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Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса

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ГБПОУ  «Брянский строительный колледж

имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского»
















Дисциплина Английский язык_______________________________________________


Специальность 270802 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»______


Форма обучения: очная


Студента 1 курса ___________________________________________________________























Брянск 2016


Рабочая тетрадь по учебной дисциплине

« Английский язык»__________________________________________________________

Разработана на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта по специальности среднего профессионального образования:

270802 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»________________________


Организация – разработчик: ГБПОУ  «Брянский строительный колледж имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского»


Е.Н. Колесникова, преподаватель английского языка



Одобрена цикловой комиссией _____________________________________дисциплин

протокол №_____________ от «______» __________20_____г.



Рекомендована Методическим советом Брянского строительного колледжа имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского

№ __________ от «_____» ____________ 20______г.


Замдиректора по УР _________________________ А.Г. Ткачев

































I) Phonetics…………………………….……………………………………….......3

II) Grammar…………………………………………………………………….…..5

1. Noun…………………………………………………………………………..…5

2. The Possessive Case………………………………………………………..…....7

3. The Pronoun……………………………………………………………………..8

4. The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjectives…………………………………12

5. The Verb………………………………………………………………………..14











































Part 1.



Task 1.1.

Explain the rules of reading of the consonants, write down the consonants.


Ph [________]

Ck [________]

Sh [________]

Tch [_______]

Kn [________]

Wh [________]

Ng [_________]


Task 1.2.

Write down the transcription to the following words, explain the rules of reading.


Write __________________, sign ______________, back ___________,

work __________________, try________________, fame___________,

fly____________________, bite________________, bit_____________,

knot___________________, neck_______________, gypsy___________,

game___________________, pack______________, apple____________,

ship____________________, shake______________, cat______________























Part 2


1.     The Noun


Task 1.1

Make the plural form of the following  nouns.


Child -________________, factory-___________________, pen-___________,

ox-___________________, bank-_____________________, tree-__________,

library-________________,costume-_________________, bone-__________, city-___________________, sheep-____________________, science-_________,

map-___________________, helicopter-________________, lorry-___________,

ship-___________________, calendar-__________________, pilot-___________,

dolphin-________________, station-____________________, scissors-________,



Task 1.2

Make the plural form of the following nouns.




Leaf -

Deer -

Gentleman –



Cartoon -

Goose –


Potato -

Chicken -



Man -

Country -



Potato -

Swine -

Woman –


Restaurant -

Dress -

Sheep –


Wolf -

Ox -



Task 1.3

Make the plural form of the following phrases.


This envelope –


This man-

This report-

This factory-


This deer-

This mouse -

This hotel –


This game-

This child-

This rule –


This volcano-

This bus-

This club-


This tooth-

This lady-

This baby-


This hobby-

This comedy-

This leaf-


This piano-

This play-

This candle-


This college-

This week-

This capital-


This diary-

This year-

This party-


This purse-

This wife-


Task 1.4

Divide the following nouns into the following groups: common nouns, abstract

nouns, collective nouns, proper names.


Cattle, George, pen, love, furniture, gypsy, Tom, Moscow, foul, family, citizen,

diary, factory, Steve, apple.


Common nouns

Proper names

Abstract nouns

Collective nouns
































Task 1.5

Divide the nouns into the following groups: countable and uncountable.


Sugar, apple, milk, toy, kettle, pencil, country, family, street, water, grass, envelo-

pe, key, flat, man, box, chicken, juice.



Countable nouns


Uncountable nouns
































2.     The Possessive Case


Task 2.1

Make up the phrases, using the Possessive Case.

Model: the ball of the girl – the girl’s ball


The skateboard of that man-



The voice of the girl-



The flat of my sister-



The children of my brother-



The letter of Peter-



The new club of the workers –



The umbrella of my grandmother –



The room of the boys-



The favourite subject of the students-



The table of our teacher-



The life of this woman-



The work of these students-



The friend of my cousins-



The house of my mother and father –



The room of Kate and Mary-




Task 2.2

Translate the following phrases from Russian into English, using the Possessive Case.


Письмо моей сестры ________________________________________________

Тетради наших студентов____________________________________________

Вещи детей________________________________________________________

День рождения моего дяди___________________________________________

Голос моей сестры__________________________________________________

Бабушкино кресло__________________________________________________

Дом моего друга____________________________________________________

Собака моего друга__________________________________________________

Квартира моей тёти_________________________________________________

Друзья Джейн и Кейт________________________________________________

Компьютер моего сына______________________________________________

Друг моего двоюродного брата________________________________________

Словари студентов__________________________________________________

Семья моего друга__________________________________________________

Песни детей________________________________________________________

Комната моей сестры________________________________________________

Загородный дом моих родителей______________________________________

Сумка Ани_________________________________________________________

Столовая рабочих___________________________________________________

Книги преподавателя________________________________________________




3.     The Pronoun


Task 3.1

Translate the following phrases from Russian into English, using the possessive and demonstrative pronouns.


Мои тетради____________________________________________________

Наши друзья____________________________________________________

Эти сумки______________________________________________________

Те люди________________________________________________________

Наша семья_____________________________________________________

Этот учебник____________________________________________________

Тот ответ________________________________________________________

Их оценки_______________________________________________________

Твои родители___________________________________________________

Моя подруга_____________________________________________________

Твоё сочинение___________________________________________________

Его комната______________________________________________________

Её любимый учебный предмет_______________________________________

Эта сказка________________________________________________________

Этот студент______________________________________________________

Мой преподаватель________________________________________________

Наш племянник___________________________________________________

Твоя ручка________________________________________________________

Мой дом__________________________________________________________

Их мама__________________________________________________________


Task 3.2

Insert the indefinite pronouns some, any, no.


1. There are____________ pictures in the book. 2. There is__________ ink in my pen. I can’t write. 3. He has got____________ money. He can’t spend the holidays in Austria with his friends. 4. It is winter. There are____________ leaves on the trees. 5. Is there_________ paper on your table? 6. Are there______ pens on your desk? – Yes, there are_________ . 7. I haven’t got______ copybooks. Give me_________, please. 8. We haven’t got________ milk. We can’t make an omelette. 9. They haven’t got________ stamps. They can’t send the letters. 10. To make cabbage soup I need________ cabbage,_________ onions,__________, carrots__________ and__________ salt. I don’t need_________ plums or___________pineapples.  ­­­­­­



Task 3.3

Insert the indefinite pronouns something, anything, nothing, everything.


1. My husband taught my son____________ he knows. 2. Her patient has a bad memory. He can’t remember_______________3. I think there is_______________

wrong with my watch. 4. We’ve got___________to eat. We’ve got only_________

to drink. 5. The student didn’t understand_________________, because he heard___________. 6. Does he know____________ about computers? – Yes, he knows________________, because he is the best specialist in computer science at Harvard University. 7. She has to go to the supermarket. There isn’t________ in the fridge. 8. I didn’t take any money with me, so I couldn’t buy_____________. 9. I don’t know__________ about your town. Tell me, please, _____________ about it. 10. Is there_____________ interesting in the programme of the concert?


Task 3.4

Insert the indefinite pronouns somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody.


1. Don’t tell___________ about it. It’s a secret. 2. Is there_____________ in the office? 3. _______________ needs good friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 4. _______________ left the magazine in our classroom yesterday. 5. The question was so difficult that______________ could answer it. 6. I am afraid, there is_____________ in the office now, it’s too late. 7. _____________ knows that water is necessary for life. 8. ____________ knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it. 9. There is___________ in the next room. I don’t know him. 10. Is there_____________ in your group who lives in the dormitory?



Task 3.5

Insert the indefinite pronouns somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere.


1. I can’t find my book_______________. I have looked all over the house. 2. Johny lives_________________ near Chicago. 3. This book can be found_________. Let’s buy it. 4. Where are you going? – I am not going________.

5. I cannot find my glasses_______________. I put them_____________ and then I have been looking for them for hours. 6. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people. There are flags, banners and flowers____________. 7. Let’s go_______. The weather is fine. 8. You should go______________ next summer. 9. I put my dictionary______________ yesterday and now I can’t find it_____________. –Of course, that is because you leave your books_________________.10. Did you go______________ on Sunday?



Task 3.6

Insert the indefinite pronouns some, any, no, every and their derivatives.


1.     Here are______________ books by English writers. Take_________ book you like. 2. There are_________ boys in the garden because they are at school. 3. Are there_________ desks in the classroom? – Yes, there are many. 4. There are_____books on the desk, but there are________ exercise-books. 5. Did he say____________ about it? – No, he said__________. 6. __________ wants to see him. 7. Have you________ books on Dickens? I want to read____________ about him. I have read__________ books by Dickens and I am interested in the life of the writer. 8. Is there_______ snow in the street this morning? 9. There are__________ tall trees in front of their house. 10. There are___________ good bookshops in our district.


Task 3.7

Insert the pronouns much, many.


1. I don’t eat_______ mangoes. 2. He eats_______ fish. 3. Mary should not eat too_____ salt because she has problems with her blood pressure. 4. My mother says I eat too________ French fries and eat too_______ Coca-Cola. 5. There is not_______ space in my flat. 6. There are___________ new pictures in the Art Gallery. 7. Please don’t put________ pepper on the meat. 8. I never eat_______ bread with soup. 9. __________ of these students don’t like to look up words in the dictionary. 10.___________ of their answers were excellent.


Task 3.8

Insert the pronouns little, few.


1. He has got__________ friends. 2. I drink________ coffee. I don’t like it. 3. We must hurry. We’ve got very_________ time. 4. There are_________ scholarships for students in the college. 5. The Smiths have_________ money. They aren’t rich. 6. The theatre was almost empty. There were very__________ people there. 7. There was____________ lemonade in the bottle. 8. I have_______ time, I can go with you. 9. The children returned from the wood very sad because they had found very_____________ mushrooms. 10. There is________ juice in my glass. Have you got any juice?


Task 3.9

Insert the pronouns much, many, little, few, a little, a few


1. When he walked____________ farther down the road, we met another group of students. 2. Have you got_____________ money with you? – I’m sorry, I have very__________ money at the moment. 3. At the conference we met______ people whom we knew well. 4. There are very______ old houses in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down. 5. If you have_______ spare time, look through this book. You will find______ stories there which are rather interesting. 6. My friend isn’t going to the concert this evening because he has got__________ work to do. 7. My mother knows German___________ and she can help you with the translation of this letter. 8. He’s got very___________ time left. If he doesn’t hurry up, he’ll miss the plane. 9. Let’s stay here____________ longer: it is such a nice place. 10. After the play everybody felt_________ tired. 11. I’d like to say________ words about my journey. 12. There were___________ new words in the text, and Peter spent___________ time learning them. 13. The girl works very____________  that’s why she knows nothing. 14. The hall was almost empty: there were very___________ people in it. 15. I can’t buy this expensive hat today: I have too___________ money. 16. She went out and returned in________ minutes. 17. I am sorry I have seen__________ plays by this author. 18. There is________ salad left in this bowl. 19. She ate so________ ice-cream that she’s going to have a sore throat. 20. Does your sister read_______? – Yes, she does. And your brother? – No, he doesn’t. He has so__________ books, but he reads very___________.




4. Degrees of Comparison of the Adjectives


Task 4.1

Make up the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following adjectives.


The positive degree

The comparative degree

The superlative degree



the longest
























































Task 4.2

Translate the following phrases from Russian into English, using the degrees of comparison of the adjectives.


Старый друг


Старший сын


Самая длинная дорога


Грязный пол


Сильнейший спортсмен


Дорогое платье


Самый умный студент


Более удобное кресло


Самая светлая комната


Самое трудное упражнение


Более теплое пальто


Более красивая девушка


Младший брат


Лучший день


Самая интересная книга


Самый лучший певец


Самый страшный фильм


Лучшая книга


Самый богатый человек


Самый ленивый студент


Плохая погода


Кратчайший путь


Более дешевое платье


Самый тяжелый портфель


Наименьшая стоимость



Task 4.3

Insert as…as, so…as.

1.     I ski_______ well________ my sister.

2.     The weather is not_______ bad________ I had expected.

3.     That chair is_________ comfortable_______ this one.

4.     Peter is_______ intelligent_____ my friend.

5.     This girl is not______ nice______ that.

6.     My brother’s French is not______ good_______ Nick’s.

7.     These houses are________ high________ those.

8.     I am not_________ lazy________ she.

9.     Peter is_______ thin_________ his brother.

10. Mary is not_______ tall________ John.


Task 4.4

Insert as…as, so…as, than.


1.     His story isn’t________ long________ yours.

2.     Our mother is__________ pretty________ hers.

3.     This writer isn’t_______ famous________ Jack London.

4.     This story isn’t________ interesting_______ I thought.

5.     That chair is a little bit cheaper________ this.

6.     Her room is much more cleaner______ his.

7.     She is younger_______ Ann.

8.     I am not______ busy______ my mother is.

9.     He isn’t________ handsome________ his brother is.

10. He speaks English better_______ she does.

5. The Verb

The Active Voice


Task 5.1

Insert the verb to be in the Present Indefinite Tense.


1.     He_____ a student. He______ a good student.

2.     His father______ a doctor.

3.     My mother______ not an office-worker.

4.     _____ your sister a pupil? – Yes, she_____.

5.     They______ at home now.

6.     I_____ a first-year student now.

7.     This_____ my house.

8.     ______ they at home? – No, they_____ not at home.

9.     These men______ drivers.

10.  My friend______  an engineer. He_____ at work.

11.  ______ your parents at home?

12. ______ there any books on your table? – Yes, there_____.

13. _____ her sister a teacher? – Yes, she______.

14. Tom______ at home now.

15. Our father_____ a scientist.


Task 5.2

Open the brackets, put the verb into the necessary form in the Present Indefinite Tense.


1.     Jack_______ to the college every day (to go).

2.     I________ the plates after dinner very often (to wash).

3.     Ann_________ the floor once a week (to sweep).

4.     We_______ exams every term (to take).

5.     My uncle________ us every year (to visit).

6.     My grandparents__________ me to the South every summer (to take).

7.     I always____________ my wages very quick (to spend).

8.     Usually our group___________ compositions very well (to write).

9.     Our students ___________ classes regularly (to attend).

10. I___________ books by Dickens with pleasure (to read).





Task 5.3

Open the brackets, write down the sentences in the affirmative, in the negative form and 5 types of interrogative sentences: general question, who-question, special question, alternative question and disjunctive question.


1.     He (to go) to the college every day.

2.     We (to spend) our holidays on the seaside every summer.

3.     Jack (to play) guitar very often.

4.     My mother (to cook) very well.

5.     I (to like) listening to the music.




Task 5.4

Open the brackets, put the verb into the form of the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense.

1.     She___________________ at the moment (to read).

2.     He____________________coffee in the morning (to drink).

3.     They___________________ breakfast now (to have).

4.     I______________________ TV every night (not to watch).

5.     Look! She_________________ (to dance).

6.     He_____________________ breakfast every morning (to have).

7.     ______________________you to the radio now (to listen)?

8.     We_________________________ for our things now (to look).

9.     Don’t make so much noise, my mother_________________ (to sleep).

10. _____________________ she to the radio in her room now (to listen)?

11.  I_____________________ at 7 o’clock every morning (not to get up).

12. ________________they in the garden now?

13.  Peter___________________ to the Susan at the moment.

14. I’m sorry, but my friend______________________ for me now (to wait).

15. He___________________the office at five every day (to leave).


Task 5.5

Translate from Russian into English, using the Present Continuous Tense or the Present Indefinite Tense.


1.     – Что ты делаешь сейчас? –Я читаю сейчас очень интересную книгу.

2.     Подожди минутку! Я одеваюсь.

3.     Они часто ходят в кино.

4.     - Она готовит обед сейчас? – Нет, она моет посуду сейчас.

5.     Эта программа начинается в 6 часов вечера ежедневно.

6.     Мы часто ходим в театр с друзьями.

7.     Послушай! Кейт поет новую песню.

8.     Какой журнал ты читаешь сейчас?

9.     Чем они занимаются? – Они обсуждают мой новый доклад.

10.  Я встаю рано каждый день.








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