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Удалить материалАнглийский язык — один из самых распространенных языков в мире. Знание языка открывает детям множество возможностей в учебе, путешествиях и даже в будущем трудоустройстве. Правильная мотивация поможет детям увидеть все преимущества изучения английского.
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300/600 ч.
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1 слайд
Christmas in
Потапова Наталья Николаевна, учитель английского языка ,СОШ №3,г.Людиново,Калужской области.
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Christmas is one of the major holidays of Christians, the second after Easter. On this day, believers celebrate the most important event - the birth of the Son of God. Jesus Christ came to earth for the salvation of human souls.
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Christmas in Russia: Christmas post, Christmas Eve, Christmas time, Epiphany
Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, with the advent of which people have hope in the mercy and goodness, truth, and eternal life. The Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas according to the Julian calendar on January 7, unlike the Western churches celebrating it on the 25-th of December according the Gregorian calendar.
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Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas post
Nativity Christmas is preceded by forty days fasting, which ends by Christmas Eve (January 6).
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Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas post
Nativity Fast is the last post in a multi-day year. Nativity Fast is the spiritual renewal of communion with God and preparing for the celebration of Christmas.
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Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas Eve
The eve of Christmas is called "Christmas Eve" - the name of ritual food, partakes in this day - sochivo.
Sochivo or kutia is porridge made of wheat or barley, rye, buckwheat, peas, lentils, mixed with honey.
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Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas Eve
On the night from the 6-th to the 7-th of January , before the Orthodox Christmas, people usually did not sleep. They went from house to house, ate and caroled.
Christmas lasted three days. Devout believers were trying to hold them in the temple. The second day after Christmas is called the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christians in churches celebrate Mother of God, from which the Saviour was born.
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Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas Eve
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Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas time
Twelve days after the celebration of Christmas to Epiphany were called Christmas-tide, i.e. holy days, as these twelve days sanctified by the great events of the Nativity. At the holiday table all congratulated
each other, and
then came the
moment that had
been waited by
the children –
giving gifts.
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Sparrow flies
Tail wagging,
And people know!
Tables blanketed,
Guests take,
Christmas Meet!
Воробушек летит,
Хвостиком вертит,
А вы, люди, знайте,
Столы застилайте,
Гостей принимайте,
Рождество встречайте!
Winter holidays begin with caroling or shchedrivkas.
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Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas time
12 слайд
Russian Christmas Traditions: Christmas time
According to a legend, within eight days after the birth of Jesus Christ evil spirits walk around the earth, prowl the streets, frightening passersby. Costumed represented evil spirits,
wore horned and
bearded masks,
frightened and amused
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Russian Christmas Traditions: The Epiphany
January, 18 comes Epiphany Eve. Traditionally it’s not without divination(гадание). In older times the whole family, young and old, and sometimes even a few families participated in divination. This ritual had been preserved since pagan times.
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Christmas symbols
Christmas star.
In Christianity, the star represents the birth of Jesus Christ, the divine of the heavenly forces.
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Christmas symbols
Angels in Christianity are holy spirits, whom the Lord had made to protect and care for people.
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Christmas symbols
Since ancient times bells traditionally bring the house goodness and joy, because they are ringing, shimmering, drive away evil spirits.
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Christmas symbols
Snowflakes. Snowflakes are the personification of winter and the approaching celebration of Christmas.
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Christmas festivities and games
And of course, in the old days at Christmas and after it, everyone likes walking, playing and having fun. Most like to dress up and play the presentation.
19 слайд
Russian Christmas Traditions:
20 слайд
Christmas festivities and games
But, as in the old days in the Christmas in Russia accepted divination.
There are many ways to learn your fate:
1. On tea thick;
2. On coffee;
3. On wax.
21 слайд
Christmas festivities and games
A great number of wills are connected with Christmas. Thaw in the day means the yield of buckwheat. If the night sky is lit up by a lot of stars, this year will be a great harvest of berries and a considerable rise in the number of livestock. Also a good harvest will be, if the holiday heralds fall on Monday or Sunday. At Christmas it is strictly forbidden to be engaged in any chores around the house - knitting, washing, sewing, going hunting.
22 слайд
Merry Christmas!
23 слайд
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Традиции Рождества в России вчера и сегодня/planeta.moy.su>
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Презентация создана совместно с учащимися 11 класса для использования на уроке,посвящённом Рождеству в России и англо-говорящих странах.Материал переводился с русского.Знакомит учащихся с традициями празднования Рождества в России,символами и обычаями,мотивируя обучающихся помнить русскую культуру,проводя параллель между двумя культурами и религиями.Может быть использована как в урочной деятельности,так и на факультативном занятии.Использовалась к учебнику "Spotlight-11'',но может быть использована к любому учебному комплексу при подготовке к Рождеству.
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