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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Television"

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Рабочий лист «Television (Телевидение)»

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Рабочий лист «Television» содержит увлекательные упражнения различных механик с тематической лексикой («Телевидение»). Подходит как для индивидуальных, так и для групповых занятий с учениками 7, 8, 9 классов (уровень B1).

Краткое описание методической разработки

Рабочий лист «Television» содержит увлекательные упражнения различных механик с тематической лексикой («Телевидение»). Подходит как для индивидуальных, так и для групповых занятий с учениками 7, 8, 9 классов (уровень B1).

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Television

    1 слайд


  • History of TV

    2 слайд

    History of TV

  • The television is one of the most prominent inventions of the 20th Century.

    3 слайд

    The television is one of the most prominent inventions of the 20th Century.
    It has become one of the most common ways people view the larger world beyond them, as well as being one of the best ways for people to escape from the world.
    In the 1880s a German inventor created simplistic moving images using a filtered light viewed through a spinning disk, laying the foundations for the modern television. During the 1920s a number of scientist 

  • began experimenting with sending still images using radio waves. However, it...

    4 слайд

    began experimenting with sending still images using radio waves. However, it was in 1928 that General Electric first combined the idea of a device that could show moving images with the technology to wirelessly broadcast them.
    During the 30s and 40s the technology was gradually improved upon. In America the first regular broadcasts began in 1939 though it was not until after the Second World War that the television as a standard home appliance began to really take off. After 1945 television sales in America skyrocketed. The first colour broadcast was made in 1954.
    Throughout the rest of the world, television came years later, and it wasn’t until the late 1960s that a television was commonplace in houses throughout the West. By the 1970s, television had become the dominant media force it is today, with 24 hour programming, mass advertising and syndicated shows. 
    In the 1980s satellite television shrunk the world, making live feeds from other countries and time zones possible. The new millennium brought the advent of digital television, which is the future of television.

  • TV programmesAdult’s

    5 слайд

    TV programmes

  • Science

    6 слайд


  • 7 слайд

  • Fill in the table. Use the following words m  and expressions and add your ow...

    8 слайд

    Fill in the table. Use the following words m and expressions and add your own

    TV advantages and disadvantages
    too much radiation in the room
    to be too lazy to go to the theatre or the cinema
    to study foreigh languages
    to take part in shows and win prizes
    to damage one's eyes
    to have no time to see or to speak with friends
    to see and to listen to famous people
    to travel round the world
    to be too lazy to read books
    to receive information
    to relax
    to become lazy
    to gain weight
    to have no time to help parents around the house
    TV advantages and disadvantages
    TV advantages and disadvantages

  • A couch potatoA couch potato is someone who is lazy or not very physically ac...

    9 слайд

    A couch potato
    A couch potato is someone who is lazy or not very physically active, especially someone who spends a lot of time watching television and eating junk food.

  • Are you a “couch potato”?Maxim,11: I watch TV or video in the comfort of my h...

    10 слайд

    Are you a “couch potato”?
    Maxim,11: I watch TV or video in the comfort of my home? When the weather is bad and people are inside anyway. I’m a “couch potato”, and I like watching nature programmes, cartoons, thrillers and sport programmes all day along. It’s fun, if you have nothing else to do.
    Why does Maxim like to watch TV? What TV programmes does he prefer? Are you interested in such programmes? Are you a “couch potato”?

  • Put the sentences in the correct order and make up two dialoguesNo, I've been...

    11 слайд

    Put the sentences in the correct order and make up two dialogues
    No, I've been looking forward to it all evening
    What's on BBC at eight o'clock?
    As far as I can remember there is a quiz programme.
    Would you mind if I watched it?
    We mustn't miss that.
    Do you remember what
    comes on next?
    Let me look in the "Radio times"
    I believe there is a variety
    show on.
    No, I've been looking forward to it all evening
    As far as I can remember there is a quiz programme.

  • What's on BBC at eight o'clock?As far as I can remember there is a quiz progr...

    12 слайд

    What's on BBC at eight o'clock?
    As far as I can remember there is a quiz programme.
    Would you mind if I watched it?
    No, I've been looking forward to it all evening
    Do you remember what comes on next?
    I believe there is a variety
    show on.
    We mustn't miss that.
    Let me look in the "Radio times"

  • Reply to A’s questions using the phrase ‘nothing worth’ plus a gerundExample...

    13 слайд

    Reply to A’s questions using the phrase ‘nothing worth’ plus a gerund
    Student A Why don’t you listen to the radio?
    Student B There’s nothing worth listening to.
    1. A……………..watch TV?
    2. A……………..read a paper?
    3. A……………..look at a magazine?
    4. A……………..see a film?
    5. A…………………buy something?

  • Используемая литературыБиболетова М.З. Enjoy English 5-6 классы.-Обнинск: Тит...

    14 слайд

    Используемая литературы
    Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English 5-6 классы.-Обнинск: Титул, 2009
    Счастливый английский в 4-х книгах. Книга 2 Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.М. Перегудова и др. – 7-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2000 – 336 с.
    Antonia Crare, J.J. Wilson. New Total English. Pearson, Longman, 2012

Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация включает краткую информацию об истории возникновения и развития телевидения, дает учащимся полную классификацию телевизионных программ и фильмов, содержит материал, позволяющий задуматься о недостатках и преимуществах телевидения. Учащиеся узнают о том, кто такой cauch potato и ответят на вопрос "А я cauch potato ". Работа включает задания для развития диалогической речи: дополнить диалог и расположить реплики диалога в правильном порядке.

Презентация может быть использована  при изучении темы "Телевидение "  по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой в 6 или 8 классах  в зависимости от подготовленности учащихся.

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