Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыРазвитие языковых навыков у учащихся при работе с текстом

Развитие языковых навыков у учащихся при работе с текстом

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Урок №1 по теме “English - a language of the world”.

Цель урока: Обучение чтению с извлечением основной информации.

Ход урока:

1) Орг.момент

2) Объявление цели урока.

Well students, today you’ll have to read the text “An English-speaking World” carefully and say why English is taught and learnt in almost all the countries of the world.

         3) Фонетическая и речевая зарядка (с использованием звуков и лексики, необходимой для дальнейшей работы)

        4) Практика чтения про себя.

I suggest working in groups. Take your seats, open your books at page 30 and start reading. Your “teachers” will help you. I can give you a helping hand if it is necessary. (Учащиеся уже привыкли работать в трёх группах c постоянным составом. Они прекрасно знают своих «учителей» и названия своих групп. Ребята занимают свои места и начинают один за другим читать и переводить текст в шести группах одновременно. Консультанты координируют работу, исправляют ошибки при чтении, при затруднении в переводе помощь оказывают все члены группы).

Вариант текста №1 (для групп с сильным составом)

An English-speaking World.

Language belongs to each of us. Everyone uses words. What is in about language that makes people so curious? The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language. We live in and by language. We all speak and we all listen: so we are all interested in the origin of words, in how they appear and die.

The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly two thousand years ago, English did not exist. Five hundred years later, in the 5th century, English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain but they were not many, but their English was not the language we know today. Nearly a thousand years later, at the end of the 16th century, when William Shakespeare created his works, English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen. At that time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain.

Nowadays, four hundred years later, 750 million people all over the world use English, and half of those speak it as a mother tongue. Of all the 2700 world languages English is one of the richest. For example, compare English, German and French: English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German – 185 000, and French – fewer than 100 000. At the end of the 20th century English is more widely spoken and written, than any other language has ever been. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrammes are in English. More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main language of business. It is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics.

The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters of a deep sea it is full of mysteries. English is and has always been constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings and all the time new words appear in the language.

Вариант текста №2 (для групп со средними по уровню обученности учениками)

An English-speaking World.

Language belongs to each of us. Everyone uses words. What is in about language that makes people so curious (любопытный)?  The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language. We live in and by language (все время сталкиваемся с языком). We all speak and we all listen: so we are all interested in the origin of words, in how they appear and die.

The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. When Julius Caesar (Юлий Цезарь) landed in Britain nearly (почти) two thousand years ago, English did not exist. Five hundred years later, in the 5th century, English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain (жители Великобритании говорили уже на английском языке) but they were not many, but their English was not the language we know today. Nearly a thousand years later, at the end of the 16th century, when William Shakespeare created his works, English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen. At that time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain (нигде кроме Великобритании).

Nowadays, four hundred years later, 750 million people all over the world use English, and half of those speak it as a mother tongue. Of all the 2700 world languages (языков мира) English is one of the richest. For example, compare English, German and French: English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German – 185 000, and French – fewer than 100 000. At the end of the 20th century English is more widely spoken and written, than any other language has ever been (чем какой-либо другой язык). It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language. Three quarters (три четверти) of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrammes are in English. More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main (основной) language of business. It is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics.

The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters of a deep sea it is full of mysteries (полон загадок). English is and has always been constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings and all the time new words appear (появляются) in the language.

Вариант текста №3 (для групп со слабыми учениками)

An English-speaking World.

Language belongs to each of us.  What is in about language that makes people so curious (любопытный)?  We live in and by language (все время сталкиваемся с языком). We all speak and we all listen: so we are all interested in the origin of words, in how they appear and die.

The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. In the 5th century, English was spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain (жители Великобритании говорили уже на английском языке) but they were not many, but their English was not the language we know today.  At the end of the 16th century English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen. At that time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain (нигде кроме Великобритании).

Nowadays, four hundred years later, 750 million people all over the world use English, and half of those speak it as a mother tongue. Of all the 2700 world languages (языков мира) English is one of the richest. For example, compare English, German and French: English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German – 185 000, and French – fewer than 100 000. At the end of the 20th century English has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language. Three quarters (три четверти) of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrammes are in English. More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main (основной) language of business. It is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics.

The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters of a deep sea it is full of mysteries (полон загадок). English is and has always been constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings and all the time new words appear (появляются) in the language.

После чтения и перевода текста каждая из трёх групп отвечает на основной вопрос текста. Затем группа должна защитить перед классом свой ответ, аргументировать его. Выслушав все группы или часть групп, учащиеся приходят к общему выводу.

People all over the world use English because it has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.

Оценки получает та группа, которая первой смогла ответить на поставленный перед чтением текста вопрос.

        5) Практика поискового чтения.

Затем следует более детальное извлечение информации из текста. Well, students read the text again for more detailed information and answer the questions from exercise 24 at page 31.

1. Is there anything about the language that makes you curious? What is it?

2. Are you interested in the origin of words? What words?

3. Who spoke English two thousand years ago when Julius Caesar landed in Britain?

4. Was the 5th – century English like English today?

5. How many people spoke English in Shakespeare’s times?

6. How many people speak English nowadays?

7. Which of the three languages has the most words – English, French or German? Which one has the least words?

8. Do you think it’s good to have an international, global language? Why?

 9. Why can English be called the language of business and the language of sports?


6) Домашнее задание: ex.24 p.31.письменно ответить на вопросы

7) Подведение итогов. Вывод. Отметки.


Урок №2 по теме: “English - a language of the world”.

Цель урока: Обучение письму. Совершенствование навыков чтения по теме.

1)    Орг. момент.

2)    Объявление цели урока.

3)    Фонетическая и речевая зарядка (с использованием звуков и лексики, необходимой для дальнейшей работы)

4)    Контроль домашнего задания.

Учащиеся работают в группах. Внутри группы они разбиваются на пары. Читают вопросы, и проверяют свои ответы на вопросы, причем проверяют как смысловое и грамматическое содержание, так и орфографию. Обсуждают полученные варианты ответов, отмечают результаты, выставляют отметки.

Далее каждая из команд получает карточки с вопросами (каждой по 4 вопроса), их задача – ответить на них в письменной форме. Затем, совещаясь с остальными группами, воссоздать полный текст.

1. Does language belong to each of us?

2. There is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language, isn’t it?

3. Who spoke English two thousand years ago when Julius Caesar landed in Britain?

4. Was the 5th – century English like English today?

5. How many people spoke English in Shakespeare’s times?

6. How many people speak English nowadays?

7. Which of the three languages has the most words – English, French or German? Which one has the least words?

8. How do we deal with language?

9. Why can English be called the language of business and the language of sports?

       10. Are we all interested in the origin of words?

       11. The rise of English is a story of wonderful success, isn’t it?

       12. Was English used in Great Britain or in the USA at the end of the 16th century?

       13. What peculiarity has English of all the 2700 world languages?

       14. Is English more widely spoken and written at the end of the 20th century, than any other language has ever been?

       15. English has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language, hasn’t it?

       16. Are three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrammes in English or German?

       17. Haw many per cent of the information in the world’s computers is used in English?

      18. Is English the main language of business?

      19. The English language surrounds us like a sea, doesn’t it?

      20. Is English constantly changing or not?

      21. How is English language changing?


5)    Практика письма.

Опираясь на ключевые фразы, письменно изложить основное содержание текста. Работа в парах. (Опорные фразы выдаются на карточках)

·  Language belongs ...

·  We live in ...

·  We all speak and ...

·  We are all interested in …, in how ...

·  The rise of English is ...

·  In the 5th century only the people ...

·   But their English was not ...

·  At the end of the 16th century, English was ...

·  At that time English was used ...

·  Nowadays 750 million people use ...

·  Half of them speak it as ...

·  There are 2700 ...

·   English is the richest among them.

·   English has a vocabulary of about …, German- …, French- ...

·  In the 21st century English has become ...

·   It is the first … … language.

·  Three quarters of the world’s mail is ...

·  More than … of the scientific periodicals and … of the information in the world’s   computers are also in English.

·   English is the main … of the business.

·  It is the language of ...

·  The English … surrounds us.

·   It is constantly ...

·   Some words …, some … their meanings.

·   And all the time … … … in the language.


6)    Чтение и перевод основного содержания текста изложенного письменно. Работа в группах.

An English-speaking World.

Language belongs to each of us. We live in and by language. We all speak and we all listen. We are all interested in the origin of the words, in how they appear and die.

The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. In the 5th century only the people who inhabited Great Britain spoke English. But their English was not the language we know today. At the end of the 16th century, English was the native language of about 6 million people. At that time English was used only in Great Britain.

Nowadays 750 million people all over the world use English. Half of them speak it as a mother tongue. There are 2700 languages in the world. English is the richest among them. English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German- 185 000, French-100 000.

In the 21st century English has become the language of the planet. It is the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English. More than 50% of the scientific periodicals and 80% of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main language of the business. It is the language of sport.

The English language surrounds us. It is constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings. And all the time new words appear in the language.

7)    Домашнее задание: чтение и письменный перевод текста.

8)    Подведение итогов. Вывод. Отметки.


Урок№3 по теме “English – a language of the world”.

Цель урока: Обучение учащихся монологической речи по теме.

1) Орг. момент

2) Объявление цели урока

         3) Фонетическая и речевая зарядка (с использованием звуков и лексики, необходимой для дальнейшей работы)

        4) Обучение монологической речи. (Обсуждение ответов на предложение задания в группах)

Well students today we’ll work in groups. I’ll give you these sheets of papers and you’ll have to work according to the tasks given in them.

An English-speaking World.

Language belongs to each of us. We live in and by language. We all speak and we all listen. We are all interested in the origin of the words, in how they appear and die.

The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. In the 5th century only the people who inhabited Great Britain spoke English. But their English was not the language we know today. At the end of the 16th century, English was the native language of about 6 million people. At that time English was used only in Great Britain.

Nowadays 750 million people all over the world use English. Half of them speak it as a mother tongue. There are 2700 languages in the world. English is the richest among them. English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German- 185 000, French-100 000.

In the 21st century English has become the language of the planet. It is the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English. More than 50% of the scientific periodicals and 80% of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main language of the business. It is the language of sport.

The English language surrounds us. It is constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings. And all the time new words appear in the language.

1.                      What does the author say about:

·  belonging English to us?

·  the rise of English in the world?

·  use of English in the world?

·  becoming English the language of the planet?

·  the changes in the English language?


2.  Answer the following questions:

·  Does the English belong to us?

·  What was the rise of English?

·  What language spoke people who lived in the 5th century?

·  Was the 5th –century English like English we speak today?

·  How many people spoke English at the end of the 16th century?

·  What is the use of English nowadays?

·  There are 2700 languages in the world, is that so?

·  Which of the three languages has more words-English, French or German?

·  When English has become the language of the planet?

·  Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English, isn’t it?

·  How many percent of the scientific periodicals is in English?

·  Is English the main language of the business?

·  What language is the language of sport?

·  Does the English language surround us?

·  Is it constantly changing?

·  What happens with some of the words in the English language?

·  Do new words appear in the language?


3Continue the following sentences:

·  Language belongs ...

·  We live in ...

·  We all speak and ...

·  We are all interested in …, in how ...

·  The rise of English is ...

·  In the 5th century only the people ...

·   But their English was not ...

·  At the end of the 16th century, English was ...

·  At that time English was used ...

·  Nowadays 750 million people use ...

·  Half of them speak it as ...

·  There are 2700 ...

·   English is the richest among them.

·   English has a vocabulary of about …, German- …, French- ...

·  In the 21st century English has become ...

·   It is the first … … language.

·  Three quarters of the world’s mail is ...

· More than … of the scientific periodicals and … of the information in the world’s computers are also in English.

·   English is the main … of the business.

·  It is the language of ...

·  The English … surrounds us.

·   It is constantly ...

·   Some words …, some … their meanings.

·   And all the time … … … in the language.


   4.   Make up sentences with the help of key words:

belongs                                                a vocabulary

live in                                                   the language of the planet

speak, listen                                       global language

are interested                                     three quarters

the rise                                                50%

in the 5th century                               80%

was not, we know                              business

at the end of the 16th century               sport

English was used                                surrounds us

750 mln people                                  constantly

mother tongue                                   die, change

2700 languages                                  appear


   5.   Let's play the game “Do you know that”. (лидер задает вопросы по тексту остальным членам группы, начиная фразу со слов Do you know that…? Задача членов группы – определить правдиво его высказывание или нет, и предложить свое видение данного вопроса).


   6.   According to the key Russian words try to retell the text.

Принадлежит                                                             самый богатый

живём в                                                                       имеет словарь

говорим, слушаем                                                    в 21ом веке

интересуемся в происхождении,                         глобальный язык

появляются, умирают                                  

рассказ о прекрасном успехе                               3/4почтовых сообщений

в пятом веке                                                              более 50% и 80%

в конце 16го века                                                      язык бизнеса

использовался только в Британии                      язык спорта

750 миллионов человек                                        окружает нас

для половины из них                                             постоянно изменяется

2700 языков                                                             умирают, меняют значение

        новые слова появляются

7.             Try to retell the whole text. You may use key Russian words. Work in pairs.

5) Домашнее задание: пересказ текста.

         6) Подведение итогов. Вывод. Отметки.


Урок №4 по теме: “English - a language of the world”.

Цель урока: Обучение учащихся диалогической речи по теме. Работа в парах, группах.

1) Орг. момент

2) Объявление цели урока.

         3) Фонетическая и речевая зарядка (с использованием звуков и лексики, необходимой для дальнейшей работы)

4) Контроль домашнего задания. Аудирование заученного текста. Тренировка. Оценивание.

5) Обучение диалогической речи

a) Well, students lets work in groups. You’ll have to make up questions from the given words.

1.                      language, by, do, in, How, and, we, live?

2.                      was, of, the, English, the, rise, What?

3.                      many, English, How, nowadays, use, people?

4.                      speak, as, people, tongue, a, How, mother, it, many?

5.                      2700, the, in, are, aren’t, languages, There, there, world?

6.                      the, is, richest, world, What, language, in, the?

7.                      become, has, the, language, planet, language, the, When, of, English, the?

8.                      global, it, the, Is, truly, language, first?

9.                      computers, of, English, percent, are, How, the, information, in,

the, scientific, in, many, world’s, periodicals, and, the?

10. main, business, sport, Is, the, of, and, language, English?

11. with, language, English, does, What, the, happen, constantly?


b) Look at the key and correct your mistakes if there are any. After that you’ll have to answer these questions. Don’t forget we work in groups: help and consult each other.

1.                      How do we live in and by language?

2.                      What was the rise of the English?

3.                      How many people use English nowadays?

4.                      How many people speak it as a mother tongue?

5.                      There are 2700 languages in the world, aren’t there?

6.                      What is the richest language in the world?

7.                      When has the English language become the language of the planet?

8.                      Is it the first truly global language?

9.                      How many percent of the scientific periodicals and the information in the world’s computers are in English?

10. Is English the main language of business and sport?

11. What does constantly happen with the English language?


c) Imagine you are at the lesson on the history of the English language. Ask your “teachers” as much questions as possible.

d) Let’s imagine we are at the scientific conference on the history of the English language. Let me introduce three world known scientists in this field of science. You may ask them questions you are interested in.

6) Домашнее задание: составить диалог.

7) Подведение итогов. Вывод. Отметки.


Урок №5 по теме: “English - a language of the world”.

Цель урока: Обучение учащихся общению в группах. (Обучение полилогу.)

1)    Орг. момент

2)    Объявление цели урока.

3)    Фонетическая и речевая зарядка (с использованием звуков и лексики, необходимой для дальнейшей работы)

4)    Контроль домашнего задания.

Вначале урока ребята работают в парах: они воспроизводят диалоги, над которыми работали на прошлом уроке, и дома.

5)    Обучение общению в группах (работа над полилогами.)

Всю остальную часть урока учащиеся работают в группах.

- аудирование текста

- выполнение упражнений по услышанному

Далее каждая команда работает с предложенной ситуацией, то есть пытается построить полилог. Затем состав групп изменяется и между ними проводится соревновательный турнир. Выигрывает та команда, которая набрала большее количество баллов.

1.     Imagine you are a group of friends. Two of you study English at school. Your younger friends are at a loss (в растерянности). Convince (убедите) them to choose English.


2.  You are a journalist from the “Times”. You are invited to the scientific conference on the history of the English language. Your task is to write an article about the English-speaking world. During the interval you are interviewing Pr. Smith, an expert in English; Pr. Brown, a scientist in English; Pr. Green a linguist.


3. You are the teacher of the English language. You are discussing an English-speaking world at the lesson. Convince your students it’s good to study English.


Образец полилога по ситуации №1:

Natasha:  Well, Lena and Sasha, have you made up your mind what language to study?

Lena and Sasha:  Not yet.

Sveta:  We think you should choose English.

Lena:  Why? In my opinion it doesn’t matter what language to study.

Sasha:  I think any language belongs to us. We live in and by language.

Lena:  Besides we all speak and we all listen.

Natasha:  Do you know there are 2700 languages in the world. But English is the language of the planet.

Sveta:  I’d like to add it is the first truly global… language in the world.

Sasha:  Hm…How many people in the world use English?

Natasha:  750 million people if I’m not mistaken.

Sveta:  Do you know that half of them speak English as the mother tongue?

Lena:  By the way what was the rise of the English language?

Natasha:  Well the rise of the English language is a story of wonderful success. As I know from my English lessons in the 5thcentury English was spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain.

Sveta:  But their English was not the language we know today.

Sasha:  Well what happened then it’s interesting to know.

Natasha:  At the end of the 16thcentury English was the native language of about 6 million people.

Sveta:  Nowadays English is more widely spoken and written than any other language in the world.

Lena:  How can you prove it?

Natasha:  Easily. Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English.

Sveta:  More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals are in the English.

Natasha:  80% of the information in the world‘s computers is also in English.

Sasha:  What is about business and sport?

Sveta:  It’s also the main language of business and sport.

Lena:  Sasha, I think we should choose English.

Sasha:  Well, girls, you’ve convinced us to study English.

6)    Подведение итогов. Вывод. Отметки.

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Краткое описание документа:

Статья содержит описание практического применения различных видов педагогической технологии "обучение в сотрудничестве" на уроках английского языка.


Модель процесса развития языковых навыков у учащихся при работе с текстом с применением технологии «обучения в сотрудничестве» представлена в виде таблицы, в которой прописаны все пять этапов формирования языковых навыков у учащихся, выделена деятельность учащихся, деятельность учителя, результат, оценочная деятельность и используемый вид обучения в сотрудничестве.


Статья также содержит подробное изложение системы моей работы по формированию у учащихся навыков чтения с извлечением основной информации, совершенствованию навыков чтения, обучению письму, монологической, диалогической и полилогической речи используя технологию обучении в сотрудничестве.


Статья дополнена практическим приложением с разработкой конспектов уроков, включающих в себя дифференцированные по сложности задания.

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