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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Home, sweet home"

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Этот рабочий лист подойдет для учащихся начальной школы. Материал подходит для повторения и закрепления темы ''My home'' В этом рабочем листе представлены разнообразные упражнения: на чтение, письмо, говорение и интерактивная игра.

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Этот рабочий лист подойдет для учащихся начальной школы. Материал подходит для повторения и закрепления темы ''My home'' В этом рабочем листе представлены разнообразные упражнения: на чтение, письмо, говорение и интерактивная игра.

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Презентация по теме дом@SEP@Текст презентации дом.doc

Слайд 1

Презентация по теме  «Дом»
для 6 класса
                 учитель: Фетюкова
                     Татьяна Алексеевна


 sweet home

Слайд 3

My sweet home! My sweet home!
I love my home! I love my home!

If wind comes who will protect me?
If winter comes who will protect me?

My home, my home nice for me.
My home, my home a temple for me.

If summer comes who will protect me?
If rain comes who will protect me?

My home, my home best for me.
My home, my home a mosque for me.

If night comes who will shelter me?
If storm comes who will shelter me?

My home, my home is good for me.
A majestic creation of Thee

Слайд 4

         In a big, old house,

         Many years ago,

         There were two happy monsters

         Called Albert and Joe

         They played in the kitchen

         They played in the hall

         They played in the living-room

         They played with a ball

         They went in the dining-room

         And counted the chairs

         They walked past the toilet

         And went up the stairs

         They went in the bedroom

          And jumped on the bed.

         They went in the bathroom

        And painted it red.

Слайд 9

We've moved (переехали) to a lighthouse. It's great! Now we live near the sea and I can go swimming every day. The lighthouse is far from the town. I go to school by bicycle. There are only two rooms and a kitchen in the house.

But the rooms are very cosy and romantic,

I like dreaming about the sea and adventures (приключения). I'd like to live here all my life.

But my mother thinks that it is better to live in an ordinary (обычный) house.

Слайд 10

I can’t say that I love living in teepee. It’s very romantic and unusual. But all my friends have ordinary houses and are quite happy to live there. They have all the modern conveniences: central heating and running water. And in the teepee we have no electricity, no running water, nothing. I have to help my mum a lot because the work about the house is difficult.

                        And the teepee is very small for family.

                        I wish I had a room of my own

Слайд 11

In summer we lived in a caravan some years ago.

There are some good and some bad points when you live in such a house. We lived in a quiet (тихая) area, not far from school and shops. There was only one room in the caravan and a place where my mother cooked. We had electricity and gas there but there was no running water and central heating. It was not very good. It was difficult to do the washing and to wash the dishes. / am happy now we've bought a small summer house.

Слайд 12

This unique house in form of a piano and a violin was built in China. The building was designed by students from the architecture department of Hefei University of Technology. This building that was built for music lovers acts as a performance and practicing place for music students from the local college.

There are a lot of stairs and an escalator there. You can use them to get inside the building.

The building shows various city plans and attracts a lot of people. They just see this cool house and its amazing architecture


Слайд 13

Just look at this house in form of a flying saucer. The project of this house was created at the end of the 20 century by French architect Patrick Harsilli. It’s a very unusual eco-house. It’s made of wood.

The house can also rotate around its axis. There are panels on the roof of the house which collect and convert solar energy. Also this house is a shelter from natural disasters. It’s a good place for living.

Слайд 14

Listen to Eve talking to a friend and match the people to their homes

                             A flat with 2 bedrooms

1 Jason         B big house with a swimming pool

2 Shirley      C farmhouse              

3 Harry        D Houseboat

4 Dianne      E  cottage in the country

5 Paul          G small house in the city centre                                       

                             H stone cottage


Слайд 15

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small.

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall.

But in the country where the houses are small,

The gardens are very big.

And in the city where the houses are very tall,

There are no gardens at all.

Where would you like to live?

Would you like to live in an unusual house?

Слайд 16


House – is a building that is made for people to live in. It’s just building made of bricks, concrete, wood etc.

Home - is the place where you live and feel that you belong to. A home can even be something abstract, a place in your mind. When you say, “Let’s go home,” you are probably not talking simply about going to the physical structure where you live. You are talking about being in the special place where you feel most comfortable and that belongs to you.


Слайд 17

Complete the sentences with home or house

There are a lot of types of ………

Nizhny Novgorod is my ……… town.

'Most people in Britain live in semi-detached  ………….

'I’ve enjoyed living abroad for the last six years, but it’s time for me to go back ……….. now!'

'We’re going to buy Emma a doll’s …….. for Christmas.

Слайд 18


Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/Enjoy English: учебник для 5-6 класса общеобраз. Учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул,2010

Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык: учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений/ Рос. Академия образования, из-во «Просвещение». – М.: Просвещение, 2009. – 2007с.

Virginia Evans. Enterprise. Listening test. Express Publishing, 2003

Carolyn Bradshaw. Excellent 2. Longman








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Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация может быть использована при проведении урока в 6 классе по учебнику М.З Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием 5-6 классы» или любому другому УМК при изучении темы «Дом».

Презентация включает материал для закрепления лексики по теме дом, информацию о типах домов в Великобритании. Учащиеся получат возможность познакомиться с такими необычными домами, как дом-маяк, дом – фургон, вращающийся дом, дом пианино. Учащиеся узнают о различии слов home  и  house, а также выполнят тренировочные упражнения. Презентация содержит аудирование по теме.В представленный материал включена собственно презентация, аудиофайл для аудирования, текст аудирования.


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