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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Брейн-ринг"

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Тема мероприятия: Великобритания

Цели: 1. Расширение познавательной активности учащихся.

2. Повышение мотивации для изучения английского языка

3. Расширение лингвострановедческих знаний

4. Воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка и собственных традиций

5. Совершенствование умения практического владения английским языком

Форма мероприятия: игра «Брейн-ринг»

Правила игры. Команды выполняют задания конкурсов, получают определенное количество баллов за правильные ответы. После выполнения задания определяется победитель конкурса. Побеждает команда, выигравшая больше число конкурсов.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация, аудиосопровождение, карточки.











Ход мероприятия.

Good afternoon my dear boys, girls and guests of our competition. Today we’ll speak about great country: Great Britain. For the competition you should make two teams. This group will be the members of the team daffodils and you will be the members of the team roses. I'll introduce you our judges. The assistant of the principal of our college ….. . The teacher of English ….

We shall train now. I'll explain you the rules. I'll ask you a question and give four variants. You should choose the right one and show the card with the correct letter to our jury.

Warming up.

1. What can’t children do?

a) run      b) go       c) speak       d) fly

2. What is the difference between the men in Scotland and the men from other countries?

a) they wear skirts      b) they have long hair  

c) they wear whiskers       d) they have beard

3. At what time do the Englishmen usually have their traditional “tea”?

a) at 2 o’clock        b) at 5 o’clock   

c) at 8 o’clock     d) at 10 o’clock

Let's start our contest. After ending of each task our judges will set one of these flowers in this bowl. Then we'll count them and determine the winner.

1.     Countries and symbols.

The first task consists of matching countries with their symbols. Be very attentive.

2. Guessing game “What is the Building?”

- You will see pictures of the buildings which you must guess.

1. Trafalgar Square

2. The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

3. The Tower Bridge

4. The Tower of London

5. Buckingham Palace

6. The Millennium Bridge

7. The London Eye

- Choose the correct answer for these questions

8. All queens and kings were crowned here:

a. St. Paul’s Cathedral

b. Westminster Abbey

c. Buckingham Palace

d. the Tower of London

e. Westminster Cathedral

2. This building was designed by Sir Christopher Wren:

a. St. Paul’s Cathedral

b. Westminster Abbey

c. Buckingham Palace

d. the Tower of London

e. Westminster Cathedral

3. Quiz

1. Which day of the week doesn’t exist?

   a. Saturday

   b. Wednesday

   c. Friday

   d. Holiday

2. What is Halloween?

         a. a holiday of the labour class

         b. a holiday of people in love

         c. a holiday of the witches and ghosts

         d. Carlson’s birthday

3. Who rules in Britain nowadays?

         a. Elizabeth II

         b. Ludwig II

         c. Prince William

         d. Prince Charles

4. Which of these sights is not in Great Britain?

         a. Westminster Abby

         b. the Tower

         c. Notre Dame de Paris

         d. Trafalgar Square

5. Byron is …?

         a. a model of a computer

         b. a poet

         c. a producer

         d. a singer

4. Famous people

Match the pictures and the names

a)     Prince William

b)    Queen Victoria

c)     Lady Diana

d)    Prince Philip

Match the pictures and the names

a)     John Lennon

b)    Freddie Mercury

c)     David Bowie

d)    Elton John

Match the pictures and the names

a)     Robert Burns

b)    Joann Rolling

c)     Shakespeare

d)    Charlotte Bronte

5. Guess. Listen to the information about these people and say the name of a suitable person.

1). This person often called the English national poet, is widely considered the greatest dramatist of all time. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not far from London. At the age of 21 he left Stratford to join a company of actors. He was a very good actor and an excellent playwright. His tragedies “King Lear”, “Othello”, “Macbeth” “Romeo and Juliet” are famous all over the world. (William Shakespeare)

2) He worked at a small factory in London. He had to work in a dirty room with no windows. He did not like his work, but he had to work at the factory for two years. He learned much at home, from his father and from other clever people. Later he worked as a reporter to the Parliament and became a writer. He is the author of famous novels such as "Oliver Twist", "Dombey and Son", "David Copperfield". (Charles Dickens)

3) This person was an English novelist and poet, the eldest of the three sisters who survived into adulthood and whose novels have become classics of English literature. Hers second novel, Jane Eyre, was published in 1847. It became the most successful book of the year. (Charlotte Bronte)

6. Musical competition.

 Listen to the songs. Who are the performers of these songs?

1.     Yesterday.

2.     We are the champions

3.     We are in the army now.

4.     Toxic

5.     Happy New Year.

7. Drawing competition

As I know there are a lot of artists at our college. Are there any artists among you, students? Let’s check it. But the task is not easy because you must listen to the information and draw description of the text.

Нарисовать картинку к тексту.

Преподаватель читает текст, в это время из каждой команды один ученик рисует картину. Оценивается сходство описания теста с изображением.

This is a big house near the forest. The house is yellow with a red roof. There are two windows in the house and one door. To the left of the house there is a green tree. To the right of the house there are two flowers. One flower is red, the second flower is blue. Under the tree there is a black dog. On the tree there is a fat cat. Near the house there is a cow and ten hens with a cockerel.

8. Questions and answers.

You will listen to the questions about Great Britain. You are to answer them handing your hand.

1.      What is the official residence of the Queen?( Buckingham Palace)

2.     It was a fortress, a royal palace, a prison. ( Tower of London)

3.     Where can we meet Admiral Nelson? (Trafalgar Square)

4.     What English pop group is famous all over the world? (The Beatles)

5.     What is the favourite hot drink in Great Britain?

6.     What is the traditional Christmas meal in Britain? ( roast turkey, Christmas pudding)

7.     Who was called “An Iron Lady? (Margaret Thatcher)

8.     What is the national musical instrument of Scotland?(bagpipe)

9.     Which English writer is called the Queen of detectives?(Agatha Christie)

10. What is the name of the present British Queen? (Elizabeth II)

9. Miscellaneous.

1) Match the names & the definitions.


A. London

B. Elizabeth

C. Ch. Chaplin hero

D. Nessie

E. Robin Hood

F. The Beatles

G. Golf

H. W. Shakespeare

I. James Cook

1. a game

2. a pop group

3. a legendary

4. an actor

5. the capital

6. the Queen

7. a poet

8. a monster

9. a captain   


2) Match the proverb & its Russian equivalent

      A.East or West home is best.

      B.Live and learn.

      C.Better late than never.

      D.It’s a small world.

      E.Two heads are better than one.

      F.Friend in need is a friend indeed.


      1.Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

      2.Мир тесен.

      3.Друзья познаются в беде.

      4.Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.

      5.Век живи - век учись.

      6.В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.


3) Do you know English literature?

   A. Twelfth…

   B. David…

   C. Wuthering…

   D. Alice…

   E. Jane…

   F. Robinson…

   G. Oliver…

   H. King…

I  I. Three men…

   J. Peter…

1. ..heights

2. …Crusoe

3. …Lear

4. …night

5. …in a boat

6. …Copperfield

7. …Eyre

8. …Pan

9. …Twist

10. …in Wonderland

Who is the winner?


6756743-bouquet-from-white-and-yellow-narcissus-in-vase-isolated.jpg            b5826f72dfbf.png



Список литературы

1.Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку для учащихся 5-11 классов. Праздники, конкурсы, тематические мероприятия, инсценировки, игры и занимательные задания./ М. А. Трофимова.- М.:Глобус, 2013.

2. Достопримечательности Лондона/ М.В.Васильев.- 2-е изд.- М.: Айрис-пресс, 2012.

4. English for Fun-1. 7-11 кл.: Учеб.пособие/ Н.Г.Брюсова.-М.:Дрофа, 2012

5. Материалы из газет English № 8, 11

6. Предметная неделя английского языка в школе/ Л.В. Калинина. Изд.4-е- Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2013.





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