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Курс повышения квалификации
Курс повышения квалификации
1 слайд
Sherlock Holmes Museum.
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Sherlock Holmes Museum
Sherlock Holmes Museum - the most popular of the private museums of London. It is dedicated to the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. The museum opened in 1990.
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One of the most famous addresses in the world is on Baker Street in London, has long lived deductive famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson. Thousands of people write letters to Holmes, organize clubs and holding meetings in his honor. In 1990, Baker Street opened the Sherlock Holmes Museum, and in the end, the hero of the novel appeared very real home.
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Entrance to the museum is £ 6 for adults and 4 - for children, and it is open every day except Christmas.
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On the ground floor there is a gift shop and a small hallway. On the first floor - living room and bedroom Holmes. - The third room Watson and Mrs. Hudson, hostess and owner of the house. On the fourth floor there are wax figures of various characters from the novels.
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Gift shop
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Bedroom Holmes.
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Room Dr. Watson
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Сharacters from the novels
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Living room
In the living room you can find a huge number of items related to the characters of novels: Holmes felt hat (which he could not carry in London, otherwise would have seemed ridiculous) and Dr Watson pot, pipe, violin, magnifying glass, notebook, chemicals and equipment , Persian slippers (in which Holmes sometimes kept tobacco).
11 слайд
Collection tubes
12 слайд
The violin of Sherlock Holmes
13 слайд
Things of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
14 слайд
Turkish slipper with tobacco
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