Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока "Путешествие" 9 класс Биболетова

Разработка урока "Путешествие" 9 класс Биболетова

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Ход урока

деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Good morning boys and girls! Glad  to see you!

2.Цели урока

Today we shall speak about travelling. You know that our life is impossible without  travelling. Many people like to travel. We’ll speak about different types of travelling, discuss different questions which are closely connected with travelling.


3.Фонетическая зарядка


At the seaside, warm and cloudy, in some mountain resort, the man’s luggage, enjoy indoor activities, feel well, safe travel, a foreign city, an accident while travelling, the agency, travel insurance.


4.Речевая зарядка.












T: Why do people travel?


And what about you?

Do you like travelling?

What kind of travelling do you know?



What kind of travelling do you prefer?

What season do you prefer for travelling?


T: What is the quickest kind of travelling? (expensive, cheapest, slowest, interesting)



4)  Работа в группах

T: Now it’s time to describe different types of travelling.

You should prove that this kind of travelling  is the best.















5) Проверка домашнего задания



How did people travel in the past?



Let’s compare travelling by air nowadays and  in the past. Look at the pictures.





















Do you know any travelers from the past?



6) Работа с текстом

T: Is travelling dangerous? What do you think?

We’ll learn about it from the text.




7)  Составление диалогов

T: Let’s make up the dialogues about travelling



8)Подведение итогов урока

Today you worked hard. And I think, that you know the best way of travelling. Thank you for your work. At home you will write a letter to your pen friend and  try to prove that one of the methods of travelling is the best.




















Учащиеся зачитывают слова по теме «Путешествие»







Ученики отвечают на вопросы, используя разговорные фразы "Выражение личного мнения"

I think ...                         

To my mind ...

I believe that ...              

 In my opinion ...

I feel that ...                     

It' s my opinion that ...


Ps: People travel because they …(ex.1,p.60)



Ps: Travelling by bus, by car, by plane, by train , by ship, on foot, on horseback, on camelback.

Ps: I prefer travelling by bus to travelling by ship.

Ps: I prefer to travel in winter, because it is not hot and dusty.



Ps: The quickest kind of travelling is travelling by plain.






Ps: We can travel by car. It is the most interesting kind of travelling, because you can enjoy the beauty of the nature and watch the picturesque landscapes, talk with your friends.  We think that  the best season for travelling by car is summer, because it is warm and windy. You can travel with your friends and relatives. It takes  us from several  hours to several days to move from one place to another. There is a good advantage of this kind of travelling: you can stop where and when you like and have a rest. We can visit countries on the same continent, and see different sightseeing and places of interests.




Ps: People travel  on foot, by hot air balloons, on horseback or on camelback

by wooden ships.

Ps: I can see two pictures. In the first picture I can see a hot air balloon.  It is flying across the sky. In the second  picture I can see a modern air liner. It is flying across the sky too.

Both pictures show the means of transport. They are flying across the sky.

In contrast, the first picture shows us the method of travelling in the past.

The second picture shows the method of travelling nowadays. The hot air balloon is made from silk and the air liner is made from metal. The hot air balloon is smaller than the air liner.

Perhaps travelling by hot air balloons was dangerous and exhausting. It took a lot of time to get to some place.

Modern air liners make travelling easier and less dangerous.

Personally, I’d like to travel by modern air liner, because I enjoy luxury travel.


Ps: (делают сообщения о путешественниках)




Ps: I think sometimes travelling is dangerous.

(учащиеся читают тексты и заполняют таблицу)




(учащиеся составляют диалоги)








We’ll try to prove that travelling      by car, bus, train, hot air balloon,  

                                     plane, bike,  on foot, horseback, camelback is the best

                                     kind of travelling


It is    the most expensive, interesting, beautiful, comfortable, and convenient

            the cheapest, fastest, slowest, finest, easiest kind of travelling


You can  enjoy the beauty of nature, watch the picturesque landscapes and      

                   sightseeing,  talk with friends and relatives, read books and

                   newspapers, sleep a lot, enjoy  nice food while travelling, enjoy

                   luxury of travelling, solve puzzles and crosswords

The best season for travelling is  summer, autumn, spring, winter,

                   because it is hot, cold, windy, sunny, rainy, dusty, cloudy, frosty.


You can travel with your friends, relatives, classmates and alone.


It takes you …hours/days to get from one place to another


We can visit countries on the same (different) continent(s), and see different

                         sightseeing and places of interests.



There is an  advantage(disadvantage) of this kind of travelling: you

                 can /can’t stop where and when you like and have a rest



















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