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Сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» для студентов специальности Поварское и кондитерское дело

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Сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности»

для студентов группы 215-ПВ/18 Поварское и кондитерское дело







Преподаватель: Петрова Анастасия Константиновна












Пояснительная записка. 3

Практикум №1. Types of Subordinate Clauses. 4

Модуль проверки знаний №1. 8

Практикум №2. Russian Famous Chef. Vladimir Mukhin. 10

Практикум №3. Conditional Clauses. 12

Модуль проверки знаний №2. 16





Пояснительная записка

Данный сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» предназначен для студентов группы 215-ПВ/18 Поварское и кондитерское дело (I подгруппа) с целью знакомства с новыми темами, их закрепления и контроля полученных знаний с использованием электронного обучения, и дистанционных образовательных технологий.

Каждый практикум содержит практические или контрольные задания с инструкцией.


Практикум №1. Types of Subordinate Clauses

Типы придаточных предложений

Типы придаточных предложений





любые; в начале предложения; нет запятых


What Joe is thinking of this situation is not interesting to anyone.

Что Джо думает об этой ситуации никому не интересно.



о чём?

The question is whether he has got the letter.

Вопрос заключается в том, получил ли он письмо.


любые; в середине предложения


Do you know what they are talking about?

Знаешь ли ты, о чём они разговаривают?







The man who lives in this flat is a doctor.

Мужчина, который живёт в этой квартире, врач.

Обстоятельство времени








Parker will come after you call him.

Паркер придёт после того, как ты ему позвонишь.

Обстоятельство места




You must be careful wherever you go.

Ты должен быть осторожен, куда бы ты ни пошёл.

Обстоятельство причины



I was late because I did not want to come.

Я опоздал, потому что не хотел приходить.

Обстоятельство образа действия


as if


He can run as fast as a cheetah.

Он умеет бегать так же быстро, как гепард.

Обстоятельство цели


so that



Let us speak quietly so that nobody can hear us.

 Давайте говорить тихо, чтобы никто не смог нас услышать.

Обстоятельство условия


при каком условии?

If the weather was nice, we would walk in the park.

Если бы погода была хорошей, мы пошли гулять в парк.


Существует два способа определения типа придаточного предложения.

Способ 1. Найти союз в предложении.

We will not go out until the rain stops. Союз until употребляется только в одном типе придаточного – обстоятельство времени.  Способ 1 работает только тогда, когда конкретный союз употребляется только в одном типе придаточного. Если один и тот же союз присутствует в разных типах, следует действовать по способу 2.

Способ 2. Перевести предложение на русский язык. Определить главную и придаточную части (придаточная не может существовать без главной; придаточная начинается с союза). Поставить вопрос от главной части к придаточной, и по этому вопросу определить тип.

I know where you have been. Я знаю, (что?) где Вы были. Поскольку от главной к придаточной части мы задали вопрос что?, и союз в предложении стоит в середине, следует, что тип придаточного – дополнительное.

Exercise 1. Напишите предложение, подчеркните союз, переведите предложение, если необходимо, и определите тип придаточного предложения.

1.        They are confident that they will win.

2.        The problem was whether he can’t remember his own name.

3.        After John caught the fish, Kelly caught one also.

4.        Whether the judge will hear the case today is uncertain.

5.        The prince and his knights rode into the valley because the dragon had burned the village.

6.        If Louise goes to the store, she will be late for the movie.

7.        Because I can’t wait for the bus, I will walk to school.

8.        I like to eat lunch outside when the sun is shining.

9.        Не told us that he felt ill.

10.   The ball bounced into the hole where Casey and Robert could not reach it.

11. The question is whether they will be able to help us.

12. Since his car broke down, Mr. Evans rides the bus to work.

13. In Paris, the French boy played on the bridge until his mother called him home.

14. Because the family slept, the mouse ran through the kitchen and ate the bread.

15. On his birthday Adam received a football, which he traded for a baseball bat.

16. No one knows who the stranger was.

17. Не went to the lecture early so that he got a good seat.

18. If you still have another idea, we will play Will’s game this afternoon.

19. When my father arrives, he will give the directions.

20. What he says is not true.

21. Before the food gets cold, go sit at the table.

22. I will not buy anything because I don’t have money.

23. Until the sun sets, sit by the lake.

24. I have found the book that I was looking for.

25. That he would be appointed the Manager is certain.

26. We asked the District Collector whether he would like to be the chief guest.

27. Nobody knows what happened to him.

28. The teacher gave him the textbook so that he might learn his lesson.

29. Mike can sing as good as Frank Sinatra. 

30. He works hard so that he can afford to buy a house of his dreams.


Модуль проверки знаний №1

 Напишите предложения, подчеркните союзы и определите типы придаточных предложений.

1.        After Bob came home from school, he had dinner.

2.        Eva had to talk louder, so that everyone could hear her.

3.        The old woman always left some milk for the cat, who lived near her house.

4.        What she told me yesterday turned out to be the truth.

5.        The question is whether he knows about her job or not.

6.        I do not understand what I must do now.

7.        The house where we had lived a year ago was burnt.

8.        He can’t go to the party because he is ill.

9.        When summer comes, we’ll go to the countryside.

10.   The woman who helped us was a doctor.

11.   The dog sleeps wherever he wants.

12.   Do you know where he plays football?

13.   She was still crying when he entered the room.

14.   They must drive carefully so that they couldn't get into a car accident.

15.   If you find the book I want, I will be happy.

16.   She is looking at her mother as if she doesn’t recognize her.

17.   He reads as quickly as he can.

18.   What he said at the Court is very important.

19.   I know the girl who has won the first prize.

20.   I called you because I needed money.

21.   Do you know why he was late?

22.   I haven’t seen her since she left school.

23.   Не looked at me as if he saw me for the first time.

24.   She went to England to learn English.

25.   If he cleans his shoes, it means he will have a date.

26.   Whether we played there or not means nothing now.

27.   The question is whether the weather is sunny.

28.   I wonder why penguins don’t fly.

29.   It is the same person whom we saw last month.

30.   Wherever you go, you should be careful.

31.   I know that Mr. Johnson have lied to me.

32.   If it was sunny, we would go for a walk.

33.   The question is whether our partners will pay for it.

34.   If you have learnt all the rules, you would have written the test on excellent mark.

35.   What Joe is thinking of this situation is not interesting to anyone.

36.   Mary should put my glasses there where she has taken them from.


Практикум №2. Russian Famous Chef. Vladimir Mukhin.

Exercise 1. Write down the words in bold from the text and find the Russian equivalents of them.

Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

Vladimir Mukhin born March 15, 1983. The boy grew up in a family of hereditary culinary specialists and, continuing the dynasty, became a fifth-generation cook. Vladimir Mukhin started his career at the age of 12 in the kitchen of the restaurant where his father worked.

After school, Vladimir Mukhin went to Moscow to study catering technology. In 2000, during his studies, he joined the restaurant "Red square, house 1" to the famous chef Alexander Filin, who was the President of the National Guild of Chefs. In 2003, they opened a cafe "Buloshnaya". By 2004, he already had internships in restaurants "Belgrade", "Kitay-Gorod", "Nostalgi", "Cafe Pushkin".

Russian chef Mukhin became the first Russian chef in the history of modern Russian cuisine to tour to France. There in 2009, together with chef Christian Etienne, he held a gala dinner "Russian Christmas". He completed an internship at the restaurants in France, Spain and Japan.

In 2012, he became the chef of the Moscow restaurant "White Rabbit».

In 2014, he headed the kitchen of the restaurant "Red Fox", which became the gastronomic opening of the Olympic season.

In 2013, Vladimir Mukhin received the right to represent Russia at the international competition of young chefs S. Pellegrino Cooking Cup and took second place.

Mukhin opens new restaurants, organizes gastronomic events, tours and considers his mission to popularize Russian cuisine in the world. He travels around the country a lot, collecting unique regional products - birch bast, elk milk, etc.

In 2018, Vladimir Mukhin appeared on television. The chef, along with a number of colleagues, went on a gastronomic trip, which was highlighted by the new culinary television show "Tablecloth Road." The task of the chefs was to make a complete set of traditional dishes created from authentic ingredients.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the word from the text.

1. Vladimir Mukhin is from a family of ___ ___ ___.

2. Mukhin studied ___ ___ in Moscow.

3. By 2004, he already had ___ in some famous restaurants in Moscow.

4. In 2014, he ___ the kitchen of the restaurant "Red Fox" during the Olympic season.

5. Mukhin collects unique regional products - ___ ___, ___ ___, etc.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1. When and where did Mukhin start his career as a cook?

2. What restaurant did Mukhin join in 2000 while he was studying in Moscow?

3. Who did Mukhin open a cafe "Buloshnaya" with?

4. What happened with Mukhin in 2009?

5. What countries did Mukhin complete internship in?

6.  What international competition did Mukhin take part in in 2013?

7. What TV-show did Mukhin appear in? What was the task of the chefs?


Практикум №3. Conditional Clauses

Условные предложения

Условные предложения (conditional clauses) используются, когда имеется в виду то, что может произойти, могло бы произойти, и наши непосредственные желания. В англоязычном придаточном предложении условия встречается союз if. Однако, во многих условных отрицательных предложениях используется эквивалентная конструкция unless, которая уже несет в себе оттенок отрицания.

Эти сложноподчиненные предложения состоят из придаточного условия, которое начинается с союза if (if-clause) и главного предложения (main clause).

Существует 3 основных типа условных предложений.

First Conditional. Первый тип условных предложений.

Условие первого типа обозначает реальное действие в будущем времени, и подразумевает возможное условие и вероятный результат. Такие предложения основаны на фактах и используются для передачи информации о реальном мире и конкретных ситуациях.

В условном предложении первого типа в if-clause используется Present Simple, в то время как в main clause — Future Simple.

[If + Present Simple], + [Future Simple]

- will not VI

E.g. I (come) if I (finish) my work early.  - I will come if I finish my work early. Я приду, если я закончу работу раньше.

If you (be) late again, I (have) to fire you. - If you are late again, I will have to fire you. Если Вы опоздаете снова, я буду вынужден уволить Вас.

Second Conditional. Второй тип условных предложений.

Условие второго типа обозначает нереальное действие в настоящем времени. Когда мы хотим передать маловероятную или гипотетическую идею и возможный результат, то как раз и используем условие второго типа. Время относится к настоящему, но ситуация всегда гипотетическая.

В условном предложении второго типа в придаточном предложении условия используется Past Simple, а в главном предложении употребляется глагол «would» и глагол без частицы «to».

[If + Past Simple], + [Would + V]

E.g. If I (sleep) more, I (not be) so exhausted. - If I slept more, I would not be so exhausted. Если бы я спал больше, я не был бы изнурённым.

I (walk) in the forest every day if I (live) in the countryside. - I would walk in the forest every day if I lived in the countryside. Я гулял бы в лесу каждый день, если бы жил за городом.

Third Conditional. Третий тип условных предложений.

Условие третьего типа обозначает нереальное действие в прошедшем времени. Действие, которое уже точно никогда не произойдёт, но если бы были другие условия в прошлом, то, вероятно, оно могло бы произойти.

В условном предложении третьего типа используется Past Perfect в if-clause и глагол would have и глагол в третьей форме.

[If + Past Perfect], + [Would + Have + V3]

E.g. If he (be) more diligent, he (be) promoted long time ago.  - If he had been more diligent, he would have been promoted long time ago. – Если бы он был более ответственный, его бы давно повысили.

You (make) so many mistakes if you (listen) carefully. - You would not have made so many mistakes if you had listened carefully. – Ты бы не допустил так много ошибок, если бы ты внимательно слушал.

Exercise 1. Use the First Conditional Clause to make the sentences.

E.g. If it (rain), we (stay) at home. – If it rains, we will stay at home.

1.   If he (practice) every day, he (become) a champion.

2.   She (help) us if we (ask).

3.   If they (have) enough money, they (open) a restaurant next year.

4.   I (not talk) to you anymore if you (insult) me.

5.   If Bob (not keep) his word, Anna (be) angry with him.

Exercise 2. Use the Second Conditional Clause to make the sentences.

E.g. If Susan (move) to Tokyo, she (live) near her sister. – If Susan moved to Tokyo, she would live near her sister.

1.   If you (have) a driving license, you (get) this job.

2.   My dog (be) 20 years old today if it (be) alive.

3.   I (go) to the police if I (be) you.

4.   If people (not buy) guns, the world (become) safer.

5.   Tom (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife (cook) at home.

Exercise 3. Use the Third Conditional Clause to make the sentences.

E.g. John (not have) a car accident if he (choose) another road. – John would not have had a car accident if he had chosen another road.

1.   I (visit) Sarah yesterday if I (know) that she was ill.

2.   If you (go) with me to Paris last month, you (see) the Eifel Tower too.

3.   We (not) get wet if you (take) an umbrella.

4.   If Mum (not open) the windows, our room (not be) full of mosquitoes.

5.   Nick (not be) so tired this morning if he (go) to bed early last night.

Exercise 4. Match the beginning of the sentence with its end. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) We would have made a cake         a) if he had not shouted at them.

2) If it rains much                              b) if she loses weight.

3) If I knew English well                       c) if we had bought some eggs yesterday.

4) My kids would not have cried       d) if I were you.

5) I would call him                             e) I would be an interpreter.

6) She will put this dress on                f) the flowers will grow very fast.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in the needed form depending on the type of conditional clause, and write down the sentence.

1. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

2. If you had told me that beforehand, I (find) some money for you.

3. I (take) a taxi if I understood that it was too late.

4. If you (speak) slowly, he would have understood you.

5. If I (try) again, I would succeed.

6. If I were you, I (not buy) such expensive things.

7. If I (be) you, I will look for another job.

8. If it (rain), I will not go out.

9. You would learn more if you (study) sometimes.




Модуль проверки знаний №2

Exercise 1. Make the sentences with real condition.

1. If I (see) John, I (tell) him your news.

2. He (be) very pleased if you (say) the truth.

3. If you (go) to town on Monday, you (meet) my brother Tom.

4. If you (need) help, my father (help) you.

5. If he (write) to her, she (answer) at once.

6. If you (ask) a police officer, he (tell) you the way.

7. I (not take) an umbrella if (not rain). 

Exercise 2. Make the sentences with unreal condition in present.

1. If I (know), I (tell) you.

2. If she (want) to talk, she (ring) up. 

3. If he (have) enough money, he (buy) a large house.

4. She (feel) lonely if Peter (go) away.

5. We (be) pleased to see you if you (arrive). 

6. If we (decide) to come on Sunday, we (send) you a message. 

7. I (understand) Mr. Smith if he (speak) slowly.

Exercise 3. Match the beginning of the sentence with its end.

1. If I had gone to the swimming pool

a. we would have made a snowman.

2. If it had been sunny yesterday

b. you would have noticed the thief.

3. If John had not missed his flight

с she would have had to take a taxi.

4. If it had snowed

d. I would have lost weight.

5. If there had been no buses

e. he would have been here.

6. If you had been more attentive

f. we would have had a picnic.


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