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Сборник тестовых заданий по подготовке к ЕНТ

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Вопросы для подготовки по английскому языку,

к Единому Национальному Тестированию.

1) What’s the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

     a) Big Albert     b) Big Stephen     c) Big Wren   d) Big Ben

2) What’s tartan?

     a) A dish     b)a pattern of the kilt     c) a bird     d) a dance

(Tartan- шотландка, kilt- a skirt with many folds that is worn by men)

3) Where is Glasgow situated?

     a) In Scotland     b) in Wales     c) in England     d) in Northern Ireland

4) What’s the name of the London underground?

     a) Metro     b) Tube     c) Subway     d) Underground

5) What’s the nickname of the liberal party?

     a) The Tories     b) the Whips     c) the Libs     d) the Whigs

 6) What is the symbol of the Speaker’s authority?

     a) The mace     b) the woolsack     c) the ribbon     d) the bell

(Mace-булава, жезл)

7) Who presides over the House of Lords?

    a) Prime Minister     b) Lord Chancellor     c)Lord Protector     d) the Speaker

(To preside- председательствовать)

8) What’s the name of the British flag?

      a) Star-Spangled Banner     b) Stripes and Stars     c) Union Jack     d) John Bull

9) What London street is famous for shops?  

   a) Oxford Street     b)Fleet Street     c) Lombard Street     d) Charring  Cross Road

10) What was J. Constable?

       a) a musician     b) a politician     c) a poet     d) a painter

11) What is the Barbican?

       a) a river     b) an art center    c) a pop group     d) a cinema

12) Where is Ben Nevis situated?

      a) in Scotland     b) in Wales     c) in England     d) in Northern Ireland

13) Who is the head of the state in Britain?

       a) Mayor     b) Prime Minister     c) Queen     d) Speaker

14) What is standing in the middle of Piccadilly?

       a) The Statue of Eros     b) the Statue of Pan      c) the Statue of Cromwell     d) the Marble Arch

15) What is soccer?

     a) American football     b) hockey     c) squash     d) boat- racing

16) What is Humpty Dumpty?

     a) a toy     b) an egg     c) an animal      d)a bird

17) Where is the official residence of the Queen?

     a) Chatham House     b) Regent Palace     c) Westminster Palace   

  d) Buckingham Palace

18) What is Benjamin Britten?

       a) an architect     b) a composer     c) a writer    d) a politician

19) What is the emblem of Wales?

       a) Rose     b) Leek     c) Thistle    d) Shamrock

(Leek-лук-порей, Thistle-чертополох, Shamrock-трилистник)

20) What’s the name of the Queen’s eldest son?

       a) Charles     b) Philip     c) Andrew     d) Edward


21) What is the nickname of the Conservative Party?

     a) The Tories     b) the Whigs     c) the Libs     d) the Whips

22) What monument is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

      a) Cromwell’s statue        b) Nelson’s Column     c) Queen’s statue d) Edward  Elgar’s statue

23) Which animal can look at the Queen?

      a) a dog     b) a cat     c) a lion     d) a tiger

24) What’s the name of Sir Churchill?

       a) Winston     b) George     c) Christopher     d) Benjamin

25) Who presides over the House of Commons?

       a) Lord Mayor     b) Lord Chancellor      c) Prime Minister      d) Speaker

26) For Christmas dinner the English usually have…

        a) Chicken     b) roast beef     c) fish     d) turkey

27) The Whispering Gallery is situated in …

       a) Westminster Abbey     b) St. Paul’s Cathedral      c) Tower       d) Hyde Park

28) What is Eisteddfod?

       a) a county     b) a dish     c) a festival     d) a dance

29) Who wrote “Winnie-the-Pooh”?

       a) L. Carroll     b) O. Wilde      c) J. R. Tolkien      d) A.Milne

30) What is custard?

       a) cream     b) a pudding      c) a pie     d) a tart

(custard-сладкий заварной крем)  

31) What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?

       a) the Lower West  Gate     b) Stonehenge     c) Hadrian’s Wall    

d) the Tower Gate

32) What is M. Thatcher by profession?

       a) an engineer     b) a doctor      c) a chemist     d) a teacher

33) Who is the head of the government in the UK?

       a) Prime Minister     b) Queen     c) Speaker     d) Chancellor

34) Where is the Bank of England situated?

       a) in the West End     b) in the East End      c) in the City     d) in the South

35) What is English marmalade?

       a) apple jam     b) orange jam     c) sweets     d) a cake   

36)The Romans first invaded Britain in …

      a) the 5th  century AD     b) the 5th  century  BC    c) the 1st  century BC

d) the 1st  century AD

(to invade- вторгаться)

37) Guy Fawkes is …

       a) a national hero of Britain      b) a poet     c) a famous historian  

d) the man that wanted to set fire to the House of  Parliament

38) The telephone was invented by…

       a)Isaak  Newton     b) Alexander Bell     c) Michael Faraday     d) James Watt

39) The midday meal in Britain is called …

       a) Breakfast      b) lunch     c) dinner   d) snack

40) Which party was Margaret Thatcher the leader of?

       a) Labor     b) Social – Democratic      c) Liberal    d) Conservative.  

41) The Irish Sea is …

        a) To the west of England     b) to the east of England    c) to the north of England

d) To the south of England

42) The official language of Canada is …

       a) English     b) French     c) English and French     d) English and Spanish

43) The capital of the US is …

        a) New York     b) Washington     c) Boston     d) Philadelphia

44) On the whole the climate  of  Great Britain is …

       a) dry      b) frosty     c) mild     d) tropical

45) Elisabeth II lives in …

       a) No 10, Downing Street     b) the Tower of London    c) Buckingham Palace

d) Westminster Palace

46) The London Royal Opera House is called …

       a) Covent Garden      b) the National Theatre     c)”Old Vic” Theatre

d) The Barbican

47) The traditional English drink is …

       a) Coffee     b) tea    c) cocoa    d) milk

48) The symbol of the US is…

       a) Union Jack   b) Uncle Sam    c) Big Ben   d) Pall Mall

49) The Colorado is …

       a) in Africa    b) in North America   c) in South America   d) in Brazil

50) New England is …

       a) a separate country     b) part of Great Britain    c) part of the US   d) an island

51) The capital of Canada is …

        a) Ottawa     b) Quebec      c) Toronto     d) Melbourne

52) The British money is …

        a) franks    b) dollars    c) crones    d) pounds

53) Robin Hood is …

 a) a national hero of England    b) a British spy    

c) a popular character  of novels and tales     d) a famous writer

54) Margaret Thatcher was …

      a) Queen of Britain     b) British Prime Minister    c) leader of the Labor party

d) a film star

55) In the United States “down town” means…

      a) away from the center   b) in the centre      c) in a suburb    d) a  small town

56) The Quakers are …

a) a religious movement    b) a pop group     c) the title of a book     d) the title of a film

57) What great historical event happened in 1066?

       a)  the Roman invasion    b) a bourgeois revolution    c) the battle of Hastings

d) the Danish invasion

58) The printing press was invented by …

        a) Oliver Cromwell     b) William Caxton   c) William the Conqueror

d) Alexander Bell

59) Secondary education in Britain is …

       a) Compulsive   b) compulsory     c) optional     d) voluntary

60) The size of the house in Britain is determined by the number of …

       a) Sittings rooms     b) kitchens     c) bedrooms       d) floors

61) The capital of Australia is …

        a) Melbourne     b) Sidney        c) Canberra                d) Ottawa

62) Cockney is…

      a) a bird                b) a dish          c) an accent                d) a town

63) Aberdeen is in…

       a) England      b) Scotland                      c) Wales      d) Ireland

64) The safest topic for conversation in England is…

       a) Politics     b) music   c) weather        d) love

65) John Steinbeck is a famous … writer

       a) English            b) American               c) Canadian                d) Australian

66) The US consists of … states

       a) 38       b) 49         c) 50      d) 51

67) High school is …

       a) A college  b) a university     c) a very good school       d) upper grades of secondary school

68) The English colonization of the American continent began in the …

       a) 15th century     b)16th  century    c) 17th  century    d) 18th  century

69) Bill Clinton is the … President of the US

      a) 40th   b) 41st        c) 42nd     d) 43d

70) “Alice in Wonderland” was written by …

      a) Jane Austen      b) Muriel Spark     c) Lewis Carroll    d) Iris Murdock

71) England consists of …

       a) Districts       b) counties       c) states   d) regions 

72) Smog is … a) a man’s suit    b) a heavy rain     c) a thick fog   d) a man’s hat

73) Porridge is made of … a) wheat    b) barley      c) rye       d) oats

(Barley- ячмень, rye- рожь, oats-овёс)

74) A limerick is …

      a) a dish       b) a rhyme      c) a bird                   d) a game

 75) Boston is in…

      a) Florida    b) Mexico   c) Texas     d) Massachusetts

76) Gulf Stream originates in …

a) The Gulf of Mexico    b) the Persian  Gulf    c) the Gibraltar      d) the Panama Canal

77) The Tower of London now is …

       a) a prison    b) a royal  residence  c)  a museum  d) a burial place

78) Englishmen eat dinner at…

        a) 11 a.m.  b) 2 p.m.  C) 6 p.m.     d) 9 p.m.

79) A brunch is…

       a) Breakfast b) late breakfast    c) dinner   d) a tea party

80) What river does London stand on?

       a) The Thames      b) the Severn             c) the Avon   d) the Clyde

81) Under what king did the Knights of the Round Table gather together?

       a) Henry IV    b) Edward II      c) Arthur      d) William the Conqueror

82) What is Britain separated from the Continent by?

a) the English Channel     b) the Persian  Gulf     c) the Suez Canal     d) the Gulf of Mexico

83) Robert Burns  is a … poet .

       a) American     b) English   c) Scottish     d) Welsh

84) R. Kipling wrote …

       a) “Canterbury Tales”     b) “Alice in Wonderland”     c) “ Treasure Island” d) “Maugly”

85) The language spoken in Scotland is …

       a) Scot       b) Scottish      c) Scotch      d) Scotland’s

86) The oldest university in Britain is… a) London      b) Cambridge       c) Oxford        d) Edinburgh

87) The financial centre of London is …

       a) the West End     b) the East End      c) Westminster        d) the City  

88) Which party is in power in Great Britain now?

       a) the Labour   b) the Conservative    c) the Liberal   d) the Social –Democratic

89) The telephone number to call for emergency services in Britain is…

        a) 03        b) 09        c) 911      d) 999

90) A double-decker is…

            a) a train       b) a small plain     c) a hotel  room for two people       d) a bus

91) The common name for a toy bear in England is…

         a) Michael-bear      b) Tom- bear    c) Teddy-bear    d) Jack-bear

92) The “Dynasty” is an American…

       a) opera      b) soap opera     c) musical     d) documentary

93) The Crown Jewels are in …

        a) the Tower of London     b) Buckingham Palace   c) Westminster Palace

d) The British Museum

94) St. Patrick is the patron of …

      a) Wales     b) England     c) Ireland     d) Scotland

95) St. Valentine’s Day is observed in …

        a) February                    b) May            c) November  d) December

96) In England “ public school ” means …

         a) state- financed school                      b) private school        c) comprehensive school

d) religious school

97) When it is 12 o’clock in Moscow in London it is…

        a) 6 o’clock                    b) 7 o’clock                c) 8 o’clock    d) 9 o’clock

98) In Britain people’s weight is measured in …

      a) tons   b) kilos    c) stones and pounds     d) pints

99) Santa Barbara is in…

      A) California     b) Florida            c) Arizona                  d) Texas

100) The first colonists in America started the tradition of…

      a) Independence  Day     b) Halloween      c) Thanksgiving Day 

d) Memorial Day   e) St. Patrick’s Day     

101) what does Britain consists of…

        England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

101) Name two major British political parties…

         Labour, Conservative

102) what does the abbreviation “MP” stand for?   - Member of Parliament

103) What do the Scots celebrate on ‘Hogmanay’?   - New Year’s Eve

104) what is ‘bed and breakfast’?

         a type of accommodation with breakfast in the morning, found in a house or    small hotel

105) When do people do A levels?

         Normally before they leave schools, at 17/18, but adults can also take them

         at evening classes

106) Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s II…

        a) son      b) husband      c) father     d) brother        e) uncle

107) Why did people from England come to America?

a)      they had listened about the New  World

b)      they took part in the War of Independence

c)      they wanted to make a better life for themselves

d)      they did not like America

e)      they wanted to speak English

Лексические тесты

                                                             TEST 1.

  1. Guess the meaning of the classroom expressions.

write a letter-

ask a question-

read the text-

fill in the gaps-

listen to the teacher-

guess the meaning of the words-

match the words-

do the homework-

repeat after me-

use the dictionary-

answer the questions-

look at the blackboard-

find the mistake-

  1. Выберите формы глагола to be:

Can, must, is, should, are, not, am, the.

  1. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

Masha is in the shop, ….?

They are glad, …?

Tom can read,…?

We aren't late, …?

The boy mustn't cry,…?

She isn't fron Russia,…?

I am right, …?

  1. Напишите ответы на вопросы:

You are happy, aren't you?

Kate and William aren't married, are they?

Rosy can sing well, can,t she?

It is rainy in autumn, isn't it?

5.    Дополните разделительные вопросы вспомогательными глаголами do/does, don't/doesn't.

We play computer games together,… we?

Bess writes very interesting fairy tales, … she?

They don't use any dictionaries, they?

My friend goes to the cinema very often, …he?



1.      С помощью таблицы составьте 6 повелительных предложений, предложения переведите.






write me a letter


buy a new toy for our baby


stop here


eat  a lot of fruit and vegetables


celebrate your birthday


watch this film


2.      Найдите ошибки в предложениях, исправьте их.

1)      Let I guess the title of the book.

2)      Let you  to read the text yourself.

3)      Let he know this secret.

4)      Let they help us.

5)      Let she phone her brother.

3.      Переведите на русский  язык:

1)      light

2)      sleepover

3)      collection

4)      dinosaurs-

5)      plant-

6)      excursion-

7)      creepy-

4.      Переведите на английский язык:

1)      документы

2)      информация

3)      демонстрация

4)      ситуация

5)      профессор

6)      музей

7)      ночевка

5.      Соедините словосочетания словом «because», получившиеся предложения переведите:

 I cannot open the door; he doesn't know this song; he likes sport; the film is boring, he can't sing; I haven't got the keys; children want to sleep, he is fun of football.




  1. Составьте диалог, используя слова и выражения:

Turn left, turn right, on the corner, go past, go down the street, go up the street, between, on the left side, on the right side, where is…?, how can I find…?, can you tell me…?, I can't find…, How can I get to…?, place, square, bus stop.


  1. Переведите на английский язык:


послезавтра                        через день

через четыре дня               через неделю

через три недели               через месяц

через 6 месяцев                 через год

через два года                    в будущем

на следующий день

на следующей неделе

в следующем месяце

в следующем году


  1. Измените предложения, сократив слово will, где это возможно

 (например I will- I'll), предложения переведите.

1)      He will find his dictionary.

2)      Tim and Jerry will be ral friends.

3)      Tomorrow it will be cold and snowy.

4)      Next week she will have a concert.

5)      I will predict your future.


  1. Закончите вопросы к предложению  «The doctor will work in a new hospital next year»

1)      Will ……………?

2)      Who …………?

3)      Where ………?

4)      In what hospital………..?

5)      When …………….?


  1. Перечислите предметы, которые вы возьмете с собой

1)      в поход

2)      в школу

3)      в путешествие

Итоговая контрольная работа  по английскому языку в 11 классе

Variant 1.

Task1.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1.”What you (do)?”- I (read). I (read) for already two hours. I already (read) 100 pages.

2.”You ever(be) to the new stadium?”- “Yes, I(be) there last Saturday.”

3. If he (ring) me up tomorrow, I (tell) him all about it.

4. At last the reply from my grandmother came, and my mother (tell) me she (come) soon.

5. He (help) his mother every day?- Yes, he … .


Task 2.Choose the correct modal verb.

1. … you help me with this task?                             A) could      B) must      C) may

2. I’m sorry I’m late.   … I come in?                         A) must       B) should    C) may

3. It’s raining. You … take an umbrella.                  A) can’t       B) don’t have to   C) should

4. I’m afraid I … come to the party on Monday.   A) can          B) can’t        C) may  

5. “ … I smoke here?”- “ No, you mustn’t.”       A) must    B) may  C) should


Task 3.Read the text and put the words in the correct form.

         The United States has strong political and military ties to governments in all                   areas of the world. America’s alliances _______(1) by its formidable military and                       nuclear forces. Over 2 million_______(2) are members of the armed forces. About                     one _______(3) of the United States military personnel serve overseas. Most of its             overseas  forces_______(4) in Western Europe under provisions of the NATO. This military alliance _______(5) the defense of member nations. Since 1949, when the alliance _______(6), the United States _______(7) as Western Europe’s military leader.

          America’s  political and military strength ________(8) by its powerful economy. Although it is neither the world’s _______(9) nor_______(10) nation, its economic  output is twice Russia’s, three times Japan’s, and six times Germany’s.                                                                    

1.                  back                          6. create

2.                   man                          7. act

3.                    four                         8. generate

4.                  concentrate            9. large

5.                   guarantee              10. populous







Итоговая контрольная работа  по английскому языку в 11 классе

Variant 2.

Task1.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. When you (see) him last?- It (be) some days ago.

2.”You (find) your book?”- “No! I still (look) fot it. I already (look) for it for 2 hours.”

3. If she (come) to school tomorrow, she (take part) in the competition.

4. “You ever (spend) your holidays in the Crimea?”- “Yes, I … . I (be) there last year.

5. “When he usually (get up)?”- “He (get up) at seven o’clock.


Task 2.Choose the correct modal verb.

1. I looked everywhere for the book but I … find it.  

A) Couldn’t      B) mustn’t      C) shouldn’t

2. You … drive carefully on a busy road.                            

 A) can               B) should        C) may

3. I don’t feel well today. … I leave a bit earlier?             

 A) may              B) must           C) should

4. Yesterday I stayed at home because I … help my father.  

A) can         B) must         C) had to  

5. You … use my dictionary as long as you like.                

A) must              B) may           C) have to


Task 3.Read the text and put the words in the correct form.

         Thanks to the Internet, we are now living in a _______(1) village. We have more _______(2) about other countries than ever before. We know as much about the_______(3) in the US as in Russia. _______(4) which is produced in one country will affect other countries, too. For example, nuclear power is not _______(5) only for one country but is an _______(6) problem. If we do not take action soon, the _______(7) of a nuclear disaster is very real. We should all ________(8) our rubbish- not hope ‘green’ people will do it for us.

          Some people think _______(9)resources will go on forever, but they won’t. We all have an_______(10) to protect the environment.                                                                    

1.                  globe                          6. nation

2.                  inform                        7. possible

3.                  situate                        8. cycle

4.                  pollute                        9. nature

5.                  danger                       10. oblige




« Тест на использование пассивного залога»

1.  When I came to the party, John ..... home. 

a)      had already been gone

b)      had already gone

c)      was gone


 2.  Weekends..... outdoors by most English people. 

a)      spend

b)      are spended

c)      are spent


 3.  Have you heard the news? The President .....! 

a)      has shot

b)      has been shot

c)      shot


 4.  Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems. 

a)      wrote<····· правильный ответ

b)      has written

c)      was written


 5.  A new book ..... by that company next year. 

a)      will publish

b)      will be published<····· правильный ответ

c)      is publishing


 6.  I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow. 

a)      finish<····· правильный ответ

b)      have finished

c)      be finished


 7.  Tom ..... his key. 

a)      has lost<····· правильный ответ

b)      has been lost

c)      was lost


 8.  When the manager arrived, the problem ...... 

a)      had already been solved<····· правильный ответ

b)      had already solved

c)             had solved


 9.  A new supermarket ..... next year. 

a)                  will be built<····· правильный ответ

b)                 will built

c)                  is building


 10.  Four people ..... in a train crash. 

a)                  killed

b)                 have killed

c)                  have been killed<····· правильный ответ


 11.  Hundreds of people ..... by the new factory this year. 

a)                  are employed

b)                 were employed

c)                  have been employed<····· правильный ответ

«Тесты и упражнения на употребление модальных глаголов»

1.  He ..… be at home. He ….. be out. 

            should, mustn’t

            can, shouldn’t

            must, can’t<····· правильный ответ

            must, needn’t

 2.  My grandfather ..… speak six languages many years ago. 



            could<····· правильный ответ


 3.  Are you going to read the report? No, I ..… . I already know what it says. 



            needn’t<····· правильный ответ


 4.  ..… I have one of these cakes? 



            have to

            may<····· правильный ответ

 5.  This price is wrong. It ….. be $3.50, not $4.00. 



            should<····· правильный ответ


 6.  I understand it very well. You ..… explain further. 




            needn’t<····· правильный ответ

 7.  Lisa ..… get bored in her job. Her job is so boring. 

            must<····· правильный ответ




 8.  Jim gave me a letter to post. I ….. remember to post it. 



            must<····· правильный ответ


 9.  Jane was so tired. She ..… have slept for a week. 

            could<····· правильный ответ




 10.  She ….. help you tomorrow. 


            will be able to<····· правильный ответ

            will can

            is able to

 11.  Jack ..… go to hospital yesterday. 



            had to<····· правильный ответ

            has to

 12.  The situation was bad but it ….. worse. 


            should be

            could have been<····· правильный ответ

            would have been

 13.  You ….. have left your purse in the shop. 


            ought to


            could<····· правильный ответ

 14.  It was the principle of the tiling. People ….. to keep their words. 



            ought<····· правильный ответ

            are able

 15.  We haven’t got much time. We ….. hurry. 

            must<····· правильный ответ




Упражнения по теме "Модальные глаголы" (с ответами)


1. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.

1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to

2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can

3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t 

4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.
a) were to
b) had to
c) could

5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to 
c) needn’t

6. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t 
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

7. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must 
b) should
c) need to

8. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must

9. You … smoke so much.
a) would 
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t

10. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) should


2. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вы должны бросить курить.
2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти.
3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему.
4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга.
5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил.
6. Не хотите еще чая?
7. Я вынужден был сделать это.
8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить.
9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой.
10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку.
12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ.
13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу.
14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском языке.

3. There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart.
2. Your glass is empty. Must I refill it?
3. Would I introduce Mr. Brown to you?
4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments.
5. Some years ago I didn’t can speak English.




«Тест на употребление предлогов»

14.  Are you going away..... Easter. 

a) In ,

b) at<····· правильный ответ,

c) on

15.  Are you doing anything special ..... the weekend? 

a)      in

b)      at<····· правильный ответ

c)      on

 16.  I'm going on holiday ..... July. 

a)      in<····· правильный ответ

b)      at

c)      on

 17.  I have my gym class ..... Wednesdays. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

 18.  Beate's furniture will be delivered ..... April. 

a)      in<····· правильный ответ

b)      at

c)      on

 19.  My parents bought their house ..... 1967. 

a)      in<····· правильный ответ

b)      at

c)      on

 20.  The meeting started ..... 11am. 

a)      in

b)     at<····· правильный ответ                       c)  on


1.  Mr Smith's office is ..... the second floor. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

 2.  I had a meal ..... the train. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

 3.  Christian isn't here. He's ..... work. 

a)      in

b)      at<····· правильный ответ

c)      on

 4.  I started work this morning ..... 8am. 

a)      in

b)      at<····· правильный ответ

c)      on

 5.  We're moving house ..... two months. 

a)      in<····· правильный ответ

b)      at

c)      on

 6.  I'm going to a party ..... New Year's Eve. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

 7.  Can you put the report ..... my desk, please? 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

 8.  Julia goes to her fitness class ..... Tuesdays. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

 9.  Susanne had a headache ..... New Year's Day. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

 10.  We saw a ballet ..... Julia's birthday. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

  11.  I was ..... hospital in March. 

a)      in<····· правильный ответ

b)      at

c)      on

  12.  The party is ..... 16 May. 

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on<····· правильный ответ

  13.  My children are ..... home. 

a)      in

b)      at<····· правильный ответ

c)      on



Grammar Test.

Modal verbs.

Variant I

1.      Choose the right modal verb.

Passenger: Excuse me! (Should/May) I leave my trunk here? Will it be OK?

Clerk: I am afraid you (can’t/shouldn't). You (should /can) keep your luggage with you. Passenger: I (don't have to / can't) carry it round all the time. It is too heavy for me! Clerk: You (are to / can) get a trolley.

Passenger: I (needn't / can't) see any. Where (should/can) I find one of these trolleys? Clerk: I am sure you will find some outside the main entrance.

Passenger: You (should/are to) be more polite and helpful to your clients.

Clerk: Well. If you wait for a moment, I will see if I (can/ may) call you a porter for you. Passenger: Thank you, I really (can't / mustn't) have taken so heavy trunk.

2.      Complete the text with the right modal verb and the infinitive.

Yesterday night the bank was robbed and John Brown was sent to investigate. Now he is reporting the news to his boss. "That (1) (должно быть, был) a professional because he did a very clever job. He (2) (должно быть знал) exactly what he was doing because he didn't leave any clue behind him. It (3) (не может быть, чтобы был) Teddy Dead because he is in prison now. I thought it (4) (возможно был) Freddy Claw but he was in hospital at that time. So it (5) (не мог быть) him either. I (6) (не могу быть) sure, but it (7) ' (возможно был) Sky Steve. You know, he is the only one who doesn't have an alibi. (8) (Можно) I bring him to the police station?"

3.      Paraphrase the sentences using the modal verb.

Example: I think the book was under the table. (must)

The book must have been under the table.

1.                  I don't think it is midnight, (can't)

2.                  It is absolutely necessary for you to escape, (have)

3.                  It was wrong of her to tell lies, (shouldn’t)

4.                  You should drive more carefully, (ought)

5.                  There was no reason for her to come so early, (needn't)


4.            Express the same in English.

1.      He может быть, чтобы он сейчас был здесь.

2.      Я смогла спасти его.

3.      Должно быть, книга принадлежит ему.

4.      Не может быть, чтобы он видел её.

5.      Не нужно было вчера покупать мороженое.


Grammar Test

Modal verbs.

Variant II

1.    Choose the right modal verbs.

PASSENGER: Excuse me! (Should/May) I leave my trunk here? Will it be OK?

CLERK: I am afraid you (can't / shouldn't). You (should /can) keep your luggage with you.

PASSENGER: I (don't have to /can't) carry it round all the time. It is too heavy for me!

CLERK: You (are to / can) get a trolley.

PASSENGER: I (needn't / can't) see any. Where (should / can) I find one of these trolleys? CLERK: I am sure you will find some outside the main entrance.

PASSENGER: You (should/are to) be more polite and helpful to your clients.

CLERK: Well. If you wait for a moment, I will see if I (can/ may) call you a porter for you. PASSENGER: Thank you, I really (can 't/mustn't) have taken so heavy trunk.

2.    Complete the text with the right modal verb and the infinitive.

Yesterday night the bank was robbed and John Brown was sent to investigate. Now he is reporting the news to his boss.

"That (1) (должно быть, был) a professional because he did a very clever job. He (2) (должно быть знал) exactly what he was doing because he didn't leave any clue behind him. It (3)_________(не может быть, чтобы был) Teddy Dead because he is in prison now. I thought it (4)____________(возможно был) Freddy Claw but he was in hospital at

that time. So it (5) (не мог быть) him either. I (6)______(не могу быть) sure, but it (7) ___________ (возможно был) Sky Steve. You know, he is the only one who doesn't have an alibi. (8)___________(Можно) I bring him to the police station?

3.    Paraphrase the sentences using the modal verb.

Example: I think the book was under the table, (must)

The book must have been under the table.

1.      It was right to tell them the truth. (ought)

2.      It is a good idea to cut the grass soon. (better)

3.      It is not possible that he is an Italian. (can't)

4.      I advise him to give up smoking. (should)

5.      You nearly caused the accident. (could)

4.      Express the same in English.

1.      Тебе не следовало играть в компьютер так долго.

2.      Здесь нельзя курить.

3.      Мне не нужно вставать по утрам.

4.    Возможно, она не любит рыбу.

5.    Тебе следует обратиться в больницу.


Правильные ответы:

1. Закончите следующие предложения, используя наиболее подходящие формы глаголов.

1. c | 2. a | 3. c | 4. a | 5. b | 6. a | 7. b | 8. c | 9. c | 10. b

2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. You must stop smoking.
2. The party was great. You should have come.
3. You can solve this problem.
4. You ought to visit your sick friend.
5. You ought to have visited your sick friend, but you didn’t.
6. Would you like some more tea?
7. I had to do that.
8. I don’t know why we hurried. We needn’t have hurried.
9. I’d like to go with you.
10. You may do everything you want.
11. Olga needs to pay more attention to her English classes.
12. I’m not sure but he may be wrong.
13. He was allowed to borrow his father’s car last Friday.
14. I can count to fifty in Spanish.

3. В каждом предложении есть ошибка. Исправьте ошибки.

1. may — must
2. must — can
3. would — can
4. can to play — can play
5. didn’t can — couldn’t

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