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                    Самоанализ урока английского языка в 10 классе


Учитель: Кандрина Н.А.


                     Тема: «Семейные ценности»

                      Цель: Развитие умений в создании семейного  журнала  

                      Тип урока: Комплексное применение знаний



I.                   Развивающие: развивать способность работать в команде, развивать способности видеть различные стороны проблемы, различные точки зрения.

II.                Воспитывающие: содействовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к семье, уважения семейных ценностей.

III.             Образовательные:

1.     Практиковать в создании печатного журнала.

2.     Представить проекты.

3.     Практиковать в употреблении навыков и умений во всех видах речевой деятельности, в лексике, грамматике по изученной теме.


      Урок  состоит из 6 этапов.

 На 1 – вводно-мотивационном этапе была дана мотивация посредством постановки задач урока.

На 2-м этапе - учащиеся читали и переводили утверждения о семье практиковали свои фонетические и грамматические способности.

Затем учащиеся на этой основе вывели проблему урока «Семейные ценности».

Данная тема в 10 классе даётся на расширенном уровне, дается понятие «расширенная семья», рассматриваются семейные проблемы, способы их решения, взаимоотношения в семье, семейные ценности.

3 этап начинается с ознакомлением критерий для создания журнала, учащиеся прочитывают каждый пункт.  Задача – обдумать оформление семейного журнала.

Выполняя это задание, учащиеся опирались на  личный опыт, делали выбор темы, что соответствует технологии ЛОО.

4 этап Задание для групповой работы – создание семейного журнала было домашним заданием. Учащиеся образовали группы по своему желанию.

Учителем было предложено выполнить по-разному: на бумажном носителе и в электронном виде. Но, оказалось, детям легче и проще сделать  семейный журнал на бумажном носителе. Журнал состоял из нескольких страниц – тем: «Семейные ценности», «Подростковые проблемы в семье», «Как преодолеть разногласия между поколениями», «Колонка «Совет»».

Всем группам следовало представить свои сообщения на разные темы, внимательно слушать и смотреть выступления своих одноклассников по мере возможности задавать вопросы по их выступлениям  и сделать взаимооценку.

На 5 этапе была проведена рефлексия. Учащиеся сделали вывод, что тенденция современной семьи – семья расширенная, состоящая из нескольких поколений. Семейные ценности – это доверие, забота друг о друге, уважение, защита, возможность иметь уединение, защиту в семье, комфорт, общие интересы, решение проблемы отцов и детей.

На уроке были использованы технологии ЛОО, личностно-ориентированном образовании. ИКТ,  проектный, поисковый методы. Формы работ – коллективная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая.

Считаю, что урок цели достиг.




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I think your  parents worry about you.

Perhaps your parents may want to prevent you from making mistakes.

Have you ever thought of  how hard it is to make a success in this life and they want you to be very well prepared for it.

 You’d better  talk to your mother and speak about your feelings.



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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • When life gives you lemons – make lemonade.
If life gives you strict teachers...

    1 слайд

    When life gives you lemons – make lemonade.
    If life gives you strict teachers – thank them.
    If life gives you strict parents – obey them.
    What are we going to speak about?

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урока-проекта  по теме «Семейные ценности»

по английскому языку


(10 класс, УМК “New Millennium English”, авторы: О.Л. Гроза , О.Б. Дворецкая и др.)








                                          Выполнила: учитель англ. языка МБОУ СОШ № 4

                                                  Кандрина Наиля Асафовна









Цели урока:  активизировать речемыслительную деятельность; развивать все виды речевой деятельности через технологию критического мышления; формировать умение анализировать и критически оценивать информацию, применять полученные результаты к различным ситуациям.

Задачи урока:

1.     Воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважительного, толерантного отношения в семье, более глубокое осознание взаимоотношений между членами в семье, воспитание культуры общения;

2.     Развивающий аспект: развитие критического мышления, развитие языковой культуры;

3.     Познавательный аспект: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся

4.     Учебный аспект: совершенствование  практических навыков владения лексикой по теме, развитие  навыков чтения с целью полного понимания прочитанного;


Оборудование: компьютер; медиапроектор; экран;  дидактический материал.



Этапы работы

Содержание этапа


1.     Начало урока. Приветствие. Сообщение темы урока.


Listen to the short poem and repeat it. Be attentive: it’ll help you in formulating the topic of our lesson.

When life gives you lemons – make lemonade.

If life gives you strict teachers – thank them.

If life gives you strict parents – obey them.

What are we going to speak about?            Family issues      



Фонетическая разминка

First we`ll read some quotations some famous people about family and put the right forms of verb to be:

“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces”

George Santayana American writer

“Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who  belong to us, we see the past, present and future, Gail Lumet Buckley journalist

“The informality of family life is a blessed condition that allows us to become our best while looking our worst.” Marge Kennedy. English novelist

Учащиеся читают цитаты знаменитых людей по группам и ставят правильные формы глагола to be.





































Инструкция по выполнению проекта















Подбор материала для журнала, дизайн, расположение.





представление материала по темам






































































We have spoken about our theme for several lessons and it’s time to summer it up I mean a project lesson.

The main problem of our lesson is to speak about family issues, teenagers’ problems and generation gaps.

And now you can present the following items in our “Family magazines” we have a paper magazine. Here you see it.  На доске большими буквами написано название журнала.

First read criteria for our project.  Let’s introduce. Учащиеся читают в режиме ученик 1- ученик 2 и т.д. And now we should choose Editor-in- chief and a Deputy Editor what are your suggestions. Roman please. Учащиеся предлагают свои кандидатуры. Well  Editor-in- chief will be Mineahmetov Nail and a Deputy Editor – Abdreev  Nijaz    and you know your responsibilities.


You see we have headlines in our magazine.  Редактор просит представить свой материал по подзаголовкам которые приклепляются к журналу на доске. They are: family issues, teenagers’ problems, generation gaps, family’s secrets. You see here we put our articles.  You have only 4 minutes for you presentations. Let’s start.


All of you have guessed the main points of the problem we’ll touch upon today. We’ll speak about family issues. Nail please. Ученик начинает рассказывать о семейных ценностях. Прослушав выступления, учащиеся задают вопросы.

Students do you have any questions. Zhenja please.


One of the most important features of the family is misunderstanding, isn’t it?

Roman what can you say about it?

   My problem is that my parents don’t like my girl-friend. They are very strict and think that I’m too young to have serious relations. They don’t allow me to go on… I’m a 17-year-old student who needs advice. I live with my family and study at the university. With my beloved girl I met a year ago when I was at school. We are good friends and even more we are going to be together forever. We enjoy being together.

 dates and even don’t want to hear about her. My parents make my life miserable. I get very depressed. I keep my stuff in a suitcase to leave my home in a suitable moment.

What advice could you give to him? Your parents worry about you. Your parents may want to prevent you from making mistakes. They know how hard it is to make a success in this life and they want you to be very well prepared for it. You should talk to your mother and speak about your feelings.

You see some teens have problems in their families.

How to deal when your parents are really from a different world?

Please Nastya.

What problems can we see?


Lack  Of  Privacy- Sometimes children don’t have their own room, and they have to share the  room with sisters and brothers. Children can’t shut the door, stay along and relax. It is impossible to keep anything secret – nothing is safe.

Sisters And Brothers - Not always brothers and sisters have good relation. They can fall out, showing up in front of friends, make nasty little comments,   nag, make fun. They can’t divide different things, own room, toys, sweets etc.

Lack  Of  Freedom -      Parents want to know what their child is doing and with whom. Children in these families must go home very early. Parents say what their children have to do, they don’t make go to different celebrations and trips. Children must obey theirs parents.

Teacher: Good.

 Do you think parents know about their teenagers’ problems? I think sometimes parents don’t know about their chidren’s problems.

-                     Do you think teenagers know about their parents’ problems? I think not always

-                     What are the things children and their parents argue about? On my opinion about fashion, music,

What is the background of all the problems in a family? Misunderstanding (generation gap)

Please Dilyara:  Generation gap will always exist not only because teenagers and their parents enjoy listening different kinds of music. A lot of things are different : tastes, manners, behaviour, and  the stuff like that. Teens  often think that their parents just make fun of them.  They do not let them hang out with their friends. They are  always nagging when their children do badly at school. They make  them do their homework, though sometimes it is unnecessary. Teens often feel a lack of privacy  because their parents want  to know that they are up to. More than that-it is impossible for them to keep anything secret.

T: Is a compromise possible?

P1 What kind of a compromise would you suggest?

P2 Building a bridge

Yes you are right.

How to bridge the «generation gap»

1.Parents should understand sudden changes of mood of the teenagers, the strange hobbies, a new lexicon

 2. Parents and teenagers should have patience, respect each other, love each other.

3. Parents should state accurately to the teenager’s  fears that they could understand you.

4. Teenagers should be fair with parents and share the problems

5. Parents should listen to the problems of the child and give advice.

6. Try to stay calm and control your emotions.

7. Argue only when needed.

8. Talk clearly and reasonably.

If you follow these rules you will have good relations in a family

And what are the secrets of happy family you can give advice to children and parents.

Advices for children:                                            

Try to control your emotions, because parents dislike when we become shout, defending our opinion.

Listen and understand your parents, if you can’t, try to pretend.

Talk clearly and reasonably, because it’s irritating to listen indistinct answers.

Make sure you understand you parent’s displeasure right.

Try to explain that you self-reliant, but your behavior should be proper.

 Advices for parents:

     Keep in mind that the aim is to resolve the conflict, not to show your children that you are more powerful then they.

     Try to be quiet, because you condition will show your children that you want to discuss problem with them and not to criticize them.

     Try to understand other’s opinions.

     Don’t impose your view on children, different people have different opinion.

     If you understand that teen is right, tell him/her about it, it isn’t disgraceful to admit mistake

Teen Relationship Advice in family

Don’t just expect your parents to understand you. If they don’t, it could be your fault. Build bridges, do not burn them! And in any case we should be grateful to our parents.






Заключительный этап урока

At the end of our lesson see videoclip and sing a song “Generation gap” you work hard today and get excellent and good marks


Задание на дом

Подведение итогов работы, самооценка и оценка деятельности учащихся

Your homework will be to do ex.4-6 lesson  Unit 5 WB


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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Family valuesIn my family we have our own values. Now I will tell you about t...

    1 слайд

    Family values
    In my family we have our own values. Now I will tell you about them. We take care of each other. In our family we always keep mutual respect. Also, we try to help each other in difficult situations. Main value is to speak the truth. I can’t imagine a family, in which thrives lies and deceit. Often in these families, people begin morally corrupting. This is my opinion about this issue. I told about values in my family.

    Author: Minakhmetov Nail

  • Teenage problems in a familyHow to deal when your parents are really from a d...

    2 слайд

    Teenage problems in a family
    How to deal when your parents are really from a different world?

    Many teens feel that their parents don't understand them. They feel as if their parents are "from a different world". Many of us often argue with their parents about clothes, hairstyle or something else. Mothers and fathers often say: “When I was in your age I was wearing another kind of clothes, I hadn’t got such a crazy hairstyle, I didn’t listen to heavy metal. When you and your parents go shopping you even choose different shops.They think that their choice is better. They don’t like your style, you don’t like their’s. It’s a typical generation problem and to resolve it you should just talk and tell your parents that you’re different, it’s a new generation and new fashion and you want to be just like others. Malzeva Nastja

  • Sisters And Brothers
      Not always brothers and sisters have  good relatio...

    3 слайд

    Sisters And Brothers
    Not always brothers and sisters have good relation. They can fall out, showing up in front of friends, make nasty little comments,
    Lack Of Privacy
    Sometimes children don’t have their own room, and they have to share the room with sisters and brothers. Children can’t shut the door, stay along and relax. It is impossible to keep anything secret – nothing is safe.
    nag, make fun. They can’t divide different things, own room, toys, sweets etc.

  • Lack  Of  Freedom
      Parents want to know what their child is doing and wi...

    4 слайд

    Lack Of Freedom
    Parents want to know what their child is doing and with whom. Children in these families must go home very early. Parents say what their child have to do, they don’t make go to different celebrations and trips. Children must obey theirs parents.

  • How to bridge the «generation gap»	1.Parents should understand sudden changes...

    5 слайд

    How to bridge the «generation gap»
    1.Parents should understand sudden changes of mood of the teenagers, the strange hobbies, a new lexicon
    2. Parents and teenagers should have patience, respect each other, love each other.
    3. Parents should state accurately to the teenager’s fears that they could understand you.
    4. Teenagers should be fair with parents and share the problems

  • 5. Parents should listen to the problems of the child and give advice.
6. Try...

    6 слайд

    5. Parents should listen to the problems of the child and give advice.
    6. Try to stay calm and control your emotions.
    7. Argue only when needed.
    8. Talk clearly and reasonably.

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