Инфоурок Биология Другие методич. материалыРазработка урока на английском языке на тему " Состав и функции крови"

Разработка урока на английском языке на тему " Состав и функции крови"

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  Blood composition and functions




8 grade

Teaching aims

·        to generalize and consolidate knowledge  about the structure  of the blood cells.

·        to find  the correspondence between  the structure  of the blood  cells and  the function it performs

·        to know  the  features at the structure and functions of blood  and blood cells

Content objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

·        make generalizations and  conclusions information about  of the blood

·        give definition

·        know  about the structure of the blood

·        use information about the composition of blood in practise

Language objectives

Lexis: applyterms   such as  blood, blood cells, structure  of blood,  plasma proteins, haemoglobin, red blood cells,  white  blood cells, clothing, fibrinogen, nutrients such as water, glucose, amino acids, minerals and vitamin


Functional language: comparing, explaining , discussing, analyzing, sorting the cards, describing


·        generalize and consolidate knowledge  about the structure  of the blood cells.

·        find  the correspondence between  the structure  of the blood  cells and  the function it performs

·        know  the  features at the structure and functions of blood  and blood cells

Cognition objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

·       work with definitions and speaking about the topic “Blood and blood composition

Culture objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

·        understand that the blood  cells  have  different functions



Examples of communication:

-         discussing  features of blood  and blood  cells

-         comparing blood  cells

-         describing pictures of  blood cells and blood


working  with text about  blood and functions  of blood and present  understanding of definitions


Pictures with  сomposition of blood,  blood cells, presentation, cards







Stage / Aim


45 m

Procedure (Teacher)

Procedure ( Students)

Warm up

3 min

A greeting, creating an emotional mood.

Т: Good  morning students. How are you?

Let’s  start our lesson.

Ss play a game with a ball remembering what we know about blood

T: Let’s  form a circle I will throw you the ball and you name one thing that is associated with the blood and  the circulatory system

Students throw the ball to each other, calling the terms which is associated with the blood and the circulatory system


(  to set  the  context and activate prior knowledge)

5 min

T: Look at the board, please. You can see some pictures


- what is shown in these pictures?

- what  does the blood consist of?

- Do you think that blood cells have the same or different structure?

T:  Today we will talk about the structure of blood and blood cells and find out whether they have similarities and differences.

T writes the topic of the lesson on the board

T: During the lesson you will get a star for the right answers

Suggested answers:


- blood, blood cells, plasma,  platelets

- cells, red blood cells, white blood cells

- difficult to answer, T  can accept all ideas at this stage and say  this is topic of the lesson.







( to present the structure of cells)

17 min

Students read the text and label the composition of blood on the diagrams.

T:  Now you will work in pairs. I will give you cards   which contain information about the   composition of blood and about blood cells.

You have 7 minutes..

T: Have you finished?  Now turn to another pair and check your answers ( 2 min )

Let’s check   together.  Look at the right answers on the board.

T gives stars  for the correct answers

Students are divided into two groups. They need to   find   their partners by matching words and their definitions.

T: The first group will get cards with the name of the blood cells, the names of the components that make up the blood, the second  group will get the functions that these perform. Your task is to   find your partner.

 Check answers as whole class ( 2 minutes)

 Answers are shown on the board.

T:  Now you   have learned about the functions that blood and blood cells perform. Your task is to find your partner.

What is main component composition of blood?

What is   difference in blood cells?

T: I will  give you cards with words. Put these words in the right order and to create the small projects.

You have 5 minutes.



Students work in pairs, read the information, label the composition of the blood ( recognize  the composition of blood  and blood cells)

( plasma, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, fibrinogen, clotting, thrombosis,  antigen)

Students get card, look for a partner, thus making a definition.


Plasma-  the pale yellow liguid that forms 55% of human blood and contains the blood cells.

Haemoglobin-  a substance in red blood cells that combines with and carries oxygen around the body, and gives blood its red colour.

Platelets -  a very  small

 in the blood  that makes it thicker  and  more  solid  in order to stop bleeding  caused by any injury.

Fibronogen- a substance  produced in the liver that is changed into fibrin to clothe blood when body tissue is damaged.

Erythrocytes-  any of the cells  that carry oxygen around the body

Leukocytes-  a cell in  the blood  that has  no red colour and is  involved in fight  against  infection

Clotting-  the process in which blood changes into a solid state to form a thick mass or lump

Thrombosis – a medical condition in which the flow of blood in the body is bloked by  a clot (- half solid mass) of  blood

Antigen- a substance that causes the  production of antibodies in the body





 ( to consolidate the material, to check understanding of the topic)

12 min

T:  Let’s study the composition of blood and its functions. On the   board   you can see a Venn’s diagram.  Work in groups and complete the diagram. Write down the similarities and differences.

Differentation:  T can ask more able students to fill out the diagram on their own, and give cards with prompts to less able students.

Teacher groups students

T: For this task you have 7 minutes.

Check answers- group present their projects.

T  gives stars for the correct answers

Students work in groups. They fill out the Venn diagram using stickers. (Key in App5)






Students count the stars.



5  min

T:  Today we have learned a lot of new information about blood. You   worked well in the Lesson. Let’s count your stars. The winner will get a prize.

The teacher records the results in a table and awards the winner.

Teacher – Whole class

Home task setting

3 min

T sets homework

T: For the next lesson I want you to revise new vocabulary and read today’s lesson. Hope you enjoy our lesson today. I will see you next time, Good bye!

Teacher – Whole class


Attachment 1


















Attachment 2











































                Attachment 3


                 Fill in the Venn diagram, find the similarity and  difference between the blood cells








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