Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыПланирования по английскому языку на тему "Intellectual olimpic Games" (6 класс)

Планирования по английскому языку на тему "Intellectual olimpic Games" (6 класс)

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Grade level: 6th forms

Objectives: The students will be able to:

-        improve their speech skills;

-        enrich their knowledge about foreign languages, especially English;

-        develop their interest in study English and geography subjects;

-        broaden their outlook in English and geography subjects.

Materials for the competition:  posters of balls from 100 to 500, names of teams, pictures and active board;  

Lesson type: Competition

Inter - subject connection: geography, Kazakh and music.

I Organization moment.

Narrator: Dear teachers and students! Welcome to our intellectual game. We are glad to see you on this game. I hope all of you will enjoy our game and also we`ll see who will be the winner. Before begin our competition it is good idea to introduce juries of our competition. They are English teachers of our region.

1. Sayranbekova Dilbar Ryspayevna

2. Ausamykova Tolkyn

3. Isayeva Kymbat

Here are our participants. They are pupils of 6th form. Let me introduce them: the first team is «Champions », the second team is «Intelligents» and the third team is “Smart students”;

Let`s begin our game. There are 4 rounds in our competition. They are:

1.     The first round is “Polyglot;

2.     The second round is “Baiga”

3.     The third round is “Quick and Wise”

4.     The fourth round is “Captains’ tour”


    II Presentation of the first tour.

-Let’s begin our competition.

There are 3 task in this tour, each task has 7 questions you should answer the questions as quickly as possible by saying “yes” if you agree with the sentences and “no” if you don’t agree with the sentences; Each right answer equals 10 balls.

I Task:

1)    The capital of Pakistan is Cairo; (No, it is Karachi)

2)    Germany is in Europe; (Yes)

3)    London lies on the river Thames; (Yes)

4)    The capital of Spain is Paris;  (No, it’s Madrid)

5)    Sun is the centre of the solar system; (Yes)

6)     The biggest continent is South America; (No, it’s Eurasia)

7)    Disneyland is a wonder land for children. (Yes)



II Task:

1)    Frank is British money; (No, it’s French money)

2)    There are ten planets in solar system; (No, there are 8)

3)    People celebrate Christmas on 25th of December;  (Yes)

4)    There are 6 oceans in the world; (No, there are 4)

5)    Mexico is in South America; (No, it’s in North America)

6)    Saint Valentine’s Day is February; (Yes)

7)    Buckingham Palace is like a small village. (Yes)

III Task:

1)    New York is the biggest city in the USA; (Yes)

2)    Cambridge is famous for its university; (Yes)

3)    Italy is in Asia; (No, it’s in Europe)

4)    The capital of France is Santiago; (No, it’s Paris)

5)    Buckingham Palace is one of the famous buildings in the world; (Yes)

6)    The capital of Belgium is London; (No, it’s Brussels)

7)    The capital of Turkey is Istanbul. (No, It’s Ankara)

Musical Show of 6 “A”form

III Presentation of the second round.

-         Let me introduce the second round;

-         There are 10 tasks on two topics they are «school subjects» and «flags and cities» which are from 100 to 500 scores,

-         Each team choose a task in turn;

-         You have one minute to answer the task;

-         The first begin the team of “Champions”;

-         The second the team of “Intelligents”;

-         The last the team of “Smart students”

-         Which kind of task will you choose?

School subjects:

50: What’s this subject called? Music

100: Name language subjects that you know? Uighur, Kazakh, Russian and English…

200: What’s this subject called? Maths.

300: What’s this subject called?  History.

400: In which subject do you play sport?  Physical Education

500: Which subject studies the World?  Geography.



50: What city is this? This is London.

100: What Country does this flag belong to?  China.

200: What Country does this flag belong to?  France.

300: What Country does this flag belong to? United Kingdom.

400: This is a famous city in the world. It is in Asia.  Look at the picture and name the city. Astana

500: What Country does this flag belong to?

Musical Show of 6 “Ә”form


IV Presentation of the third tour.

-         There are six tasks;

-         Each team choose one task in turn;

-         Three tasks are marked 200 and others 300 (сұрақтардың қиындығына байланысты жоғарғы 3 сұрақ 200 ұпаймен, төменгі үш сұрақ 300 ұпаймен есептелінеді);

-         You have one minute to answer the task;

-         If your answer is right, you will take your balls which you choose;

-         But if your answer is wrong, you will not get that balls;

-         If one team’s answer is wrong, other two teams can answer the task;

-         If everything is clear, let’s begin the third tour;

-         The first begin the team of “Champions”;

-         The second the team of “Intellegents”

-         The last the team of “Smart students”

-         Which task will you choose?

III Tour:

I -Name countable nouns:  Oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, eggs, tomatoes, biscuits, potatoes, carrots ....

II- Name uncountable nouns:  Coffee, tea, juice, bread, cheese, rice, milk, butter, sugar ....

III - Manchester is a city_____ of England.
Манчестер Англияның қай бөлігінде орналасқан? in the north;  

Англияның солтүстігінде орналасқан қала.

IV - Childrens favorite place in London is…;  Балалардың Лондондағы жақсы көретін жері не? HAMLEYS; Әлемдегі ең үлкен ойыншықтар дүкені.

V - Name a famous clock in London. BIG BEN

VI - Name the famous buildings of Astana.  Астананың атақты ғимараттарын айтыңыз.The Monument of Baiterek, Duman center ….

Musical Show of 6 “Б”form

V Presentation of the fourth tour.

This tour is also called “Captains’ tour”. Let me introduce the rule of this game.

-         There are 3 tasks for each captains ;

-         They will answer the tasks in turn;

-         The first the captain of “Champions” answers the question; the second captain of “Intelligents” answers the question and the last the captain of “smart students” answers the question.

-         If one of the captain answers wrong, the second may answer the question;

-         Each right answering question equals 10 balls;

-         If everything is clear, let’s begin this tour of the competition.

Captains’ tour:

-         Which task will you choose?

I Task: 1.Where is this statue located? The Statue of Liberty is located in New York City.

2. Kazakhstan people prepare for great event, which will be in 2017. What event is it? It’s EXPO 2017

II Task: 1.It is the most popular sport in the USA. What is it? BASEBALL!

2. Who is this famous Kazakhstan sportsman? Alexander Vinokurov

III Task: 1.Who is this famous woman in the picture? Queen Elizabeth II

2. Who is this famous man in the picture? Barak Obama, the president of the USA

VI While our juries count the scores of our competition let’s watch funny video and have fun: The Sid Shuffle - Ice Age- Continental Drift;

It`s time to finish our game. The jury will speak about the results of the game. And we’ll know who the winner is.

Ойынымызды аяқтауға уақыт келді. Әділ қазылар алқысына сөзбереміз. Қазір біз кім жеңімпаз екенін білеміз.

Our congratulations! Thank you for your active participation. Good-bye!

Белсенді қатысқандарыңыз үшін көп рахмет.Сау болыңыздар!






















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Краткое описание документа:

Grade level: 6thforms

Objectives: The students will be able to:

-        improve their speech skills;

-        enrich their knowledge about foreign languages, especially English;

-        develop their interest in study English and geography subjects;

-        broaden their outlook in English and geography subjects.

Materials for the competition:  posters of balls from 100 to 500, names of teams, pictures and active board;       

Lesson type: Competition

Inter - subject connection: geography, Kazakh and music.

I Organization moment.

Narrator: Dear teachers and students! Welcome to our intellectual game. We are glad to see you on this game. I hope all of you will enjoy our game and also we`ll see who will be the winner. Before begin our competition it is good idea to introduce juries of our competition. They are English teachers of our region.

1. Sayranbekova Dilbar Ryspayevna

2. Ausamykova Tolkyn

3. Isayeva Kymbat

Here are our participants. They are pupils of 6th form. Let me introduce them: the first team is «Champions », the second team is «Intelligents» and the third team is “Smart students”;

Let`s begin our game. There are 4 rounds in our competition. They are:

1.     The first round is “Polyglot;

2.     The second round is “Baiga”

3.     The third round is “Quick and Wise”

4.     The fourth round is “Captains’ tour”


    II Presentation of the first tour.

-Let’s begin our competition.

There are 3 task in this tour, each task has 7 questions you should answer the questions as quickly as possible by saying “yes” if you agree with the sentences and “no” if you don’t agree with the sentences; Each right answer equals 10 balls.

I Task:

1)    The capital of Pakistan is Cairo; (No, it is Karachi)

2)    Germany is in Europe; (Yes)

3)    London lies on the river Thames; (Yes)

4)    The capital of Spain is Paris;  (No, it’s Madrid)

5)    Sun is the centre of the solar system;(Yes)

6)     The biggest continent is South America; (No, it’s Eurasia)

7)    Disneyland is a wonder land for children. (Yes)



II Task:

1)    Frank is British money; (No, it’s French money)

2)    There are ten planets in solar system; (No, there are 8)

3)    People celebrate Christmas on 25th of December;  (Yes)

4)    There are 6 oceans in the world; (No, there are 4)

5)    Mexico is in South America; (No, it’s in North America)

6)    Saint Valentine’s Day is February; (Yes)

7)    Buckingham Palace is like a small village. (Yes)

III Task:

1)    New York is the biggest city in the USA; (Yes)

2)    Cambridge is famous for its university; (Yes)

3)    Italy is in Asia; (No, it’s in Europe)

4)    The capital of France is Santiago; (No, it’s Paris)

5)    Buckingham Palace is one of the famous buildings in the world; (Yes)

6)    The capital of Belgium is London; (No, it’s Brussels)

7)    The capital of Turkey is Istanbul. (No, It’s Ankara)

Musical Show of 6 “A”form

III Presentation of the second round.

-         Let me introduce the second round;

-         There are 10 taskson two topicsthey are «school subjects» and «flags and cities» which are from 100 to 500 scores,

-         Each team choose a task in turn;

-         You have one minute to answer the task;

-         The first begin the team of “Champions”;

-         The second the team of “Intelligents”;

-         The last the team of “Smart students”

-         Which kind of task will you choose?

School subjects:

50: What’s this subject called? Music

100: Name language subjects that you know? Uighur, Kazakh, Russian and English…

200: What’s this subject called? Maths.

300: What’s this subject called?  History.

400: In which subject do you play sport?  Physical Education

500: Which subject studies the World?  Geography.



50: What city is this? This is London.

100: What Country does this flag belong to?  China.

200: What Country does this flag belong to?  France.

300: What Country does this flag belong to? United Kingdom.

400: This is a famous city in the world. It is in Asia.  Look at the picture and name the city. Astana

500: What Country does this flag belong to?

Musical Show of 6 “Ә”form


IV Presentation of the third tour.

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300/600 ч.

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Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

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8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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10 ч.

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