Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыПрограмма элективного курса по английскому языку" Оса-исторический город Прикамья"

Программа элективного курса по английскому языку" Оса-исторический город Прикамья"

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          Управление образования Осинского муниципального района

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

« Осинская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 имени Героя РФ В.П.Брюхова»


Элективный курс

  Оса - исторический город Прикамья


                         Английский язык







учитель английского языка

Муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения

« Осинская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 имени Героя РФ В.П.Брюхова»

      Кержакова Н.Б.








Оса, 2012



Пояснительная записка. 3

Материалы к урокам.. 6

From the history of Osa. 6

Lenin Square. 8

Morden Osa. 10

School № 1. 12

Professional pedagogical college. 13

They were in Osa. 18

Famous people of Osa. 21

Примерный план подготовки и проведения экскурсии. 24

Используемая литература: 26




























Пояснительная записка


         Данный элективный курс предназначен для учащихся 10 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Программа рассчитана на 1 год. Всего 28 часов.

         Целью разработанной программы является формирование целостного представления об истории и культуре малой родины посредством английского языка.

         Программа реализует следующий ряд задач:

ü совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки в основных видах речевой деятельности на основе нового предметного содержания речи;

ü формировать вторичную языковую личность с опорой на собственную культуру;

ü создавать положительный эмоциональный фон, внутреннюю положительную мотивацию;

ü воспитывать патриотичную личность;

ü способствовать развитию таких черт личности, как креативность, целеустремленность, самостоятельность, инициативность, умение отстаивать свою позицию и уважать чужое мнение.

          Основные дидактические принципы работы с курсом:

·       варьирование разных форм работы;

·       поощрение нестандартных решений учащихся;

·       учитель – посредник между учеником и информацией;

·       создание ситуации успеха;

·       осуществление контроля и самоконтроля в процессе учебной деятельности;

·       принцип отбора материала – принцип доступности и посильности является доминантным, так как подбор текстов и заданий ориентирован на возможности учащихся, на уровень их языковой подготовки.

          Главные критерии успешности усвоения:

1.     Владение и свободное оперирование краеведческими знаниями;

2.     Уверенное построение, как монологических высказываний, так и диалога;

3.     Умение отстаивать свою позицию и слушать оппонента;

4.     Способность решать свои коммуникативные задачи посредством английского языка;

5.     Активность и внутренняя мотивация к учебной деятельности.

         Данный курс предполагает изучение таких аспектов жизни Осы, как история, географическое положение, знаменитые люди города, символы, достопримечательности и их история.

         Обучение осуществляется через такие формы занятий, как лекции, диспуты, беседы, защита рефератов, подготовка экскурсии, краеведческие конкурсы, проектные работы, выпуски газет.

Контроль в течение курса проводится в форме тестов, конкурсов и викторин, итоговый же контроль осуществляется через выполнение проектной

работы. Форма итогового контроля – «зачет».


Учебно-тематический план

Наименование темы

Количество часов


Географическое положение



История г. Оса






Культовые здания г. Оса



Оса – культурный центр



Знаменитые люди г. Оса



Проблемы г. Оса



Защита проектов


Всего: 28 ч.


Содержание программы




Формы работы


Географическое положение

Рельеф, климат, флора и фауна, природные ресурсы, реки


Лекции, работа с текстами, чтение докладов


История Осы

Основатели, периоды становления, факты, личности


Работа с текстами, посещение краеведческого музея



Памятники истории и культуры, мемориалы, символы города


Работа с текстами, просмотр видеофильма, составление и проведение экскурсии


Культовые здания г.Оса

Соборы, церкви, мечеть, часовня и их история


Работа с текстом, посещение соборов, подготовка докладов


Оса – культурный центр

Дворец культуры, Центр народной культуры и творчества, ДШИ и др.


Проектная работа, обсуждения, подготовка презентаций


Знаменитые люди г.Оса

Осинцы. Знаменитые люди, побывавшие в Осе


Встреча с осинцами, выпуск газеты, просмотр видеофильма, работа с текстом


Проблемы Осы

Экологические, политические, образовательные проблемы


Обсуждения, диспуты, беседы







Примерные темы проектов


1.   Оса в годы войны.

2.   Образовательные учреждения г. Оса.

3.   Беринг в Осе.

4.   Биография и творческая деятельность Бианки.

5.   Осинцы за рубежом.

6.   Улицы Осы.

7.   Оса глазами иностранцев.

8.   Оса – театральная.


Требования к уровню образованности учащихся

по окончанию курса


         Учащиеся должны:

·       Знать:

- факты истории г. Оса;

- архитектурные памятники истории и культуры и их происхождение;                                         - сведения о жизни и достижениях знаменитых людей;

- географическое положение г. Оса.

·       Уметь:

- понимать устную речь при аудировании;

- составлять грамматически правильную, логичную монологическую и диалогическую речь на основе социокультурной лексики;

- сообщать информацию в виде сочинения, проекта, реферата, доклада, экскурсии  и т.д.

- работать с материалом, вычленять главное.













Материалы к урокам

From the history of Osa

(The early days of Osa)

                                                                       God gave all men all earth to love,

                                                              But since our hearts are small,

                                                            Ordained for each one spot

                                                               Should prove beloved over all.


Little is known about the first inhabitants of Osa.

istoriya(27)The first Slavonic settlements appeared on the territory of Osa region long before the official date of birth of the town.

Settlers were attracted by the nature and land, suitable for agriculture.

They lived by hunting, fishing, gathering wild plants.

They were herders of cattle and growers of wheat and barley.

But the first written reference to Osa occurred in the chronicle «Pistchaya book» for the year1591.

This settlement was called Novo-Nikolskaya sloboda with 46 houses.

It’s subsequent economic development was due largely to its favourable geographical position.

In 1781 Osa development in the chronicle as a «town».

It was walled and became a fortress on the bank of the Kama River.

The town stood on the important trade route along which trade was connected with Siberia.

osa_Pugachev_mIn 1774 an army commanded by Pugachev attacked the town, many people joint the Pugachev troops and took part in the peasant uprising.

Later many of them were executed.

Before the revolution Osa was a small provincial town.

Travelers, who visited Osa noted the dirty streets and wretched wooden houses.

At the beginning of the 19th century Osa continued to grow as a trading   town.

The main inhabitants of it were merchants and peasants.

During the Civil War with the invasion of the white Guard Osa was razed and many people were killed.

During the years of Soviet power it grew rapidly into modern town.

Now Osa is a rapidly developing town.








settlements appeared







Comprehension Check












1. Who were the first inhabitants of Osa? How did they get food?

2. When did the first written reference of Osa occur in the chronicle?

3. How was the new settlement called?

4. What was its economic and political development due to?

5. When did an army commanded  by Pugachev attack the town?

6. What did Osa look like before the revolution?

7. What were the main inhabitants of Osa?





1. Work in pairs. Students A is a guide, student B is a foreigner. Ask and answer questions to find out some facts about the history of Osa.

2. How well do you know the history of Osa? Tell it to your friends.

Lenin Square

(an excursion)

                                                          Our hearts where they rocket our cradle,

                                                      Our love where we spent our toil,

                                                                          And our faith, and our hope, and our honour

                                                We pledge to our native soul.

                                                                  William Cowper

         Hello! I΄m your guide. I’ll show you around Osa today. You will see the most interesting sights and learn some facts about our town. The best way to feel the atmosphere of the place is to take a walk around it. Let’s start our journey from Lenin Street, the main street of Osa. It witnessed many events of town’s history. The original name of the street was Nikolayevskaja Street. After the October Revolution it was renamed after V I Lenin. In the 16th century. The town  was walled and the fortress on the bank of the Kama river was attacked by Pugachev rebellious. A lot of citizens of Osa joint the Pugachev troops.

osa_musey66218         In 1982 the memorial designed by Drachynsky was erected in the memory of this event. Next to it is the oldest building of Osa. It was voyevod΄s house built in the first half of the XVIII century. Now it is the building of the professional college. Further on the same and opposite sides are different shops. Earlier there were trading rows used as shopping centre. On Sunday it was a market place. Firstly Nikolayevskaya Street was crooked and narrow, and then it was expanded and became a square. The pride of Osa is the memorial complex, devoted to the soldiers, who took part in the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars. Here you can see walls with the names of 3280 of soldiers of Osa. An Eternal Flame was brought here from Perm. Not far from it there are tombs of heroes of the Civil War, who were buried here. Every year citizens of Osa go to the memorial and bring flowers to commemorate the victory over Nazi Germany. Look at the white building with columns. It was the building of Uspensky Cathedral (1791 – 1824), nowdays it is the museum, which is famous for diorama «Peasant War1773 – 1775».

In the memory of Pugachev. One of the streets of Osa was named after him. In the museum you can find exhibits which are devoted to the most important historical events. The picture «Bering in Osa» attracts your attention. On the first floor is the museum of history. The exhibits tell us about the events of Civil War, the contribution of citizens of Osa to the victory over Nazi Germany. Next to the natural history museum is the museum of nature. It includes diorama «Nature of Prikamye», created by Zarubin, Eremchenko, Zaslavsky.

         Look to the right. The monument to Kaluzhny brothers is situated here. Now we are in Lenin Square, the main square of Osa. Nowdays, it is a place for public gatherings, meetings, demonstrations. It is also a beautiful architectural ensemble. In the centre of the square you can see the monument to Lenin, opposite it there are 2 modern administrative buildings.

         Next to it there are two historical buildings. The blue corner building was the merchant house. Now it is a school of art. Osypov, Cherdyntsev, Emelin, Amerchanov were famous merchants of Osa. Nowdays their houses are the most outstanding monuments of architecture. One cannot help admiring its beauty and dignity.

         Far away you can see golden cupolas of The Trinity Cathedral. It is considered to be a true symbol of Osa and an integral part of town’s scenery. It was built of stone in the traditional Russian style reflecting the elements of ancient Russian wooden architecture. A Russian architect Turchevich built the Cathedral. The picturesque decoration of the cathedral was done by an artist Shvarev, who painted icons for it. In 1945 the iconostas of the cathedral was created. It was a unique place. People came to pray here. Now the Cathedral is being reconstructed. It has regained its beauty. The Trinity Cathedral is unique among historical buildings of the town. It is not simply a place where people come to pray but is also an icon in stone. It is surrounded by trees of Gagarin park and really worth seeing. Well, here our journey is over. Osa is one of the most beautiful cities in Perm region. If you have never been there, you should visit it. I am sure you will fall in love with this place at first sight.





to witness,

to rename,








Eternal Flame






Tell a group of foreign tourists about famous sights of Osa








Morden Osa



God made the country, and man made the town.

William Cowper


         If you want to get a full picture of Osa, you’d go along to the modern part of the town.

         Let’s start our excursion from the Fountain square. The most attractive place in our town is a beautiful fountain. In summer the air around it is fresh and ravishing, because of the streams of clean water. It’s a family spot where people go to relax. The symbol of Osa is the sculpture of heart. It’s a place where newly married couples come and tie ribbons to it.

         If you cross the road you can see the house of Culture. Performances, concerts, discos are held here.

p3_jb         Different studios, clubs give children every opportunity to develop their gifts and talents. Not far from it there is a sculpture of a bear with a sack which is called Kul Osinsky. It became the symbol of Osa.

Our town is rich in different traditions and one of them is celebrating the town’s birthday. It’s usually celebrated in front of the House of Culture and Technique.

         If you have free time you can walk along the Osynsky boulevard and do shopping because now days it’s a shopping centre with a great variety of shops. New modern shops, buildings have turned Osa into a modern town with a population of about 30 000 people.

         Citizens of Osa are great sport fans, many of them go in for sport on a regular basis. Sport school and swimming pool are very popular among youngsters. Children attend different sections and clubs. Sport helps children to grow strong and assists their spiritual development.

         The town has stadiums, skating-rink, swimming-pool and gyms. A lot of competitions are held here.

In winter you can ski in the park, which is beautiful in different seasons. Osa is surrounded by picturesque forests, fields and the Kama river. The countryside around our town is very beautiful. A boat trip on the Kama river is unforgettable. Now we are in Melentyev Street. It was named after famous surgeon of Osa. Here you can see modern buildings of hospital, which has all modern equipment.

         Further you can see a row of comfortable cottages of Vostochnaya part of the town.

Citizens of our town are countrymen at heart. They prefer houses with a garden or an orchard where they grow vegetables, berries and even fruits. Here our journey along modern part of Osa is over.

         You can see that it is a developing town and worth seeing.










swimming pool






Imagine that you are a guide, tell about the famous places of modern Osa.

























                                                   School № 1


 The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet


         The  building of school №1 was designed by  an engineer Grunfield. It was erected in 1911. First of all it was a building of Zemskaya Uprava. In 1918 the first executive committee worked there. On the 7 of August 1919 N.K.  Krupskaya .arrived in Osa by the boat “Red Star” and delivered a speech. In 1936 a school №1 was opened. It was the best school in Osa region. . During the Great Patriotic War the building was occupied by the hospital and the students helped a lot to look after its patients

         After the war school №1 continued its work and development.A l

lot of talented teachers worked here for a longer or shorter period of there lives. Such as N.A Rumyantsev, T.G.Kultysheva, A.N.Chernyavskaya,etc.

         Nowdays about 500 students study here. Our school has got a good library, a gym, and canteen. The teaching staff works very hard to search for the new ways of the development of school. It consists of 35 teachers. They are very skillful and experienced.

         Teachers do their best to help students to realize their talents. . The most popular events are the KVN, the weeks of different subjects. Students can try themselves in fairy-tale performances and prepare them with great pleasure.

         Our school is famous for traditions: Day of Knowledge, Health Day, New Year’s Party, Talent show, the Last Bell party. We have a lot of sport events, concerts, competitions. Students also have an oppotunity to take part in the governing.  We are proud of our graduates. V.P.Bruhov  is a Hero of Russia. .He defended our Motherland during the years of Great Patriotic War. Graduates of our school work in different places.

They become teachers, doctors, engineers, oilmen, etc. Our school-leavers are famous not only in our country, but also abroad.











deliver a speech


  Comprehension check



1. When did the history of school №1 begin?

2.Where is it situated?

3.What was the building occupied by during the G.P.W.?

4.What doe school№1 have got?

5.What is school №1 famous for?

6.How do students spend their free time?

7.What prominent people studied at school №1?




Tell a group of foreign tourists about your college


                                               Professional pedagogical college

SUPERVIDEOCD-0опоп         The history of pedagogical department goes back into 1919 when pedagogical courses began their work. There were 52 students. Most of them were children of workers and peasants.

         In 1921, on the bases of this course, a Teachers Training School was organized. It occupied the building of the gymnasium for ladies. In June 17 students graduated from the TTS and went to teach children in different towns and villages.

         During the Great Patriotic War the building was occupied by the hospital and the students helped a lot to look after its patients.

         After the war the TTS continued its work and development. In 1955 Tatar department was opened. It trained teachers for national schools and was the only school in Perm region of this kind.

         Nowdays there are a lot of departments which train teachers of Russian, English, History, Math and Music. There are 10 groups in our School. About 500 students study here, they obtain two specialities: a primary school teacher and a teacher of some subjects at a secondary school.

         The pedagogical department has got a good library, a gym, some laboratories and a spacious canteen. The teaching staff works very hard to search for the new ways of the development of school. It consists of 39 teachers. They are very, skillful and experienced.

         Teachers do their best to help students to realize their talents. Our college has some sport clubs, a choir, dance and music clubs and theatre studio. The most popular events are the KVN, the weeks of different subjects. Students can try themselves in fairy-tale performances and prepare them with great pleasure.

         Our college is famous for traditions. Day of Knowledge, Health Day, New Year’s Party, Talent show, the Last Bell party. We have a lot of sport events, concerts, competitions.

         Students also have an oppotunity to take part in the governing. There is a Student’s Council, members of which are usually chosen by general elections.

         Graduaters of Teacher’s Training College work in different places. A lot of them are honoured teachers. Such as N A Volkova,  Y N Litvinova. Graduates of pedagogical work not only at schools but in other spheres.















                           Comprehension check


1. When did the history of pedagogical department begin?

2.Where is it situated?

3.Who were the first students of Pedagogical department?

4.What was the building occupied by during the G.P.W.?

5.When was the Tatar department opened?

6. What specialities do students obtain?

7.What does the pedagogical department have got?

8.What is pedagogical department famous for?

9.How do students spend their free time?

10.What prominent people studied at Pedagogical college?




Tell a group of foreign tourists about  college














Cathedrals of Osa


                                                     Those evening bells! Those evening bells!

                                         How many a tale their music tells,

                                                       Of youth and home, and that sweet time,

                                                   When last I heard their soothing chime.


                                                                                          Thomas Moore


         The beauty of the ancient towns, the domes of the cathedrals, the autumnal gold of the forests and fields –all these are splendid views of Russia.

274_0015907b         Here is the cradle of Russian culture. Cathedrals of Osa are considered to be true symbols of the town and an integral part of its scenery. Everyone has their own way to God΄s temple. And the people of our town have an opportunity to choose this way when the Kazanskaya church was built in 1882. The patron of it was Al.Osipov, the richest merchant of Osa. It was made of red bricks. It has 5 cupolas, the biggest one is on the bell-tower, from which the visitors can see a splendid view of the town. It is striking in grandeur, creating simultaneously an impression of peace. The picturesque decoration of the cathedral was done by famous Russian icon painters. They created icons for a five-tiered iconostasis with a height of 16 meters.

Fragments of their incredible frescoes are preserved in the alter area.

         Unfortunately during the Soviet time, Kazanskaja church was closed. It happened on the 16th of October in 1939. But very soon it was opened due to the request of a group of peasants. For a long time it was the main cathedral of Osa.

11677790         The heart of the historical part of Osa is the Trinity Cathedral. Far away you can see its golden cupolas. It was begun by a famous Perm architect Turchevich, who was imbued with the spirit of Russian art. The Cathedral was built in the traditional Russian style, reflecting the elements of Russian wooden architecture.  Its length is 54 meters, width is 45 meters and height is 40 meters. The iconostasis of the cathedral was designed in 1915 by A. Pyakin.The icons of the cathedral were painted by Moscow icon painter Shvarev.

         It was closed in 1930. When it was opened, it didn’t work as a cathedral.  It housed the historical museum for 2 years. Then it was used for an agricultural college, during this time it was reconstructed. Then it became a bus station or even was used for different economic needs. Several times it was damaged by fire and then restored. In 2007 its cupolas were replaced by golden ones. Also, a playground was built near the Cathedral. Now different services are held here.

         We can’t but mention some cathedrals, which were damaged. First of all it is Cathedral of Assumption, which was erected in 1824 in classical style. The walls were plastered; as for the roof, it was covered with green iron. Nowadays it is a historical museum.

         In 1899 in the centre of the present Lenin square was one more small chapel, which was built in honors of Russian emperor Alexander III.

 Unfortunately in the middle of 30th it was closed and destroyed.

         The Moslem mosque was built in the 1930s. It was closed and reconstructed. For a long time it was used as a bakery. Now it is a children house of culture «Rostok».






five-tiered iconostasis                      

to imbue


to pray





Comprehension check


1.     When was Kazanskaya church built?

2.     What do you know about Troitsky cathedral?

3.     What is there in the Uspensky cathedral now days?


Imagine that you are guide. Tell a group of foreign tourists about cathedrals of Osa.








                                                They were in Osa


Famous men have the whole earth as their memorial




The Osinskaya land has been visited by many famous people, who are known not only in Russia but abroad. They spent  in Osa a short or long period of their lives. All of them gave something to our town. Let us recall some names. One of the first names of importance is Vasily Nikitych Tatischev (29.04.1986-27.07.1750) famous Russian scientist, statesman. He visited Osa in 1720 during the trip from Kazan to Kungur.

         Bering Vitus Jonassen (8.12.1681-1741) - famous Russian explorer. The second Kamchatsky expedition was organized for investigation of Siberia and Far East. On 19th of September 1733 the members of expedition visited Osa to supply food and horses.

         Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich (1742-10.01 1775) - leader of uprising  in the Urals. He proclaimed himself a tsar Pyotr III and led peasants against tsarist regime (1774). He was publicly executed. He took part in capturing the fortress in1774.

         Ulaev Salavat - one of the leaders of the Peasant War in Bashkiriya.

He took part in capturing the fortress in1774. One of the streets of Osa is named after him.

         Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna - politiain, wife of V.I. Lenin. She arrived in Osa by the boat «Red star» Here she delivered a speech at school №1.




          Saltykov Tshedrin (1826-1889) - famous Russian writer. In 1848 he was exiled to Vyatka. Collecting material about Roskolniky he visited 15 towns and villages, including Osa (1855).

Bianki Vitaly Valenlinovich (1894-1939) He is most widely known for his works for children. During the war he with his family were in our town in evacuation (1942-1944) In Osa he wrote children stories, helped museum of Osa, gathered material about children in evacuation. He made a speech in pedagogical college. One of the streets of Osa is named after him.

Sokolov-Nikitov Ivan Sergeevich (1892-1975) - Russian writer. During the war he lived in the village of Subbotino of Osa region. Some episodes from the life of Osa were shown in some of his stories.





Famous artists


         Danylevsky Evgeny Ivanovich (1928-2010) - People’s artist the author of some battle pieces. He is the author of 7 dioramas. Among them Diorama «Capturing the fortress of Osa», is the best one. It can be seen in Osa museum of history.

         Zarubin Nikolai Alexandravich (13.02. 1948-09.06. 1998) - artist member of Russian Union of Artists. His pictures are kept in the museum of the Urals in the Perm picture gallery and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

In Osa he created his best work «Nature of Osa region». His work is an anthem to the beauty of Osinskaya land.


Musicians, singers


          Sobinoff Leonid Vitalyevich (7.06.1872-14.10.1934) - outstanding Russian opera singer. He was the leading actor of the Bolshoy Theatre. He performed twice in Osa. His first concert in women’s gymnasium was a great success with the public. For the second time his performance in the summer theatre also surpassed people’s expectations.

         Shavrina Ekaterina Feoktistovna (1948) - Russian People’s actress. Her songs are widely known in our country. Especially she is good at signing folk songs. She spent her childhood in Perm where she evinced a marked inclination in singing. At the age of 16 she was invited to the state Volzhsky Choir in Samara. Now she is still working in Moscow. She performed in market place in Osa (2003)

         Zavolokina Anastasya - producer of the popular programme «Play, accordion». Her programme discovers new talents. It became a folk movement.


Actors and directors

         Motyl Vladimir Yakovlivich (26.06.1927-2010) - one of the most famous Russian director. Popular films introduced him to international fame. He spent his childhood in Osa. While in school he developed an interest in acting.

         Orlova Lyobov Petrovna (11.02.1902-26.01.1975) - Soviet actress, who starred in many musical films such as «Volga-Volga», «Circus», «Spring». She took part in the shooting of the film «Volga, Volga». It took place in the village of Manastyrka near Osa (1937).

          Ilynsky Igor Vladimirovich USSR. He is a famous comedian. He was staring in some musical films. He took part in the shooting of the film, «Volga,Volga»,which  took place not from Osa. For a long time he was a leading actor of the Maly Theatre.

         Zolotuhin Valery Sergeevich (21.06.1941.) - People’s artist. He is actor of the Taganka Theatre. He is one of the most famous film stars. Such films as «Bumbarash», «Master of taiga» made him famous. He is the author of several books. He performed a concert in the House of Culture. (2007)





They spent







Comprehension check

1. Can you name any of the outstanding people, who have visited Osa?

2. Are any of Osa streets named after famous people who have visited Osa?




Talk about one of the historical figure from the text to your group mates. They should guess who this person is













                                    Famous people of Osa


I like to see a man proud of the place

In which he lives,

I like to see a man live so that his place

will be proud of him


Abraham Lincoln

Bruhov Vasily Pavlovich(1924)

V.P.Bruhov was born in the family of a worker. He graduated from school №1 in 1941.He was a champion in skiing competition and began to serve in ski battalion during Great Patriotic War. He was wounded. After hospital he studied at Air Pilots School and later in tank vocational school. V.P.Bruhov took part in liberation of Ukraine and Moldova. He is a Hero of Russia.

He described his  war experience in many books. Nowadays  he lives in Moscow.







                                                 Rusanov Vladimir Nikolaevich


He is an Honoured teacher of Russia, educator-investigator, patriot of Osa. In 1963 he graduated from Perm Pedagogical institute and began his career as a teacher of Mathematics at school 3, later he worked at Pedagogical college. He organized Olympiads on Maths among students of primary school. He described his rich experience in teaching Maths in 11 books and 10 newspaper articles. He was interested in literature and read a good deal. All his life he collected mini-books, some of them are devoted to the history of Osa region. Also he wrote articles to the popular magazine «Osinsky ezhegodnik». The most famous his publications are «Bianki and Prikamye», «Osa on the world’s map».

         He began writing Osinskaya encyclopedia, but didn’t finish it. Vladimir Nikolaevich was a man of remarkably individual character and thought. His name will be immortal in the history of Pedagogical college



                                       Zubareva  Kira  Michalovna



         She spent her childhood in Osa.  Her parents were doctors and they wanted their daughter to continue their career. She was sent to Perm to study medicine. In 1951 she graduated from the institute and worked as a doctor in Osa for more than 23 years. Her first book of poems was published and became well-known and popular. This book is an anthem to the beauty of Osinskaya land. Later she published many poems devoted to Osa. In her works she glorifies the beauty of nature and people of Prikamye. She admires unselfishness, kindness and despises egoism and greed .Her works are known and loved by people of Osa.

         She was a great patriot deeply loving her homeland.


                                    Melentyev Vyacheslav Ivanovich



         He was a famous surgeon, Honoured citizen of Osa. In 1954 he graduated from State Perm Medical institute. As a surgeon he was famous not only in Osa, but in some other regions of our country. He made a great contribution to the development of medicine in our town. During his medical practice he prepared more than 20 experienced

surgeons. One of the streets of Osa is named after him.



Kobelev Alexey Vasilyevich



         He was a famous educator, Honoured Citizen of Osa. He took part in the Great Patriotic War and was awarded by many medals. After the War he worked in many educational institutions of Osa. During 25 years he gathered material about his family roots. Alexey Vasilyevich described his rich experience in books and newspaper articles.


Rumyantsev Nikolai Alexandrovich



         He was a famous educator, Honoured Teacher of Osa. After school he studied in the Air Pilots School. In 1952 he began his career as a teacher of Maths. He worked as a headmaster of school 1, 3. He was a deputy of Town Soviet and the chairman of the Committee of Education. He made a great contribution to the development of education in our town. Nikolai Alexandrovich described his rich experience in the book «My life and work». He had many awards.





graduate from








devote to








Comprehension check


1.    What people of Osa are known not only in our town but in any other regions of our country?

2.    Are any of Osa streets named after famous people of our town?

3.     Do you know any names of the heroes of Great Patriotic War?





Think of some examples of famous people of Osa using the Internet and library resources 














Примерный план подготовки и проведения экскурсии


         Данный курс поможет Вам провести экскурсию в г.Оса со школьниками, от составления плана до организации самой экскурсии. Время проведения - 4 часа (занятия)

         Цель: формирование у учеников целостного представления об истории и культуре архитектурных памятников в г. Оса по средством иностранного языка.



1.     Определить маршрут экскурсии, учитывая интересы и предпочтения учеников;

2.     Учить детей работать с текстом, вычленять главное;

3.     Ввести и обработать лексический материал, необходимый для проведения экскурсии;

4.     Подготовить экскурсоводов;

5.     Учить работать самостоятельно, развивать такие качества , как трудолюбие, ответственность, усердие.


         Оборудование: текст с экскурсией по городу, фотографии памятников культуры, дополнительный материал в виде краеведческих книг


         Занятие №1 Введение в тему:


- Постановка целей и задач на весь курс;


- Распределение групп, составление маршрутов экскурсии;


- Из всех маршрутов выбрать один (ребята работают вместе с учителем)


- Чтение текста «Экскурсия по г. Оса» (Д/З - перечитать текст, и ответить на вопрос какие достопримечательности не указаны в тексте, дополнить маршрут)


         Занятие  №2 Работа с текстом


- отработка лексического материала в различных упражнениях (найти в тексте перевод слова; ответить на вопросы, используя лексику; составить предложения,  правда или не правда; составление загадок про достопримечательности и др.);

- дополнение основного текста другими достопримечательностями на основе лексического материала первой части (работа в группах)

- «что ты запомнил?», учитель показывает фотографию достопримечательностей и проводить аукцион на информацию, оставшуюся у ребят в голове.


         Занятие №3 Собственно подготовка экскурсии


- Ребята делятся на группы, каждая группа получает некоторые достопримечательности, о которых им нужно будет говорить; от каждой группы готовится 1 экскурсовод.

- Составление паспорта экскурсии


         Занятие №4 Экскурсия по городу


           Перед проведением экскурсии можно пригласить студентов, владеющих иностранным языком. Экскурсия может быть проведена как по городу на автобусе, так и заочно с использованием картинок, презентаций.


-Проведение экскурсии, каждый экскурсовод ответственный за разные достопримечательности;

- Ребята задают вопросы;

- По окончанию экскурсии ребята делятся впечатлениями, корректируют ошибки.






                             Используемая литература:


1.                 Белавина А.М. Страницы истории земли Пермской, г. Пермь, 1996

2.                 Голдобина Т.Г., Осинская жемчужина, г. Пермь, 2005

3.                 Литвинова Ю.Н., Город мой Оса, 2006

4.                 Литвинова Ю.Н., Дорога длиною в 90 лет, 2009

5.                 Литвинова Ю.Н., Путеводитель. Оса, г. Санкт-Петербург. 2008

6.                 Осинская энциклопедия, г. Пермь 2006

7.                 Раскопина Н.А., Самая первая средняя школа, г. Пермь, 2008

8.                 Русанов В.Н., Путеводитель по Осе, г. Пермь, 1991

9.                 Треногина Н.К., О прошлом и настоящем, г. Пермь, 2004

10.            Kabakchi V.V. The dictionary of Russia. – St. Petersburg, 2002















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