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Сценарий концерта на предметной неделе

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Сценарий проведения внеклассного мероприятия

Вед. We are glad to see you! How are you?

We devote our programme to our favorite teachers today.

We know our favorite teachers love their dancing, poetry, singing. And we love our teachers too. We wish them to be healthy and always wise.

We invite here our junior form pupils.  They want to great there teachers: Tamara Yuirevna and Alina Nikolaevna.

Володя :  Чтоб алфавит понять
Надо нам зарифмовать
Много тайн в себе таит
Этот English алфавит.

Саша :Я домик нарисую белый- white.

Все нормально, все all right

Симпатичный человек

 Мышка серый, свой жилет

Надевает на обед,

Серый по-английски –grey

Ты запомнил все? OK!

Аня : Алфавит я и рисую,
И танцую и пою.
Даже Мурку иногда я
Эй – би – си – ди – ей зову.

Алена: I am….
Я есть….
Я есть big и я есть брат
Почему – то по-английски
Очень странно говорят.

Яна: Я есть - 5, и я есть - 8.
Я есть сильный и большой
Стало всё мне так понятно
Стал мне English как родной.

Таня к. Excuse me, простите, нельзя ли узнать
What is your name? Как мне вас звать?
“My name is mouse” – шепнула она
И вмиг убежала, увидев кота.

Диана Павлова. Я по-английски I, пирог с начинкой pie
Начинка cherry jam , I pie, пожалуй съем,
Я говорю one, two и pie летит ко рту.
Считаю one, two, three и pie уже внутри.
Такой послушный pie и не сказал goodbye!

Таня Мих. Я уже учу английский,
Этим очень я горжусь.
И сегодня всем, что знаю
Я с друзьями поделюсь.
Бабушку зову я Granny,
Маму - Mummy
Папу - Dad
Брата называю - Brother
Он доволен - He is glad!

Диана тим. Прибежала кукла – doll
Отобрали мячик – ball
Кто забрал?
Мальчишки – boys
Унесли игрушки – toys
Вмиг найду я забияк
Всё верните!
Bring them back!

Таня мих. Вдруг я вижу
Мышка – mouse
Забежала в домик - house
Увидала кошку – cat
И нырнула в шапку – hat.

Диана П. Я хочу вам рассказать
Как животных называть
Ослик по – английски – donkey,
Обезьянка в рифму – monkey
Кошка – cat, собака – dog,
А лягушка просто frog.

Диана П. В старый бабушкин буфет
Потихоньку мышь прокралась.
Что же съесть ей на обед?
Mouse долго сомневалась.
Cake -пирог, начинка – jam
Нет, с вареньем я не ем.
Porridge - каша из овса
недостаточно вкусна
Sandwich или бутерброд
не идёт сегодня в рот
Cheese – несвеж
sausage тоже.
Так зачем живот тревожить
Не уверена , что bread
Мне заменит весь обед.
А вот cat не сомневалась
Хвать и съела мышь – a mouse.
И сказала: на обед лучше мышки блюда нет

Таня куд. По Лондону шёл cat
Сat приобрёл a hat
И возвращался в house
Мяукал – мяус, мяус.
Представьте, в Англии даже киски
Мяукают по-английски.

Диана т. Сat повстречал a doll
С ней поиграл в ball
За это знакомый cook
Ему подарил book
Сat возвратился в house
Сыграл в салочки с mouse.

песня  «The more we are together»

Вед. Thank you! Now we invite here the3 -rd Form/ They are singing the song


Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your nose,
Put your finger on your nose,
On your nose, on your nose,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your mouth,
Put your finger on your mouth,
On your mouth, on your mouth,
On your nose, on your nose,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your chin,
Put your finger on your chin,
On your chin, on your chin,
On your mouth, on your mouth,
On your nose, on your nose,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

 ВЕД. Good boys and girls! We invite here fourth form.

Песня  Чунга-Чанга. 1 куплет на английском языке:

CHUNGA- CHUNGA, the sky is so blue
CHUNGA- CHUNGA, we sing the song for you
CHUNGA- CHUNGA, happy we аre and gay
CHUNGA- CHUNGA, We like to sing and play
Refrain: It is an island,
Wonder island,3 times
CHUNGA-CHUNGA,eat pine –apples,
Chew bananas 3 times

Вед:  4-th form will present you a song

 «The more we are together»

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

The more we play together
Together, together
The more we play together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we play together 
The happier we'll be

The more we dance together
Together, together
The more we dance together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we dance together
The happier we'll be

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
The more we get together
The hap-pi-er we'll be

Вед.         Excellent!    Now we invite here 5th form. They sing a song 5 little bears.

 Five little bears
Dancing on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mother called a doctor,
And the doctor said:
"No more little bears dancing on the bed".

2. Four little bears
Dancing on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mother called a doctor,
And the doctor said:
"No more little bears dancing on the bed".

3. Three little bears ...

4. Two little bears .....

5.One little bears
Dancing on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mother called a doctor,
And the doctor said:
"No more little bears dancing on the bed"

Вед . 6th Form prepared the « the Bun”

Колобок (The bun)

Once there lived an old man and old woman. The old man said, "Old woman, bake me a bun." "What can I make it from? I have no flour." "Eh, eh, old woman! Scrape the cupboard, sweep the flour bin, and you will find enough flour. "The old woman picked up a duster, scraped the cupboard, swept the flour bin and gathered about two handfuls of flour. She mixed the dough with sour cream, fried it in butter, and put the bun on the window sill to cool. The bun lay and lay there. Suddenly it rolled off the window sill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door. Then it rolled over the threshold to the entrance hall, from the entrance hall to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard trough the gate and on and on.

The bun rolled along the road and met a hare. "Little bun, little bun, I will eat you up!" said the hare. "Don't eat me, slant-eyed hare! I will sing you a song," said the bun, and sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, and cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma. And I'll get away from you, hare! And the bun rolled away before the hare even saw it move!

The bun rolled on and met a wolf. "Little bun, little bun, I will eat you up," said the wolf. "Don't eat me, gray wolf!" said the bun. "I will sing you a song." And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the hare, And I'll get away from you, gray wolf! And the bun rolled away before the wolf even saw it move!

The bun rolled on and met a bear. "Little bun, little bun, I will eat you up," the bear said. "You will not, pigeon toes!" And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the hare, I got away from the wolf, And I'll get away from you, big bear! And again the bun rolled away before the bear even saw it move!

The bun rolled and rolled and met a fox. "Hello, little bun, how nice your are!" said the fox. And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma, I got away from the hare, I got away from the wolf, I got away from bear, And I'll get away from you, old fox!

Сказка для детей The bun (Колобок) на английском языке"What a wonderful song!" said the fox. "But little bun, I have became old now and hard of hearing. Come sit on my snout and sing your song again a little louder." The bun jumped up on the fox's snout and sang the same song. "Thank you, little bun, that was a wonderful song. I'd like to hear it again. Come sit on my tongue and sing it for the last time, "said the fox, sticking out her tongue. The bun foolishly jumped onto her tongue and- snatch! - she ate it.

Вед :  7 Forms read poems 

Today you are going camping

With your family, friends or class.

Please help us, don’t drop any litter!

Because your litter lives longer than us!

Because nothing is forever

And nature is getting tired.

If we don’t stop and think today

Tomorrow the Earth could die.

You can have a bath or a shower

But today is the time to think.

Save the rivers because without them

You’ll have no water to drink.

Today we are still in your forests,

In the sky, in the rivers, but look:

Don’t kill us! Because your children

Will see us in picture books.

Вед. 8th Form will present us a song. Nastya and Marina sing the song « Love you like love a song».


Вед . Angela Kudashova sing the song «Who says».

Вед. Good of you girl and the last song of our concert is the 3-rd Form. «MY DEAR, dear teacher”.

My dear, dear teacher

I love you very much

I want you to be happy

All day and all night.

Be happy,be happy

All day and all night.

Be happy,be happy

All day and all night.

Вед. Our concert is over. Thank you for your attention.




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