и внешняя)</li>


<li>устройства ввода информации</li>


<li>устройства вывода информации</li>


<li>устройства передачи и приема информации.</ul></li>


Системный блок содержит такие основные устройства ПК как: системная плата с процессором и ОП, накопители на магнитных дисках, CD-ROM, блок питания.


<p>Процессор (Микропроцессор, chip-кристалл) – это основной рабочий компонент компьютера, который:


<ul><li>выполняет арифметические и логические операции;</li>


<li>управляет вычислительным процессом;</li>


<li>координирует работу всех устройств компьютера.</ul></li>


<p>Оперативная память (ОП) предназначена для  временного хранения выполняемых программ и данных, обрабатываемых этими программами. </p>


<p>Внешняя память - это память, предназначенная для длительного хранения программ и данных.</p>


<p>Дисковод (накопитель) - устройство записи/считывания информации.</p>


<p>По типу доступа к информации внешнюю память делят на два класса:


В состав внешней памяти входят: 


<ol><li>накопители на жестких магнитных дисках (НЖМД);</li> 


<li>накопители на гибких магнитных дисках (НГМД);</li> 


<li>накопители на магнитооптических компакт дисках;</li> 


<li>накопители на оптических дисках (CD-ROM);</li> 


<li>накопители на магнитной ленте и др.</ol></li>


Устройства ввода - это устройства, которые переводят информацию с языка человека на машинный язык.


<p>К устройствам ввода относятся:


<ul><li>Клавиатура – клавишное устройство для ввода числовой и текстовой информации;</li>


Координатные устройства ввода - манипуляторы для управления работой курсора (Мышь, Трекбол, Тачпад, Джойстик).


<li>У мыши и трекбола вращение металлического шара, покрытого резиной, передается двум пластмассовым валам, положение которых рассчитывается инфракрасными оптопарами и затем преобразуется в электрический сигнал, управляющий движением указателя мыши на экране. Тачпад  -манипулятор для портативных компьютеров, встроен в ПК, перемещение курсора осуществляется путем прикосновения к тачпаду пальцев. Джойстик – манипулятор для управления электронными играми.</li>


<li>Сканер – устройство ввода и преобразования в цифровую форму изображений и текстов. </li>


<li>Цифровые камеры  – формируют любые изображения сразу в компьютерном формате;</li>


<li>Микрофон – ввод звуковой информации. Звуковая карта преобразует  звук из аналоговой формы в цифровую.</li>


Сенсорные устройства ввода :


<li>Сенсорный экран -  чувствительный экран.  Общение с компьютером осуществляется путем прикосновения пальцем к определенному месту экрана.  Им оборудуют места операторов и диспетчеров, используют в информационно-справочных системах.</li>


<li>Дигитайзер – устройство преобразования готовых (бумажных) документов цифровую форму.</li>


<li>Световое перо – светочувствительный элемент. Если перемещать перо по экрану, то можно им рисовать.</ul></li></p>


Устройства вывода  - это устройства, которые переводят информацию с машинного языка в формы, доступные для человеческого восприятия.


<p>К устройствам вывода относятся:


<p>Монитор (дисплей) - универсальное устройство визуального отображения всех видов информации.</p>


<p>Принтер – устройство для вывода информации в виде печатных копий текста или графики.




<ul><li>Лазерный принтер – печать формируется за счет эффектов ксерографии.</li>


<li>Струйный принтер – печать формируется за счет микро капель специальных чернил.</li>


<li>Матричный принтер – формирует знаки несколькими иголками, расположенными в головке принтера. Бумага втягивается с помощью вала, а между бумагой и головкой принтера располагается красящая лента.</li></ul></p>


<p ALIGN=jastify>Плоттер (графопостроитель) – устройство, которое чертит графики, рисунки и диаграммы под управлением компьютера. Изображение получается с помощью пера. Используется для получения сложных конструкторских чертежей, архитектурных планов, географических и метеорологических карт, деловых схем.</p>


<p ALIGN=jastify>Акустические колонки и наушники – устройство для вывода звуковой информации</p>


<p ALIGN=jastify>Модем – устройство подключения компьютера для передачи и приема по телекоммуникационным линиям. Для передачи информации модем преобразует сигнал из цифровой формы в аналоговую, для приема сигнала – наоборот.</p>


<p ALIGN=jastify>Сетевой адаптер (сетевая карта) – устройство для подключения компьютера к локальной сети. Сетевой адаптер контролирует доступ к среде передачи данных и обмен данными в сети, выполняет функцию сопряжения компьютера с каналами связи.</p>


<p ALIGN=jastify>Магистраль – линия связи к которой подключена сеть. Для крупных сетей магистраль реализуют на волоконно-оптическом кабеле.</h3></p>







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<p><h3>Графический редактор — программа (или пакет программ), позволяющая создавать и редактировать двумерные изображения с помощью компьютера.


Типы графических редакторов:



<li> Растровые графические редакторы. Наиболее популярны: Adobe Photoshop для операционных систем Microsoft Windows и Mac OS X, GIMP для GNU/Linux и других POSIX-совместимых.</li>


<li> Векторные графические редакторы. Наиболее популярны: Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Macromedia Free Hand — для операционных систем Microsoft Windows и Mac OS X, Inkscape — для всех ОС.</li></ul>


Функции всех графических редакторов приблизительно одинаковы (один из простейших графических редакторов для IBM-совместимых компьютеров — Paintbrush). Они позволяют пользователю:




<li> создавать рисунки из графических примитивов;</li>


<li> применять для рисования различные цвета и «кисти» (т. е. использовать линии различной ширины и конфигурации);</li>


<li> «вырезать» рисунки или их части, временно хранить их в буфере («кармане») или запоминать на внешних носителях;</li>


<li> перемещать фрагмент рисунка по экрану;</li>


<li> «склеивать» один рисунок с другим;</li>


<li> увеличивать фрагмент рисунка для того, чтобы прорисовать мелкие детали;</li>


<li> добавлять к рисункам текст.</li></ul>


<p>Многие графические редакторы позволяют также создавать компьютерную мультипликацию (анимацию), т. е. создавать на компьютере движущиеся изображения.</p>


<p>«Среда» графического редактора состоит из трех основных частей. Инструментальная часть — набор пиктограмм, изображающих инструменты. Обычно это — «кисть» для изображения линий произвольной конфигурации, «линейка» для проведения отрезков прямых, «круг», «прямоугольник», «эллипс» для создания соответствующих фигур, «ластик» для стирания изображений, «валик» для закраски фигур, «ножницы» для вырезания фрагментов изображений.


Другая часть среды — палитра для выбора цвета изображений.Наконец, третья часть — меню команд редактора. Эти части среды обычно располагаются по краям экрана. Центральная часть экрана предназначена для рабочего поля (или, как говорят, «холста»), на котором создаются изображения.</p>


<p>Графический редактор, как правило, имеет следующие основные режимы работы:


<ul><li>режим выбора и настройки инструмента;</li>


<li>режим выбора цвета;</li>


<li>режим работы с рисунком (рисование и редактирование);</li>


<li>режим работы с внешними устройствами.</li></ul>


Работая с графическим редактором, пользователь применяет не только клавиатуру, но и (для большинства современных компьютеров и редакторов) манипулятор мышь. Создавая изображения на экране компьютера, можно не только рисовать их самому, но и использовать другие изображения, например фотографии, рисунки из книг и т. д. Для ввода такой дополнительной графической информации в компьютер используется специальное устройство — сканер.</h3></font>




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<font color="#FF00FF"><h2>ЧЕЛОВЕК И ИНФОРМАЦИЯ</h2></font>


<p><h3>Слово «информация» происходит от латинского слова informatio,что в переводе означает сведение, разъяснение, ознакомление. Понятие «информация» является базовым в курсе информатики, однако невозможно дать его определение через другие, более «простые» понятия.

Понятие «информация» используется в различных науках, при этом в каждой науке понятие «информация»связано с различными системами понятий.


<p>Информация в биологии.</p>

<p>Биология изучает живую природу и понятие «информация» связывается с целесообразным поведением живых организмов. В живых организмах информация передается и храниться с помощью объектов различной физической природы (состояние ДНК), которые рассматриваются как знаки биологических алфавитов. Генетическая информация передается по наследству и хранится во всех клетках живых организмов. </p>

Филосовский подход.

<p>Информация – это взаимодействие, отражение, познание.</p>

Кибернетический подход.

<p>Информация – это характеристики управляющего сигнала, передаваемого по линии связи. </p>


Можно выделить следующие подходы к определению информации:



<li>традиционный (обыденный) - используется в информатике: Информация – это сведения, знания, сообщения о положении дел, которые человек воспринимает из окружающего мира с помощью органов чувств (зрения, слуха, вкуса, обоняния, осязания).</li>


<li>вероятностный  - используется в теории об информации: Информация – это сведения об объектах и явлениях окружающей среды, их параметрах, свойствах и состоянии, которые уменьшают имеющуюся о них степень неопределённости и неполноты знаний.</li></ul>


Для человека: Информация – это знания, которые он получает из различных источников с помощью органов чувств


<p>Знания делят на две группы:


<ul><li>Декларативные – от слова декларация (утверждения, сообщения) начинаются со слов «Я знаю, что …»;</li>

<li>Процедурные – определяют действия для достижения какой-либо цели, начинаются со слов «Я знаю, как …» </li></ul></p>



Классификация информации:



<p>По способам восприятия:












<p>По формам представления:






<li>комбинированная и тд.</li></ul>



По общественному значению:


<ul><li>массовая - обыденная, общественно-политическая, эстетическая</li>


<li>специальная - научная, техническая, управленческая, производственная</li>


<li>личная – наши знания, умения, интуиция.</li></ul></p>



<p>Основные свойства информации:



<ul><li>Объективность – не зависит от чего-либо мнения</li>


<li>Достоверность – отражает истинное положение дел</li>


<li>Полнота – достаточна для понимания и принятия решения</li>


<li>Актуальность – важна и существенна для настоящего времени</li>


<li>Ценность (полезность, значимость)- обеспечивает решение поставленной задачи, нужна для того чтобы принимать правильные решения</li>


<li>Понятность (ясность)– выражена на языке, доступном получателю.</li></ul></p>




<p>Кроме этого информация обладает еще следующими свойствами:


<ol><li> Атрибутивные свойства (атрибут – неотъемлемая часть чего-либо). Важнейшими среди них являются:- дискретность (информация состоит из отдельных частей, знаков) и непрерывность (возможность накапливать информацию)</li>


<li> Динамические свойства связаны с изменением информации во времени:</li>


<ul><li>копирование – размножение информации</li>


<li>передача от источника к потребителю</li>


<li>перевод с одного языка на другой</li>


<li>перенос на другой носитель</li>


<li>старение (физическое – носителя, моральное – ценностное)</li></ul>


<li>Практические свойства - информационный объем и плотность.</li></ol></p>



<p>Информация храниться, передается и обрабатывается в символьной (знаковой) форме. Одна и та же информация может быть представлена в различной форме:1) Знаковой письменной, состоящей из различных знаков среди которых выделяют символьную в виде текста, чисел, спец. символов; графическую; табличную и тд.; 2) В виде жестов или сигналов; 3) В устной словесной форме (разговор).</p>


<p>Представление информации осуществляется с помощью языков, как знаковых систем, которые строятся на основе определенного алфавита и имеют правила для выполнения операций над знаками.</p>

<p>Язык – определенная знаковая система представления информации. </p>




<ul><li>Естественные языки – разговорные языки в устной и письменной форме. В некоторых случаях разговорную речь могут заменить язык мимики и жестов, язык специальных знаков (например, дорожных)</li>

<li>Формальные языки – специальные языки для различных областей человеческой деятельности, которые характеризуются жестко зафиксированным алфавитом, более строгими правилами грамматики и синтаксиса. Это язык музыки (ноты), язык математики (цифры, математические знаки), системы счисления, языки программирования и т.д.</li></ul>

<p>В основе любого языка лежит алфавит – набор символов/знаков. Полное число символов алфавита принято называть мощностью алфавита.</p>


<p>Носители информации – среда или физическое тело для передачи, хранения и воспроизведения информации. (Это электрические, световые, тепловые, звуковые, радио сигналы, магнитные и лазерные диски, печатные издания, фотографии и тд.)</p>


<p>Информационные процессы - это процессы, связанные с получением, хранением, обработкой и передачей информации (т.е. действия, выполняемые с информацией). Т.е. это процессы, в ходе которых изменяется содержание информации или форма её представления.</p>




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<p><h3>Большинство знакомых вам игровых программ относятся к мультимедиа-продуктам. В таких играх сочетаются разнообразные формы подачи информации с диалоговым управлением. Красочное оформление, стереофоническое звуковое сопровождение, движущиеся персонажи - все это создает иллюзию реальности происходящих на экране событий. Кроме того, с помощью мыши или джойстика играющий может перемещать на экране фигурки людей, запускать ракеты и многое другое.</p>


<p>Мультимедиа - это интерактивные (диалоговые) системы, обеспечивающие одновременную работу со звуком, анимированной компьютерной графикой, видеокадрами, статическими изображениями и текстами.</p>


<p>Компьютерные системы мультимедиа находят широкое применение в образовании, искусстве, рекламе, науке, торговле и других областях человеческой деятельности. Причем в каждой из этих областей применение мультимедиа открывает новые возможности, которые были недоступны при использовании старых технологий.</p>


<p>Современные компьютерные обучающие программы, как правило, создаются в технологии мультимедиа. Используя одновременно зрительный и звуковой информационные каналы ученика, такие программы помогают ему лучше понять и запомнить учебный материал. Кроме того, интерактивный режим работы позволяет ученику самому влиять на темп обучения, проверять степень усвоения материала, возвращаться к повторению непонятых фрагментов урока.</p>


<p>Все большей популярностью пользуются электронные справочники, энциклопедии, художественные и музыкальные альбомы, созданные в технологии мультимедиа. Они содержат невиданные ранее объемы информации с цветными иллюстрациями, анимационными фильмами, видеороликами и музыкальным сопровождением. Например, мультимедийная музыкальная энциклопедия дает возможность послушать музыкальные произведения и одновременно увидеть выдающихся дирижеров и исполнителей.</p>


<p>Представление результатов компьютерного моделирования в мультимедийной форме дает очень сильный эффект. Создается иллюзия реальности по отношению к процессам, которые недоступны человеческому глазу. Например, осуществив на компьютере астрономические расчеты, получив траекторию движения небесного тела через 100 лет, можно воспроизвести на экране его перемещение в космосе в виде анимационного ролика, да еще со звуковыми эффектами.</p>



<p>Для работы с мультимедиа приложениями на компьютере необходимы специальные аппаратные и программные средства.</p>


<p>Запись и воспроизведение видеофильмов на компьютере, как и работа со звуком, связаны с преобразованием ЦАП - АЦП. Для этих целей существуют специальные карты ввода/вывода видеоизображения. Оцифрованные и занесенные в компьютерную память видеокадры могут быть подвергнуты редактированию.</p>


<p>Для демонстрации мультимедиа приложения в большой аудитории используют мультимедиа проектор. Такой проектор переносит на большой экран изображение с экрана монитора.</p>


<p>Звук, видео, графика, объединенные в мультимедиа приложение, требуют больших объемов памяти. Поэтому для их хранения нужны достаточно емкие и, желательно, недорогие носители. Этим требованиям удовлетворяют оптические компакт-диски (CD - Compact Disk). Наряду с большой емкостью (около 700 Мбайт) они имеют надежную защиту от потери данных. В настоящее время широко используются диски CD-ROM и CD-RW . Наибольшей информационной емкостью обладают цифровые видеодиски - DVD. На современном DVD может храниться до 20 Гбайт информации.


Этого достаточно для размещения полнометражного кинофильма с высококачественным звуковым сопровождением.</p>


<p>Разнообразные публичные выступления часто требуют использования демонстрационного материала. Такая потребность возникает при чтении доклада на научной конференции, представлении новой технической разработки или нового вида товара, отчета о разработанном проекте и во многих других случаях. В прежние времена для этих целей рисовались плакаты на листах ватмана; затем появилась проекционная техника: эпидиаскопы, слайд-проекторы, кодоскопы. В последнее время на смену этим способам демонстраций пришли компьютерные презентации.</p>


<p>Слово "презентация" обозначает представление, демонстрацию. Обычно для компьютерной презентации используется мультимедийный проектор, отражающий содержимое экрана компьютера на большом экране, вывешенном в аудитории. Презентация представляет собой совмещение видеоряда - последовательности кадров со звукорядом - последовательностью звукового сопровождения. Презентация тем эффективнее, чем в большей мере в ней используются возможности мультимедиа технологий.</p>


Презентация представляет собой последовательность слайдов. Отдельный слайд может содержать текст, рисунки, фотографии, анимацию, видео и звук.</p>


<p>При создании презентаций, как правило, между слайдами организуются гиперсвязи. Благодаря этому становится возможной не только однозначная последовательность просмотра слайдов, но и произвольный просмотр по смысловым связям.  Каждый пункт перечня - это гиперссылка. Щелчком на гиперссылке докладчик может перейти к любому разделу презентации.</p>


Если же технологию гипертекста применить к нетекстовым элементам презентации, то получим класс систем, которые называются гипермедиа. Презентация является системой гипермедиа, так как гиперсвязи могут быть наложены на графические и звуковые объекты.</p>


С точки зрения организации презентации можно разделить на три класса:


<ul><li>интерактивные презентации;</li>


<li>презентации со сценарием;</li>


<li>непрерывно выполняющиеся презентации.</li></ul>


<p>Интерактивная презентация - диалог между пользователем и компьютером. В этом случае презентацией управляет пользователь, т. е. он сам осуществляет поиск информации, определяет время ее восприятия, а также объем необходимого материала. В таком режиме работает ученик с обучающей программой, реализованной в форме мультимедийной презентации. При индивидуальной работе мультимедийный проектор не требуется.</p>


<p>Все интерактивные презентации имеют общее свойство: они управляются событиями. Это означает, что когда происходит некоторое событие (нажатие кнопки мыши или позиционирование указателя мыши на экранном объекте), в ответ выполняется соответствующее действие. Например, после щелчка мышью на фотографии картины начинается звуковой рассказ об истории ее создания.</p>


<p>Презентация со сценарием - показ слайдов под управлением ведущего (докладчика). Такие презентации могут содержать "плывущие" по экрану титры, анимированный текст, диаграммы, графики и другие иллюстрации. Порядок смены слайдов, а также время демонстрации каждого слайда определяет докладчик. Он же произносит текст, комментирующий видеоряд презентации.</p>


<p>В непрерывно выполняющихся презентациях не предусмотрен диалог с пользователем и нет ведущего. Такие самовыполняющиеся презентации обычно демонстрируют на различных выставках.</p>


<p>Этапы создания презентации.</p>


Создание презентации на заданную тему проходит через следующие этапы:


<ul><li>создание сценария;</li>


<li>разработка презентации с использованием программных средств.</li></ul></p>


<p>Затем нужно выбрать программу разработки презентации. Каждая из существующих программ такого класса обладает своими собственными индивидуальными возможностями. Тем не менее между ними есть много общего. Каждая такая программа включает в себя встроенные средства создания анимации, добавления и редактирования звука, импортирования изображений, видео, а также создания рисунков.</p>


<p>Презентации со сценарием разрабатывает сам докладчик. Все шире эта форма презентации используется в учебной и внеучебной работе школьников. Завершив построение презентации и подготовив доклад, проведите репетицию, прежде чем выходить на публичное выступление. Важно выбрать правильный темп выступления и демонстрации. Он не должен быть слишком быстрым, поскольку слушатели должны не только услышать ваш текст, но и успеть рассмотреть слайды на экране. Однако всякое выступление бывает ограниченным по времени, поэтому надо позаботиться о том, чтобы вместиться в данный регламент. Очень полезно, если на вашем пробном выступлении с презентацией будет присутствовать "пробный" слушатель. Только он может объективно оценить качество вашего доклада и презентации.</p>




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     <p><h3>Электронные таблицы (или табличные процессоры) — это прикладные программы, предназначенные для проведения табличных расчетов.</p>


     <p>В электронных таблицах вся обрабатываемая информация располагается в ячейках прямоугольной таблицы. Отличие электронной таблицы от простой заключается в том, что в ней есть «поля» (столбцы таблицы), значения которых вычисляются через значения других «полей», где располагаются исходные данные. Происходит это автоматически при изменении исходных данных.</p>


     <p>Поля таблицы, в которых располагаются исходные данные, принято называть независимыми полями. Поля, где записываются результаты вычислений, называют зависимыми или вычисляемыми полями. Каждая ячейка электронной таблицы имеет свой адрес, который образуется от имени столбца и номера строки, где она расположена. Строки имеют числовую нумерацию, а столбцы обозначаются буквами латинского алфавита.</p>


     <p>Электронные таблицы имеют большие размеры. Например, наиболее часто применяемая в IBM-совместимых компьютерах электронная таблица Excel имеет 256 столбцов и 16 384 строк. Ясно, что таблица такого размера не может вся поместиться на экране. Поэтому экран — это только окно, через которое можно увидеть только часть таблицы. Но это окно перемещается, и с его помощью можно заглянуть в любое место таблицы.</p>



     <p>Электронная таблица имеет несколько режимов работы:


     <ul><li>формирование таблицы (ввод данных в ячейки);</li>


     <li>редактирование (изменение значений данных);</li>


     <li>вычисление по формулам;</li>


     <li>сохранение информации в памяти;</li>


     <li>построение графиков и диаграмм;</li>


     <li>статистическая обработка данных;</li>


     <li>упорядочение по признаку.</li></ul>


     <p>Формулы, по которым вычисляются значения зависимых полей, включают в себя числа, адреса ячеек таблицы, знаки операций. Например, формула, по которой вычисляется значение зависимого поля в третьей строке, имеет вид: ВЗ*СЗ — число в ячейке ВЗ умножить на число в ячейке СЗ, результат поместить в ячейку D3.</p>


     <p>При работе с электронными таблицами пользователь может использовать и так называемые встроенные формулы (в Excel их имеется около 400), т. е. заранее подготовленные для определенных расчетов и внесенные в память компьютера.</p>


     <p>Большинство табличных процессоров позволяют осуществлять упорядочение (сортировку) таблицы по какому-либо признаку, например по убыванию. </p>


     <p>В электронных таблицах предусмотрен также графический режим работы, который дает возможность графического представления (в виде графиков, диаграмм) числовой информации, содержащейся в таблице.</p>


     <p>Электронные таблицы просты в обращении, быстро осваиваются непрофессиональными пользователями компьютера и во много раз упрощают и ускоряют работу бухгалтеров, экономистов, ученых, конструкторов и людей целого ряда других профессий, чья деятельность связана с расчетами.</h3></p>





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     <p><h3>Для работы с текстами на компьютере используются программные средства, называемые текстовыми редакторами или текстовыми процессорами. Существует большое количество разнообразных текстовых редакторов, различающихся по своим возможностям, — от очень простых учебных до мощных, многофункциональных программных средств, называемых издательскими системами, которые используются для подготовки к печати книг, журналов и газет. Наиболее известны среди пользователей IBM-совместимых компьютеров текстовые редакторы Lexicon и Word for Windows.</p>


     Основное назначение текстовых редакторов — создавать текстовые файлы, редактировать тексты, просматривать их на экране, изменять формат текстового документа, распечатывать его на принтере.</p>


     <p>Набираемый на клавиатуре компьютера текст воспроизводится на экране дисплея в рабочем поле редактора. Специальный значок — курсор указывает то место на экране, на которое пользователь в данный момент может оказывать воздействие (создавать, изменять символы и т. д.) с помощью редактора. Работая с текстовым редактором, можно получить на экране информацию о текущем состоянии курсора, т. е. его координатах на экране (номер строки и позиции в строке), а также о номере страницы текста, его формате, используемом шрифте и т. д.</p>


     Интерфейс практически каждого текстового редактора позволяет иметь на экране меню команд управления редактором — изменение режимов работы, обращение за помощью, форматирование текста, печати и т. д. Как правило, меню имеет не только текстовую форму, но и форму пиктограмм, указывающих на выполняемую команду.


     <p>Функциональные возможности большинства современных текстовых редакторов позволяют пользователю выполнять следующие операции:


     <ul><li>набирать текст с клавиатуры;</li>


     <li>исправлять символы, вставлять новый символ на место ошибочного;</li>


     <li>вставлять и удалять группы символов в пределах строк, не набирая заново всю строку, а сдвигая часть ее влево/вправо в режиме вставки;</li>


     <li>копировать фрагмент текста, используя определенную часть памяти — так называемый «буфер» (или «карман», как говорят программисты) для временного хранения копируемых фрагментов текста;</li>


     <li>удалять одну или несколько строк, копировать и перемещать их в другое место текста;</li>


     <li>раздвигать строки набранного текста, чтобы вставить туда новый фрагмент;</li>


     <li>вставлять фрагменты из других текстов, просматривать тексты и обнаруживать встречающиеся в этом тексте слова или группы слов, заранее выделенных пользователем;</li>


     <li>сохранять набранный текст (а при необходимости и все промежуточные варианты этого текста) в виде файла на магнитном диске или другом запоминающем устройстве;</li>


     <li>форматировать текст (т. е. изменять длину строки, межстрочные расстояния, выравнивать текст по краю или середине строки и т. д.);</li>


     <li>изменять шрифты, их размер, делать выделения с помощью подчеркивания или применения различного начертания букв (курсивного, полужирного и т. п.);</li>


     <li>распечатывать подготовленный текст на принтере.</li></ul>


     Большинство редакторов текста имеют также режим орфографического контроля текста. В этом случае в памяти компьютера хранится достаточно большой словарь. Благодаря этому становится возможным автоматический поиск орфографических ошибок в тексте и последующее их исправление.


     Широкие возможности текстовых редакторов позволили компьютеру практически вытеснить пишущие машинки из делопроизводства, а использование компьютерных издательских систем во многом изменило организацию подготовки рукописи к изданию, автоматизировало труд людей нескольких типографских профессий — верстальщика, наборщика, корректора и др.</h3></p>





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VideoLAN and the VLC team would like to acknowledge the following contributors:




Rémi Denis-Courmont

Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Laurent Aimar

Rafaël Carré

Felix Paul Kühne

Gildas Bazin

Pierre d'Herbemont

Rémi Duraffort

Derk-Jan Hartman

Antoine Cellerier

Jean-Paul Saman

Samuel Hocevar

Christophe Mutricy

Clément Stenac

Christophe Massiot

François Cartegnie

Ilkka Ollakka

David Fuhrmann

Pierre Ynard

Damien Fouilleul

Sigmund Augdal Helberg

Erwan Tulou

Olivier Teulière

Cyril Deguet

Eric Petit

Filippo Carone

Rocky Bernstein

Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen

Olivier Aubert

Pavlov Konstantin

Jakob Leben

Benjamin Pracht

Jean-Philippe André

Steve Lhomme

Stéphane Borel

Ludovic Fauvet

Martin Storsjö

JP Dinger

Geoffroy Couprie

KO Myung-Hun

Marian Ďurkovič

Yoann Peronneau

Sébastien Escudier

Denis Charmet

Edward Wang

Jon Lech Johansen

Felix Abecassis

Tristan Matthews

Dennis van Amerongen

Mirsal Ennaime

Faustino Osuna

Jérôme Decoodt

Loïc Minier

Christoph Miebach

Adrien Maglo

David Flynn

Frédéric Yhuel

Kaarlo Raiha

Mark Moriarty

Christopher Mueller

Fabio Ritrovato

Tony Castley

Srikanth Raju

Michel Kaempf

Jean-Marc Dressler

Johan Bilien

Vincent Seguin

Simon Latapie

Bernie Purcell

Henri Fallon

Sebastien Zwickert

Emmanuel Puig

Sean McGovern

Renaud Dartus

Alexis de Lattre

Naohiro Koriyama

Vincent Penquerc'h

Arnaud de Bossoreille de Ribou

Mohammed Adnène Trojette

Petri Hintukainen

Boris Dorès

Hannes Domani

Jai Menon

Anil Daoud

Daniel Mierswa

Dominique Leuenberger

Rob Jonson

Pierre Baillet

Andre Pang

Michał Trzebiatowski

Zoran Turalija

Akash Mehrotra

André Weber

Anthony Loiseau

Devin Heitmueller

Lukas Durfina

Xavier Marchesini

Cyril Mathé

Tobias Güntner

Juho Vähä-Herttua

Ken Self

Luca Barbato

Steinar H. Gunderson

Sébastien Toque

Alexis Ballier

Juha Jeronen

Nicolas Chauvet

Richard Hosking

Thomas Guillem

Timothy B. Terriberry

Éric Lassauge

Marc Ariberti

Matthias Keiser

Vittorio Giovara

Benoit Steiner

Maxim Bublis

Michel Lespinasse

Carlo Calabrò

Cheng Sun

Gleb Pinigin

Brad Smith

Brendon Justin

Daniel Verkamp

Mark Lee

Ronald Wright

Alexey Sokolov

Basos G

Philippe Morin

Thomas De Rocker

Vicente Jimenez Aguilar

Yuval Tze

Benjamin Drung

Yves Duret

Julien 'Lta' BALLET

Michael Hanselmann

Vianney Boyer

Alex Merry

Damien Lucas

Grigori Goronzy

Julian Scheel

Richard Shepherd

Gaël Hendryckx

Michael Feurstein

Rui Zhang

Stephan Assmus

Adrien Grand

Alexander Lakhin

Anatoliy Anischovich

Colin Guthrie

David Menestrina

Dominique Martinet

Jason Luka

Luc Saillard

Mario Speiß

Pankaj Yadav

Ramiro Polla

Can Wu

Christophe Courtaut


François Revol

Manol Manolov

Nicolas Bertrand

Andrey Utkin

Antoine Lejeune

Arnaud Schauly

Branko Kokanovic

Dylan Yudaken

Florian G. Pflug

G Finch

Keary Griffin

Konstanty Bialkowski

Ming Hu

Philippe Coent

Przemyslaw Fiala

Tanguy Krotoff

Wieland Hoffmann

Casian Andrei

Chris Smowton

David Kaplan

Eugenio Jarosiewicz

Fabian Keil

Guillaume Poussel

John Peterson

Justus Piater

Martin T. H. Sandsmark

Rune Botten

Sergey Radionov

Søren Bøg

Toralf Niebuhr

Adrian Yanes

Angelo Haller

Aurélien Nephtali

Austin Burrow

Bill C. Riemers

Colin Delacroix

Cristian Maglie


Georgi Chorbadzhiyski

Gilles Sabourin

Jakub Wieczorek

John Freed

Mark Hassman

Martin Briza

Mike Houben

Romain Goyet

Barry Wardell

Ben Hutchings

Besnard Jean-Baptiste

Brian Weaver

Clement Chesnin

David Geldreich

David Robison

Dennis Hamester

Diego Elio Pettenò

Diego Fernando Nieto

Fabian Yamaguchi

Frode Tennebø

Jerome Forissier

John Stebbins

Jon Stacey

Jonathan Rosser

Joris van Rooij

Josh Watzman

Kaloyan Kovachev

Katsushi Kobayashi

Kelly Anderson

Loren Merritt

Maciej Blizinski

Mark Bidewell

Martell Malone

Miguel Angel Cabrera Moya

Niles Bindel

Samuel Pitoiset

Scott Caudle

Sean Robinson

Sergio Ammirata

Simon Hailes

Stephen Parry

Sukrit Sangwan

Thierry Reding

Uwe L. Korn

Valentin Vetter

Xavier Martin

Adam Leggett

Alex Converse

Alexander Bethke

Alexandre Ratchov

Andres Krapf

Andri Pálsson

Andy Chenee

Andy Tather

Anuradha Suraparaju

Arun Pandian G

Avishay Spitzer

Ben Littler

Benjamin Poulain

Brieuc Jeunhomme

Chris Clayton

Clément Lecigne

Cédric Cocquebert

Daniel Peng

Danny Wood

David K

Edouard Gomez

Emmanuel de Roux

Finn Hughes


Gaurav Narula


Gilles Chanteperdrix

Gwenole Beauchesne

Hugues Fruchet

Jan Winter

Jean-François Massol

Jean-Philippe Grimaldi

Jean-Yves Avenard

Kai Lauterbach

Konstantin Bogdanov

Kuan-Chung Chiu

Kuang Rufan

Matthias Dahl

Michael McEll

Michael Ploujnikov

Mike Schrag

Nickolai Zeldovich

Niklas Hayer

Olafs Vandāns

Olivier Gambier

Paul Corke

Reka Inovan

Ron Frederick

Ross Finlayson

Rov Juvano

Sam Lade

Sandeep Kumar

Sasha Koruga

Simona-Marinela Prodea

Sreng Jean

Sven Petai

Timo Rothenpieler

Tomas Krotil

Tomer Barletz

Tristan Leteurtre

Vikram Fugro

Wang Bo

maxime Ripard


Adam Hoka

Adrian Haensler

Adrian Knoth

Adrien Cunin

Ago Allikmaa

Alain Degreffe

Alan Fischer

Alan McCosh

Alex Helfet

Alex Peak

Alex Warhawk

Alex Woods

Alexander Terentyev

Alexandre Ferreira

Alexandre Pereira Nunes

Alina Friedrichsen

Allan Odgaard

An L. Ber

Andreas Schlick

Andrew Schubert

Andrey Makhnutin

Arnaud Vallat

Arne de Bruijn

Asad Mehmood

Ashok Bhat

Austin English

Baptiste Coudurier

Benoit Calvez

Björn Stenberg

Blake Livingston

Brandon Brooks

Brian Johnson

Brian Kurle

Brian Schmidt

Brion Vibber

Cezar Elnazli

Chris White

Christian Masus

Christian Suloway

Christoph Pfister

Christoph Seibert

Christopher Key

Christopher Rath

Claudio Ortelli

Cody Russell

Cristian Morales Vega

Dan Rosenberg

Daniel Marth

Daniel Tisza

Detlef Schroeder

Diego Biurrun

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski

Duncan Salerno

Edward Sheldrake

Elliot Murphy

Elodie Thomann

Eren Inan Canpolat

Ernest E. Teem III

Etienne Membrives

Fabrizio Ge

Fargier Sylvain

Fathi Boudra

Felix Geyer

Filipe Azevedo

Florent Pillet

Florian Hubold

Florian Roeske

Forteve Zepushisti

Frank Enderle

Frédéric Crozat

Gal Vinograd

Gaurav Pruthi

Georg Seifert

Gertjan Van Droogenbroeck

Greg Farrell

Gregory Maxwell

Götz Waschk

Hans-Kristian Arntzen

Harry Sintonen

Heorhi Valakhanovich

Iain Wade

Ibraheem Paredath

Igor Prokopenkov

Isamu Arimoto

Ismael Luceno

James Bates

James Bond

James Turner

Janne Grunau

Janne Kujanpää

Jarmo Torvinen

Jason Scheunemann

Jeff Lu

Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia

Jeroen Ost

Joe Taber

Johann Ransay

Johannes Weißl

John Hendrikx

Jonas Gehring

Joseph S. Atkinson

Juergen Lock

Julien / Gellule

Julien Humbert

Kamil Baldyga

Kamil Klimek

Karlheinz Wohlmuth

Kevin Anthony

Kevin DuBois

Konstantin Pavlov

Konstantinos Tsanaktsidis


Lari Natri

Lorenzo Pistone

Lucas C. Villa Real

Lukas Juhrich

Lukáš Lalinský

Mal Graty

Malte Tancred

Marc Aldorasi

Marc Etcheverry

Martin Pöhlmann

Martin Zeman

Marton Balint

Mathew King

Mathieu Sonet

Matthew A. Townsend

Matthias Bauer

Max Dilipovich

Mika Tiainen

Mike Cardillo

Mounir Lamouri (volkmar)

Natanael Copa

Nathan Phillip Brink

Nick Briggs

Nick Pope

Nil Geiswiller

O. Hartmann

Pascal Thomet

Paul Clark

Paweł Stankowski

Pere Orga

Peter Bak Nielsen

Phil Roffe and David Grellscheid

Philip Sequeira

Pierre Souchay

Pierre-Hugues Husson

Piotr Fusik

Pádraig Brady


Ralph Giles

Ramon Gabarró

Ray Tiley

Robert Forsman

Robert Jedrzejczyk

Robert Paciorek

Rolf Ahrenberg


Roman Pen

Ruud Althuizen

Salah-Eddin Shaban

Sam Malone

Samuli Suominen

Santiago Gimeno

Scott Lyons

Sebastian Birk

Sebastian Ramacher

Sergey Bolshakov

Sergey Puzanov

Sharad Dixit

Song Ye Wen

Stephan Krempel

Steven Kramer

Steven Sheehy

Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik

Sylvain Cadhillac

Sylver Bruneau

Takahito HIRANO

Theron Lewis

Thierry Foucu

Thijs Alkemade

Tillmann Karras

Tim Walker

Timo Paulssen

Tobias Rapp


Tony Vankrunkelsven

Tristan Heaven

Tzu-Jung Lee

Varphone Wong

Vasily Fomin

Vikram Narayanan

Wills Wang

Yannick Bréhon

Yavor Doganov

Yohann Martineau




أحمد المحم ودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)


Adam Sampson

Alexander Gall

Alex Antropoff

Alexis Guillard

Alex Izvorski

Amir Gouini

Andrea Guzzo

Andrew Flintham

Andrew Zaikin

Andy Lindsay

Arai/Fujisawa Tooru

Arkadiusz Miskiewicz

Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale

Arwed v. Merkatz

Barak Ori

Basil Achermann

Benjamin Mironer


Bob Maguire

Brian C. Wiles

Brian Raymond

Brian Robb

Carsten Gottbehüt

Carsten Haitzler

Charles Hordis

Chris Clepper

Christian Henz

Christof Baumgaertner

Christophe Burgalat

Christopher Johnson

Cian Duffy

Colin Simmonds

Damian Ivereigh

Daniel Fischer

Daniel Stränger

Danko Dolch

Dennis Lou

Dermot McGahon

Douglas West

Dugal Harris

Emmanuel Blindauer

Enrico Gueli

Enrique Osuna

Eren Türkay

Eric Dudiak

Espen Skoglund

Ethan C. Baldridge

François Seingier

Frans van Veen

Frédéric Ruget

Gerald Hansink

Gisle Vanem

Glen Gray

Goetz Waschk

Gregory Hazel

Gustaf Neumann

Hang Su

Hans Lambermont

Hans-Peter Jansen

Harris Dugal

Heiko Panther

Igor Helman

Isaac Osunkunle

Jan David Mol

Jan Gerber

Jan Van Boghout

Jasper Alias

Jean-Alexis Montignies

Jean-Baptiste Le Stang

Jeffrey Baker

Jeroen Massar

Jérôme Guilbaud

Johannes Buchner

Johen Michael Zorko

Johnathan Rosser

John Dalgliesh

John Paul Lorenti


Joseph Tulou

Julien Blache

Julien Plissonneau Duquène

Julien Robert

Kenneth Ostby

Kenneth Self

Kevin H. Patterson

Koehler, Vitally

K. Staring

Lahiru Lakmal Priyadarshana

Laurent Mutricy

Leo Spalteholz

Loox Thefuture

Marc Nolette

Marco Munderloh

Mark Gritter

Markus Kern

Markus Kuespert

Martin Hamrle

Martin Kahr

Mateus Krepsky Ludwich

Mathias Kretschmer

Mats Rojestal

Matthias P. Nowak

Matthieu Lochegnies

Michael Mondragon

Michael S. Feurstein

Michel Lanners

Mickael Hoerdt

Miguel Angel Cabrera

Mikko Hirvonen

Moritz Bunkus

Nilmoni Deb

Olivier Houchard

Olivier Pomel

Ondrej Kuda aka Albert

Øyvind Kolbu

Pascal Levesque

Patrick Horn

Patrick McLean

Pauline Castets

Paul Mackerras

Peter Surda

Petr Vacek

Philippe Van Hecke

Pierre-Luc Beaudoin

Pierre Marc Dumuid

Régis Duchesne

Remco Poortinga

Rene Gollent

Rob Casey

Robson Braga Araujo

Roine Gustafsson

Roman Bednarek

Rudolf Cornelissen

Sašo Kiselkov

Sebastian Jenny

Shane Harper

Stefán Freyr Stefánsson

Steve Brown

Steven M. Schultz

Tapio Hiltunen

Thomas L. Wood

Thomas Mühlgrabner

Thomas Parmelan

Tim 'O Callagha

Tim Schuerewegen

Tong Ka Man

Torsten Spindler

Udo Richter

Vincent Dimar

Vincent Penne

Vitalijus Slavinskas

Vitaly V. Bursov

Vladimir Chernyshov

Wade Majors

Wallace Wadge

Watanabe Go

William Hawkins

Xavier Maillard

Ye zhang

Yuehua Zhao




Damien Erambert

Daniel Dreibrodt, aka aLtgLasS

David Weber

Davor Orel

Dominic Spitaler

Eurodata Computer Club

Geoffrey Roussel

Joeri van Dooren


Max Rudberg

Richard Øiestad

Simon Damkjær Andersen

Tom Bigelajzen

Vincent van den Heuvel




Bill Eldridge




Abdul Fousan - Tamil

A. Decorte - Friulian

Adem Gunes - Turkish

Adi Nugroho - Tagalog

Adnan Memija - Bosnian

airplanez - Korean

Ajith Manjula - Sinhala

Aled Powell - Welsh

Alexander Didebulidze - Georgian

Alexander Henket - Dutch

Alexander Jansen - Norwegian Bokmål

Alexander Lakhin - Russian

Alexey Lugin - Ukrainian

Alexey Salmin - Russian

Alfred John - Acoli

Amanpreet Singh Alam - Punjabi

André de Barros Martins Ribeiro - Brazilian portuguese

Andrey Brilevskiy - Russian

Andrey Wolk - Russian

Andri Pálsson - Icelandic

Andriy Bandura - Ukrainian

Anh Phan - Vietnamese

Aniket Eknath Kudale - Marathi

Animesh Swar - Nepalese

Aputsiaĸ Niels Janussen - Danish

Ara Bextiyar - Sorani (Kurdish)

Ari Constâncio - Portuguese

Arkadiusz Lipiec - Polish

Ask Hjorth Larsen - Danish

Audrey Prevost - French

Auk Piseth - Khmer

Bayarsaikhan Enkhtaivan Баярсайхан Энхтайван - Mongolian

Biraj Karmakar - Bengali (India)

Bruno Queirós - Portuguese

Bruno Vella - Italian

Carlo Calabrò - Italian

Chandan Kumar - Hindi

Chesús Daniel Trigo - Aragonese

Christoph Miebach - German

Chynggyz Jumaliev - Kirgyz

Circo Radu - Romanian

Cristian Secară - Romanian

Daniel Nylander - Swedish

Daniel Winzen - German

David González - Spanish

David Planella - Catalan

Dean Lee - Simplified Chinese

Denis Arnaud - Breton

Derk-Jan Hartman - Dutch

DirektX - Hungarian

Dominko Aždajić - Croatian

Dylan Aïssi - French

Đorđe Vasiljević - Serbian

Eduard Babayan - Armenian

Eero - Estonian

Eirik U. Birkeland - Norwegian Nynorsk

Elizabeth Da Conceicao Baptista - Tetum

Emilio Sepúlveda - Interlingua

Emin Mastizada - Azerbaijani

Éric Lassauge - French

Farzaneh Sarafraz - Persian

Florence Tushabe - Chiga

Fouzia Bourai - Arabic

Frank Chao - Traditional Chinese

Freyr Gunnar Ólafsson - Icelandic

Friedel Wolff - Afrikaans

Fumio Nakayama - Japanese

Gabor Kelemen - Hungarian

Gaurav Kumar - Hindi

Gaëtan Rousseaux - Walloon

Ghjuvan Pasquinu - Corsican

Goce Manevski - Macedonian

Golam Maruf Oovee - Bengali

Gonçalo Cordeiro - Galician

Gorana Milicevic - Serbian

Goswami Hardikpuri Kishorpuri - Gujarati

Haakon Meland Eriksen - Norwegian

Han HoJoong - Korean

Hardik Kishorpuri Goswami - Gujarati

Hemanta Nandi - Bengali (India)

Huw Waters - Welsh

H.Shalitha Vikum - Sinhala

Ibrahima Sarr - Fulah

Ingmārs Dīriņš - Latvian

Israt Jahan - Bengali

Ivar Smolin - Estonian

Iván Seoane Pardo - Galician

Ivo Ivanov - Bulgarian

Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio - Basque

Iñigo Varela - Asturian; Bable

Jakub Žáček - Czech

James Olweny - Ganda

Jamil Ahmed - Bengali

Javier Varela - Spanish

Jean-Pierre Kuypers - French

Jens Seidel - German

Joao Almeida - Portuguese

Joel Arvidsson - Swedish

jogijs - Latvian

Jonas Larsen - Danish

Jon Stødle - Norwegian Nynorsk

Jouni Kähkönen - Finnish

Juha Jeronen - Finnish

Julen Ruiz Aizpuru - Basque

Kai Hermann - German

Kamil Páral - Czech

Kang Jeong-Hee - Korean

Kasper Tvede - Danish

Kaya Zeren - Turkish

Kenneth Nielsen - Danish

Khin Mi Mi Aung - Burmese

Khoem Sokhem - Khmer

Kola - Albanian

Kypchak Kypchak - Kazakh

Laurent Jonqueres - Occitan

Loba Yeasmeen - Bengali

Lorena Gomes - Catalan

Lorenzo Porta - Italian

Luqman Hakim - Indonesian

L. Balasubramaniam - Hindi

Mahrazi Mohd Kamal - Malay

Manolis Stefanis - Modern Greek

Manuela Silva/Alfredo Silva - Portuguese

Marián Hikaník - Slovak

Mario Siegmann - German

Marko Uskokovic - Serbian

Martin Srebotnjak - Slovenian

Martin Zicha - Czech

Matej Urbančič - Slovenian

Mathias C. Berens, welcome-soft - German

Mattias Põldaru - Estonian

Md. Rezwan Shahid - Bengali

Meelad Zakaria - Persian

Michael Bauer - Scottish Gaelic

Michal Halenka - Czech

Michał Trzebiatowski - Polish

Miguel Sousa - Portuguese

Mihkel Kirjutas - Estonian

Mindaugas Baranauskas - Lithuanian

Miroslav Oujeský - Czech

Morten Brix Pedersen - Danish

Mustafa Sandal - Czech

Myckel Habets - Dutch

Namhyung Kim - Korean

Niels Fanøe - Danish

Niklas 'Nille' Åkerström - Swedish

Olav Dahlum - Norwegian Bokmål

Oleksandr Natalenko - Ukrainian

Omer Ensari - Kurmanji (Kurdish)

Osama Khalid - Arabic

Otto Kekäläinen - Finnish

Paras Nath Chaudhary - Nepali

Pau Iranzo - Catalan

Paula Iglesias - Galician

Pedro Valadares - Portuguese

Peter Jespersen - Danish

Petr Šimáček - Czech

Phan Anh - Vietnamese

Philipp Weissenbacher - German

Pittayakom Saingtong - Thai

Prasannajit Acharya - Oriya

Praveen Illa - Telugu

Predrag Ljubenović - Serbian

Pyae Sone - Burmese

Rajnikant Kumbhar - Marathi

Ricardo Perdigão - Portuguese

Ricardo Pérez López - Spanish

Roustam Ghizdatov - Russian

Ruei-Yuan Lu - Traditional Chinese

Saad Liaquat Kiani - Urdu

Sadia Afroz - Bengali

Said Marjan Zazai - Pashto

Salar Khalilzadeh - Persian

Sam Askari - Spanish

Sam Hocevar - British

Samuel Hocevar - French

Saúl Ortega - Spanish

Sayan Chowdhury - Hindi

Seanán Ó Coistín - Irish

Semsudin Abdic - Bosnian

Shambhu Kumar - Hindi

Shantanu Sarkar - Hindi

Shashi Ranjan - Hindi

Siarhei Daryichau Дар'ічаў Сяргей - Belarusian

Sidney Doria - Brazilian Portuguese

Sigmund Augdal - Norwegian Bokmål

Simos Xenitellis - Greek

Sipho Sibiya - Zulu

Sok Sophea - Khmer

Solomon Gizaw - Amharic

Sreejith P - Malayalam

Suraj Kawade - Marathi

Stian Jørgensrud - Norwegian Bokmål

Sveinn í Felli - Icelandic

Tadashi Jokagi - Japanese

Tarsem Singh - Hindi

Thanakrit Chomphuming - Thai

Tero Pelander - Finnish

Thomas De Rocker - Dutch

Thomas Graf - gettext support, German

Tomáš Chvátal - Czech

Tòni Galhard - Occitan

Umesh Agarwal - Bengali (India)

Umidjon Almasov - Uzbek

Václav Pavlíček - Czech

Valek Filippov - Russian

Vicente Jimenez Aguilar - Spanish

Vincenzo Reale - Italian

Vít Pelčák - Czech

viyyer - Hindi

Vladimir Yermolayev - Russian

Vojtěch Smejkal - Czech

Wei Mingzhi - Simplified Chinese

Xènia Albà Cantero - Catalan

Xuacu Saturio - Asturian

Yaron Shahrabani - Hebrew

YaÅŸar Tay - Turkish

Yhal Htet Aung - Burmese

Yogesh K S - Kannada

Yoyo - Simplified Chinese

Yuksel Yildirim - Turkish

Zabeeh Khan - Pashto

Zhang Tong - Chinese

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Выбранный для просмотра документ COPYING.txt

                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

                       Version 2, June 1991


 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies

 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.




  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your

freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public

License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free

software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This

General Public License applies to most of the Free Software

Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to

using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by

the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to

your programs, too.


  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not

price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you

have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for

this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it

if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it

in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.


  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid

anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.

These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you

distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.


  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether

gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that

you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the

source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their



  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and

(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,

distribute and/or modify the software.


  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain

that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free

software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we

want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so

that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original

authors' reputations.


  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software

patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free

program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the

program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any

patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.


  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and

modification follow.


                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE



  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains

a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed

under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,

refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"

means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:

that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,

either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another

language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in

the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".


Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not

covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of

running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program

is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the

Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).

Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.


  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's

source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you

conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate

copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the

notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;

and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License

along with the Program.


You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and

you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.


  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion

of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and

distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1

above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:


    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices

    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.


    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in

    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any

    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third

    parties under the terms of this License.


    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively

    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such

    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an

    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a

    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide

    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under

    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this

    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but

    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on

    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)


These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If

identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,

and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in

themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those

sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you

distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based

on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of

this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the

entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.


Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest

your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to

exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or

collective works based on the Program.


In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program

with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of

a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under

the scope of this License.


  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,

under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of

Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:


    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable

    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections

    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,


    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three

    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your

    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete

    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be

    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium

    customarily used for software interchange; or,


    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer

    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is

    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you

    received the program in object code or executable form with such

    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)


The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for

making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source

code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any

associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to

control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a

special exception, the source code distributed need not include

anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary

form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the

operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component

itself accompanies the executable.


If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering

access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent

access to copy the source code from the same place counts as

distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not

compelled to copy the source along with the object code.


  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program

except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt

otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is

void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under

this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such

parties remain in full compliance.


  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not

signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or

distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are

prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by

modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the

Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and

all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying

the Program or works based on it.


  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the

Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the

original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to

these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further

restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.

You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to

this License.


  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent

infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),

conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or

otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not

excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot

distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this

License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you

may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent

license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by

all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then

the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to

refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.


If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under

any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to

apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other



It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any

patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any

such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the

integrity of the free software distribution system, which is

implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made

generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed

through that system in reliance on consistent application of that

system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing

to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot

impose that choice.


This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to

be a consequence of the rest of this License.


  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in

certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the

original copyright holder who places the Program under this License

may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding

those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among

countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates

the limitation as if written in the body of this License.


  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions

of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will

be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to

address new problems or concerns.


Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program

specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any

later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions

either of that version or of any later version published by the Free

Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of

this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software



  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free

programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author

to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free

Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes

make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals

of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and

of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.


                            NO WARRANTY






















                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS


            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs


  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest

possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it

free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.


  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest

to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively

convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least

the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.


    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>

    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>


    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

    (at your option) any later version.


    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    GNU General Public License for more details.


    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.


If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this

when it starts in an interactive mode:


    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author

    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.

    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it

    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.


The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate

parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may

be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be

mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.


You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your

school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if

necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:


  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program

  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.


  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989

  Ty Coon, President of Vice


This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into

proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may

consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the

library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General

Public License instead of this License.

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This file describes commands available through the requests/ file:


Lines starting with < describe what the page sends back

Lines starting with > describe what you can send to the page


All parameters need to be URL encoded.


 # -> %23

 % -> %25

 + -> %2B

 space -> +




Deprecation Notice:


The entire interface is moving to using <MRL> for input and output parameters and attributes

pl_play and in_enqueue previously accepted paths. This is still supported, but from 1.3 <MRL> will be required

where path attributes are provided in output, these should be ignored in favour of uri attributes

path support is scheduled to be removed entirely from 1.3



<root> (/)




> Get album art for current input:

  /art  (NB: not /requests/art)


> Get album art for any playlist input (available from API version 3):

  /art?item=123  (NB: not /requests/art)



status.xml or status.json




< Get VLC status information, current item info and meta.

< Get VLC version, and http api version


> add <uri> to playlist and start playback:


  the option field is optional, and can have the values:




> add <uri> to playlist:



> add subtitle to currently playing file



> play playlist item <id>. If <id> is omitted, play last active item:



> toggle pause. If current state was 'stop', play item <id>, if no <id> specified, play current item. If no current item, play 1st item in the playlist:



> resume playback if paused, else do nothing



> pause playback, do nothing if already paused



> stop playback:



> jump to next item:



> jump to previous item:



> delete item <id> from playlist:


  NOTA BENE: pl_delete is completly UNSUPPORTED


> empty playlist:



> set audio delay



> set subtitle delay



> set playback rate. must be > 0



> set aspect ratio. Must be one of the following values. Any other value will reset aspect ratio to default


  Valid aspect ratio values: 1:1 , 4:3 , 5:4 , 16:9 , 16:10 , 221:100 , 235:100 , 239:100


> sort playlist using sort mode <val> and order <id>:


  If id=0 then items will be sorted in normal order, if id=1 they will be

  sorted in reverse order

  A non exhaustive list of sort modes:

    0 Id

    1 Name

    3 Author

    5 Random

    7 Track number


> toggle random playback:



> toggle loop:



> toggle repeat:



> toggle enable service discovery module <val>:


  Typical values are:






> toggle fullscreen:



> set volume level to <val> (can be absolute integer, percent or +/- relative value):


  Allowed values are of the form:

    +<int>, -<int>, <int> or <int>%


> seek to <val>:


  Allowed values are of the form:

    [+ or -][<int><H or h>:][<int><M or m or '>:][<int><nothing or S or s or ">]

    or [+ or -]<int>%

    (value between [ ] are optional, value between < > are mandatory)


    1000 -> seek to the 1000th second

    +1H:2M -> seek 1 hour and 2 minutes forward

    -10% -> seek 10% back


>command=preamp&val=<val in dB>

 sets the preamp value, must be >=-20 and <=20


>command=equalizer&band=<band>&val=<gain in dB, must be >=-20 and <=20)

 set the gain for a specific band


>command=enableeq&val=<0 or 1>

 0 --  disables the equalizer

 1 --  enables the equalizer



 set the equalizer preset as per the id specified


<Displays the equalizer band gains.

Band 0: 60 Hz, 1: 170 Hz, 2: 310 Hz, 3: 600 Hz, 4: 1 kHz,

5: 3 kHz, 6: 6 kHz, 7: 12 kHz , 8: 14 kHz , 9: 16 kHz


<Display the list of presets available for the equalizer



Commands available from API version 2



> select the title



> select the chapter



> select the audio track (use the number from the stream)



> select the video track (use the number from the stream)



> select the sibtitle track (use the number from the stream)



playlist.xml or playlist.json:


< get the full playlist tree


NB: playlist_jstree.xml is used for the internal web client. It should not be relied upon by external remotes.

It may be removed without notice.


browse.xml or browse.json:



< ?dir=<uri>

> get file list from uri. At the moment, only local file uris are supported


NB: uri is the preferred parameter. Dir is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.

< ?dir=<dir>

> get <dir>'s filelist




< get the full list of VLM elements




< execute VLM command <cmd>


> get the error message from <cmd>


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Changes between 2.2.0 and 2.2.1:




 * Fix compilation with older libavcodec versions

 * Fix some VP9 decoding

 * Fix flac crashes

 * Fix lpcm channel ordering

 * Fix potential NULL dereference in dmo

 * Fix teletext framing code in DVB PES packets

 * Fix potential buffer overflow in schroendinger decoder

 * Fix AAC samplerate



 * Fix MP4 chapters

 * Fix MKV overseeking, introducing slowness over network shares

 * Fix crash when playing SPC files

 * Fix ATRAC3 playback in MKV

 * Revert to older ASX code

 * Workaround TS issue with mpeg-audio



 * Fix sftp read and close sockets

 * Fix DTV build with Linux DVB versions < 5.8

 * Fix UDP/RTP input on Windows


Audio output:

 * Fix Alsa HDMI plugs

 * Improve Alsa output, with larger buffers

 * Fix DirectSound output with multi-channel files



 * Fix numerous crashes in the UI

 * Fix video-wallpaper mode

 * Fix race when starting VLC from command line



 * Fix recent items behaviour

 * Fix rotation filter activation

 * Fix mux modules names for the streaming wizard



 * Timestamp the signature of the dlls

 * Fix extensions registration during install

 * Fix extensions dialog crash

 * Default to no DxVA decoding



 * fix libvlc_media_get_stats



 * Update of Afrikaans, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch,

   English (United Kingdom), Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian,

   Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Macedonian, Malay, Modern Greek, Norwegian BokmC%l,

   Norwegian Nynorsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian,

   Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai,

   Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian translations



Changes between 2.1.6 and 2.2.0:



Important changes:

 * The licenses of more modules have changed from GPLv2+ to LGPLv2.1+,

   notably most of the streaming output, muxers and access output modules



 * Support automatic rotation using streams metadata, GPU-accelerated when possible

 * Add extensions manager and downloading from external repositories

 * Rework the metadata fetching algorithm and policies

 * Partial fix of playback of short audio samples



 * Added TLS support for ftp access and sout access

   New schemes for implicit (ftps) and explicit (ftpes) modes

 * MMS audio selection on split audio streams

 * Blu-Ray: support overlays, preferred menu languages, region selection

   and BD-J navigation

 * Digital Cinema Package support, including encrypted DCP with KDM

 * Partial fixes for Arccos protected DVDs

 * Fix CDDB lookups, including pregap data



 * Support VDPAU acceleration for GPU-zerocopy decoding

 * Support MediaCodec acceleration for GPU-zerocopy decoding

 * Add Media Foundation Transform audio and video decoder

 * Add video decoder module based on GStreamer plugins

 * Add MMAL decoder for Broadcom VideoCore chips (like the RaspberryPi)

   supporting MPEG-2 and H.264, supporting GPU-zerocopy display

 * Partial support for Voxware MetaSound

 * libvpx decoder for VP8 and VP9

 * Support MSN Audio, Atrac3+, VP7, Bink, TAK, On2 AVC, DK3, DK4, IMC, Vivo g723.1,

   Smacker, FIC, Auravision, Canopus Lossless, and numerous videogame codecs

 * Teletext subtitles display improvements

 * Mediacodec speed improvements on x86

 * Support setting the post processing level in Theora

 * OpenMax IL improvements, notably for RaspberryPi

 * Fix channel ordering of LPCM codec in m2ts files

 * New jpeg image decoder

 * Add tx3g subtitles decoder

 * New SVG image decoder

 * Fix Speex decoding over RTP and in flv

 * Support more x264 and FFv1 RGB modes

 * Improvements on ZVBI teletext decoder, notably for speed and alignments



 * Support for MPEG-2 encoding using x262

 * Support for HEVC/H.265 encoding using x265

 * Support for Opus encoding using libopus

 * New jpeg image encoder using libjpeg

 * New png image encoder using libpng



 * Support for Core Audio Format (CAF) files

 * Important rework of the Ogg demuxer, notably improving seeking,

   streaming resilience, speex demuxing and chained Ogg

 * Important rework of the ASF/WMV demuxer, notably for seeking,

   synchronization and tracks exclusion

 * AVI improvements for better seek-indexing in non-fastseekable situations

 * AVI fixes for uncompressed, indexed and paletized bitmaps

 * MP4 fixes for fragmented files, vobsub, duration, aspect-ratio

   and support for rotation, covr atom and tracks exclusion

 * Support Opus in MKV

 * Support VP8 in OGG

 * Basic support for WebVTT

 * Handle support for ISO/IEC 14496-3 (AAC) Audio stream type in TS

 * Support HDPR TS files

 * Support microseconds in SubRip subtitles

 * FLAC packets validation using CRC

 * Improvements in metadata support in Ogg/Opus/Vorbis files

 * Fix encoding issues and relative paths in some XML playlist formats

 * Support THP Wii/Gamecube, RenderWare and Escape Replay game video files

 * New HEVC raw packetizer and demuxer

 * TS support for WiDi/Miracast LPCM

 * Handle MOV/MP4 tx3g styled subtitles through codec

 * Support SVG images files (on glib platforms)

 * Keep selection of tracks on segment changes in MKV

 * Support detection of SRT languages based on filename

 * Support for seeking Standard MIDI Files


Video Output:

 * Direct rendering and filtering for VDPAU hardware acceleration

 * New CoreAnimation OpenGL video output module for NPAPI plugins

 * New OpenGL ES 2.0 through EGL video output module for Android

 * New Android native window provider module

 * Direct rendering for MediaCodec Android hardware acceleration

 * Support for loading HLSL shaders in Direct3D video output

 * Add MMAL based video output for RaspberryPi


Video Filter:

 * New Oldmovie effect filter

 * New VHS effect filter

 * New Freeze effect filter

 * Support I422 and J422 in transform

 * NEON optimizations for deinterleaving chroma, notably NV12->I420

 * Fix audiobargraph activation and usage


Audio Output:

 * Allow setting volume while not connected with PulseAudio

 * Audio device notifications for WASAPI

 * Fix replay of sound buffer in DirectSound

 * Split of MMDevice and WinRT audio modules

 * Numerous fixes on AUHAL, including device management and stream changes

 * Fixes for SPDIF passthru in most modules



 * Important rework of the Ogg muxer, notably for skeleton

 * Fixes for the AVI muxer to respect the specification

 * Support VP8 in OGG

 * Add HEVC muxing in MP4 and TS



 * Important rework of the transcoding module to fix numerous bugs

 * WebM streaming, including live sources, compatible with all major browsers

    vlc <your-source> vlc://quit --sout  '#transcode{vcodec=VP80,vb=1000,acodec=vorb,ab=128}


 * GSM, VP8, Opus and JPEG RTP packetization

 * HLS: Allow setting the first segment number and numerous improvements

 * new stats module to output block timing values and md5 sums

 * transcode module access fps values as rationals now, eg 30000/1001

 * VLC now streams all elementary streams, you can revert to previous behaviour

    with --no-sout-all

 * --ts-out option has been removed, it has been superceded by --demux demuxdump

    --demuxdump-access udp --demuxdump-file

 * Support Metacube protocol when streaming over HTTP



 * add equalizer API libvlc_audio_equalizer_* functions

 * add libvlc_media_player_program_scrambled function



 * Add a 3D OpenGL spectrum visualization.

 * Allow setting the FFT windowing style for 3D and normal spectrum



 * Add support for subtitles drag 'n drop in skins2

 * Add record button in Qt menus

 * New module for core dialogs on iOS

 * New layout for Qt buttons customization

 * Support to continue media playback where it was left off for Qt and OS X


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Support for OS X Yosemite

 * Avoid grey bars in fullscreen when using Mavericks with multiple monitors

 * Improve fullscreen behavior for the native and VLCs own mode

 * Fixes for advanced preferences

 * Added 'file size' column to playlist table

 * in addition to iTunes, Spotify is automatically paused on playback start

 * Option to increase playlist font size

 * Improved crash log reporting



 * New module for TLS on OS X and iOS

 * Windows installer will kill running instance before installing

 * Teletext navigation buttons support in Qt4 gui

 * Update and improve Koreus, Dailymotion, Soundcloud and Youtube scripts



 * Numerous integer and heap overflow in Ogg, AVI, ASF, TTA and MP4 demuxers


Removed modules:

 * iOS video output: use ios2

 * OpenMash H.261 video decoder

 * dirac encoder: use schroedinger



 * New translation in Urdu, Tatar, Silesian, Samoan, Kapampangan, N'ko,

   Kurdish, Kabyle, Mexican Spanish, Catalan, Amharic

 * Update of all translations:

   Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek, Ukrainian,

   Turkish, Thai, Swedish, Serbian, Albanian, Slovenian, Slovak, Russian,

   Romanian, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Punjabi, Dutch, Nepali, Norwegian

   BokmC%l, Malay, Marathi, Latvian, Lithuanian, Korean, Kannada, Khmer,

   Japanese, Italian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Hebrew, Galician, Scottish

   Gaelic, French, Finnish, Persian, Estonian, Spanish, Modern Greek, German,

   Danish, Welsh, Czech, Bosnian, Bengali, Asturian



Changes between 2.1.5 and 2.1.6:



Audio output:

 * Fix OSS stuttering



 * Fix heap overflow in decomp stream filter

 * Fix buffer overflow in updater

 * Fix potential buffer overflow in schroedinger encoder

 * Fix null-pointer dereference in DMO decoder

 * Fix buffer overflow in parsing of string boxes in mp4 demuxer

 * Fix SRTP integer overflow

 * Fix potential crash in zip access

 * Fix read overflow in Ogg demuxer


Win32 installer:

 * Update translations and greek encoding



Changes between 2.1.4 and 2.1.5:




 * Fix compilation on OS/2



 * Stability improvements for the QTSound capture module


Mac OS X audio output:

 * Fix channel ordering

 * Increase the buffersize



 * Fix DxVA2 decoding of samples needing more surfaces

 * Improve MAD resistance to broken mp3 streams

 * Fix PGS alignment in MKV


Qt Interface:

 * Don't rename mp3 converted files to .raw


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Correctly support video-on-top

 * Fix video output event propagation on Macs with retina displays

 * Stability improvements when using future VLC releases side by side



 * Fix transcode when audio format changes


Security contents:

 * Updated GnuTLS to 3.1.25 (CVE-2014-3466)

 * Updated libpng to 1.6.10 (CVE-2014-0333)



 * Update British English



Changes between 2.1.3 and 2.1.4:




 * Fix issue in WMV with multiple compressed payload and empty payloads


Video Output:

 * Fix subtitles size rendering on Windows


Mac OS X:

 * Fix DVD playback regression

 * Fix misleading error message during video playback on OS X 10.9

 * Fix hardware acceleration memleaks



Changes between 2.1.2 and 2.1.3:




 * Fix broken behaviour with SOCKSv5 proxies

 * Fix integer overflow on error when using vlc_readdir



 * Fix DVB-T2 tuning on Linux

 * Fix encrypted DVD playback

 * Fix v4l2 frequency conversion



 * Fix numerous issues (M2TS, VC1 interlaced, Lagarith, FFv1.3, Xvid)

   by updating codec libraries

 * Bring fluidsynth back on Mac OS X

 * Fix some Opus crashes with some filters

 * Fix teletext crash on Windows



 * Avoid an infinite recursion in MKV tags parsing

 * Fix an issue with some Vobsub tracks

 * Fix missing samples at the end of some wav files

 * Fix divide by 0 on ASF/WMV parsing


Audio output:

 * Fix audio device selection via command line on Mac OS X

 * Fix audio crashes on Mac OS X


Video Output:

 * Fix selection of DirectDraw as the default output for XP

 * Fix transform off-by-one issue

 * Fix screensaver disabling on Windows outputs

 * Fix DirectDraw device enumeration and multi-display output

 * Fix a potential crash when playing a fullscreen game at the same time as VLC


Stream output:

 * Fix 24bits audio MTU alignment in RTP

 * Fix record file names


Qt interface:

 * Fix minimal size possible on start

 * Fix a crash with the simple volume widget

 * Fix a crash in the audio menu building

 * Fix multimedia keys issues on Windows

 * Fix opening of DVD and BD folders on Windows


HTTP interface:

 * Fix album art display on Windows



 * Update of Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, Modern Greek,

   Spanish, Basque, Finnish, French, Scottish Gaelic, Galician, Hebrew,

   Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian BokmC%l, Nepali,

   Dutch, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,

   Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian

   and Simplified Chinese translations

 * Fix encoding for Windows installer translations



Changes between 2.1.1 and 2.1.2:



Audio output:

 * Fix digital playback on OS X when more than one audio device is installed

 * Fix digital playback (SPDIF/HDMI) on Windows

 * Fix stuttering or silent playback when using sound enhancers or external

   audio devices on OS X

 * Improve responsiveness on OS X when playback starts or is being paused

 * Improve responsiveness, silent playback intervals and reliability on iOS



 * Fix Vimeo and DailyMotion parsing

 * Various WMV playback improvements and fixes



 * Fix LPCM 20/24-bit decoding and 16 bits with channel padding

 * Fix playback of some HEVC samples


Video filters:

 * Fix crash on deinterlace selection


Qt interface:

 * Fix some streaming profiles when copy existed

 * Improve A-B loop control

 * Fix album art update when changing media


Mac OS X interface:

 * Add a language option in the interface

 * Option to control VLC's iTunes pausing behavior is more easy to find

 * Improved UI resetting when requested in the preferences

 * Fix issue which prevented to enable more than one video filter on Mavericks

 * Fix an issue which could prevent automatic UI language settings from working

 * Fix opening subtitles files through drag & drop or double-clicking

 * Fix crash when closing window without decorations

 * Fix issue where extra video window was resized even if this was disabled


Win32 installer:

 * Kill running VLC process on uninstall/update



 * Update of Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian,

   French, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Kannada, Khmer,

   Lithuanian, Occitan, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Scottish Gaelic, Sinhala,

   Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Uzbek, Welsh translations



Changes between 2.1.0 and 2.1.1:




 * Fix random and reshuffling behaviour

 * Fix recording

 * Fix some subtitles track selection



 * VP9 support in WebM

 * HEVC/H.265 support in MKV, MP4 and raw files

 * Fix GPU decoding under Windows (DxVA2) crashes



 * Fix crashes on wav, mlp and mkv and modplug files

 * Support Speex in ogg files

 * Fix some .mov playlists support

 * Support Alac in mkv

 * Fix WMV3 and palette in AVI

 * Fix FLAC packetizer issues in some files



 * Fix DVB options parsing

 * Fix DeckLink HDMI input

 * Fix HTTPS connectivity on OS X by loading root certificates from Keychain


Audio output:

 * Fixes for DirectSound pass-through

 * Fixes for OSS output, notably on BSD



 * Fix HTTP interface infinite loop

 * Fix D-Bus volume setting



 * Reinstore right click subtitle menu to open a subtitle

 * Fix saving the hotkeys in preferences

 * Fix saving the audio volume on Win32, using DirectSound

 * Fix play after drag'n drop

 * Fix streaming options edition and scale parameter


Stream out:

 * Fix transcoding audio drift issues

 * Fix numerous audio encoding issues


Win32 installer:

 * Important rewrite to fix numerous bugs, notably about updates

 * Simplification of the upgrade mechanism


Mac OS X interface:

 * Reintroduce the language selector known from pre-2.1 releases

 * Fix fullscreen behaviour and various crashes

 * Fix about dialog crash in Japanese

 * Fix crashes on proxy lookups

 * Fixes on the playlist and information behaviours

 * Fixes on the streaming dialogs

 * Improves interface resizings



 * Update of Arabic, Basque, Belarusian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French,

   Galician, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean,

   Lithuanian, Marathi, Modern Greek, Norwegian BokmC%l, Occitan, Persian,

   Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish,

   Swedish, Telugu, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek




Changes between 2.0.9 and 2.1.0:



Important changes:

 * The licenses of numerous modules have changed from GPLv2+ to LGPLv2.1+

 * Discontinued support for PowerPC-based Macs; VLC now requires Mac OS X 10.6+

   Moreover, the official builds will be 64bit only

 * The --with-tuning and --without-tuning options are removed; to tune

   compilation for a specific processor type, set CFLAGS manually


3rd party libraries (contrib):

 * /extras/contrib has been replaced by a cleaner build system in /contrib



 * Audio core rewrite, supporting higher samplerates, better volume management,

   better device selection, new channel layouts and new output capabilities

 * Fix support for .001, .00x split files on Windows

 * Full support for UNICODE Windows mode

 * Disable and mark obsolete --language selection

 * Port to Android

 * Port to iOS

 * Partial support for Windows Store App / WinRT

 * Add an audio fingerprinter, using AcoustID!

 * Remove SQL support



 * Support for CDXL, Ut Video, VBLE, Dxtory codecs via libavcodec

 * Numerous improvements on the OpenMAX IL codec module

 * Support for Ulead DV audio

 * Support for TechSmith Screen Codec 2, Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen,

   Microsoft Application Screen Decoder 1 (MSS1) and 2 (MSS2)

 * Support for Indeo Audio Coder, RealAudio Lossless

 * Add Hardware Acceleration support on OS X for H.264 based upon VDADecoder

 * Add Hardware Acceleration support on Android Jelly Bean using MediaCodec

 * Add Hardware Acceleration support on Linux using VDPAU

 * Support for SCTE-27 subtitles

 * Split G.711 decoder from Araw decoder

 * X Window system raster image dump pseudo-decoder

 * Support for Webinar GoToMeeting 4 (G2M4)



 * high10, high422 and high444 encoding support in h264

 * QuickSyncVideo Encoding (Intel Media SDK) support using Intel GPU on Windows

 * New AAC encoder using the fdk-aac library (non-free)



 * Screen: add support for OS X Lion and later,

           remove support for previous OS X releases

 * Major improvements in DASH support

 * Improvements in Blu-Ray module, notably for multiple video tracks support

 * Important improvements and rewrite of the v4l2 access module

 * HTTP: support for Internationalized Domain Names

 * Microsoft Smooth Streaming support (H264 and VC1) developed by Viotech.net

 * NTSC EIA-608 closed caption input support via V4L2 VBI devices

 * Add support for VNC/rfb in view only mode

 * Add support for Remote Desktop/RDP in view only mode

 * Timecode: generate a clock/timecode as a subtitle track

   vlc video.mkv --input-slave timecode:// --timecode-fps 30/1001

 * New video capture module for OS X based on AVFoundation, named AVcapture

 * New shared memory framebuffer access module, named shm



 * MP4: partial support for fragmented MP4

 * Vorbis: better support for metadata and cover art

 * AVI: better support for tags and extended metadata

 * Support for FLAC, Atrac and some ADPCM in AVI

 * Support for DV data type 1 in AVI and 12 bits DV Audio

 * Support for total number of tracks in major container

 * Support for Cook and Atrac in MKV

 * AVI: support for files produced by Nikon cameras

 * Support for more MJPEG streams

 * Add support for liveleak streams

 * Add support for Wave/RF64 files

 * Prevent numerous uncaught exceptions in MKV

 * Add protection against several potential heap buffer overflow in libebml


Audio output:

 * Windows Audio Session API audio output support

 * OpenBSD sndio audio output support

 * Important improvements on the Android OpenSL ES audio output

 * Android AudioTrack audio output support

 * OS X Auhal output support for 6.1, 7.1, 8.0 and 8.1 playback and layouts

 * Rewrite of OSS module to support OSSv4

 * OS X Auhal output support for multi-buffer output devices

   This fix was facilitated through a hardware lending by TEAC Europe GmbH

   distributing such devices under the brand "TASCAM" (US-122, US-144, etc.).

 * Rewrite of the AudioQueue output for iOS (and OS X)

 * New, simplified AudioUnit output for iOS


Audio Filters:

 * New remapping channel filter

 * New filter to enhance stereo effect by mono suppression and delay effect

 * New VSXu visualization plugin

 * ARM NEON acceleration of volume filter

 * Rewrite of the simple downmixer filter

 * New gain audio filter


Video Outputs:

 * New output for Decklink Blackmagic cards

 * New output using OpenMAX IL hardware acceleration API

 * OpenGL: use glsl instead of ARB to do the YUV->RGB conversions

 * OpenGLES: add support for color conversation shaders on Android and iOS

 * Fix and enable the OpenGL ES1 and ES2 outputs

 * Support for subpictures in the OpenGL ES2 output

 * Fix the power management issue on Windows for standby management

 * New output module for iOS using OpenGL ES2

 * Fix performance issue on Macs with multiple graphics cards


Video Filters:

 * New anaglyph video filter which transforms side by side 3D video streams in

   anaglyph glasses (aka red/blue) compatible images

 * Support in deinterlacing filter for most 4:2:0, 4:2:2, 4:4:4 YUV formats

   and for bits depth higher than 8bits (like 10bits)

 * Improvements on the transform filter, to support 10bits and RGB formats

 * Revival of the openCV and openCV example filters

 * ARM NEON acceleration of chroma filters


Stream Output:

 * Extended support for recording, notably for MKV and AVI

 * Options support for AVIO output module

 * Livehttp places more accurate segments durations in playlist

 * Livehttp allows setting cachin-variable in playlist

 * Livehttp stream encryption support

 * Livehttp supports changing encryption key and uri on segment change with key-loadfile option

 * Added chromaprint based audio fingerprinting



 * Add AcoustID/Musicbrainz based fingerprinter



 * configurable password for the HTTP server

 * .hosts removed from the HTTP server

 * fix Lua command line interface console mode under Windows

 * Better support for MCE remotes on Windows

 * Hotkey support for TS program selection

 * Rewrite of D-Bus inhibit interface

 * Improvements on motion sensing interface, fix orientation, move out

   rotate mode into the rotate video filter


Services discovery:

 * UPnP A/V subtitles

 * Support for multiple UPnP resources on a single item


OS X Interface:

 * Add support for multiple video outputs

 * Add accessibility support to playback windows, open panel and fullscreen


 * Add a GUI to manage podcasts

 * Add a new panel for media conversation and streaming

 * Add a GUI for the QTSound access input to process audio captured locally

   - This also allows to capture input from a webcam and a mic at the same time

 * Add a GUI to capture QTSound data along with the current screen content

 * Add an option to let the Apple Remote control the system volume instead of

   VLC's internal volume level

 * Add a new Subtitles menu to change Subtitles and their properties during


 * Add the ability to create custom equalizer presets based upon the current

   selection and to manage the list of presets

 * Add custom profiles for video and audio effects, which let the user keep

   multiple configuration sets of all the individual filters

 * Support for pausing iTunes during media playback with VLC

 * Add support for video filters to clone the video output or split it in parts

 * Add A->B loop feature known from the Qt interface

 * Add an option to disable skipping to next/previous file with the Apple Remote

 * Add an option to show next / previous buttons

 * Add an option to hide the shuffle and repeat buttons

 * Add an option to hide the audio effects button (default enabled)

 * Add optional playlist columns for track number, genre, album, description,

   date and language

 * Add options to the Advanced Open File dialog for start and stop time

 * Add an option to play videos as a desktop background

 * Add support for playing video and showing audio visualizations side by side

 * improve fullscreen controller time slider with larger click target

 * rewrite of minimal macosx module for use within VLCKit

 * Add support for 'macosx-autoplay' to the Apple Event / Apple Script bindings

   when adding new inputs - this also affects network streams opened through

   3rd party applications

 * Add a UI to the preferences dialog to configure the default application

   handler for ftp, mms, rtmp, rtp, rtsp, sftp, smb and udp streams

   (system-wide settings)

 * Add support for the Video Title option

 * Add support for the Boss Key

 * The Streaming/Transcoding wizard and the open dialog's output panel are

   deprecated now and will be removed in a future release



 * Partial support for Qt5.0

 * Menus modifications and improvements

 * Playlist improvements and fixes, including PictureFlow view

 * Streaming output wizard rewrite

 * Add bitrate graph in information panels

 * Filters panels improvements, notably Equalizer and Compressor

 * EPG display fixes and improvements

 * Add SD pixmap sources

 * Preferences hotkeys management fixes

 * Display playlist total duration

 * Support for a Maximum volume in the UI

 * Add audio track fingerprinting from media info

 * New profiles format and dialog to handle filters and quality

 * Numerous fixes



 * Port to OS/2

 * Extend sliders, offsets options

 * New bitmaps caching mechanism

 * Numerous fixes and improvements

 * Skinning of the Fullscreen controller



 * new libvlc_audio_output_device_list_get and libvlc_audio_output_device_list_release functions

   to replace the deprecated libvlc_audio_output_device_count, libvlc_audio_output_device_longname

   and libvlc_audio_output_device_id

 * libvlc_audio_output_get_device_type and libvlc_audio_output_set_device_type are now deprecated

 * new libvlc_media_tracks_get and libvlc_media_tracks_release methods to get more info about the

   media tracks. libvlc_media_get_tracks_info is now deprecated.

 * new fingerprinter_Create and fingerprinter_Destroy for fingerprinter support

 * new libvlc_log_set, libvlc_log_set_file, libvlc_log_unset, libvlc_log_get_context and

   libvlc_log_get_object for a better logger mechanism

 * new libvlc_set_app_id to complement libvlc_set_user_agent to set the icons


Removed modules:

 * portaudio audio output: use the native audio output instead

 * X11 On Screen Display notifications (xosd)

 * Linux Framebuffer On Screen Display interface (fbosd)

 * PVR: IVTV analog TV encoder - use V4L instead

 * RTMP access: use libavformat avio instead

 * RTMP access_output: use libavformat avio instead

 * Hildon GUI

 * MSN messenger "now playing" (broken and unmaintained since VLC 1.0.0)

 * Telepathy framework "now playing" (broken and unmaintained since VLC 1.0.0)

 * Nokia/Maemo MCE screen unblanking plugin

 * Broken crop video filter

 * Switcher module

 * OSD parser and menu

 * Xscreensaver: use xdg-screensaver

 * Removed DLL loader for non-Windows Operating Systems

 * SQL Media Library (broken and unmaintained)

 * SQL Lite (only used as SQL Media library backend)

 * htcpcp :)



 * Update of all translations



Changes between 2.0.8 and 2.0.9:




 * Improve handling of corrupt ASF files

 * Fix buffer overflow in the mp4a packetizer



 * Fix modplug security issues



Changes between 2.0.7 and 2.0.8:




 * Fix ISDB-S tuning

 * Fix crash in QTsound

 * Fix screen mouse file location

 * Fix invalid memcpy in MMS access



 * Fix use after free in sgimb

 * Improve resistance and checking against malformed MKV files



 * Fix crash in the libavcodec module


Mac OS X:

 * Fix interface crashes

 * Fix autostart playback option

 * Respect "playlist-autostart" option



 * update Welsh translation

 * New Kannada translation



Changes between 2.0.6 and 2.0.7:




 * Fix playback termination when switching ES tracks (PowerPC only)

 * Fix memory exhaustion vulnerability when playing specifically crafted

   playlist files



 * Fix WMA Pro, MPEG 4 ALS, APE, MLP and ADPCM-IMA4 playback



 * Fix audio encoding for numerous codecs, notably mp3 and aac



 * Fix noticeable memory leak when creating AVI files


Video output:

 * Fix crash when using libvlc in 3rd party applications (Mac only)


Mac OS X Interface

 * Minor improvements

 * Fix issue which could lead to loss of media files created through transcoding


HTTP Interface

 * Fix two xss vulnerabilities (CVE-2013-3565)



 * Update Basque, Simplified Chinese, Ukrainian, Turkish, Portuguese, Norwegian BokmC%l,

   Burmese, Lithuanian, Italian, Hindi, Spanish, German, Czech, Danish, Welsh translations

 * New Azerbaijani, Kirgyz, Oriya translations



Changes between 2.0.5 and 2.0.6:




 * Fix HTTPS playback with some certificates previously rejected


Audio Output:

 * Improve lookup of human readable device names in AUHAL plugin (OS X)



 * Fix crash with broken asf files (SA-1302)

 * Fix MKV behaviour with unknown or new ebml elements

 * Fix use-after-free crash in Ogg demuxer, found by Tomi Juntunen

 * Fix regression on some paletted codecs in AVI

 * Fix ALAC in mp4 regression

 * Improvements to the vimeo playlist parser



 * Fix GPU decoding on Intel HD 2000/3000 cards on Windows

 * Fix FLAC 6.1 and 7.1 channel layout

 * Fix crashes in HTML srt subtitles

 * 3rd party codecs updates


Mac OS X:

 * Fix subtitle rendering resolution when using OS X's native fullscreen mode

 * Improve fullscreen controller time slider with larger click target

 * Fix listing of the lua interfaces (web, telnet and console)

   in the advanced preferences panel

 * Fix spatializer audio filter panel

 * Fix crash within the video output code

 * Fix BDMV folder selection issue on OS X Mountain Lion, which treats such

   folders as a AVCHD file as soon as they include an item named INDEX.BDM

 * Fix bug which caused a hidden fullscreen panel

 * Fix various minor UI drawing issues (main window, fullscreen controller,

   lua extensions, ...)

 * Allow VLC to be associated with .dvdmedia packages



 * Fix clearing of Media Info panel on dialog exit



 * Numerous D-Bus and MPRIS2 improvements

 * Reject broken versions of PulseAudio



 * Fix uninstallation in different location than C:\



 * Update of Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Portuguese,

   Japanese, Italian, Hebrew, Estonian, Spanish, Czech, Catalan, Bosnian,

   Asturian, French, Romanian, Serbian, Russian, Hindi, Estonian, German

   Slovenian Norwegian BokmC%l, Khmer, Icelandic, Interlingua, Welsh, Ukrainian,

   Dutch, Danish, translations

 * New Gujarati, Aragonese translations



Changes between 2.0.4 and 2.0.5:




 * Fix DVB-S delivery system detection


Audio Output:

 * Fix playback initial synchronization with PulseAudio

   (however similar bugs in PulseAudio version 2.0 and later still exist)

 * Fix file output bug affecting floating point on big endian systems



 * Fix crash with some embedded subtitle fonts

 * Fix buffer overflow in HTML subtitles parser

 * Fix koreus lua parser

 * Improve reliability for RTSP streams sent by some IP cameras

 * Fix division by 0 in AIFF demuxer

 * Fix some MKV crashes when ordered editions have empty or broken links

 * Fix SWF potential crash on malformed files.


Video filters:

 * Fix crash in Freetype with embedded fonts

 * Fix wrong aspect ratio in some cases



 * Fix Mpeg-2 audio and video encoders initialization


Mac OS X:

 * Fix Reveal-in-Finder for files with non-Western file names

 * Fix crash with local statistics disabled

 * Fix Time counter UI look

 * Fix system sleep issue on OS X 10.5



 * Fix https streaming



 * Fix audio and video track selection:

   The constant track identifier is now always used. Some functions previously

   incorrectly used the (moving) index of the track in the table of tracks.



 * Update of Asturian, Bengali (India), Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Danish,

   Dutch, Estonian, French, Galician, Scottish Gaelic, German, Hebrew,

   Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Malayalam, Polish, Slovak, Simplified Chinese,

   Traditional Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish, Thai translations

 * Initial translations for Welsh and Interlingua



Changes between 2.0.3 and 2.0.4:



Audio Output:

 * Improve playback synchronization with PulseAudio.

 * Fix ALSA digital pass-through ("S/PDIF").

 * Fix live audio device selection on Mac OS X

 * Fix detection of some 5.1 and 7.1 kits on Windows.

 * Fix audio output behavior when the output device is plugged or unplugged

   during playback on Mac OS X



 * Fix numerous DVD (dvdnav) crashes

 * Fix HTTP playback through proxy and advertise gzip correctly

 * Fix TLS busy-loop during client-side handshake



 * Support for Opus decoding via libopus, including multi-channel files

 * Support MSS1 and MSS2 decoding through DMO libraries

 * Fix Hebrew and Greek subtitles encoding

 * Fix crashes on malformed subtitles and malformed png files

 * Fix crashes when using hardware decoding



 * Fix issues in Ogg with zero length packets

 * Fix file duration of Ogg/Theora and Ogg/Vorbis files

 * Fix vimeo, koreus and youtube lua parsers

 * Support Youtube live streams



 * Fix Wallpaper mode on Windows 7/8



 * Fix media info dialog update

 * Fix random/repeat preferences saving

 * Fix crashes when opening audio effects dialog, with skins and playlist

 * Fix crash on association dialog on Windows XP

 * Fix album art display at start


Mac OS X:

 * Fix command-line options to control the interface behavior

 * Deactivate CoreAnimation effects on Leopard

 * Fix menus display and behavior

 * Fix various crashes and small issues including bookmarks, playlist, buttons,

   streaming wizard, video size, hotkeys and fullscreen controller

 * Fix font selection for Unicode subtitles

 * Improve system sleep behavior when playing audio-only media. The screen is

   allowed to sleep while the system is kept awake during playback.

 * Fix code signing of Delete Preferences application

 * Add option to Audio Effects panel to activate the Karaoke filter



 * Fix Notify (D-Bus) plugin deadlock.

 * Fix buffer corruption in freetype and subtitles modules

 * Improve Blu-Ray and HLS support

 * Fix issues on selection of playlist items for WebUI

 * Codec and other 3rd party library updates

 * Fix swscale and canvas behavior with Aspect Ratio

 * Fix mime-type when streaming Webm over HTTP

 * Fix recording behaviour in Windows network environments

 * Codecs and 3rd party libary updates



 * Updates of Norwegian BokmC%l, Korean, Slovak, Serbian, Russian, Traditional

   Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Walloon, Turkish, Thai, Polish,

   Dutch, Khmer, Hindi, Japanese, Galician, Hebrew, German, Breton, Scottish

   Gaelic, Czech, Estonian translations

 * Initial translations for Bengali, Fula, Gujarati and Bosnian



Changes between 2.0.2 and 2.0.3:




 * Fix some HTTP request that broke some radio channels



 * Fix support for some flv files (notably joined)

 * Fix a crash when opening ape files with ID3v1 tags


Mac OS X:

 * Add GateKeeper support

 * Fix handling for some hotkeys

 * Fix fullscreen toggle over extra interfaces

 * Minor bugfixes and improvements



 * Fix Windows 8 interface style



 * Updates for Breton, Czech, Dutch, Gaelic, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic,

   Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian,

   Thai, Turkish and Walloon

 * New translations to Uzbek and Marathi

 * Fix activation of Gaelic and Thai translations



Changes between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2:



Video Output:

 * XP machine will now use DirectX mode by default, like in previous versions.

   There were too many errors with broken drivers.

 * More accurate colourspaces conversions for YUV->RGB in OpenGL

 * Add menu support for libvlc / VLCKit applications on Mac OS X

 * Various fixes on Mac OS X, notably for crop, zoom, osd and menu support

 * Misc fixes in OpenGL module, on all platforms

 * Fix video output on PowerPC-based Macs equipped with an ATI Radeon 7500,

   an ATI Radeon 9200 or a NVIDIA GeForceFX 5200 Ultra.

 * Fix video output of 10bit encoded contents on Intel-based Macs equipped

   with an Intel GMA 950 chipset running OS X 10.6 or later.

 * Add support for the HiDPI mode used on recent Apple products with so-called

   Retina Displays.



 * Rework Digital TV module for Windows. DVB-T and DVB-C should work again

 * Fixes for RAR compressed files

 * Fix DirectShow crashes on exit

 * Improve PulseAudio input latency

 * Fixes for HTTP access through a proxy

 * v4l2 webcam outputting H264 can now be used directly (use --v4l2-chroma=h264)

 * Fix subtitles auto-detection in subfolders and detection behaviour

 * IE http proxy is not used anymore by VLC on Win32

 * Accept more extensions for DVD images

 * Fix crash in VC1 packetizer

 * Improvements in Blu-Ray playback

 * Improvements and fixes in HLS support



 * Fix crashes in AAC decoder on channels changes, notably in ISDB streams

 * Fix compilation with multiple FFmpeg and libav versions

 * Fix G726 support

 * Fix MP3 free format support



 * Fixes for MKV segments, seeking and MKV title display

 * Fix for some mp4, voc, midi and au crashes

 * Fix for Real .ram, .f4v, .avi and .ra files support

 * Fix for DVB channels file support

 * Fixes for alac, vorbis, DTS, VC-1 and Dirac in mp4



 * Fix for MPEG Audio encoding, use layer2 when using fourcc "mp2 " and "mp2a"

 * Fix for JPEG generation, when doing snapshots


Audio filters and output:

 * Limitation of spatializer volume output

 * Fix DirectSound device selection

 * Correct PulseAudio volume control

 * Do not apply volume in file output

 * Fix sampling rate in JACK output

 * Fixes in ALSA output for latency and for broken drivers


Mac OS X:

 * Enable drag and drop of playlist items between the temporary playlist and

   the persistant media library

 * Enable import of playlist items taken from the service discovery modules

   to the media library or the temporary playlist

 * Media key support for keyboards by other manufacturers than Apple

   This fix was facilitated through a hardware donation by ZF Friedrichshafen AG

   manufacturing keyboards under the brand "Cherry".

 * Add support for the Apple Remote to set the Mac to sleep using a longer

   press on the Play/Pause button

 * Remove libfontconfig's font cache by an Apple Type Services lookup.

   This removes the "Updating Cache" dialog, before finding all fonts.

 * Re-add an option to hide the window decoration during video playback

 * Improve compatibility with other 3rd party apps using SPMediaKeyTap

 * Many Fullscreen fixes

 * Keep Aspect Ratio when resizing is back

 * Add controls to manipulate the Subtitles Duration to the Track

   Synchronization panel

 * Hidden items in the sidebar are being retained for the next launch now

 * Fix crash when trying to open an Audio CD by drag & drop

 * Improve reliability when opening DVDs or BDs by drag & drop

 * Fix crashes on exit

 * Fix crash when mounting a device with multiple logical volumes while

   VLC is running

 * Chosen audio output device is retained throughout multiple sessions

 * Since running the Mac OS X interface as an Extra Interface or Control

   Interface can lead to undefined results, eventual settings will be

   automatically reset on the first launch.

   - This fixes issues with unresponsive playback controls and crashes on quit.

 * Update Growl plugin for use with Growl 1.3

 * Miscellaneous minor interface improvements


Lua Scripts:

 * Fixes for stdin/stdout and for different locale issues

 * Fixes for icecast SD



 * Fix preferences for audio devices on Windows

 * Fix playlist search and selector behaviour

 * Fix multiple issues in the Open Disc dialog

 * Miscellaneous fixes in preferences, buttons, EPG, playlist and customize dialog

 * Fix tags and file names display

 * Fix various crashes, display issues and usability issues



 * Fix mousewheel on Windows

 * Fix for key events and focus loss


Web interface:

 * Fix display of some buttons

 * Fix listing of files in the Open interface

 * Fixes for widgets behaviour and vlm dialog



 * Fix Ogg Heap buffer overflow

 * Update taglib (CVE-2012-2396)

 * Update libavcodec and other codecs libraries



 * Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Walloon, Slovak, Polish, Khmer,

   Japanese, Italian, French, Czech, Belarusian, Breton, Greek, Spanish,

   Estonian, Irish, Galician, Hungarian, Japanese, Dutch, Telugu, Ukrainian,

   Thai translations update

 * New Scottish Gaelic translation



Changes between 2.0.0 and 2.0.1:




 * fix and improve the CDDB information retrieval

 * fix the samba module compilation

 * fix UDP / RTP multicast stream reception on Mac OS X when using the 10.7 SDK

 * multiple fixes for HLS support, notably on Win32 and for encryption

 * multiple fixes for Bluray discs playback

 * fix for DVD decryption on some RPC-I drives



 * Support for MXPEG files

 * limit auto-detected threads to 4 in avcodec module

 * fix quicktime audio codecs in RTSP streams



 * Fix multi-file splitted RAR archive support

 * Fix a crash when seeking in mka

 * Improve MKV multi-video tracks support



 * Fix ogm header creation


Audio filters:

 * limit spatializer filter distortions

 * Use fastest SinC algorithm for samplerate module


Audio output:

 * Fix S/PDIF passthrough with ALSA.

 * Remove flawed ALSA channels autodetection.

   The available ALSA channels MUST be configured now (stereo by default).

 * Fix delay when changing the volume on Mac OS X


Video filters:

 * Fix gradfun unloading on Windows platform


Mac OS X interface:

 * allow to hide the playlist to get a small controller window

 * allow to hide the sidebar

 * disable Lion fullscreen mode by default, since its behavior is misleading

   - this fixes fullscreen video output on a secondary screen

 * noticebly faster launch time

 * correct a few visual glitches and accessibility support

 * re-enable visual feedback on seek and volume changes

 * improve track synchronization panel

 * fix fontconfig cache dialog, closure of the interface and numerous crashes

 * fix crop, aspect ratio handling, DVD (no menu) support and Open subtitle menu


Qt interface:

 * allow a native seek slider instead of the blue one

 * fixes in the playlist, the addons dialog, the menus, the main toolbar

   the open dialogs, preferences and customization dialogs

 * fix for fontconfig cache dialog, when rebuilding ASS fonts


Skins interface:

 * fix for menus display

 * Addition of $R to display current playback speed

 * documentation update


Web interface:

 * fix mobiles display for remote control mode

 * support for .drc and .3ga extensions


Service discovery:

 * fix SAP discovery, where an item was added multiple times

 * fix SAP discovery on Mac OS X when using the 10.7 SDK

 * Update Jamendo selections



 * fix DBus crash

 * fix build issues on BSD, Linux/PPC and Linux/Sparc

 * fix a crash on VLM close



 * Update libpng to 1.5.9 (CVE-2011-3026)

 * Update freetype to 2.4.9 (CVE-2012-1126 up to CVE-2012-1144)

 * Fix MMS stack overflow (SA-1201 - CVE-2012-1775)

 * Fix RealRTSP heap overflow (SA-1202 - CVE-2012-1776)



 * Update of Czech, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Walloon translations



Changes between 1.1.13 and 2.0.0:



Important notes:

 * The licenses of libVLC and libVLCcore have changed from GPLv2+ to LGPLv2.1+

 * Start/end titles/chapters are now specified with # rather than @ to fix

   conflicts with some URLs and file names. For instance, this plays a DVD

   from the 2nd chapter of the 1st title up to the 4th chapter of the 3rd

   title:  vlc dvd://#1:2-3:4

 * The 40+ --*-caching options were simplified and dumbed down to 4 options:

   - --file-caching specifies caching for local files,

   - --network-caching specifies caching for network resources,

   - --live-caching specifies caching for capture devices and

   - --disc-caching specifies caching for local optical media.

   All values are expressed in milliseconds as in previous versions.

 * HTTP server IP address, port, and TLS configuration is now centralized:

   - The --http-host option sets the address, e.g. "--http-host=[2001:db8::1]".

     By default, both :: and are used.

   - The --http-port and --https-port options set the port numbers.

     By default, 8080 is used for HTTP, and 8443 for HTTPS.

   - The TLS credentials are configured with --http-cert (public certificate),

     --http-key (private key), --http-ca (optional CA) and

     --http-crl (optional CRL).

 * RTSP server IP address and port are updated similarly.

   Use --rtsp-host and --rtsp-port respectively.

 * The --miface-addr option does not exist anymore. To select the multicast

   output interface, use --miface instead, e.g. --miface=eth0.

 * The Windows version will only work with Windows XP SP2 or later.

   Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP < SP2, Windows 2003 SP0 are now unsupported.

 * The Mac OS version will require Quartz Extreme compatible machines.


Important changes for packagers:

 * The default builds now assume that the operating system uses UTF-8 for

   its file systems and files content (except the Windows port). If this is

   not acceptable, pass --enable-non-utf8 to the configure script.

   Non-UTF-8 file systems support will be removed in future versions.

 * The VLC plugins path can be overridden with the VLC_PLUGIN_PATH environment

   variable. The --plugin-path command line option was removed.

 * The default tarballs are now compressed with XZ/LZMA: .tar.xz

 * OSS support is not compiled on Linux by default, pass --enable-oss to the

   configure script if you use OSSv4 or really want to use OSS emulation.

 * The webplugins have moved to: git://git.videolan.org/npapi-vlc.git



 * Major Video Core and Outputs rework and rewrite:

   Subtitles, subpictures and OSD can now be sized and blent inside outputs

   x11 (Unix), OpenGL (Unix) and Direct3D (Windows) are such video outputs.

 * Almost every video filter can now be transcoded

 * Playback rate doesn't get resetted to 1 between items anymore

 * Option --sub-filter was renamed --sub-source

 * Port to Android, iOS, OS/2 and Win64.



 * Multiple files are now supported inside RAR files

 * Experimental support for ClearQam devices in the BDA/DTV module

 * DVB-S scanning support on Unix

 * DVB-C scanning on Unix scans correct modulation/symbolrate if needed

 * Support for freq and video standard selection in DirectShow

 * Support for VDR recordings (http://www.tvdr.de/) folders

 * Experimental Blu-Ray Discs support using libbluray

 * HTTP Live Streaming (IETF draft) playback support

 * Blackmagic DeckLink SDI cards input support (Linux only currently)

 * Linear Systems (HD-)SDI cards input support (Linux)

 * PulseAudio audio input support

 * Support for RTP dynamic payload types by specifying the payload format

   in an option (no autodetection): only Theora supported for now

 * Basic HTCPCP implementation for Coffee Pot control

 * Support for all QTKit-compatible video input devices, aka QTCapture

 * Support for all QTKit-compatible audio input devices, aka QTSound

 * Support for capturing partially hidden windows in the X11 Screen input

 * MPEG DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) support

 * Support for HTTPS is now fixed in the Windows port



 * One can now use ffmpeg-mt in conjunction with vlc, to split decoding load

   on multiple cores. H.264, VP3, VP8, JPEG-2000, Mpeg-4 ASP/DivX and RV3/RV4

   are notably concerned.

 * Important fixes for RealVideo 3.0 and 4.0 playback, notably in MKV

 * Experimental Hardware decoding using Broadcom CrystalHD cards

 * New module for decoding EBU subtitles (.stl)

 * Support for 9bits and 10bits H.264/AVC decoding

 * Support for 20-bits PCM and DAT-12 (digital magnetic tapes) from RTP

 * New module for Dirac encoding, using the faster libschroedinger

   The Schroedinger module should be prefered to the Dirac one

 * Support for WMV Images, aka WMVP and WVP2, as used by Photo Story

 * Support for Lagarith Lossless video codec

 * Support for ProRes 422 video codec in 10bits

 * Support for DNxHD (VC-3) and JPEG-2000 in 10bits

 * EIA-608 closed captions improvements

 * Support for JPEG-2000 and Motion JPEG-2000 in the Windows and Mac binaries

 * Experimental support of IOMX for OpenMAX IL codecs on Android

 * One can use "mp2 " fourcc to encode in mpeg1/2 layer 2



 * New images demuxer supporting jpeg, png, targa, xcf, git, tiff, bmp, pcx, lbm

 * C64 SID file playback support of using sidplay2

 * Support for images/cover art in wma/wmv/asf files

 * Improvements in .ape files metadata reading and writing

 * New demuxer module for EBU subtitles (.stl)

 * Support for caf, mtv, awb, f4v, amr, vro (DVD-VR) files

 * Ogg, flv, mxf, amr seeking improvements

 * Major improvements in Matroska (mkv) chapters/segments handling and seeking

 * Support for duration and better seeking in Mpeg-TS files (.ts, .m2ts, .mts)

 * Mov improvements, notably for aspect-ratio handling and Audio DV tracks

 * Improved support of tracker files

 * Real Media (.rm and .rmvb) demuxer is now based on libavformat



 * Qt: effects dialogs rework

 * Qt: new CoverFlow-like view of the playlist

 * Qt: port to MacOS X platform

 * Qt: various interface improvements, notably on the seek bar

 * Skins2 / Qt: misc improvements and usability fixes

 * Skins2: fullscreen controller support, relative placement support

   and important cleanups and optimisations

 * Mac OS X: re-written Main Window, which also includes the Video Windows

   It is available in 2 looks, one grey (Lion style) and one black (QTX style)

 * Mac OS X: new Audio Effects panel adding Compressor and Spatializer filters

 * Mac OS X: new Track Synchronization panel

 * Mac OS X: new Video Effects panel for color and geometry adjustments

 * Mac OS X: re-written Open Disc functionality with automatic media detection

 * Mac OS X: support for the native fullscreen mode on OS X Lion

 * Mac OS X: enhanced AppleScript support

 * Mac OS X: support for lua extensions

 * The rc and telnet lua interfaces were merged into a new "cli" interface

 * lua: the recommended way to run custom interface scripts is now to pass

   -I luaintf --lua-intf myscript

 * ncurses: heavy refactor of the complete interface

 * dbus: Upgrade to an mpris2 compliant interface, see http://www.mpris.org

 * dbus: Rewrite of the main loop to use a more efficient poll-based model

 * webUI/http: Rewrite of the web interface, using jQuery

 * webUI/http: some requests are now supported in JSON in addition to XML

 * webUI/http: path values for input and output are deprecated in favour of uri

 * Qt/Win32: the update system now downloads the updates in the temp folder

 * Qt: preferences are now searchable

 * Qt: the fullscreen controller is now stackable, full-width, at the bottom


Video Output:

 * New video output based on Direct2D for Windows 7 and Vista (with Platform Update)

 * New video output for iOS platform

 * Experimental work in progress on a video output using EGL

 * Adaptation of the OpenGL layer for OpenGL ES 1.1

 * Various vmem improvements

 * OpenGL video output now accepts YUV as input and uses fragment programs for

   chroma conversion between YUV and RGB

 * New video output for Android platform, based on Surface

 * Support for 9/10bits output in the OpenGL output

 * Updated OpenGL video output for Mac, requires a Quartz Extreme capable machine

 * New video output based on kva API for OS/2


Audio Output and Filters:

 * New audio output based on AudioQueue API for iOS

 * New audio output in memory (amem)

 * Important simplification and improvements in the core audio output

 * New audio output based on OpenSL ES API for Android

 * New audio resampler using Speex (DSP)

 * New audio resampler using the Secret Rabbit Code (a.k.a. libsamplerate)

 * New Compressor filter, a dynamic range compressor

 * New simplistic Karaoke filter

 * New audio output based on kai API for OS/2

 * Automatic handover from S/PDIF to PCM with PulseAudio 1.0


Video Filter:

 * New gradfun filter for debanding videos using dithering

 * Rewrite of the grain filter, faster and with better quality

 * New posterize filter for lowering the number of colors

 * Atmo ambilight: improve Fnordlicht support up to 254 channels

 * New sepia filter for creating sepia effect in videos

 * New deinterlacer mode Phosphor, a framerate doubling CRT TV simulator

 * New deinterlacer mode IVTC, to do live inverse telecine for NTSC films

 * New subsdelay filter to change subtitles delay

 * New anti-flickering filter

 * New OpenMAX DL IPCS filter for color space conversion and resizing

 * New video filter for denoising, based on the famous hqdn3d filter

 * Major improvements in the freetype text-rendering module, notably supporting

   blackbox and customizable shadow.

   NB: The freetype module is now used by default on the Mac OS X instead of

   the quartztext module, which can still be enabled manually.

   The Win32 font selection was improved too.


Stream output:

 * New livehttp-module for HTTP Live Streaming (IETF draft) output

   example: vlc inputfile :sout="#transcode{vcodec=h264,acodec=mp3,





 * Support for Vorbis and Theora in RTP

 * Major rework of VoD support

 * New delay module, to introduce delays of one ES, when streaming:


 * New setlang, setid modules to change lang or id of one ES, when streaming:


 * New langfromtelx module, to change lang of one ES, when streaming, based on

   a telextex page: #langfromtelx{id=12,magazine=7,page=0x99,row=1}:std...

 * New select module, to replace an existing ES with another ES in the same track



 * New libavformat/avio access_output module for network streaming


Services Discovery:

 * Search API to be able to query distant search APIs from the interfaces

 * Upnp module was ported to Win32



 * New capabilities for libVLC:

  ** libvlc_media_player_navigate for DVD navigation

  ** libvlc_audio_filter_list_get, libvlc_video_filter_list_get to get the

     list of available audio and video filters

  ** libvlc_audio_set_format, libvlc_audio_set_format_callbacks,


     allow grabbing audio data from a chosen memory location in real-time.


Removed modules:

 * asademux, subsass: use libass

 * fake, invmem: use the new image demuxers

 * hal, v4l, gapi, omapfb, hd1000a, hd1000v: obsolete unmaintained modules

 * id3tag: use taglib

 * upnp: use upnp_intel

 * removal of old telnet interface in favor of the new lua CLI

 * removal of http interface in favor of luahttp

 * removal of the noise filter

 * removal of the SDL audio output, use the native outputs

 * growl_udp: use Growl for local notifications on the Mac. UDP support will be

              removed in Growl's next release, too.

 * removal of the OSSO screensave module, use the MCE one



 * Update of translations for most languages.

 * New Telugu and Kurmanji translations.



Changes between 1.1.12 and 1.1.13:




 * Heap overflow in TiVo demuxer fixed.

 * Same default ACL for HTTP requests as for the rest of the HTTP interface.


Audio outputs:

 * PulseAudio channels mapping (non-stereo) fix.

 * PulseAudio stream accidental overflow recovery.


Video outputs:

 * XVideo support for mixed CPU/GPU endianess (especially on PowerPC).

 * XVideo support for automatic color keying.

 * xosd Xlib initialization failure fix.



 * Camtasia decoding fix.


Qt interface:

 * Rare crash while seeking fixed.

 * V4L2 video standard selection fixed.



 * Update of Chinese simplified, Estonian, German and Polish languages.



Changes between 1.1.11 and 1.1.12:



Audio outputs:

 * Mac OS X / auhal: multiple fixes for the Digital Audio output (S/PDIF)

                     including support for OS X Lion

 * Multiple fixes and improved synchronization for PulseAudio support

 * Support for AC-3 and DTS passthrough with PulseAudio 1.0


Unix port:

 * Fix build compatibility with taglib < 1.6 and Xulrunner 1.9.1



 * Fix crashes with Japanese locale on OS X

 * Minor fixes for Webplugin under Win32, AVI demuxer, smem and AudioScrobbler

 * Fix crash in HTTP and RTSP server (stream output or Web interface)



 * Update of Breton, Chinese Simplified and Basque



Changes between 1.1.10 and 1.1.11:




 * Fix buffer overflows in the RealMedia demuxer (CVE-2011-2587)

   and the AVI one (CVE-2011-2588).


Mac OS X:

 * Fixed scrolling direction if the input device's signal is inverted

 * Update Auhal audio output to the latest API

 * Fix images disappearing issue on the interface

 * Reduced installation size by up to 30 MB

 * Resolved conflict between iTunes and VLC wrt Media Key handling


Mozilla/ActiveX webplugin:

 * Fullscreen mode is fixed on Win32

 * Very simple fullscreen controller is visible on Win32


Demuxers/Meta Readers:

 * Better support for cover art embedded in mp4, wma



 * Fix AVI muxer so the generated files are readable on other players



 * Multiple fixes for crashes and malfunctionning issues


Qt Interface:

 * Fix quitting on Linux

 * Fix opening of VIDEO_TS folders through the open disc dialog on Windows

 * Miscellaneous


Win32 port:

 * Update of codecs, fixing the mpeg-2 decoder crash



 * Update of Slovak, Lithunanian, Russian, Brazillian Portuguese, Serbian



Changes between 1.1.9 and 1.1.10:



Windows and Mac OS X:

 * Update of external library modplug, to address multiple security issues


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Improved Media Key handling based upon SPMediaKeyTap by Spotify AB

 * Fix for various crashes and small issues



 * Fix heap corruption / integer overflow in XSPF playlist parser


Audio output:

 * PulseAudio output re-written due to unstability of the current one


Win32 port:

 * Remove the fontconfig dependency from the freetype module


Miscellaneous fixes in:

 * Windows 7 taskbar buttons

 * Qt interface

 * asx, live555, dvdnav demuxer

 * RTP output and XML export

 * Subtitles colours when using GPU decoding on Windows

 * v4l2 access



 * Update of Norwegian BokmC%l, Slovak, Afrikaans, Luganda,

   Brazillian Portuguese, Irish, Thai, Estonian, Chinese, Polish,

   Dutch, German, Galician, Bulgarian, Lithuanian and Japanese translations

 * Initial Basque, Zulu, Peul, Amharic, Acoli, Chiga translations



Changes between 1.1.8 and 1.1.9:



Windows and Mac OS X:

 * Update of external library modplug, to address a security issue



 * mp4: Fix heap-based buffer overflow (VideoLAN-SA-1103)


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Miscellaneous interface look adjustments

 * Improve Apple Remote handling

 * Fixe bugs in the Streaming / Transcoding wizard

 * Layout fixes in the Preferences and Controls windows

 * Fix incomplete list of hotkeys in the Preferences dialog

 * Fix quitting through Apple Events (Dock menu, App Switcher, AppleScript, etc.)


Mac OS X Port:

 * Fix Growl local notification plugin

 * VLC bundle now includes the Growl framework

 * Fixes for eyeTV



 * Updates of Lithuanian, Estonian, Chinese, Japanese, Bengali, Dutch, Polish,

   German, Galician, Traditional Chinese translations

 * New Luganda Translation



Changes between 1.1.7 and 1.1.8:



Mac OS X Interface:

 * New UI graphics by Damien Erambert



 * Oldrc interface is again the default RC interface, on Windows

 * Luarc, luahttp and luatelnet fixes

 * Qt and Mac OS X fixes

 * numerous Skins2 fixes, notably winamp2 skins



 * new libschroedinger-based Dirac codec encoder, faster than the current one



 * Subtitles auto-detection is back for .txt files

 * vod/rtsp server and rtsp input fixes

 * mp4 demuxer improvements

 * ogg, rstp input, video filters minor fixes

 * taglib's replaygain is fixed for mp3

 * vobsub support has an improved auto-detection

 * fix a crash in malformed ape files


Miscellaneous fixes in:

 * Pulseaudio audio output, notably for usb cards

 * Stacktraces are now limited in size on Windows

 * Video resolution is now limited to 8192x8192, for security reasons

   See CORE-2011-0208, CVE-2010-3275, CVE-2010-3276

 * Configure and build system improvements

 * DirectShow and BDA build headers have been updated



 * Update for Finnish, Galician, Dutch, Chinese, German, Japanese, Lithuanian,

   Slovak, French, Polish, Estonian, Brazillian Portuguese and Hebrew

 * New icelandic translation



Changes between 1.1.6 and 1.1.7:



Linux port:

 * Integration with the KDE GUI platform is disabled due to KDE bugs

   #234484 and #260719.


Mac OS X port:

 * Updated live555 library to fix playback of RTSP and Freebox streams

 * Running VLC in 64bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.6.0 or later for speed

   and stability reasons



 * Fix for Matroska / WebM remote code execution vulnerability.




 * Update for Hebrew, Japanese, Danish and Russian translations



Changes between 1.1.6 and




 * Fix libnotify, lirc, pulse compilation and packaging for Unix/Linux



Changes between 1.1.5 and 1.1.6:



Audio output:

 * Multiple fixes and improvements on PulseAudio output

   PACKAGERS are VERY STRONGLY advised to update libpulse to 0.9.22.

   Update is required to use PulseAudio with the Phonon-VLC backend (KDE)

   and with the Mozilla VLC web browser plugin.



 * Fix the Audio CD crash when looking for CDDB metadata on Windows



 * Support for MPC SV7 and SV8 on Windows and Mac OS X (Unix was already working)

 * Enabled FluidSynth MIDI playback plugin on Mac OS X

 * Faster VP8/Webm decoding with recent codecs libraries

 * Fix heap corruption in CD+G decoder - CVE-2011-0021 / VideoLAN-SA-1101



 * Fix Buffer overflow in Real demuxer - CVE-2010-3907 / VideoLAN-SA-1007

 * Fix some asf/wmv seeking issues, notably when seek didn't go to a keyframe

 * Support for 24-bits PCM over RTP (audio/L24)


Subtitles and renderer:

 * Do not auto-detect .txt files for subtitles

 * Mark more freetype options as safe

 * Mac OS X: fixed fontconfig cache creation

 * Fix heap corruption in subtitle decoders, potentially exploitable,

   discovered by Harry Sintonen - sintonen at iki.fi - CVE-2011-0522



 * Fix projectM visualization for Linux in all locales

 * Fix projectM visualization support for Windows

 * Various projectM improvements: the module should be working now

 * Fix goom crash on Windows XP and Mac OS X



 * Qt4: fixes for media keys processing and MCE remotes

 * Qt4: various fixes and portability improvements


Miscellaneous fixes:

 * KDE device solid actions

 * XDG screensaver

 * Transcode integer overflow

 * HTTP Icy metadata reading

 * Windows: revert to 1.1.4 performance timers



 * Update translations for Chinese, Nippon, Slovak, Estonian, Spanish, Galician,

   Swedish, Bulgarian, French, Bengalese, German, Slovak, Japanese, Dutch,

   Polish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Sinhala and Irish



Changes between and 1.1.5:




 * Fix a Windows crash on accessing Network Shared files/drives,




 * Support for RTP access for H264 streams by specifying the demux in the MRL


Services Discovery:

 * Integration in the playlist, of a list of web shows, provided by channels.com



 * Game Music Emu (GME) plugin rewritten, using the proper C API

 * DVDnav and DVDread fixes for encoding and misc issues

 * Playback of live http .Webm streams

 * Taglib thread-safety fix



 * Fix decoding of H264 using DxVA2 using Intel IGP, thanks to the donation from

   "Puget Systems"



 * Add an icon to VLC on Linux


Video Output:

 * fix a bug that could lead to 100% CPU usage on XCB



 * fix for Qt bug where VLC didn't exit properly on some Windows XP configuration

 * fixes on luatelnet and luarc


Miscellaneous crashes and fixes in various plugins (telnet, live555, theora and

 TS-mux, Qt)



 * add libvlc_media_new_fd() to play directly file descriptors (not Win32/Win64)

 * Miscellaneous fixes



 * Update translations for Walloon, Lithuanian, Spanish, Turkish, Estonian, Dutch,

   Bengali, German, Polish, Brazillian Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, Galician,

   French and Ukrainian

 * Major update and activation on Windows of Modern Greek

 * New Asturian translation



Changes between 1.1.4 and



Mac OS X:

 * Fixed video output on PowerPC-based Macs for videos with widths divisible

   by 16

 * Fixed an issue with the Equalizer's 170Hz slider



 * Fix crash when closing rtsp streams


Qt interface:

 * Fix Windows 7 jumplists with Unicode files

 * Various fixes for Windows



 * New Armenian translation

 * Update translations for Dutch, Estonian, Lithuanian, Japanese, Nynorsk,

   Brazillian Portuguese, Armenian, Wallon



Changes between 1.1.3 and 1.1.4:




 * Fix a security issue when loading DLLs, especially in Qt4 and dmo modules,

   See VideoLAN-SA-1005

 * Fix folders opening from the interface



 * Update translations for Lithuanian, Bengali, Slovak, French, Dutch, Ukrainian

   Polish, Simplified Chinese, German and Galician



Changes between 1.1.2 and 1.1.3:



Access and demuxers:

 * fixes for FTP relatives path and FTP directory support

 * fix for podcasts parsing

 * DVD: fix an assert error and various memory leaks



 * fix NULL dereferences, as reported by FortiGuard Lab,

   CVE-2010-2937 / VideoLAN-SA-1004



 * fix a regression where the wrong entry was played

 * fix m3u playlists exports



 * fix video autoresize behaviour



 * Update translations for Dutch, Sinhala, Hebrew, Estonian, Spanish and Bengali


Windows and Mac:

 * Update of many codecs libraries, fixing bugs and improving speed



 * architecture-specific installations will now be replaced by specific updates



 * Add AltiVec detetion for OpenBSD/powerpc



Changes between 1.1.1 and 1.1.2:




 * Avformat fps displaying fix

 * TS, fix an issue where some programs would get dropped (fixes DVB issues too)


Audio filters:

 * fix timestamps handling on some filters that provoked issues when playback

   of mono streams, especially on Windows



 * fix a bug in direct3d video output with old nVidia drivers that broke video

   playback with overlay (YUV->RGB)

 * fix console output encoding


Interface and extensions:

 * Youtube and other scripts updates

 * Misc fixes in Qt4 (especially VLM and EPG dialogs) and MacOS interface



Changes between 1.1.0 and 1.1.1:




 * New capabilities for libVLC:

   * Adjust video filter control: libvlc_adjust_Enable,

     libvlc_adjust_Contrast, libvlc_adjust_Brightness, libvlc_adjust_Hue,

     libvlc_adjust_Saturation, libvlc_adjust_Gamma

   * libvlc_media_player_set_pause() can force the pause state, whereas

     libvlc_media_player_pause() would only toggle it.

   * libvlc_set_user_agent() configures the "user agent" strings used for some

     protocols (HTTP, PulseAudio...). This replaces the --http-user-agent and

     the former --user-agent libvlc_new() parameters.

   * libvlc_video_set_callbacks() and libvlc_video_set_format() allow grabbing

     video frames from a chosen memory location in real-time. This replace the

     ugly --vmem-* libvlc_new() parameters in previous versions.

     See http://wiki.videolan.org/LibVLC_SampleCode_SDL as an example.

   * libvlc_audio_get_delay() and libvlc_audio_set_delay() configure the delay

     between audio and video/subpictures for the current input.

 * Various fixes and crash preventions, especially when video functions were

   called early



 * Fix performance issues with GPU decoding using DxVA2 using ATI graphic cards

   You NEED ATI Catalyst 10.7

 * Fix :program selection in TS and DVB-T

 * Fixes and improvements for MKV, Avformat and Avcodec modules

 * Fix mod (.xm, .s3m, .it) files support on Windows and Mac builds


Stream output:

 * Fix h264 streaming in ts



 * Qt: fix preferences, hotkeys, messages and some fulscreen behaviour

 * Skins: support for mousewheel in fullscreen, fix radialsliders

 * Http: fix fullscreen toggle



 * Fix pulse closing

 * VAAPI small improvements, notably for extraction mode selection



 * Multiple interface and crash fixes

 * Deinterlace selection is repaired

 * Crashes when playing multi-channel tracks fixes



 * Activation of DEP on XP SP3

 * Fix opening of .m3u and .pls playlists

 * Fix crash when My Document isn't available

 * Fix crash when Windows was getting into standby while playing video



 * Update translations for Spanish, Polish, German, Sinhala, Hungarian, Khmer,

   Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Hebrew, Slovak, Galician



Changes between 1.0.6 and 1.1.0:



Important changes for users:

 * On Linux, known bugs in the ALSA library might prevent audio output.

   Update to alsa-lib 1.0.24 or later, or use the PulseAudio output instead.


Important changes for packagers:

 * The module cache has moved to ${libdir}/vlc/. The module cache can now be

   generated at install time except if you use staged installation. In the

   later case, you can generate the module cache in your post-inst script

   by invoking 'vlc-cache-gen'. If the module cache is not present and vlc

   can't write in ${libdir}/vlc/, it will result it vlc taking a long time to

   launch each time.

 * Most X11-related plugins now use XCB instead of Xlib. VLC now uses

   - xproto,

   - xcb, xcb-shm, xcb-xv, xcb-randr (from libxcb),

   - xcb-keysyms (from xcb-utils),

   - x11-xcb (from libx11) - only for GLX support.

 * On X11 platforms, a _working_ version of xdg-screensaver is typically

   required to inhibit the screensaver during video playback.



 * Support for the sftp protocol

 * Support for CDDB servers for Audio-CD on the Windows port

 * New memory input (imem) access and access_demux module to feed VLC from data in memory

 * New avio module to use libavformat capabilities for network streams, like rtmp://

 * Port of the screen module from Xlib to XCB

 * Port of the dc1394 module from libdc1394 to libdc1394 v2.0



 * Support for DxVA2 for H.264 decoding on GPU on Windows Vista and 7

 * Support for VAAPI for H.264 decoding on GPU on GNU/Linux

 * Support for Audio/Video decoders and encoders using OpenMAX IL components for DSP


 * Support PGS subtitles for Blu-Ray

 * Support for HD-DVB subtitles - Display Definition Segment

 * Invmem module improvements

 * Support for Atrac1 audio codec

 * Support for SSE3 and SSE4 capabilities in some codecs

 * Multiple improvements for subtitles styles in .SRT and .SSA

 * Support for native decoding of Windows Media Speech (Voice) audio codec

 * Support for AMR-NB audio codec on the Windows and Mac port

 * Support for Indeo5 video codec

 * Improvements on the FLAC format (7.1 channels and 88.2/176.4/192 kHz support)

 * Direct rendering is used more often with H.264 in avcodec module

 * Support for MPEG-4 ALS lossless audio codec

 * Support for VP8 codec

 * Support for 7.1 channels in vorbis audio



 * Many fixes on Matroska support (notably seeking) and support for Webm format

 * Support for .aob files from DVD-Audio (MLP and LPCM) (Full disc support is NOT present yet)

 * Support for ADPCM in .flv streams

 * Support for TwinVQ (.vqf) and AMV (.amv) files

 * Various EGP improvements

 * Support for embedded subtitles in OpenDML and legacy .avi files

 * Metadata and cover art improvements



 * WPL and ZPL playlist support

 * Lua scripts for Mpora, Vimeo playback and Rockbox FM radios

 * New Play-And-Pause function to stop playback on latest video image

 * Podcast images are now displayed


Video Output:

 * Rewrite of the video output core and most video outputs

 * Added desktop mode to the Direct3D output module. It differs from DirectX

   desktop mode, because it hides the desktop icons, but reacts to mouse clicks.

 * New x11, glx and xv modules based on XCB

 * New deinterlacing modes based on yadif and yadif(x2)

 * New audio/video filter to show audio level on the video output

 * Enhanced AtmoLight filter with hardware support for

     Classic AtmoLight (http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Atmo-plugin)

     Quattro AtmoLight (use just 4 Classic AtmoLights as one)

     MoMoLight (http://www.ambilight4pc.com/momolight/momolight.html)

     Simple serial DMX controller (http://www.ulrichradig.de/ search for DMX)



 * New content extensions lua framework


Audio filters:

 * Chorus/Flanger audio filter

 * 3F1R to stereo down-mix filter

 * Dolby mixer, parameterized equalizer, trivial mixer, scaletempo, bandlimited

   resampler, linear resampler, ugly resampler, converter_fixed, DTS to SPDIF

   and A/52 to SPDIF filters have been upgraded to the "audio filter2" API

 * NEON assembly audio converter module

 * Converter filters have been rewritten and extended to support s32 as input


Service discovery:

 * Service discoveries can now be written in lua

 * Service discovery for Picture/Music/Video user directories

 * Service discovery based on libudev

 * Shoutcast Service discoveries are now removed



 * x264, add psy-rd parameter and change default settings

 * x264, add profile-limitter same way as x264.exe has, for example


 * x264, defaults to crf=23 as x264.exe-does, if bitrate is given,

   uses ABR and if qp-value is set uses CQP

 * libx264-version 0.76 or higher is required

 * x264 has tune/preset parameters supported


Stream output:

 * New smem module, streaming to memory

 * Allow duplicate outputs to be merged, like:

   --sout "#duplicate{dst=transcode{vcodec=mp2v},select=es=0,dst=transcode,select=es=1}:std{...}"



 * Renamed the legacy rc, telnet and http interfaces to oldrc, oldtelnet

   and oldhttp.

 * rc, telnet and http are now implemented using the lua interface system.

 * qt4 interface contains new iconview and listview mode for playlist



 * Support of .milk visualization files using projectM libraries


Mac OS X Port:

 * Vastly improved VLCKit framework

 * A new dialog provider for libvlc-internal interaction without full interface

 * Improved update detection and installation by using the Sparkle framework

   by Andy Matuschak et al.

 * New CoreText based text renderer replacing the former ATSUI renderer

 * New Video output module (mostly targetting VLCKit)

 * Optimised behavior when using the 2009 Apple Remote


Windows port:

 * Integration in Windows 7 taskbar

 * Playback of .Midi files is supported through fluidsynth's module


Maemo port:

 * Multiple improvements for N900 compliance and efficiency

 * Support for HW accelerated video decoding on N900

 * Improvements to the maemo/hildon interface



 * new sqlite module

 * --save-config command line option not supported anymore.

 * Fixed and reenabled netsync module.

 * Improved Solaris port



 * new C++ wrapper around libVLC: libVLCpp

 * phonon-VLC backend is now usable


Removed modules:

 * csri codec: use the libass module instead.

 * galaktos visualisation: use the new projectM module instead.

 * showintf: Useless in Qt and on Mac OS X

 * transrate: broken since too long

 * Xlib x11, Xlib xvideo, Xlib glx: Use the new XCB modules instead.

 * HAL: Use libudev instead.

 * gtk_main, gtk_main2, gnome_main, gnome_main2 and pda interfaces

 * WinCE, BeOS and qnx interfaces

 * opie, qte and qte_main interfaces

 * linear_resampler and trivial_resampler are removed: use the ugly one.

 * XvMC accelerated modules: use VAAPI instead.

 * MGA (Matroska) for Linux: use Linux Framebuffer (or X) instead.

 * opengllayer: use macosx_video instead.

 * cddax: use cdda instead.

 * cmml and tarkin codecs are removed because they are dead codecs.

 * realaudio codecs: use libavcodec

 * access_file removed in favor of filesystem

 * RTMP input and output: use avio module



Changes between 1.0.5 and 1.0.6:




 * Fix crash on FTP URI with no file path



 * Fix overflows in A/52, DTS, MPEG Audio and subtitles support



 * Update LUA script for Youtube pages

 * Fix crashes in AVI, ASF and Matroska files

 * Fix crashes on malformatted ZIP archives

 * Fix crashes and leaks in the FFmpeg/avformat plugin

 * Fix crash on invalid XSPF playlist


X11 port:

 * Partial Xlib threading fixes

   More complete fixes are available in VLC 1.1.0. Please update!



 * Fix crash (use after free) in Qt4 bookmarks

 * Fix a few crashes in Qt4 playlist



 * Simplified Chinese, Estonian, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Swedish

   and Walloon translations updated

 * Sinhala translation started


Removed modules:

 * RTMP input and output are removed due to security problems. Please update

   to VLC 1.1.0 which provides an FFmpeg-based RTMP input if needed.



Changes between 1.0.4 and 1.0.5:




 * SubRip extra styles improvements

 * Fix potential crashes in SSA and svg decoders


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Improved support for the 2009 Apple Remote


Windows port:

 * Use of gcc 4.4.2 to compile instead of gcc 4.2. This might slightly

   increase performance and fix x264 issues



 * Portuguese Brazilian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Bengali,

   Walloon, Galician, Danish, Khmer, Polish, Slovenian, Vietnamese, Finnish

   Russian, Slovak translation updates

 * New Malayalam, Macedoninan, Nynorsk translations



Changes between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4:



Audio outputs:

 * Fix deadlocks in the audio output core

 * Make PulseAudio the default output if available


Video outputs:

 * Fix fullscreen mode with KDE 4.3.3 and other window managers

 * Fix incompatibility with cairo-dock and compositing



 * Fix DVB scanning regression from VLC 1.0.3

 * Support for XZ-compressed byte stream (LZMA algorithm)



 * Support for .m3u8 playlist files (UTF-8 M3U)



 * Support for xcb-keysyms version 0.3.4 or higher

 * Fix globalhotkeys on FreeBSD


Qt4 interface:

 * Fix opening V4L version 1 devices

 * Fix default destination ports in the streaming wizard



  * New Walloon translation

  * Swedish, Ukrainian and French translation updates



Changes between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3:



Video outputs:

 * Fix video quality when resizing the video on Windows Vista and 7, due to

   regressions in most popular drivers

 * New deinterlacers modules based on yadif and yadif(x2) algorithms



 * Windows version supports now natively the WMA Professional codec, as it

   didn't work in the packaged version of 1.0.2

 * Fix downmixing of particual 4.0 AC-3 audio tracks



 * x264 has profile-limitter, like:




 * Update for appletrailers lua script

 * Fixes on the RAR stream filter

 * Fix for E-AC3 in ATSC/TS streams

 * Various fixes for v4l and v4l2

 * Fix a crash in mjpeg demuxer


Service discovery:

 * New udev module for linux


Qt4 interface:

 * Fixes on the playlist and the stream output panels



 * French, Galician, Korean, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Slovak and Ukrainian updates



Changes between 1.0.1 and 1.0.2:




 * Native support for WMA Professional, without the use of the Win32 dlls

 * Fix issues in subtitles, especially SSA ones

 * Various fixes on theora and ogg



 * Various fixes for EPG support in MPEG-TS demuxer

 * Fixes for potential stack overflow in .avi, .mp4 and .asf demuxers



 * Fixes for v4l2 devices

 * Fixes for dvb-c channels-scanning


Qt Interface:

 * Fix some playlist sorting issues


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Fixed a crash when updating VLC

 * Fixed a crash related to QTKit when opening video files (10.6 only)

 * Added the ability to play 2nd media in sync to the primary item (input-slave)

 * Added the "Quit after Playback" feature


Mac OS X Port:

 * The "Delete Preferences" script is now delivered as a Universal Binary

   with native code for PowerPC, Intel and Intel 64bit

 * Full 64bit runtime compatibility on both Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6

   - no support for Goom and SDL

   - limited text rendering support

   - This port is still considered as EXPERIMENTAL despite its binary release.



 * MPEG2 transrate stream output removed

 * x264 default-values closer to x264.exe defaults.

 * x264 rc-behaviour fixes:

   - if user defines qp-value, CQP-mode is used

   - otherwise if user defines vb=0, CRF-mode is used

   - otherwise ABR-mode is used

 * x264 set vbv-bufsize/vbv-maxsize better if user hasn't defined these:

   - ABR mode set vbv-max-bitrate=bitrate

   - vbv-bufsize is bitrate * seconds between keyframes (keyint/fps)




 * Lua scripts for Mpora and Vimeo playback


Unix builds:

 * Various fixes to enable 1.0 to build on Solaris and OpenBSD



 * New Kazakh and Croatian translations

 * Lithunanian translation is available on Windows

 * Galician, Korean, Nepali, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Portuguese Brazilian,

   Arabic and French translation updates



Changes between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1:




 * Fix wmv/asf issues that caused audio to drop

 * Various fixes for ac3, mp3, dts and stability for wav format

 * Fix seek in RTSP in conformity to RFC 2326

 * Fix Dailymotion access script

 * Fix crashes in xspf files handler

 * Fix seeking and timing issues in some flv files on Windows version



 * Add extra caching for files on network shares

 * Prevent integer underflow in Real pseudo-RTSP module, discovered by tixxDZ,

   DZCORE Labs, Algeria



 * Fix seeking in mpeg2 video files

 * Improve SSA subtitles rendering

 * Update most codecs for the Windows and Mac version



 * Fix sound recording of .flv files with mp3 audio


Qt Interface:

 * Possibility to change the opacity level of the Fullscreen controller

 * Fix various crashes and VIDEO_TS folders opening


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Added options to disable support for Apple Remote and Media Keys

 * Fixed options for Volume, Last.fm password and Subtitle Encoding

 * Fixed redraw issues when autosizing the video window

 * Preferences panel now includes help through tool-tips

 * More reliable Information and Messages panels

 * Fix various crashes


Windows port:

 * The ZVBI module is now available for Windows, for complete teletext support


Translations updates for Brazillian, French, German, Korean, Norwegian Nynorsk,




Changes between 0.9.10 and 1.0.0:



Important notes:


 * Alsa and OSS audio capture has been removed from the v4l and v4l2 accesses.

   See 'Access:' for more info.

 * Support for Mac OS X 10.4.x was dropped due to its technical limitations



 * Instantaneous pausing

 * Frame-by-Frame playback

 * Finer speed control

 * On-the-fly recording for all medias

 * Timeshift for most medias

 * RTSP trickplay support

 * Subtitles core improvements and fixes



 * New AES3 (SMPTE 302M) decoder

 * New Dolby Digital Plus - E-AC-3 (A/52b) decoder

 * New True HD/MLP decoder and parser

 * New Blu-Ray Linear PCM decoder

 * New QCELP (Qualcomm PureVoice) decoder

 * Improved Real Video 3.0 & 4.0 decoder

 * New WMA v1/2 fixed point integer decoder

 * Closed Captions using the SCTE-20 standard are now correctly decoded

 * Improvement of WavPack decoder to support all integer modes and float mode

 * Corrections on 5.1 and 7.1 channel decoding and ordering



 * Support for Dirac, MLP and RealVideo in Matroska files

 * Major improvements in RealMedia files opening (.rm and .rmvb)

 * Improvements of the TS demuxer for M2TS files from Blu-Ray and AVCHD

 * Metadata for mod files are supported

 * GSM codecs in Wav files are supported

 * New raw audio demuxer supporting raw PCM streams

 * New Dirac demuxer for raw Dirac streams



 * Dirac encoding using libdirac (supported in Ogg and in TS)

 * Shine mp3 fixed-point encoder



 * RTSP authentication with Darwin Streaming Server

 * On-the-fly gzip and bzip2 file decompression (except on Windows)

 * Playback for video in uncompressed multi-RAR archives

 * DVB-S and ATSC cards support on Windows

 * New OSS and Alsa accesses. The v4l2 and v4l modules no longer support

   OSS or Alsa audio input. Use --input-slave alsa:// or oss:// if needed.

 * DVB scanning on linux

 * EXPERIMENTAL Blu-Ray Disc and AVCHD Folders support

 * On-the-fly zip file decompression and browsing (MRL of the form

   zip://file.zip!/file.avi to specify the file - the development form of

   zip://file.zip|file.avi is not supported anymore)

 * Opening of any file descriptor using 'fd://'

 * MTP device access on Unix

 * CD-Text support on the cdda module (CD-Audio)

 * :start-time and :stop-time can handle sub-second values



 * Mouse cursor support in x11 and win32 screen modules

 * Screen module now features partial screen capture and mouse following on

   Windows and Mac OS X.



 * Export the playlist in HTML

 * Lua script for BBC radio playback

 * Better metadata handling and reading


Linux/Windows interface:

 * Global Hotkeys on Windows and Linux

 * Various fixes for skins2 interface

 * Recently played items list

 * Interface toolbar customizations

 * Various Improvements on the Qt interface:

    - More menus actions

    - Finer speed slider

    - Improvements on many dialogs

    - New dialog for plugins listing

    - Fixed-size mode for videos

    - Better Teletext, trickplay and encrypted streams control

 * Better integration in GTK environments


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Controllable by the Media Keys on modern Apple keyboards (brushed Aluminium)

 * Reveal-in-Finder functionality for locally stored items.

 * Easy addition of subtitles through the Video menu

 * Additional usability improvements


Stream output:

 * Restored the old mpeg2 transrating module.

 * Multiple bridge-in instances are now possible.

 * bridge-in can be used to configure a placeholder stream.

 * Remote Audio Output Protocol (AirTunes) module.

 * Fixed mosaic memleak. Mosaics are now usable again.


Maemo Port:

 * New Maemo port with:

   - an interface based on Hildon framework.

   - scaler based on the swscale_nokia770 library.


Windows CE Port:

 EXPERIMENTAL work for the winCE port has been done.


Mac OS X Port:

 * EXPERIMENTAL 64bit support

 * Speed improvements by using llvm-gcc

 * New document icons by Dominic Spitaler

 * Support for latest iSight models


Audio output:

 * Removed obsolete Esound and aRts plugins

 * Surround support for PulseAudio


Video output:

 * Effects (cube, torus, etc.) removed from OpenGL video output

 * Video is able to stay in original size and to zoom in fullscreen

   (hotkey 'o') while keeping black borders

 * Image video output has been rewritten into a video-filter named 'scene'.

   The old image video output has been removed.

 * Support for scaling and converting video chromas with FFMPEG imgresample was

   withdrawn due to bugs. Please use the newer FFMPEG swscale instead.



 * Invmem, a fake codec to display images from external applications


New Localization:

 * Khmer

 * Mongolian

 * Sorani



Changes between 0.9.9a and 0.9.10:



HTTP Interface:

 * Fixed default ACL


Mac OS X:

 * Fixed crashes on multi-screen setups

 * Corrected volume and subtitle encoding options in the Preferences

 * Improved Information panel behavior, when playlist is not displayed

 * Fixed QTCapture input support for the latest iSight models

 * Added a menu-item to unlock the video window's aspect ratio

 * Fixed redraw issues when autosizing the video window

 * Updated libpng, libgpg-error, libgcrypt, fribidi


Various fixes to the following modules:

 * access:

   - HTTP, SMB

   - updated and additional access scripts (BBC radio, dailymotion, ...)

   - Prevent integer underflow in Real pseudo-RTSP module, discovered by tixxDZ,

     DZCORE Labs, Algeria

 * stream out:

   - RTP, RTSP VoD, Mosaic Bridge

 * decoder:

   - TSCC



Changes between 0.9.9 and 0.9.9a:



Mac OS X:

 * Updated multiple 3rd party libraries to keep in sync with the Win32 port

 * Playback fixes for PowerPC-based Macs



Changes between 0.9.8a and 0.9.9:




 * Experimental new decoder for Real Video 3.0 & 4.0



 * Various fixes related to real demuxer


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Fixed circumstances, which could lead to an empty Information panel

   - Note that VLC will show information on the currently _selected_ item

     instead of the currently _playing_ item, if the playlist is visible in the

     main controller window.

 * Fixed multiple UTF8 issues in the Streaming / Exporting Wizard


Mac OS X Port:

 * Improved video playback performance on Intel-based Macs


New Localizations:

 * Indonesian

 * Bengali

 * Updates of other localizations


Various bugfixes:

 * Support for receiving RTP packets on odd port numbers.

 * Lots of small bugfixes.

 * Correct Fullscreen behaviour on Multi-Screen setups on Windows

 * Telnet fixes on Windows

 * Resampling fixes when transcoding



Changes between 0.9.6 and 0.9.8a:



Security update:

 * Fixed buffer overflow in Real demuxer (SA-0811, CVE-2008-5276)


Bunch of small bugfixes.



Changes between 0.9.5 and 0.9.6:


New Localizations:

 * Ukrainian


Security updates:

 * Fixed overflow in CUE support from VCD access (SA-0810, CVE-2008-5032)

 * Fixed overflow in RealText subtitles support (SA-0810, CVE-2008-5036)



Changes between 0.9.4 and 0.9.5:


Security updates:

 * Fixed buffer overflow in TiVo demuxer (SA-0809, CVE-2008-4686, CVE-2008-4654)

 * Fixed libpng CVE-2008-3964 in Win32 and MacOS builds



 * Closed Caption EIA 608/708 parsing enabled for libmpeg2


Various bugfixes:

 * Fixed various potential crashes and memleaks

 * Fixed issues with reading from files (especially non-local)


Windows port:

 * Fix bug where interface was "eating" some media keys

 * Fix some crashes in DirectShow access


Qt Interface:

 * Fix bug when the resetting of preferences didn't reset the dialog states

 * Right-click menu to select playlist columns reenabled

 * Various fixed in playlist



 * MMAP module is now deactivated by default



 * Update of Brazillian, Swedish translation



Changes between 0.9.3 and 0.9.4:


Various bugfixes:

 * Crashes fixed in ogg, vobsub, dvdread

 * Fixes several memory leaks.


Mac OS X port:

 * Apple machines without Quartz Extreme are no longer supported (use 0.9.2 or earlier )

 * Fixed a crash with deletion of old preferences.

 * Fixed targetname for downloaded updates


Windows port:

 * Stability fix for the video output.



Changes between 0.9.2 and 0.9.3:



Various bugfixes:

 * Fixed DTS channel order on 5.1 systems

 * Fixed pausing behavior for subtitles and for Audio-CD

 * Multiple subtitles and podcast fixes

 * Various crashes fixed in PS, SSA, mkv, xspf, freetype

 * Fixed update system bugs

 * Other bug fixes (dvd language selection, subtitle colours, HTTP keep-alive...+)


Mac OS X port:

 * Fixed ffmpeg slowness on PowerPC-based Macs

 * Fixed crash on startup when installed on old preferences

 * Fixed bug in directory opening on Mac OS X

 * Fixed font selection in the Simple Preferences

 * Thicker border to the subtitle renderer

 * Fixed the appearance of playlist items in the Streaming/Transcoding Wizard

 * Fixed AC3 passthrough on Mac OS X

 * Fixed behavior of the Volume Normalizer settings on Mac OS X

 * Removed the deprecated QuickDraw video output module to avoid crashes on

   modern Mac OS X versions


Windows port:

 * Fixed sensitivity of Fullscreen Controller

 * Fixed error messages on startup when VLC wasn't correctly uninstalled

   before installation

 * Fix showing of controller when returning from fullscreen playback

 * Multiple directory and path location fixes.


Qt4 interface:

 * Added Faster/Slower icons to the controller panel

 * Fixed lost playlist columns when switching the playlist view

 * Added needed options to Simple preferences (to avoid NVIDIA drivers issues)

 * Fullscreen controller: added time label, remembering of last position

 * Fixed drag'n drop behaviour on the playlist

 * Multiple other fixes (Enter hotkey in preferences, Skins selection...)



Changes between 0.9.1 and 0.9.2:



 * Restored the old behavior of --sout-keep. It is now de-activated by default.

 * Skins2 interface repaired on Windows.

 * Multiple bugfixes.



Changes between 0.9.1 and 0.9.0:



 * Multiple bug fixes.



Changes between 0.8.6i and 0.9.0:



Important notes:


 * This release will need Windows 2000 and Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), or more

   recent to work correctly

 * The HTTP interface is now only available on the local machine by default.

   If you want to make it available from other machines, you will have to

   edit the ".hosts" file.

   - On UNIX/Linux, the file is in /usr/share/vlc/http/.hosts

     If you're using the old http interface, it's located in


   - On Windows they are in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\http\.hosts and

     C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\http\old\.hosts

   - On Mac OS X, you can find it in VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/http/.hosts

     and respectively in VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/http/old/.hosts

 * This version of VLC contains a new interface for Windows and Linux.

   This interface has a fullscreen controller and simplified preferences.

   This interface lacks the "Streaming Wizard" that used to be present in VLC

   0.8.6, but provides basic profiles.

 * The behavior of --sout-keep was changed. It's now activated by default.

 * The marq, mosaic and logo commands in the rc interface changed. They

   now require a target name as their first argument. Example:

   vlc --sub-filter "marq@test{marquee=Hello}" -I rc <somevideo>

   You can then use commands like: @test marq-marquee Goodbye

   If you didn't name the object using @test, its name will default to the

   plugin name (hence 'marq') in this example.

   These new commands are also available in the telnet interface.

 * The "rtp" access output module has been removed.

   Please use the RTP stream output instead, e.g.:

     Old: '#std{access=rtp,mux=ts,dst=,sap}'

     New: '#rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=5004,sap}'

 * You now need to append --m3u-extvlcopt to your command line to enable

   EXTVLCOPT options parsing in m3u playlists. Note that only a limited set

   of options is available to m3u playlists (CVE-2007-6683).

 * The old access:url syntax is no longer supported to resolve ambiguities

   with some file names. Use access://url instead.

    E.g.:  vlc:quit -> vlc://quit ;

           udp:@ -> udp://@

 * The ffmpeg module has been removed and replaced by the new avcodec,

   avformat, swscale (or imgresample if you use a swscale-less ffmpeg build)

   and postproc modules.

 * The web plugins ActiveX (IE)/Firefox/Mozilla/Safari now recognize the

   following states: IDLE/CLOSE=0, OPENING=1, BUFFERING=2, PLAYING=3, PAUSED=4,


   BACKWARD being reserved for future implementations and are thus not

   functional atm.

 * Croping and padding in transcode are now done using the croppadd video

   filter. For example:


 * Canvas setting in transcode is now done using the canvas video filter.

   For example:


 * Glide video output module has been removed.





Security updates:

 * Updated libfreetype on Windows and Mac OS X (CVE-2008-1806, CVE-2008-1806,


 * TTA Parser improvements (CVE-2008-3732)

 * MMS Access Module improvements (CVE-2008-3794 )



 * Vastly improved playlist support:

    * Media library creation to save all your playlist items

    * "Live search"

    * Shoutcast TV listings

    * Audioscrobbler/Last.FM support

 * Album art support

 * User definable Lua playlist scripts. See share/lua/playlist/README.txt

   (Default scripts open YouTube, DailyMotion, metacafe, Google Video and

   lots of other URLs)

 * User definable Lua album art fetcher scripts. See share/lua/meta/README.txt



 * Video for Linux 2 (V4L2) input support

 * UDP-Lite transport for RTP/AVP

 * DCCP transport for RTP/AVP

 * Proxy support for MMSH stream

 * JACK audio input support

 * Input run time option (improved live stream recording)

 * BDA devices access module for DVB-C/S/T capture cards on Microsoft Windows

 * Re-written Screen access module for Mac OS X

   using OpenGL instead of QuickDraw

 * Screen module now supports partial screen capture and mouse following on X11.

 * Experimental EyeTV access module

   This requires the user to install a plugin to EyeTV.app

   (available as a separate download).

 * Simple RTP input (with MPEG A/V, G.711 and PCM support).

 * RTMP input support

 * QTKit-based Input module for Mac OS X allowing display and streaming of video

   taken from all iSight-labelled video cameras (no audio support)

 * HTTP access now supports gzip compressed data and Digest Access


 * New options to reduce latency between arrival of raw data and display of

   frames. (--auto-adjust-pts-delay and --use-stream-immediate)



 * MP4 gpac and Apple chapter support

 * Fixed playback of AIFF stereo files

 * Fixed audio glitch on seek

 * Improved FLAC demuxer (duration / current time / meta data)

 * AAC tags support

 * APEv1/2 tags support

 * Improved ID3v2 tags support

 * Improved Ogg/Vorbis tags support

 * Raw video support

 * Standard MIDI File (types 0 & 1) support

 * TiVo Series 2 support

 * CD+G karaoke Files support

 * MXF files support

 * OMA support



 * VP60/VP61/VP6F/VP62 support

 * Flash Screen Video support

 * CamStudio Screen Video support

 * DosBox Capture support

 * Karl Morton's Video support

 * limited atrac3 support

 * Fraps support

 * Fluidsynth MIDI software synthesis (with external sound fonts)

 * New codec FOURCCs to support more specific files:

   Avid, FCP, Sony, Samsung, ...

 * H.264 PAFF support

 * DNxHD / VC-3 support

 * NellyMoser ASAO support

 * APE (Monkey audio) support

 * RealVideo support (with the RealVideo run-time)

 * Dirac video support using libschroedinger



 * Closed Caption Decoder (DVD, ReplayTV, TiVo, DVB/ATSC)

 * VBI & EBU (Teletext) support (*nix, Mac OS)

 * Ogg/Kate subtitles support

 * AQTitle subtitles support

 * MKV USF subtitles support

 * HTML-based subtitles support

 * MPSub subtitles support

 * JacoSub subtitles basic support

 * MPL2 subtitles support

 * Rewrite of ASS/SSA scripts and subtitles support

 * PowerDivx (.psb) Subtitles support

 * Realtext subtitle support

 * DKS subtitle support

 * SubViewer 1.0 (SubRip09) subtitles support

 * Correct Right-to-left languages in subtitles support



 * Flash Screen Video support

 * Improved H.264 encoding speed


Video outputs and filters:

 * New CoreAnimation-based output module (VLCKit framework on OS X only)

 * Adjust, Invert and Distort (now split into Wave, Ripple, Gradient and

   Psychedelic) video filters can now be streamed

 * New puzzle video output filter

 * Re-written motion detection video filter

 * New extract video filter (extract Red, Green and Blue components from a


 * New sharpen video filter (increase the contrast of adjacent pixels)

 * New erase video filter (removes logos from a video)

 * Enhanced subtitles' renderer to support bold, italic and some HTML tags

   (Google Summer of Code Student project)

 * Support for RGBA and I420 blending.

   The latter improves Mosaic CPU usage *a lot*.

 * New transparency mask video filter (for use with the mosaic_bridge module).

 * New bluescreen video filter (for use with the mosaic_bridge module).

   This was previously part of the mosaic module.

 * Fixed random characters problem in RSS filter.

 * Add rotate-deciangle for more precision on rotate filter

 * Support for Intel SSE2 instruction set in chroma converters

 * Improved use of Intel MMX instruction set in chroma converters

 * New croppadd and canvas video filters.


Audio outputs and filters:

 * Replay gain support

 * Audio playback when going slower/faster (with pitch correction via

   new scaletempo audio filter)

 * New spatializer audio filter

 * Correct DTS output via S/PDIF


Stream output:

 * RTSP for TS-multiplexed broadcast streams

 * New RTP payload formats:

   * Speex voice audio codec

   * ITU T.140 (for text, subtitles) output

   * G.711 (both A-law and B5-law) output

 * UDP-Lite transport for RTP

 * DCCP transport for RTP

 * Lots of fixes for RTSP broadcasting

 * RTMP output



 * All

   * New Simple Preferences dialogs showing the most important settings in an

     end-user suitable way.

   * Improved user interaction

   * Improved mouse gestures

   * Vastly improved Update checker

   * Full support for meta data editing (ID3v2, Ogg/Vorbis, AAC, APEv1/2)

 * Windows/Linux

   * Brand new interface for Linux and Windows, based on the Qt toolkit

   * Fullscreen controller (transparency on Linux+Composite)

 * Mac OS X

   * Improved video output features

   * Online access to VideoLAN's Help Wiki within VLC

   * New setting to disable the "Recent Items" service

   * When playing Radio (live) streams, the current track is shown correctly

   * Correct appearance on Macs using Aqua's graphite theme

   * Simplified Extended Controls panel

 * Ncurses:

   * Correctly displays wide characters when using an UTF-8 locale,

     if libncursesw is available.

   * Some nice colors if the terminal supports it (most do)

 * Experimental Lua interface modules. See vlc -I lua and

   share/lua/intf/README.txt for more info.

 * Unix

   * Option to allow only one running instance, using D-Bus interface.

   * D-Bus Interface implementing the MPRIS

     (Media Player Remote Interfacing specification), a common dbus control

     interface for media players that intends to become an xdg standard when

     finished: http://wiki.xmms2.xmms.se/index.php/Media_Player_Interfaces .

   * Motion module using disk accelerometers to keep video horizontal

   * Plugin to set Telepathy presence message using MissionControl

 * Fixed VLM schedule time on Linux


Linux Port:

 * VLC now complies with the XDG Base Directory Specification version 0.6


   (which means that VLC doesn't use the $HOME/.vlc directory anymore)


Mac OS X Port:

 * Mac OS X Framework "VLCKit" that can be used to embed VLC in third party

   applications (Google Summer of Code Student project, Mac OS X 10.5 only)

 * New text renderer based on Quartz replacing the existing Freetype solution

 * Complete compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

   * It is now required to compile a fully featured build

 * The support of Mac OS X 10.3.9 and QuickTime 6.x was discontinued.



 * Event management and various improvements in libvlc

   (Part of a Google Summer of Code Student project)


New Localizations:

 * Finnish

 * Persian

 * Polish

 * Punjabi

 * Bulgarian



  * LibVLC now supports externally built plugins properly.

    A "vlc-plugin" pkg-config package is provided.

  * Java bindings are now built from a separate source.



Changes between 0.8.6h and 0.8.6i:



Security updates:

 * Fixed integer overflow in WAV demuxer (CVE-2008-2430)


Various bugfixes:

 * Fixed option to use shared memory within the GLX video output module

 * Improved galaktos-based audio visualizations on FreeBSD

 * Miscellaneous bugfixes in multiple modules and in libvlc

   (transcode stream output, OSD menu video filter, VCD input,

    SAP services discovery, http control interface)

 * Updated Polish translation



Changes between 0.8.6g and 0.8.6h:



Security updates:

 * Updated GnuTLS and libgcrypt on Windows and Mac OS X (CVE-2008-1948,

   CVE-2008-1949, CVE-2008-1950)

 * Updated libxml2 on Windows and Mac OS X (CVE-2007-6284)



 * Updated libebml and libmatroska on Mac OS X. Reliability improvements.

 * Miscellaneous bugfixes in multiple modules and in libvlc

   (ftp access, record access filter, video filters, RC interface,

    playlist demuxer, IP networking, MPJPEG muxer, stream outputs)

 * Improved support for MPEG2 content created by Final Cut Pro

 * More reliable audio reception for MPEG TS streams

 * Fixed a regression in 0.8.6g where usage of the snapshot feature could lead

   to an unexpected application termination

 * New Serbian translation

 * Updated Romanian translation



Changes between 0.8.6f and 0.8.6g:



Security updates:

 * Removed VLC variable settings from Mozilla and ActiveX

   (CVE-2007-6683, VideoLAN-SA-0804)

 * Removed loading plugins from the current directory

   (CVE-2008-2147, VideoLAN-SA-0805)

 * Updated libpng on Windows and Mac OS X (CVE-2008-1382)

 * Fixed libid3tag denial of service (CVE-2008-2109)

 * Fixed libvorbis vulnerabilities (CVE-2008-1419, CVE-2008-1420, CVE-2008-1423)

 * Fixed speex insufficient boundary check (CVE-2008-1686, oCERT-2008-004)


Various bugfixes:

 * Fixed various memory leaks, improving stability when running as a server

 * Fixed compilation with recent versions of FFmpeg

 * Correctly parses SAP announcements from MPEG-TS

 * Fixed AAC resampling

 * The Fullscreen Controller appears correctly on Mac OS X,

   if the 'Always-on-top' video option was selected.



Changes between 0.8.6e and 0.8.6f:



Security updates:

 * Really fixed subtitle buffer overflow (CVE-2007-6681, CVE-2008-1881)

 * Fixed Real RTSP code execution problem (CVE-2008-0073)

 * Fixed MP4 integer overflows (CVE-2008-1489, CVE-2008-1768)

 * Fixed cinepak vulnerabilities (CVE-2008-1769)

 - More information can be found in VideoLAN-SA-0801 and VideoLAN-SA-0803.


Various bugfixes:

 * The Mozilla plugin registers a usable range of MIME-types on Mac OS X

 * Improved VLC's video output behavior on multi-screen setups running Mac OS X

 * Fixed crashes in H264 packetizer

 * Close MMS access on network timeout

 * Fix some problems with AAC decoder & packetizer



Changes between 0.8.6d and 0.8.6e:



Various bugfixes:

 * Resume playback for viewing content over FTP

 * Fixed XShm detection with remote X11


Security updates:

 * Subtitle demuxers overflow (CVE-2007-6681)

 * HTTP listener format string injection (CVE-2007-6682)

 * Fixed buffer overflow in the SDL_image library (CVE-2006-4484)

 * Real RTSP overflows (CVE-2008-0225, CVE-2008-0295, CVE-2008-0296,


 * Arbitrary memory overwrite in the MP4 demuxer (CORE-2008-0130,



Audio filter:

 * Fixed DTS to S/PDIF converter


Audio output:

 * Fixed 5.1 audio on ALSA



 * Fixed some RTSP hanging and user/password passing through RTSP URLs


Stream output:

 * Fixed waiting for SPS/PPS problem in H.264 packetizer



 * Improved compatibility for creating H.264 video files playable on iPhones

 * Improved detection of optimal amount of threads for multi-threaded H.264

   encoding on multi-cpu systems

    - Note that this is used when transcode threads is set to 0 (default)

    - Not supported on Windows (multiple threads require manual configuration)


Mac OS X Interface & Port:

 * Restored compatibility with Mac OS X 10.3.9

 * Corrected behavior of the Preferences panel

 * VLC no longer crashes on quit while playing



 * Updated Romanian and Polish translations



Changes between 0.8.6c and 0.8.6d:



Various bugfixes:

 * Mozilla plugin: supports a reasonable amount of MIME types on Windows

 * Linux: Fixed S/PDIF passthrough with ALSA

 * Automatic recovery on unexpected stream discontinuity (clock gap) occurrences

   in input

 * Use field order (top/bottom) for correct bob/linear deinterlacing

 * Fix invalid free in bookmarks loading code


Windows and Mac OS Binaries

 * FLAC Security Update (CVE-2007-4619) to prevent multiple integer overflows


Active X plugin:

 * Security update (VideoLAN-SA-0703, CVE-2007-6262)


Mac OS X Interface & Port:

 * Apple Remote support on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard with enhanced functionality

 * Improved Video Output compatibility for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

 * Improved behavior of the Fullscreen Controller and mode changes between

   Fullscreen and Windowed Video Output

 * Softened the white flash artifacts that may appear during the transition of

   two different movies

 * Support for current Ogg file formats

 NOTE: This release requires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher.

       Mac OS X 10.3.9 is not supported anymore.



 * Improved H.264 encoding speed on Mac OS X


Other changes:

 * The automatic updating facility was removed

 * You now need to append --m3u-extvlcopt to your command line to enable

   EXTVLCOPT options parsing in m3u playlists.

 * RTSP server remote denial of service fixed (CVE-2007-6684).



Changes between 0.8.6b and 0.8.6c:



Various bugfixes, notably:

 * Windows Vista compatibility

 * Cropping in Direct3D

 * Fullscreen change crash on Mac OS X

 * RSS filter string overflow

 * Few memory leaks

 * MKV demuxer crash (related to seeking)


CDDA / Vorbis / Theora / SAP plugins:

 * Security updates (VideoLAN-SA-0702, CVE-2007-3316, US-CERT VU#200928)



 * Fixed a problem with detecting embedded subtitles (GAB2 format) in AVI

 * Prevent WAV file integer overflow (CVE-2007-3467 & CVE-2007-3468)



 * Updated FLAC API compatibility



 * Support for new v4l2 encoder API



 * New localisation: Arabic, Persian



Changes between 0.8.6a and 0.8.6b:



Various bugfixes, notably:

 * Out-of-bound read in demuxers

 * Demuxers crashes (incl. CVE-2007-0256)

 * Mac OS X Interface crashes

 * VP31 decoding on Windows platforms

 * Direct3D Video Output modifications for Vista compatibility

 * Correct behaviour for feeding streams to Icecast or Shoutcast servers



 * Enhanced Flash Video support incl. VP61 and VP60

 * Teletext subtitles (telx) support


Webbrowser plugins:

 * Rectified behaviour and improved usability


Mac OS X Interface & Port:

 * Diverse usability improvements

 * New wizard option to embed subtitles

 * Screensaver/automatic sleep mode is enabled when a video is paused

 * Improved Delete-Preferences-Script



Changes between 0.8.6 and 0.8.6a:



CDDA / VCDX plugins:

 * Security updates (VideoLAN-SA-0701, CVE-2007-0017)


Mac OS X Interface:

 * Fullscreen controller improvements



Changes between 0.8.5 and 0.8.6:




 * Shoutcast TV listings support



 * Support for RTSP authentication

 * Support for adding subtitles on the fly

 * Fixed MPEG-PS duration calculation

 * ATSC support for DVB input

 * Partial reading support for DVR-ms recordings

 * Partial reading support for MXF and GXF fileformat

 * Improved support for Flash Video files



 * Native WMV9/VC-1 support

 * WMA Speech support (through binary codecs)

 * VP5/VP6 - Flash Video support (not VP61)

 * The True Audio Lossless codec support

 * Matroska WavPack support

 * Improved H.264 support (interlaced, speed improvements etc but no PAFF)

 * Fixed a problem with MPEG2 field pictures

 * Fixed swapped colors on DVB subtitles


Video output:

 * Additional OpenGL effects (cylinder, torus, sphere, ...)

 * Experimental Direct3D 9 video output (win32). Best served on Vista :)

 * Improved libcaca support



 * All

   * New hotkeys for crop and zoom

   * Support for snapshots from the HTTP interface

 * Windows

   * Systray support in skins

 * OS X

   * Support for Apple Remote control

   * Fullscreen controller panel (artwork by Simon DamkjC&r Andersen)

   * New playmode buttons (artwork by Simon DamkjC&r Andersen)

   * right/ctrl-click menu in video outputs

   * Main Menu uses autohide when playing videos in fullscreen mode

 * Linux

   * Notifications using notification-daemon


Windows port:

 * Support for Unicode filenames (Windows NT and above)

   Windows 9x/ME users:

     - Please note that these versions of Windows are not officially supported

     - Unicode support for Windows 9x/ME applications is available through the

       Microsoft Layer for Unicode available from the following location:


       Download the MSLU package (unicows) and extract the content into the folder


 * Fixed IPv6 support on the client side

 * Fixed disable screensaver (Direct3D and DirectX video output)



 * Add Czech

 * Add Slovak

 * Add Malay

 * Add Slovenian



 * Updates to the libvlc API

 * Fixes for the mozilla and activeX plugins



Changes between 0.8.4a and 0.8.5



Core support:

 * Statistics collection (bitrates, packets, connections, ...)

 * Support for downloading updates

 * Updated strings



 * Initial support for RTSP-over-HTTP (to allow NAT traversal)

 * Linux DV (Digital Video - Firewire) input

 * Improvements to the Audio CD input

     - Separate playlist entries for the tracks

     - Support for CDDB

 * Support for more DVB (satellite) encryption modules

 * Improved subtitles encoding support

 * Improved support for playing MP4 files from the Web



 * Cook (Real audio) support


Playlist / Services discovery:

 * XSPF playlist support

 * Podcast support

 * Updated Shoutcast to use new listing


Audio output:

 * New JACK audio output


Video output:

 * New video filters:

    - magnify: allows you to zoom on part of the image

    - gradient and edge detection: "cartoon-like" effect

    - bluescreen: overlay parts of a video transparently on another one

 * Logo video filter: can now loop through multiple images

 * RSS video filter: display feed images. Support for Atom feeds.

 * Improvements to the subtitles rendering


Stream output:

 * Initial support for throttling users on VOD streams



 * System to inform the user and request information

    - HTTP authentication

    - Fatal errors

    - ...

 * wxWidgets

    - VLM (VideoLAN Media Manager) control panel

    - Improved media information panel (shows statistics, metadata, ...)

    - Drag & Drop support in the playlist

 * Skins2

    - New default skin

    - Support for Winamp 2 skins

    - Improved playlist handling

    - Support for popup menus, animated bitmaps, equalizer, ...

 * OS X

    - Embedded Video output

    - new Go-To-Specific-Time feature

    - Video cropping and aspect ratio changing while playing

    - Improved media information panel (shows statistics, metadata, ...)

    - support for processing multiple items with the wizard in a single run

    - option to save selections in the wizard for a session (default enabled)


    - New default interface pages for VLC and VLM (including a mosaic wizard)

    - A bunch of new RPN functions


Windows Port:

 * MSN messenger "Now playing" support


OS X Port:

 * Mac-Intel compatibility

 * Enhanced support of various audio output devices

 * Growl "Now playing" support


*Nix port:

 * Ability to log to syslog

 * Root wrapper to avoid running VLC as root



 * New libvlc API (not finished yet)

 * Java bindings

 * A bit more automatic testing



Changes between 0.8.4 and 0.8.4a:



Audio output:

 * Fix a52 over spdif in alsa

 * SPDIF output available again in the Mac OS X Audio menu.



 * Add support for new BMP and Cook (RealAudio G2) decoders in ffmpeg

 * Add support for some non-standard FOURCCs used for H.264/H.263



 * Fix bug with some HE-AAC audio tracks


Services Discovery:

 * HAL fixes, should now work with new API

 * SAP, fix 20 second freeze on windows

 * UPnP fixes

 * Avahi 0.6 support



 * Mac OS X

    - fixed encoding of H.264/H.263 content when using the wizard



Changes between 0.8.2 and 0.8.4:



Core support:

 * Internal strings handling is now UTF-8 based

 * New OSD system


Video output:

 * Fixed problems with OpenGL output

 * New --monitor-par (pixel aspect ratio) option

 * Fixed display problems with HDTV-1080 format



 * Improved DVB support for satellite bands other than Ku-band

 * IPv6 and Extended passive mode support for FTP

 * IPv6 Source Specific Multicast support

 * GnomeVFS input module

 * Support for RTP packet reordering

 * Fixed syntax for FTP URLs



 * Support for libSDL_image to import different image types

 * Musepack decoder using libmpdec

 * QDM2 audio support (needs ffmpeg from 19th Oct 2005 or later)


Services discovery:

 * UPnP service discovery (Linux only at the moment)

 * Bonjour service discovery using avahi (Linux only)


Video filters:

 * RSS feed overlay


Audio filters:

* Fixes, enhancements and new options related to the Headphone Channel

  Mixer and Dolby Surround


Stream output:

 * New shout output module to forward streams to icecast servers

 * Fixed several SAP and SDP announcement bugs

 * Fixed MTU handling to avoid IP fragments



- new cone icon by Richard B/iestad (Eurodata, retron.info)

 * Mac OS X

    - New streaming and transcoding wizard

    - New extended controls panel

    - New bookmarks window

    - Fixed playlist sorting

    - Fixed drag-and-drop inside the playlist

 * wxWidgets

    - Rename wxWindows interface in wxWidgets.

    - All the --wxwin-* options are now --wx-*

    - Support for RTP streaming in Stream Ouput dialog

    - Now require wx2.6 with Unicode support

 * Skins2

    - Tree playlist


    - New RPN functions to control VLC features (see play-howto)

    - Facilities to correctly handle non-ASCII characters and spaces in

      the names of files

    - Include macro to include other files

    - CGI 1.0 support


ActiveX plugin:

* Should now work outside IE as well


Mac OS X port:

* New script to delete the preferences automatically


Windows port:

* Fixed bandwidth problems of HTTP streaming

* Fixed audio problems with DirectX audio output



 The following languages were added:

 * Galician

 * Korean

 * Romanian

 * Simplified Chinese

 The following languages were re-added:

 * Swedish



Changes between 0.8.1 and 0.8.2:



Core support:

 * Rewrite of the playlist

    - Tree structure

    - Input preparsing (for meta-data)

    - Grouping (by artist, ...) support

 * Preferences improvements:

    - New organization, designed to improve usability

    - New configuration types (list of modules, ...)

 * XML parsers

 * Core image manipulation support

 * Client-side SSL/TLS support

 * SSL Client certificates checking support (allows for secure VoD)

 * Renamed --spu-channel to --sub-track

 * Renamed --spumargin to --sub-margin

 * Renamed --audio-channel to --audio-track

 * Renamed --filter to --vout-filter

 * filters, extra interfaces, visualizations and service discovery modules are

   now separated by ':' instead of ','

 * Access filter architecture

 * Track selection based on preferred language (--sub-language and --audio-language)

 * Zsh autocompletion for VLC's arguments

 * Many bugfixes...



 * Support for SOCKS proxy

 * Support for Shoutcast Meta-data

 * Support for (HE-)AAC raw-audio streams

 * Support for images on a HTTP server that get refreshed on the server

 * Better support for Kasenna streams

 * RTSP UDP->TCP rollover support

 * Massive Matroska improvements

 * Support for XA and VOC audio files

 * TiVo demuxer

 * Samba (Windows shares) access module

 * Improved CDDAX module (uses several playlist items)

 * Fixes to Linux DVB support

 * Fix the "negative subtitles delay" bug

 * Support for FTP over IPv6


Decoders / Encoders:

 * Dirac decoder and encoder

 * PNG decoder/encoder

 * Improvements to DVB subtitles encoder

 * Support for Apple Lossless Audio Codec


Access filters:

 * New Record and Timeshift filters


Services discovery:

 * New type of modules, that add items to the playlist

 * Brand new SAP module

     * To enable SAP, you now need to use "-S sap" or add SAP in

       the "Manage->Services Discovery" menu

     ( IPv6 SAP is now enabled by default )

     * Non-standard support for HTTP streams SAP announces removed

 * HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) discovery

 * DAAP (iTunes shares) support

 * Shoutcast


Audio output:

 * Support for 20/24 bits LPCM


Video output:

 * Video snapshot support (png or jpg)

 * Image file video output (png)

 * Motion detection filter (can trigger playlist actions)

 * Improvements to wall video filter

 * Support for font color and opacity


Stream output:

 * Muxers

    - ASF improvements

 * VLM / VoD

    - Ability to load a configuration file on startup

    - Seeking support in VoD streams

 * Mosaic (picture-in-picture system)



 * wxWidgets

    - Redesigned playlist : add playlist, add directory, ...

    - Improved preferences

    - Improvements to the wizard

    - DVD, VCD and Audio CD navigation buttons

 * MacOS X

    - Redesigned playlist

    - Improved preferences

 * Skins

    - Support for multiple actions

    - Fixes


    - Support for the new playlist system

 * Lirc

    - Now uses new config settings. See doc/lirc/example.lirc


Windows port:

 * Screensaver disabling fix

 * DirectShow tuner configuration

 * Support for no-decoration windows


MacOS X port:

 * Many Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger related fixes

 * The OpenGL video output is back

 * A new audio module that should work more reliable for analog audio output in various configurations.

   - Supports multichannel discrete analog output

   - Digital audio output requires you to change a preference setting because it

     is not yet available in the new module

   - Please read the README.MacOSX.rtf file for more information.


BeOS port:

 * Support for single-buffered overlay


Pocket PC port:

 * Many fixes

 * New interface

 * New video output


Mozilla Plugin:

 * Javascript fixes

 * Mozilla plugin for MacOS X is back (not yet distributed)


IE Plugin:

 * Brand new Internet Explorer ActiveX plugin



 The following languages were added:

 * Catalan

 * Danish

 * Turkish



Changes between 0.8.0 and 0.8.1:



Core support:

 * Include TLS/SSL API (on plattforms where libgnutls is available)

 * SSL support in the HTTP daemon (HTTP stream output and HTTP interface)


Windows port:

 * Fixed win32 multichannel audio output support (which was broken in 0.8.0)

 * Fixed DV and MPEG (WinTV PVR 250/350) support in the dshow input

 * Fixed spurious taskbar item after switching to fullscreen


WinCE port:

 * A few more updates (we still miss an interface and a fast video output).


Audio Output:

 * Portaudio audio output plugin improvements


Video Output:

 * Proper subpictures scaling using the aspect-ratio info when available



 * Fixed crash with ODML avi files

 * Fixed autodetection of VCD/SVCD bin files

 * Supports Kasenna VoD (MPEG2 only) and simulcast streaming


Stream Output:

 * Encoders:

   * Fixed aspect ratio and interlaced support in ffmpeg encoder module

 * Stream output:

   * Support of playlist group announcement



Changes between 0.7.2 and 0.8.0:



Core support:

 * Major work on libvlc. Changed/renamed/added functions

 * Complete switch to the new input core (better seeking, multi-input, ...)

 * New plugins cache to speed up launch time

 * New --play-and-stop feature which stops the playlist after each played item

 * Daemon mode (to run vlc in the background)

 * Major improvements to the subtitle/OSD subsystem



 * New screen capture input plugin for X11, Win32, BeOS and Mac OS X

    (Stream your desktop)

 * Improved DVD support:

    - uses libdvdnav for playing DVDs with menus support

    - uses libdvdread for simple playback with menus (eg. for streaming)

 * Experimental multi-input support ( use --input-slave to play with it )

 * Automatic MTU discovery for UDP streams

 * More powerful MRL syntax for DVD/VCD/CDDA access

    (selection of titles/chapters).



 * Support for iTunes Music Store previews

 * Support for MJPEG webcams (i.e. AXIS cams)

 * Added initial mp4 and mpeg-ts text track support

 * Windows Media Server RTSP support

 * Support for MPEG TS streams with error correction (204/192 bytes TS packets)

 * Support for DTS audio in MPEG TS (ETSI TS 102 154 Annex G)

 * Skins2 .vlt file loader (only when skins2 is the current interface)

 * Improved Ogg demuxer

 * Support for MPEG PS streams with MPEG 4 video.

 * Support for so called AACPlus webstreams



 * G.726 audio support

 * 14496-17 MPEG TS text support

 * MPEG-4 text support

 * Vastly improved DVB subtitles decoder (ETS 300 743)

 * Enabled color in DVB subtitles rendering

 * VobSub supported both externally and in Matroska


Stream Output:


  * Re-use audio/video/spu decoders in transcoder module. From now on,

     everything that is playable by VLC should be transcodable as well

  * Subtitles overlaying in transcoder

  * Subpictures overlaying in transcoder (see video output)

  * Frame rate selection in the transcoder

  * DVB subtitles encoder

  * MPEG 1 layer 2 audio encoder using libtoolame

  * Improved vorbis/theora encoding


  * Text track muxing for mp4

  * Multipart mjpeg muxing. Your video is directly viewable in a Mozilla Browser

  * 14496-17 text track muxing for MPEG TS

  * Support for DTS audio in MPEG TS (ETSI TS 102 154 Annex G)

  * Teletext (0x56 descriptor) streaming support in MPEG TS.

  * New WAV muxer (supports multi-channel audio)

  * Improved ASF muxer


  * H.263 RTP streaming support

  * SDP generation outputs more compliant SDPs and can create SDP files now

  * Improved RTSP and VoD server (experimental)


Audio Output:

 * New audio equalizer filter

 * Very trivial volume normalizer

 * True channel downmixing when playing 5:1 material on Stereo

 * More gradual resampling which should improve the pitch changing effect

 * New audio output plugin using portaudio v19


Video Output:

 * Roku HD1000 Video output

 * Experimental generic OpenGL video output (X11, Win32, MacOS X)

   with support for effects.

 * Improved filter and subpictures support :

    - New filters can be streamed.

    - "Subpicture filters" to overlay subpictures on video

    - Centralized scaling and blending

 * New filters :

    - "time", to display current time

    - "marq", to display a marquee



 * OSD sliders for volume and postition information

 * OSD icons for Play and Pause

 * New Streaming Wizard for Windows and Linux default interfaces (wxWindows)

 * A few skins2 improvements

 * Added search, volume, loop and random functions to the ncurses interface

 * Added a filesystem browser to the ncurses interface

 * The remote control interface can now listen for commands on sockets

 * Improved CORBA control module


Mac OS X port:

 * Fixed the "cannot set buffersize:[nope]" coreaudio problem

 * Major speed improvements to the Quartz video output

 * The Mac OS X interface is no longer required to display video


Linux port:

 * New galaktos visualization plugin (MilkDrop-compatible)

 * Experimental SVG rendering module

 * Support for DVB CAM modules.


Windows port:

 * DirectX Media Object decoder (allows playing some media types, like WMV3)

 * DirectX Media Object audio and video encoder

 * Fixed long standing win32 thread handles leak

 * Fixed problem with CPU usage with subtitles rendering

 * Wallpaper mode for the DirectX video output (only in overlay mode)


WinCE port:

 * Massive update (we still miss an interface and a fast video output).


Mozilla plugin:

 * Added a lot of Javascript accessible funtionality

 * Volume, position, length, seek etc etc etc.



 * Server/client network synchronization module

 * VBrick streams fully supported

 * Cisco IP/TV streams supported

 * VLM enhancements



Changes between 0.7.1 and 0.7.2:



Core support:

 * Bookmarks feature for easier seeking/access inside medias.

 * Support for video output embedded in interfaces.

 * Improved HTTP daemon.

 * Saved playlists now remember VLC-specific options.



 * New Continuous Media Markup Language (CMML) codec.


 * New H.261 video decoder using openmash.

 * H264 encoder, demuxer and packetizer.

 * Packetizer interfaces between demux and codec when needed

   (allows using ffmpeg plugin to decode MPEG streams and better aac decoding).

 * Support for Theora alpha3 (both decoding and encoding).



 * --start-time <sec> and --stop-time <sec> to start and stop playing a

   file at the specified amount of seconds. Only works with a few

   fileformats (avi, mov, mkv, mp4 )

 * Improved directory access module.

 * New "file-cat" option to play truncated movies.

 * Better handling of meta info (title, author, description, etc...).

 * New options to pass meta info to the input.

 * It is now possible to stream programs from a DVB-S/C/T stream

   (satellite, cable, or digital terestrial television)



 * Annodex (http://www.annodex.net) support.

 * mmsh streaming fixes.

 * Fixed infinite loop in the AVI demux on broken/incomplete files.



 * Subviewer and subviewer v2 subtitles support.

 * Ability to choose autodetected subtitles path.

 * Subtitles delay can be changed in real time with hotkeys.


Stream output:

 * Improved session announcement system.

 * Minimize threads usage by default.

 * Added faster than realtime stream output (limited by CPU) for file output.

 * Improved MOV/MP4 muxer.

 * Improved MPEG TS muxer.

 * Improved transrater.

 * Meta info options used by the muxers.

 * New configuration system.

 * Better audio channels downmixing when transcoding.


VideoLAN manager:

 * New videolan (media) manager (vlm): a little manager designed to launch

   and manage multiple streams from within one instance of VLC.

 * Supports live streams and VoD.

 * Supports scheduling.

 * Telnet interface for vlm.

 * HTTP interface for vlm.



 * Skins II (Windows and Linux only)

    - Ability to embed video output.

    - Support for bitmap fonts.

    - Lots of improvements.

 * wxWindows (default Windows and Linux interface)

    - New design and set of icons.

    - Ability to embed video output.

    - Support for hotkeys.

    - Support for bookmarks.

 * Mac OS X

    - Support for 'groups' and playlist item properties.

    - Better hotkeys handling.


Mac OS X port:

 * OpenGL video output is now the default when available.

 * Added FAAC encoder (mp4a).

 * Audio output fix to work with multiple streams on a HAL device.

 * Possible fix for conflict with CodeTek VirtualDesktop (untested).


Win32 port:

 * DirectShow input plugin should work with more devices.

 * Disable monitor power down when watching movies.

 * Improved Windows installer.


Linux port:

 * PowerPC fixes.



 * Improvements to the Goom visualisation plugin.

 * Roku HD1000 audio output.



Changes between 0.7.1 and 0.7.1a:



Mac OS X:

 * Fixed the infamous 'mp3 takes twice the CPU it should take' bug

 * Playing MOD files is working now.



Changes between 0.7.0 and 0.7.1:



Core support:

 * Fixed a nasty bug that causes preferences not to be saved some times.

 * IGMPv3 support for VLC under Windows XP and Linux.



 * Brand new DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder based on libdts


 * Fixed DTS S/PDIF output

 * SVCD (Philips OGT) and CVD subtitles



 * Internal improvments

 * Improved import/export



 * Experimental support for Nullsoft streaming video(.nsv) and real media(.rm)

   container formars.

 * New demux module that uses libavformat from ffmpeg. Adds support for many

   small and strange formats.

 * New PVA demux.

 * New MOD audio demux.

 * Support for DTS and A52/AC3 wav files.

 * Support for DTS and A52/AC3 audio CD.

 * New and experimental DVD input plugin with menus support (using libdvdnav).

 * Added back DV audio support in raw DV demuxer.


Stream output:

 * MP4/MOV muxer improvements (fast-start, aac in mov, etc...).

 * Fixed a nasty bug in the mpeg video packetizer.

 * Improved transcoding (multithreading, more tuning, etc...).


Service discovery:

 * Fixed sdp in SAP.


Mac OS X port:

 * New opengl video output plugin.


Win32 port:

 * A few improvements to the DirectShow input plugin.

 * Fixed ipv6 name resolution.



Changes between 0.6.2 and 0.7.0:



Core support:

 * Brand new decoder/packetizer api.

   Adds a lot more flexibility while also simplifying the decoder plugins.

 * New encoder api (Ffmpeg, Vorbis, Theora, Flac and Speex encoders available).

 * Video outputs are recycled if possible.

   This removes any 'flicker' between two similiar video files.

 * Fixed the video filters. Video should no longer go black when using filters.

 * New input core. Advantages are: better seeking, more responsive, support for

   subtitle files at the core, and much much more.



 * Added a repeat mode to repeat a single file over and over.

 * Playlist sorting



 * RTP/RTSP support.

 * Fixed annoying seeking problem with Ogg files (seeking would take ages).

 * Support for Flac in Ogg files.

 * MPEG TS demuxer also handles A52 and AAC audio in DVB streams.

 * Rewrite of the Flac demuxer.

 * cddax and vcdx plugins using libcdio, libvcd and libvcdinfo. (Linux only)

 * Reworked DVB tuning.

 * Better Icecast support.

 * New MPEG video elementary streams demuxer.

 * New DTS audio elementary streams demuxer.



 * Support for Theora video encoding.

 * Support for Speex audio decoding/encoding.

 * Rewrite of the Flac decoder + encoding support.

 * Support for MPEG2 422 decoding which was recently added to libmpeg2 (cvs).

 * Support for AAC + SBR and proper multi-channel re-ordering.

 * MPEG 2.5 audio support.

 * Removed deprecated decoders (a52_old, mpeg_video and mpeg_audio).


Stream output:

 * Improvements to the MPEG TS muxer.

 * New transrating module for MPEG2 video.

 * Added packetization for MPEG AAC ADTS streams.

 * Added packetizers for Flac, Speex, Theora, LPCM, DTS and SPU streams.

 * Improved mp4 muxing and added AAC/MP4V support when transcoding.

 * Improved Ogg muxing and added Theora, Speex, Flac and subtitles support.

 * MPEG TS muxer follows the ATSC/DVB specs for embedded A52 audio.

 * --sout-keep option to keep the stream open while changing input.

 * Preliminary RTP support.

 * Fixes to SAP announces.



 * Skins:

    - Bugfixes

    - misc improvements (eg, "stay on top" option).

 * New standardized and customizable hotkeys.

 * wxWindows

    - Playlist improvements (Sort, Search, mode buttons).

    - Improvements and help in preferences

    - New streaming wizard

    - Revised Disc Open menu


    - Improvements of the standard pages

    - Support for new commands

 * OSD ( OS X and hotkeys only atm ).


Service discovery:

 * Many fixes to the SAP module

 * SAP now supports HTTP streams



 * Text subtitles now have a black outline.

 * Text subtitles autodetection.

 * Text subtitles charset autodetection.

 * Text subtitles for all videofiles. Results may vary.

 * Text subtitles in Hebrew are supported. Arabic partially.

 * Automatic fontsize selection for text subtitles.

 * Fixed SAMI text subtitles support.

 * Support for subtitles in Matroska files.

 * Support for subtitles in DVB streams.


Mac OS X port:

 * New controller designed by Max Rudberg from www.maxthemes.com

 * Save playlist.

 * Works on 10.1.x again. Apologies for that problem.

 * Support for Panther.

 * Support for raw dumping of streams to disk.

 * Mozilla plugin for Mac OS X (experimental).


Win32 port:

 * New DirectShow input module (for video acquisition cards, webcams, PVRs...).

 * VLC can be installed as a Windows NT service.

 * Allow on the fly switching of the main interface.

 * Support for 3F2R in audio output.

 * New --one-instance option to "force" only one running instance of VLC.

 * Mozilla plugin for Windows (experimental).

 * Multimonitor support (untested).

 * Fixed nasty timing bug on some dual-cpu / P4 with hyperthreading systems.


Linux port:

 * Improved Video4Linux input. Also added support for an audio only input.

 * Support for real-time priority when running with root privileges.

 * Allow on the fly switching of the main interface.


iPaq port:

 * Brand new Gtk 2 interface



 * Audio visual effects filters (spectrum, scope and random).

 * Audio visual effects filter using goom.

 * Spanish, Portuguese Brazilian and Hungarian translations.

 * libcaca video output (colored ascii)



Changes between 0.6.1 and 0.6.2:



Core support:

 * Fixed a nasty regression in 0.6.1 which made some streams unplayable.


Stream output:

 * Transcoder now generates proper pts/dts thus should work a lot better.

 * Improved MPEG TS muxer.


Access input:

 * Support for DVB-S/C/T cards using v4l2 API for Linux 2.6.x kernels.

 * Few fixes to the VCD navigation.



 * Support for DVD menus navigation added to the wxWindows interface.


UNIX ports:

 * ALSA multi-channel support fixed and tested.

 * Fixed fullscreen with gnome metacity.


Win32 port:

 * Fixed VCD support which was broken on some machines.


iPaq port:

 * Familiar interface with Gtk+-1.2 and GPE support removed (deprecreated).



 * Text subtitles now centered on the picture.

 * Ffmpeg decoder now generates proper pts and can be used to play

   mpeg1/2 videos.



Changes between 0.6.0 and 0.6.1:



Core support:

 * There should be less bogus resampling, particularly on DVDs.

 * VLC will now wait for the medium to wake up before starting its clock

   after a pause.


Stream output:

 * Added vorbis audio support in Ogg streaming.

 * Added vorbis audio transcoding support.

 * Added mp3 audio transcoding support (when ffmpeg is compiled with mp3lame).

UNIX ports:

 * ALSA multi-channel support fixed and tested.

 * Fixed fullscreen with gnome metacity.


Win32 port:

 * Fixed VCD support which was broken on some machines.


iPaq port:

 * Familiar interface with Gtk+-1.2 and GPE support removed (deprecreated).



 * Text subtitles now centered on the picture.

 * Ffmpeg decoder now generates proper pts and can be used to play

   mpeg1/2 videos.



Changes between 0.6.0 and 0.6.1:



Core support:

 * There should be less bogus resampling, particularly on DVDs.

 * VLC will now wait for the medium to wake up before starting its clock

   after a pause.


Stream output:

 * Added vorbis audio support in Ogg streaming.

 * Added vorbis audio transcoding support.

 * Added mp3 audio transcoding support (when ffmpeg is compiled with mp3lame).

 * PS muxer can create mpeg1 files now and produce streams with system headers.

 * You can transcode a52 with more than two channels to mpga now.


Win32 port:

 * Fixed DVD support which was partly broken due to a bug in libdvdcss

 * Fixed 5.1 audio support for the sblive/audigy soundcards.

 * Fixed sound on Windows NT.


UNIX ports:

 * Fixed/improved ALSA support and enabled multi-channel audio output.

 * X11/Xvideo: Should now work on big endian machines, and you can now

   use the arrow keys to browse through the DVD menus.


iPaq port:

 * Gtk+2 interface called PDA

 * Familiar Gtk+ is now deprecreated

 * Codec a52, Faad2 and flac added

 * Video4Linux enabled (demux and transcode)

 * Stream Out with transcode support enabled (use codecs: HuffYuvv and A-law).



 * Small updates/fixes to the wxWindows interface.

 * Improved HTTP remote control interface. You can now create your own HTML pages.

 * A new CORBA control plugin.


Input demux:

 * Improved support for the Matroska container format.



 * Improved build system.

 * New video filter plugin to overlay logos.

 * Added support for Winamp 3 B4S files.

 * New subtitle module which uses freetype2 to render arbitrary fonts in any size.

   Should also work with languages like russion for instance.



Changes between 0.5.3 and 0.6.0:



Core Support:

 * Channel Server support was removed (was deprecated)


Input access:

 * Fixed a big bug in ftp and http access that prevented many platforms

   (OSX most prominently) to view ftp and http streams.

 * Fixed large file support on Windows

 * Video 4 Linux support

 * CD Digital Audio support

 * Fixed IPv6 multicasting on Windows and OSX.


Input demux:

 * Better detection of AAC and mp3 files

 * Support for OpenDML avi files

 * More complete .mp4/.mov support

 * Very early support for the Matroska container format (don't complain if it doesn't work ;)



 * VLC's own MPEG1/2 decoder has been replaced with libmpeg2

 * Support for Sorenson 3 (SVQ3 or Quicktime content) via ffmpeg

 * OSX support for QDM2 and QDMC sound, often used in QT content.

 * Fixed a bug which was causing artefacts in DivX video (ffmpeg)

 * Updated our theora decoder to use the alpha 2 release of libtheora

 * If ffmpeg cannot keep up, skip and try to recover instead of stopping altogether

 * Indeo Video 3 (IV32) support for little-endian computers. (so not for OSX)



 * The wxWindows interface is now fully useable as well as Unicode safe

 * New HTTP remote control interface


Stream output:

 * New stream output scheme. It is now possible to build a chain of stream outputs

   allowing for instance to stream and display some content at the same time.

 * The stream output now allows to transcode content on the fly.

 * Fixed major bug that prevented streaming mpeg 1/2 video with pulldown content.

 * SAP/SDP announcing support. (both IPv4 and IPv6)



 * New reset option for the preferences

 * You can set your language in the prefences

 * New video chroma conversion module using ffmpeg

 * Added a Gentoo ebuild to the distribution

 * Added a new smaller subtitles font (now the default) + scripts to generate your own

 * SAP/SDP IPv6 support


UNIX ports:

 * Basic support for the X11 Xinerama extension.

 * New skinable interface ported to X11.

 * Run opie-vlc and zaurus-vlc as GuiServer


Mac OS X port:

 * When you add several items to the playlist, they are sorted alphabetically.

 * New about panel and revamped preferences panel.

 * Fixed the deinterlace menu.

 * Float on top, Fit to Screen and a Transparency option for video out.

 * New output dialog for transcode and display while stream capabilities.

 * New icons by Davor Orel.

 * New audio resampler. Should make VLC much faster.

 * Fixed disappearing and crackling sound (PTS is out of range bug)

 * We no longer automatically save the preferences when you quit the application

 * Arrow keys are now use to browse the menus in a DVD


Win32 port:

 * the wxWindows interface is now the default interface

 * The keyboard shortcuts are now identical to the linux version

 * Fixed the "no sound" problem on NT4

 * Improved skinnable interface (it now uses the wxWindows interface dialogs).

 * Added support for compressed skins files (.vlt files)

 * Fixed SVCD chapters support.

 * Fixed memory leak with 5.1 audio.


BeOS port:

 * Interface localization

 * Screensaver disabled if playing in fullscreen

 * A few new keyboard shortcuts

 * New full-featured Preferences window



Changes between 0.5.2 and 0.5.3:



Core Support:

 * fixed DTS S/PDIF output on little-endian machines

 * support for skins at the interface level

 * new OSD module using Freetype2

 * video outputs are now destroyed when the associated input ends

 * the video output takes into account the caching delay introduced at the

   input level before dropping out of date frames.

 * configuration option to disable the translation of the interface


Input access:

 * fixed HTTP redirects

 * support for opening an entire directory

 * EOF should be detected more reliably

 * new video4linux access plug-in

 * new kfir access plug-in designed to work around a bug in the kfir driver


Input demux:

 * added stream type for some Motorola MPEG-2 video encoders

 * fix for some ogg web radio streams

 * fixed reading TS streams over HTTP



 * support for 3ivx D4 (not previous versions)

 * support for '3ivd' and '3vid' encodings

 * support for 'MSS1' codec ( same as WMV2 )

 * support for SAMI subtitles (untested and incomplete)

 * better SSA4 subtitles recognition

 * new codec for raw I420 video

 * improvements to the libmpeg2-based MPEG video decoder



 * improvements to wxWindows based interface

   (although it still misses some important features)

 * skeleton for a Gnome2/GTK2 plug-in


Stream output:

 * new HTTP output support

 * fixed a segfault in the AVI muxer

 * fixed AV synchronization issues



 * support for oldstyle id3 genres


UNIX ports:

 * the SDL vout plug-in will now work on big-endian machines


Mac OS X port:

 * reorderable playlist

 * fixed the hiding of the mouse on multiple monitors

 * fixed a big issue with some USB speakers

 * support for mono audio output devices

 * reset the audio-device to its default mode before quitting VLC

 * fixed several cosmetic issues

 * you can drag the controller window by its background (as it should be)

 * the messages window remembers more lines

 * delay and fps can now be overruled with subtitles files

 * http and ogg stream output options

 * Apple menu and friends will now be translated as well


Win32 port:

 * new skinnable interface

 * the directx video output doesn't crash anymore on ctrl+alt+del events.


iPAQ familiar Linux port:

 * support for FLAC audio format

 * the interface adapts to the screen size/rotation

 * playlist

 * network tab in the interface

 * "apply" handling in preferences



Changes between 0.5.1a and 0.5.2:



Core support:

 * advanced config options are now hidden by default

 * new --spdif option to use the S/PDIF audio output by default

 * fixed a 'clicking' sound when switching between streams

 * new bandlimited resampler that should improve audio quality on primarily

   Mac OS X

 * fixed a problem with audio over http that caused some web radios to not work

 * DTS S/PDIF support



 * support for DV audio through the ffmpeg library

 * support for FLAC audio through libflac

 * new but basic MPEG video decoder based on libmpeg2

 * fixed a major bug in LPCM code (fixes a problem with iDVD disks)


Stream output:

 * support for streaming DivX 1/2/3, wmv1/2, h/i263 over MPEG-2 TS

 * new --ttl option for Time To Live


DVD support:

 * fixed quite a few problems with the dvd menu support


UNIX ports:

 * fixed the GNU-pth support


Win32 port:

 * multi-channel audio and S/PDIF support for both the DirectX and Waveout


 * localization support via gettext is now fully working

 * rc interface is now fully useable

 * fixed the MSVC project files generation


Mac OS X port:

 * several fixes for multi channel audio devices. AC3 over SPDIF with

   M-Audio Sonica Theater still does not work. this is most likely a driver

   bug and has been reported to M-Audio. (Sonica, Revolution, Delta, Griffin

   iMate and MOTU firewire devices should work)

 * VLC now uses the default audio device

 * new info panel

 * very preliminary support for VLC control via applescript

 * support for mouse gestures

 * new priority scheme allowing to avoid lock-ups on low-end machines


Linupy port:

 * there is a whole new port for the linupy distribution used by o.a. the

   YOPY PDA. It is still experimental, please test it



 * improved ID3 tag detection

 * changed several errors into warnings ; the frequently reported "this is

   not a PS stream, continuing" is one of these

 * mouse gestures work on windows and osx, but there still isn't any useful


 * some support for .pls playlists used by shoutcast



Changes between 0.5.1 and 0.5.1a:



Mac OS X port:

 * fixed a problem that caused VLC to select the wrong language when

   English was set as the preferred language



Changes between 0.5.0 and 0.5.1:



Core support:

 * new mouse gesture interface

 * audio volume can now be changed at any time, even when no file is



Input access:

 * various minor fixes on the network inputs

 * fixed some weird URL parsing problems (/Volumes/toto:tata/harry@coin.mpg)

 * VCD: fixed track number and chapter indexing


Input demux:

 * fixed a bad initialization in the mp4 plug-in

 * new --buggy-psi option for TS streams which do not update their

   continuity counter



 * support for MPEG-2 intra slice refresh (aka. Slice-I) streams


DVD support:

 * fixed a bug which turned the default interface command-line only

   without the user consent


UNIX ports:

 * GTK: fixed a crash when going fullscreen or changing volume from the

   popup menu

 * X11: new screen saver disabling plug-in (--extraintf screensaver)

 * KDE: fixed compilation with KDE 3.1

 * ALSA: fixed mono files output


Mac OS X port:

 * fixed a crash on start-up on some localized systems

 * lowered real-time priorities to avoid lock-ups on slow machines

 * VLC can now be made the handler of ftp http mms and udp URLs

 * playlist enhancements

 * added half, normal and double video window menu items

 * new step forward/step backward commands

 * the dock should no longer be visible in fullscreen mode

 * the Mac OS X binary is now compiled with Ogg/Theora support

 * vlc.app is now VLC.app


Win32 port:

 * fixed the "RichEdit line insertion error" bug

 * VLC can now be run from outside its installation directory

 * fixed a bug that prevented to find the default subtitle font


BeOS port:

 * smarter BeOS priorities to avoid lock-ups

 * few enhancements in the interface (especially the Settings window)


Opie port:

 * native video output is working again

 * only commandline interface support

 * support for MPEG4, DivX through ffmpeg package



Changes between 0.4.6 and 0.5.0:



Core structure:

  * object structure which allows for full re-entrancy, known as libvlc

  * new audio output architecture based on filter pipelines, providing

    S/PDIF and multi-channel support

  * localization support via gettext on most architectures

  * new stream output architecture, allowing to use VLC to unicast,

    multicast or broadcast a stream to another VLC (only MPEG 1, 2 and 4

    and A/52 streams are supported)

  * build system now uses autoconf/automake/autopoint


Input access:

  * mms:// support

  * ftp:// support

  * stability fixes in the HTTP access

  * auto-detection of RTP encapsulation

  * VCD entry points support

  * VCD image file support


Input demux:

  * support for *.asf format

  * improved support for *.avi, especially over an HTTP connection

  * support for *.mp4 and *.mov format

  * support for ogg encapsulation

  * support for raw DV format

  * support for *.wav format

  * new demuxdump demux allowing to save a stream to a file

  * raw AAC support


Stream discovery & playlists:

  * support for the SAP/SDP and SLP protocols

  * support for .m3u file format

  * support for .asx file format

  * hack to find the streaming sources in html-pages with embedded wmp



  * support for the microdvd, subrip, ssa1, ssa2-4 subtitles file formats

    (only available with the .avi demux)

  * support for ADPCM audio codec

  * support for raw PCM data

  * support for Cinepak video codec

  * support for DV video codec via libdv or ffmpeg

  * support for AAC audio codec via libfaad2

  * support for Xvid codec

  * support for Xiph.org's Vorbis audio codec

  * support for Xiph.org's Tremor audio codec (when compiling from sources)

  * support for Xiph.org's Tarkin and Theora video codecs (when compiling

    from sources)

  * new codecs supported by latest ffmpeg versions: WMV, WMA, SVQ 1, H263,

    H263i, MJPEG A/B

  * fixed an endianness bug in LPCM codec


DVD support:

  * experimental preliminary support for DVD menus via libdvdplay



  * new WxWindows interface

  * all interfaces allow to dynamically change the volume, the audio

    device and the channels configuration

  * headphone channel mixer with virtual spatialization effect

  * Mozilla plugin based on libvlc for embedded playback in webpages of any

    format that VLC can play

  * new swedish translation

  * enhancements of the playlist window

  * new messages window to see debug info

  * fixed a few crashes


iPaq port:

  * slider bar in GTK+/GPE Familiar interface

  * fixed crash on directory change in Familiar interface

  * added qte_main module for use in all modules that need Opie or Qte support

  * native video output module for Qt Embedded/Opie is not working


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README for the VLC media player



VLC is a popular libre and open source media player and multimedia engine,

used by a large number of individuals, professionals, companies and

institutions. Using open source technologies and libraries, VLC has been

ported to most computing platforms, including GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X,

BSD, iOS and Android.

VLC can play most multimedia files, discs, streams, allows playback from

devices, and is able to convert to or stream in various formats.

The VideoLAN project was started at the university École Centrale Paris who

relicensed VLC under the GPLv2 license in February 2001. Since then, VLC has

been downloaded close to one billion times.





The VLC web site  . . . . . http://www.videolan.org/

Support . . . . . . . . . . http://www.videolan.org/support/

Forums  . . . . . . . . . . http://forum.videolan.org/

Wiki  . . . . . . . . . . . http://wiki.videolan.org/

The Developers site . . . . http://wiki.videolan.org/Developers_Corner

VLC hacking guide . . . . . http://wiki.videolan.org/Hacker_Guide

Bugtracker  . . . . . . . . http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/

The VideoLAN web site . . . http://www.videolan.org/


Source Code Content:


ABOUT-NLS          - Notes on the Free Translation Project.

AUTHORS            - VLC authors.

COPYING            - The GPL license.

COPYING.LIB        - The LGPL license.

INSTALL            - Installation and building instructions.

NEWS               - Important modifications between the releases.

README             - This file.

THANKS             - VLC contributors.


bin/               - VLC binaries.

bindings/          - libVLC bindings to other languages.

compat/            - compatibility library for operating systems missing

                     essential functionalities.

contrib/           - Facilities for retrieving external libraries and building

                     them for systems that don't have the right versions.

doc/               - Miscellaneous documentation.

extras/analyser    - Code analyser and editor specific files.

extras/buildsystem - different buildsystems specific files.

extras/misc        - Files that don't fit in the other extras/ categories.

extras/package     - VLC packaging specific files such as spec files.

extras/tools/      - Facilities for retrieving external building tools needed

                     for systems that don't have the right versions.

include/           - Header files.

lib/               - libVLC source code.

modules/           - VLC plugins and modules. Most of the code is here.

po/                - VLC translations.

share/             - Common Resources files.

src/               - libvlccore source code.

test/              - testing system.

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== ACTIVEX Control for VLC ==

The VLC ActiveX Control has been primary designed to work with Internet

Explorer. However it may also work with Visual Basic and/or .NET. Please

note, that this code does not rely upon Microsoft MFC/ATL code, hence

good compatibility is not guaranteed.

I. Compiling

The ActiveX Control should compile without any glitches as long as you

have the latest version of mingw gcc and headers.

In order to script the ActiveX Control on Internet Explorer, a type

library is required. This type library is usually generated from an IDL

file using Microsoft MIDL compiler. Therefore, for convenience I have

checked in the output of the MIDL compiler in the repository so that you

will only need the MIDL compiler if you change axvlc.idl. the generated

files are as follow:




To use the MIDL compiler on cygwin, you will need to set some

environment variables before configuring vlc. If you have a copy of

'Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0' installed, the following settings are


export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/COMMON/MSDev98/Bin":"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Bin"

export INCLUDE='C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include'

export MIDL="midl"

If you are cross-compiling on Linux, you can use 'widl' which is part of

the WINE project (http://www.winehq.com). At leat wine-dev-0.9.57 works,

the comand line to compile IDL should looks like the following :

widl -I/usr/include/wine/windows/ \

      -h -H axvlc_idl.h -t -T axvlc.tlb -u -U axvlc_idl.c axvlc.idl

NOTE: widl breaks compatibility with Visual Basic. If that is important

to you then you must use midl.

II. Debugging

The ActiveX control is compiled with verbose output by default, but you

will need to launch Internet Explorer from a Cygwin shell to see the

output. Alternatively, the plugin will also use the VLC preferences, so

if you enable the file logging interface through the player and save the

preferences, the control will automatically log its verbose output into

the designated file.

Debugging the ActiveX control DLL with GNU GDB can be difficult.

Fortunately the ActiveX control can also be compiled as an executable

rather than a DLL. In ActiveX terms, this is called a local server. The

advantage of a local server is that it will never crash its client,

i.e. Internet Explorer, even if the local server crashes. The build

system does not currently allow to create an executable version of the

ActiveX control, you will need to manually define the BUILD_LOCALSERVER

pre-processor variable and modify the Makefile to exclude the '-shared'

option at the linking stage. Once this is done, launch axvlc.exe to have

a working Activex control. Please note, that executable version of the

ActiveX control will override any settings required for the DLL version,

which will no longer work until you (re)register it as shown in the

following section

III. Local Install

The VLC NSIS installer will install the ActiveX Control without

requiring any further manual intervention, but for people who like to

live on the edge, here are the steps you need to perform once you have

built the ActiveX Control.

The ActiveX control DLL file may be copied anywhere on the target

machine, but before you can use the control, you will need to register

it with Windows by using the REGSVR32 command, as per following example:


If the control needs to use external VLC plugins (i.e other than the

built-in ones), make sure that the plugin path is set in the registry as

per following example:


InstallDir="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC"

The InstallDir must be the parent directory of the 'plugins' directory.

WARNING: Both control and plugins must come from the same source build

tree. Otherwise, at best, the control will not play any content,

at worse it may crash Internet Explorer while attempting to load

incompatible plugins.

IV. Internet Install

The activex control may be installed from a remote through Internet

Installer if it is packaged up in a CAB file. The following link

explains how to achieve this


For convenience, I have provided a sample axvlc.INF file, which assumes

that the VLC NSIS Installer has been packaged up a CAB file called


The ActiveX Control DLL file can also be distributed by itself if it has

been compiled with built-in VLC plugins; check developer information for

more information on built-in plugins.

V. Controlling the plugin

1) Properties

The following public properties can be used to control the plugin

from HTML, the property panel of Visual Basic and most ActiveX aware



| Name:    | Type:   |   Description:                    | Alias:        |


| autoplay | boolean | play when control is activated    | autostart     |


| autoloop | boolean | loop the playlist                 | loop          |


| mrl      | string  | initial MRL in playlist           | src, filename |


| mute     | boolean | mute audio volume                 |               |


| visible  | boolean | show/hide control viewport        | showdisplay   |


| volume   | integer | set/get audio volume              |               |


| toolbar  | boolean | set/get visibility of the toolbar |               |


The alias column shows an alternative <PARAM name> for the property in

internet explorer, which is useful to maintain compatibility with HTML

pages already leveraging Windows Media Player

2) Programming APIs

The MRL, Autoplay and Autoloop properties are only used to configure the

initial state of the ActiveX control,i.e before its activation; they are

ignored afterward. Therefore, if some runtime control is required, the

following APIs should be used within your programming environment:



| Name:    | Type:   | Access: | Description:                          |


| Playing  | boolean |   RO    | Returns whether some MRL is playing   |


| Time     | integer |   RW    | Time elapsed in seconds playing       |

|          |         |         | current MRL                           |

|          |         |         | NOTE: live feeds returns 0            |


| Position | real    |   RW    | Playback position within current MRL  |

|          |         |         | in a scale from 0.0 to 1.0            |

|          |         |         | NOTE: live feeds returns 0.0          |


| Length   | integer |   RO    | Total length in seconds of current MRL|

|          |         |         | NOTE: live feeds returns 0            |


| Volume   | integer |   RW    | Current volume from 0 to 100          |


| Visible  | boolean |   RW    | Indicates whether control is visible  |



  *** current interface (0.8.6+) ***

UUID : 9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921

defined in axvlc.idl as "coclass VLCPlugin2", "interface IVLCControl2"

This interface organizes an API with several objects (like .audio.mute).

It is currently documented on videolan wiki (the url may change) at


  ***  old interface (deprecated)  ***

UUID : E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8

defined in axvlc.idl as "coclass VLCPlugin", "interface IVLCControl"


    Play current item the playlist


    Pause current item in the playlist


    Stop playing current item in playlist

shuttle(Seconds as integer)

    Advance/backtrack playback by specified amount (which is negative for

    backtracking). This is also called relative seeking.

    This method does not work for live streams.


    Switch between normal and full screen video


    Increase play back speed by 2X, 4X, 8X


    Decrease play back speed by 2X, 4X, 8X


    mute/unmute sound output

addTarget(MRL As String, Options as array of strings,

          Mode as enumeration, Position as integer)

    Add an MRL into the default playlist, you can also specify a list

    of playlist options to attach to this MRL or Null for no options.

    Mode indicates the action taken by the playlist on MRL and is one

    the following:

        VLCPlayListInsert       =  1 (Insert MRL into playlist at Position)

        VLCPlayListInsertAndGo  =  9 (Insert MRL into playlist at Position and play it immediately)

        VLCPlayListReplace      =  2 (Replace MRL in playlist at Position)

        VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo = 10 (Replace MRL in playlist at Position and play it immediately)

        VLCPlayListAppend       =  4 (Append MRL in playlist after Position)

        VLCPlayListAppendAndGo  = 12 (Append MRL in playlist after Position and play it immediately)

        VLCPlayListCheckInsert  = 16 (Verify if MRL is in playlist)

    Position can take the value of -666 as wildcard for the last element

    in the playlist.

setVariable(Name as string, Value as object);

    Set a value into a VLC variables

getVariable(Name as string) as object

    Retrieve the value of a VLC variable.


    Damien Fouilleul <Damien dot Fouilleul at laposte dot net>


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Some VLC plugins use external libraries and make extensive use of the

following persons' or companies' code:


FAAD2 - Copyright (c) Nero AG, www.nero.com" - GPLv2 or later

FFmpeg - Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers - LGPLv2.1 or later

FluidSynth - Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Peter Hanappe, Conrad Berhörster, Antoine

   Schmitt, Pedro López-Cabanillas, Josh Green, David Henningsson - LGPLv2.1 or


Fontconfig - Copyright (c) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2006,2007 Keith Packard,

   (c) 2005 Patrick Lam, (c) 2009 Roozbeh Pournader, (c) 2008,2009 Red Hat,

   Inc., (c) 2008 Danilo Å egan, (c) 2012 Google, Inc. - MIT License

freetype - David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg - FreeType License

GSM - Copyright (c) 1992 - 1994, 2009 Jutta Degener & Carsten Bormann - GSM

   permissive license

GNU FriBidi - Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Behdad Esfahbod, Dov Grobgeld, Roozbeh

   Pournader - LGPLv2.1 or later

GnuTLS - Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - LGPLv2.1 or


harfbuzz - Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012  Google, Inc., (c) 2012  Mozilla

   Foundation, (c) 2011 Codethink Limited, (c) 2008, 2010  Nokia Corporation

   and/or its subsidiary(-ies), (c) 2009 Keith Stribley, (c) 2009 Martin Hosken

   and SIL International, (c) 2007 Chris Wilson, (c) 2006 Behdad Esfahbod,

   (c) 2005 David Turner, (c) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc.,

   (c) 1998-2004 David Turner and Werner Lemberg - Old MIT License

liba52 - Aaron Holtzman & Michel Lespinasse, et al. - GPLv2 or later

libav - Copyright (c) 2000 - 2015 the libav developers - LGPLv2.1 or later

libass - Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Grigori Goronzy et al. - ISC License

libbluray - Copyright (c) 2009-2015 VideoLAN and authors - LGPLv2.1 or later

libcaca - Copyright (c) 2004 Sam Hocevar - WTFPL / LGPLv2.1 or later /

   GPLv2 or later / ISC

libdca - Copyright (c) 2004-2007 VideoLAN and authors - GPLv2 or later

libdvbpsi - Copyright (c) 2001-2015 VideoLAN and authors - LGPLv2.1 or later

libdvdcss - Copyright (c) 2001-2015 VideoLAN and authors - GPLv2 or later

libdvdread - GPLv2 or later

libdvdnav - GPLv2 or later

libebml - Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Steve Lhomme - LGPLv2.1 or later

libFLAC - Copyright (c) 2001 - 2014 Josh Coalson et al. - Xiph.org BSD license

libgme - LGPLv2.1 or later

libgpg-error - Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2013 g10 Code GmbH

   - LGPLv2.1 or later

libkate - Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Vincent Penquerc'h - 3-clause BSD License

liblive555 - Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Live Networks, Inc. - LGPLv2.1 or later

libmad - Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Robert Leslie, et al. - GPLv2 or later

libmatroska - Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Steve Lhomme - LGPLv2.1 or later

libmpeg2 - Aaron Holtzman & Michel Lespinasse, et al. - GPLv2 or later

libmodplug - Oliver Lapicque, Konstanty - Public domain

libogg, libvorbis - Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Xiph.org Foundation - Xiph.org BSD


libpostproc - Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Michael Niedermayer, et al. - GPLv2 or


libpng - Copyright (c) 2004, 2006-2014 Glenn Randers-Perhson, et al. - libpng


libsamplerate - Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Erik de Castro Lopo - GPLv2 or later

libschroedinger - Copyright (c) 2006 BBC and Fluendo - MIT License

libsdl - Copyright (c) 1997-2014 Sam Lantinga et al. - LGPLv2.1 or later

libshout - Copyright (c) 2012 - LGPLv2.1 or later

libtheora - Copyright (c) Xiph.org Foundation - Xiph.org BSD license

libtiff - Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler, (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics,

   Inc. - BSD-like

libtwolame - Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Michael Cheng, (c) 2004-2006 The TwoLAME

   Project - LGPLv2.1 or later

libupnp - Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Intel Corporation - 3-clause BSD License

libvpx - Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Google Inc. - 3-clause BSD License

libxml2 - Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Daniel Veillard - MIT License

lua - Copyright (c) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. - MIT License

Musepack decoder library - Copyright (c) 2005-2011, The Musepack Development

   Team - 3-clause BSD License

OpenJPEG - Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Communcations and Remote Sensing

   Laboratory, UCL, Belgium - ISC License

Opus - Copyright 2001-2013 Xiph.Org, Skype Limited, Octasic, Jean-Marc Valin,

   Timothy B. Terriberry, CSIRO, Gregory Maxwell, Mark Borgerding,

   Erik de Castro Lopo - Xiph.org BSD License

Sparkle — Andy Matuschak et al. - MIT License

Speex, Speexdsp - Copyright (c) 1992-2015 Xiph.org Foundation, Jean-Marc Valin,

   Analog Devices Inc. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

   Organisation, David Row, Jutta Degener, Carsten Bormann - 3-clause BSD


taglib - Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Scott Wheeler, et al. - LGPLv2.1 or later

x264 - Copyright (c) 2004-2015 VideoLAN and authors - GPLv2 or later

x265 - Copyright (c) 2004-2015 x265 project - GPLv2 or later

Zapping VBI library - Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Michael H. Schimek, Iñaki García

   Etxebarria - LGPLv2.1 or later

zlib - Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler - zlib license


The VideoLAN team would like to thank the following donators:


Julian Cain, who made a $1000 donation

The French website MacBidouille gave €500 to help us buy a PowerMac G5

The French magazine à vos MAC gave €500 to help us buy a PowerMac G5

Laurent Dupuy, who made a €540 donation

The French company Cybervia (Actech) gave €2000 to pay for webserver hosting

Dennis Perov - Hardware donation


...the following active members of our user community:


Alan Wright

David J LaBarre "DJ"

Eric Adler

Julien Bouquillon


...and code auditors and testers:


David Thiel

Philippe A. aka "Lotesdelère"

Sebastien Chaumat

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Краткое описание документа:

Электронный учебник по информатике полезен будет для учеников 8-го и 9 –го классов. В нем есть все разделы основного учебника по информатике базового уровня:

Разделы электронного учебника:

- человек и информация

- первое знакомство с компьютером

- текстовая информация и компьютер

- графическая информация и компьютер

- технология мультимедиа

- табличная информация и компьютер

Внутри каждого раздела есть теоретическая часть, графическое представление этого раздела и тест.

После просмотра теоретической части материала, и закрепления его графическим материалом (плакатом), учащийся может пройти тест. Если ученик не сдал тест, он может вернуться на обратную страницу, прочитать еще раз материал и повторить тест. Материал взят из учебника информатики Семакин И.Г. (8 и 9 класс) и с сайта коллекция уроков (тест и плакаты к разделам).

Рассмотрим техническую сторону создания учебника.

Мы знаем, что основным языком Интернета является язык гипертекстовой разметки HTML . HTML ( читается как ХЭТЭЭМЭЛ - это набор инструкций, которые браузер (Internet Explorer например) считывает, и по ним размещает элементы на странице.

Электронный учебник это сайт, состоящий из несколько html-страниц., написанных в простейшем редакторе «Блокнот»

Каждая html-страница имеет парные обязательные теги.

<html> </html> - этот тег сообщает браузеру, что это html-страница.

<head> </head> - заголовочный тег

<title> </title> - заголовок страницы (имя документа), отображается в самом верхнем углу браузера.

<body> </body> это тело страницы, где расположена вся информация.

Тело нашей страницы состоит из таблицы трех строк и трех столбцов и имеет табличные теги <table> </table>

Изображения, расположенные в ячейках, имеют тег <IMG SRC="имя изображения">

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  • Сейчас обучается 96 человек из 34 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 222 человека


Современные методики базальной стимуляции и развивающего ухода для детей с тяжелыми множественными нарушениями развития

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Финансовое моделирование и управление инвестиционными проектами

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Развитие мотивации к обучению

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 156 человек из 48 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 159 человек