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Презентация по английскому языку "Why must technology bring apology to ecology ?

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  • To answer this question we must first of all  learn the meaning of the word “...

    2 слайд

    To answer this question we must first of all learn the meaning of the word “ecology”.Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with its environment.This word came from the Greek “oikos” which means “ home”. This idea of “ home” includes the whole planet of ours,its population,the Nature, animals,birds, fish, insects, all other living beings and even the atmosphere around our planet.Do all of them live a happy and healthy life in our Home today?Unfortunately it is not so.Indeed, many territories, water basins, lakes, rivers, oceans and the atmosphere are polluted with all kinds of technological, agricultural, chemical,nuclear and other wastes.The intensive development of sciences , industry and chemistry of the 21st century has made the pollution of our environment a global problem which should be solved by no means.
    Why must technology bring apology to ecology?

  • SOS!This year we conducted  an environmental survey in our school  to find ou...

    3 слайд

    This year we conducted an environmental survey in our school to find out what students of our school think and do about environmental problems. 62 students of our school were asked different questions. These are the results of this survey

  • .I. Question:How many kilograms of trash are thrown away each day by your fa...

    4 слайд

    .I. Question:How many kilograms of trash are thrown away each day by your family?
    4,8 % of students answered that they throw away 7-8 kg of trash every day.
    43,5 % of students said that they throw away 1-2 kg of trash .
    50 % of students are sure that their families throw away 3-5 kg. of trash.
    1,7 %of students don’t know how much trash they throw away each day.
    Put it all together and you’ll see huge heaps of trash in Bikin! More than that a lot of people throw litter everywhere. Look at these photos. It’s a sad picture, isn’t it?

    43,5 %

  • II.Question: How many plastic bottles do you use and then throw away each wee...

    5 слайд

    II.Question: How many plastic bottles do you use and then throw away each week?
    25% of students answered that they throw away 1-2 plastic bottles every week. 35% of students said that they throw away 6 bottles. 40% of students throw away 3-5 plastic bottles a week. A great bottle city will be built if we put all these bottles together!

  • III. Question: Try to guess how long it might take for one heavy plastic bott...

    6 слайд

    III. Question: Try to guess how long it might take for one heavy plastic bottle to fall apart?

    17,7% of students guess that it might take from 6 months up to 5 years for a heavy plastic bottle to fall apart.(approximate decomposition time for a plastic bottle-up to 500 years, glass containers never fall apart; it might take 1 month for a traffic ticket to fall apart.) 35,5% of students are sure that it might take from 10 years up to 100 years for a plastic bottle to fall apart.24,2% of students think that it might take from 500 up to 1000 years.14,5% of students suppose that it might take just a very long time 8,1% of students don’t know at all. So you see, the answers are so different because of lack of knowledge.


  • IV.Question.What do members of your family do with those things that you no l...

    7 слайд

    IV.Question.What do members of your family do with those things that you no longer need? (old clothes, toys and magazines).

    67%- throw away and burn old things.
    18,2%- give them to the needy.
    10,3%- keep them at home and only 4,5% reuse them.


  • V.Question Do you have a special place in Bikin that you like  best and enjoy...

    8 слайд

    V.Question Do you have a special place in Bikin that you like best and enjoy?
    31,1% of students consider a central park to be the most beautiful place in our town because it is very clean , peaceful and quiet. The landscape is also very beautiful there. You can meet your best friends and have a jolly time together.
    26,2% of students like the Monument to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War and hills which surround our town. They love fresh air, beautiful landscape. People enjoy going on picnics.
    For 14,7% of students their home is a special place they like best.
    Some students like to spend time at the stadium, in the yard, at school and just walk along quiet streets of our town.These places are the best for them.

  • VI.Question. Is Bikin a polluted town? What are the most polluted places...

    9 слайд

    VI.Question. Is Bikin a polluted town? What are the most polluted places in Bikin?
    The majority of students answered that our town is greatly polluted and only 1/3 of students think that Bikin is not so greatly polluted as compared with other places of the Khabarovsky Krai.The most polluted places in Bikin are the Bistrushka, railway , the Railway Square, the central market, the “Forest café” near the shop “Svetlana”, the banks of the Bikin, the yards near the apartment blocks of flats, the places where people have picnics ( the suburbs of Bikin).

  • VII.Question. How can we save our planet? (choose 5 most important things)You...

    10 слайд

    VII.Question. How can we save our planet? (choose 5 most important things)You can add some other things.
    ·        writing letters to government, buying less, recycling, having small families, collecting things and giving them to people who need them, reusing, picking up litter, etc.
    The 5 most important things for the students of our school are:
    Collecting things and giving them to people who need them
    Writing letters to government and local newspapers
    Buying less
    Students also have their own opinion on how to save our planet from pollution.
    ·        We must throw away less trash
    ·        If people use too much water, they must be fined.
    ·        There must be special containers for different garbage along the streets of our town (mixed paper, glass bottles, cans, plastic containers and others)
    ·        Recycling centres must be organized in every town and village.
    ·        There must be mini recycling centres in every house, so that people will be able to recycle some things themselves.

  • Now we know the answer to the question why technology must bring apology to e...

    11 слайд

    Now we know the answer to the question why technology must bring apology to ecology. Because ecology is polluted and technology is polluting our environmentbadly .And in conclusion all of us should always remember the wise advice of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said:
    “If you don’t think about the future,
    You will not have it!”
    “If you don’t think about the future,
    You will not have it!”

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Краткое описание документа:

Данный проект предлагает рассмотрение проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды в небольшом российском городе.

Тема учебного проекта: Technology must Вring Apology to Ecology.

Вопрос учебной темы:

Why must technology bring apology to ecology?

Учебные предметы:английский язык

Участники: учащиеся 8– 9 классов

Дидактические цели проекта:

Формирование компетенции в сфере самостоятельной, познавательной деятельности, критического мышления, навыков работы в группе, приобретение навыков самостоятельной работы с большим объёмом информации, умение видеть проблему и наметить пути её решения.

Методические цели:

Развивать способность к логическому изложению содержания, самооценке своих действий, сформировать представления учащихся о причинах загрязнения г.Бикина и его окрестностей и последствиях, формировать способность осознавать экологические проблемы и роль человека во взаимодействии с природой.

Предлагаемые этапы проекта:

1.Постановка проблемы, разделение учащихся по группам и постановка задачи для каждой группы. Выработка критерий оценки результата работы каждой группы.

2. Предоставление исследовательского материала и характеристика работы групп.

3.Пресс -конференция

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