Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока по английскому языку”Православная Россия

Разработка урока по английскому языку”Православная Россия

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                                                   Keys to the tasks

                                                     Task 1

Read the text and choose the appropriate title for each paragraph.

1. Most widespread religion in Russia.                                                                                                                               2. Revival of religion.                                                                                                                                                      3. Churchgoers                                                                                                                                                                       4. Characteristic features of Russian Orthodoxies.                                                                                                           5. Revival of religion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

                                                             Task 2

 Choose the right translation and the date for each Orthodox holiday



January, 19 

Orthodox Easter

Православная Пасха

March, 22 – April, 25



The seventh week before Easter

The Savior of Apple Feast Day

Яблочный Спас

August, 19

Palm Sunday

Вербное Воскресение

A week before Easter

Orthodox Christmas

Православное Рождество

January, 7

The Savior of Honey Feast Day

Медовый Спас

August, 14

The Holy Trinity

День Святой Троицы

The fiftieth day after Easter


                                                             Task 3

 Match the Orthodox holiday and the related tradition.

The Savior of Honey Feast Day

There is a tradition to organize street markets, where people can taste and buy different kinds of honey on this day

The Savior of Apple Feast Day

There is a tradition to treat people to newly harvested fruits on this day.


There is a tradition to go to an all-night service and swim in blessed water on this day.

Orthodox Easter

There is a tradition to greet people saying “Christ is risen!” and kiss three times

The Holy Trinity

There is a tradition to decorate houses and rooms with brunches of a birch tree on this day.

Orthodox Christmas

There is a tradition to sing carols in front of the houses to get some tasty things on this day.


There is a tradition to make pancakes and eat them with honey, caviar or fish on this day.

Palm Sunday

There is a tradition to put a vase with pussy willow in the icon corner of your house on this day.


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                                          лицей №5



                               Конспект урока





            Учитель: Агафонова Наталья Николаевна












                          Зарайск Московской области


Место урока в учебном процессе: урок обобщения знаний по теме "Religions of the World", раздел “Orthodox Religion”.

Цель урока: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме "Orthodox Russia".                                                                                                                                                        Задачи урока:                                                                                                                                        Образовательные:

  • обобщение лексического материала по теме "Orthodox Russia",
  • развитие навыков говорения, аудирования  и  чтения и по теме.
  • расширение и закрепление лексического запаса по теме


  • развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме,
  • развитие творческих способностей учащихся,
  • развитие памяти, внимания и логического мышления,
  • развитие умения обобщать и делать выводы.


  • воспитание духовности и нравственности у подрастающего поколения,
  • приобщение к православной культуре и православным традициям.

Оборудование:                                                                                                                                    компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал (задания для контроля аудирования, текст по теме с заданием), презентация проекта, фильм по теме.

Используемые технологии:                                                                                                            1. Информационно коммуникационные технологии                                                                              2. Проектная технология                                                                                                                                       3. Здоровьесберегающие технологии

                                                  Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.

T.: Good morning, everybody! Today is our final lesson on the topic “Religions of the World”. At our previous lessons we spoke a lot about different religions which exist in the modern world. Today’s lesson is devoted to Orthodox religion, its culture and traditions. At the beginning of the lesson we will read a thematic text and work at it. Your classmates have prepared a presentation of the project “Orthodox Russia”. So, we’ll have a chance to see it and do some tasks afterwards. You will also see a wonderful photo-film, shot by your classmates.

2. Речевая зарядка

T.: At the beginning of our lesson I want you to answer some questions.

                                                                                                                                                                                   -What Orthodox holidays observed in Russia do you know?                                                                                   - What Orthodox holidays are observed in your family?                                                                                          - What Orthodox traditions do you know?                                                                                                               - What Orthodox tradition is your favorite and why?                                                                                            -Which member of your family is a regular churchgoer?                                                                               – What saints of Russian Orthodox Church do you know?                                                                              - Who is the patron saint of Russia?                                                                                                                      – Who is the patron saint of our native town?                                                                                                   – Who is the patron saint of Moscow?

3. Работа с текстом “Orthodox Religion in modern Russia”

T.: Now we’ll work at the text “Orthodox Religion in Modern Russia”. The text is on your desks.

 Task 1 Read the text and choose the appropriate title for each paragraph.

                                        Orthodox Religion in Modern Russia.  

Russian Orthodox Christianity has been the largest religion in Russia since it was adopted in the 9th century AD and is confessed by about 75% of Russians. The official church in the Russian Federation is Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow Eparchy, which is supported by the official government.

                                                                                                                                                                         The rebirth of religion and religious traditions began not long ago, in 1970s. Since then the state has returned thousands of churches and temples as well as icons and other religious objects appropriated during the Soviet period to their respective communities. Monasteries and religious schools and training centers have sprung up or reopened, and the number of religious practitioners has more than doubled since the 1970s.

Even though most Russians identify themselves as Orthodox Christians, not a big percent of citizens live an active religious life but the observance of the main Orthodox holidays is increasing. The statistic research shows that only 3, 6% visit church once a week. One fifth of the respondents go to church on religious holidays. Women tend to visit church twice as much as men and elderly people do this more often than the youth. The majority of church goers are elderly people and women. 

                                                                                                                                                                                  Some features that can be characteristic of Russian Orthodoxies are that they mostly go to church on religious holidays or to "light a candle" and remember a close person who is dead. Adults are aware of religious postulates and read the Bible themselves and to their children. They are not used to discussing their faith openly in public or with other people. Most people address to the God asking for  help at some difficult situations or with health problems. It is quite rare that children are taught to pray in the family. Some families follow the religious rules. Many people fast due to the church requirements and for keeping in a good physical and spiritual shape. Most people baptize children and order services for the dead. Russians normally show tolerance and respect to other religious denominations. Many educated people know world history, culture and origin of different religions.                                                                                 

 It can be said for sure that nowadays religious culture and traditions are becoming more and more popular among children and young people. There are a lot of Sunday schools and other Orthodox centers where younger generation get acquainted with Orthodox religion, its saints and history, traditions, rituals and culture.

1. Orthodox education of youth.                                                                                                                                                        2. Most widespread religion in Russia.                                                                                                                                                               3. Characteristic modern features of Russian Orthodoxies.                                                                                                                             4. Revival of religion.                                                                                                                                                        5. Churchgoers        

 4. Релаксационная пауза (фильм «Истоки», снятый учащимися)

T.: Now let’s have a short rest. You classmates, Dima Korzinov and Leonid Volvich, shot a photo-film “Wellsprings” (Истоки). By the way, the music to the film was composed and performed by Leonid. So, relax enjoy the film.                                                                                                                                    

5. Презентация проекта “Orthodox Russia”, выполненная 3 учащимися класса

T.: Now you’ll see the presentation of the project made by three pupils of your class. See and listen attentively. After the presentation you’ll have to do some tasks.                                                           Before the girls start, I want you to look at the blackboard. Here are some words which you’ll need for better understanding of the presentation.

сommunion – причастие                                                                                                                                 confession – исповедь                                                                                                                                                  betrothal – обручение                                                                                                                                           benediction – благословение                                                                                                             intercession – заступничество                                                                                                                            pussy willow – верба                                                                                                                                              ascension - вознесение                                                                                                                                                resurrection - воскрешение 

                                           (Презентация проекта)                                                                                                                                                                                                           

6. Выполнение заданий по презентации.

T.: Girls, thank you very much! You’ve done wonderful work. Now look at Task 1 on the sheets of paper at your desks. Let’s do the task.

Task 1 Choose the right translation and the date for each Orthodox holiday


Яблочный Спас

The fiftieth day after Easter

Orthodox Easter

День Святой Троицы

January, 7



A week before Easter

The Savior of Apple Feast Day

Православное Рождество

The seventh week before Easter

Palm Sunday

Медовый Спас

January, 19

Orthodox Christmas

Православная Пасха

August, 14

The Savior of Honey Feast Day


March, 22 – April, 25

The Holy Trinity

Вербное Воскресение

August, 19

T.: So, let’s check your answers (pupils give correct answers in turn)                                                               Now  look through Task 2. I’ll give you a minute to think it over and then we’ll do it.

Task 2 Match the Orthodox holiday and the related tradition.

The Savior of Honey Feast Day

There is a tradition to decorate houses and rooms with brunches of a birch tree on this day

The Savior of Apple Feast Day

There is a tradition to make pancakes and eat them with honey, caviar or fish on this day


There is a tradition to put a vase with pussy willow in the icon corner of your house on this day

Orthodox Easter

There is a tradition to organize street markets, where people can taste and buy different kinds of honey on this day

The Holy Trinity

There is a tradition to go to an all-night service and swim in blessed water on this day

Orthodox Christmas

There is a tradition to greet people saying “Christ is risen!” and kiss three times


There is a tradition to treat people to newly harvested fruits on this day

Palm Sunday

There is a tradition to sing carols in front of the houses to get some tasty things on this day


T.: Now, let’s check the task. Name the holiday and the related tradition.                                                                (pupils give correct answers in turn)

                                                                                                                                                                                   7. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

T.: Our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you for being very active.                                                         Your marks for the lesson are…                                                                                                                                        Your home assignment for the next lesson is to write a letter to your English pen-pal about the Orthodox holiday you liked most of all. Please, mind the rules of writing a letter.

The lesson is over. Goodbye!



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                                   ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА


1.   Автор 

Агафонова Наталья Николаевна

2.   Место работы, должность, e-mail автора

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №5 г. Зарайск Московской области.

Учитель английского языка


3.   Предмет

Английский язык

4.   Класс

10 класс

5.    Название материала

Разработка урокаOrthodox Russia на конкурс «Православие в современном мире».

6.   Название темы или раздела учебного курса

Religions of the World”, УМК «Английский язык –Х» Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.И.

7.  Необходимое оборудование и материалы для занятия 

Компьютер, мультимедиа-проектор, раздаточный материал

8.  Комплектация работы

Конспект урока.doc,                                                   Приложение doc,

Пояснительная записка.doc,                                  Презентация к уроку,                                                          Фото-фильм,                                                                        Ключи к заданиям

9. Используемая литература и интернет ресурсы

http://www.hristianstvo.ru/stat2004.ph   http://wau.com.ua/bibl/pravoslavie/182.html                http://www.calend.ru/holidays/orthodox/          http://images.yandex.ruhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodoxy


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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Orthodox Russia     Russian Orthodox Christianity has been the largest...

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    Orthodox Russia
    Russian Orthodox Christianity has been the largest religion in Russia since it was adopted in the 9th century AD. The rebirth of religion and religious traditions began in 1970s. Since then a lot of Orthodox traditions has become very popular in our country.

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    Fasting is purification and the regaining of innocence. Fasting means abstaining from meat and dairy products, fish, olive oil, and wine. Wine, oil and fish are allowed on certain feast days when they fall on a day of fasting but animal and dairy products are forbidden, with the exception of "Cheese Fare" week, which precedes Great Lent, during which dairy products are allowed. The number of fast days varies from year to year, but in general Orthodox Christians spend a little over half the year fasting at some level of strictness

  • Christmas Traditions                   
     Russian Orthodox Christmas f...

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    Christmas Traditions

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    Christmas Traditions
    The tradition of going from house to house to sing kolyadki (carols) gets a new lease of life. In return to the songs, the hosts are supposed to offer singers some tasty things or money before they leave for another house. Nowadays mainly children go to sing kolyadki for fun and for pleasure.

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    Epiphany Traditions
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  • Maslenitsa Traditions      Maslenitsa is a religious and folk holiday. It...

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    Maslenitsa Traditions
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    Maslenitsa includes snowball fights, sledging, riding on swings and sleigh rides. As the culmination of the celebration Lady Maslenitsa is stripped of her finery and put to the flames of a bonfire.

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    Palm Sunday
    Palm Sunday falls on the week before Easter. In Russia the custom developed of using pussy willow instead of palm. The branches are blessed and distributed together with candles either on the Eve of the Feast on Saturday night or before the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. The Great Entrance of the Divine Liturgy commemorates the "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem". The faithful take these branches and candles home after the service, and keep them in their icon corner

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    Easter Traditions
    The feast of the Resurrection of Jesus, called Paskha in Russia, usually falls on different days in March or April.
    Easter is the main spring feast. It is a light and kind holiday that brings belief, hope and love.
    People bake kulichi, prepare paskhas (cottage cheesecakes) and colour eggs. On Saturday night people gather in the church to take part in Easter night service. Easter sunrise services are marked by tolling of bells. Everyone can try being a bell ringer that day.

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    Easter Traditions
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  • The Savior of Honey Feast Day     The Savior of Honey Feast Day is an Orthod...

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    The Savior of Honey Feast Day
    The Savior of Honey Feast Day is an Orthodox holiday which is observed on the 14th of August. It is one of the three Savior (Spas) days. In churches priests consecrate newly gathered honey. People often make pancakes on this day and eat them with honey. You can buy different kinds of honey in the special street markets

  • The Savior of Apple Feast Day    The Savior of the Apple Feast Day is an Orth...

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    The Savior of Apple Feast Day
    The Savior of the Apple Feast Day is an Orthodox folk holiday which is observed on the 19th of August. It is one of the three Savior (Spas) days. The holiday is associated with harvesting of ripe fruits, especially apples. Special church services are held where priests consecrate apples. When people meet, they treat each other to apples on this day.

  • The Holy Trinity    Trinity Sunday  falls on the fiftieth day after Eas...

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    The Holy Trinity
    Trinity Sunday falls on the fiftieth day after Easter. On Trinity Sunday we remember and honor the eternal God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. People go to church services and decorate their houses and rooms with branches of a birch tree on this summer day.

  •  Thank you for attention!

    18 слайд

    Thank you for attention!

  • Resources:

    19 слайд


    http://www.hristianstvo.ru/stat2004.ph http://wau.com.ua/bibl/pravoslavie/182.html http://www.calend.ru/holidays/orthodox/ http://images.yandex.ru/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodoxy


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                                                    Task 1

        Read the text and choose the appropriate title for each paragraph.

                                        Orthodox Religion in Modern Russia. 

Russian Orthodox Christianity has been the largest religion in Russia since it was adopted in the 9th century AD and is confessed by about 75% of Russians. The official church in the Russian Federation is Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow Eparchy, which is supported by the official government.  

The rebirth of religion and religious traditions began not long ago, in 1970s. Since then the state has returned thousands of churches and temples as well as icons and other religious objects appropriated during the Soviet period to their respective communities. Monasteries and religious schools and training centers have sprung up or reopened, and the number of religious practitioners has more than doubled since the 1970s.                                                                                                                                                                            Even though most Russians identify themselves as Orthodox Christians, not a big percent of citizens live an active religious life but the observance of the main Orthodox holidays is increasing. The statistic research shows that only 3, 6% visit church once a week. One fifth of the respondents go to churn on religious holidays. Women tend to visit church twice as much as men and elderly people do this more often than the youth. So the majority of church goers are elderly people and women.

Some features that can be characteristic of Russian Orthodoxies are that they mostly go to church on religious holidays or to "light a candle" and remember a close person who is dead. Adults are aware of religious postulates and read the Bible themselves and to their children. They are not used to discussing their faith openly in public or with other people. Most people address God asking for  help in some difficult situations or with health problems. It is quite rare that children are taught to pray in the family. Some families follow the religious rules. Many people fast due to the church requirements and for keeping in a good physical and spiritual shape. Most people baptize children and order services for the dead. Russians normally show tolerance and respect to other religious denominations. Many educated people know world history, culture and origin of different religions.

 It can be said for sure that nowadays religious culture and traditions are becoming more and more popular among children and young people. There are a lot of Sunday schools and other Orthodox centers where younger generation get acquainted with Orthodox religion, its saints and history, traditions, rituals and culture.

1. Orthodox education of youth.                                                                                                                                                        2. Most widespread religion in Russia.                                                                                                                                                               3. Characteristic features of Russian Orthodoxies.                                                                                                                             4. Revival of religion.                                                                                                                                                     5. Churchgoers                                                                                                                                                








                                                             Task 2

 Choose the right translation and the date for each Orthodox holiday


Яблочный Спас

The fiftieth day after Easter

Orthodox Easter

День Святой Троицы

January, 7



A week before Easter

The Savior of Apple Feast Day

Православное Рождество

The seventh week before Easter

Palm Sunday

Медовый Спас

January, 19

Orthodox Christmas

Православная Пасха

August, 14

The Savior of Honey Feast Day


March, 22 – April, 25

The Holy Trinity

Вербное Воскресение

August, 19


                                                             Task 3

 Match the Orthodox holiday and the related tradition.

The Savior of Honey Feast Day

There is a tradition to decorate houses and rooms with brunches of a birch tree on this day

The Savior of Apple Feast Day

There is a tradition to make pancakes and eat them with honey, caviar or fish on this day


There is a tradition to put a vase with pussy willow in the icon corner of your house on this day

Orthodox Easter

There is a tradition to organize street markets, where people can taste and buy different kinds of honey on this day

The Holy Trinity

There is a tradition to go to an all-night service and swim in blessed water on this day

Orthodox Christmas

There is a tradition to greet people saying “Christ is risen!” and kiss three times


There is a tradition to treat people to newly harvested fruits on this day

Palm Sunday

There is a tradition to sing carols in front of the houses to get some tasty things on this day









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Получите профессию


за 6 месяцев

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Краткое описание документа:

Урок "Православная Россия" проводился в рамках изучения темы "Религии мира" в 10 классе. Разработка содержит конспект урока, пояснительную записку, презентацию к уроку о православных праздниках и традициях, приложения и ключи к заданиям.На уроке во время релаксационной паузы был показан фото-фильм, снятый учениками лицея о нашем родном городе Зарайске, история которого тесно связана с православными традициями. Музыка к фильму также была написана и исполнена учеником 11 класса.Разработка урока была отправлена на конкурс "Православная Россия" и заняла 2 место.

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    • 21.11.2014 1231
    • ZIP 8 мбайт
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  • Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Агафонова Наталья Николаевна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

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    Агафонова Наталья Николаевна
    Агафонова Наталья Николаевна
    • На сайте: 9 лет и 4 месяца
    • Подписчики: 11
    • Всего просмотров: 13973
    • Всего материалов: 11

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Технолог-калькулятор общественного питания

Технолог-калькулятор общественного питания

500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3950 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 1547 человек из 85 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 458 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Итальянский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель итальянского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3950 руб.
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Курс повышения квалификации

Основные методики в области преподавания испанского языка

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Эффективная работа с Wildberries: от создания личного кабинета до выбора продукта

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 33 человека из 18 регионов


Формирование здоровых детско-родительских отношений: влияние и преодоление сепарации

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 158 человек из 46 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 83 человека


Библиотечная трансформация: от классики до современности с акцентом на эффективное общение и организацию событий

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 22 человека из 15 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 33 человека