Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыПроблема утилизации бытовых и промышленных отходов в республике Дагестан

Проблема утилизации бытовых и промышленных отходов в республике Дагестан

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    Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

         «Покровская средняя общеобразовательная школа»



                   Проектная работа 

«Проблема утилизации бытовых и промышленных отходов в Дагестане»

      (Конкурс на лучший ученический проект  на иностранном языке )

       ГБОУ  ДПО «Дагестанский институт развития образования»


                                                          Подготовил:Алиев Адлан Адымович

                                                          ученик 8 «б» класса

                                                          МБОУ«Покровская СОШ»


                                                          Хасавюртовский район,р.Дагестан



                                                          Дагирова Луиза Салмановна

                                                          учительница английского языка

                                                          МБОУ «Покровская СОШ»




Municipal budgetary educational institution                    “Pokrovskaya secondary school”




                         Project work

“The problem of the disposal of  domestic and industrial waste in Dagestan”

        (Competition for the best student project  in a foreign language)

   SBEI  APE "Dagestan Institute for the Development of Education"



                                                            Prepared by: Aliyev Adlan Adymovich

                         student 8 "b" form

                                                            MBEI "Pokrovskaya Secondary School"

                   v. Pokrovskoe

                                           Khasavyurt district, Dagestan


                           Project  supervisor:

                                                            Dagirova Louisa Salmanovna

                                                            English teacher

                                                            MBEI "Pokrovskaya Secondary School"





Theoretical part

Chapter 1. The history of the development of technology for the disposal of  domestic and industrial waste…………………………………………………..5-11                                                                             

1.1. Overview of household waste disposal techniques…………………………7                                      

Chapter 2. The problem of disposal of household and industrial waste in Dagestan………………………………………………………………………12-19                                                                                                           

2.1. Methods of processing and destruction of municipal solid waste in Dagestan.     …………………………………………………………………………………..14

2.2. Disposal of liquid waste in Dagestan………………………………………17                                                        

Practical part

Chapter 3. Business plan for the collection, sorting and disposal of household waste in the Republic of Dagestan…………………………………………….20-22


List of references……………………………………………………………. 25









     Perhaps very soon films about saving the world will be shown in films in which garbage will be an ominous threat hanging over humanity. Today, garbage disposal has become the number 1 task for the planet! The relevance of this scientific work lies in the fact that the powerful technological leap of the last century, which gave us cheap universal plastic, digital technology and the triumph of consumption, today showed its opposite side: the world is suffocating under a layer of waste, and mineral reserves are being drastically depleted. Recycling in this sense becomes akin to heroism, because not many people know and can dispose of waste and dispose of it in a manner that is safe for the environment. In Russia, there are fewer specialists who understand waste disposal than in Europe. And the future, meanwhile, is in their hands - because how bright it will be, it depends not so much on industrial successes as on the successes of those who utilize and recycle waste. The problem of waste disposal is related to the fact that this process cannot be carried out independently. For example, if everyone can buy new computers, then only specialists can dispose of them after the expiration of their use. The same goes for mercury-containing lamps, batteries, and many other things. To purchase a thing, you just have to pay for it, and to get rid of it when its life is up, you have to suffer. The fact is that the recycling process directly affects the environment, and so that inexperienced people could not harm it, Russia has strict environmental laws. According to it, only licensed companies with specialized equipment can carry out the waste collection and disposal procedure. And if the management companies carry out the removal of municipal solid waste from residential buildings, then to solve the issues with the removal and disposal of industrial waste accounted for by the enterprises themselves. They bear strict responsibility for compliance with the rules established by law, and if they evade their execution, they are punished.


The punishment for improper waste management in Russia is rather strict - it involves serious fines and other measures, including the closure of the enterprise. I chose this topic of project work, because I feel responsible for the environmental situation in our republic and the need to contribute in finding a solution to the main problems improve her condition and find like-minded people.

The purpose of my work: to investigate the types of waste and waste processing technologies, as well as to consider the situation with the disposal of household and industrial waste in the Republic of Dagestan.

The objectives of my work:

• Collect information on types of waste, their impact on the body and the environment.

• Gather information on ways to store and recycle garbage.

• Find out which method is most effective and environmentally friendly.

• Consider what measures are being taken to combat waste disposal in Dagestan.










Theoretical part.

Chapter 1. The history of the development of household waste disposal technology.

The environment has always been a source of resources for mankind, but for a long time its life activity did not have a noticeable effect on nature. Only from the end of the last century, under the influence of economic activity, noticeable changes in the Earth's biosphere began to occur. Currently, they have reached alarming proportions. The rapid growth of population and the level of consumption of natural resources, the modern pace of material production lead to thoughtless handling of nature. With this attitude, a huge part of the resources taken from nature is returned to it in the form of waste that is harmful and unsuitable for further use.


        App.1. (Types of waste according to their state of aggregation)

Scientists estimate that 5 tons of garbage are generated daily in the world, while its amount increases annually by 3% in volume. The accumulation of household waste on the surface harms the environment, polluting water, soil and the atmosphere and jeopardizes the possibility of the existence of all life on the planet as a whole.


Therefore, one of the important issues around the world is the disposal of household waste.


                  App.1.1. (Domestic and industrial waste disposal)

  So, today the main emphasis in the civilized world is not on the destruction or disposal of waste, but on the possibility of their reuse through recycling. This is called recycling.                                 https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/steps-trash-recycling-process-eps-steps-trash-recycling-process-160770206.jpg                                                                                                                                                                               


                                 App. 1.2. (Recycling process)



During recycling, waste is returned to the process of technogenesis. Two options for recycling waste are possible:

  1. Reuse of waste for its intended purpose after appropriate safe handling and labeling. For example, the reuse of glass and plastic containers.

  2. Return of waste after processing to the production cycle. For example, tin containers - in the production of steel, waste paper - in the production of paper and cardboard.

      Some types of waste that cannot be used for their intended purpose can be recycled, after which it is more expedient to return them to the production cycle as secondary raw materials. So, part of the waste can be used to produce heat and electricity.

Scientists believe that almost all waste is subject to recycling, just some are more effective in this, some less. So, if you recycle paper, you can save forests; By processing organic waste, you can obtain effective fertilizer and increase productivity, and the processing of scrap aluminum can save an incredible amount of energy. Waste recycling allows you to save natural resources, reduce the cost of mining, not harm nature and at the same time save, getting cheaper raw materials. Full benefit! European countries today are actively investing in recycling technology, Russia has yet to take major steps in this direction.

1.1. Overview of household and industrial waste disposal techniques waste Classification

Household waste can be classified according to several criteria.So, according to the composition, household waste is conditionally divided into biological residues and non-biological waste (garbage).Biological residues - food, wood, leather and bone. These types of waste quickly and completely decompose and do not pose a great danger. Food waste is the biggest nuisance of them.


When they decompose, carbon dioxide and water are formed, but a large number of dangerous microorganisms, parasites and carriers of infectious diseases are also collected.


                     App.1.3. (Estimated decomposition rates)

Non-biological waste includes: paper, plastic, metal, textile, glass, rubber. The decomposition process of this waste can last about 2-3 years and in most cases is accompanied by the release of toxic substances that harm the environment and humans. According to the state of aggregation, the waste is divided into: solid, liquid, gaseous, pastes, gels, suspensions, emulsions.

Waste disposal methods:

- burial at the landfill (the most common way),


-sorting and sending most types of waste for recycling (waste paper, metal, glass, biowaste), recycling,

-aerobic biothermal composting.

Municipal solid waste (or MSW), as a rule, is a mixture of biological waste and garbage - non-biological materials of various origins. MSW are formed regularly as a result of the life of residents of houses.


 Due to the heterogeneity of the waste, the discarded solid waste can have almost any hazard class for the environment and people from 1 to 5.

 At the same time, non-hazardous waste is cardboard and paper, other wood-based materials, glass-containing and textile waste. The most dangerous household waste products are batteries, including batteries, as well as broken electrical appliances, household chemicals, cosmetics and antistatic agents, deodorants, pesticides - insect sprays.

      Briquetting is a new method of disposal of solid waste that is not yet widely used in practice. It includes preliminary sorting and packing of homogeneous garbage into separate briquettes, and then their storage in specially designated areas (landfills).




                                    App.1.4.(Waste briquetting)

The garbage packaged in this way is compressed, which greatly facilitates its transportation due to a significant reduction in volume.Briquetted garbage is intended for further processing and possible use for industrial purposes. Along with a method such as the processing of municipal solid waste, briquetting can be transported for disposal or disposal by heat treatment.

       In fact, this method is similar to the burial method, but in practice it has several advantages over it. The disadvantages of the method are that the heterogeneity of the waste generated and the preliminary strong pollution in the


garbage containers and the change in some components of the waste creates a greater complexity of briquetting.

Since these methods of processing waste have a number of drawbacks, despite their cheapness, the best option would be to completely dispose of the garbage during its processing into secondary materials and fuel, as well as its possible reuse.

Waste disposal.

When disposing of garbage (the Latin root utilis is useful), the waste can be used for various purposes.Waste to be disposed of includes: all types of metals, glass, polymers, yarn and fabric products, paper, rubber, organic household and agricultural waste.The most efficient disposal method today is the recycling of waste - recycling.

Thermal recycling.

Thermal processing refers to several methods:The simple waste incineration method is the most common and one of the cheapest methods of waste management. It is during burning that large volumes of garbage are utilized, and the ash formed takes up less space, does not undergo decay processes and does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere. It is non-toxic and does not require specially equipped burial sites.

Today there are several promising areas in recycling:

- a mechanical processing method in which the waste is crushed and becomes, for example, an effective filler in construction.

-pyrolysis - the so-called oxygen-free combustion, in which there is no combustion process. This recycling technology involves the creation of conditions for the rapid decomposition of waste into simple substances in special tanks, as a result of which the number of hazardous decomposition products is reduced by several times.




- plasma processing (high temperature pyrolysis).This is a technological process of gasification of garbage that occurs at a melting temperature higher than in a conventional processing plant (above 900 ° C).

The main advantage of this method is that it allows you to successfully solve the problem of environmentally friendly disposal of garbage without unnecessary costs for preliminary preparation, sorting, drying.

In addition, there is such a method of waste disposal as composting. Since most of the waste is made up of various organic residues, they are susceptible to rapid decay in the natural environment.The composting method is based on this property of organic substances. In the composting process, there is not only disposal of a huge part of the garbage polluting the environment, but also in the process it produces substances useful for agriculture - fertilizers.

The presented methods of waste disposal allow recycling with the least negative impact on the environment.











Chapter 2. Problems of disposal of household and industrial waste in Dagestan.

The Republic of Dagestan, as well as for most regions of the Russian Federation, is characterized by environmental problems such as the disposal of production and consumption wastes, high levels of air pollution, pollution of water bodies by untreated and insufficiently treated wastewater and solid waste, land degradation, desertification, land growth anthropogenic impact on the biodiversity of the region.

The existing system of waste management for production and consumption in the Republic of Dagestan is based mainly on their disposal at landfills or landfills, which leads to pollution of surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, soil and environmental damage.

With a total population of about 3 million people, more than 850 thousand tons of waste is generated annually in the republic, and more than 300 hectares of land has already been taken for storage (about 300 kg on average per person). Every year there is an increase in waste generation. The annual excess of the mass of generated waste over the ability to dispose of it amounts to about 530 thousand tons / year (i.e. 45%) in terms of RD. These wastes form the annual flow that is “distributed” to unauthorized landfills that spontaneously occur in the territories of cities and regions of the republic.

The waste management system formed at the municipal and regional levels is mainly focused on ensuring environmental safety in the treatment of waste, and does not contain incentives to reduce the volume of their disposal in the natural environment. It is only possible to reduce the waste stream to landfills in one way, large-scale and timely separation of recyclable components from municipal solid waste. Annually, valuable secondary material resources (waste paper, plastic, glass, etc.) are exported to landfills and landfills of solid waste.


To date, according to our data, the volume of waste processed into secondary material resources is more than 32 thousand tons, or 2.8%, whereas in previous years this figure did not reach 1%. The major parts of landfills do not comply with environmental and sanitary requirements.

The extremely unsatisfactory situation with the disposal of solid waste is developing in rural settlements. The lack of funds for the creation of an organized system for the collection and removal of waste in the territories of municipalities leads to the emergence of unauthorized landfills in adjacent forests, fields, ravines, along highways.

To date, out of 437 landfills for landfill, only 104 have municipal decrees on the allocation of land for the construction of the landfill, the remaining 333 are unauthorized landfills. Only 1 solid waste landfill operates in the republic with a design capacity of 330 thousand tons / year (28% of the total amount of waste) located in the city of Kizlyar, which has all the necessary regulatory documentation.The problem of recycling industrial waste remains relevant. More than 220 thousand tons of hazardous waste (five hazard classes; especially hazardous mercury-containing waste, devices, mercury valves, thermometers, fluorescent lamps, etc.), 265.5 tons of which have become unusable, have already been accumulated in the territories of enterprises of various sectors of the economy. In addition, there is a tendency to increase the proportion of mercury-containing devices and waste fluorescent lamps that have fallen into disrepair (over 700 thousand pieces have accumulated in the administrative territories of the Republic of Dagestan), electronic scrap (spent office equipment, electronic household appliances and equipment) that are disposed of in landfills, polluting and creating an additional burden on the environment.

The situation in the collection, storage and disposal of medical and biological wastes is also alarming.


The collection of potentially hazardous medical and biological wastes is carried out together with municipal solid waste, with their subsequent removal to landfills.

Another acute environmental problem for the republic remains pollution of water bodies. The volume of discharged contaminated wastewater in the Republic of Dagestan is about 80 million cubic meters. This is the third result for the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District (Stavropol Territory - 130.77, North Ossetia-Alania - 106.5). Not a single wastewater treatment plant in the Republic of Dagestan brings wastewater to a normally treated state. Today, USCs operate only in the cities of Kizlyar, Khasavyurt, Makhachkala and Kaspiysk. For these OSK reconstruction is required due to deterioration and low power. The cities of Derbent, Dagestan Lights, Izberbash, Buinaksk, having no treatment facilities, dump waste water without treatment.

Due to the active economic impact on the water resources of the Republic of Dagestan in many river basins, an unsatisfactory environmental situation has developed today, especially in terms of the quality of surface water resources: the water of many rivers and reservoirs is polluted with chemicals, heavy metal salts, nutrients, pesticides, organic compounds . The largest economic burden is experienced by such large river systems as the Terek, Sulak, Samur.

2.1. Methods of processing and destruction of municipal solid waste in Dagestan.

There are various ways and options for its destruction. So, the main way to dispose of solid waste is burial at special sites (landfills).

At landfills, the destruction of irretrievable waste occurs - the processing of household waste, as a result of which they almost completely cease to exist as waste.



The disposal method is not suitable for all types of solid waste, but only for non-combustible waste or for substances that emit toxic substances during combustion.

The advantage of this method is that it does not require significant financial costs and the availability of large tracts of land. But there are drawbacks to using this method - it is the accumulation of gas during underground rotting of waste. However, despite such a hopeless situation in the republic, the government is taking effective measures to combat garbage.

In Dagestan, work has begun on the reception and processing of secondary raw materials. And if previously thrown garbage remained in landfills and landfills, now there is every chance that it will gain a second life. Enterprises are buying up recyclables to make a new product out of it.

At a glass factory in the Dagestan Lights only five hundred thousand units of glass containers are produced per day. This is almost 180 million cans per year. Broken glass is also launched into the production process. It is bought from the population. At the same time, half of the glass containers produced can be made from recycled materials, experts say. The figure is huge, it is 120 tons of cullet per day. Now the main task is to establish the reception of recyclables.


                   App.2.(Production and disposal of glass containers)



In a year, the company will launch another production line. In this case, the total volume of finished products will exceed 500 tons per day. This is 1 million bottles per day. The Ministry of Natural Resources has established cooperation between the enterprise and regional operators. So that the glass wastes are not sent to landfills, but recycled.

And in Derbent, a plastic waste processing plant has been launched. A full production cycle has been established: from the reception of recyclables to the manufacture of finished products - granules. Then these granules are sent to plants producing various plastic pipes. So far, the main supplier of polyethylene is landfills. Also, plastic is additionally collected in markets and at collection points. Moreover, the plant in the presence of more plastic waste is able to increase production volumes.

In total, the plant accepts more than six varieties of debris fractions. Here, on the basis of the enterprise, plastic bags are already made from plastic waste. Production will expand.In Derbent, a site is already being selected for the placement of an eco-center for the reception of secondary raw materials. Waste will be bought up from the population. There is also a process of arranging container sites.To ensure separate garbage collection, this year alone more than a thousand garbage cans will be purchased.

Gradually, conditions for separate waste collection will be created in cities and regions. These are equipped container sites and eco-points for recycling. But the most important thing in this matter is the ecological culture of the population. And rightly so, separately delivered waste will not remain buried at the landfill, but will return to our everyday life as a new item.



The first EcoPoint for the colection of household waste from the population was opened in Makhachkala, not far from the Central Juma Mosque. Now residents of the capital can sell their garbage to a regional operator, instead of throwing it in a bucket.The opening ceremony was attended by members of the Government of the republic, the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the region, representatives of the spiritual administration, educational institutions and ordinary citizens who did not come to EcoPoint empty-handed.


                App. 2.1.( Reception of household waste in Ecopoint)

Opening the event, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov noted that in recent years, thanks to the systematic work carried out by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Dagestan, Nabiyuli Karachayev, positive changes have been outlined in the republic in ensuring environmental safety of the region.

2.2 Disposal of liquid waste in Dagestan.

Liquid waste, if storage and disposal rules are not followed, can fall into the soil, into sewage, and cause permanent damage to the environment, causing direct harm to living creatures in the pollution zone. Failure to comply with liquid waste disposal regulations is punishable by serious fines and may lead to the closure of an enterprise that allows such serious violations.



Moreover, the companies themselves, whose activity involves the generation of liquid waste, are often not able to dispose of liquid waste in accordance with the law. After all, first of all for this you need to have licenses. In addition, it requires deep knowledge, practical experience, the availability of specialized machinery and equipment. It is for these reasons that today the vast majority of companies do not independently dispose of liquid waste, but outsource this work.


                              App 2.2.( The issue of liquid waste)

In this vein, a company from Tatarstan intends to implement a project in Dagestan to process liquid household waste into mineral fertilizers.

The first garbage recycling plant in Dagestan is planned to be built in Kizlyar. Austrian and German companies are ready to act as investors in the construction, Kizlyar Mayor Alexander Shuvalov told TASS.

Local authorities expect that the construction of the plant will help solve the problem of waste disposal in the entire northern part of Dagestan (in addition to Kizlyar and Kizlyar district, it includes six districts and two cities). In the future, it is planned that the garbage processing plant will become the center of the Ecotechnological Park, which will also include an electricity generation enterprise and a greenhouse complex. In addition, as mentioned above, an earlier agreement was concluded with a Russian-Italian company on the processing of


liquid waste with the subsequent production of mineral fertilizers.The project will be implemented in the coming years.

According to the mayor of Kizlyar, the implementation of the project of the waste recycling complex will solve a number of accumulated problems, including garbage disposal in rural settlements of neighboring regions. “Potential investors said they were ready to turn waste into revenue. It is assumed that he [the plant] will process garbage from the entire northern zone of Dagestan, which includes seven districts (Kizlyar, Tarumovsky, Nogaysky, Babayurtovsky, Kazbekovsky, Novolaksky, Khasavyurtovsky), as well as the cities - Kizlyar, Khasavyurt and Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk.




















Practical part

Chapter 3. A business plan for the collection, sorting and subsequent disposal of household and industrial waste in the Republic of Dagestan.

   Currently, there is a lot of talk about the introduction of an environmental tax, but its mechanism has not yet been worked out, and there will probably be a lot of opponents of such a law, because it primarily concerns Sharks of a large and very profitable business. But the formula is simple - whoever makes a profit must pay, because garbage is a derivative of a certain production activity. In principle, the work was delivered at large enterprises - the enterprise is involved in the disposal of its own waste, but let's say trade.Receiving fabulous profits from the sale of packaged goods, trade enterprises do not bear any responsibility for the disposal of this very package, and the share of total garbage from it is very large. Therefore, the issue of financing waste processing needs to be addressed immediately while our planet is still alive!

     I had an idea to contribute to the solution of the problem of collection and disposal of household waste in my own way. It’s probably not right to call this idea a business plan, so we will call it “Volunteer project-skillful hands”.

This project will not require large cash injections, and it is too early to expect profit, but the patience and perseverance of like-minded people should bring results.

I had an idea, and what if we organize the production of souvenirs and household goods from used product packaging. And we found samples of souvenirs on the Internet, in a methodical manual (Author: Anna Viktorovna Logunova; “From waste to income”; recycled crafts. ) The practice of "waste to income" may be an idea for the development of a new business. Finished raw materials will help significantly reduce the cost of primary products and reduce the percentage of environmental pollution by household waste.




                                      App.3 (Plastic bottle products)

The implementation of this project would bring enormous benefits if we begin to involve more and more participants (schoolchildren, preschool children, children in boarding schools, students, etc.). I propose creating youth movements in educational institutions that will hold campaigns every year collecting recyclables in their settlements, creating items suitable for farming and holding fairs under the motto “No more garbage around us!”, and collecting the proceeds in your personal youth fund at institutions, and then buying garbage banners on every street of the village, and when promoting this project, additionally engage in landscaping the region. In addition to fairs, you can hold contests for the best recycled item, not only at the municipal, but also at the republican level. In my opinion, such work will bring not only benefit and fun, but also fosters a sense of responsibility and the need for respect for environmental problems in children.


                App.3.1.( Newspaper & Plastic Bottle Products)



As my practice has shown, useful things can be made from unnecessary things. These are interior details, toys, souvenirs, etc.

From plastic bottles you can make crafts for the garden, kitchen garden, playground, as well as toys, souvenirs and much more.

From plastic covers you can make applications, pictures, curtains, rugs, trays, decorate furniture, turn covers into lottos, checkers and much more.

From disposable tableware you can make tulips or a water lily, a frame for a picture or a clock, a wall panel or a fan, or a colorful peacock ....

From cans you can make flower pots, stands for pencils and pens, candle holders, toy furniture, trays for kitchen utensils and much more.

From egg trays children’s toys, frames, lampshade for the lamp, beautiful flowers are obtained.

It’s very easy to make a small table lamp from the disks, the clock can be either desktop or wall, you can make pendants on the walls or Christmas tree decorations. If there are many discs, original curtains are made of them.

Applications, bookmarks for books, vases, handbags and wallets - this is what each of us can make from wrappers from sweets.

Old pantyhose and socks make very cute dolls and funny stuffed animals.

Studying the literature on the topic of our project, we decided to try and craft our products from recycled materials. We made a fan of plastic forks, a stand for pens and pencils from old damaged and scratched discs, a needle bar and a casket for storing various jewelry.

The technology of separate collection of garbage will somehow organize the marketing of the collected garbage, the money for the advertising project will not be superfluous, but how much positive emotions will be received, this contribution to the fight against garbage disposal will be simply invaluable.






Many sources of information were used in the work, thanks to which the necessary methodological material was accumulated. When working on the project, I used both traditional and Internet sources. I note that I was surprised by the abundance of opportunities that anyone who wants to seriously address the environmental problem in the form of processing and disposal of household waste in the Republic of Dagestan is surprised. But waste recycling technologies themselves are very expensive and require quite large initial financial investments, and the enterprise itself requires monopolization of production. Therefore, the responsibility for improving the situation in our republic, I feel not only for the government (which take steps to create processing plants, but also for people who should take better care of their locality, having realized at least the fact that we are all believers, and purity is part of the faith. To destroy the beauty that the Almighty bestowed upon us, I think this is unfair to him. Participation of residents in frequent community work days, conducting educational discussions with youth, creating youth movements responsible for controlling the release and collection of garbage and their subsequent involvement in “the Skillful Hands” project may not completely solve the problem , but i’m sure that it will make a huge contribution to the disposal of waste in our republic.

During the implementation of an individual project, at the stage of developing a business plan, I came to the conclusion that the search for an idea was a complex process, internal work, imagination, and a dream. Finding an artistic image is very difficult, not easy, sometimes painfully difficult. Any interesting impression can give impetus, inspiration and insight. The desired image can be found literally under your feet: in the pattern of fallen autumn leaves, in bizarre lines of branches against a sunset, in the shape, pattern and color of the stone.



 It is not necessary to fully transfer what was seen into the product, it is enough, having pushed off from it, to develop an idea or image.

When performing work from recycled materials, I presented myself with great independence, scope for manifestation of creative initiative.

Performing simple calculations on the economics of materials fosters frugality, teaches us to analyze the economic efficiency of our work and save the family budget. And the knowledge gained during the implementation of the project and the skills during its design will be useful in further training and involving like-minded people, because a whole life lies ahead! And only by joining together we can change the world for the best!                            























                                         List of references                      


1. Anichev KV Problems of the environment, energy and natural resources. - M .: "Progress" - 1999.

2. Kriskunov E. A. Ecology: a training manual. - M:Drofa, 1995.

3. Author: Logunova Anna Viktorovna; "From waste to income"; crafts from recycled materials.

4. S.I. Kolesnikov. "Ecological basis of nature management", Moscow, 2008 ..


Electronic resources:

























Appendix 1.Types of waste according to their state of aggregation.


Appendix1.1 Domestic and industrial waste disposal.

https://images.slideplayer.com/12/3442099/slides/slide_3.jpg  Appendix 1.2. Recycling process


 Appendix 1.3.Estimated decomposition rates.


Appendix 1.4. Waste briquetting.

Appendix 2. Production and disposal of glass containers.


Appendix 2.1. Reception of household waste in Ecopoint.


 Appendix 2.2.The issue of liquid waste.


Appendix 3. Plastic bottle products.



Appendix 3.1.Newspaper & Plastic Bottle Products.



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    Дагирова Луиза Салмановна
    Дагирова Луиза Салмановна
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    • Всего просмотров: 52150
    • Всего материалов: 22

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки


Экскурсовод (гид)

500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Английский для специальных целей (ESP)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 117 человек из 50 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 460 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 1545 человек из 85 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 469 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 208 человек из 48 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 242 человека


Психология и педагогика в работе с подростками

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 56 человек из 30 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 29 человек


Стратегии B2B маркетинга: от анализа до продаж

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Эффективные стратегии продаж: воронка, агрегаторы и мессенджеры

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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