Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока английского языка "День Святого Валентина"

Разработка урока английского языка "День Святого Валентина"

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Могульская Светлана Викторовна

Учитель английского языка

СКО, Тайыншинский район, город Тайынша

КГУ «Средняя школа №2»

8 класс


The theme of the lesson: St. Valentine`s Day


The aim of the lesson: improvement of abilities and skills of English language.



Educational-practical: strengthening and reinforcement of vocabulary.

Cognitive: the expansion and deepening of cultural knowledge, the improvement of the General culture of communication.

 Upbringing: formation of a respectful attitude to the language, the ability to actively and work productively in a team.   

          Equipment of the lesson:   handout (cards for the assignment), computer, projector, presentation slides in Power Point, motion pictures.

Expected results:

ü increase of activity in the classroom;

ü improvement of results of education;

ü development of creativity in students.


Technological map of the lesson.


I. Organization moment.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Today we have a revision- lesson. Today we shall speak with you about the most famous holidays and customs of Great Britain. We also shall revise lexical and grammar structures. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson. Today I invite the British guests (several 10th formers), they will help to conduct the lesson


 II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Message the theme of the lesson. Invite the British guests (several 10th formers), they will help to conduct the lesson  (slide 1,2)

2. Warm up - How are you?    (slide 3)

The teacher asks your pupils  - How are you today?

3. Revision of the words.  (slide 4)

 arrow - стрела

couple   - пара

Cupid -  купидон

flowers  - цветы

heart  - сердце

hug  - обнимать

ring  - кольцо

saint  - святой

valentine  - валентинка

Work on the cards -  Unscramble the words.    (см.приложение)

4. What adjectives can you describe the picture.  (slide 5)



5. At different celebrations people are involved in different activities. Ask your British friends about British celebrations.  (slide 6)




St. Valentine`s Day

Bank Holiday


Guy Fawkes` Night




Example,  - Do people decorate fir-trees on Christmas?         (см.приложение)

*    People set off firecrackers.

*    People give gifts to their relatives and friends.

*    People cook dinner for the whole family.

*    People dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them.

*    People make fancy costumes and put them on.

*    People take part in parades.

*    People go to the church and stay for a service.

*    People write and send beautiful postcards.

Our British friends give the answers on the questions.      


6.What did the artist want to tell about St Valentine`s Day?    (slide 7)





And my heart …


This holiday …





7. We are very tired. Let's have a rest and do the English morning exercises.   (slide 8)

8. Find in 2 minutes the information that support St. Valentine`s Day. (reading of specific information). Retell this text.   (slide 9)

In cold February there is a lovely, warm holiday – Saint Valentine`s Day.

The British are said to be a polite and well-mannered people.

The main symbol of this holiday is valentine.

The English are reputed to have a good sense of humour.

St. Valentine's Day falls on February 14th and is the traditional day on which lovers in let each other know about their love.

Girls smile to all the boys in the school and wait for their valentine.

9. Listen to these complements and imitate the British friends, showing your admiration.

 (slide 10)














III. Grammar.    (slide 11)

1. Grammar reference.

A question tag is a short phrase that is added to the end of the statement to turn a yes/no question.

Positive sentence   = Negative tag

Girls smile to all the boys, don`t they?

Negative sentence = Positive tag

The British aren`t said to be a polite, are they?

Work with the card and give the answer.






Card 1

St. Valentine`s Day has roots in several legends, … ?



Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest popular symbols of the day, … ?

Valentine was a Christian priest, … ?





Card 2

He lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ in the Roman Empire, … ?

On February Valentine was killed because he was a Christian, … ?



He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire, … ?





Card 3

St. Valentine`s Day is now a day for sweethearts, … ?

Most people send “valentines”, sentimental and heartfelt greeting

card, … ?

 Valentines can be heart-shaped or can have hearts on them, … ?




IV. Listening and writing.

1.  Listen to the text of our British friends and answer the questions in your exercise-books.

         Saint Valentine’s Day (this name is more common in Russia) and also, known as Valentine`s Day is a holiday which celebrates on February 14 around all over the world every year. Valentine`s Day is a day of love on which lovers express their feelings by doing romantic things such as send Valentine`s cards, present flowers and go for romantic dates. In Greece lived St. Valentine.  Valentine was in prison, who did he fall in love with prisoner’s daughter.

Red is associated with St. Valentine’s Day. People  send Valentine's Cards, which are often anonymous, that is unsigned. The love notes that people make are in the form of "Valentines". Modern Valentine symbols include hearts and the figure of the winged Cupid. We love this holiday because it gives people happiness and joy. For sweethearts this holiday is another reason to show their love.

1.     Where did St. Valentine live?

a)    In Greece

b)    In Rome

c)     In Great Britain

2.     What date is Valentine’s Day?

a)    15th of February

b)    14th of February

c)     8th of March

3.     How do you spell (написание)14th?

a)    Forteenth

b)    Fourtienth

c)     Fourteenth

4.     When St. Valentine was in prison, who did he fall in love with(влюбился)?

a)    his prisoner’s daughter

b)    his prisoner’s wife

c)     his prisoner’s sister

5.     What colour is associated with St. Valentine’s Day?

a)    Orange

b)    Purple

c)     Red

6.     Which Roman God (Римский бог)is one of the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day?

a)    Eros

b)    Cupid

c)     Apollo

7.     Which are the most popular  flowers given on St. Valentine’s Day?

a)    Roses

b)    Sunflowers

c)     Snowdrops

8.     What greeting is often said on this day?

a)    Happy love lives!

b)    Good luck!

c)     Happy Valentine's Day!

2. How you can write the valentines?        (slide 12)

Boys are silly.
Girls are smart.
I love you
With all my heart.

  Look at the examples.



Boys are noisy.
Girls are, too.
You like me,
And I like you.




The birds won't sing,
The stars won't shine,
If you won't be
My valentine.


V. Summing-up of the lesson.

1. The basket of ideas.

Write down the ideas about the lesson. The British friends read them for all.

2. The marks for the lesson.

3. Home work – write down the valentines and give them your friends.   (slide13)


Thanks everyone.

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Краткое описание документа:

Очень интересный урок английского языка, с использованием различных форм и методов работы, где участвуют все ученики. Урок разработан для учащихся восьмого класса, красочно оформлен. На уроке вводится новая лексика, ученики повторяют различные виды деятельности и задают вопросы друг другу. На уроке использованы здоровье сберегающие технологии. Прочитав информацию с карточки, ученики делятся впечатлениями о предстоящем празднике, говорят друг другу комплементы, повторяют грамматику – использование разделительных вопросов в речи учащихся, работа по карточкам, а вконце урока контрольный тест. 

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