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Разработка учебного занятия по английскому языку, по теме "Медицина"

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Разработка учебного занятия по английскому языку

По теме: «Здоровье и медицина» («Health and medicine»)

Преподаватель английского языка

Байрашева Р. Р.

Предмет: Иностранный язык

Ф.И.О. преподавателя: Байрашева Роза Раисовна

Тема урока: 1. «Здоровье и медицина» (тема устной речи)

2. «Фразовые глаголы» (грамматическая тема)

3. «Симптомы» (текст для аудирования)

Цель урока: развитие умения говорения – монологическая речь (качество монологического высказывания - целенаправленность)

Задачи урока:

1. Практические:

1) учить строить монологическое высказывание по теме «Здоровье и медицина» целенаправленно;

2) совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи (на основе речевых функций – запрос информации (совета); принятие/отклонение совета);

3) учить воспринимать речь на слух в одноразовом предъявлении;

4) провести подготовительный этап для осуществления индивидуального проекта по проблеме «Пути поддержания хорошей физической формы и здоровья»

2. ОВР:

1) образовательная - расширить кругозор по теме «Медицина»;

2) воспитательная – пропагандировать здоровый образ жизни;

3) развивающая – развивать память и произвольное внимание;

3. Компетенции:

1) социальная;

2) коммуникативная (лингвистический; стратегический и дискурсивный компоненты).

Языковое оснащение:

1. Лексические единицы

1.а) для повторения: ankle, knee, elbow, muscle, skin, cure, bruise, sprain, dose, pill, bandage, plaster, crutch, symptoms, surgeon, diagnosis, treatment, ambulance, drill,

injection, X-ray, operation, blood

2. Грамматические структуры

а) для повторения: I’d like to…/ I’d appreciate…

3. Речевой материал

Речевые клише: I’m not sure what to do…/I don’t know much about…/You know a lot about…/You know more than me about…/You’re the expert!/Yes, what/ that’s a good idea/

Yes, I think I will take/ follow your advice

Оснащение урока:

1)Headway (John and Liz Soars)

2)ТСО: CD-магнитофон

3)Наглядные пособия: иллюстрации по теме (Приложение 1)

4)Раздаточный материал: карточки (Приложение 2); тексты (Приложение 3);

Оформление доски:


- to make up situations using the vocabulary given at the lesson.

- to listen to the text and discuss it.

- some problems to discuss and express your ideas

The 4th of October.

Health and medicine

Asking for advice.

Could you give me some advice?

Can you offer me some advice?

I was wondering if you could advise me?

I’d like your advice

I’d appreciate some advice if you don’t mind …

I’d welcome

I’ve got a small problem…

I’m not sure what to do…

I don’t know much about…

You know a lot about…

You know more than me about…

You’re the expert!

What would you do in my place/position?

If you were me?

Accepting and rejecting advice

Yes, what/ that’s a good idea

Yes, I think I will take/ follow your advice

Thank you for the advice but (I think) I’d

Thanks recommendation


better… (all the same)

prefer to…

Responding positively;

That’s a (very) good idea;

What a good idea;

That sounds (like) a (very) good idea (to me)

I think that’s a very good suggestion (myself)

Responding negatively:

I don’t think that’s a very good idea (myself);

That doesn’t sound (like) a very good idea (to me)


-to write an article on the problem “A healthy lifestyle”

-“The best ways of keeping fit and being healthy”

(plan for a project)

Ход урока

Этапы и части урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся



I Подготовительный этап

1.Организационный момент.

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to speak a lot about medicine. The plan of our work today is the following:

-You are supposed to make up situations using the vocabulary given at the lesson.

-We are going to listen to the Text and discuss it.

-You will be given some problems to discuss and express your ideas.

Слушают преподавателя и читают задачи урока с доски

3 мин

2.Речевая зарядка.

Now let’s start working. I would like you to answer my questions.

Do you do anything special to keep healthy?

Being healthy means different things to different people. What do you mean by health?

Which pieces of advice can be given to a person who wants to keep fit?

Отвечают на вопросы преподавателя (объем высказывания – 3-4 предложения)

10 мин

II Основной этап

1.Активизация ранее изученных лексических единиц в речи.

Will you answer the question given in your card №1?

Which word is the odd one out? Why?

2.joint ankle knee elbow

3.lung muscle skin cure

4.bruise break sprain dose

5.pill bandage plaster crutch

6.symptoms surgeon diagnosis treatment

7.ambulance filling brace drill

8.injection X-ray operation blood

Индивидуально работают с раздаточным материалом (вычеркивают лишнее слово)

Проверяют задания (называют лишнее слово, объясняют, почему)



2.Выполнение тренировочных упражнений по использованию фразовых глаголов.

I would like you to take Card №2. Here are some phrasal verbs which we use when talking about health. Write an appropriate verb in each gap. Use each verb only once.

Clear up come out in cut down get over give up go down with look after look forward to put on take up

It is important to (1)____ your health. You should (2)____ bad habits like smoking and drinking. If you have (3)____ weight recently, (4)_____ on sweets and fatty food, and (5)______ regular exercise. If you are careless about your health, you may (8)____ minor illnesses which take you a long time to (9)____.

But if you take care of your body, you can (10)____ a long and healthy life.

Выполняют упражнение индивидуально (работа с раздаточным материалом)

Заполняют пропуски в предложениях,вставляя фразовые глаголы по смыслу

Проверяют задание, читая вслух



3.Составление монологических высказываний по картинкам и прослушанному тексту.

It is not an easy matter to follow a healthy lifestyle. I think you will agree with me. Look at the photos in card №3. These two photos show different ways that people can have a healthy lifestyle. Compare and contrast the two photos, saying how you feel about these ways of having a healthy lifestyle. You have about a minute to do this. To do the task well, you need to:

a)Pick out things which the photos have in common;

b)Describe ways in which they are different;

c)Give your opinions on the topic.

Now listen to the example on the recording which starts but does not finish the task

Practice doing steps A and B above

taking exercise: for example, go for a walk, playing a sport;

eating: for example, being careful about your diet.

What is your opinion of these? Which is easier for you to do? Which is more effective?

Составляют монологические высказывания объемом 15-20 предложений (сравнив фото и текст)

Рассказывают монологи

Слушают пример

Отвечают на вопросы





Let’s relax a bit. Listen to two friends, Kate and Chris, telling “Doctor, doctor jokes”

Have you understood them? Do you find them funny?

Слушают шутки и высказывают свое мнение


5.Составление диалогов и их драматизация.

Well, it is time to work in pairs now. Everybody will get a role “A” or “B”. Before you begin, talk to B/A and decide whether you are:

1.Boyfriend and girlfriend or

2.Business colleagues or

3.Friends who haven’t met for a long time.

Role A: you have invited “B” to dinner and you really want him/her to enjoy the meal.

Unfortunately you’re a bit short of money at the moment (you’ve only got £12 with you) but you don’t want “B” to know this.

Role B: “A” has invited you to dinner and you’re sure you’re going to enjoy yourself, especially as “A” is paying the bill! You especially like fish of all kinds. The only thing you can’t eat is cheese, which doesn’t agree with you, but you’d prefer not to eat anything too fattening either.

First have a look at the language for “Responding to Advice and to suggestions” written on the blackboard.

A” will begin speaking.

Asking for advice.

Could you give me some advice?

Can you offer me some advice?

I was wondering if you could advise me?

I’d like your advice

I’d appreciate some advice if you don’t mind …

I’d welcome

I’ve got a small problem…

I’m not sure what to do…

I don’t know much about…

You know a lot about…

You know more than me about…

You’re the expert!

What would you do in my place/position?

If you were me?

Accepting and rejecting advice

Yes, what/ that’s a good idea

Yes, I think I will take/ follow your advice

Thank you for the advice but (I think) I’d

Thanks recommendation


better… (all the same)

prefer to…

Responding positively;

That’s a (very) good idea;

What a good idea;

That sounds (like) a (very) good idea (to me)

I think that’s a very good suggestion (myself)

Responding negatively:

I don’t think that’s a very good idea (myself);

That doesn’t sound (like) a very good idea (to me)

Выбирают роли, читая их описание

Читают с доски речевые клише (при необходимости и на выбор учителя переводят некоторые из них)

Составляют и разыгрывают диалоги




6.Восприятие речи на слух.

Well, listen to me attentively. I will give you the description of the symptoms and you are to name the correct diagnosis.

1.I have been sick quite a lot. I can’t keep anything down. I feel terrible. (food poisoning)

2.I feel weak and dizzy. I have got aches and pains all over my body. I can’t stop shivering. (influenza)

3.I can’t swallow and my glands are swollen (tonsillitis)

4.I started having a cold a few days ago and now I have got a rash with small red spots all over my body. (measles)

Слушают описание симптомов, называют заболевание


7. Использование изученной лексики в письменной речи.

Work alone now. Write down your symptoms. When you are ready, read out your symptoms to the rest of the class. They are doctors and must make a diagnosis and suggest treatment.

Индивидуально записывают симптомы болезни (на свой выбор), читают вслух, остальные «определяют» диагноз и «назначают» лечение


III Заключительный этап

Домашнее задание.

Your home task for the next lesson is to write an article on the problem “A healthy lifestyle” and I would like you to start preparing for making up an individual project on the problem “The best ways of keeping fit and being healthy”. Be ready with the plan of what you are going to do.

Записывают домашнее задание, слушают объяснения преподавателя


Подведение итогов.

You have worked hard today and it deserves praise. Thanks a lot. Good bye!

Слушают оценки


Card №1

Which word is the odd one out? Why?

  • joint ankle knee elbow

  • lung muscle skin cure

  • bruise break sprain dose

  • pill bandage plaster crutch

  • symptoms surgeon diagnosis treatment

  • ambulance filling brace drill

7.injection X-ray operation blood

Card №2

Here are some phrasal verbs which we use when talking about health. Write an appropriate verb in each gap. Use each verb only once.

Clear up come out in cut down get over give up go down with look after look forward to put on take up

It is important to (1)____ your health. You should (2)____ bad habits like smoking and drinking. If you have (3)____ weight recently, (4)_____ on sweets and fatty food, and (5)______ regular exercise. If you are careless about your health, you may (8)____ minor illnesses which take you a long time to (9)____.

But if you take care of your body, you can (10)____ a long and healthy life.

Role A: you have invited “B” to dinner and you really want him/her to enjoy the meal.

Unfortunately you’re a bit short of money at the moment ( you’ve only got £12 with you) but you don’t want “B” to know this.

Role B: “A” has invited you to dinner and you’re sure you’re going to enjoy yourself, especially as “A” is paying the bill! You especially like fish of all kinds. The only thing you can’t eat is cheese, which doesn’t agree with you, but you’d prefer not to eat anything too fattening either.

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