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Разработка  урока  английского  языка в 9 классе.

Учитель английского языка:  Бакалдина Ольга Ивановна

МБОУ лицей №1 города Сургута Тюменской области ХМАО-Югры

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 9

УМКHappy English.ru. К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман

Тема: «А trip to the USA. Путешествие в Соединённые Штаты Америки»



Данный урок разработан для учащихся  9 класса в рамках обобщения пройденного материала за курс 9 класca по теме: «Соединенные Штаты Америки»



Цель урока: обобщить знания учащихся по теме: «США» и совершенствовать навыки общения на английском языке.


Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:  углубить и расширить знания учащихся по теме «Соединенные Штаты Америки».

2. Развивающие:

ü совершенствовать навыки монологической и  диалогической речи.

ü развивать навыки аудирования  с полным  пониманием воспринимаемого на слух текста.

ü развивать умения взаимодействовать в группе.

ü развивать умения взаимодействовать в диалоге и полилоге.




§  воспитывать толерантное отношение к представителям другой культуры.

§  повысить интерес  учащихся к предмету «Английский язык».

§  расширить и углубить знания учащихся о культурных ценностях страны изучаемого языка.


Тип урока: урок – путешествие


Форма урока: ролевая игра



Оснащение урока:  компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация Power Point, дидактический материал, иллюстрационный материал для оформления доски, флаги России и США.

Программное обеспечение: презентация Power Point

Дидактический материал: карточки с учебно-речевыми ситуациями для диалогической и монологической речи, карточки с лексикой и тестовыми заданиями по аудированию.

Время: сильный класс -45 минут( слабый класс-90минут)

План урока:

1.Организационный момент.

2.Сообщение темы, целей и задач урока.

3.Введение в учебно –речевую ситуацию.

4.Представление участников программы.

5.Развитие навыков аудирования.

6. Беседа.

7. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

9. Подведение итогов урока.

10. Домашнее задание.

11. Сообщение поурочного балла.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

Good morning students! I am very glad to see you here. How are you? Is anybody absent today?  Are you ready for the lesson?  You are. That’s nice. Then we are ready to start our lesson.


II.Сообщение темы, целей и задач урока.


                                                                        <слайд №1,№2>

Teacher:  I would like to tell you the theme of our lesson today. It is “A trip to the United States”. We have it in the frame of the exchange program.


At the lesson you will speak about American cities, presidents and also you will learn some new information not only about the USA, but also about the feelings that people have when they come to a new country.


And now a few words about the tasks. First of all you will develop abilities to build monologues and dialogues, using the material of the previous lessons and the material that you have found yourselves.

Then you will train yourselves in listening comprehension. You will learn to interact in a group, a pair and in a discussion.

And of course you will get some social experience skill at behavior and communication in a foreign country.

III. Введение в учебно-речевую ситуацию.

                                                                       < слайд№3>

Now I would like to give you badges with names and some cards with different roles and situations. You are students from different Russian cities. Please, take seats in groups according to the names of the cities.

So you are the students from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Surgut and you are the participants  of the educational exchange program. You have come to American capital Washington D. C. At present you are in a students’ campus at the first meeting with one of the American leaders who work with exchange students. I play the role of a leader.

IV. Представление участников программы.



(Kitty Brown)

Good morning dear students! Welcome to our country!

                                      We are glad to see you here in Washington D.C.


                                      Let me introduce myself. I’m Kitty Brown. I am one of the leaders who work with exchange students. We will work together two days, because you have two days adaptation period in our capital.


Today, at our first meeting we want you to tell other students about yourselves. You will do it one by one. The information on the slide will help you. So, let’s start from Moscow group.

<слайд №4>

(Представление учащихся).

    V.Аудирование текста.


Работа с лексикой.                                  <звуковой слайд 1+слайд №5>



Teacher:      According to our program you will listen to a small lecture about culture shock. You know, the newcomers to our country have many problems with their spirit.

                   We hope that information from this lecture will help you to adapt in our country. After lecture you will do a small test in your groups. You will see the test on the slides. But before listening the text you should see some words which can cause problems in listening. Look at the words! Listen to them and repeat  them after the speaker.


1.     intercultural studies – межкультурные исследования

2.     to get used to smth – привыкать к чему либо

3.     experience – испытывать знать по опыту

4.     culture shock – культурный шок

5.     newcomers – вновь прибывшие

6.     newness – новизна

7.     to wear off – уставать, утомляться, надоедать, приедаться

8.     to enjoy something – наслаждаться чем-то

9.     obvious - очевидный

10. custom - обычай

11. transportation – перевозка

12. community – община, населенный пункт

13. to protect oneself  - защитить кого-либо

14. sense of security – чувство безопасности

15. to solve the problem - решить проблему

16. familiarity – хорошее знакомство

17. solution - решение






Аудирование текста.                              <звуковой слайд 2+слайд №6>



And now let’s listen to our lecture. You will hear it only once.

Culture Shock

Specialist in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to get used to life in a new culture. They call the feelings which people experience when they come to a new life culture shock.

There are three  stages of culture shock. In the first stage the newcomers like their new life. Then the newness wears off. They begin to hate the city, the country, the people and everything else in the new culture. In the final stage of culture shock, the newcomers begin to get used to their new life and enjoy it.

Some of the factors in culture shock are obvious. May be the weather is unpleasant. Perhaps the customs are different. Perhaps the public service systems such as telephone, post office or transportation are difficult to understand. The language may be difficult. The food may seem strange to you. If you don’t look similar to the natives, you may feel strange. You may feel like everyone is watching you. In fact you are always watching yourself.

Who experiences culture shock? Everyone does in some form or another. But culture shock comes as a surprise to most people. The people with the worst culture shock are those who never had any difficulties in their own countries. They were active and successful in their community. They had hobbies or pastimes which they enjoyed. When they come to a new country, they do not have the same hobbies and positions. They find themselves without a role and must build a new self-image. People begin suffering homesickness, imagined illness or even paranoia (unreasonable fear).  When people suffer from culture shock they want to protect themselves from unfamiliar life.  They have the sense of security in their room or apartment , but it does not solve the problem of cultural shock. Only familiarity and experience are solutions of culture shock.       



Ú Контроль понимания прослушанного текста.

<слайд №7,№8 >


Teacher: You have the sheets of paper. Please write your own names and the name of your city on them  and do the test. You should write the number of the sentence and the letter.  You have 2 minutes to do the test


Match the number and the letter.

1)    Specialists in … say that it is not easy to get used to life in a new culture.

         a) sociology

         b) pedagogy

         c) intercultural studies

2)      There are … of shock

         a) five stages

         b) two stages

         c) three stages

3)    In the first stage the newcomers … their new life.

         a) dislike

         b)  like

4)    In the second stage they begin to … the city, the country, the people  and everything else in the new culture.

         a) like

         b) dislike

         c) hate

5)    In the final stage  of culture shock  the newcomers begin to … their new life.

         a) enjoy

         b) like

         c) get used to

6)    Some of the factors in culture shock  are obvious. They are:

         a) the neighbors

         b) different customs and traditions

         c) new job

7)    The people with the worst culture shock are those who … in their own countries.

         a) had a lot of difficulties

         b) never had any difficulties

8)    When people suffer from cultural shock they want  to … .

         a) be active in the new community

         b) protect  themselves from unfamiliar  life

9)    They have the sense of security … .

         a) in public places

         b) in their room or apartment


 A. And now let’s check the results.




Teacher: (Kitty Brown) Introduction.


Dear students you have learned from the lecture that it is not easy to spend the time in a foreign country for those who come here for the first time.

Let’s think and give some tips to the students to cope with their problems and fears.

If you want to speak please raise your hand. We ask you not to interrupt the speakers. The information on your cards will help you and we ask all the students to take part in this discussion.


Высказывания учащихся.

Teacher: (Kitty Brown)

Are there any other volunteers to speak? No? Good.

 Dear students, you did a great job. Your tips are very useful and I think they will help the most of the students in their future life.

 VII. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

Teacher: (Kitty Brown)

 And now it is time to find out what you know about the USA. You will see several slides with famous sights or people. The members of the group will comment the sights and give as much information as possible.

I think we will start from the group from St. Petersburg.

<слайды  №9 -№ 20>



1.     White House .                                        <слайд № 9>

2.     Capitol.                                                 <слайд  №10>

3.     Washington  Monument.                        <слайд № 11>

4.     George Washington.                              <слайд  №12>

5.     Lincoln Memorial                                  <слайд  №13>

6.     Abraham Lincoln                                   <слайд № 14>

7.     The World Trade Center.                       <слайд № 15>

8.     The Empire State Building.                    <слайд № 16>

9.     The Statue of  Liberty.                           <слайд № 17>

10. The Hollywood Boulvard.                      <слайд № 18>

11.  The Faces of Mount. Rushmore.            <слайд № 19>

12. Jefferson Memorial.                              <слайд № 20>



VIII. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Teacher (Kitty Brown):      Students, tomorrow you will have some practical tasks in the streets of our city. It is not easy, believe me. That’s why we offer you a bit of training here. You should act some dialogues. The situation is given on your cards. You yourselves choose the roles. Each group will represent one dialogue. You have two minutes to think the situating over and act the dialogue. We think the group from Surgut will start.

Диалог №1 – Запрос информации как добраться до Капитолия.

Диалог №2 –Покупка телефонной карты в магазине.

Диалог №3 – Взять интервью у безработного.

Teacher: Ok. It was good done. Our meeting is going to the end.

I will say a few words about our plans for tomorrow.

First of all you will tell us information about your cities. It will be better to make electronic presentations if it is possible. After that you will have practical tasks in the city.

Thank you for the attention. See you tomorrow at ten o’clock. Our meeting is over. Good-bye!

IX. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: dear students, you have made a great job. You have shown what you know and what you can do. And I think you have learned some new useful information which will help you in the future life.


X. Домашнее задание.

You will have to make presentations about Moscow, St. Petersburg and Surgut. Try to make computer presentations if it is possible.

XI. Сообщение поурочного балла.

And now I would like to announce your marks. They are rather good. Thank you for being active! The lesson is over. Good-bye!


Список литературы:


1.     К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. Happy English.ru./ Счастливый английский.ру. 9 класс.

2.     Н. В. Баграмова, Т.И. Воронцова. Книга для чтения по страноведению «Соединённые Штаты Америки. Страна и люди».

3.     Ресурсы сети интернет.











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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • A trip 
to the United States of America

    1 слайд

    A trip
    to the United States of America

  • The aim: to generalize the knowledge of the students about the USA.


    2 слайд

    The aim: to generalize the knowledge of the students about the USA.

    To develop abilities of students in building monologues and dialogues using the material of the previous lessons and new information.
    To develop the listening comprehension.
    To learn to work in a group and in a pair.
    To learn to interact in a discussion.
    To get some social experience skills at behavior and communication in a foreign country.

  • Educational Situation:	You are the students from Moscow, St. Petersburg and S...

    3 слайд

    Educational Situation:
    You are the students from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Surgut. You are the participants of the educational exchange program. You have arrived in the capital of the USA Washington D.C. At the moment you are in a students campus at the first meeting with the American leader of the exchange program.

  • Give the information about 				             yourself in full sentences:Name...

    4 слайд

    Give the information about yourself in full sentences:
    Country and city
    Describe yourself in three words
    Favourite book
    Favourite film
    The purpose of your visit to the USA

  • The  unknown  wordsIntercultural studies – межкультурные исследования 
To get...

    5 слайд

    The unknown words
    Intercultural studies – межкультурные исследования
    To get used to something– привыкать к чему либо
    Experience – испытывать знать по опыту
    Culture shock – культурный шок
    Newcomers – вновь прибывшие
    Newness – новизна
    To wear off – уставать, утомляться, надоедать, приедаться
    To enjoy something – наслаждаться чем-то
    Obvious - очевидный
    Custom - обычай
    Transportation – перевозка
    Community – община, населенный пункт
    To protect oneself - защитить кого-либо
    Sense of security – чувство безопасности
    To solve the problem - решить проблему
    Familiarity – хорошее знакомство
    Solution - решение

  • Culture Shock

    6 слайд

    Culture Shock

  • Test	Choose the right variant.
Specialists in … say that it is not easy to ge...

    7 слайд

    Choose the right variant.
    Specialists in … say that it is not easy to get used to life in a new culture.
    a) sociology
    b) pedagogy
    c) intercultural studies
    2) There are … of shock
    a) five stages
    b) two stages
    c) three stages
    In the first stage the newcomers … their new life.
    a) dislike
    b) like
    In the second stage they begin to … the city, the country, the people and everything else in the new culture.
    a) like
    b) dislike
    c) hate

  • In the final stage  of culture shock  the newcomers begin to … their new life...

    8 слайд

    In the final stage of culture shock the newcomers begin to … their new life.
    a) enjoy
    b) like
    c) get used to
    Some of the factors in culture shock are obvious. They are:
    a) the neighbors
    b) different customs and traditions
    c) new job
    The people with the worst culture shock are those who … in their own countries.
    a) had a lot of difficulties
    b) never had any difficulties
    When people suffer from cultural shock they want to … .
    a) be active in the new community
    b) protect themselves from unfamiliar life
    They have the sense of security … .
    a) in public places
    b) in their room or apartment

  • 9 слайд

  • 10 слайд

  • 11 слайд

  • 12 слайд

  • 13 слайд

  • 14 слайд

  • 15 слайд

  • 16 слайд

  • 17 слайд

  • 18 слайд

  • 19 слайд

  • 20 слайд

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Учебно-речевые ситуации для диалогической речи.

Situation №1

Student № 1

You are an exchange student(s) from  Moscow. You have to get to Capitol. But you  don’t know the way. Ask the policeman how  to get  there. At the moment you are near the campus. Be polite.

Student №2

You are a policeman. The Russian exchange student(s) ask you to explain how to get to the Capitol. Recommend them to take a bus to the nearest metro station and  to buy a metro card. Ask them to use a blue line and go till Capitol South Station. Be polite. Wish them to have a good trip.

Situation № 2

Student № 1

You are a student(s) from St. Petersburg. You have lost your mobile phone and don’t have enough money to buy the other one. You have come to the shop to buy a telephone card. Ask the shop assistant if they have any. Buy the local and international cards. Be polite.

Student 2

You are a shop assistant. The Russian students want to buy a phone card. Explain what cards you have (local, federal, international), and ask which one he (she), (they) wants to buy . Sell the local and international cards. Be polite.

Situation № 3

Student № 1

You are an exchange student(s) from Surgut. You have the task to  interview  a homeless person. You are to find out his name. Ask him if he has money to live on and  the  place to sleep. Find out if he wants to work and if he is married or not.

Student 2

You are a homeless person. You are Afro-American. Your name is Bob Fuller. You are to answer the Russian exchange student’s questions about your life. Be polite and tell them that you don’t work and get money from the state, it is called a benefit .Explain that it is quite enough not to work .Add that you sleep on the benches in the park during the day time  and at school during the night , your friend works there and gives you the shelter.


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Приложение к уроку.

Учебно-речевые ситуации для монологической речи.

Card 1

You are the student of the school №10. You are from Moscow. You are the participant of the Exchange Program. You have arrived in Washington D. C. At the moment you are in the assembly hall of the student’s campus at the meeting of all exchange students who are on the program. Be ready to introduce information about yourself. The teacher plays the role of the leader of the program. (3 экземпляра)

Card 2

You are the student of the school №12. You are from St. Petersburg. You are the participant of the Exchange Program. You have arrived in Washington D. C. At the moment you are in the assembly hall of the student’s campus at the meeting of all exchange students who are on the program. Be ready to introduce information about yourself. The teacher plays the role of the leader of the program. (3 экземпляра)

Card 3

You are the student of the lyceum №1. You are from Surgut. You are the participant of the Exchange Program. You have arrived in Washington D. C. At the moment you are in the assembly hall of the student’s campus at the meeting of all exchange students who are on the program. Be ready to introduce information about yourself. The teacher plays the role of the leader of the program. (3, 4 экземпляра)

Card 4

Discussion (Tips for the students).

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Advise the students not to be afraid of making mistakes. Ask them to use expressions of faces and gestures, if they don’t remember the words.

Card 5

 You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Advise the students not to speak much during the first two days if they don’t understand the native speakers. Recommend them to listen to the natives to make the ear get used to new accents and speech.

Card 6

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Advise the students to be friendly and smile as many times as they can. It can help them to start any conversation. Recommend them to behave themselves as they usually do.

Card 7

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Advise the students to call parents or friends if they are homesick. It can help. But recommend to use mobile phone or to buy phone card if he( she) wants to use the  host phone. Explain that the calls are expensive.

Card 8

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Explain the students that relationships in the American families are not so warm as in our country. Advise them to be ready for that. Explain that nobody will ask them every minute   what they want. Advise them to act themselves and ask more questions if they need something.

Card 9

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Recommend the students to use dictionary, if they are lack of words. Advise them to have it everywhere and not to be ashamed because of that. Recommend them to communicate as much as possible. It will help.

Card 10

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Advise the students to make a diary. Recommend them not to call parents every time when they have some fears. Advise students to write all fears in the diary, to think them over and to find the ways to cope with them. It will help them to  save money and to have good spirit.

Card 11

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country, the USA for the first time. Advise the students to communicate with Russian students as less as possible. Recommend them not to refuse to go out if the American friends or host sisters or brothers invite them somewhere. Convince them not to lose the chance to improve English and to relax.

Card 12

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country the USA for the first time. Explain the students that they can’t go to shops themselves. They are far from home. Advise them first to think and then   to act if they really need something. Explain that people will spend time and gasoline in vain if they will walk around the shops like in museums buying nothing.

Card 13

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country, the USA, for the first time. Advise students not to leave the school during the school time. Explain that it is out of law and the police can arrest them and it will bring them a lot of problems.

Card 14

You are to give some tips for the students who have arrived in a foreign country, the USA, for the first time. Advise the students not to take host family’s cars without permission even if they have license.    Recommend them to avoid all the possible problems with police. Advise the students not to accept different invitations to the parties without informing host parents. Explain that it may cause many problems.

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  • Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Бакалдина Ольга Ивановна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

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    Бакалдина Ольга Ивановна
    Бакалдина Ольга Ивановна
    • На сайте: 9 лет
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 3895
    • Всего материалов: 5

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Менеджер по туризму

Менеджер по туризму

500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания русского языка как иностранного

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 49 человек из 20 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 166 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Теория и методика билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

Учитель иностранного языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 41 человек из 27 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 69 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к сдаче ОГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 298 человек из 62 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 830 человек


Управление проектами: концепции, практика и финансы

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Стратегия продаж и продуктовая линейка: успех в современном бизнесе

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Занятия спортом при заболеваниях опорно-двигательного аппарата

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 39 человек из 20 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 48 человек