Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Каникулы. Виртуальные каникулы" (5 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Каникулы. Виртуальные каникулы" (5 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • 1 слайд

  • Here is a puzzle for you. Name all the words in  the pictures, take only the...

    2 слайд

    Here is a puzzle for you. Name all the words in
    the pictures, take only the first letter of each
    word and you will read
    the topic of today’s lesson

  • hat – letter  ‘h’ 
           orange – ‘o’ 
               lamp – ‘l’...

    3 слайд

    hat – letter ‘h’
    orange – ‘o’
    lamp – ‘l’
    ice-cream – ‘i’
    dog – ‘d’
    apple – ‘a
    yogurt – ‘y’
    sun – ‘s’


    4 слайд


  • 5 слайд

  • Form: 5 th
The aim: to introduce and practice language for holidays:
- to pra...

    6 слайд

    Form: 5 th
    The aim: to introduce and practice language for holidays:
    - to practice your English sounds, read, make up the dialogues and act out, translate, answer the questions;
    - to spend holidays in the city, at the seaside, in the country;
    - to revise rules for Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple;
    - to write a personal letter.
    We will :

    read ask and answer speak write listen

  • Фонетическая зарядка:  
Let’s practice your English sounds to speak English w...

    7 слайд

    Фонетическая зарядка:
    Let’s practice your English sounds to speak English well.
    Look at the blackboard, repeat after me and translate:
    1. To spend holidays in the city, at the seaside, in the country.
    2. Trekking (горный туризм).
    3. To play outdoor games.
    4. Rock climbing (скалолазание).
    3. To swim in the sea.
    4. Sightseeing tour (тур по достопримечательностям).
    5. To go for walks in the forest.
    6. To make snowballs, snowman.
    7. To pick flowers, leaves.
    8. Extreme sports.
    9. To visit museums.
    10.To ride a bike.
    11.To go abroad.

  • Find the matching pairs of words(Найти подходящие пары слов):to ride 

    8 слайд

    Find the matching pairs of words
    (Найти подходящие пары слов):
    to ride
    to make
    to pick
    to spend
    to go
    to miss
    to take
    to enjoy
    to start
    to gather
    to have
    to play

    a bike
    care of
    a trip

  • Мозговой штурм.

 Language focus.

    9 слайд

    Мозговой штурм.


    Language focus.

  • 10 слайд

  • Translate from English into Russian:
I like to spend my summer holidays in...

    11 слайд

    Translate from English into Russian:
    I like to spend my summer holidays in
    the country.
    Every day I go for  walks in the forest,
    pick flowers and gather mushrooms.
    3. I rode a bike.
    4. We had a wonderful time in the country.
    5. I am going to spend my holidays at the seaside next year.
    6. He likes trekking.
    7. The weather’ ll be hot and sunny tomorrow.
    8. I saw museums.

  • True or False:

I ride a bike in the winter holidays.
We go abroad in the su...

    12 слайд

    True or False:

    I ride a bike in the winter holidays.
    We go abroad in the summer holidays.
    He likes to grow vegetables and fruit in the spring holidays.
    Hockey is often played on sand.
    We make snowmen and snowballs in the autumn holidays.
    During my winter holidays we have a lot of time in the open air.
    English pupils have their winter holidays from around the 17th of December.
    I like my summer holidays very much.

  • -Answer the questions:

1. What is your  favourite season? 
2. What kinds of...

    13 слайд

    Answer the questions:

    1. What is your favourite season?
    2. What kinds of holidays do you know?
    3. Why do you like summer holidays? 
    4. Do you miss summer holidays?
    5. When do you have your winter holidays?
    6. Do you think that modern life is impossible without travelling?
    7. Did you go abroad?
    8. How do you like to spend your summer holidays?


  • 14 слайд

  • Listening ex.3a p.116.

    15 слайд

    Listening ex.3a p.116.

  • Read and answer the questions:
1. Are you planning an adventure holiday?
2. I...

    16 слайд

    Read and answer the questions:
    1. Are you planning an adventure holiday?
    2. Is the Himalayas the place to go?
    3. The Himalayas? What can you do there?
    3. Do you like to go there?
    4. Spain is the most attractive place in the world, isn’t it?
    5. There are four pools, aren’t there?


  • Fill in the missing words:  lessons , speak , happy , holidays, Russia,  pup...

    17 слайд

    Fill in the missing words: lessons , speak , happy , holidays, Russia, pupils, summer
    Dear  students ,
    I hope you are 1) … to start a new school year. I wish I were in 2)… now. Here in London I miss you very much. I told my 3)… about my stay in Russia and showed them a lot of pictures. We have 5 or 6 4)… a day. I teach 10-year-old students. At the lessons we 5)…English, ask and answer questions, read and translate. Very often we tell each other about 6)…holidays. And how did you spend your7)…?
    Give my best wishes to your teachers and parents.
    Mary Brown.

  • Dear  students , 
I hope you are happy to start a new school year. I wish I w...

    18 слайд

    Dear  students ,
    I hope you are happy to start a new school year. I wish I were in Russia now. Here in London I miss you very much. I told my pupils about my stay in Russia and showed them a lot of pictures. We have 5 or 6 lessons a day. I teach 10-year-old students. At the lessons we speak English, ask and answer questions, read and translate. Very often we tell each other about summer holidays. And how did you spend your holidays?
    Give my best wishes to your teachers and parents.
    Mary Brown.

  • Find the words and write them below

    19 слайд

    Find the words and write them below

  • Mind Map «карта памяти»
Диаграмма связей, известная также как интеллект – к...

    20 слайд

    Mind Map «карта памяти»
    Диаграмма связей, известная также как интеллект – карта, карта мыслей (англ. Mind Map) или ассоциативная карта, — способ изображения процесса общего системного мышления с помощью схем. 

(England)   (France)                               (Mexico)(Germany)’’’’’

    21 слайд



  • 22 слайд

  • Work in pairs. Make up the dialogues and act out how you spend your summer ho...

    23 слайд

    Work in pairs. Make up the dialogues and act out how you spend your summer holidays using the plan

    Ask your friend about:

    The place
    The weather
    People he/she meets
    Interesting places

    Не забыть поприветствовать друга (подругу) и поблагодарить его (ее) за разговор.

  • 24 слайд

  • 25 слайд

  • 26 слайд

  • 27 слайд

на тему: «Holidays»

    28 слайд

    на тему: «Holidays»

  • РЕФЛЕКСИЯ (REFLECTION)    I am fine  I am so – so  I am bad

    29 слайд


    I am fine
    I am so – so
    I am bad

  • A small surprise for               you. 
«What a wonderful world»
(«Как пре...

    30 слайд

    A small surprise for you.

    «What a wonderful world»
    («Как прекрасен этот мир»).

  • 31 слайд

  • 32 слайд

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