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Курс повышения квалификации
Курс профессиональной переподготовки
Курс повышения квалификации
1 слайд
Презентация по теме «Безопасное поведение на дорогах» (Spotlight-6)
2 слайд
What can you see here?
3 слайд
-PARKING ZONE-парковка
-TRAFFIC SIGN-дорожный жнак
-ZEBRA CROSSING- пешеходный переход
-TRAFFIC WARDEN-регулировщик дорожного движения
-YELLOW LINES -желтые линии
4 слайд
ex.2 p.26 Let’s match columns A and B to make phrases
1.wear a)the window
2.walk straight b)the pavement
3.look c) the driver
4.run into d)the road
5.talk to e)both ways
6.walk on f)across the road
7.lean out of g)a seat belt
5 слайд
Let’s check
1.wear g)a seat belt
2.walk straight b)the pavement
3.look e)both ways
4.run into d)the road
5.talk to c)the driver
6.walk on f)across the road
7.lean out of a)the window
6 слайд
And now let’s make the instructions using these phrases (ex.3b)
1. When on the street,look both ways before crossing .Don’t ............................................
2.When in the car,........................................
3.When on the bus,......................................
7 слайд
Let’s check
1......run onto the road.
2......wear a seatbelt.
3......don’t talk to the driver.
8 слайд
What means of transport do you know?
9 слайд
And now let’s read the text and match the titles to the sections (ex.4 p.27)
1.Look for a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing.Don’t cross between the parked cars.Stop before you walk onto the road. Stand on the pavement near the kerb.
Listen and look both ways for traffic.Make sure it’s clear and walk straight across the road.
10 слайд
the 2nd text...
2.Make sure your bike is in good working condition.Check your brakes and tyres regularly.Wear a bicycle helmet.
Ride with the flow of traffic,not against it.
Use bike lanes.
Wear bright clothes in daytime.
Never carry a second person on your bike.
11 слайд
the 3rd text.....
3.Stand well back until the bus has stopped completely. Don’t push others when you enterthe bus.
Sit down in your seat quietly and quickly.If there aren’t free seats,use handgrips.
Don’t talk to the driver or annoy others on the bus.
Don’t lean out of the window.
Don’t wave from the window.
12 слайд
the 4th text
Always sit in the back seat if you are under 12 years old.Wear a seat belt.
Don’t block the rear view mirror.
Don’t play with the car door handles.
Always use the door on the pavement side to get out of the car.
13 слайд
Let’s check
1.When you cross the street on foot
2.When you ride a bike
3.When you travel on a bus (by bus)
4.When you travel in a car
14 слайд
ex.5 Find the words connected with means of transport and make spidergrams with them
Bicycle bus car
- brakes -seats -back seat
- tyres -handgrips -seat belt
-helmet -window -rear view mirror
-door handles
Рабочие листы
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6 777 898 материалов в базе
«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.
Module 3. Getting around
Больше материалов по этой теме3a getting around
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