Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Adverbs" (9 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Adverbs" (9 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Using Adverbs

    1 слайд

    Using Adverbs

  • Types of AdverbsLimiting
Show Speed
Reflect how often
Show how well something...

    2 слайд

    Types of Adverbs
    Show Speed
    Reflect how often
    Show how well something is done
    Show degree and effort
    Show in what way something is done

  • Adverbs that limitAlmost or practically
a limited amount, a little bit
not co...

    3 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    Almost or practically
    a limited amount, a little bit
    not completely but somewhat
    just about or nearly
    She saved almost no money
    The actress won practically all the awards.

  • Adverbs that limitVirtually or essentially
almost completely
almost entirely...

    4 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    Virtually or essentially
    almost completely
    almost entirely
    for the most part
    The accident victims escaped virtually unharmed.
    John and Will are doing essentially the same experiment.

  • Adverbs that limitScarcely
emphasizes a narrow margin or below satisfactory p...

    5 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    emphasizes a narrow margin or below satisfactory performance
    very little ability or possibility
    barely or hardly
    We had scarcely enough food.
    John didn’t study and scarcely passed the test.

  • Adverbs that limitHardly
with great effort or with little likelihood
almost n...

    6 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    with great effort or with little likelihood
    almost not at all
    emphasizes the difficulty involved
    It is hardly possible to save money when you are a student.
    I could hardly stand I was so tired

  • Adverbs that limitBarely
only meeting the minimum
emphasizes the narrow margi...

    7 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    only meeting the minimum
    emphasizes the narrow margin of achieving or having something
    I have barely any money.
    It is barely 11:00. We can’t eat lunch yet.

  • Adverbs that limitJust
immediate past
the minimal amount possible
She ju...

    8 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    immediate past
    the minimal amount possible
    She just finished the test.
    I have just one more question.

  • Adverbs that limitMerely
used to limit an extreme condition
and nothing more...

    9 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    used to limit an extreme condition
    and nothing more
    I did not break the glass, I merely dropped it.
    She did not mean to break it; it was merely a mistake.

  • Adverbs that limitRather
somewhat (to a certain extent)
a little bit
I am rat...

    10 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    somewhat (to a certain extent)
    a little bit
    I am rather broke.
    It is rather a cloudy day.

  • Adverbs that limitRoughly
fairly correct or accurate
I have rou...

    11 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    fairly correct or accurate
    I have roughly two hundred dollars.
    Mary wears roughly a size 10 dress.

  • Adverbs that limitalmost/merely/rather/hardly

She is ________ pretty.
She wa...

    12 слайд

    Adverbs that limit

    She is ________ pretty.
    She was ______ late, not absent.
    We have ______ enough gas to get home.

  • Adverbs that limitpractically/barely/almost
I can’t leave yet because work fi...

    13 слайд

    Adverbs that limit
    I can’t leave yet because work finishes at five and it’s ____ four.
    We can go home now. Our job is ______ completed.
    It is ______ eight, and I’m not done yet.

  • Adverbs of speedQuickly
with speed or promptness
in a short time
He did his w...

    14 слайд

    Adverbs of speed
    with speed or promptness
    in a short time
    He did his work carefully but quickly.
    Try to get it done quickly, because we have to go soon.

  • Adverbs of speedSlowly
with little speed
taking a long time
She w...

    15 слайд

    Adverbs of speed
    with little speed
    taking a long time
    She walked slowly to school.
    She is working too slowly; we need to finish tonight

  • Adverbs of speedHastily
in a hurry
too quickly to be careful
She has...

    16 слайд

    Adverbs of speed
    in a hurry
    too quickly to be careful
    She hastily cleaned her desk before the boss came.
    Take your time and do not drive too hastily.

  • Adverbs of speedLethargically
without energy
with apathy or dullness...

    17 слайд

    Adverbs of speed
    without energy
    with apathy or dullness
    The boys seemed sleepy as they lethargically put the toys away.
    Jack was lethargic after his accident.

  • Adverbs of speedPromptly
without delay
in a timely manner
at once
Please arri...

    18 слайд

    Adverbs of speed
    without delay
    in a timely manner
    at once
    Please arrive promptly at 6:00.
    Alice always arrives promptly for her lesson.

  • Adverbs of speedTardily
not prompt or on time
Alex always arrives tardil...

    19 слайд

    Adverbs of speed
    not prompt or on time
    Alex always arrives tardily for class.
    If you arrive tardily again, you will be fired.

  • Adverbs that reflect how oftenConstantly
without pause

It is har...

    20 слайд

    Adverbs that reflect how often
    without pause

    It is hard to get any work done when the telephone rings constantly.

  • Adverbs that reflect how oftenSteadily
Continuing forward in an even and regu...

    21 слайд

    Adverbs that reflect how often
    Continuing forward in an even and regular manner

    The rain continued steadily throughout the night.

  • Adverbs that reflect how oftenIntermittently

The ra...

    22 слайд

    Adverbs that reflect how often

    The rain showers occurred intermittently during the afternoon.

  • Adverbs that reflect how oftenOccasionally
Once in awhile
Not often

    23 слайд

    Adverbs that reflect how often
    Once in awhile
    Not often
    Since I live so far away, I only get to visit my family occasionally.

  • Adverbs that reflect how oftenPeriodically
At fixed intervals or ti...

    24 слайд

    Adverbs that reflect how often
    At fixed intervals or times

    The fire alarms should be tested periodically.

  • Adverbs that show how well something is doneEffectively
Meeting a need
This m...

    25 слайд

    Adverbs that show how well something is done
    Meeting a need
    This medicine works effectively. Her fever should drop within an hour.
    This medicine effectively works, and her fever should drop within an hour.

  • Adverbs that show how well something is doneEfficiently
Without waste
A gas f...

    26 слайд

    Adverbs that show how well something is done
    Without waste
    A gas furnace can heat the house more efficiently than a wood stove.
    A gas furnace can more efficiently heat the house than a wood stove.

  • Adverbs that show how well something is doneConscientiously
Thoughtful and wi...

    27 слайд

    Adverbs that show how well something is done
    Thoughtful and with care
    Before leaving for work Alice conscientiously checks to make certain all of the doors and windows are locked.
    Before leaving for work Alice checks conscientiously to make certain all of the doors and windows are locked.

  • Adverbs that show how well something is doneConcisely
Briefly and clearly


    28 слайд

    Adverbs that show how well something is done
    Briefly and clearly

    She was able to concisely describe the problem in just a few minutes.
    She was able to describe the problem concisely in just a few minutes.

  • Adverbs that show how well something is doneDeftly

The young gymn...

    29 слайд

    Adverbs that show how well something is done

    The young gymnast was able to perform her routine deftly.
    The young gymnast was able to deftly perform her routine.

  • Adverbs that show how well something is doneErroneously
By error...

    30 слайд

    Adverbs that show how well something is done
    By error
    John erroneously turned on the hot water instead of the cold.
    John turned on the hot water erroneously instead of the cold.

  • Adverbs that show degree and effortUltimately
In the end
It was his...

    31 слайд

    Adverbs that show degree and effort
    In the end
    It was his greed that ultimately ended the thief’s career.
    Ultimately, it was his greed that ended the thief’s career.

  • Adverbs that show degree and effortUrgently
With great need
Very seriously

    32 слайд

    Adverbs that show degree and effort
    With great need
    Very seriously
    After such a disaster, medical supplies are urgently needed.
    After such a disaster, medical supplies are needed urgently.

  • Adverbs that show degree and effortMarginally
His ideas are only margi...

    33 слайд

    Adverbs that show degree and effort
    His ideas are only marginally useful.
    His ideas are useful only marginally.

  • Adverbs that show degree and effortEnormously

It is a...

    34 слайд

    Adverbs that show degree and effort

    It is an enormously long report.
    The report is enormously long.

  • Adverbs that show degree and effortAssuredly
These probl...

    35 слайд

    Adverbs that show degree and effort
    These problems will assuredly be resolved.
    Assuredly, these problems will be resolved.
    These problems will be resolved, assuredly

  • Adverbs that show degree and effortMildly
We were mildly...

    36 слайд

    Adverbs that show degree and effort
    We were mildly surprised to see Jack at the wedding.

  • Adverbs that show in what way something is doneFrankly
In a straight...

    37 слайд

    Adverbs that show in what way something is done
    In a straightforward manner
    I wish Alice would learn to speak frankly.
    Frankly, I wish my daughter was doing better in school.

  • Adverbs that show in what way something is doneExplicitly
In an exact and det...

    38 слайд

    Adverbs that show in what way something is done
    In an exact and detailed way
    I told him quite explicitly to be here by seven.
    Jack has explained the new program quite explicitly.

  • Adverbs that show in what way something is donePeculiarly
Oddly or strangely...

    39 слайд

    Adverbs that show in what way something is done
    Oddly or strangely
    Rita has been acting peculiarly since her accident.
    The streets are peculiarly quite for this time of the day.

  • Adverbs that show in what way something is doneImpartially
Without favor

    40 слайд

    Adverbs that show in what way something is done
    Without favor
    The decision to appoint Ralph as president was made impartially.
    She is too personally involved to to act impartially.

  • Adverbs that show in what way something is doneReadily
Without hesitation

    41 слайд

    Adverbs that show in what way something is done
    Without hesitation
    Emergency supplies were readily available right after the earthquake happened.

  • Adverbs that show in what way something is doneWillingly
With pleasure

    42 слайд

    Adverbs that show in what way something is done
    With pleasure
    Without hesitation
    Bill Gates willing gives much money to charity.
    The crowd moved off willing when they realized the danger of staying.

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