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Удалить материалРабочий лист «The Universe and Man» с ответами содержит 6 увлекательных упражнений различных механик с тематической лексикой «Вселенная и человек», подходит как для индивидуальных занятий, так и для занятий в группах с учениками 10-11 классов (уровень B1-B2).
Курс повышения квалификации
Курс профессиональной переподготовки
300/600 ч.
Курс повышения квалификации
36/72 ч.
Курс повышения квалификации
36 ч. — 180 ч.
Еще материалы по этой теме
Рабочие листы
к вашим урокам
1 слайд
2 слайд
Styles of Painting
Put the letters in correct order
3 слайд
Guess what style it is
It’s the art that doesn’t represent recognizable objects.
It promotes accurate, detailed depiction of nature or contemporary life. It rejects imaginative idealization in favour of close observation.
It’s the conception of art as imitation of nature. Its subject included landscapes, tress, houses, street scenes. The artists paid attention to effects of light and movement.
The key concept of this style is that essence of the object can only be shown from different points of view at once. Its works reject perspective in favour of geometric forms.
The art in which common objects (such as comic strips, soup cans, road signs, and hamburgers) were used as subject matter.
Pop Art
4 слайд
“The Rooks Have Come”
“At Madam Jenoa’s Café”
“Madonna Benois”
“Artist’s Studio”
5 слайд
Match the paintings and the artists
“The Rooks Have Come”
“At Madam Jenoa’s Café”
“Madonna Benois”
“Artist’s Studio”
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Ivan Shishkin
c) Rembrandt van Rijn
d) Henri Matisse
e) Alexei Savrasov
f) Paul Gauguin
g) Michail Vrubel
h) Nikolay Roerich
6 слайд
“The Rooks Have Come”
“At Madam Jenoa’s Café”
“Madonna Benois”
“Artist’s Studio”
e) Alexei Savrasov
g) Michail Vrubel
c) Rembrandt van Rijn
f) Paul Gauguin
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Ivan Shishkin
d) Henri Matisse
h) Nikolay Roerich
7 слайд
Myths and legends.
8 слайд
The friend of man, protector of the human race
9 слайд
10 слайд
To steal fire and give it to man as a gift
To teach people all he knew
To anger Zeus
11 слайд
To punish Prometheus
A harsh punishment
12 слайд
To chain Prometheus to a peak in the Caucasus
To fly to the peak every day
13 слайд
To peck out his liver
To grow back again during the night
To undergo the same torment the next day
14 слайд
30 years to pass
To come to release Prometheus
15 слайд
Guess what god or goddess it is.
16 слайд
The king and father of gods
17 слайд
The god of the sea
18 слайд
The goddess of the moon and the hunt
19 слайд
The goddess of wisdom and war
20 слайд
The god of light, music and prophecy
21 слайд
The god of war
22 слайд
The goddess of the family and married women
23 слайд
The goddess of love and beauty
24 слайд
The god of fire and art
25 слайд
The god of commerce and prophecy, the messenger of the gods and bearer of dead souls
26 слайд
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