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1 слайд
Презентация для учащихся седьмых классов по УМК «Английский в фокусе» по теме «Predictions».
Module 5 1
Выполнила: Лагуткина Анастасия
Владимировна, учитель английского языка
ФГКОУ «Объединенный Санкт-Петербургский кадетский корпус Следственного Комитета Российской Федерации».
2 слайд
Learn how to make predictions
how to form Future Simple
The aim:
Module 5
develop speaking skills
3 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
1. Jodi was a very good student and always studied hard for tests. She had a big Math test coming up and she was worried about it. She'd reviewed all of her notes
and had spent hours going over sample problems.
a. She will do well. b. She will do bad.
4 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
2. Dan has always been pretty independent. He has always been willing to do things for himself. His mom has gone to visit his aunt for the weekend, and Dan and his dad are home alone. Dan has a baseball game tomorrow, but his only uniform is dirty.
a. He will miss the game. b. He will wash his uniform.
5 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
3. Mary didn't know how to swim. She just never learned how, and she was embarrassed about it. None of her friends knew, and she avoided situations where anyone might find out. Today she's really bored, and she was wishing she had something to do, when the phone rang. It was her friend Sharon asking her if she wanted to go to the city pool.
a. She will go to the pool with Sharon. b. She will tell Sharon she's too busy.
6 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
4. Pete likes to go to the movies. He often goes with his friends. On Saturday he was sitting at home with nothing to do, when his friend Jon called. Jon was at the theater and wanted Pete to join him. The movie started in ten minutes, but no one was home to drive Pete.
a.He will stay home because he has no ride. b. He will ride his bike to the movies.
7 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
5. Kate was pretty forgetful. Her mother usually had to remind her to do everything 2 or 3 times. When Kate's mom left for work this morning she reminded Kate to close the windows if she went out, because the forecast called for rain. When Kate's friend called and asked her to come over to watch a video, Kate was really excited.
a. She forgot to close the windows. b. She closed the windows.
8 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
6. Maria looked out the tiny window next to her seat. She could hear the plane's engines warming up. She held on tight as the plane started rolling down the runway. What happens next?
a. The plane lands. b. Maria gets off the plane.
c. Maria has a snack. d. The plane takes off.
9 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
7. Sarah climbed the steps to get to the diving board. She stood on the edge of the board and looked at the pool below. She took a deep breath and got ready. What will Sarah do next?
a. put on a swimsuit b. jump off the diving board
c. compete in a swim race d. dry off with a towel
10 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
Randy smelled smoke. He looked outside and saw where it was coming from. A pile of leaves had caught on fire! Randy ran to the phone and started dialing. Who does Randy probably call?
a.the market b. his cousin
c.his doctor d.the fire department
11 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
Nikki and Pablo found a good spot in the park. They spread a blanket on the grass. Then they took lots of food out of their basket. What do the kids probably do next?
a. play softball b.go swimming
c.eat a picnic lunch d. take naps
12 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
The soccer field was at the top of a hill. On each side, there was a steep slope down. The view was great. If the ball got kicked out of bounds, though, there would be a big problem. What could happen to the ball?
a. It rolls down the hill. b. It goes flat.
c. It goes up a tree. d. It bounces too high
13 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
Mya had just mopped the floor. It was very slippery. Just then, her little brother ran through with his socks on. Mya tried to warn him, but it was too late. What probably happened next?
a.Mya's brother ate breakfast. b. Mya's brother slipped and fell.
c. Mya took a shower. d.Mya mopped the floor.
14 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
The puppy ran around the yard looking for his lost bone. He sniffed all over the lawn. When he found the right spot, he started digging. What happens next?
a.The puppy finds his bone. b.The puppy looks some more.
c.The puppy has dinner. d.The puppy buries his bone.
15 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
Jeff looked out the window. It was snowing outside! He asked his mom if he could play outside. When she said he could, Jeff started to put on his snow clothes. Which did Jeff probably put on?
a. shorts b. mittens
c. sandals d. sunglasses
16 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
Terra put on her swimsuit. Next, she packed her towel and sand toys in a bag. Finally, she put on a hat and some sunscreen. Then she walked out the door. Where does Terra probably go?
a.the movies b.her grandma's house
c. the beach d.on a nature hike
17 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
It was the best play Bobby had ever seen! The story was exciting. All of the actors were very good. When the play was over, Bobby jumped to his feet excitedly. What will Bobby do next?
a. clap and cheer b. boo and hiss
c. race to the exit d. go on stage himself
18 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
Ms Stevens' third grade class was shouting very loudly in the cafeteria. Ms Stevens looked angry. What do you predict will happen next?
a. Ms Stevens began shouting with them. b.Ms Stevens ate her lunch.
c. Ms Stevens graded a Spelling test. d. Ms Stevens asked them to stop shouting.
19 слайд
Read and make a prediction.
Katie was telling her friends a very funny story about a trick her dog can do. Her friends thought it was very funny. What do you predict her friends did next?
a.They laughed. b. They cried out with fear.
c.They got mad. d.They went home sad.
20 слайд
get a degree at university – study economics – get married – have 4 children – be a millionaire – be poor – be a famous Pop singer – play a sport professionally – live in a foreign country
Write predictions about yourself
using the phrases in the crystal ball.
Ex: “I will get a degree at University” “I won’t study economics”
21 слайд
1. I can form Future simple sentences
2. I can make predictions
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