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Сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для студентов специальности Право и организация социального обеспечения

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Сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

для студентов группы 213-ПС/18 Право и организация социального обеспечения





Преподаватель: Петрова Анастасия Константиновна













Пояснительная записка. 3

Практикум №1. The Judicial System of Russia. 4

Практикум2. The Judicial System of the UK.. 7

Практикум3. The Judicial System of the USA.. 10

Практикум4. The International Court of Justice. 12




Пояснительная записка

Данный сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» предназначен для студентов группы 213-ПС/18 Право и организация социального обеспечения с целью знакомства с новыми темами и их закрепления с использованием электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных технологий.

Каждый практикум содержит практические задания с инструкцией.


Практикум №1. The Judicial System of Russia

Exercise 1. Read and write down new words.

"arbitrazh" court

арбитражный суд



military tribunal

военный трибунал

to fulfill


constitutional review

конституционный контроль

to interpret


justice of the peace

мировой суд

to verify


civil court

гражданский суд

to appeal


under the jurisdiction


to implement


property dispute

имущественный спор

to recognize


commercial dispute

коммерческий спор

to settle


individual entrepreneur

индивидуальный предприниматель

to consider


to invalidate

признать недействительным



state authority

государственный орган

to infringe


criminal case

уголовное дело

to violate


inheritance issue

вопрос наследования



consumer protection

защита прав потребителей

to arise


Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

The judicial system of the Russian Federation is made up of several types of courts: the Constitutional Court, civil courts, "arbitrazh" courts, justices of the peace, and military tribunals.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is the first judicial body of constitutional review in the history of Russia. It stands apart from the other courts and does not fulfill the same functions as other courts. It reviews cases that concern the constitutionality of laws, interprets the Russian Constitution, and verifies the legality of presidential impeachment proceedings. The verdicts are final and may not be appealed.  In its work, the Constitutional Court relies on the Russian Constitution and international law. This allows for opportunity to implement the democratic procedures and standards recognized by the European and world community.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the supreme judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative, and other cases under the jurisdiction of civil courts. For certain category of cases it acts as a court of first instance.

Arbitrazh courts are specialized courts for settling property and commercial disputes between companies and individual entrepreneurs. These courts also consider claims of companies to invalidate acts of state authorities that infringe their rights and violate their lawful interests. These include tax, land and other disputes arising from administrative, financial and other legal relations.

The jurisdiction of civil courts include, among others: all criminal cases; appeals of administrative and other state actions that do not fall within the jurisdiction of other courts; labor disputes; family, inheritance issues, consumer protection, and others.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the new words from the text.

1.        The Constitutional Court is the first judicial body of ___ ___ un the Russian history.

2.        The verdicts of the Constitutional Court are final and may not be ___.

3.        ___ ___ are specialized courts for settling ___ and ___ between companies and individual ___.

4.        The jurisdiction of ___ ___ include: all ___ ___; appeals of administrative and other state actions; labor disputes; family, ___ ___; ___ ___ and others.

Exercise 4. Continue the sentences from the text.

1.        The judicial system of Russia is made up of several types of courts: …

2.        The Constitutional Court reviews cases that concern …

3.        The Constitutional Court has the opportunity to …

4.        The Supreme Court is the supreme judicial body for …

5.        Arbitrazh courts also consider claims of companies to …

Exercise 5. True or False.

1.        The judicial system of the Russian Federation is made up of five main types of courts.

2.        The Constitutional Court fulfills the same function as other courts.

3.        The Constitutional Court verifies the legality of presidential impeachment proceedings.

4.        The verdicts of the Constitutional Court may be appealed.

5.        The Constitutional Court relies on international law.

6.        The Supreme Court acts as a court of first instance for certain category of cases.

7.        Arbitrazh courts consider claims on land disputes.

8.        Arbitrazh courts settle labor disputes.

9.        Civil courts invalidate acts of state authorities.

10.   Civil courts consider claims of consumer protection.


Практикум №2. The Judicial System of the UK

Exercise 1. Read and write down new words.

statute law

статутное право



industrial tribunal

промышленный трибунал

magistrates' court

мировой суд

industrial injury

производственный травматизм

Crown court

королевский суд

Justice of the Peace

мировой судья

to impose


the High Court

Высший суд



the Family Division

Отделение по делам семьи

to preside


the Chancery Division

Канцелярский суд



the Queen's Bench Division

Суд королевской скамьи

to be at stake

поставлен на карту

the Court of Appeal

Апелляционный суд

Civil Division

Отделение по гражданским делам

Criminal Division

Отделение по криминальным делам

Exercise 2. Write down the words in bold from the text and find the Russian equivalents to them.

Exercise 3. Translate the text into Russian.

The structure of the court system in Britain is many-layered and almost incomprehensible. It is founded upon two basic elements: Acts of Parliament or statute law, and common law which is the outcome of past decisions and practices based upon custom and reason.

The courts of Britain are divided into two large groups: criminal courts and civil courts. Besides, there are many special tribunals, for example, industrial tribunals dealing with labour disputes and industrial injury compensation.

CRIMINAL COURTS are magistrates' courts and Crown courts. Magistrates' courts are courts of first instance. They deal with about 95 percent of criminal cases. They are served by unpaid Justices of the Peace (JPs), who have been dealing with minor crimes. JPs are ordinary citizens chosen from the community. They may not impose a sentence of more than twelve months imprisonment or a fine of more than 5,000 pounds, and may refer cases requiring a heavier penalty to the Crown court. A Crown court is presided over by a judge, but the verdict is reached by a jury of twelve citizens, randomly selected from the local electoral rolls. Crown courts try serious cases such as murder, rape, armed robbery, fraud and so on. A person convicted in a magistrates' court may appeal against its decision to the Crown court.

CIVIL COURTS include county courts as courts of first instance and the High Court. Briefly, the High Court has: the Chancery Division, dealing with company law, bankruptcy; the Family Division, concerned with family law, divorce, etc.; and the Queen's Bench Division, considering appeals from lower criminal courts, as well as civil matters.

Appeals against decisions of the High Court and the Crown court may be taken to the Court of Appeal with its Criminal and Civil Divisions.

The highest court of the country is the House of Lords, which will consider a case referred from the Court of Appeal where a point of general public importance seems to be at stake. Their decisions on both criminal and civil matters bind all other courts.

Exercise 4. True or False.

1.                 The courts of Britain are divided into three large groups.

2.                 Industrial tribunals deal with labour disputes and industrial injury compensation.

3.                 Magistrates' courts are courts of first instance.

4.                 Lords serve in Magistrates' courts.

5.                 JPs may impose a fine of more than 5,000 pounds.

6.                 JPs deal with cases requiring a heavier penalty.

7.                 A Crown court is presided over by a judge.

8.                 A jury is a body of twelve people, randomly selected from the local electoral rolls.

9.                 A judge may impose the verdict in the Crown court.

10.            A jury works in the Crown court.

11.            Crown court may not impose a sentence of more than twelve months imprisonment.

12.            A person convicted in a Magistrates' court may appeal against its decision to the Crown court.

13.            The High Court has three divisions.

14.            The Family Division is concerned with family law.

15.            The Queen's Bench Division deals with appeals from the House of Lords.

16.            The Court of Appeal consists of Criminal and Civil Divisions.

17.            Appeals against decisions of the High Court may be taken to the Crown court.

18.            The House of Lords consider a case where a point of general public importance seems to be at stake.

Exercise 5. Continue the sentences.

1.                 The structure of the court system in Britain…

2.                 Magistrates' courts are served by…

3.                 JPs may not impose a sentence…

4.                 Crown courts try serious cases…

5.                 The Chancery Division deals with...

Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

1.                 What elements are the court system in Britain founded upon?

2.                 What types of courts are criminal courts?

3.                 What types of courts are civil courts?

4.                 What is the highest court of Great Britain?

5.                 Are the judicial system of Russia and the judicial system of Great Britain similar?

Практикум №3. The Judicial System of the USA

Exercise 1. Write down the words in bold from the text and find the Russian equivalents to them.

Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

The federal courts are consisted of three levels of courts.

The Supreme Court of the United States is the court of last resort. It is an appellate court that operates under discretionary review, which means that the Court can choose which cases to hear. In a few situations (like lawsuits between state governments or some cases between the federal government and a state), it sits as a court of original jurisdiction.

The United States courts of Appeals are the intermediate federal appellate courts. They operate under a system of mandatory review which means they must hear all appeals of right from the lower courts.

The United States district courts are general federal trial courts, although in many cases Congress has diverted original jurisdiction to specialized courts, such as the Court of International Trade, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the Terrorist Removal Court, or to Article I or Article IV tribunals. The district courts usually have jurisdiction to hear appeals from such tribunals.

Federal judges are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate to serve until they resign, are impeached and convicted, retire, or die.

There are a number of courts with appellate jurisdiction over specific subject matter including the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, as well as courts with appellate jurisdiction over specific geographic areas such as the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. The courts with original jurisdiction over specific subject matter include the bankruptcy courts (for each district court), the immigration courts, the Court of Federal Claims, and the Tax Court.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with new words.

1. The Supreme Court of the United States is the ___ of ___ ___.

2. The Supreme Court is an ___ court that operates under ___ review.

3. The courts of Appeals must hear all appeals of right from the ___ ___.

4. Congress has diverted original jurisdiction to specialized courts, such as the Court of International Trade, the ___ ___ ___ Court, the ___ ___ Court, or to Article I or Article IV tribunals.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences.

1. Discretionary review means that ...

2. Federal judges are appointed by …

3. The United States courts of Appeals are ...

4. Courts with appellate jurisdiction over specific subject matter are ...

5. The courts with original jurisdiction over specific subject matter include ...

Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

1. How many levels are the federal courts consisted of?

2. What situations does the Supreme Court sit in as a court of original jurisdiction?

3. What system do courts of Appeals operate under?

4. What are the United States district courts?

5. Are there courts with appellate jurisdiction in every state?


Практикум №4. The International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice

Exercise 1. Read and write down new words.



the United Nations

Организация Объединённых Наций



the General Assembly

Генеральная Ассамблея

the Security Council

Совет Безопасности



to disseminate




to investigate




the Executive Committee

Исполнительный комитет

the General Secretariat

Генеральный секретариат

the National Central Bureau

Национальное центральное бюро



burglary assault

кража со взломом



missing person

пропавший без вести

drug traffic

торговля наркотиками

bank fraud

банковское мошенничество



morals offense

нарушение морали

Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

The International Court of Justice, whose seat is at the Hague, the Netherlands, is the principal juridical organ of the United Nations. Its Statute is a part of the United Nations Charter. It is open to all Members of the United Nations. The jurisdiction of the Court covers all questions, which sta­tes refer to it. The Court consists of 15 Judges selected by the General Assembly and the Security Council.


Interpol is an international corporation founded in 1923 as a service organization for coordinating actions against international criminals. Interpol members are police and not govern­mental representatives. It does not have powers of arrest or investigate. Its function is to disseminate information. Among the first to fight international terrorism and sky-jackings, Interpol still leads the war on narcotics, assists some countries in the continuing search for Nazi war criminals.

Interpol is divided into four main bodies — the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat and the National Central Bureau.

The General Assembly is composed of the delegates from each member country. It controls the policy of the organization.

The Executive Committee is a nine-member board made-up of the president, two vice-presidents, and six delegates chosen by the General Assembly.

The General Secretariat, the permanent body, contains the permanent departments which specialize in certain crimes: one handles murder, burglary assault, larceny, and missing persons; another deals with bank frauds; a third - with drug traffic and morals offenses; and a fourth deals with forgery and counterfeiting.

The National Central Bureaus are the Interpol offices in various countries. Each NCB communicate directly with other bureaus and exchange information.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with new words.

1. The International Court of Justice has its ___ at the Hague, the Netherlands.

2. Its ___ is a part of the United Nations ___.

3. Interpol’s function is to ___ information.

4. Interpol is the first to fight international terrorism and ___.

5. Interpol is divided into four main bodies — the ___ ___, the ___ ___, the ___ ___ and the ___ ___ ___.

Exercise 4. Continue the sentences.

1. The International Court of Justice is the...

2. The jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice covers...

3. The International Court of Justice consists of...

4. Interpol is a service organization for...

5. Interpol assists some countries in...

Exercise 5. Match the bodies of Interpol with the sentences about each of them.

1. The General Assembly

A. It is a nine-member board.

B. It controls the policy of Interpol.

2. The Executive Committee

C. It is a permanent body.

D. They can exchange information with other bureaus.

3. The General Secretariat

E. It contains four permanent departments which specialize in certain crimes.

F. They are the Interpol offices in different countries.

4. The National Central Bureaus

G. It is composed of the delegates from each member country.

H. There is the president, two vice-presidents, and six delegates chosen by the General Assembly.

Write down the letters of the right variants into the sections.

1. The GA

2. The EC

3. The GS

4. The NCBs










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