Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыРоль cловарей в изучении английского языка

Роль cловарей в изучении английского языка

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Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 3 города Бирска

 муниципального района Бирский район республика Башкортостан






                             Разработка мероприятия,

 проведенного в 9 классе

                             на тему ’Роль словарей 

                           в изучении английского языка’








                                                                         Выполнила: Нигматуллина Р. С.

                                                                                                              учитель английского

                                                                                                              языка МБОУ СОШ №3                           












Бирск – 2016





  • развитие словарной культуры учащихся;

·         формирование стойкой мотивации к изучаемому иностранному языку;

·         воспитание чувства коллективизма при групповой форме работы;

  • понимание важности изучения иностранного языка как средства получения знаний в разных сферах человеческой деятельности;
  • повышение уровня читательской компетентности учащихся как основы формирования их ключевых компетенций;


·         расширение кругозора учащихся и повышение их интеллектуального уровня за счет новой  информации о словарях


·         развитие внимания и восприятия, зрительной и слуховой памяти, мышления, воображения.



  • познакомить учащихся с историей создания словарей стран изучаемых языков и самыми известными издательскими домами;
  • научить получать необходимую информацию, систематизировать ее, переводить и сопоставлять с уже полученными знаниями;
  • подчеркнуть важность двуязычных словарей и представить главные словари и энциклопедии народов стран изучаемого языка;
  • совершенствовать умения работы с англо- русским, русско-английским словарями.
  • познакомить учащихся с англо-английским  словарем.


Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, словари известных издательств, типов и размеров, презентации.





Ход мероприятия

1. Вступительное слово

1 What holiday is it today?

2 And why  do we celebrate Dictionary Day on November, 22? (Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born in 1801)

3 What do you know about V.I. Dal? (Russian scientist, writer and lexicographer, compiler of the "Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language"). (slides 3-4)


Timur: 215 ago Vladimir Ivanovich Dal – Creator of the largest explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. In a multi-volume edition contains about 200 thousand words and 30 thousand sayings, proverbs, riddles. His first recording for the future of the dictionary Dahl did when he was 18 years old. However, the main cause of his life began only after he retired, at 58 years old. Moreover, he served as a naval officer, a surgeon. As a doctor, by the way, was famous for operations to remove eye cataracts.


Oksana: V.I. Dal was born on November the 22nd, the author of the Dictionary of Russian language. Dahl was a very versatile person.Taking medicine and literature, he had to serve in his youth in the Navy, to receive a medical degree, participated in the war against the Poles.Among his hobbies was ethnography, he is constantly gathering information and decided to try the forces in the literature.The first book - Russian fairy tale, was banned for publishing.Dahl became published under different pseudonyms."Explanatory Dictionary of Russian language" with his proverbs of the Russian people to this day are considered to be the golden fund of Russian literature.


II Основная часть.



1 Are there any dictionary days in the English-speaking countries? (slides 5-7)

Dictionary Day is not celebrated in the UK. In the USA Dictionary Day is on October 16. The unofficial holiday celebrates the birth anniversary of American lexicographer, Noah Webster. Born on October 16, 1758, Webster is best known for publishing An American Dictionary of the English Language, the precursor of the now famous and widely used Merriam-Webster Dictionary.


2 Where and when did the first dictionary appear?  (slides 8-10)

(Dictionaries were created at different times, but the first dictionaries were created in the 19th century).


3 Why do you use a dictionary?

A) to translate a word from one language into another

B) to understand the meaning of the word

B) to know the history of the origin of the word

D) to learn how you can paraphrase the word or sentence

D) to learn how to correctly pronounce the word

E) learn the word with the opposite meaning


4  What dictionaries do you use while translating the texts?


5  Which of them are the most well- known? (slides 11-13)


6  What famous publishing houses are there in  England and in the USA? (slide 14)


7  What types of dictionaries do you know? (slide15)

Let us Consider certain kinds of dictionaries:

Spelling. They give information about the normative spelling of words and their grammatical forms; the

Pronouncing. They provide a list of words of the literary language with the designation of normative stress, indicating the pronunciation;

Dictionaries accents. They serve a normative stress;

a Sensible. They explain and illustrate the use of words of modern English or other language. The research object in such dictionaries is the word and its grammatical meaning;

Encyclopedic. They submit detailed information on the individual events, subjects, countries peoples, natural phenomena, etc. the Object of consideration in such dictionaries is not a word, but a phenomenon, an object, etc.;

Synonymous. They lead the ranks of synonymous words and phrases explaining their meaning;

A dictionary of foreign words. They characterize the words borrowed into the Ukrainian language from other languages;

Etymological. They give information about the origin of words, their initial value, the oldest form of the word; the

Phraseological dictionaries. They serve a steady momentum, which is given stylistic feature, and the interpretation;

Dictionaries of paronyms. They explain paronomasia couples, discerning their meaning;

Antonymy. They explain the use of words opposite in meaning;

Comprehensive dictionaries. They contain elements of several types of dictionaries (explanatory-transferable, transferable and synonymous, etymologi-phraseological, idiomatic-transferable).


8  Today we spoke about dictionaries so much. How can you interpret their meaning? (slides 16)

    A dictionary is a reference book that lists words in a language and provides the meaning, origin and pronunciation of each listed word. The book also informs users on how to use a word in different circumstances.


9 Do you use online dictionaries? Please name them.(slide 17)


10  You see abbreviations (abbreviations) of the articles from the dictionary. Do you know their meaning?

English-Russian dictionary - n, adj, adv, c / u, pl / sing (slide 18)


11 There are two articles from the dictionary. What information can you find here? (slide 19)


12. And finally interesting information for you. (slide 20)

Semasiological, of сourse

Dictionaries are semasiological. Semasiology is the branch of linguistics that deals with the definition of words and phrases in a language. This is different from onomasiology, which deals with what things and concepts are called. A thesuarus is an onomasiological reference book because it provides users the different terms that can be used to express a specific idea.

How to learn?

Pick up a dictionary and try to learn the meanings of at least 5 new words.

Learn more about the history and science behind publishing dictionaries.

Did You Know that...

Longest English word with letters arranged in alphabetical order

- Aegilops, at eight letters long, is the longest word whose letters are arranged in alphabetical order. Seven letter words with this property include beefily and billowy. Six letter words include abhors, accent, access, almost, biopsy, bijoux, billow, chintz, effort, and ghosty. Aegilops - 1) a genus of goatgrass 2) stye (ячмень на глазу) in inner corner of eye

- pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the Merriam-Webster dictionary?

At 45 letters, the word refers to a lung disease. (slide 21)


III Заключительная часть.

What have you learnt today? What did you like?

T: A dictionary is a very handy tool to have in the class. You can look up the meaning of the words you find difficult and  then use them in your writing. It helps you improve English and also leads to an interest in the language. Pronunciation can also be corrected with the use of dictionaries. Thanks you for your work.








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