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Методическая копилка. Грамматические рифмовки

Р. Р. Байрашева

ГБПОУ «Тольяттинский музыкальный колледж имени РК Щедрина» г. Тольятти

«Методическая копилка. Грамматические рифмовки»

Предлагаемые рифмовки позволяют учащимся прочно запомнить основные грамматические модели Данный материал может быть использован как на начальном, среднем, так и на продвинутом этапе обучения английскому языку Веселые грамматические рифмовки помогут учителям весело и интересно организовать отработку нового грамматического материала на уроке. Такой подход к обучению позволяет быстро и прочно овладеть навыками доведенного до автоматизма употребления основных лексико-грамматических структур The verb “To be”

  • Rye, why do you like to cry?

  • Because I’m so shy.

  • Why are you so shy?

  • Because I like to cry.

  • Where? Where? Where is my kitten?

  • It is sleeping in your mitten.

  • How much oil should I put in the salad?

  • Just a little, not too much.

  • How many tomatoes should I put in the salad?

  • Just a few, not too many/

  • Yes, there is.

Some children are naughty.

Some children are dirty,

Some children are nice.

All children are wise!


Mr Bean was dressed in green.

He was invited to the Queen.

The Queen didn’t like him –

She liked red and grey.

So Mr Bean was sent away.


I wish I were my mother

I wish I were my father

I wish I were my sister

I wish I were my brother

I wish I were a butterfly

I would fly in the sky

I wish I were a frog

I would jump on the log.

I wish I were a cat

I would sleep in the hat.

I wish I were a star

I would shine so far.

I wish I were a city

I would look so pretty.

I wish I were an apple

Hanging on a tree.

Every time when Sunday passed

She’d have a bite of me.


Mr Written has lost her kitten.

And she can’t find it anywhere.

And it’s been there all the time.

It is having a wonderful time.


Mr Boring will be snoring

Mr Bumping will be jumping

Mr Freezing will be sneezing.

MrWishing will be fishing

The cats will be sleeping

The mice will be eating

The birds will be singing

The ducks will be swimming.


There was a young man from Peru

Who dreamed he was eating his shoe.

He woke up at night in a terrible fright

And found it was perfectly true.


I’m having a party on Sunday.

I’m having a meeting on Monday.

I’m going to London next week.

My plans are interesting and big!


Jane is always losing things,

She is always buying rings,

She is always catching cats,

She is always changing hats.

Tom is always coming late,

He is always pushing Kate,

He is always catching frogs,

He is always chasing dogs.

Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison

Honey is sweeter than sugar,

Coffee is stronger than tea,

Juice is better than water,

You can’t be smarter than

A peach is sweeter than a cake.

A sea is deeper than a lake.

A boy is noisier than a bee.

A girls is shorter than a tree.

A plane is faster than a train

A bike is slower than a train

A duck is bigger than a frog

A cat is weaker than a dog


If’ the weather is good

I’ll go to the wood.

If the weather is bad,

I’ll stay in my flat.

If the weather is wet,

I won’t fret.

If the weather is cold,

I won’ t scold.


I won’t dance in class,

I won’t pull the girls’ hair,

I won’t use any cribs,

I won’t jump on my chair,

I won’t push the boys,

I won’t scream or shout,

I’ll be an example to them,

I won’t hang about.


Little Miss Tucket

Sits on a bucket

Eating her peaches and cream.

Then comes a grasshopper

And tries to stop her.

But she says, “Go away or I’ll scream!”


I didn’t miss my chance

Last year I visited France,

Last month I went to Rome.

And now I stay at home.

Past indefinite. Affirmative sentences. Irregular verbs

Dolly and I fell out.

What do you think

It was all about?

She loved coffee,

I loved tea –

That was the reason

We couldn’t agree.

She swam in the river,

I swam in the sea –

That was the reason

We couldn’t agree.

She found the lock,

I lost the key –

That was the reason

We couldn’t agree.

Pasr indefinite. Negative

Sometimes Tom

Is not very nice:

He doesn’t eat cheese

He doesn’t eat rise,

He doesn’t learn poems,

He doesn’t drink tea

He doesn’t wash up,

He doesn’t help me.

Present indefinite. The third person singular

Jack wants to ride a bike.

He ties a kitten to one side,

He ties a doggie to the other.

He wants to see his old grandmother.

The position of the adverb.

I’m a beard

I get up early every day.

I like to sing.

I like to play.

Present indefitine. Affirmative sentences.

On Sunday I sleep,

On Monday I peep,

On Tuesday I watch TV,

On Wednesday I drink milk and tea.

On Tuesday I catch mice

On Friday I eat rice,

On Saturday I have a rest –

These are things I like the best.

Imperative mood

Gold fish, gold fish,

fulfil my wish:

do my homework every day,

Dance with me and sing and play.

No article

Art is long.

Life is short.

Time is money.

You’re sweeter than honey.


The wind is strong.

The sky is blue.

The world is great

And so are you.

Indefinite pronouns.

Some, any, no

there are no sweets on the tree.

There are no apples in the sea.

There are no berries in the sky.

There are no clouds in the pie.

Quantitive pronouns. Amny, much, a lot, a few, a little.

Prepositions of movement

Look through the notes

Look through the book

Look through the window

It’s very interesting to look.

There is, there are and prepositions of place

There is a mouse in the house

There is a cat ib the flat

There is a fox in the box.

There is a bee in thr tree

Is there a mouse in the house?

Is there a cat in the flat?

Is there a fox in the box?

Is there a bee in the tree?

Nouns. Possessive case

Bill’s dog is big.

Tom’s dog is small.

But poor little Jack

He has no dog at all.

Possessive pronounce

His shoulders are wide,

His arms are strong,

His eyes are bright,

I like his song.

I’ve got

I am a cat

I’ve got a hat.

I’ve got a funny hat.

It has got a big funny hat.

It is a cat.

It has got a hat.

It has got a funny hat.

It has got a big funny hat.

I like

I am a crocodile

My name is Nile.

I’m always fine.

I like to smile.

Nouns. Plurals.

Clever boys,

Pretty girls,

Funny kittens,

Put on your mittens.

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