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My favorite football club
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FC Barcelona - Catalan professional football club from the same city, one of the most titled clubs in Spain and in the world. It was founded in 1899 by a group of Swiss, British, Spanish and Catalan footballers led by Joan Gamper.
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The club became one of the symbols of Catalonia, hence the motto - Més que un club - "More than a club". Fans of FC Barcelona are also known as "culés" (kules).
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Luis Suarez
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"Barcelona" is the most titled club in Spain in terms of the total number of official trophies - 67 (24 - the champion of Spain, 28 - the Cup of Spain, 14 - the Super Cup of Spain, 2 - the Spanish League Cup). Representatives of the "Barcelona", along with the representatives of Madrid "Real" and the Basque "Athletics" were at the source of education Examples. In this case, "Barcelona" is among the three teams that have not left the highest Spanish division. The other two are the same "Real Madrid" and "Athletic Bilbao".
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Messi, Suarez, Griezmann - the most productive football trio of our time.
Lionel Messi
697 goals
Antoine Griezmann
224 goals
Luis Suarez
393 goals
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"Barcelona" for a long time was one of the few clubs that refused to use sponsor's logos on their T-shirts. However, since 2005, the logo of TV3 (Television of Catalonia) appeared on the T-shirts of Barça - on the left shoulder, and on the shorts and collar appeared the small flag of Catalonia. On July 14, 2006, the club announced a five-year agreement with UNICEF, according to which the fund's logo will be located on the team's form. In 2012, the "Catalans" signed a 5-year agreement with the non-profit company Qatar Foundation, according to which the club received € 30 million annually for advertising on T-shirts.
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In 2009, Barcelona established a unique achievement, becoming the only European club that won all possible major tournaments during the year (three national championships - Spain, the Spanish Cup and the Spanish Super Cup and three international - UEFA Champions League, UEFA Super Cup and Club World Cup ). In addition, the "blue-garnet" became the only Spanish club in history, which managed to make a "golden hat-trick" (the championship of Spain, the Cup of Spain, UEFA Champions League).
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Recently, Barcelona has made the only comeback in the history of the Champion's League. Visiting Barcelona was defeated by Paris Saint Germain with a score of 4 : 0 A in their stadium Camp Nou has recouped with a score of 6 : 1 (6 : 5) and advanced to the quarter finals of the Champion's League.
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In the summer of 2008, the team was led by its legendary player Josep Guardiola, with his arrival the tactics of Barcelona changed. He introduced a new style in Barcelona. Style of tiki-taka. Josep is great and legendary coach. On April 27, 2012, head coach Josep Guardiola announced that he was going to leave the club and at the same time remained the best coach of Barcelona in history.
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Joan Laporta – last president of club
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May 19, 2014 it was announced that former player of "Barcelona" Luis Enrique was appointed head coach. In the first season he won with a team of 5 trophies. In the next season, he won only two. Currently, the team is fighting for the titles of all the tournaments in which it participates. He recently announced his retirement in the summer.
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