Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Kazakhstan is my motherland"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Kazakhstan is my motherland"

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№19 орта мектебі












Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: «Kazakhstan is my Motherland»


10 «А» сынып












                                                                      Пәні мұғалімі: Тлебаева Г.А.

                                                 Күні: 21.10.15













2015-2016 оқу жылы

Plan of the lesson.

Date: 21.10.2015

Form: 10 “A”

Theme of the lesson:  Kazakhstan is my Motherland

Aims of the lesson:

Educational:  To enlarge students scope for the Kazakh history and to be able to speak about our Motherland.

                        To review grammar tenses Present Simple and Present Continuous 
Development:  To develop pupils speech in speaking.
Upbringing:  To bring them up to love our country, to be able to protect it and to be an individual citizen of our       country

Accessories:  Computer, Interactive board, the map of our Republic, cards, pictures, presentation

Inter subject connection:  Kazakh, geography, history

Method of the lesson: work in groups, work in pairs, answer the questions,  read and write

Type of the lesson: new lesson


Procedure of the lesson:

I. Org.moment:

a) greeting тренинг (Оқушылар шеңберге тұрып, амандасу түрлерін көрсетеді)

«Әр елдің амандасу» дәстүрі бойынша Қазақтар қол алысады, италяндықтар құшақтасады, бразилиялықтар бір бірінің иығын қағады, зимбавеліктер арқасымен амандасады, македондықтар шынтақпен амандасады, никарагуалықтар иықпен амандасады, австралиялықтар шапалық ұрып секіреді

b) duty`s report

-Who is on duty today?

-What date is it today?

-What month is it today?

-What day of the week is it today?

-Who is absent today?

c) introducing the theme, aims

 Today we’ll talk about our Motherland. There is nothing better and the most expensive in the world like Native Land. It gives us wings for flight, lights every our step. It is impossible to choose Native Land. It can be only loved or treated indifferently to.
We know the English word motherland. For people it has two meanings. Firstly, it is the place you were born in. Then it means the whole country where you live. For me my motherland begins in my own village, in which I have grown up. May be this place is usual and uninteresting for other people, but for you it is the dearest place in the world.

Before beginning our lesson let`s divided our class into two groups. You must choose one stickers and sit into two groups. 

II. Brainstorming:

-What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

- What is the population of Kazakhstan?

-What large   cities of Kazakhstan do you know?

-What countries does it border on?

III.Speaking: think, draw and speak

Now look at the blackboard it is map of the Kazakhstan and now you must  draw a cluster and write all about Kazakhstan.Овал: KazakhstanОвал: Kazakhstan          


 Group 1                                                                Group 2




IY. New words:


share [∫ɛə]- бөлісу

desert [dezət]- құмды дала

resources [ri`sɔ:siz] – байлық, ресурстар

deposit [di`pɔzit] – жерасты қоры

gas [gæs] – газ

rename [ri`neim] – жаңа ат беру

reservoir [`rezəvwa:] - қор

former [fɔ:mə] - бұрынғы


Y. Reading:

a) Read the text “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”

b) Ask and answer: You must give some question about the text


1) Where is Kazakhstan  situated?                                                               \in the centre of the Eurasian|

2) What  kind of state is  Kazakhstan?                                                           democratic.independent\                         

3) When does  Kazakhstan  celebrate the  Independence Day?                     \on 16 December\

4) How  many regions   are  there in Kazakhstan?                        \14\

5) Who is the author of the state Hymn?                                     Zhumeken  Nazhimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbaev  6) Who is the author of the   of the state Emblem?                     \Zhandarbek Malibekov  and  Shota   Ualikhanov\                                                                                                               

 7)  What  can  you  say   about population?                              /about 16 million people/ 

 8)  When is birthday of  the State Symbols?                              /The 4th of June  1992\                          

 9)  Where is the standard of the  state Emblem and the state  Flag  placed?       \In the  residence of Kazakhstan/


YI. Writing: work with cards

a)      True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________

1-f;   2-t;  3-t;   4-f; 5-t.

b)      1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

Astana  is  the capital  of Kazakhstan.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

The  official language  is Kazakh.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

The  country  is  rich with  mineral resources such as  copper,gold, silver,oil.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.

Almaty  was  the capital  until  December  1997  then  it  was moved  to  Akmola.



YII. Check homework: to make up  presentation about our country.


YIII. Conclusion : Write a cinquain about Kazakhstan in your group. Бес жолды өлең

1 жолы – тақырып (зат есім)

2 жолы – тақырыпты екі сөзбен суреттеу (сын есім)

3 жолы – әрекетті 3 сөзбен суреттеу (етістік)

4 жолы – тақырыпқа қатынасты білдіретін сөздер (әр түрлі сөз таптары)

5 жол – тақырыпты тексеретін жалпы, бірінші сөздің синонимі


  IX. Homework:  to write essay about “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”                                                                        

True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________


True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________


True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________


True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________


True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________


True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________


True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________


True or false

1.      Kazakhstan shares its border  with the Russian, China and Turkey _______

2.      The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north. _______

3.      The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron  etc.________

4.      The largest city of Kazakhstan is Kostanay _____

5.      Kazakhstan has  population is about 16.5 million. _________

1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.


1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.


1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.


1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.


1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.


1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.


1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.



1) Where is Kazakhstan  situated?                                                               \in the centre of the Eurasian|

2) What  kind of state is  Kazakhstan?                                                           democratic.independent\                         

3) When does  Kazakhstan  celebrate the  Independence Day?                     \on 16 December\

4) How  many regions   are  there in Kazakhstan?                        \14\

5) Who is the author of the state Hymn?                                     Zhumeken  Nazhimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbaev  6) Who is the author of the   of the state Emblem?                     \Zhandarbek Malibekov  and  Shota   Ualikhanov\                                                                                                               

 7)  What  can  you  say   about population?                              /about 16 million people/ 

 8)  When is birthday of  the State Symbols?                              /The 4th of June  1992\                          

 9)  Where is the standard of the  state Emblem and the state  Flag  placed?       \In the  residence of Kazakhstan/



1) Where is Kazakhstan  situated?                                                               \in the centre of the Eurasian|

2) What  kind of state is  Kazakhstan?                                                           democratic.independent\                          

3) When does  Kazakhstan  celebrate the  Independence Day?                     \on 16 December\

4) How  many regions   are  there in Kazakhstan?                        \14\

5) Who is the author of the state Hymn?                                     Zhumeken  Nazhimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbaev  6) Who is the author of the   of the state Emblem?                     \Zhandarbek Malibekov  and  Shota   Ualikhanov\                                                                                                                

 7)  What  can  you  say   about population?                              /about 16 million people/ 

 8)  When is birthday of  the State Symbols?                              /The 4th of June  1992\                          

 9)  Where is the standard of the  state Emblem and the state  Flag  placed?       \In the  residence of Kazakhstan/



1) Where is Kazakhstan  situated?                                                               \in the centre of the Eurasian|

2) What  kind of state is  Kazakhstan?                                                           democratic.independent\                         

3) When does  Kazakhstan  celebrate the  Independence Day?                     \on 16 December\

4) How  many regions   are  there in Kazakhstan?                        \14\

5) Who is the author of the state Hymn?                                     Zhumeken  Nazhimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbaev  6) Who is the author of the   of the state Emblem?                     \Zhandarbek Malibekov  and  Shota   Ualikhanov\                                                                                                               

 7)  What  can  you  say   about population?                              /about 16 million people/ 

 8)  When is birthday of  the State Symbols?                              /The 4th of June  1992\                          

 9)  Where is the standard of the  state Emblem and the state  Flag  placed?       \In the  residence of Kazakhstan/



1) Where is Kazakhstan  situated?                                                               \in the centre of the Eurasian|

2) What  kind of state is  Kazakhstan?                                                           democratic.independent\                         

3) When does  Kazakhstan  celebrate the  Independence Day?                     \on 16 December\

4) How  many regions   are  there in Kazakhstan?                        \14\

5) Who is the author of the state Hymn?                                     Zhumeken  Nazhimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbaev  6) Who is the author of the   of the state Emblem?                     \Zhandarbek Malibekov  and  Shota   Ualikhanov\                                                                                                               

 7)  What  can  you  say   about population?                              /about 16 million people/ 

 8)  When is birthday of  the State Symbols?                              /The 4th of June  1992\                          

 9)  Where is the standard of the  state Emblem and the state  Flag  placed?       \In the  residence of Kazakhstan/







Kazakhstan is my Motherland


 Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 1991.Kazakhstan is a large country. The country is the second largest of the former Soviet republics with a  total land  area of  over 2.724 million square kilometres. This country shares  its border with the Russian Federation to the north  and north-west;  to the east  with  China and to the south with the central Asian republics of Kirgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

The population of Kazakhstan is about 16.870 000 people. Kazakhstan is rich with mineral resources such as copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, uranium, oil, natural gas. Kazakhstan’s the largest cities are: Almaty, Karaganda and Chimkent, Almaty was the capital until December 1997 then it was moved to Akmola. In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana, the Kazakh word for capital. The population of astana stands currently at 500 000.

Today residents are happy  to share that famous  hospitality and to show the visitors the Alatau mountains with famous Medeu;   the singing sands of  the altyn emel national park; Kapchagai – reservoir  on the Ili  river, the lakes and pine  forests  of Kokshetau; and Akhmed Yassaui  Mausoleum in Turkestan,  a lot of places of interest  in aAstana.  Kazakhstan, with the world`s ninth largest  area, has  many such  beautiful places and  a rich  culture. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international communication. 

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Астана – бас қалаThe 21st  of October.Form:   10  “A”Kazakhstan is my Motherl...

    1 слайд

    Астана – бас қала
    The 21st of October.
    Form: 10 “A”
    Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

  • To develop lexical material, 
      repeating passed grammar material...

    2 слайд

    To develop lexical material,
    repeating passed grammar material
    To develop memory, logical thinking and developing creative work with new technologies, to provide an opportunity of free speaking.
    To make an interest to the subject, to teach to work creatively, in group.

  • [әe] – travel, capital, gallery,          [ei] – play, place, stadium, famous...

    3 слайд

    [әe] – travel, capital, gallery,
    [ei] – play, place, stadium, famous
    [ju:] – museum, beautiful, usually
    [i] - big, different, symbol
    [a:] - park, partner, parliament
    [eә] – square, care, where
    [Λ] – London, lovely, country
    Phonetic ex.

  • 4 слайд

  • -What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
- What is the population of Kazakhstan?

    5 слайд

    -What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
    - What is the population of Kazakhstan?
    -What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?
    -What countries does it border on?
    II. Brainstorming:

  • 6 слайд

  • Y. Reading:New words:
share [∫ɛə]- бөлісу
desert [dezət]- құмды дала

    7 слайд

    Y. Reading:
    New words:
    share [∫ɛə]- бөлісу
    desert [dezət]- құмды дала
    resources [ri`sɔ:siz] – байлық, ресурстар
    deposit [di`pɔzit] – жерасты қоры
    gas [gæs] – газ
    rename [ri`neim] – жаңа ат беру
    reservoir [`rezəvwa:] - қор
    former [fɔ:mə] - бұрынғы

  • Read the text “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”
True or false
Make up sentencesRe...

    8 слайд

    Read the text “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”
    True or false
    Make up sentences
    Read the text and do the tasks:

  • YII. Check homework: 
to make up  presentation about our country.

    9 слайд

    YII. Check homework:
    to make up presentation about our country.

  • YIII. Conclusion : 
Write a cinquain about Kazakhstan in your group. Бес жолд...

    10 слайд

    YIII. Conclusion :
    Write a cinquain about Kazakhstan in your group. Бес жолды өлең

    1 жолы – тақырып (зат есім)
    2 жолы – тақырыпты екі сөзбен суреттеу (сын есім)
    3 жолы – әрекетті 3 сөзбен суреттеу (етістік)
    4 жолы – тақырыпқа қатынасты білдіретін сөздер (әр түрлі сөз таптары)
    5 жол – тақырыпты тексеретін жалпы, бірінші сөздің синонимі

  • IX. Homework:  
to write essay about “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”

    11 слайд

    IX. Homework:
    to write essay about “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”

  • THE ENDThank You!

    12 слайд

    Thank You!

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