Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыПромежуточное тестирование . Бухгалтерский учет.

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Вопросы и задания для промежуточной аттестации



I семестр

Тестирование по теме «Партнёрства»

Вариант I

№1. Подберите название к каждой группе слов.

1) unlimited liability, disagreeing between partners - …

2) general, limited, silent, secret - …

3) multiple source of capital, diversified management - …

4) medicine, accounting, insurance - …

a) types of partners    

b) disadvantages of a partnership  

c) advantages of a partnership

d)  professional fields


2. Укажите, какой буквой обозначено окончание предложения, соответствующее тексту.

Unlimited liability means that each partner is responsible for all debts and ….

a)      To carry on a business for profit.

b)      Takes part in management.

c)      Is legally responsible for the whole business.

d)      Often get tax benefits from the government.

3. Укажите, какой буквой обозначен правильный перевод предложений.

1) They are called general partners.

a) Они являются общими партнёрами.

b) Они называются общими партнёрами.

c) Ониобщие партнёры.

2) Any business may have the form of partnership.

a) Любой бизнес может иметь форму партнёрства.

b) Любой бизнес должен иметь форму партнёрства.

c) Любой бизнес будет иметь форму партнёрства.

4. Укажите, какой буквой обозначено пропущенное слово.

1) If partners have … liability they are limited partners.

a)      unlimited

b)      limited

c)      legal

2) Limited partnerships are a common form of … in real estate.                         

a)      responsibility

b)      ownership

c)      proprietorship

3) She is very good … keeping the books.

a) at

b) in

c) of

5. Укажите точный перевод подчёркнутых слов.

1) There may be a silent partner as well.

a) тот же

b) также

c) так как

2) Another disadvantage is unlimited liability.

a) один из

b) определённый

c) другой

6. Найдите пары синонимов.

1. profit

2. to guess

3. legally

4. really

5. to invest

a) lawfully

b) indeed

c) benefit

d) to contribute

e) to suppose


7. Найдите пары антонимов.

1. always

2. important

3. to think

4. unlimited

5. certain

a) unimportant

b) limited

c) uncertain

d) sometimes

e) to disbelieve


8. Установите правильный порядок слов в предложениях.

1) from / get / partnerships / the government / often / tax benefits.

2)  an association / to carry on / or more / persons / a partnership / is / a business / of two /.


                                  Вариант II


№1. Подберите название к каждой группе слов.

1) unlimited liability, disagreeing between partners - …

2) general, limited, silent, secret - …

3) multiple source of capital, diversified management - …

4) medicine, accounting, insurance - …

a) types of partners    

b) advantages of a partnership  

c) disadvantages of a partnership

d)  professional fields


2. Укажите, какой буквой обозначено окончание предложения, соответствующее тексту.

A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for …

a) stockbrokerage

b) profit

c) quarrying industries 

d) real estate

3. Укажите, какой буквой обозначен правильный перевод предложений.

1) The secret partner is not known to the public.

a) Секретный партнёр известен общественности.

b) Секретного партнёра не знает общественность.

c) Секретный партнёр не известен общественности.

2) A partnership can bring much profit to the partners.

a) Партнёрство сможет принести много прибыли партнёрам.

b) Партнёрство может принести много прибыли партнёрам.

c) Партнёрство не может приносить много прибыли партнёрам.

4. Укажите, какой буквой обозначено пропущенное слово.

1) Unlimited liability means that … partner is responsible for all debts.

a) each

b) general

c) silent

 2) Silent partner is a person who is known to the public but without authority in…

a) business

b) management

c) law


3) I think it’s good … both of us.

a) to

b) for

c) with

5. Укажите точный перевод подчёркнутых слов.

1) Like sole proprietorship they are easy to form.

a) подобно

b) нравятся

c) похожи

2) This person takes part in management.

a) работает

b) ведет дело

c) принимает участие

6. Найдите пары синонимов.

1. government

2. capital

3. to share

4. to believe

5. pretty

a) money

b) to think

c) quite

d) authority

e) to distribute


7. Найдите пары антонимов.

1. easy

2. to disagree

3. losses

4. liable

5. less

a) profits

b) unliable

c) to agree

d) more

e) difficult


8. Установите правильный порядок слов в предложениях.

1) advantages / partnerships / than / more / have / sole proprietorships.

2)  ownership / is / limited / real estate / of / partnership / a common form / in.



II семестр

“Сравнительная характеристика политико-административного устройства России, Великобритании и США”

Try to compare the three countries. Answer the questions and complete the table



The UK


1. What is the total area?




2. How many people live there?




3. What is the official language?




4. What river is the longest?




5. What is the national symbol (emblem) of the country, besides the flag?




6. What is the capital?




7. What are the famous places of the capital?




8. What river is the capital located on?




9. Who is the head of the country?




10. What chambers (Houses) does the Parliament (Congress) of the country consist of?






Ключи к заданию:



The UK


1. What is the total area?

17 125 191 sq. km

244 100 sq. km

9 500 000 sq. km

2. How many people live there?

over 146 million people

over 64 million people

over 300 million people

3. What is the official language?




4. What river is the longest?

the Ob

the Severn

the Mississippi

5. What is the national symbol (emblem) of the country, besides the flag?

two-headed eagle

red rose

Great Seal

6. What is the capital?



Washington, D.C

7. What are the famous places of the capital?(Give 3 examples)

e.g. the Bolshoi Theater, the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Art Gallery

e.g. the Buckingham Palace, the Tower Bridge, the Hyde Park

e.g. the White House, the Capitol, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial

8. What river is the capital located on?

the Moskva river

the Thames river

the Potomac river

9. Who is the head of the country?

the President – Vladimir Putin

the Queen – Elizabeth II

the President – Donald Trump

10. What chambers (Houses) does the Parliament (Congress) of the country consist of?

the Upper Chamber (Council of Federation, the Lower Chamber (State Duma)

the House of Commons, the House of Lords

the House of Representatives, the Senate





III семестр

Тестирование по теме: «Российский парламент и правительство»

1. Russia is …

a) parliamentary republic.

b) a presidential republic.

c) a constitutional monarchy.


2. The Parliament consists of …

a) one branch only.

b) two chambers.

c) several committees.


3. The Federation Council and the State Duma sit …

a) separately.

b) together.

c) with other governmental subcommittees.


4. Military Forces cannot be used outside the country without the approval of …

a) the State Duma.

b) the Federation Council.

c) the President.


5. The power to impeach the President is vested in …

a) the Federation Council.

b) the Constitutional Court.

c) the State Duma.


6. Charges against the President can be brought by …

a) the Government.

b) the State Duma.

c) the Deputy Chairman.


7. The Prime Minister candidate is appointed by …

a) the President.

b) the Federation Council.

c) the State Duma.


8. The state of emergency is introduced by …

a) the Federation Council.

b) the Prime Minister.

c) the President.


9. The Security Council of Russia is headed by …

a) the Prime Minister.

b) the President.

c) the Prosecutor-General.


10). Ministers are subject to approval by …

a) local authorities.

b) constituent entities.

c) the Federal Assembly.



Ключи к тесту:

1.      b

2.      b

3.      a

4.      c

5.      c

6.      b

7.      a

8.      c

9.      b

10.  c



IV семестр

Беседа по теме:

Государственная система США.

1) What branches does the USA Government consist of?

2) What is the composition of the legislative branch of the U.S Government?

3) How do you understand the term “impeachment”?

4) What legislative power does the President of the USA have?

5) What is the judicial branch of the U.S. Government?


Возможные ответы:

1) The U.S Government consists of the three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch.

2)  The legislative branch of the U.S Government, or the Congress, represents all of the American states. It consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

3)  The House of Representatives can also impeach the President. This means that the House can charge the President with a crime. In this case, the Senate will put the President on trial.

4). When the President receives a bill from the Congress, he must sign it, and then a bill becomes a law. However, if he disagrees with the law, he can veto it.

5) The judicial branch of the Government is the system of courts in the USA. Its job is to enforce laws. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the USA and a number of As­sociate Justices. The Supreme Court makes sure that people obey the laws. The judicial branch works together with the legislative and executive branches to protect the Constitution and the rights of people.








Вопросы и задания для промежуточной аттестации



Вопросы и задания к зачёту / дифференцированному зачету


Первый семестр.

Контрольная работа по теме «Компьютер»

I. К слову из левого столбика подберите перевод из правого столбика:

1)      numerical measurements

2)      the binary system

3)      any information

4)      physical equipment

5)      a particular memory cell

6)      a speed per second

7)      numerical quantities 

a) физическое оборудование

b) любая информация

c) численные измерения

d) двоичная система

e) скорость в секунду

f) численные величины

g) особая ячейка памяти


II. Заполните пропуски данными в рамке словами:


unwanted, click, circuits, bit, sequential, capacity, plotter, byte, hard copy


1) A computer virus is an … program which can destroy your data.

2) To open a file you should … on the appropriate icon.

3) A computer contain thousands of electrical … connected by switches.

4) A … is the basic unit of memory.

5) To produce large graphics, diagrams and drawing we use a … .

6) The print-out of the results in often called a … .

7) Eight bit together are called a … .


III. К слову из левого столбика подберите определение из правого столбика:


1)    flexible

2)    general-purpose computers

3)    computer system    

4)    advantage

5)    software

6)    programmer                 

7)    track

8)    enter

9)    format

10)    directory

a)     a place where files are kept in a computer;

b)     to prepare disk, etc. to receive data;

c)     to put information into a computer using a keyboard or other device;

d)     something useful or helpful, that can bring success; 

e)       can solve different types of problems;

f)       all the equipment needed input,  process and output information;

g)      decides what the program is to be;

h)      data, programs, etc., not forming part of a computer, but used when operating it;

i)      one of many small rings on the surface of a disk;

j)      easily changed to suit new conditions.


IV. Подберите синонимы к данным словам:

1)      to compute

2)      a digit

3)      to display

4)      an instruction

5)      information

6)      to receive

7)      a machine

8)      error

9)      to develop

10)  to carry out


V. переведите на английский язык:

1)      Компьютер используется для решения сложных задач.

2)      Одна из этих задач была решена с помощью компьютера.

3)      Компьютеры могут обрабатывать информацию с чрезвычайно большой скоростью.

4)      Вам не следует пользоваться пиратским программным обеспечением, если вы хотите избежать заражения своего компьютера опасным вирусом.

5)      Компьютер может выполнять одинаковые операции миллионы раз без остановки.




Второй семестр.


Задание по теме «Преимущества и недостатки в работе компьютера».


1.Подберите соответствующие названия к абзацам, описывающим преимущества компьютера.


logical operations      speed      discipline      accuracy      compact storage      repetitiveness




1. ­________With a speed reaching up to fifty million operations per second, a computer can process data faster than any other machine designed to perform a similar task. That is, adding two numbers is considered as one operation.

2. ________ A computer can perform the same operation a million times in exactly the same way. The various operations are executed automatically by way of stored computer programs.

3. ________High-speed processing by a computer is accompanied by high-accuracy results. A computer can be considered 100% accurate. The electronic circuitry of computers is such that, when the machines are fed with correct instructions or data and when the incoming data is error-free, the accuracy of the output is relatively assured.

4. ________The computer can make a decision based on alternative courses of action. The decisions of a computer are, however, dependent on the programs prepared for it by the programmer.

5. ________A computer has the ability to store large amounts of data in compact and easily retrievable form. It can store data at a very high speed.

6. ________A computer can self-check and self-operate. A computer self-checks when it verifies the accuracy of its won work by means of a parity check. In self-operation, a computer is capable of executing instructions on its own, without human intervention, once the program and the data refeed into the computer's memory.


Ключи к заданию:

1. Speed.

2. Repetitiveness

3. Accuracy

4. Logical operations

5. Compact Storage

6. Discipline


2. Назовите недостатки в работе компьютера.



Возможные ответы:

The computer has the following limitations:

1. A computer cannot generate information on its own. While it is true that a computer has the capacity to put together information from many sources, it can only do this if it has been programmed by man to do so.

2. A computer cannot correct wrong instruction. If a computer is fed with incorrect instructions or data, whether intentionally or unintentionally, it does not have the capability to detect mistakes and correct them. Therefore, any corrections must be done by the programmer.





Третий семестр.

Тест по темам «Возможности компьютера», «Применение компьютерных технологий»

1. Information is given into the computer in the form of____.

a) ideas;

b) characters;

c) rules


2. The basic function of a computer is____ information.

a) to switch;

b) to keep;

c) to process


3. The data needed for solving problems are kept in the ____.

a) memory;

b) input device;

c) output device


4. Inputting information into the computer is realized by

means of_____ .

a) a printer;

b) letters;

c) diskettes


5. A computer can carry out arithmetic-logical operations

a) quickly;

b) instantaneously;

c) during some minutes


6. Computers have become___ in homes, offices, research


a) commonwealth;

b) commonplace;

c) common room


7. Space_____ uses computers widely.

a) information;

b) production;

c) exploration


8. Computers are used for image____ .

a) processing;

b) operating;

c) producing


9. Computers help in_____ of economy.

a) environment;

b) management;

c) government.



10. Air traffic control depends on computer-______ information.

a) generated;

b) instructed;

c) combined


Ключи к заданию:

1.      b

2.      c

3.      a

4.      c

5.      b

6.      b

7.      c

8.      a

9.      b

10.  a




Четвёртый семестр.

Монологические высказывания по темам:

1. Устройство компьютера.

2. Процессор и его функции.


Задание по грамматике: Пассивный залог:


1. Converse the following sentences into Passive and then translate into Russian.


1. A computer stores all data and instructions in computer memory.

2. Eight-digit codes typically represent characters.

3. We may divide computer memory into internal and external memory.

4. ROM provides permanent storage of information.

5. The CPU can directly access internal memory.

6. RAM loses its information when the power is turned off.

7. A computer uses static RAM as cache memory because it operates very quickly.

8. Early electronic computers used cathode ray tubes (CRT) to store data.

9. International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) developed magnetic core memory in the early 1950s.

10. We can store information on CDs and DVDs.


2. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form.


1. Houses (design) with the help of computers. 2. Microsoft (found) by Bill Gates. 3. At the moment the program (run). 4. This problem (solve) in a few days. 5. The speed with which arithmetic operations are performed (affect) by a number of factors. 6. By 3 o'clock all the newspapers (sell) already. 7. The lab (equip) with new devices last month. 8. Programs and data may (store) on optical disks.




Пятый семестр.

Монологические высказывания по темам:

     1. Устройства ввода и вывода.

     2. Устройства хранения данных.

     3. Операционные системы.

     4. Типы данных.


Задание по грамматике: Инфинитив, Сложное дополнение, Причастие 1, 2


The Infinitive

1. Translate into Russian. Define the functions of the infinitives.

1. To obtain the data, we must make several experiments.

2. The job to be done is not easy.

3. To build a new railway of this length is a very complicated task.

4. The users want to be helped by the company.

5. Computers are used to store and process a large amount of information.

6. Here are some instructions to be followed.

7. The problem to be solved is very difficult.

8. Such machines will be able to find the best solution to a problem.

9. To get processed data out of the computer is the job of output devices.


2. Translate into English.

1. У нас есть несколько вопросов, которые необходимо обсудить.

2. Компьютер – это электронная машина для хранения и обработки данных.

3. Для ввода информации в компьютер обычно используются клавиатура и мышь.

4. Вот данные, на которые надо сослаться.

5. Написать такую программу - чрезвычайно сложно.

6. Данные, которые следует обработать, должны быть сначала загружены в ЦПУ.



Complex Object.


1. Translate into Russian.

1) We know B. Pascal to be the inventor of the mechanical computer.

2) They saw his activity bring great success.

3) We know the information to have been accepted.

4) The Intel developers want the computer to be noiseless.

5) We know the cybernetics to be an important branch of modern technology.

6) It is convenient to consider the central processor to have three separate sections: an internal or main memory, an arithmetic and logic unit and a control unit.

7) We expect the computer to run the most sophisticated applications.

8) PC system designers consider the hard drive to be a key component of the overall system performance.

9) We know each user to have unique needs for data storage and access.

10) We expect Intel’s multi-core processors to be widely used in the future.


Participle I, II


1. Open the brackets and insert the proper form of participles.

1. Leyland mentioned the microcomputer (design) to control the ratios.

2. She wrote about her income (vary) considerably from one month to the next.

3. This is a basic type of programming languages (understand) directly by a computer.

4. I mentioned programming languages (write) to address different computing problems.

5. The article focused on laser beams (employ) to make the computer chips.

6. Do you have any evidence (support) these claims?

7. Look at the man (speak) to the Chairman. Do you know him?

8. Candidates will have to give a presentation on a (give) topic.





Шестой семестр.

Монологические высказывания по темам:

1. Типы программного обеспечения.

2. Интернет.


Задание по грамматике: Герундий


 Translate the following sentences into Russian and find Gerund in them:

1. Providing a cheaper and easier way of transmitting text and graphics over air – is

the main task of modern fax machines.

2. Radio is capable of transmitting and receiving communications at various preset


3. Amateur radio enthusiasts are fond of using a range of radio frequencies that are

able to bounce off the ionosphere.

4. Teleconferencing, in which a television picture links two physically separated

parties, is a convenient way for businesspeople to meet and communicate without the expense or

inconvenience of travel.

5. Videophones, which use tiny video cameras and rely on satellite technology, can

also send private or public television images and have been used in news reporting in remote


6. Manufacturers now offer digital video and audio signal processing, which features

even higher picture resolution and sound quality.

7. One type of navigational tool used in automobiles integrates a GPS receiver with

an intelligent compact disc player capable of displaying road maps and other graphical


8. Upon receiving the GPS location data, the CD player can pinpoint the location

visually on one of the road maps contained on disc.

9. Connecting directly to the digital portion of the telephone network using the

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) or Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL) requires special

equipment at user locations.

10. In many locations companies and individuals with high-speed data requirements

now have the option of securing DSL service from telephone companies and cable modem

service from cable television companies.

11. Local e-mail messages (within a building or a company) typically reach

addressees by traveling through wire-based internal networks.

12. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is a method for making telephone calls over

the Internet by sending voice data in separate packets, just as e-mail is sent.



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«Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и ВУЗов », И.В.Орловская, Л.С. Самсонова, А.И. Скубриева
Презентация на тему "Применение технологии QR кода в обучении иностранному языку"
  • Учебник: «Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Вербицкая М.В., Каминс Д. Карр, Парсонс Д., Миндрул О.С. / Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.
  • Тема: 5. Express yourself
  • 17.08.2021
  • 366
  • 5
«Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Вербицкая М.В., Каминс Д. Карр, Парсонс Д., Миндрул О.С. / Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.

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Экскурсовод (гид)

500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Письмо: методика подготовки учащихся к ОГЭ по английскому языку

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 73 человека из 31 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 248 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский для специальных целей (ESP)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 117 человек из 50 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 460 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский язык для IT-специалистов

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1580 руб. от 940 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 149 человек из 46 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 66 человек


Эффективное продвижение и организация проектов в сфере искусства

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психоаналитический подход: изучение определенных аспектов психологии личности

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Дизайн-проектирование: практические и методологические аспекты

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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