Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыРазработка урока на тему "Northerb Ireland"

Разработка урока на тему "Northerb Ireland"

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Учитель: Махова Ольга Николаевна

МБОУ Брянский городской лицей №1 им. А.С. Пушкина г.Брянска

Класс: 7  (подгруппа 1)                            

Тема урока: “Life in Northern Ireland”

Тип урока: урок комплексного применения ЗУН

Цели урока:


1.     активизация лексического материала по теме "Northern Ireland".

2.     развитие навыков  аудирования в восприятии аутентичного текста

3.     расширение общего и филологического кругозора учащихся

4.     совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

5.     совершенствование навыков “быстрого” чтения с целью извлечения нужной информации


1.      развитие творческих способностей учащихся,

2.     развитие памяти, внимания и мышления.

3.     развитие умения высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения.

4.     развитие умения анализировать, сопоставлять, обобщать, делать выводы.

5.     развитие умения осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность.



1.     воспитание толерантного отношения учащихся друг к другу, способности к сотрудничеству и умению общаться.

2.     развитие культуры взаимоотношения при работе в парах и группах

3.     повышение уровня мотивации через средства обучения

Техническое оснащение урока:

1.     компьютерная презентация урока;

2.      компьютер, проектор;

3.     раздаточный дидактический материал;

План урока:

1.​ Организационный момент:

а) вступительное слово учителя;

б) формулирование темы  и постановка целей урока. (фронтальная работа)

2. Активизация лексики по теме:

а) повторение изученной лексики (сопоставление антонимов); (индивидуальная работа)

б) описание картинок в игре “Memorise it” (групповая работа)

3.  Монологическая речь “Жизнь в Северной Ирландии”

4. Просмотровое чтение (сопоставление вопросов и ответов из интервью)

5. Аудирование.

6. Диалогическая речь (диалог с жителем Северной Ирландии)

                   а) составление вопросов для диалога (групповая работа)

                   б) составление диалога (парная работа)

                   в) диалогическая речь

4. Заключительный этап урока.

а) домашнее задание и его комментирование;

б) обобщение усвоенного языкового материала, рефлексия деятельности, подведение итогов, комментирование полученных оценок (индивидуальная и фронтальная работа)






Ход урока:

1.​ Организационный момент.

а) Вступительное слово учителя. Определение темы и целей урока.

Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you today. How are you, Kate? Kate, ask Vasya how he is, etc. (ученики спрашивают друг друга о настроении).

b)  формулирование темы и целей урока.

I see that you’re fine. So, let’s begin our lesson. Do you want to know the topic of our lesson? You’ll see 5 pictures and try to guess the topic. How are these pictures related to the topic of the lesson?

What is the topic of our lesson today? (Pupils guess the topic).

As far as we’re going to talk about life in Northern Ireland today, what will we do at the lesson? Guess the objectives. (Pupils express their opinions and name objectives).

To see how you can cope with all these activities, you’ll have to complete the table. You should put the number of points from 1 to 5 for every task and at the end of the lesson you’ll count the number of points and get a mark. (задание 7)

2. Активизация лексики по теме.

а) повторение изученной лексики (сопоставление антонимов); (индивидуальная работа) (см. задание №1)

You see some words on the screen. Ann, read them, please and the pupils should pronounce after her. Now find the pairs of antonyms. Let’s check them, exchange your works.

б) описание картинок в игре “Memorise it” (групповая работа)

Now you’ll work in groups. I’ll show you 10 pictures, look at them and try to memorise as many as you can to describe them.(Учащиеся описывают картинки в группах, а затем классу и сравнивают, кто больше запомнил.)

3.  Монологическая речь “Жизнь в Северной Ирландии”

Would you like to visit Northern Ireland? Why? One of the pupils has been there and she would like to tell you about her trip. Ученица рассказывает о своем визите в Северную Ирландию, показывает фото и танцует ирландский степ. What information surprised you?

4. Просмотровое чтение (сопоставление вопросов и ответов из интервью)

You’ve learnt some information from the tourist and now you’ll read the interview with a citizen of Northern Ireland. Match the questions to the answers.

5. Аудирование.

Now let’s listen to this interview. Then you’ll exchange your works and check your answers.

6. Диалогическая речь (диалог с жителем Северной Ирландии)

а) составление вопросов для диалога (групповая работа)

What questions would you like to ask a citizen of Northern Ireland? Write 4 questions in pairs.

б) составление диалога (парная работа)

Now change your places to find a partner for the dialogue. Use your questions. One of you will be an interviewer and another one is the citizen from Northern Ireland.

в) диалогическая речь

Listen to the dialogues and say which one is the best and why.

4. Заключительный этап урока.

а) домашнее задание и его комментирование;

You’ve learnt a lot of information about Northern Ireland.  So your homework is to plan a 2-day holiday in Northern Ireland (100-150 words). Describe:

 - the time when you can go there and why,

- the places you can visit on the first and the second day

- the activities you can do there

Make 3 paragraphs and use such linking words as : firstly, secondly, next, after that, in addition, not only … but also, besides, in the end.

б) обобщение усвоенного языкового материала, рефлексия деятельности, подведение итогов, комментирование полученных оценок (индивидуальная и фронтальная работа)

Учитель обращается к теме урока, просит учащихся проанализировать свою работу на уроке, назвать важный и новый для них материал, отметить решение поставленной задачи. (задание 7). Учащиеся заполняют до конца таблицу, анализируют свою работу и работу одноклассников.

What do you think about your work at the lesson? You have already completed the table with the activities at the lesson. Who has found all the activities easy? What was difficult for you? Why? Which activities were more interesting? Why? What have you learnt today? Why is this lesson important for you?

Учитель организовывает оценивание учебной деятельности, комментирует работу учащихся и подводит итоги урока.























Demonstration lesson

№ 1. Vocabulary task

Find the antonyms :

ugly       rural                      multicultural                     historical                             urban                   coastal                                inland         exciting accessible           modern               lively                     agricultural         industrial            picturesque                       dull                        boring                  remote                cultural


№ 2. You’ll see 10 images of Northern Ireland, then  describe to your partner as many images as you can remember

№ 3. Look back at the adjectives and decide which ones best describe Northern Ireland.

№ 4. Match the questions to the correct answers. (Interview with Geraldine)

1) Tell me a little bit about where you’re from.

2) What would you say were the major changes in your area from when you

were a little girl to when you were in your thirties; when you left?

3) Did you lose anybody you loved in the ‘troubles’?

4) I was going to ask you what you’re area is famous for.

5) What’s it like now?

6) Would you say there was any special food associated with where you’re


7) Is your region famous for having a special accent?

The answers:

a)Geraldine: Oh god, awe. We’re famous for the Irish stew – fantastic. Interesting thing is that growing up as kids, you always knew there was a bit of money in the house because with the champ we used to get. If there was no money, you only got the champ, which was potatoes and scallions, spring onions. If there was a bit of money, you got a bit of meat. The Irish stew and the champ.

b)Geraldine: Oh god, everybody lost somebody. Yeah, there was cousin – he was killed in a bomb blast. And then there were friends, just down the street that were shot by the British army. And then my young nephew, his best friend, he was riddled by a passing car full of Protestants…oh yeah. It was dreadful.

c)Geraldine: Well, I have to be honest. Anyone I’ve met say they love the accent. I personally think it’s awful, I think it’s very flat, but hey.

d)Geraldine: Well unfortunately, that would be what it’s famous for. Prior to that ’69, it was the loveliest community. We had neighbours, you know. Everybody had their keys in the door. You know, you just came home, your key was there, you’d turn they key, you know. My mum, god rest her – she was a single parent really, and she worked day and night. So the oldest sister, she took over the house. It was a lovely community; the neighbours were wonderful. Everybody knew everybody. But that’s all gone now.

e)Geraldine: It was the troubles. It was the troubles of 1969, because we were brought up to believe that everyone was the same no matter what religion you were. But when the troubles happened, it was just devastating. We lost our freedom. You know, we couldn’t go where we wanted to go. We were confined to the area that you lived in and that went on for many years.

f)Geraldine: I’m from a place in Belfast: Northern Ireland called Glenard. It was Glenard up until 1970. The Protestants burnt down old Ardoyne leading from the Cromwell Road and then Glenard became New Ardoyne – still is New Ardoyne, so it is.

g)Geraldine: Funnily enough, I was there in March because I go home every Saint Paddy’s. My sister and my best mate, we always go away on Saint Paddy’s for two or three days. But Ardoyne now is these big gaudy terrace houses. Everybody just lives in their own wee house. Nobody bothers with anybod


№5. Imagine that you can ask Geraldine 4 questions. What questions would you ask her?

№6. Make up a dialogue with Geraldine.

№ 7. How well did you work in the lesson?

Lesson activities

My mark (from 1 to 5)

1.       I could find antonyms



2.       I could describe pictures of Northern Ireland



3.       I matched the questions to the answers about Geraldine



4.       I could make questions




5.       I could make up a dialogue



Count the points:

23-25 points – Your work is great today! You get an excellent mark.

18-22 points – Your mark is good for today. Next time work harder and you’ll get an excellent mark.

13 - 17 points – Your mark is satisfactory. You should learn the words better and be more attentive and active in the lesson.

Less than 13 – you should work harder! Learn the material of the lesson at home.


Go to the site and look at the places you can visit in Northern Ireland:     http:/www.discovernorthernireland.com/

Imagine you are on a trip .Write a postcard from Northern Ireland to your friend or a member of your family.

Say 1) where you are, 2)what you are doing; 3) what you have seen; 4) what you are going to do; 5) what the weather is like.

Remember the rules of letter writing. Use the words: besides, first, then, next, after that.
























Interview Script

Interviewer: So Geraldine, just tell me a little bit about where you’re from.

Geraldine: I’m from a place in Belfast: Northern Ireland called Glenard. It was

Glenard up until 1970. The Protestants burnt down old Ardoyne leading from the

Cromwell Road and then Glenard became New Ardoyne – still is New Ardoyne, so it is.

Interviewer: Right, and what would you say were the major changes in your area from

when you were a little girl to when you were in your thirties; when you left?

Geraldine: It was the troubles. It was the troubles of 1969, because we were brought up

to believe that everyone was the same no matter what religion you were. But when the

troubles happened, it was just devastating. We lost our freedom. You know, we couldn’t

go where we wanted to go. We were confined to the area that you lived in and that went

on for many years.

Interviewer: And did you lose anybody you loved in the ‘troubles’?

Geraldine: Oh god, everybody lost somebody. Yeah, there was cousin – he was killed

in a bomb blast. And then there were friends, just down the street that were shot by the

British army. And then my young nephew, his best friend, he was riddled by a passing car

full of Protestants…oh yeah. It was dreadful.

Interviewer: I was going to ask you what you’re area is famous for.

Geraldine: Well unfortunately, that would be what it’s famous for. Prior to that ’69, it was

the loveliest community. We had neighbours, you know. Everybody had their keys in the

door. You know, you just came home, your key was there, you’d turn they key, you know.

My mum, god rest her – she was a single parent really, and she worked day and night. So

the oldest sister, she took over the house. It was a lovely community; the neighbours

were wonderful. Everybody knew everybody. But that’s all gone now.

Interviewer: What’s it like now?

Geraldine: Funnily enough, I was there in March because I go home every Saint

Paddy’s. My sister and my best mate, we always go away on Saint Paddy’s for two or

three days. But Ardoyne now is these big gaudy terrace houses. Everybody just lives in

their own wee house. Nobody bothers with anybody.

Interviewer: Would you say there was any special food associated with where you’re


Geraldine: Oh god, awe. We’re famous for the Irish stew – fantastic. Interesting thing is

that growing up as kids, you always knew there was a bit of money in the house because

with the champ we used to get. If there was no money, you only got the champ, which

was potatoes and scallions, spring onions. If there was a bit of money, you got a bit of

meat. The Irish stew and the champ.

Interviewer: And the last thing – is your region famous for having a special accent?

Geraldine: Well, I have to be honest. Anyone I’ve met say they love the accent. I

personally think it’s awful, I think it’s very flat, but hey …




















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Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

36 ч. — 144 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

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Преподаватель английского языка

300/600 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


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Эффективные стратегии текстовых коммуникаций в бизнесе

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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780 руб. 390 руб.
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